Beispiel #1
void MakeStepConfigWidget::updateDetails()
    Qt4Project *pro = static_cast<Qt4Project *>(m_makeStep->project());
    ProjectExplorer::BuildConfiguration *bc = pro->buildConfiguration(m_buildConfiguration);
    QString workingDirectory = pro->buildDirectory(bc);

    QString makeCmd = pro->makeCommand(bc);
    if (!m_makeStep->value(m_buildConfiguration, "makeCmd").toString().isEmpty())
        makeCmd = m_makeStep->value(m_buildConfiguration, "makeCmd").toString();
    if (!QFileInfo(makeCmd).isAbsolute()) {
        Environment environment = pro->environment(bc);
        // Try to detect command in environment
        QString tmp = environment.searchInPath(makeCmd);
        if (tmp == QString::null) {
            m_summaryText = tr("<b>Make Step:</b> %1 not found in the environment.").arg(makeCmd);
            emit updateSummary();
        makeCmd = tmp;
    // -w option enables "Enter"/"Leaving directory" messages, which we need for detecting the
    // absolute file path
    // FIXME doing this without the user having a way to override this is rather bad
    // so we only do it for unix and if the user didn't override the make command
    // but for now this is the least invasive change
    QStringList args = m_makeStep->value(m_buildConfiguration, "makeargs").toStringList();
    ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::ToolChainType t = ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::UNKNOWN;
    ProjectExplorer::ToolChain *toolChain = pro->toolChain(bc);
    if (toolChain)
        t = toolChain->type();
    if (t != ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::MSVC && t != ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::WINCE) {
        if (m_makeStep->value(m_buildConfiguration, "makeCmd").toString().isEmpty())
            args << "-w";
    m_summaryText = tr("<b>Make:</b> %1 %2 in %3").arg(QFileInfo(makeCmd).fileName(), args.join(" "),
    emit updateSummary();
void QbsManager::addProfileFromKit(const ProjectExplorer::Kit *k)
    QStringList usedProfileNames = profileNames();
    const QString name = ProjectExplorer::Project::makeUnique(
                QString::fromLatin1("qtc_") + k->fileSystemFriendlyName(), usedProfileNames);
    setProfileForKit(name, k);

    QVariantMap data;
    QtSupport::BaseQtVersion *qt = QtSupport::QtKitInformation::qtVersion(k);
    if (qt) {
        data.insert(QLatin1String(QTCORE_BINPATH), qt->binPath().toUserOutput());
        QStringList builds;
        if (qt->hasDebugBuild())
            builds << QLatin1String("debug");
        if (qt->hasReleaseBuild())
            builds << QLatin1String("release");
        data.insert(QLatin1String(QTCORE_BUILDVARIANT), builds);
        data.insert(QLatin1String(QTCORE_DOCPATH), qt->docsPath().toUserOutput());
        data.insert(QLatin1String(QTCORE_INCPATH), qt->headerPath().toUserOutput());
        data.insert(QLatin1String(QTCORE_LIBPATH), qt->libraryPath().toUserOutput());
        Utils::FileName mkspecPath = qt->mkspecsPath();
        data.insert(QLatin1String(QTCORE_MKSPEC), mkspecPath.toUserOutput());
        data.insert(QLatin1String(QTCORE_NAMESPACE), qt->qtNamespace());
        data.insert(QLatin1String(QTCORE_LIBINFIX), qt->qtLibInfix());
        data.insert(QLatin1String(QTCORE_VERSION), qt->qtVersionString());
        if (qt->isFrameworkBuild())
            data.insert(QLatin1String(QTCORE_FRAMEWORKBUILD), true);

    if (ProjectExplorer::SysRootKitInformation::hasSysRoot(k))
        data.insert(QLatin1String(QBS_SYSROOT), ProjectExplorer::SysRootKitInformation::sysRoot(k).toUserOutput());

    ProjectExplorer::ToolChain *tc = ProjectExplorer::ToolChainKitInformation::toolChain(k);
    if (tc) {
        // FIXME/CLARIFY: How to pass the sysroot?
        ProjectExplorer::Abi targetAbi = tc->targetAbi();
        QString architecture = ProjectExplorer::Abi::toString(targetAbi.architecture());
        if (targetAbi.wordWidth() == 64)
        data.insert(QLatin1String(QBS_ARCHITECTURE), architecture);

        if (targetAbi.endianness() == ProjectExplorer::Abi::BigEndian)
            data.insert(QLatin1String(QBS_ENDIANNESS), QLatin1String("big"));
            data.insert(QLatin1String(QBS_ENDIANNESS), QLatin1String("little"));

