Beispiel #1
static Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::Element> portInfoToElem(Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::Document> xmlDoc, const Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr &portsInfo, const std::string &prefix)
    auto nodeTd = xmlDoc->createElement("td");
    nodeTd->setAttribute("border", "0");
    auto table = xmlDoc->createElement("table");
    table->setAttribute("border", "0");
    table->setAttribute("cellspacing", "0");

    for (size_t i = 0; i < portsInfo->size(); i++)
        const auto portInfo = portsInfo->getObject(i);
        auto name = portInfo->getValue<std::string>("name");
        auto isSigSlot = portInfo->getValue<bool>("isSigSlot");

        auto tr = xmlDoc->createElement("tr");
        auto td = xmlDoc->createElement("td");
        td->setAttribute("border", "1");
        if (prefix == "in"  and isSigSlot)     td->setAttribute("bgcolor", "#AEC6CF");
        if (prefix == "in"  and not isSigSlot) td->setAttribute("bgcolor", "#779ECB");
        if (prefix == "out" and isSigSlot)     td->setAttribute("bgcolor", "#77DD77");
        if (prefix == "out" and not isSigSlot) td->setAttribute("bgcolor", "#03C03C");
        td->setAttribute("port", "__"+prefix+"__"+name);
        unsigned value = 0;
        if (Poco::NumberParser::tryParseUnsigned(name, value)) name = prefix+name;

    return nodeTd;
Beispiel #2
 * paste only one object type so handlePaste can control the order of creation
static GraphObjectList handlePasteType(GraphDraw *draw, const Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr &graphObjects, const std::string &type)
    GraphObjectList newObjects;
    for (size_t objIndex = 0; objIndex < graphObjects->size(); objIndex++)
        const auto jGraphObj = graphObjects->getObject(objIndex);
        const auto what = jGraphObj->getValue<std::string>("what");
        GraphObject *obj = nullptr;
        if (what != type) continue;
        if (what == "Block") obj = new GraphBlock(draw);
        if (what == "Breaker") obj = new GraphBreaker(draw);
        if (what == "Connection") obj = new GraphConnection(draw);
        if (what == "Widget") obj = new GraphWidget(draw);
        if (obj == nullptr) continue;
        try {obj->deserialize(jGraphObj);}
        catch (const Pothos::NotFoundException &)
            delete obj;
    return newObjects;
Beispiel #3
 * Helper method for unit tests
static bool connectionsHave(
    const Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr &connsArray,
    const std::string &srcId, const std::string &srcName,
    const std::string &dstId, const std::string &dstName
    for (size_t c_i = 0; c_i < connsArray->size(); c_i++)
        const auto connObj = connsArray->getObject(c_i);
        if (connObj->getValue<std::string>("srcId") != srcId) continue;
        if (connObj->getValue<std::string>("srcName") != srcName) continue;
        if (connObj->getValue<std::string>("dstId") != dstId) continue;
        if (connObj->getValue<std::string>("dstName") != dstName) continue;
        return true;
    return false;
Beispiel #4
 * Load a JSON block description from file and register the descriptions.
 * return a list of registration paths and a list of paths for blocks.
static std::vector<Pothos::PluginPath> blockDescParser(std::istream &is, std::vector<Pothos::PluginPath> &blockPaths)
    std::vector<Pothos::PluginPath> entries;

    //parse the stream into a JSON array
    const auto result = Poco::JSON::Parser().parse(is);
    Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr arrayOut;
    if (result.type() == typeid(Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr))
        arrayOut = new Poco::JSON::Array();
    else arrayOut = result.extract<Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr>();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < arrayOut->size(); i++)
        auto obj = arrayOut->getObject(i);
        std::stringstream ossJsonObj;
        const std::string JsonObjStr(ossJsonObj.str());

        std::vector<std::string> paths;
        if (obj->has("aliases")) for (const auto &alias : *obj->getArray("aliases"))

        //register the block description for every path
        for (const auto &path : paths)
            const auto pluginPath = Pothos::PluginPath("/blocks/docs", path);
            Pothos::PluginRegistry::add(pluginPath, JsonObjStr);
            blockPaths.push_back(Pothos::PluginPath("/blocks", path));
    return entries;
Beispiel #5
void parseModesFile() {

    printf("Parse\n"    );

    try {
    //Application& app = Application::instance();
     { "code":1, "width":640, "height":480, "rate":60, "aspect_ratio":"4:3", "scan":"p", "3d_modes":[] }

      //std::string conf = std::string(" [ { \"code\":1 ,  \"width\":640, \"height\":480 } ,  { \"code\":3 ,  \"width\":800, \"height\":600 } ]");
      std::string conf =readFileToString("data/modes.json");
      Parser parser;
      Var result = parser.parse(conf);

      Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr arr = result.extract<Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr>();
      for (int i=0;i<arr->size(); i++) {
          Object::Ptr object = arr->getObject(i);

      Query myQuery(result);

      //Var topic=myQuery.find("code");
      //int value = topic.convert<int>();
    } catch (...)


