Beispiel #1
void LagrangianDSTest::testcomputeDS()
  std::cout << "-->Test: computeDS." <<std::endl;
  DynamicalSystem * ds(new LagrangianDS(tmpxml2));
  SP::LagrangianDS copy =  std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS>(ds);
  double time = 1.5;
  ds->initialize("EventDriven", time);
  std::cout << "-->Test: computeDS." <<std::endl;
  std::cout << "-->Test: computeDS." <<std::endl;
  SimpleMatrix M(3, 3);
  M(0, 0) = 1;
  M(1, 1) = 2;
  M(2, 2) = 3;
  SP::SiconosMatrix jx = ds->jacobianRhsx();
  SP::SiconosVector vf = ds->rhs();

  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("testComputeDSI : ", *(vf->vector(0)) == *velocity0, true);
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("testComputeDSJ : ", prod(M, *(vf->vector(1))) == (copy->getFExt() - copy->getFInt() - copy->getFGyr()) , true);

  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("testComputeDSL : ", prod(M, *(jx->block(1, 0))) == (copy->getJacobianFL(0)) , true);
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("testComputeDSL : ", prod(M, *(jx->block(1, 1))) == (copy->getJacobianFL(1)) , true);
  std::cout << "--> computeDS test ended with success." <<std::endl;

Beispiel #2
void DynamicalSystem::setJacobianRhsxPtr(SP::SiconosMatrix newPtr)
  // check dimensions ...
  if (newPtr->size(0) != _n || newPtr->size(1) != _n)
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("DynamicalSystem::setJacobianRhsxPtr - inconsistent sizes between _jacxRhs input and n - Maybe you forget to set n?");

  _jacxRhs = newPtr;
Beispiel #3
void adjointInput::JacobianXbeta(double t, SiconosVector& xvalue, SP::SiconosMatrix JacXbeta)

  JacXbeta->setValue(0, 0, 0.0) ;
  JacXbeta->setValue(0, 1, -1.0 / 2.0) ;
  JacXbeta->setValue(1, 0, 1.0 / 2.0) ;
  JacXbeta->setValue(1, 1, 0.0) ;
  std::cout << "JacXbeta\n" << std::endl;;

Beispiel #4
  /** Constructor with the plugin name
   * \param PO a PluggedObject
   * \param n the number of rows of the matrix
   * \param p the number of column of the matrix
   * \param indx the column index (optional)
  SubPluggedObject(const PluggedObject& PO, const unsigned int n, const unsigned int p, const unsigned int indx = 0):  _indx(indx), _p(p)
    _pluginName = "Sub" + PO.getPluginName();
    _tmpMat.reset(new SimpleMatrix(n, p));
#if (__GNUG__ && !( __clang__ || __INTEL_COMPILER || __APPLE__ ))
    fPtr = (void *)&SubPluggedObject::computeAndExtract;
    _parentfPtr = PO.fPtr;
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("SubPluggedObject must be compiled with GCC !");
Beispiel #5
  /** Constructor with the plugin name
   * \param PO a PluggedObject
   * \param n the number of rows of the matrix
   * \param p the number of column of the matrix
   * \param indx the column index (optional)
  SubPluggedObject(const PluggedObject& PO, const unsigned int n, const unsigned int p, const unsigned int indx = 0):  _indx(indx), _p(p)
    _pluginName = "Sub" + PO.pluginName();
    _tmpMat.reset(new SimpleMatrix(n, p));
#if (__GNUG__ && !( __clang__ || __INTEL_COMPILER || __APPLE__ ) && (((__GNUC__ > 5) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ > 0))))
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpmf-conversions"
    fPtr = (void *)&SubPluggedObject::computeAndExtract;
    _parentfPtr = PO.fPtr;
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("SubPluggedObject must be compiled with GCC !");
Beispiel #6
// ================= Creation of the model =======================
void Spheres::init()

  SP::TimeDiscretisation timedisc_;
  SP::Simulation simulation_;
  SP::FrictionContact osnspb_;

  // User-defined main parameters

  double t0 = 0;                   // initial computation time

  double T = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

  double h = 0.01;                // time step
  double g = 9.81;

  double theta = 0.5;              // theta for MoreauJeanOSI integrator

  std::string solverName = "NSGS";

  // -----------------------------------------
  // --- Dynamical systems && interactions ---
  // -----------------------------------------

  double R;
  double m;


    // ------------
    // --- Init ---
    // ------------

    std::cout << "====> Model loading ..." << std::endl << std::endl;

    _plans.reset(new SimpleMatrix("plans.dat", true));

    SP::SiconosMatrix Spheres;
    Spheres.reset(new SimpleMatrix("spheres.dat", true));

    // -- OneStepIntegrators --
    SP::OneStepIntegrator osi;
    osi.reset(new MoreauJeanOSI(theta));

    // -- Model --
    _model.reset(new Model(t0, T));

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Spheres->size(0); i++)
      R = Spheres->getValue(i, 3);
      m = Spheres->getValue(i, 4);

      SP::SiconosVector qTmp;
      SP::SiconosVector vTmp;

      qTmp.reset(new SiconosVector(NDOF));
      vTmp.reset(new SiconosVector(NDOF));
      (*qTmp)(0) = (*Spheres)(i, 0);
      (*qTmp)(1) = (*Spheres)(i, 1);
      (*qTmp)(2) = (*Spheres)(i, 2);

      (*qTmp)(3) = M_PI / 2;
      (*qTmp)(4) = M_PI / 4;
      (*qTmp)(5) = M_PI / 2;

      (*vTmp)(0) = 0;
      (*vTmp)(1) = 0;
      (*vTmp)(2) = 0;

      (*vTmp)(3) = 0;
      (*vTmp)(4) = 0;
      (*vTmp)(5) = 0;

      SP::LagrangianDS body;
      body.reset(new SphereLDS(R, m, std11::shared_ptr<SiconosVector>(qTmp), std11::shared_ptr<SiconosVector>(vTmp)));

      // -- Set external forces (weight) --
      SP::SiconosVector FExt;
      FExt.reset(new SiconosVector(NDOF));
      FExt->setValue(2, -m * g);

      // add the dynamical system to the one step integrator

      // add the dynamical system in the non smooth dynamical system


    // ------------------
    // --- Simulation ---
    // ------------------

    // -- Time discretisation --
    timedisc_.reset(new TimeDiscretisation(t0, h));

    // -- OneStepNsProblem --
    osnspb_.reset(new FrictionContact(3));

    osnspb_->numericsSolverOptions()->iparam[0] = 100; // Max number of
    // iterations
    osnspb_->numericsSolverOptions()->iparam[1] = 20; // compute error
    // iterations

    osnspb_->numericsSolverOptions()->iparam[4] = 2; // projection

    osnspb_->numericsSolverOptions()->dparam[0] = 1e-6; // Tolerance
    osnspb_->numericsSolverOptions()->dparam[2] = 1e-8; // Local tolerance

    osnspb_->setMaxSize(16384);       // max number of interactions
    osnspb_->setMStorageType(1);      // Sparse storage
    osnspb_->setNumericsVerboseMode(0); // 0 silent, 1 verbose
    osnspb_->setKeepLambdaAndYState(true); // inject previous solution

    simulation_.reset(new TimeStepping(timedisc_));
    //     simulation_->setCheckSolverFunction(localCheckSolverOuput);

    // --- Simulation initialization ---

    std::cout << "====> Simulation initialisation ..." << std::endl << std::endl;

    SP::NonSmoothLaw nslaw(new NewtonImpactFrictionNSL(0, 0, 0.8, 3));

    _playground.reset(new SpaceFilter(3, 6, _model, _plans, _moving_plans));

    _playground->insert(nslaw, 0, 0);



  catch (SiconosException e)
    std::cout << << std::endl;
  catch (...)
    std::cout << "Exception caught in Spheres::init()" << std::endl;
Beispiel #7
void LsodarOSI::computeFreeOutput(InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor& vertex_inter, OneStepNSProblem* osnsp)
  SP::OneStepNSProblems  allOSNS  = simulationLink->oneStepNSProblems();
  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet = osnsp->simulation()->indexSet(osnsp->indexSetLevel());
  SP::Interaction inter = indexSet->bundle(vertex_inter);

  VectorOfBlockVectors& DSlink = *indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).DSlink;
  // Get relation and non smooth law types
  RELATION::TYPES relationType = inter->relation()->getType();
  RELATION::SUBTYPES relationSubType = inter->relation()->getSubType();
  unsigned int sizeY = inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size();

  unsigned int relativePosition = 0;
  SP::Interaction mainInteraction = inter;
  Index coord(8);
  coord[0] = relativePosition;
  coord[1] = relativePosition + sizeY;
  coord[2] = 0;
  coord[4] = 0;
  coord[6] = 0;
  coord[7] = sizeY;
  SP::SiconosMatrix  C;
  //   SP::SiconosMatrix  D;
  //   SP::SiconosMatrix  F;
  SiconosVector& yForNSsolver = *inter->yForNSsolver();
  SP::BlockVector Xfree;

  // All of these values should be stored in the node corrseponding to the Interactionwhen a MoreauJeanOSI scheme is used.

  /* V.A. 10/10/2010
       * Following the type of OSNS  we need to retrieve the velocity or the acceleration
       * This tricks is not very nice but for the moment the OSNS do not known if
       * it is in accelaration of not

  //SP::OneStepNSProblems  allOSNS  = _simulation->oneStepNSProblems();
  if (((*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_ED_SMOOTH_ACC]).get() == osnsp)
    if (relationType == Lagrangian)
      Xfree = DSlink[LagrangianR::xfree];
    // else if  (relationType == NewtonEuler)
    // {
    //   Xfree = inter->data(NewtonEulerR::free);
    // }
    //        std::cout << "Computeqblock Xfree (Gamma)========" << std::endl;
    //       Xfree->display();
  else  if (((*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_ED_IMPACT]).get() == osnsp)
    Xfree = DSlink[LagrangianR::q1];
    //        std::cout << "Computeqblock Xfree (Velocity)========" << std::endl;
    //       Xfree->display();

    RuntimeException::selfThrow(" computeqBlock for Event Event-driven is wrong ");

  if (relationType == Lagrangian)
    C = mainInteraction->relation()->C();
    if (C)

      coord[3] = C->size(1);
      coord[5] = C->size(1);

      subprod(*C, *Xfree, yForNSsolver, coord, true);

    SP::SiconosMatrix ID(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY, sizeY));

    Index xcoord(8);
    xcoord[0] = 0;
    xcoord[1] = sizeY;
    xcoord[2] = 0;
    xcoord[3] = sizeY;
    xcoord[4] = 0;
    xcoord[5] = sizeY;
    xcoord[6] = 0;
    xcoord[7] = sizeY;
    // For the relation of type LagrangianRheonomousR
    if (relationSubType == RheonomousR)
      if (((*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_ED_SMOOTH_ACC]).get() == osnsp)
        RuntimeException::selfThrow("LsodarOSI::computeFreeOutput not yet implemented for LCP at acceleration level with LagrangianRheonomousR");
      else if (((*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY]).get() == osnsp)
        SiconosVector q = *DSlink[LagrangianR::q0];
        SiconosVector z = *DSlink[LagrangianR::z];

        std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianRheonomousR>(inter->relation())->computehDot(simulation()->getTkp1(), q, z);
        *DSlink[LagrangianR::z] = z;
        subprod(*ID, *(std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianRheonomousR>(inter->relation())->hDot()), yForNSsolver, xcoord, false); // y += hDot
        RuntimeException::selfThrow("LsodarOSI::computeFreeOutput not implemented for SICONOS_OSNSP ");
    // For the relation of type LagrangianScleronomousR
    if (relationSubType == ScleronomousR)
      if (((*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_ED_SMOOTH_ACC]).get() == osnsp)
        std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianScleronomousR>(inter->relation())->computedotjacqhXqdot(simulation()->getTkp1(), *inter, DSlink);
        subprod(*ID, *(std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianScleronomousR>(inter->relation())->dotjacqhXqdot()), yForNSsolver, xcoord, false); // y += NonLinearPart
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("LsodarOSI::computeFreeOutput not yet implemented for Relation of type " + relationType);
  if (((*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_ED_IMPACT]).get() == osnsp)
    if (inter->relation()->getType() == Lagrangian || inter->relation()->getType() == NewtonEuler)
      SP::SiconosVisitor nslEffectOnFreeOutput(new _NSLEffectOnFreeOutput(osnsp, inter));

double D1MinusLinearOSI::computeResiduHalfExplicitAccelerationLevel()
  DEBUG_BEGIN("\n D1MinusLinearOSI::computeResiduHalfExplicitAccelerationLevel()\n");

  double t = _simulation->nextTime(); // end of the time step
  double told = _simulation->startingTime(); // beginning of the time step
  double h = _simulation->timeStep(); // time step length