        if (targetAbi.os() == ProjectExplorer::Abi::WindowsOS) {
            data.insert(QLatin1String(QBS_TARGETOS), QLatin1String("windows"));
                               targetAbi.osFlavor() == ProjectExplorer::Abi::WindowsMSysFlavor
                                   ? QStringList() << QLatin1String("mingw") << QLatin1String("gcc")
                                   : QStringList() << QLatin1String("msvc"));
        } else if (targetAbi.os() == ProjectExplorer::Abi::MacOS) {
            data.insert(QLatin1String(QBS_TARGETOS), QStringList() << QLatin1String("osx")
                        << QLatin1String("darwin") << QLatin1String("unix"));
            if (tc->type() != QLatin1String("clang")) {
                data.insert(QLatin1String(QBS_TOOLCHAIN), QLatin1String("gcc"));
            } else {
                            QStringList() << QLatin1String("clang")
                            << QLatin1String("llvm")
                            << QLatin1String("gcc"));
        } else if (targetAbi.os() == ProjectExplorer::Abi::LinuxOS) {
            data.insert(QLatin1String(QBS_TARGETOS), QStringList() << QLatin1String("linux")
                        << QLatin1String("unix"));
            if (tc->type() != QLatin1String("clang")) {
                data.insert(QLatin1String(QBS_TOOLCHAIN), QLatin1String("gcc"));
            } else {
                            QStringList() << QLatin1String("clang")
                            << QLatin1String("llvm")
                            << QLatin1String("gcc"));
        Utils::FileName cxx = tc->compilerCommand();
        data.insert(QLatin1String(CPP_TOOLCHAINPATH), cxx.toFileInfo().absolutePath());
        data.insert(QLatin1String(CPP_COMPILERNAME), cxx.toFileInfo().fileName());
    addProfile(name, data);
Beispiel #3
bool MakeStep::init(const QString &name)
    m_buildConfiguration = name;
    ProjectExplorer::BuildConfiguration *bc = project()->buildConfiguration(name);
    Environment environment = project()->environment(bc);
    setEnvironment(name, environment);

    Qt4Project *qt4project = qobject_cast<Qt4Project *>(project());
    QString workingDirectory = qt4project->buildDirectory(bc);
    setWorkingDirectory(name, workingDirectory);

    QString makeCmd = qt4project->makeCommand(bc);
    if (!value(name, "makeCmd").toString().isEmpty())
        makeCmd = value(name, "makeCmd").toString();
    if (!QFileInfo(makeCmd).isAbsolute()) {
        // Try to detect command in environment
        QString tmp = environment.searchInPath(makeCmd);
        if (tmp == QString::null) {
            emit addToOutputWindow(tr("<font color=\"#ff0000\">Could not find make command: %1 "\
                                      "in the build environment</font>").arg(makeCmd));
            return false;
        makeCmd = tmp;
    setCommand(name, makeCmd);

    if (!value(name, "cleanConfig").isValid() && value("clean").isValid() && value("clean").toBool()) {
        // Import old settings
        setValue(name, "cleanConfig", true);
        setValue(name, "makeargs", QStringList() << "clean");
    // If we are cleaning, then make can fail with a error code, but that doesn't mean
    // we should stop the clean queue
    // That is mostly so that rebuild works on a alrady clean project
    setIgnoreReturnValue(name, value(name, "cleanConfig").isValid());
    QStringList args = value(name, "makeargs").toStringList();
    if (!value(name, "cleanConfig").isValid()) {
        if (!qt4project->defaultMakeTarget(bc).isEmpty())
            args << qt4project->defaultMakeTarget(bc);
    // -w option enables "Enter"/"Leaving directory" messages, which we need for detecting the
    // absolute file path
    // FIXME doing this without the user having a way to override this is rather bad
    // so we only do it for unix and if the user didn't override the make command
    // but for now this is the least invasive change
    ProjectExplorer::ToolChain *toolchain = qt4project->toolChain(bc);

    ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::ToolChainType type =  ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::UNKNOWN;
    if (toolchain)
        type = toolchain->type();
    if (type != ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::MSVC && type != ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::WINCE) {
        if (value(name, "makeCmd").toString().isEmpty())
            args << "-w";

    setEnabled(name, true);
    setArguments(name, args);

    if (type == ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::MSVC || type == ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::WINCE)

    return AbstractMakeStep::init(name);
Beispiel #4
bool MakeStep::init()
    Qt4BuildConfiguration *bc = qt4BuildConfiguration();
    Environment environment = bc->environment();

    QString workingDirectory;
    if (bc->subNodeBuild())
        workingDirectory = bc->subNodeBuild()->buildDir();
        workingDirectory = bc->buildDirectory();

    QString makeCmd = bc->makeCommand();
    if (!m_makeCmd.isEmpty())
        makeCmd = m_makeCmd;
    if (!QFileInfo(makeCmd).isAbsolute()) {
        // Try to detect command in environment
        const QString tmp = environment.searchInPath(makeCmd);
        if (tmp.isEmpty()) {
            QTextCharFormat textCharFormat;
            emit addOutput(tr("Could not find make command: %1 in the build environment").arg(makeCmd), textCharFormat);
            return false;
        makeCmd = tmp;

    // If we are cleaning, then make can fail with a error code, but that doesn't mean
    // we should stop the clean queue
    // That is mostly so that rebuild works on a already clean project
    QStringList args = m_userArgs;
    if (!m_clean) {
        if (!bc->defaultMakeTarget().isEmpty())
            args << bc->defaultMakeTarget();
    // -w option enables "Enter"/"Leaving directory" messages, which we need for detecting the
    // absolute file path
    // FIXME doing this without the user having a way to override this is rather bad
    // so we only do it for unix and if the user didn't override the make command
    // but for now this is the least invasive change
    ProjectExplorer::ToolChain *toolchain = bc->toolChain();

    if (toolchain) {
        if (toolchain->type() != ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::MSVC &&
            toolchain->type() != ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::WINCE) {
            if (m_makeCmd.isEmpty())
                args << "-w";


    setOutputParser(new ProjectExplorer::GnuMakeParser(workingDirectory));
    if (toolchain)

    return AbstractProcessStep::init();