void showGT(const std::vector<ModelT> &model_set, const std::vector<poseT> &poses, pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr viewer)
    std::vector<pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>::Ptr> rec;
    for( std::vector<ModelT>::const_iterator it = model_set.begin() ; it < model_set.end() ; it++ )
        pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>::Ptr cur_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>()); 
        pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2(it->model_mesh->cloud, *cur_cloud);
    int count = 0;
    Eigen::Quaternionf calibrate_rot(Eigen::AngleAxisf(M_PI/2, Eigen::Vector3f (1, 0, 0)));
    for(std::vector<poseT>::const_iterator it = poses.begin() ; it < poses.end() ; it++, count++ )
        for( int i = 0 ; i < model_set.size() ; i++ )
            if(model_set[i].model_label == it->model_name )
                pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>::Ptr cur_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>()); 
                //pcl::transformPointCloud(*rec[i], *cur_cloud, Eigen::Vector3f (0, 0, 0), calibrate_rot);
                pcl::transformPointCloud(*rec[i], *cur_cloud, it->shift, it->rotation*calibrate_rot);

                std::stringstream ss;
                ss << count;

                viewer->addPolygonMesh<myPointXYZ>(cur_cloud, model_set[i].model_mesh->polygons, it->model_name+"_"+ss.str());
                if( it->model_name == "link" )
                    viewer->setPointCloudRenderingProperties(pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_COLOR, 1.0, 0.55, 0.05, it->model_name+"_"+ss.str());
                else if( it->model_name == "node" )
                    viewer->setPointCloudRenderingProperties(pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_COLOR, 0.05, 0.55, 1.0, it->model_name+"_"+ss.str());
Beispiel #2
void callback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &pc) {

  double t1, t2, avg_t;

  ROS_INFO("Received point cloud! Applying method %d",method_id);

  pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr scene_pc(new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>());

  pcl::PCLPointCloud2 pcl_pc;
  pcl_conversions::toPCL(pc, pcl_pc);

  pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2(pcl_pc, *scene_pc);

  if( scene_pc->empty() == true ) {
    ROS_ERROR("Recieved empty point cloud message!");

  pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>::Ptr scene_xyz(new pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>());
  pcl::copyPointCloud(*scene_pc, *scene_xyz);

  if( view_flag == true )
    viewer->addPointCloud(scene_xyz, "whole_scene");
    viewer->setPointCloudRenderingProperties(pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_COLOR, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, "whole_scene");
  std::vector<poseT> all_poses;
  std::vector<poseT> link_poses, node_poses;

  std::cout << " ... processing:" << std::endl;
    case 0:
      t1 = get_wall_time();
      objrec->StandardRecognize(scene_xyz, all_poses);
      t2 = get_wall_time();
    case 1:
        t1 = get_wall_time();
        int pose_num = 0;
        int iter = 0;
        pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>::Ptr filtered_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>());
        filtered_cloud = scene_xyz;
          //std::cerr<< "Recognizing Attempt --- " << iter << std::endl;
          objrec->StandardRecognize(filtered_cloud, all_poses);
          if( all_poses.size() <= pose_num )
            pose_num = all_poses.size();

          pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>::Ptr model_cloud = objrec->FillModelCloud(all_poses);
          filtered_cloud = FilterCloud(filtered_cloud, model_cloud);

        t2 = get_wall_time();
        //std::cerr<< "Recognizing Done!!!" << std::endl;
    case 2:
        //std::vector<poseT> tmp_poses;
        t1 = get_wall_time();
        objrec->GreedyRecognize(scene_xyz, all_poses);
        t2 = get_wall_time();
        //all_poses = RefinePoses(scene_xyz, mesh_set, tmp_poses);
    case 3:
        pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>::Ptr link_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>());
        pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>::Ptr node_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>());
        splitCloud(scene_pc, link_cloud, node_cloud);

        t1 = get_wall_time();
        std::cout << " ... starting at " << t1 << std::endl;
        //std::vector<poseT> link_poses, node_poses;
        linkrec->StandardRecognize(link_cloud, link_poses);
        noderec->StandardRecognize(node_cloud, node_poses);
        t2 = get_wall_time();
        std::cout << " ... done at " << t2 << std::endl;