  SP::OneStepNSProblems allOSNS  = _simulation->oneStepNSProblems(); // all OSNSP
  SP::Topology topo =  _simulation->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->topology();
  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet2 = topo->indexSet(2);

   *  Step 1-  solve a LCP at acceleration level for lambda^+_{k} for the last set indices
   *   if index2 is empty we should skip this step


  DEBUG_EXPR(std::cout<< "allOSNS->empty()   " << std::boolalpha << allOSNS->empty() << std::endl << std::endl);
  DEBUG_EXPR(std::cout<< "allOSNS->size()   "  << allOSNS->size() << std::endl << std::endl);

// -- LEFT SIDE --
  DynamicalSystemsGraph::VIterator dsi, dsend;
  for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
    if (!checkOSI(dsi)) continue;
    SP::DynamicalSystem ds = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->bundle(*dsi);

    Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
    SP::SiconosVector accFree;
    SP::SiconosVector work_tdg;
    SP::SiconosMatrix Mold;

    if ((dsType == Type::LagrangianDS) || (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS))
      SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);
      accFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free); /* POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : will contain
                                                       * the acceleration without contact force */

      // get left state from memory
      SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0); // right limit
      Mold = d->mass();


      if (! d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free_tdg))
        d->allocateWorkVector(DynamicalSystem::free_tdg, d->dimension()) ;
      work_tdg = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free_tdg);

      if (d->forces())
        d->computeForces(told, qold, vold);

        *accFree += *(d->forces());
      Mold->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*accFree); // contains left (right limit) acceleration without contact force
      d->addWorkVector(accFree,DynamicalSystem::free_tdg); // store the value in WorkFreeFree
    else if(dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
      SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
      accFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains acceleration without contact force

      // get left state from memory
      SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0); // right limit
      //Mold = d->mass();
      Mold.reset(new SimpleMatrix(*(d->mass()))); // we copy the mass matrix to avoid its factorization

      if (! d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free_tdg))
        d->allocateWorkVector(DynamicalSystem::free_tdg, d->dimension()) ;

      work_tdg = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free_tdg);

      if (d->forces())
        d->computeForces(told, qold, vold);

        *accFree += *(d->forces());
      Mold->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*accFree); // contains left (right limit) acceleration without contact force

      d->addWorkVector(accFree,DynamicalSystem::free_tdg); // store the value in WorkFreeFree

      RuntimeException::selfThrow("D1MinusLinearOSI::computeResidu - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);

    DEBUG_PRINT("accFree contains right limit acceleration at  t^+_k with contact force :\n");
    DEBUG_PRINT("work_tdg contains right limit acceleration at t^+_k without contact force :\n");


  if (!allOSNS->empty())
    if (indexSet2->size() >0)
      InteractionsGraph::VIterator ui, uiend;
      SP::Interaction inter;
      for (std11::tie(ui, uiend) = indexSet2->vertices(); ui != uiend; ++ui)
        inter = indexSet2->bundle(*ui);
        inter->relation()->computeJach(t, *inter, indexSet2->properties(*ui));
        inter->relation()->computeJacg(told, *inter, indexSet2->properties(*ui));

      if (_simulation->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->topology()->hasChanged())
        for (OSNSIterator itOsns = allOSNS->begin(); itOsns != allOSNS->end(); ++itOsns)
      assert((*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1]);

      if (((*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1]->hasInteractions())) // it should be equivalent to indexSet2
        DEBUG_PRINT("We compute lambda^+_{k} \n");
        (*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1]->compute(told);
        DEBUG_EXPR((*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1]->display());

      // Note Franck : at the time this results in a call to swapInMem of all Interactions of the NSDS
      // So let the simu do this.
      //(*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1]->saveInMemory(); // we push y and lambda in Memories

      for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
        if (!checkOSI(dsi)) continue;
        SP::DynamicalSystem ds = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->bundle(*dsi);

        Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
        if ((dsType == Type::LagrangianDS) || (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS))
          SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);
          SP::SiconosVector accFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains acceleration without contact force

          SP::SiconosVector dummy(new SiconosVector(*(d->p(2)))); // value = contact force
          SP::SiconosMatrix Mold = d->mass();
          *accFree  += *(dummy);

        else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
          SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
          SP::SiconosVector accFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains acceleration without contact force

          SP::SiconosVector dummy(new SiconosVector(*(d->p(2)))); // value = contact force
          SP::SiconosMatrix Mold(new SimpleMatrix(*(d->mass())));  // we copy the mass matrix to avoid its factorization
          *accFree  += *(dummy);


          RuntimeException::selfThrow("D1MinusLinearOSI::computeResidu - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);


   *  Step 2 -  compute v_{k,1}


  for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
    if (!checkOSI(dsi)) continue;
    SP::DynamicalSystem ds = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->bundle(*dsi);

    // type of the current DS
    Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
    /* \warning the following conditional statement should be removed with a MechanicalDS class */
    if ((dsType == Type::LagrangianDS) || (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS))
      SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);
      SP::SiconosVector accFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free); // contains acceleration without contact force

      // get left state from memory
      SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);

      // initialize *it->residuFree and predicted right velocity (left limit)
      SP::SiconosVector residuFree = ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu); // contains residu without nonsmooth effect
      SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity(); //contains velocity v_{k+1}^- and not free velocity


      *residuFree -= 0.5 * h**accFree;

      *v += h**accFree;
      *v += *vold;


      SP::SiconosVector q = d->q(); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains position q_{k+1}
      *q = *qold;

      scal(0.5 * h, *vold + *v, *q, false);
    else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
      SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
      SP::SiconosVector accFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);

      // get left state from memory
      SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);

      // initialize *it->residuFree and predicted right velocity (left limit)
      SP::SiconosVector residuFree = ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu); // contains residu without nonsmooth effect
      SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity(); //contains velocity v_{k+1}^- and not free velocity


      *residuFree -= 0.5 * h**accFree;

      *v += h**accFree;
      *v += *vold;


      //first step consists in computing  \dot q.
      //second step consists in updating q.
      SP::SiconosMatrix T = d->T();
      SP::SiconosVector dotq = d->dotq();
      prod(*T, *v, *dotq, true);

      SP::SiconosVector dotqold = d->dotqMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);

      SP::SiconosVector q = d->q(); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains position q_{k+1}
      *q = *qold;

      scal(0.5 * h, *dotqold + *dotq, *q, false);
      DEBUG_PRINT("new q before normalizing\n");
      //q[3:6] must be normalized
      DEBUG_PRINT("new q after normalizing\n");

      RuntimeException::selfThrow("D1MinusLinearOSI::computeResidu - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);

    /** At this step, we obtain
     * \f[
     * \begin{cases}
     * v_{k,0} = \mbox{\tt vold} \\
     * q_{k,0} = qold \\
     * F_{k,+} = F(told,qold,vold) \\
     * Work_{freefree} =  M^{-1}_k (F^+_{k})  \mbox{stored in work_tdg} \\
     * Work_{free} =  M^{-1}_k (P^+_{2,k}+F^+_{k})  \mbox{stored in accFree} \\
     * R_{free} = -h/2 * M^{-1}_k (P^+_{2,k}+F^+_{k})  \mbox{stored in ResiduFree} \\
     * v_{k,1} = v_{k,0} + h * M^{-1}_k (P^+_{2,k}+F^+_{k})  \mbox{stored in v} \\
     * q_{k,1} = q_{k,0} + \frac{h}{2} (v_{k,0} + v_{k,1}) \mbox{stored in q} \\
     * \end{cases}
     * \f]

  /** Decide of the strategy impact or smooth multiplier.
   *  Compute _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep
  _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = false;
  if (!allOSNS->empty())

    for (unsigned int level = _simulation->levelMinForOutput();
         level < _simulation->levelMaxForOutput(); level++)

    SP::Topology topo =  _simulation->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->topology();
    SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet3 = topo->indexSet(3);

    if (indexSet3->size() > 0)
      _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = true;
      DEBUG_PRINT("There is an impact in the step. indexSet3->size() > 0. _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = true;\n");
      _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = false;
      DEBUG_PRINT("There is no  impact in the step. indexSet3->size() = 0. _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = false;\n");

  /* If _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = true;
   * we recompute residuFree by removing the contribution of the nonimpulsive contact forces.
   * We add the contribution of the external forces at the end
   * of the time--step
   * If _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = false;
   * we recompute residuFree by adding   the contribution of the external forces at the end
   * and the contribution of the nonimpulsive contact forces that are computed by solving the osnsp.
  if (_isThereImpactInTheTimeStep)

    DEBUG_PRINT("There is an impact in the step. indexSet3->size() > 0.  _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = true\n");
    for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
      if (!checkOSI(dsi)) continue;
      SP::DynamicalSystem ds = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->bundle(*dsi);

      // type of the current DS
      Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
      /* \warning the following conditional statement should be removed with a MechanicalDS class */
      if ((dsType == Type::LagrangianDS) || (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS))
        SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);
        SP::SiconosVector residuFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu);
        SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity();
        SP::SiconosVector q = d->q();
        SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
        SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0); // right limit

        SP::SiconosMatrix M = d->mass(); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains mass matrix

        SP::SiconosVector work_tdg = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free_tdg);
        *residuFree =  - 0.5 * h**work_tdg;

        if (d->forces())
          d->computeForces(t, q, v);
          *work_tdg = *(d->forces());

        M->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*work_tdg); // contains right (left limit) acceleration without contact force
        *residuFree -= 0.5 * h**work_tdg;
      else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
        SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
        SP::SiconosVector residuFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu);
        SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity();
        SP::SiconosVector q = d->q();
        SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
        SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0); // right limit

        SP::SiconosMatrix M(new SimpleMatrix(*(d->mass()))); // we copy the mass matrix to avoid its factorization;

        SP::SiconosVector work_tdg = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free_tdg);
        *residuFree = 0.5 * h**work_tdg;

        if (d->forces())
          d->computeForces(t, q, v);
          *work_tdg += *(d->forces());

        M->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*work_tdg); // contains right (left limit) acceleration without contact force
        *residuFree -= 0.5 * h**work_tdg;
        RuntimeException::selfThrow("D1MinusLinearOSI::computeResidu - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);
    DEBUG_PRINT("There is no  impact in the step. indexSet3->size() = 0. _isThereImpactInTheTimeStep = false;\n");
    // -- RIGHT SIDE --
    // calculate acceleration without contact force

    for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
      if (!checkOSI(dsi)) continue;
      SP::DynamicalSystem ds = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->bundle(*dsi);

      // type of the current DS
      Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
      /* \warning the following conditional statement should be removed with a MechanicalDS class */
      if ((dsType == Type::LagrangianDS) || (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS))

        SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);
        SP::SiconosVector accFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains acceleration without contact force
        // get right state from memory
        SP::SiconosVector q = d->q(); // contains position q_{k+1}
        SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity(); // contains velocity v_{k+1}^- and not free velocity
        SP::SiconosMatrix M = d->mass(); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains mass matrix