Beispiel #6
 * make topology from JSON string - implementation
std::shared_ptr<Pothos::Topology> Pothos::Topology::make(const std::string &json)
    //parse the json string/file to a JSON object
    const auto topObj = parseJSONStr(json);

    //create the proxy environment (local) and the registry
    auto env = Pothos::ProxyEnvironment::make("managed");
    auto registry = env->findProxy("Pothos/BlockRegistry");
    auto evaluator = env->findProxy("Pothos/Util/EvalEnvironment").callProxy("make");

    //create thread pools
    std::map<std::string, Pothos::Proxy> threadPools;
    Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr threadPoolObj;
    if (topObj->isObject("threadPools")) threadPoolObj = topObj->getObject("threadPools");
    std::vector<std::string> threadPoolNames;
    if (threadPoolObj) threadPoolObj->getNames(threadPoolNames);
    for (const auto &name : threadPoolNames)
        std::stringstream ss;
        Pothos::ThreadPoolArgs args(ss.str());
        threadPools[name] = env->findProxy("Pothos/ThreadPool").callProxy("new", args);

    //create the topology and add it to the blocks
    //the IDs 'self', 'this', and '' can be used
    std::map<std::string, Pothos::Proxy> blocks;
    auto topology = Pothos::Topology::make();
    blocks["self"] = env->makeProxy(topology);
    blocks["this"] = env->makeProxy(topology);
    blocks[""] = env->makeProxy(topology);

    //create the blocks
    Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr blockArray;
    if (topObj->isArray("blocks")) blockArray = topObj->getArray("blocks");
    if (blockArray) for (size_t i = 0; i < blockArray->size(); i++)
        if (not blockArray->isObject(i)) throw Pothos::DataFormatException(
            "Pothos::Topology::make()", "blocks["+std::to_string(i)+"] must be an object");
        const auto &blockObj = blockArray->getObject(i);
        if (not blockObj->has("id")) throw Pothos::DataFormatException(
            "Pothos::Topology::make()", "blocks["+std::to_string(i)+"] missing 'id' field");
        const auto id = blockObj->getValue<std::string>("id");
        blocks[id] = makeBlock(registry, evaluator, blockObj);

        //set the thread pool
        const auto threadPoolName = blockObj->optValue<std::string>("threadPool", "default");
        auto threadPoolIt = threadPools.find(threadPoolName);
        if (threadPoolIt != threadPools.end()) blocks[id].callVoid("setThreadPool", threadPoolIt->second);
        else if (threadPoolName != "default") throw Pothos::DataFormatException(
            "Pothos::Topology::make()", "blocks["+id+"] unknown threadPool = " + threadPoolName);

    //create the topology and connect the blocks
    Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr connArray;
    if (topObj->isArray("connections")) connArray = topObj->getArray("connections");
    if (connArray) for (size_t i = 0; i < connArray->size(); i++)
        if (not connArray->isArray(i)) throw Pothos::DataFormatException(
            "Pothos::Topology::make()", "connections["+std::to_string(i)+"] must be an array");
        const auto &connArgs = connArray->getArray(i);
        if (connArgs->size() != 4) throw Pothos::DataFormatException(
            "Pothos::Topology::make()", "connections["+std::to_string(i)+"] must be size 4");

        //extract connection arg fields
        const auto srcId = connArgs->getElement<std::string>(0);
        const auto srcPort = connArgs->get(1).toString();
        const auto dstId = connArgs->getElement<std::string>(2);
        const auto dstPort = connArgs->get(3).toString();

        //check that the block IDs exist
        if (blocks.count(srcId) == 0) throw Pothos::DataFormatException(
            "Pothos::Topology::make()", "connections["+std::to_string(i)+"] no such ID: " + srcId);
        if (blocks.count(dstId) == 0) throw Pothos::DataFormatException(
            "Pothos::Topology::make()", "connections["+std::to_string(i)+"] no such ID: " + dstId);

        //make the connection
        topology->connect(, srcPort,, dstPort);

    return topology;