        all_poses.insert(all_poses.end(), link_poses.begin(), link_poses.end());
        all_poses.insert(all_poses.end(), node_poses.begin(), node_poses.end());
    case 4:
        pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>::Ptr link_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>());
        pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>::Ptr node_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>());
        splitCloud(scene_pc, link_cloud, node_cloud);

        t1 = get_wall_time();
        std::cout << " ... starting at " << t1 << std::endl;
        int pose_num = 0;
        std::vector<poseT> tmp_poses;
        int iter = 0;
          //std::cerr<< "Recognizing Attempt --- " << iter << std::endl;
          list<AcceptedHypothesis> acc_hypotheses;

          std::cout << " ... generating" << std::endl;
          linkrec->genHypotheses(link_cloud, acc_hypotheses);
          noderec->genHypotheses(node_cloud, acc_hypotheses);

          std::cout << " ... merging" << std::endl;
          linkrec->mergeHypotheses(scene_xyz, acc_hypotheses, tmp_poses);

          if( tmp_poses.size() <= pose_num ) {
          } else {
            pose_num = tmp_poses.size();
            std::cout << "Number of merged hypotheses: " << tmp_poses.size() << std::endl;

          pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>::Ptr link_model = linkrec->FillModelCloud(tmp_poses);
          pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>::Ptr node_model = noderec->FillModelCloud(tmp_poses);

          std::cout << " ... filtering" << std::endl;
          if( link_model->empty() == false ) {
            link_cloud = FilterCloud(link_cloud, link_model);
          if( node_model->empty() == false) {
            node_cloud = FilterCloud(node_cloud, node_model);
        t2 = get_wall_time();
        std::cout << " ... done at " << t2 << std::endl;
        //std::cerr<< "Recognizing Done!!!" << std::endl;
        all_poses = RefinePoses(scene_xyz, mesh_set, tmp_poses);
    case 5:
        pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>::Ptr link_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>());
        pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>::Ptr node_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<myPointXYZ>());
        splitCloud(scene_pc, link_cloud, node_cloud);

        t1 = get_wall_time();
        linkrec->GreedyRecognize(link_cloud, link_poses);
        noderec->GreedyRecognize(node_cloud, node_poses);
        t2 = get_wall_time();

        std::vector<poseT> tmp_poses;
        tmp_poses.insert(tmp_poses.end(), link_poses.begin(), link_poses.end());
        tmp_poses.insert(tmp_poses.end(), node_poses.begin(), node_poses.end());

        //all_poses = tmp_poses;
        all_poses = RefinePoses(scene_xyz, mesh_set, tmp_poses);
      ROS_ERROR("Code %d not recognized!",method_id);

  if( view_flag == true )
      case 0:
      case 1:
      case 2:
        objrec->visualize(viewer, all_poses);
      case 3:
      case 4:
      case 5:
        linkrec->visualize(viewer, all_poses);
        noderec->visualize(viewer, all_poses);

  geometry_msgs::PoseArray links;
  geometry_msgs::PoseArray nodes;
  links.header.frame_id = pc.header.frame_id;
  nodes.header.frame_id = pc.header.frame_id;

  // publish poses as TF
  if (method_id < 3) {
    for (poseT &p: all_poses) {
      geometry_msgs::Pose pose;
      pose.position.x = p.shift[0];
      pose.position.y = p.shift[1];
      pose.position.z = p.shift[2];
      pose.orientation.x = p.rotation.x();
      pose.orientation.y = p.rotation.y();
      pose.orientation.z = p.rotation.z();
      pose.orientation.w = p.rotation.w();
  } else {
    for (poseT &p: all_poses) {
      geometry_msgs::Pose pose;
      pose.position.x = p.shift[0];
      pose.position.y = p.shift[1];
      pose.position.z = p.shift[2];
      pose.orientation.x = p.rotation.x();
      pose.orientation.y = p.rotation.y();
      pose.orientation.z = p.rotation.z();
      pose.orientation.w = p.rotation.w();
    for (poseT &p: all_poses) {
      geometry_msgs::Pose pose;
      pose.position.x = p.shift[0];
      pose.position.y = p.shift[1];
      pose.position.z = p.shift[2];
      pose.orientation.x = p.rotation.x();
      pose.orientation.y = p.rotation.y();
      pose.orientation.z = p.rotation.z();
      pose.orientation.w = p.rotation.w();

  std::cout << "Time 1 = " << t1 << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Time 2 = " << t2 << std::endl;
  ROS_INFO("... done.");