        // Lagrangian Nonlinear Systems
        if (dsType == Type::LagrangianDS || dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS)

          if (d->forces())
            d->computeForces(t, q, v);
            *accFree += *(d->forces());
          ("D1MinusLinearOSI::computeResidu - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);

        M->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*accFree); // contains right (left limit) acceleration without contact force
        DEBUG_PRINT("accFree contains left limit acceleration at  t^-_{k+1} without contact force :\n");
      else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
        SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
        SP::SiconosVector accFree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains acceleration without contact force
        // get right state from memory
        SP::SiconosVector q = d->q(); // contains position q_{k+1}
        SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity(); // contains velocity v_{k+1}^- and not free velocity
        SP::SiconosMatrix M(new SimpleMatrix(*(d->mass()))); // we copy the mass matrix to avoid its factorization;


        if (d->forces())
          d->computeForces(t, q, v);
          *accFree += *(d->forces());

        M->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*accFree); // contains right (left limit) acceleration without contact force
        DEBUG_PRINT("accFree contains left limit acceleration at  t^-_{k+1} without contact force :\n");
        RuntimeException::selfThrow("D1MinusLinearOSI::computeResidu - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);


    // solve a LCP at acceleration level only for contacts which have been active at the beginning of the time-step
    if (!allOSNS->empty())
      // for (unsigned int level = _simulation->levelMinForOutput(); level < _simulation->levelMaxForOutput(); level++)
      // {
      //   _simulation->updateOutput(level);
      // }
      // _simulation->updateIndexSets();
      DEBUG_PRINT("We compute lambda^-_{k+1} \n");
      InteractionsGraph::VIterator ui, uiend;
      SP::Interaction inter;
      for (std11::tie(ui, uiend) = indexSet2->vertices(); ui != uiend; ++ui)
        inter = indexSet2->bundle(*ui);
        inter->relation()->computeJach(t, *inter, indexSet2->properties(*ui));
        inter->relation()->computeJacg(t, *inter, indexSet2->properties(*ui));
      if (_simulation->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->topology()->hasChanged())
        for (OSNSIterator itOsns = allOSNS->begin(); itOsns != allOSNS->end(); ++itOsns)

      if (((*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1]->hasInteractions()))
        (*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1]->compute(t);
        DEBUG_EXPR((*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1]->display(););
Beispiel #9
void SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeOutput(InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor& vertex_inter, OneStepNSProblem* osnsp)
  /** \warning: ensures that it can also work with two different osi for two different ds ?

  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet = osnsp->simulation()->indexSet(osnsp->indexSetLevel());
  SP::Interaction inter = indexSet->bundle(vertex_inter);
  SP::OneStepNSProblems  allOSNS  = simulationLink->oneStepNSProblems();

  VectorOfBlockVectors& DSlink = *indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).DSlink;
  // Get relation and non smooth law types
  RELATION::TYPES relationType = inter->relation()->getType();
  RELATION::SUBTYPES relationSubType = inter->relation()->getSubType();
  unsigned int sizeY = inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size();

  unsigned int relativePosition = 0;

  Index coord(8);
  coord[0] = relativePosition;
  coord[1] = relativePosition + sizeY;
  coord[2] = 0;
  coord[4] = 0;
  coord[6] = 0;
  coord[7] = sizeY;
  SP::SiconosMatrix  C;
  SP::SiconosMatrix  D;
  SP::SiconosMatrix  F;
  SP::BlockVector deltax;
  SiconosVector& yForNSsolver = *inter->yForNSsolver();
  SP::SiconosVector e;
  SP::BlockVector Xfree;

  if (relationType == NewtonEuler)
    Xfree = DSlink[NewtonEulerR::xfree];
  else if (relationType == Lagrangian)
    Xfree = DSlink[LagrangianR::xfree];



  SP::Interaction mainInteraction = inter;

  if (relationSubType == LinearTIR)

    if (((*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY]).get() != osnsp)
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeOutput not yet implemented for SICONOS_OSNSP ");

    C = mainInteraction->relation()->C();

    if (C)


      coord[3] = C->size(1);
      coord[5] = C->size(1);
      // creates a POINTER link between workX[ds] (xfree) and the
      // corresponding interactionBlock in each Interactionfor each ds of the
      // current Interaction.

      if (_useGammaForRelation)
        subprod(*C, *deltax, yForNSsolver, coord, true);
        subprod(*C, *Xfree, yForNSsolver, coord, true);
        //        subprod(*C,*(*(mainInteraction->dynamicalSystemsBegin()))->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free),*Yp,coord,true);
        //        if (mainInteraction->dynamicalSystems()->size() == 2)
        //        {
        //          subprod(*C,*(*++(mainInteraction->dynamicalSystemsBegin()))->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free),*Yp,coord,false);
        //        }

    SP::LagrangianLinearTIR ltir = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianLinearTIR> (mainInteraction->relation());
    e = ltir->e();
    if (e)
      yForNSsolver += *e;

    RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::ComputeFreeOutput not yet implemented  for relation of Type : " + relationType);

  if (inter->relation()->getSubType() == LinearTIR)
    SP::SiconosVisitor nslEffectOnFreeOutput(new _NSLEffectOnFreeOutput(osnsp, inter));

Beispiel #10
void LinearOSNS::computeDiagonalInteractionBlock(const InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor& vd)
  DEBUG_BEGIN("LinearOSNS::computeDiagonalInteractionBlock(const InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor& vd)\n");

  // Computes matrix _interactionBlocks[inter1][inter1] (and allocates memory if
  // necessary) one or two DS are concerned by inter1 .  How
  // _interactionBlocks are computed depends explicitely on the type of
  // Relation of each Interaction.

  // Warning: we suppose that at this point, all non linear
  // operators (G for lagrangian relation for example) have been
  // computed through plug-in mechanism.

  // Get dimension of the NonSmoothLaw (ie dim of the interactionBlock)
  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet = simulation()->indexSet(indexSetLevel());
  SP::Interaction inter = indexSet->bundle(vd);
  // Get osi property from interaction
  // We assume that all ds in vertex_inter have the same osi.
  SP::OneStepIntegrator Osi = indexSet->properties(vd).osi;
  //SP::OneStepIntegrator Osi = simulation()->integratorOfDS(ds);
  OSI::TYPES  osiType = Osi->getType();

  // At most 2 DS are linked by an Interaction
  SP::DynamicalSystem DS1;
  SP::DynamicalSystem DS2;
  unsigned int pos1, pos2;
  // --- Get the dynamical system(s) (edge(s)) connected to the current interaction (vertex) ---
  if (indexSet->properties(vd).source != indexSet->properties(vd).target)
    DEBUG_PRINT("a two DS Interaction\n");
    DS1 = indexSet->properties(vd).source;
    DS2 = indexSet->properties(vd).target;
    DEBUG_PRINT("a single DS Interaction\n");
    DS1 = indexSet->properties(vd).source;
    DS2 = DS1;
    // \warning this looks like some debug code, but it gets executed even with NDEBUG.
    // may be compiler does something smarter, but still it should be rewritten. --xhub
    InteractionsGraph::OEIterator oei, oeiend;
    for (std11::tie(oei, oeiend) = indexSet->out_edges(vd);
         oei != oeiend; ++oei)
      // note : at most 4 edges
      DS2 = indexSet->bundle(*oei);
      if (DS2 != DS1)
  pos1 = indexSet->properties(vd).source_pos;
  pos2 = indexSet->properties(vd).target_pos;

  // --- Check block size ---
  assert(indexSet->properties(vd).block->size(0) == inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size());
  assert(indexSet->properties(vd).block->size(1) == inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size());

  // --- Compute diagonal block ---
  // Block to be set in OSNS Matrix, corresponding to
  // the current interaction
  SP::SiconosMatrix currentInteractionBlock = indexSet->properties(vd).block;
  SP::SiconosMatrix leftInteractionBlock, rightInteractionBlock;

  RELATION::TYPES relationType;
  double h = simulation()->currentTimeStep();

  // General form of the interactionBlock is : interactionBlock =
  // a*extraInteractionBlock + b * leftInteractionBlock * centralInteractionBlocks
  // * rightInteractionBlock a and b are scalars, centralInteractionBlocks a
  // matrix depending on the integrator (and on the DS), the
  // simulation type ...  left, right and extra depend on the relation
  // type and the non smooth law.
  relationType = inter->relation()->getType();
  VectorOfSMatrices& workMInter = *indexSet->properties(vd).workMatrices;

  inter->getExtraInteractionBlock(currentInteractionBlock, workMInter);

  unsigned int nslawSize = inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size();
  // loop over the DS connected to the interaction.
  bool endl = false;
  unsigned int pos = pos1;
  for (SP::DynamicalSystem ds = DS1; !endl; ds = DS2)
    assert(ds == DS1 || ds == DS2);
    endl = (ds == DS2);
    unsigned int sizeDS = ds->dimension();
    // get _interactionBlocks corresponding to the current DS
    // These _interactionBlocks depends on the relation type.
    leftInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(nslawSize, sizeDS));
    inter->getLeftInteractionBlockForDS(pos, leftInteractionBlock, workMInter);
    // Computing depends on relation type -> move this in Interaction method?
    if (relationType == FirstOrder)

      rightInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeDS, nslawSize));

      inter->getRightInteractionBlockForDS(pos, rightInteractionBlock, workMInter);

      if (osiType == OSI::EULERMOREAUOSI)
        if ((std11::static_pointer_cast<EulerMoreauOSI> (Osi))->useGamma() || (std11::static_pointer_cast<EulerMoreauOSI> (Osi))->useGammaForRelation())
          *rightInteractionBlock *= (std11::static_pointer_cast<EulerMoreauOSI> (Osi))->gamma();

      // for ZOH, we have a different formula ...
      if (osiType == OSI::ZOHOSI && indexSet->properties(vd).forControl)
        *rightInteractionBlock = std11::static_pointer_cast<ZeroOrderHoldOSI>(Osi)->Bd(ds);
        prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *rightInteractionBlock, *currentInteractionBlock, false);
        // centralInteractionBlock contains a lu-factorized matrix and we solve
        // centralInteractionBlock * X = rightInteractionBlock with PLU
        SP::SiconosMatrix centralInteractionBlock = getOSIMatrix(Osi, ds);
        inter->computeKhat(*rightInteractionBlock, workMInter, h); // if K is non 0

        //      integration of r with theta method removed
        //      *currentInteractionBlock += h *Theta[*itDS]* *leftInteractionBlock * (*rightInteractionBlock); //left = C, right = W.B
        *leftInteractionBlock *= h;
        prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *rightInteractionBlock, *currentInteractionBlock, false);
        //left = C, right = inv(W).B

    else if (relationType == Lagrangian ||
             relationType == NewtonEuler)

      SP::BoundaryCondition bc;
      Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
      if (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS || dsType == Type::LagrangianDS)
        SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);
        if (d->boundaryConditions()) bc = d->boundaryConditions();
      else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
        SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
        if (d->boundaryConditions()) bc = d->boundaryConditions();
      if (bc)
        for (std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator itindex = bc->velocityIndices()->begin() ;
             itindex != bc->velocityIndices()->end();
          // (nslawSize,sizeDS));
          SP::SiconosVector coltmp(new SiconosVector(nslawSize));
          leftInteractionBlock->setCol(*itindex, *coltmp);
      DEBUG_PRINT("leftInteractionBlock after application of boundary conditions\n");
Beispiel #11
void OneStepNSProblem::updateInteractionBlocks()
  DEBUG_PRINT("OneStepNSProblem::updateInteractionBlocks() starts\n");
  // The present functions checks various conditions and possibly
  // compute interactionBlocks matrices.
  // Let interi and interj be two Interactions.
  // Things to be checked are:
  //  1 - is the topology time invariant?
  //  2 - does interactionBlocks[interi][interj] already exists (ie has been
  //  computed in a previous time step)?
  //  3 - do we need to compute this interactionBlock? A interactionBlock is
  //  to be computed if interi and interj are in IndexSet1 AND if interi and
  //  interj have common DynamicalSystems.
  // The possible cases are:
  //  - If 1 and 2 are true then it does nothing. 3 is not checked.
  //  - If 1 == true, 2 == false, 3 == false, it does nothing.
  //  - If 1 == true, 2 == false, 3 == true, it computes the
  //    interactionBlock.
  //  - If 1==false, 2 is not checked, and the interactionBlock is
  //    computed if 3==true.

