Beispiel #1
bool QgsGeometryChecker::fixError( QgsGeometryCheckError *error, int method, bool triggerRepaint )
  if ( error->status() >= QgsGeometryCheckError::StatusFixed )
    return true;
#if 0
  QTextStream( stdout ) << "Fixing " << error->description() << ": " << error->layerId() << ":" << error->featureId() << " @[" << error->vidx().part << ", " << error->vidx().ring << ", " << error->vidx().vertex << "](" << error->location().x() << ", " << error->location().y() << ") = " << error->value().toString() << endl;

  QgsGeometryCheck::Changes changes;
  QgsRectangle recheckArea = error->affectedAreaBBox();

  error->check()->fixError( error, method, mMergeAttributeIndices, changes );
#if 0
  QTextStream( stdout ) << " * Status: " << error->resolutionMessage() << endl;
  static QVector<QString> strChangeWhat = { "ChangeFeature", "ChangePart", "ChangeRing", "ChangeNode" };
  static QVector<QString> strChangeType = { "ChangeAdded", "ChangeRemoved", "ChangeChanged" };
  for ( const QString &layerId : changes.keys() )
    for ( const QgsFeatureId &fid : changes[layerId].keys() )
      for ( const QgsGeometryCheck::Change &change : changes[layerId][fid] )
        QTextStream( stdout ) << " * Change: " << layerId << ":" << fid << " :: " << strChangeWhat[change.what] << ":" << strChangeType[change.type] << ":(" << change.vidx.part << "," << change.vidx.ring << "," << change.vidx.vertex << ")" << endl;
  emit errorUpdated( error, true );
  if ( error->status() != QgsGeometryCheckError::StatusFixed )
    return false;

  // If nothing was changed, stop here
  if ( changes.isEmpty() )
    return true;

  // Determine what to recheck
  // - Collect all features which were changed, get affected area
  QMap<QString, QSet<QgsFeatureId>> recheckFeatures;
  for ( auto it = changes.constBegin(); it != changes.constEnd(); ++it )
    const QMap<QgsFeatureId, QList<QgsGeometryCheck::Change>> &layerChanges = it.value();
    QgsFeaturePool *featurePool = mContext->featurePools[it.key()];
    QgsCoordinateTransform t( featurePool->getLayer()->crs(), mContext->mapCrs, QgsProject::instance() );
    for ( auto layerChangeIt = layerChanges.constBegin(); layerChangeIt != layerChanges.constEnd(); ++layerChangeIt )
      bool removed = false;
      for ( const QgsGeometryCheck::Change &change : layerChangeIt.value() )
        if ( change.what == QgsGeometryCheck::ChangeFeature && change.type == QgsGeometryCheck::ChangeRemoved )
          removed = true;
      if ( !removed )
        QgsFeature f;
        if ( featurePool->get( layerChangeIt.key(), f ) )
          recheckFeatures[it.key()].insert( layerChangeIt.key() );
          recheckArea.combineExtentWith( t.transformBoundingBox( f.geometry().boundingBox() ) );
  // - Determine extent to recheck for gaps
  for ( QgsGeometryCheckError *err : qgis::as_const( mCheckErrors ) )
    if ( err->check()->getCheckType() == QgsGeometryCheck::LayerCheck )
      if ( err->affectedAreaBBox().intersects( recheckArea ) )
        recheckArea.combineExtentWith( err->affectedAreaBBox() );
  recheckArea.grow( 10 * mContext->tolerance );
  QMap<QString, QgsFeatureIds> recheckAreaFeatures;
  for ( const QString &layerId : mContext->featurePools.keys() )
    QgsFeaturePool *featurePool = mContext->featurePools[layerId];
    QgsCoordinateTransform t( mContext->mapCrs, featurePool->getLayer()->crs(), QgsProject::instance() );
    recheckAreaFeatures[layerId] = featurePool->getIntersects( t.transform( recheckArea ) );

  // Recheck feature / changed area to detect new errors
  QList<QgsGeometryCheckError *> recheckErrors;
  for ( const QgsGeometryCheck *check : qgis::as_const( mChecks ) )
    if ( check->getCheckType() == QgsGeometryCheck::LayerCheck )
      if ( !recheckAreaFeatures.isEmpty() )
        check->collectErrors( recheckErrors, mMessages, nullptr, recheckAreaFeatures );
      if ( !recheckFeatures.isEmpty() )
        check->collectErrors( recheckErrors, mMessages, nullptr, recheckFeatures );

  // Go through error list, update other errors of the checked feature
  for ( QgsGeometryCheckError *err : qgis::as_const( mCheckErrors ) )
    if ( err == error || err->status() == QgsGeometryCheckError::StatusObsolete )

    QgsGeometryCheckError::Status oldStatus = err->status();

    bool handled = err->handleChanges( changes );

    // Check if this error now matches one found when rechecking the feature/area
    QgsGeometryCheckError *matchErr = nullptr;
    int nMatch = 0;
    for ( QgsGeometryCheckError *recheckErr : qgis::as_const( recheckErrors ) )
      if ( recheckErr->isEqual( err ) || recheckErr->closeMatch( err ) )
        matchErr = recheckErr;
    // If just one close match was found, take it
    if ( nMatch == 1 && matchErr )
      err->update( matchErr );
      emit errorUpdated( err, err->status() != oldStatus );
      recheckErrors.removeAll( matchErr );
      delete matchErr;

    // If no match is found and the error is not fixed or obsolete, set it to obsolete if...
    if ( err->status() < QgsGeometryCheckError::StatusFixed &&
           // changes weren't handled
           !handled ||
           // or if it is a FeatureNodeCheck or FeatureCheck error whose feature was rechecked
           ( err->check()->getCheckType() <= QgsGeometryCheck::FeatureCheck && recheckFeatures[err->layerId()].contains( err->featureId() ) ) ||
           // or if it is a LayerCheck error within the rechecked area
           ( err->check()->getCheckType() == QgsGeometryCheck::LayerCheck && recheckArea.contains( err->affectedAreaBBox() ) )
      emit errorUpdated( err, err->status() != oldStatus );

  // Add new errors
  for ( QgsGeometryCheckError *recheckErr : qgis::as_const( recheckErrors ) )
    emit errorAdded( recheckErr );
    mCheckErrors.append( recheckErr );

  if ( triggerRepaint )
    for ( const QString &layerId : changes.keys() )

  return true;