Beispiel #3
main (int argc, char** argv)
  srand (time (0));

  print_info ("The viewer window provides interactive commands; for help, press 'h' or 'H' from within the window.\n");

  if (argc < 2)
    printHelp (argc, argv);
    return (-1);

  // Command line parsing
  double bcolor[3] = {0, 0, 0};
  pcl::console::parse_3x_arguments (argc, argv, "-bc", bcolor[0], bcolor[1], bcolor[2]);

  std::vector<double> fcolor_r, fcolor_b, fcolor_g;
  bool fcolorparam = pcl::console::parse_multiple_3x_arguments (argc, argv, "-fc", fcolor_r, fcolor_g, fcolor_b);

  std::vector<int> psize;
  pcl::console::parse_multiple_arguments (argc, argv, "-ps", psize);

  std::vector<double> opaque;
  pcl::console::parse_multiple_arguments (argc, argv, "-opaque", opaque);

  int mview = 0;
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-multiview", mview);

  int normals = 0;
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-normals", normals);
  double normals_scale = NORMALS_SCALE;
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-normals_scale", normals_scale);

  int pc = 0;
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-pc", pc);
  double pc_scale = PC_SCALE;
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-pc_scale", pc_scale);

  // Parse the command line arguments for .pcd files
  std::vector<int> p_file_indices   = pcl::console::parse_file_extension_argument (argc, argv, ".pcd");
  std::vector<int> vtk_file_indices = pcl::console::parse_file_extension_argument (argc, argv, ".vtk");

  if (p_file_indices.size () == 0 && vtk_file_indices.size () == 0)
    print_error ("No .PCD or .VTK file given. Nothing to visualize.\n");
    return (-1);

  // Multiview enabled?
  int y_s = 0, x_s = 0;
  double x_step = 0, y_step = 0;
  if (mview)
    print_highlight ("Multi-viewport rendering enabled.\n");

    if (p_file_indices.size () != 0)
      y_s = static_cast<int>(floor (sqrt (static_cast<float>(p_file_indices.size ()))));
      x_s = y_s + static_cast<int>(ceil ((p_file_indices.size () / static_cast<double>(y_s)) - y_s));
      print_highlight ("Preparing to load "); print_value ("%d", p_file_indices.size ());
    else if (vtk_file_indices.size () != 0)
      y_s = static_cast<int>(floor (sqrt (static_cast<float>(vtk_file_indices.size ()))));
      x_s = y_s + static_cast<int>(ceil ((vtk_file_indices.size () / static_cast<double>(y_s)) - y_s));
      print_highlight ("Preparing to load "); print_value ("%d", vtk_file_indices.size ());

    x_step = static_cast<double>(1.0 / static_cast<double>(x_s));
    y_step = static_cast<double>(1.0 / static_cast<double>(y_s));
    print_info (" files ("); print_value ("%d", x_s);    print_info ("x"); print_value ("%d", y_s);
    print_info (" / ");      print_value ("%f", x_step); print_info ("x"); print_value ("%f", y_step);
    print_info (")\n");

  // Fix invalid multiple arguments
  if (psize.size () != p_file_indices.size () && psize.size () > 0)
    for (size_t i = psize.size (); i < p_file_indices.size (); ++i)
      psize.push_back (1);
  if (opaque.size () != p_file_indices.size () && opaque.size () > 0)
    for (size_t i = opaque.size (); i < p_file_indices.size (); ++i)
      opaque.push_back (1.0);

  // Create the PCLHistogramVisualizer object
  pcl::visualization::PCLHistogramVisualizer::Ptr ph;

  // Using min_p, max_p to set the global Y min/max range for the histogram
  float min_p = FLT_MAX; float max_p = -FLT_MAX;

  int k = 0, l = 0, viewport = 0;
  // Load the data files
  pcl::PCDReader pcd;
  pcl::console::TicToc tt;
  ColorHandlerPtr color_handler;
  GeometryHandlerPtr geometry_handler;