  // Get index set from Simulation
  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet = simulation()->indexSet(indexSetLevel());

  bool isLinear = simulation()->model()->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->isLinear();

  // we put diagonal informations on vertices
  // self loops with bgl are a *nightmare* at the moment
  // (patch 65198 on standard boost install)

  if (indexSet->properties().symmetric)
    DEBUG_PRINT("OneStepNSProblem::updateInteractionBlocks(). Symmetric case");
    InteractionsGraph::VIterator vi, viend;
    for (std11::tie(vi, viend) = indexSet->vertices();
         vi != viend; ++vi)
      SP::Interaction inter = indexSet->bundle(*vi);
      unsigned int nslawSize = inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size();
      if (! indexSet->properties(*vi).block)
        indexSet->properties(*vi).block.reset(new SimpleMatrix(nslawSize, nslawSize));

      if (!isLinear || !_hasBeenUpdated)

    /* interactionBlock must be zeroed at init */
    std::vector<bool> initialized;
    std::fill(initialized.begin(), initialized.end(), false);

    InteractionsGraph::EIterator ei, eiend;
    for (std11::tie(ei, eiend) = indexSet->edges();
         ei != eiend; ++ei)
      SP::Interaction inter1 = indexSet->bundle(indexSet->source(*ei));
      SP::Interaction inter2 = indexSet->bundle(indexSet->target(*ei));

      /* on adjoint graph there is at most 2 edges between source and target */
      InteractionsGraph::EDescriptor ed1, ed2;
      std11::tie(ed1, ed2) = indexSet->edges(indexSet->source(*ei), indexSet->target(*ei));

      assert(*ei == ed1 || *ei == ed2);

      /* the first edge has the lower index */
      assert(indexSet->index(ed1) <= indexSet->index(ed2));

      // Memory allocation if needed
      unsigned int nslawSize1 = inter1->nonSmoothLaw()->size();
      unsigned int nslawSize2 = inter2->nonSmoothLaw()->size();
      unsigned int isrc = indexSet->index(indexSet->source(*ei));
      unsigned int itar = indexSet->index(indexSet->target(*ei));

      SP::SiconosMatrix currentInteractionBlock;

      if (itar > isrc) // upper block
        if (! indexSet->properties(ed1).upper_block)
          indexSet->properties(ed1).upper_block.reset(new SimpleMatrix(nslawSize1, nslawSize2));
          if (ed2 != ed1)
            indexSet->properties(ed2).upper_block = indexSet->properties(ed1).upper_block;
        currentInteractionBlock = indexSet->properties(ed1).upper_block;
      else  // lower block
        if (! indexSet->properties(ed1).lower_block)
          indexSet->properties(ed1).lower_block.reset(new SimpleMatrix(nslawSize1, nslawSize2));
          if (ed2 != ed1)
            indexSet->properties(ed2).lower_block = indexSet->properties(ed1).lower_block;
        currentInteractionBlock = indexSet->properties(ed1).lower_block;

      if (!initialized[indexSet->index(ed1)])
        initialized[indexSet->index(ed1)] = true;
      if (!isLinear || !_hasBeenUpdated)

        // allocation for transposed block
        // should be avoided

        if (itar > isrc) // upper block has been computed
          if (!indexSet->properties(ed1).lower_block)
            reset(new SimpleMatrix(indexSet->properties(ed1).upper_block->size(1),
          indexSet->properties(ed2).lower_block = indexSet->properties(ed1).lower_block;
          assert(itar < isrc);    // lower block has been computed
          if (!indexSet->properties(ed1).upper_block)
            reset(new SimpleMatrix(indexSet->properties(ed1).lower_block->size(1),
          indexSet->properties(ed2).upper_block = indexSet->properties(ed1).upper_block;
  else // not symmetric => follow out_edges for each vertices
    DEBUG_PRINT("OneStepNSProblem::updateInteractionBlocks(). Non symmetric case\n");

    InteractionsGraph::VIterator vi, viend;

    for (std11::tie(vi, viend) = indexSet->vertices();
         vi != viend; ++vi)
      DEBUG_PRINT("OneStepNSProblem::updateInteractionBlocks(). Computation of diaganal block\n");
      SP::Interaction inter = indexSet->bundle(*vi);
      unsigned int nslawSize = inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size();
      if (! indexSet->properties(*vi).block)
        indexSet->properties(*vi).block.reset(new SimpleMatrix(nslawSize, nslawSize));

      if (!isLinear || !_hasBeenUpdated)

      /* on a undirected graph, out_edges gives all incident edges */
      InteractionsGraph::OEIterator oei, oeiend;
      /* interactionBlock must be zeroed at init */
      std::map<SP::SiconosMatrix, bool> initialized;
      for (std11::tie(oei, oeiend) = indexSet->out_edges(*vi);
           oei != oeiend; ++oei)
        /* on adjoint graph there is at most 2 edges between source and target */
        InteractionsGraph::EDescriptor ed1, ed2;
        std11::tie(ed1, ed2) = indexSet->edges(indexSet->source(*oei), indexSet->target(*oei));
        if (indexSet->properties(ed1).upper_block)
          initialized[indexSet->properties(ed1).upper_block] = false;
        // if(indexSet->properties(ed2).upper_block)
        // {
        //   initialized[indexSet->properties(ed2).upper_block] = false;
        // }

        if (indexSet->properties(ed1).lower_block)
          initialized[indexSet->properties(ed1).lower_block] = false;
        // if(indexSet->properties(ed2).lower_block)
        // {
        //   initialized[indexSet->properties(ed2).lower_block] = false;
        // }


      for (std11::tie(oei, oeiend) = indexSet->out_edges(*vi);
           oei != oeiend; ++oei)
        DEBUG_PRINT("OneStepNSProblem::updateInteractionBlocks(). Computation of extra-diaganal block\n");

        /* on adjoint graph there is at most 2 edges between source and target */
        InteractionsGraph::EDescriptor ed1, ed2;
        std11::tie(ed1, ed2) = indexSet->edges(indexSet->source(*oei), indexSet->target(*oei));

        assert(*oei == ed1 || *oei == ed2);

        /* the first edge as the lower index */
        assert(indexSet->index(ed1) <= indexSet->index(ed2));

        SP::Interaction inter1 = indexSet->bundle(indexSet->source(*oei));
        SP::Interaction inter2 = indexSet->bundle(indexSet->target(*oei));

        // Memory allocation if needed
        unsigned int nslawSize1 = inter1->nonSmoothLaw()->size();
        unsigned int nslawSize2 = inter2->nonSmoothLaw()->size();
        unsigned int isrc = indexSet->index(indexSet->source(*oei));
        unsigned int itar = indexSet->index(indexSet->target(*oei));

        SP::SiconosMatrix currentInteractionBlock;

        if (itar > isrc) // upper block
          if (! indexSet->properties(ed1).upper_block)
            indexSet->properties(ed1).upper_block.reset(new SimpleMatrix(nslawSize1, nslawSize2));
            initialized[indexSet->properties(ed1).upper_block] = false;
            if (ed2 != ed1)
              indexSet->properties(ed2).upper_block = indexSet->properties(ed1).upper_block;
          currentInteractionBlock = indexSet->properties(ed1).upper_block;

        else  // lower block
          if (! indexSet->properties(ed1).lower_block)
            indexSet->properties(ed1).lower_block.reset(new SimpleMatrix(nslawSize1, nslawSize2));
            initialized[indexSet->properties(ed1).lower_block] = false;
            if (ed2 != ed1)
              indexSet->properties(ed2).lower_block = indexSet->properties(ed1).lower_block;
          currentInteractionBlock = indexSet->properties(ed1).lower_block;

        if (!initialized[currentInteractionBlock])
          initialized[currentInteractionBlock] = true;

        if (!isLinear || !_hasBeenUpdated)
          if (isrc != itar)


Beispiel #12
void SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeState()
  // This function computes "free" states of the DS belonging to this Integrator.
  // "Free" means without taking non-smooth effects into account.

  //double t = _simulation->nextTime(); // End of the time step
  //double told = _simulation->startingTime(); // Beginning of the time step
  //double h = t-told; // time step length

  // Operators computed at told have index i, and (i+1) at t.

  //  Note: integration of r with a theta method has been removed
  //  SiconosVector *rold = static_cast<SiconosVector*>(d->rMemory()->getSiconosVector(0));

  // Iteration through the set of Dynamical Systems.
  SP::DynamicalSystem ds; // Current Dynamical System.
  SP::SiconosMatrix W; // W SchatzmanPaoliOSI matrix of the current DS.
  Type::Siconos dsType ; // Type of the current DS.

  DynamicalSystemsGraph::VIterator dsi, dsend;
  for (std11::tie(dsi, dsend) = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->vertices(); dsi != dsend; ++dsi)
    if (!checkOSI(dsi)) continue;

    ds = _dynamicalSystemsGraph->bundle(*dsi);
    dsType = Type::value(*ds); // Its type
    W =  _dynamicalSystemsGraph->properties(*dsi).W; // Its W SchatzmanPaoliOSI matrix of iteration.

    //1 - Lagrangian Non Linear Systems
    if (dsType == Type::LagrangianDS)

      RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeState - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);
    // 2 - Lagrangian Linear Systems
    else if (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS)
      // IN to be updated at current time: Fext
      // IN at told: qi,vi, fext
      // IN constants: K,C

      // Note: indices i/i+1 corresponds to value at the beginning/end of the time step.
      // "i" values are saved in memory vectors.

      // vFree = v_i + W^{-1} ResiduFree    // with
      // ResiduFree = (-h*C -h^2*theta*K)*vi - h*K*qi + h*theta * Fext_i+1 + h*(1-theta)*Fext_i

      // -- Convert the DS into a Lagrangian one.
      SP::LagrangianLinearTIDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianLinearTIDS> (ds);

      // Get state i (previous time step) from Memories -> var. indexed with "Old"
      SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0); // q_k
      //   SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0); //v_k

      // --- ResiduFree computation ---

      // vFree pointer is used to compute and save ResiduFree in this first step.

      // Velocity free and residu. vFree = RESfree (pointer equality !!).
      SP::SiconosVector qfree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);//workX[d];
      (*qfree) = *(d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu));

      *qfree *= -1.0;
      *qfree += *qold;

    // 3 - Newton Euler Systems
    else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeState - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeState - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);

void MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeInteractionBlock(const InteractionsGraph::EDescriptor& ed)

  // Computes matrix _interactionBlocks[inter1][inter2] (and allocates memory if
  // necessary) if inter1 and inter2 have commond DynamicalSystem.  How
  // _interactionBlocks are computed depends explicitely on the type of
  // Relation of each Interaction.

