Beispiel #1
unsigned OSNSMatrix::updateSizeAndPositions(SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet)
  // === Description ===

  // For an interactionBlock (diagonal or extra diagonal) corresponding to
  // an Interaction, we need to know the position of its first
  // element in the full-matrix M. This position depends on the
  // previous interactionBlocks sizes.
  // Note FP: at the time positions are saved in the Interaction
  // but this is wrong (I think) since it prevents the inter
  // to be present in several different osns.

  // Computes real size of the current matrix = sum of the dim. of all
  // Interactionin indexSet
  unsigned dim = 0;
  InteractionsGraph::VIterator vd, vdend;
  for (std11::tie(vd, vdend) = indexSet->vertices(); vd != vdend; ++vd)
    assert(indexSet->descriptor(indexSet->bundle(*vd)) == *vd);

    dim += (indexSet->bundle(*vd)->nonSmoothLaw()->size());

    assert(indexSet->bundle(*vd)->absolutePosition() < dim);

  return dim;
Beispiel #2
// Fill the SparseMat
void BlockCSRMatrix::fill(SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet)
  // ======> Aim: find inter1 and inter2 both in indexSets[level] and which
  // have common DynamicalSystems.  Then get the corresponding matrix
  // from map blocks.


  // Number of blocks in a row = number of active constraints.
  _nr = indexSet->size();

  // (re)allocate memory for ublas matrix
  _blockCSR->resize(_nr, _nr, false);


  // === Loop through "active" Interactions (ie present in
  // indexSets[level]) ===

  int sizeV = 0;

  InteractionsGraph::VIterator vi, viend;
  for (std11::tie(vi, viend) = indexSet->vertices();
       vi != viend; ++vi)
    SP::Interaction inter = indexSet->bundle(*vi);

    assert(inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size() > 0);

    sizeV  += inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size();
    (*_diagsize0)[indexSet->index(*vi)] = sizeV;
    (*_diagsize1)[indexSet->index(*vi)] = sizeV;
    assert((*_diagsize0)[indexSet->index(*vi)] > 0);
    assert((*_diagsize1)[indexSet->index(*vi)] > 0);

    (*_blockCSR)(indexSet->index(*vi), indexSet->index(*vi)) =

  InteractionsGraph::EIterator ei, eiend;
  for (std11::tie(ei, eiend) = indexSet->edges();
       ei != eiend; ++ei)
    InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor vd1 = indexSet->source(*ei);
    InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor vd2 = indexSet->target(*ei);
    SP::Interaction inter1 = indexSet->bundle(vd1);
    SP::Interaction inter2 = indexSet->bundle(vd2);

    assert(indexSet->index(vd1) < _nr);
    assert(indexSet->index(vd2) < _nr);


    assert(vd2 == indexSet->descriptor(inter2));
    assert(indexSet->index(vd2) == indexSet->index(indexSet->descriptor(inter2)));

    unsigned int pos = indexSet->index(vd1);
    unsigned int col = indexSet->index(vd2);

    assert(pos != col);

    (*_blockCSR)(std::min(pos, col), std::max(pos, col)) =

    (*_blockCSR)(std::max(pos, col), std::min(pos, col)) =
void MLCPProjectOnConstraints::postComputeLagrangianR(SP::Interaction inter, unsigned int pos)
  SP::LagrangianR  lr = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianR>(inter->relation());
  printf("MLCPProjectOnConstraints::postComputeLagrangian inter->y(0)\n");
  printf("MLCPProjectOnConstraints::postComputeLagrangian lr->jachq \n");
  printf("MLCPProjectOnConstraints::postComputeLagrangianR q before update\n");

  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet = simulation()->indexSet(indexSetLevel());
  InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor ui = indexSet->descriptor(inter);
  InteractionsGraph::OEIterator oei, oeiend;
    for(std11::tie(oei, oeiend) = indexSet->out_edges(ui);
        oei != oeiend; ++oei)
      SP::LagrangianDS lds =  std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS>(indexSet->bundle(*oei));

  //unsigned int sizeY = inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size();

  // y and lambda vectors
  SP::SiconosVector lambda = inter->lambda(0);
  SP::SiconosVector y = inter->y(0);
  unsigned int sizeY = std11::static_pointer_cast<OSNSMatrixProjectOnConstraints>
  // Copy _w/_z values, starting from index pos into y/lambda.

  //setBlock(*_w, y, sizeY, pos, 0);
  setBlock(*_z, lambda, sizeY, pos, 0);

  printf("MLCPP lambda of Interaction is pos =%i :\n", pos);
  //  aBuff->display();
  unsigned int nslawsize = inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size();
  SP::SiconosVector aBuff(new SiconosVector(nslawsize));
  setBlock(*_z, aBuff, sizeY, pos, 0);
  SP::SiconosMatrix J = lr->jachq();
  SP::SimpleMatrix aux(new SimpleMatrix(*J));
  // SP::SiconosVector tmp(new SiconosVector(*(lr->q())));
  // prod(*aux, *aBuff, *(tmp), false);
  // //prod(*aux,*lambda,*(lr->q()),false);
  // std:: std::cout << " tmp =  tmp + J^T * lambda" << std::endl;
  // tmp->display();

  // // WARNING : Must not be done here. and should be called with the correct time.
  // // compute p(0)
  // inter->computeInput(0.0 ,0);

  // // \warning aBuff should normally be in lambda[0]
  // // The update of the position in DS should be made
  // //  in MoreauJeanOSI::upateState or ProjectedMoreauJeanOSI::updateState
  // SP::SiconosMatrix J=lr->jachq();
  // SP::SimpleMatrix aux(new SimpleMatrix(*J));
  // aux->trans();

  // SP::SiconosVector tmp (new SiconosVector(*(lr->q())));
  // std:: std::cout << " tmp ="<<std::endl;
  // tmp->display();
  // std:: std::cout << " lr->q() ="<<std::endl;
  // lr->q()->display();

  // //prod(*aux,*lambda,*(lr->q()),false);
  // prod(*aux,*aBuff,*(tmp),false);
  // std:: std::cout << " tmp =  tmp + J * lambda"<<std::endl;
  // tmp->display();

  // // The following step should be done on MoreauJeanOSI::upateState or ProjectedMoreauJeanOSI::updateState
  // DSIterator itDS = inter->dynamicalSystemsBegin();
  // while(itDS!=inter->dynamicalSystemsEnd())
  // {
  //   Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(**itDS);
  //   if((dsType !=Type::LagrangianDS) and
  //      (dsType !=Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS) )
  //   {
  //     RuntimeException::selfThrow("MLCPProjectOnConstraint::postCompute- ds is not of Lagrangian DS type.");
  //   }

  //   SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (*itDS);
  //   SP::SiconosVector q = d->q();

  //   *q +=  *d->p(0);
  //    std::cout << " q=" << std::endl;
  //   q->display();
  //   itDS++;
  // }

  // if ((*lr->q() - *tmp).normInf() > 1e-12)
  // {
  //   RuntimeException::selfThrow("youyou");
  // }

  printf("MLCPProjectOnConstraints::postComputeLagrangianR _z\n");
  printf("MLCPProjectOnConstraints::postComputeLagrangianR updated\n");
  VectorOfBlockVectors& DSlink = *(indexSet->properties(ui)).DSlink;
//  (*DSlink[LagrangianR::q0]).display();
//  (lr->q())->display();

  //RuntimeException::selfThrow("MLCPProjectOnConstraints::postComputeLagrangianR() - not yet implemented");