TEST(QiOs, isProcessRunningRealProcessWithArgsUnicode) { const std::string originalExecutable { "testlaunchloop" }; const std::string originalExecutablePath = qi::path::findBin(originalExecutable); // we'll copy the originalExecutable to a unique file inside a unique direcory. // we re-use the unique directory name to build a unique file name. const qi::Path tmp = qi::Path(qi::os::mktmpdir()); // japanese ideograms (specified by their unicode code point) // as an utf-8-encoded string (does not work on VS). //char utf8[] = u8"-\u30e6\u30cb\u30b3\u30fc\u30c9"; // The same ideograms, specified by their utf-8 encoding char utf8[] = "-\xe3\x83\xa6\xe3\x83\x8b\xe3\x82\xb3\xe3\x83\xbc\xe3\x83\x89"; const std::string executable = tmp.filename() + utf8; std::string executableWithExtension = executable; #if BOOST_OS_WINDOWS && defined(NDEBUG) executableWithExtension += ".exe"; #elif BOOST_OS_WINDOWS && !defined(NDEBUG) executableWithExtension += "_d.exe"; #endif const qi::Path executablePathWithExtension = tmp / executableWithExtension; const qi::path::ScopedFile executableFile(executablePathWithExtension); boost::filesystem::copy( qi::Path(originalExecutablePath).bfsPath(), executablePathWithExtension.bfsPath()); const std::vector<std::string> args { "nan", "mais", "allo", "quoi" }; const ScopedProcess p{executablePathWithExtension.str(), args}; ASSERT_TRUE(qi::os::isProcessRunning(p.pid(), executable)); }
std::vector<ModuleInfo> listModules() { std::vector<ModuleInfo> modules; std::vector<std::string> ret = qi::path::listData("qi/module", "*.mod"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ret.size(); ++i) { const qi::Path p(ret.at(i)); ModuleInfo mi; mi.name = p.filename().substr(0, p.filename().find(".mod")); boost::filesystem::ifstream is(p); is >> mi.type; modules.push_back(mi); } //look for all modules in sdk/share/qi/ return modules; }
static ModuleInfo findModuleInFs(const std::string& name) { //lookup for module in const qi::Path p(qi::path::findData("qi/module", name + ".mod")); //TODO: throwing seriously? if (!p.isRegularFile()) throw std::runtime_error("no module found: '" + name + "'"); ModuleInfo mi; mi.name = name; boost::filesystem::ifstream is(p); is >> mi.type; qiLogVerbose() << "type: '" << mi.type << "'"; return mi; }
void symlink(const qi::Path& source, const qi::Path& destination) { bfs::create_symlink(bfs::path(source.str(), qi::unicodeFacet()), bfs::path(destination.str(), qi::unicodeFacet())); }