  // Warning: we suppose that at this point, all non linear
  // operators (G for lagrangian relation for example) have been
  // computed through plug-in mechanism.

  std::cout << "MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeInteractionBlock currentInteractionBlock start " << std::endl;
  // Get dimension of the NonSmoothLaw (ie dim of the interactionBlock)
  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet = simulation()->indexSet(indexSetLevel());

  SP::DynamicalSystem ds = indexSet->bundle(ed);
  SP::Interaction inter1 = indexSet->bundle(indexSet->source(ed));
  SP::Interaction inter2 = indexSet->bundle(indexSet->target(ed));
  // For the edge 'ds', we need to find relative position of this ds
  // in inter1 and inter2 relation matrices (--> pos1 and pos2 below)
  // - find if ds is source or target in inter_i
  InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor vertex_inter;
  // - get the corresponding position
  unsigned int pos1, pos2;
  // source of inter1 :
  vertex_inter = indexSet->source(ed);
  VectorOfSMatrices& workMInter1 = *indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).workMatrices;
  SP::OneStepIntegrator Osi = indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).osi;
  SP::DynamicalSystem tmpds = indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).source;
  if (tmpds == ds)
    pos1 =  indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).source_pos;
    tmpds  = indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).target;
    pos1 =  indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).target_pos;
  // now, inter2
  vertex_inter = indexSet->target(ed);
  VectorOfSMatrices& workMInter2 = *indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).workMatrices;
  tmpds = indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).source;
  if (tmpds == ds)
    pos2 =  indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).source_pos;
    tmpds  = indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).target;
    pos2 =  indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).target_pos;
  unsigned int index1 = indexSet->index(indexSet->source(ed));
  unsigned int index2 = indexSet->index(indexSet->target(ed));
  unsigned int sizeY1 = 0;
  sizeY1 = std11::static_pointer_cast<OSNSMatrixProjectOnConstraints>
  unsigned int sizeY2 = 0;
  sizeY2 = std11::static_pointer_cast<OSNSMatrixProjectOnConstraints>
  SP::SiconosMatrix currentInteractionBlock;
  assert(index1 != index2);

  if (index2 > index1) // upper block
    //     if (! indexSet->properties(ed).upper_block)
    //     {
    //       indexSet->properties(ed).upper_block.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY1, sizeY2));
    //     }

    currentInteractionBlock = indexSet->upper_blockProj[ed];
    std::cout << "MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeInteractionBlock currentInteractionBlock " << std::endl;
    //    currentInteractionBlock->display();
    std::cout << "sizeY1 " << sizeY1  << std::endl;
    std::cout << "sizeY2 " << sizeY2  << std::endl;
    std::cout <<  "upper_blockProj " <<  indexSet->upper_blockProj[ed].get() << " of edge " << ed << " of size " << currentInteractionBlock->size(0) << " x " << currentInteractionBlock->size(0) << " for interaction " << inter1->number() << " and interaction " <<  inter2->number() <<  std::endl;
    // std::cout<<"inter1->display() "<< inter1->number()<< std::endl;
    // std::cout<<"inter2->display() "<< inter2->number()<< std::endl;

    assert(currentInteractionBlock->size(0) == sizeY1);
    assert(currentInteractionBlock->size(1) == sizeY2);

  else  // lower block
    //     if (! indexSet->properties(ed).lower_block)
    //     {
    //       indexSet->properties(ed).lower_block.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY1, sizeY2));
    //     }

    assert(indexSet->lower_blockProj[ed]->size(0) == sizeY1);
    assert(indexSet->lower_blockProj[ed]->size(1) == sizeY2);

    currentInteractionBlock = indexSet->lower_blockProj[ed];

  SP::SiconosMatrix leftInteractionBlock, rightInteractionBlock;

  RELATION::TYPES relationType1, relationType2;

  // General form of the interactionBlock is : interactionBlock =
  // a*extraInteractionBlock + b * leftInteractionBlock * centralInteractionBlocks
  // * rightInteractionBlock a and b are scalars, centralInteractionBlocks a
  // matrix depending on the integrator (and on the DS), the
  // simulation type ...  left, right and extra depend on the relation
  // type and the non smooth law.
  relationType1 = inter1->relation()->getType();
  relationType2 = inter2->relation()->getType();
  if (relationType1 == NewtonEuler &&
      relationType2 == NewtonEuler)
    assert(inter1 != inter2);
    unsigned int sizeDS = (std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS>(ds))->getDim();
    leftInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY1, sizeDS));
    inter1->getLeftInteractionBlockForDS(pos1, leftInteractionBlock);
    SP::NewtonEulerDS neds = (std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS>(ds));
    SP::SimpleMatrix T = neds->T();
    SP::SimpleMatrix workT(new SimpleMatrix(*T));
    SP::SimpleMatrix workT2(new SimpleMatrix(6, 6));
    prod(*workT, *T, *workT2, true);
    rightInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY2, sizeDS));
    inter2->getLeftInteractionBlockForDS(pos2, rightInteractionBlock);
    prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *rightInteractionBlock, *currentInteractionBlock, false);


    unsigned int sizeDS = (std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS>(ds))->getqDim();
    leftInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY1, sizeDS));
    inter1->getLeftInteractionBlockForDSProjectOnConstraints(pos1, leftInteractionBlock);
    SP::NewtonEulerDS neds = (std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS>(ds));
    rightInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY2, sizeDS));
    inter2->getLeftInteractionBlockForDSProjectOnConstraints(pos2, rightInteractionBlock);
    prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *rightInteractionBlock, *currentInteractionBlock, false);
  else if (relationType1 == Lagrangian &&
           relationType2 == Lagrangian)
    unsigned int sizeDS =  ds->getDim();
    leftInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY1, sizeDS));
    inter1->getLeftInteractionBlockForDS(pos1, leftInteractionBlock, workMInter1);

    Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
    if (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS || dsType == Type::LagrangianDS)
      SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);

      if (d->boundaryConditions()) // V.A. Should we do that ?
        for (std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator itindex =
               d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->begin() ;
             itindex != d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->end();
          // (sizeY1,sizeDS));
          SP::SiconosVector coltmp(new SiconosVector(sizeY1));
          leftInteractionBlock->setCol(*itindex, *coltmp);
    std::cout << "MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeInteractionBlock : leftInteractionBlock" << std::endl;
    // inter1 != inter2
    rightInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY2, sizeDS));
    inter2->getLeftInteractionBlockForDS(pos2, rightInteractionBlock, workMInter2);
    std::cout << "MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeInteractionBlock : rightInteractionBlock" << std::endl;
    // Warning: we use getLeft for Right interactionBlock
    // because right = transpose(left) and because of
    // size checking inside the getBlock function, a
    // getRight call will fail.
    SP::SiconosMatrix centralInteractionBlock = getOSIMatrix(Osi, ds);
    std::cout << "MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeInteractionBlock : centralInteractionBlocks " << std::endl;

    if (_useMassNormalization)
      //*currentInteractionBlock +=  *leftInteractionBlock ** work;
      prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *rightInteractionBlock, *currentInteractionBlock, false);
      prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *rightInteractionBlock, *currentInteractionBlock, false);
    std::cout << "MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeInteractionBlock : currentInteractionBlock" << std::endl;

    RuntimeException::selfThrow("MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeInteractionBlock not yet implemented for relation of type " + relationType1);

void MLCPProjectOnConstraints::updateInteractionBlocks()
  // The present functions checks various conditions and possibly
  // compute interactionBlocks matrices.
  // Let interi and interj be two Interactions.
  // Things to be checked are:
  //  1 - is the topology time invariant?
  //  2 - does interactionBlocks[interi][interj] already exists (ie has been
  //  computed in a previous time step)?
  //  3 - do we need to compute this interactionBlock? A interactionBlock is
  //  to be computed if interi and interj are in IndexSet1 AND if interi and
  //  interj have common DynamicalSystems.
  // The possible cases are:
  //  - If 1 and 2 are true then it does nothing. 3 is not checked.
  //  - If 1 == true, 2 == false, 3 == false, it does nothing.
  //  - If 1 == true, 2 == false, 3 == true, it computes the
  //    interactionBlock.
  //  - If 1==false, 2 is not checked, and the interactionBlock is
  //    computed if 3==true.

  std::cout <<  " " << std::endl;
  std::cout <<  "===================================================" << std::endl;
  std::cout <<  "MLCPProjectOnConstraints::updateInteractionBlocks()" << std::endl;

  // Get index set from Simulation
  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet = simulation()->indexSet(indexSetLevel());

  // It seems that index() in not update in Index(0)
  // see comment in void Simulation::updateIndexSets()
  if (indexSetLevel() == 0)

  bool isLinear = simulation()->model()->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->isLinear();

  // we put diagonal informations on vertices
  // self loops with bgl are a *nightmare* at the moment
  // (patch 65198 on standard boost install)

  if (indexSet->properties().symmetric)
      (" MLCPProjectOnConstraints::updateInteractionBlocks() - not yet implemented for symmetric case");
  else // not symmetric => follow out_edges for each vertices
    if (!_hasBeenUpdated)
      //      printf("MLCPProjectOnConstraints::updateInteractionBlocks must be updated.\n");
      _n = 0;
      _m = 0;
      _curBlock = 0;
    InteractionsGraph::VIterator vi, viend;
    for (std11::tie(vi, viend) = indexSet->vertices();
         vi != viend; ++vi)

      SP::Interaction inter = indexSet->bundle(*vi);
      unsigned int nslawSize = std11::static_pointer_cast<OSNSMatrixProjectOnConstraints>
      std::cout << " " << std::endl;
      std::cout <<  "Start to work on Interaction " << inter->number() << "of vertex" << *vi <<  std::endl;
      if (! indexSet->blockProj[*vi])
        std::cout <<  "Allocation of blockProj of size " << nslawSize << " x " << nslawSize << " for interaction " << inter->number() <<  std::endl;
        indexSet->blockProj[*vi].reset(new SimpleMatrix(nslawSize, nslawSize));

      if (!isLinear || !_hasBeenUpdated)

      /* on a undirected graph, out_edges gives all incident edges */
      InteractionsGraph::OEIterator oei, oeiend;
      /* interactionBlock must be zeroed at init */
      std::map<SP::SiconosMatrix, bool> initialized;
      for (std11::tie(oei, oeiend) = indexSet->out_edges(*vi);
           oei != oeiend; ++oei)
        /* on adjoint graph there is at most 2 edges between source and target */
        InteractionsGraph::EDescriptor ed1, ed2;
        std11::tie(ed1, ed2) = indexSet->edges(indexSet->source(*oei), indexSet->target(*oei));
        if (indexSet->upper_blockProj[ed1])
          initialized[indexSet->upper_blockProj[ed1]] = false;
        // if(indexSet->upper_blockProj[ed2])
        // {
        //   initialized[indexSet->upper_blockProj[ed1]] = false;
        // }

        if (indexSet->lower_blockProj[ed1])
          initialized[indexSet->lower_blockProj[ed2]] = false;
        // if(indexSet->lower_blockProj[ed2])
        // {
        //   initialized[indexSet->lower_blockProj[ed2]] = false;
        // }

      for (std11::tie(oei, oeiend) = indexSet->out_edges(*vi);
           oei != oeiend; ++oei)

        /* on adjoint graph there is at most 2 edges between source and target */
        InteractionsGraph::EDescriptor ed1, ed2;
        std11::tie(ed1, ed2) = indexSet->edges(indexSet->source(*oei), indexSet->target(*oei));

        assert(*oei == ed1 || *oei == ed2);

        /* the first edge as the lower index */
        assert(indexSet->index(ed1) <= indexSet->index(ed2));

        SP::Interaction inter1 = indexSet->bundle(indexSet->source(*oei));
        SP::Interaction inter2 = indexSet->bundle(indexSet->target(*oei));

        // Memory allocation if needed
        unsigned int nslawSize1 = std11::static_pointer_cast<OSNSMatrixProjectOnConstraints>
        unsigned int nslawSize2 = std11::static_pointer_cast<OSNSMatrixProjectOnConstraints>
        unsigned int isrc = indexSet->index(indexSet->source(*oei));
        unsigned int itar = indexSet->index(indexSet->target(*oei));