  // Go through VTK files
  for (size_t i = 0; i < vtk_file_indices.size (); ++i)
    // Load file
    tt.tic ();
    print_highlight (stderr, "Loading "); print_value (stderr, "%s ", argv[vtk_file_indices.at (i)]);
    vtkPolyDataReader* reader = vtkPolyDataReader::New ();
    reader->SetFileName (argv[vtk_file_indices.at (i)]);
    reader->Update ();
    vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> polydata = reader->GetOutput ();
    if (!polydata)
      return (-1);
    print_info ("[done, "); print_value ("%g", tt.toc ()); print_info (" ms : "); print_value ("%d", polydata->GetNumberOfPoints ()); print_info (" points]\n");

    // Create the PCLVisualizer object here on the first encountered XYZ file
    if (!p)
      p.reset (new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer (argc, argv, "PCD viewer"));

    // Multiview enabled?
    if (mview)
      p->createViewPort (k * x_step, l * y_step, (k + 1) * x_step, (l + 1) * y_step, viewport);
      if (k >= x_s)
        k = 0;

    // Add as actor
    std::stringstream cloud_name ("vtk-");
    cloud_name << argv[vtk_file_indices.at (i)] << "-" << i;
    p->addModelFromPolyData (polydata, cloud_name.str (), viewport);

    // Change the shape rendered color
    if (fcolorparam && fcolor_r.size () > i && fcolor_g.size () > i && fcolor_b.size () > i)
      p->setShapeRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_COLOR, fcolor_r[i], fcolor_g[i], fcolor_b[i], cloud_name.str ());

    // Change the shape rendered point size
    if (psize.size () > 0)
      p->setShapeRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, psize.at (i), cloud_name.str ());

    // Change the shape rendered opacity
    if (opaque.size () > 0)
      p->setShapeRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_OPACITY, opaque.at (i), cloud_name.str ());

  pcl::PCLPointCloud2::Ptr cloud;
  // Go through PCD files
  for (size_t i = 0; i < p_file_indices.size (); ++i)
    cloud.reset (new pcl::PCLPointCloud2);
    Eigen::Vector4f origin;
    Eigen::Quaternionf orientation;
    int version;

    print_highlight (stderr, "Loading "); print_value (stderr, "%s ", argv[p_file_indices.at (i)]);

    tt.tic ();
    if (pcd.read (argv[p_file_indices.at (i)], *cloud, origin, orientation, version) < 0)
      return (-1);

    std::stringstream cloud_name;

    // ---[ Special check for 1-point multi-dimension histograms
    if (cloud->fields.size () == 1 && isMultiDimensionalFeatureField (cloud->fields[0]))
      cloud_name << argv[p_file_indices.at (i)];

      if (!ph)
        ph.reset (new pcl::visualization::PCLHistogramVisualizer);
      print_info ("[done, "); print_value ("%g", tt.toc ()); print_info (" ms : "); print_value ("%d", cloud->fields[0].count); print_info (" points]\n");

      pcl::getMinMax (*cloud, 0, cloud->fields[0].name, min_p, max_p);
      ph->addFeatureHistogram (*cloud, cloud->fields[0].name, cloud_name.str ());

    cloud_name << argv[p_file_indices.at (i)] << "-" << i;

    // Create the PCLVisualizer object here on the first encountered XYZ file
    if (!p)
      p.reset (new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer (argc, argv, "PCD viewer"));
      p->registerPointPickingCallback (&pp_callback, (void*)&cloud);
      Eigen::Matrix3f rotation;
      rotation = orientation;
      p->setCameraPosition (origin [0]                  , origin [1]                  , origin [2],
                        origin [0] + rotation (0, 2), origin [1] + rotation (1, 2), origin [2] + rotation (2, 2),
                                     rotation (0, 1),              rotation (1, 1),              rotation (2, 1));

    // Multiview enabled?
    if (mview)
      p->createViewPort (k * x_step, l * y_step, (k + 1) * x_step, (l + 1) * y_step, viewport);
      if (k >= x_s)
        k = 0;

    if (cloud->width * cloud->height == 0)
      print_error ("[error: no points found!]\n");
      return (-1);
    print_info ("[done, "); print_value ("%g", tt.toc ()); print_info (" ms : "); print_value ("%d", (int)cloud->width * cloud->height); print_info (" points]\n");
    print_info ("Available dimensions: "); print_value ("%s\n", pcl::getFieldsList (*cloud).c_str ());