        SP::SiconosMatrix currentInteractionBlock;

        if (itar > isrc) // upper block
          if (! indexSet->upper_blockProj[ed1])
            indexSet->upper_blockProj[ed1].reset(new SimpleMatrix(nslawSize1, nslawSize2));
            initialized[indexSet->upper_blockProj[ed1]] = false;
            std::cout <<  "Allocation of upper_blockProj " <<  indexSet->upper_blockProj[ed1].get() << " of edge " << ed1 << " of size " << nslawSize1 << " x " << nslawSize2 << " for interaction " << inter1->number() << " and interaction " <<  inter2->number() <<  std::endl;

            if (ed2 != ed1)
              indexSet->upper_blockProj[ed2] = indexSet->upper_blockProj[ed1];
            std::cout <<  "No Allocation of upper_blockProj of size " << nslawSize1 << " x " << nslawSize2 <<  std::endl;
          currentInteractionBlock = indexSet->upper_blockProj[ed1];
          std::cout << "currentInteractionBlock->size(0)" << currentInteractionBlock->size(0) << std::endl;
          std::cout << "currentInteractionBlock->size(1)" << currentInteractionBlock->size(1) << std::endl;

          std::cout << "inter1->display() " << inter1->number() << std::endl;

          std::cout << "inter2->display() " << inter2->number() << std::endl;
        else  // lower block
          if (! indexSet->lower_blockProj[ed1])

            std::cout <<  "Allocation of lower_blockProj of size " << nslawSize1 << " x " << nslawSize2 << " for interaction " << inter1->number() << " and interaction " <<  inter2->number() <<  std::endl;
            indexSet->lower_blockProj[ed1].reset(new SimpleMatrix(nslawSize1, nslawSize2));
            initialized[indexSet->lower_blockProj[ed1]] = false;
            if (ed2 != ed1)
              indexSet->lower_blockProj[ed2] = indexSet->lower_blockProj[ed1];
            std::cout <<  "No Allocation of lower_blockProj of size " << nslawSize1 << " x " << nslawSize2 <<  std::endl;
          currentInteractionBlock = indexSet->lower_blockProj[ed1];

          std::cout << "currentInteractionBlock->size(0)" << currentInteractionBlock->size(0) << std::endl;
          std::cout << "currentInteractionBlock->size(1)" << currentInteractionBlock->size(1) << std::endl;

          std::cout << "inter1->display() " << inter1->number() << std::endl;

          std::cout << "inter2->display() " << inter2->number() << std::endl;



        if (!initialized[currentInteractionBlock])
          initialized[currentInteractionBlock] = true;

        if (!isLinear || !_hasBeenUpdated)
          if (isrc != itar)


void MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeDiagonalInteractionBlock(const InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor& vd)
  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet = simulation()->indexSet(indexSetLevel());

  SP::DynamicalSystem DS1 = indexSet->properties(vd).source;
  SP::DynamicalSystem DS2 = indexSet->properties(vd).target;
  SP::Interaction inter = indexSet->bundle(vd);
  SP::OneStepIntegrator Osi = indexSet->properties(vd).osi;
  unsigned int pos1, pos2;
  pos1 = indexSet->properties(vd).source_pos;
  pos2 = indexSet->properties(vd).target_pos;

  unsigned int sizeY = 0;
  sizeY = std11::static_pointer_cast<OSNSMatrixProjectOnConstraints>

  std::cout << "\nMLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeDiagonalInteractionBlock" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << "indexSetLevel()" << indexSetLevel() << std::endl;
  //   std::cout << "indexSet :"<< indexSet << std::endl;
  //   std::cout << "vd :"<< vd << std::endl;
  //  indexSet->display();
  //  std::cout << "DS1 :" << std::endl;
  // DS1->display();
  //  std::cout << "DS2 :" << std::endl;
  // DS2->display();
  SP::SiconosMatrix currentInteractionBlock = indexSet->blockProj[vd];

  //     std::cout<<"MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeDiagonalInteractionBlock  "<<std::endl;
  //    currentInteractionBlock->display();
  std::cout << "sizeY " << sizeY  << std::endl;
  std::cout <<  "blockProj " <<  indexSet->blockProj[vd].get() << " of edge " << vd << " of size " << currentInteractionBlock->size(0) << " x " << currentInteractionBlock->size(0) << " for interaction " << inter->number() <<  std::endl;
  // std::cout<<"inter1->display() "<< inter1->number()<< std::endl;
  // std::cout<<"inter2->display() "<< inter2->number()<< std::endl;


  assert(currentInteractionBlock->size(0) == sizeY);
  assert(currentInteractionBlock->size(1) == sizeY);

  if (!_hasBeenUpdated)
    computeOptions(inter, inter);
  // Computes matrix _interactionBlocks[inter1][inter2] (and allocates memory if
  // necessary) if inter1 and inter2 have commond DynamicalSystem.  How
  // _interactionBlocks are computed depends explicitely on the type of
  // Relation of each Interaction.

  // Warning: we suppose that at this point, all non linear
  // operators (G for lagrangian relation for example) have been
  // computed through plug-in mechanism.

  // Get the W and Theta maps of one of the Interaction -
  // Warning: in the current version, if OSI!=MoreauJeanOSI, this fails.
  // If OSI = MOREAU, centralInteractionBlocks = W if OSI = LSODAR,
  // centralInteractionBlocks = M (mass matrices)
  SP::SiconosMatrix leftInteractionBlock, rightInteractionBlock, leftInteractionBlock1;

  // General form of the interactionBlock is : interactionBlock =
  // a*extraInteractionBlock + b * leftInteractionBlock * centralInteractionBlocks
  // * rightInteractionBlock a and b are scalars, centralInteractionBlocks a
  // matrix depending on the integrator (and on the DS), the
  // simulation type ...  left, right and extra depend on the relation
  // type and the non smooth law.

  VectorOfSMatrices& workMInter = *indexSet->properties(vd).workMatrices;


  // loop over the common DS
  bool endl = false;
  unsigned int pos = pos1;
  for (SP::DynamicalSystem ds = DS1; !endl; ds = DS2)
    assert(ds == DS1 || ds == DS2);
    endl = (ds == DS2);

    if (Type::value(*ds) == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS ||
        Type::value(*ds) == Type::LagrangianDS)
      if (inter->relation()->getType() != Lagrangian)
          "MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeDiagonalInteractionBlock - relation is not of type Lagrangian with a LagrangianDS.");

      SP::LagrangianDS lds = (std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS>(ds));
      unsigned int sizeDS = lds->getDim();
      leftInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY, sizeDS));
      inter->getLeftInteractionBlockForDS(pos, leftInteractionBlock, workMInter);

      if (lds->boundaryConditions()) // V.A. Should we do that ?
        for (std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator itindex =
               lds->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->begin() ;
             itindex != lds->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->end();
          // (sizeY,sizeDS));
          SP::SiconosVector coltmp(new SiconosVector(sizeY));
          leftInteractionBlock->setCol(*itindex, *coltmp);
      // (inter1 == inter2)
      SP::SiconosMatrix work(new SimpleMatrix(*leftInteractionBlock));
      //        std::cout<<"LinearOSNS : leftUBlock\n";
      //        work->display();
      //        std::cout<<"LinearOSNS::computeInteractionBlock leftInteractionBlock"<<endl;
      //        leftInteractionBlock->display();

      if (_useMassNormalization)
        SP::SiconosMatrix centralInteractionBlock = getOSIMatrix(Osi, ds);
        prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *work, *currentInteractionBlock, false);
        //      gemm(CblasNoTrans,CblasNoTrans,1.0,*leftInteractionBlock,*work,1.0,*currentInteractionBlock);
        prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *work, *currentInteractionBlock, false);

      //*currentInteractionBlock *=h;
    else if (Type::value(*ds) == Type::NewtonEulerDS)

      if (inter->relation()->getType() != NewtonEuler)
        RuntimeException::selfThrow("MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeDiagonalInteractionBlock - relation is not from NewtonEulerR.");
      SP::NewtonEulerDS neds = (std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS>(ds));
      unsigned int sizeDS = neds->getDim();
      SP::SimpleMatrix T = neds->T();
      SP::SimpleMatrix workT(new SimpleMatrix(*T));
      SP::SimpleMatrix workT2(new SimpleMatrix(6, 6));
      prod(*workT, *T, *workT2, true);
      leftInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY, sizeDS));
      inter->getLeftInteractionBlockForDS(pos, leftInteractionBlock);
      SP::SiconosMatrix work(new SimpleMatrix(*leftInteractionBlock));
      std::cout << "LinearOSNS : leftUBlock\n";
      std::cout << "LinearOSNS::computeInteractionBlock workT2" <<std::endl;
      prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *work, *currentInteractionBlock, false);
      if (0) //(std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerR> inter->relation())->_isConstact){
//        unsigned int sizeDS = neds->getDim();
//        SP::SimpleMatrix T = neds->T();
//        SP::SimpleMatrix workT(new SimpleMatrix(*T));
//        workT->trans();
//        SP::SimpleMatrix workT2(new SimpleMatrix(6, 6));
//        prod(*workT, *T, *workT2, true);
//        leftInteractionBlock1.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY, sizeDS));
//        inter->getLeftInteractionBlockForDS(pos, leftInteractionBlock);
//        leftInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(1, sizeDS));
//        for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < sizeDS; ii++)
//          leftInteractionBlock->setValue(1, ii, leftInteractionBlock1->getValue(1, ii));
//        SP::SiconosMatrix work(new SimpleMatrix(*leftInteractionBlock));
//        //cout<<"LinearOSNS : leftUBlock\n";
//        //work->display();
//        work->trans();
//        //cout<<"LinearOSNS::computeInteractionBlock workT2"<<endl;
//        //workT2->display();
//        workT2->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*work);
//        prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *work, *currentInteractionBlock, false);
        unsigned int sizeDS = (std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS>(ds))->getqDim();
        leftInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY, sizeDS));
        inter->getLeftInteractionBlockForDSProjectOnConstraints(pos, leftInteractionBlock);
        // #ifdef MLCPPROJ_DEBUG
        //          std::cout << "MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeDiagonalInteractionBlock - NewtonEuler case leftInteractionBlock : " << std::endl;
        //         leftInteractionBlock->display();
        // #endif

        SP::SiconosMatrix work(new SimpleMatrix(*leftInteractionBlock));
        //cout<<"LinearOSNS sizeY="<<sizeY<<": leftUBlock\n";
        prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *work, *currentInteractionBlock, false);
        // #ifdef MLCPPROJ_DEBUG
        //          std::cout << "MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeDiagonalInteractionBlock - NewtonEuler case currentInteractionBlock : "<< std::endl;
        //         currentInteractionBlock->display();
        // #endif

      RuntimeException::selfThrow("MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeDiagonalInteractionBlock - ds is not from NewtonEulerDS neither a LagrangianDS.");

    std::cout << "MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeDiagonalInteractionBlock DiaginteractionBlock " << std::endl;
    // Set pos for next loop. 
    pos = pos2;
Beispiel #16
void D1MinusLinearOSI::updateState(const unsigned int level)
  DEBUG_PRINTF("\n D1MinusLinearOSI::updateState(const unsigned int level) start for level = %i\n",level);

  for (DSIterator it = OSIDynamicalSystems->begin(); it != OSIDynamicalSystems->end(); ++it)
    // type of the current DS
    Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(**it);

    /* \warning the following conditional statement should be removed with a MechanicalDS class */
    /* Lagrangian DS*/
    if ((dsType == Type::LagrangianDS) || (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS))
      SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (*it);
      SP::SiconosMatrix M = d->mass();
      SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity();

      DEBUG_PRINT("Position and velocity before update\n");

      /* Add the contribution of the impulse if any */
      if (d->p(1))
        /* copy the value of the impulse */
        SP::SiconosVector dummy(new SiconosVector(*(d->p(1))));
        /* Compute the velocity jump due to the impulse */
        /* Add the velocity jump to the free velocity */
        *v += *dummy;

      DEBUG_PRINT("Position and velocity after update\n");
    /*  NewtonEuler Systems */
    else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
      SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (*it);
      SP::SiconosMatrix M(new SimpleMatrix(*(d->mass()))); // we copy the mass matrix to avoid its factorization;
      SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity(); // POINTER CONSTRUCTOR : contains new velocity
      if (d->p(1))

        // Update the velocity
        SP::SiconosVector dummy(new SiconosVector(*(d->p(1)))); // value = nonsmooth impulse
        M->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*dummy); // solution for its velocity equivalent
        *v += *dummy; // add free velocity

        // update \f$ \dot q \f$
        SP::SiconosMatrix T = d->T();
        SP::SiconosVector dotq = d->dotq();
        prod(*T, *v, *dotq, true);

      RuntimeException::selfThrow("D1MinusLinearOSI::computeResidu - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);


  DEBUG_PRINT("\n D1MinusLinearOSI::updateState(const unsigned int level) end\n");

Beispiel #17
        for (std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator itindex = bc->velocityIndices()->begin() ;
             itindex != bc->velocityIndices()->end();
          // (nslawSize,sizeDS));
          SP::SiconosVector coltmp(new SiconosVector(nslawSize));
          leftInteractionBlock->setCol(*itindex, *coltmp);
      DEBUG_PRINT("leftInteractionBlock after application of boundary conditions\n");
      // (inter1 == inter2)
      SP::SiconosMatrix work(new SimpleMatrix(*leftInteractionBlock));
      SP::SiconosMatrix centralInteractionBlock = getOSIMatrix(Osi, ds);
      DEBUG_EXPR_WE(std::cout <<  std::boolalpha << " centralInteractionBlock->isPLUFactorized() = "<< centralInteractionBlock->isPLUFactorized() << std::endl;);
      //*currentInteractionBlock +=  *leftInteractionBlock ** work;
      prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *work, *currentInteractionBlock, false);
      //      gemm(CblasNoTrans,CblasNoTrans,1.0,*leftInteractionBlock,*work,1.0,*currentInteractionBlock);
      //*currentInteractionBlock *=h;

    else RuntimeException::selfThrow("LinearOSNS::computeInteractionBlock not yet implemented for relation of type " + relationType);
    // Set pos for next loop.
Beispiel #18
void SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState(const unsigned int level)

  double h = simulationLink->timeStep();

  double RelativeTol = simulationLink->relativeConvergenceTol();
  bool useRCC = simulationLink->useRelativeConvergenceCriteron();
  if (useRCC)

  DSIterator it;
  SP::SiconosMatrix W;
  for (it = OSIDynamicalSystems->begin(); it != OSIDynamicalSystems->end(); ++it)
    SP::DynamicalSystem ds = *it;
    W = WMap[ds->number()];
    // Get the DS type

    Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);

    // 1 - Lagrangian Systems
    if (dsType == Type::LagrangianDS || dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS)
      // get dynamical system
      SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);

      //    SiconosVector *vfree = d->velocityFree();
      SP::SiconosVector q = d->q();
      bool baux = dsType == Type::LagrangianDS && useRCC && simulationLink->relativeConvergenceCriterionHeld();
      if (level != LEVELMAX)
        // To compute q, we solve W(q - qfree) = p
        if (d->p(level))
          *q = *d->p(level); // q = p

        // if (d->boundaryConditions())
        //   for (vector<unsigned int>::iterator
        //        itindex = d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->begin() ;
        //        itindex != d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->end();
        //        ++itindex)
        //     v->setValue(*itindex, 0.0);
        *q +=  * ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);

        *q =  * ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);

      // Computation of the velocity

      SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity();
      SP::SiconosVector q_k_1 = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(1); // q_{k-1}

      //  std::cout << "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState - q_k_1 =" <<std::endl;
      // q_k_1->display();
      //  std::cout << "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState - q =" <<std::endl;
      // q->display();

      *v = 1.0 / (2.0 * h) * (*q - *q_k_1);
      //  std::cout << "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState - v =" <<std::endl;
      // v->display();

      // int bc=0;
      // SP::SiconosVector columntmp(new SiconosVector(ds->getDim()));

      // if (d->boundaryConditions())
      // {
      //   for (vector<unsigned int>::iterator  itindex = d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->begin() ;
      //        itindex != d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->end();
      //        ++itindex)
      //   {
      //     _WBoundaryConditionsMap[ds]->getCol(bc,*columntmp);
      //     /*\warning we assume that W is symmetric in the Lagrangian case*/
      //     double value = - inner_prod(*columntmp, *v);
      //     value += (d->p(level))->getValue(*itindex);
      //     /* \warning the computation of reactionToBoundaryConditions take into
      //        account the contact impulse but not the external and internal forces.
      //        A complete computation of the residue should be better */
      //     d->reactionToBoundaryConditions()->setValue(bc,value) ;
      //     bc++;
      //   }

      if (baux)
        ds->subWorkVector(q, DynamicalSystem::local_buffer);
        double aux = ((ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::local_buffer))->norm2()) / (ds->normRef());
        if (aux > RelativeTol)

    //2 - Newton Euler Systems
    else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
      //  // get dynamical system
      //       SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
      //       SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity();
      //       std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updatestate prev v"<<endl;
      //       v->display();
      // #endif

      //       /*d->p has been fill by the Relation->computeInput, it contains
      //            B \lambda _{k+1}*/
      //       *v = *d->p(level); // v = p
      //       d->luW()->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*v);

      //       std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updatestate hWB lambda"<<endl;
      //       v->display();
      // #endif

      //       *v +=  * ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);

      //       std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updatestate work free"<<endl;
      //       ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free)->display();
      //       std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updatestate new v"<<endl;
      //       v->display();
      // #endif
      //       //compute q
      //       //first step consists in computing  \dot q.
      //       //second step consists in updating q.
      //       //
      //       SP::SiconosMatrix T = d->T();
      //       SP::SiconosVector dotq = d->dotq();
      //       prod(*T,*v,*dotq,true);
      //       // std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState v"<<endl;
      //       // v->display();
      //       // std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState dotq"<<endl;
      //       // dotq->display();

      //       SP::SiconosVector q = d->q();

      //       //  -> get previous time step state
      //       SP::SiconosVector dotqold = d->dotqMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      //       SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      //       // *q = *qold + h*(theta * *v +(1.0 - theta)* *vold)
      //       double coeff = h*_theta;
      //       scal(coeff, *dotq, *q) ; // q = h*theta*v
      //       coeff = h*(1-_theta);
      //       scal(coeff,*dotqold,*q,false); // q += h(1-theta)*vold
      //       *q += *qold;
      //       std::cout<<"new q before normalizing"<<endl;
      //       q->display();
      // #endif

      //       //q[3:6] must be normalized
      //       d->normalizeq();
      //       dotq->setValue(3,(q->getValue(3)-qold->getValue(3))/h);
      //       dotq->setValue(4,(q->getValue(4)-qold->getValue(4))/h);
      //       dotq->setValue(5,(q->getValue(5)-qold->getValue(5))/h);
      //       dotq->setValue(6,(q->getValue(6)-qold->getValue(6))/h);
      //       d->updateT();
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);
    else RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);
Beispiel #19
// ================= Creation of the model =======================
void Disks::init()

    SP::TimeDiscretisation timedisc_;
    SP::TimeStepping simulation_;
    SP::FrictionContact osnspb_;

    // User-defined main parameters

    double t0 = 0;                   // initial computation time

    double T =  std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

    double h = 0.01;                // time step
    double g = 9.81;

    double theta = 0.5;              // theta for MoreauJeanOSI integrator

    std::string solverName = "NSGS";

    // -----------------------------------------
    // --- Dynamical systems && interactions ---
    // -----------------------------------------

    double R;
    double m;


        // ------------
        // --- Init ---
        // ------------

        std::cout << "====> Model loading ..." << std::endl << std::endl;

        _plans.reset(new SimpleMatrix("plans.dat", true));
        if (_plans->size(0) == 0)
            /* default plans */
            double A1 = P1A;
            double B1 = P1B;
            double C1 = P1C;

            double A2 = P2A;
            double B2 = P2B;
            double C2 = P2C;

            _plans.reset(new SimpleMatrix(6, 6));
            (*_plans)(0, 0) = 0;
            (*_plans)(0, 1) = 1;
            (*_plans)(0, 2) = -GROUND;

            (*_plans)(1, 0) = 1;
            (*_plans)(1, 1) = 0;
            (*_plans)(1, 2) = WALL;

            (*_plans)(2, 0) = 1;
            (*_plans)(2, 1) = 0;
            (*_plans)(2, 2) = -WALL;

            (*_plans)(3, 0) = 0;
            (*_plans)(3, 1) = 1;
            (*_plans)(3, 2) = -TOP;

            (*_plans)(4, 0) = A1;
            (*_plans)(4, 1) = B1;
            (*_plans)(4, 2) = C1;

            (*_plans)(5, 0) = A2;
            (*_plans)(5, 1) = B2;
            (*_plans)(5, 2) = C2;


        /* set center positions */
        for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < _plans->size(0); ++i)
            SP::DiskPlanR tmpr;
            tmpr.reset(new DiskPlanR(1, (*_plans)(i, 0), (*_plans)(i, 1), (*_plans)(i, 2),
                                     (*_plans)(i, 3), (*_plans)(i, 4), (*_plans)(i, 5)));
            (*_plans)(i, 3) = tmpr->getXCenter();
            (*_plans)(i, 4) = tmpr->getYCenter();

        /*    _moving_plans.reset(new FMatrix(1,6));
            (*_moving_plans)(0,0) = &A;
            (*_moving_plans)(0,1) = &B;
            (*_moving_plans)(0,2) = &C;
            (*_moving_plans)(0,3) = &DA;
            (*_moving_plans)(0,4) = &DB;
            (*_moving_plans)(0,5) = &DC;*/

        SP::SiconosMatrix Disks;
        Disks.reset(new SimpleMatrix("disks.dat", true));

        // -- OneStepIntegrators --
        SP::OneStepIntegrator osi;
        osi.reset(new MoreauJeanOSI(theta));

        // -- Model --
        _model.reset(new Model(t0, T));

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Disks->size(0); i++)
            R = Disks->getValue(i, 2);
            m = Disks->getValue(i, 3);

            SP::SiconosVector qTmp;
            SP::SiconosVector vTmp;

            qTmp.reset(new SiconosVector(NDOF));
            vTmp.reset(new SiconosVector(NDOF));
            (*qTmp)(0) = (*Disks)(i, 0);
            (*qTmp)(1) = (*Disks)(i, 1);

            SP::LagrangianDS body;
            if (R > 0)
                body.reset(new Disk(R, m, qTmp, vTmp));
                body.reset(new Circle(-R, m, qTmp, vTmp));

            // -- Set external forces (weight) --
            SP::SiconosVector FExt;
            FExt.reset(new SiconosVector(NDOF));
            FExt->setValue(1, -m * g);

            // add the dynamical system to the one step integrator

            // add the dynamical system in the non smooth dynamical system



        // ------------------
        // --- Simulation ---
        // ------------------

        // -- Time discretisation --
        timedisc_.reset(new TimeDiscretisation(t0, h));

        // -- OneStepNsProblem --
        osnspb_.reset(new FrictionContact(2));

        osnspb_->numericsSolverOptions()->iparam[0] = 100; // Max number of
        // iterations
        osnspb_->numericsSolverOptions()->iparam[1] = 20; // compute error
        // iterations
        osnspb_->numericsSolverOptions()->dparam[0] = 1e-3; // Tolerance

        osnspb_->setMaxSize(6 * ((3 * Ll * Ll + 3 * Ll) / 2 - Ll));
        osnspb_->setMStorageType(1);            // Sparse storage

        osnspb_->setKeepLambdaAndYState(true);  // inject previous solution

        // -- Simulation --
        simulation_.reset(new TimeStepping(timedisc_));




        // --- Simulation initialization ---

        std::cout << "====> Simulation initialisation ..." << std::endl << std::endl;

        SP::NonSmoothLaw nslaw(new NewtonImpactFrictionNSL(0, 0, 0.3, 2));

        _playground.reset(new SpaceFilter(3, 6, _model, _plans, _moving_plans));

        _playground->insert(nslaw, 0, 0);



    catch (SiconosException e)
        std::cout << << std::endl;
    catch (...)
        std::cout << "Exception caught in Disks::init()" << std::endl;
Beispiel #20
void SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeState()
  // This function computes "free" states of the DS belonging to this Integrator.
  // "Free" means without taking non-smooth effects into account.