    // If no color was given, get random colors
    if (fcolorparam)
      if (fcolor_r.size () > i && fcolor_g.size () > i && fcolor_b.size () > i)
        color_handler.reset (new pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PCLPointCloud2> (cloud, fcolor_r[i], fcolor_g[i], fcolor_b[i]));
        color_handler.reset (new pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRandom<pcl::PCLPointCloud2> (cloud));
      color_handler.reset (new pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRandom<pcl::PCLPointCloud2> (cloud));

    // Add the dataset with a XYZ and a random handler
    geometry_handler.reset (new pcl::visualization::PointCloudGeometryHandlerXYZ<pcl::PCLPointCloud2> (cloud));
    // Add the cloud to the renderer
    //p->addPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> (cloud_xyz, geometry_handler, color_handler, cloud_name.str (), viewport);
    p->addPointCloud (cloud, geometry_handler, color_handler, origin, orientation, cloud_name.str (), viewport);

    // If normal lines are enabled
    if (normals != 0)
      int normal_idx = pcl::getFieldIndex (*cloud, "normal_x");
      if (normal_idx == -1)
        print_error ("Normal information requested but not available.\n");
        //return (-1);
      // Convert from blob to pcl::PointCloud
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_xyz (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
      pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2 (*cloud, *cloud_xyz);
      cloud_xyz->sensor_origin_ = origin;
      cloud_xyz->sensor_orientation_ = orientation;

      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::Ptr cloud_normals (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>);
      pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2 (*cloud, *cloud_normals);
      std::stringstream cloud_name_normals;
      cloud_name_normals << argv[p_file_indices.at (i)] << "-" << i << "-normals";
      p->addPointCloudNormals<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::Normal> (cloud_xyz, cloud_normals, normals, normals_scale, cloud_name_normals.str (), viewport);

    // If principal curvature lines are enabled
    if (pc != 0)
      if (normals == 0)
        normals = pc;

      int normal_idx = pcl::getFieldIndex (*cloud, "normal_x");
      if (normal_idx == -1)
        print_error ("Normal information requested but not available.\n");
        //return (-1);
      int pc_idx = pcl::getFieldIndex (*cloud, "principal_curvature_x");
      if (pc_idx == -1)
        print_error ("Principal Curvature information requested but not available.\n");
        //return (-1);
      // Convert from blob to pcl::PointCloud
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_xyz (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
      pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2 (*cloud, *cloud_xyz);
      cloud_xyz->sensor_origin_ = origin;
      cloud_xyz->sensor_orientation_ = orientation;
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::Ptr cloud_normals (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>);
      pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2 (*cloud, *cloud_normals);
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PrincipalCurvatures>::Ptr cloud_pc (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PrincipalCurvatures>);
      pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2 (*cloud, *cloud_pc);
      std::stringstream cloud_name_normals_pc;
      cloud_name_normals_pc << argv[p_file_indices.at (i)] << "-" << i << "-normals";
      int factor = (std::min)(normals, pc);
      p->addPointCloudNormals<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::Normal> (cloud_xyz, cloud_normals, factor, normals_scale, cloud_name_normals_pc.str (), viewport);
      p->setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_COLOR, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, cloud_name_normals_pc.str ());
      p->setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_LINE_WIDTH, 3, cloud_name_normals_pc.str ());
      cloud_name_normals_pc << "-pc";
      p->addPointCloudPrincipalCurvatures<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::Normal> (cloud_xyz, cloud_normals, cloud_pc, factor, pc_scale, cloud_name_normals_pc.str (), viewport);
      p->setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_LINE_WIDTH, 3, cloud_name_normals_pc.str ());