  //double t = simulationLink->nextTime(); // End of the time step
  //double told = simulationLink->startingTime(); // Beginning of the time step
  //double h = t-told; // time step length

  // Operators computed at told have index i, and (i+1) at t.

  //  Note: integration of r with a theta method has been removed
  //  SiconosVector *rold = static_cast<SiconosVector*>(d->rMemory()->getSiconosVector(0));

  // Iteration through the set of Dynamical Systems.
  DSIterator it; // Iterator through the set of DS.

  SP::DynamicalSystem ds; // Current Dynamical System.
  SP::SiconosMatrix W; // W SchatzmanPaoliOSI matrix of the current DS.
  Type::Siconos dsType ; // Type of the current DS.
  for (it = OSIDynamicalSystems->begin(); it != OSIDynamicalSystems->end(); ++it)
    ds = *it; // the considered dynamical system
    dsType = Type::value(*ds); // Its type
    W = WMap[ds->number()]; // Its W SchatzmanPaoliOSI matrix of iteration.

    //1 - Lagrangian Non Linear Systems
    if (dsType == Type::LagrangianDS)
      // // IN to be updated at current time: W, M, q, v, fL
      //       // IN at told: qi,vi, fLi

      //       // Note: indices i/i+1 corresponds to value at the beginning/end of the time step.
      //       // Index k stands for Newton iteration and thus corresponds to the last computed
      //       // value, ie the one saved in the DynamicalSystem.
      //       // "i" values are saved in memory vectors.

      //       // vFree = v_k,i+1 - W^{-1} ResiduFree
      //       // with
      //       // ResiduFree = M(q_k,i+1)(v_k,i+1 - v_i) - h*theta*forces(t,v_k,i+1, q_k,i+1) - h*(1-theta)*forces(ti,vi,qi)

      //       // -- Convert the DS into a Lagrangian one.
      //       SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);

      //       // Get state i (previous time step) from Memories -> var. indexed with "Old"
      //       SP::SiconosVector qold =d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      //       SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);

      //       // --- ResiduFree computation ---
      //       // ResFree = M(v-vold) - h*[theta*forces(t) + (1-theta)*forces(told)]
      //       //
      //       // vFree pointer is used to compute and save ResiduFree in this first step.
      //       SP::SiconosVector vfree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);//workX[d];
      //       (*vfree)=*(d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu));

      //       // -- Update W --
      //       // Note: during computeW, mass and jacobians of fL will be computed/
      //       computeW(t,d);
      //       SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity(); // v = v_k,i+1

      // // -- vfree =  v - W^{-1} ResiduFree --
      //       // At this point vfree = residuFree
      //       // -> Solve WX = vfree and set vfree = X
      //       W->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*vfree);
      //       // -> compute real vfree
      //       *vfree *= -1.0;
      //       *vfree += *v;
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeState - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);
    // 2 - Lagrangian Linear Systems
    else if (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS)
      // IN to be updated at current time: Fext
      // IN at told: qi,vi, fext
      // IN constants: K,C

      // Note: indices i/i+1 corresponds to value at the beginning/end of the time step.
      // "i" values are saved in memory vectors.

      // vFree = v_i + W^{-1} ResiduFree    // with
      // ResiduFree = (-h*C -h^2*theta*K)*vi - h*K*qi + h*theta * Fext_i+1 + h*(1-theta)*Fext_i

      // -- Convert the DS into a Lagrangian one.
      SP::LagrangianLinearTIDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianLinearTIDS> (ds);

      // Get state i (previous time step) from Memories -> var. indexed with "Old"
      SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0); // q_k
      //   SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0); //v_k

      // --- ResiduFree computation ---

      // vFree pointer is used to compute and save ResiduFree in this first step.

      // Velocity free and residu. vFree = RESfree (pointer equality !!).
      SP::SiconosVector qfree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);//workX[d];
      (*qfree) = *(d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu));

      *qfree *= -1.0;
      *qfree += *qold;

    // 3 - Newton Euler Systems
    else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
      // // IN to be updated at current time: W, M, q, v, fL
      // // IN at told: qi,vi, fLi

      // // Note: indices i/i+1 corresponds to value at the beginning/end of the time step.
      // // Index k stands for Newton iteration and thus corresponds to the last computed
      // // value, ie the one saved in the DynamicalSystem.
      // // "i" values are saved in memory vectors.

      // // vFree = v_k,i+1 - W^{-1} ResiduFree
      // // with
      // // ResiduFree = M(q_k,i+1)(v_k,i+1 - v_i) - h*theta*forces(t,v_k,i+1, q_k,i+1) - h*(1-theta)*forces(ti,vi,qi)

      // // -- Convert the DS into a Lagrangian one.
      // SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
      // computeW(t,d);
      // // Get state i (previous time step) from Memories -> var. indexed with "Old"
      // SP::SiconosVector qold =d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      // SP::SiconosVector vold = d->velocityMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);

      // // --- ResiduFree computation ---
      // // ResFree = M(v-vold) - h*[theta*forces(t) + (1-theta)*forces(told)]
      // //
      // // vFree pointer is used to compute and save ResiduFree in this first step.
      // SP::SiconosVector vfree = d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);//workX[d];
      // (*vfree)=*(d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu));
      // //*(d->vPredictor())=*(d->workspace(DynamicalSystem::freeresidu));

      // // -- Update W --
      // // Note: during computeW, mass and jacobians of fL will be computed/
      // SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity(); // v = v_k,i+1

      // // -- vfree =  v - W^{-1} ResiduFree --
      // // At this point vfree = residuFree
      // // -> Solve WX = vfree and set vfree = X
      // //   std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeState residu free"<<endl;
      // //   vfree->display();
      // d->luW()->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*vfree);
      // //   std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeState -WRfree"<<endl;
      // //   vfree->display();
      // //   scal(h,*vfree,*vfree);
      // // -> compute real vfree
      // *vfree *= -1.0;
      // *vfree += *v;
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeState - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::computeFreeState - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);

Beispiel #21
 /** Copy constructor
  * \param SPO a PluggedObject we are going to copy
 SubPluggedObject(const SubPluggedObject& SPO): PluggedObject(SPO), _indx(SPO.getIndex()), _p(SPO.getp())
   _parentfPtr = SPO.getParentfPtr();
   _tmpMat.reset(new SimpleMatrix(SPO.getTmpMat()));
Beispiel #22
void DisksViewer::draw()

  int i;

  char qs[6];

  float lbd, w;

  float lbdmax = 0.;

  DSIterator itDS;
  SP::DynamicalSystemsSet involvedDS;
  SP::InteractionsGraph I1;
  SP::Interaction interaction;
  SP::Relation relation;

  if (Siconos_->model()->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->topology()->numberOfIndexSet() > 1)
    I1 = Siconos_->model()->simulation()->indexSet(1);

    // calibration
    InteractionsGraph::VIterator ui, uiend;
    for (boost::tie(ui, uiend) = I1->vertices(); ui != uiend; ++ui)
      lbdmax = fmax(I1->bundle(*ui)->lambdaOld(1)->getValue(0), lbdmax);

    for (boost::tie(ui, uiend) = I1->vertices(); ui != uiend; ++ui)
      interaction = I1->bundle(*ui);
      relation = interaction->relation();
      lbd = interaction->lambdaOld(1)->getValue(0);

      // screen width of interaction
      w = lbd / (2 * fmax(lbdmax, 1.)) + .03;
      // disk/disk
      SP::DynamicalSystem d1 = I1->properties(*ui).source;
      SP::DynamicalSystem d2 = I1->properties(*ui).target;

      SP::SiconosVector q1 = ask<ForPosition>(*d1);

      float x1 = (*q1)(0);
      float y1 = (*q1)(1);
      float r1 = ask<ForRadius>(*d1);

      if (d1 != d2)
        SP::SiconosVector q2 = ask<ForPosition>(*d2);
        float x2 = (*q2)(0);
        float y2 = (*q2)(1);
        float r2 = ask<ForRadius>(*d2);

        float d = hypotf(x1 - x2, y1 - y2);


        glColor3f(.0f, .0f, .0f);
        drawRec(x1, y1, x1 + (x2 - x1)*r1 / d, y1 + (y2 - y1)*r1 / d, w);
        drawRec(x2, y2, x2 + (x1 - x2)*r2 / d, y2 + (y1 - y2)*r2 / d, w);


        SP::SiconosMatrix jachq = ask<ForJachq>(*relation);
        double jx = jachq->getValue(0, 0);
        double jy = jachq->getValue(0, 1);
        double dj = hypot(jx, jy);


        glColor3f(.0f, .0f, .0f);
        drawRec(x1, y1, x1 - r1 * jx / dj, y1 - r1 * jy / dj, w);

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GETNDS(Siconos_); i++)
    if (shapes_[i]->selected())

  glColor3f(.45, .45, .45);
  drawGrid(100, 200);

  glColor3f(.1, .1, .3);
  drawVec(-100, 0, 100, 0);
  drawVec(0, -100, 0, 100);

  glColor3f(0, 0, 1);

  if (Siconos_->plans())
    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < Siconos_->plans()->size(0) ; ++i)
      double A = (*Siconos_->plans())(i, 0);
      double B = (*Siconos_->plans())(i, 1);
      //double C = (*Siconos_->plans())(i,2);
      double xc = (*Siconos_->plans())(i, 3);
      double yc = (*Siconos_->plans())(i, 4);
      double w = fmin(1e10, (*Siconos_->plans())(i, 5));
      double H = hypot(A, B);

      if (w == 0) w = 1e10;

      //      assert ( fabs(A*xc + B*yc + C) <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() );

      drawVec(xc, yc, xc - 0.5 * w * B / H, yc + 0.5 * w * A / H);
      drawVec(xc, yc, xc + 0.5 * w * B / H, yc - 0.5 * w * A / H);

  if (Siconos_->movingPlans())
    double time = Siconos_->model()->currentTime();
    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < Siconos_->movingPlans()->size1() ; ++i)
      double A = (*Siconos_->movingPlans())(i, 0)(time);
      double B = (*Siconos_->movingPlans())(i, 1)(time);
      double C = (*Siconos_->movingPlans())(i, 2)(time);
      double w = 1e10;
      double H = hypot(A, B);
      double xc = 0.;
      double yc = 0.;

      if (fabs(C) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
        if (A == 0)
          // By+C=0
          yc = -C / B;
        else if (B == 0)
          // Ax+C=0
          xc = -C / A;
          // Ax+By+C=0
          if (xc != 0)
            yc = - (A * xc + C) / B;
            xc = - (B * yc + C) / A;

      drawVec(xc, yc, xc - 0.5 * w * B / H, yc + 0.5 * w * A / H);
      drawVec(xc, yc, xc + 0.5 * w * B / H, yc - 0.5 * w * A / H);
  glColor3f(.1, .1, .1);
  QGLViewer::drawArrow(qglviewer::Vec(0, 0, .1), qglviewer::Vec(1, 0, .1), .01, 3);
  QGLViewer::drawArrow(qglviewer::Vec(0, 0, .1), qglviewer::Vec(0, 1, .1), .01, 3);

  for (i = -100; i <= 100; i += 5)
    sprintf(qs, "%d", i);
    //    print((float)i,-.8,qs,small_text);
    drawVec((float)i, -.2, (float)i, .2);
    drawVec(-.2, (float)i, .2, (float)i);
  for (i = -100; i <= 100; i++)
    drawVec((float)i, -.1, (float)i, .1);
    drawVec(-.1, (float)i, .1, (float)i);