    // Add every dimension as a possible color
    if (!fcolorparam)
      for (size_t f = 0; f < cloud->fields.size (); ++f)
        if (cloud->fields[f].name == "rgb" || cloud->fields[f].name == "rgba")
          color_handler.reset (new pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField<pcl::PCLPointCloud2> (cloud));
          if (!isValidFieldName (cloud->fields[f].name))
          color_handler.reset (new pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerGenericField<pcl::PCLPointCloud2> (cloud, cloud->fields[f].name));
        // Add the cloud to the renderer
        //p->addPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> (cloud_xyz, color_handler, cloud_name.str (), viewport);
        p->addPointCloud (cloud, color_handler, origin, orientation, cloud_name.str (), viewport);
    // Additionally, add normals as a handler
    geometry_handler.reset (new pcl::visualization::PointCloudGeometryHandlerSurfaceNormal<pcl::PCLPointCloud2> (cloud));
    if (geometry_handler->isCapable ())
      //p->addPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> (cloud_xyz, geometry_handler, cloud_name.str (), viewport);
      p->addPointCloud (cloud, geometry_handler, origin, orientation, cloud_name.str (), viewport);

    // Set immediate mode rendering ON
    p->setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_IMMEDIATE_RENDERING, 1.0, cloud_name.str ());

    // Change the cloud rendered point size
    if (psize.size () > 0)
      p->setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, psize.at (i), cloud_name.str ());

    // Change the cloud rendered opacity
    if (opaque.size () > 0)
      p->setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_OPACITY, opaque.at (i), cloud_name.str ());

    // Reset camera viewpoint to center of cloud if camera parameters were not passed manually and this is the first loaded cloud
    //if (i == 0 && !p->cameraParamsSet ())
     // p->resetCameraViewpoint (cloud_name.str ());
  // Key binding for saving simulated point cloud:
  if (p)
    p->registerKeyboardCallback(simulate_callback, (void*)&p);
  int width = 640;
  int height = 480;
  window_width_ = width * 2;
  window_height_ = height * 2;

  print_info ("Manually generate a simulated RGB-D point cloud using pcl::simulation. For more information, use: %s -h\n", argv[0]);

  for (int i=0; i<2048; i++)
    float v = i/2048.0;
    v = powf(v, 3)* 6;
    t_gamma[i] = v*6*256;

  GLenum err = glewInit ();
  if (GLEW_OK != err)
    std::cerr << "Error: " << glewGetErrorString (err) << std::endl;
    exit (-1);

  std::cout << "Status: Using GLEW " << glewGetString (GLEW_VERSION) << std::endl;

  if (glewIsSupported ("GL_VERSION_2_0"))
    std::cout << "OpenGL 2.0 supported" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "Error: OpenGL 2.0 not supported" << std::endl;

  camera_ = Camera::Ptr (new Camera ());
  scene_ = Scene::Ptr (new Scene ());

  range_likelihood_ = RangeLikelihood::Ptr (new RangeLikelihood(1, 1, height, width, scene_));

  // range_likelihood_ = RangeLikelihood::Ptr(new RangeLikelihood(10, 10, 96, 96, scene_));
  // range_likelihood_ = RangeLikelihood::Ptr(new RangeLikelihood(1, 1, 480, 640, scene_));

  // Actually corresponds to default parameters:
  range_likelihood_->setCameraIntrinsicsParameters (640,480, 576.09757860,
            576.09757860, 321.06398107, 242.97676897);
  range_likelihood_->setComputeOnCPU (false);
  range_likelihood_->setSumOnCPU (true);
  range_likelihood_->setUseColor (true);
  initialize (argc, argv); 

  if (p)
    p->setBackgroundColor (bcolor[0], bcolor[1], bcolor[2]);
  // Read axes settings
  double axes  = 0.0;
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-ax", axes);
  if (axes != 0.0 && p)
    double ax_x = 0.0, ax_y = 0.0, ax_z = 0.0;
    pcl::console::parse_3x_arguments (argc, argv, "-ax_pos", ax_x, ax_y, ax_z, false);
    // Draw XYZ axes if command-line enabled
    p->addCoordinateSystem (axes, ax_x, ax_y, ax_z, "reference");

  // Clean up the memory used by the binary blob
  // Note: avoid resetting the cloud, otherwise the PointPicking callback will fail
  //cloud.reset ();

  if (ph)
    print_highlight ("Setting the global Y range for all histograms to: "); print_value ("%f -> %f\n", min_p, max_p);
    ph->setGlobalYRange (min_p, max_p);
    ph->updateWindowPositions ();
    if (p)
      p->spin ();
      ph->spin ();
  else if (p)
    p->spin ();