bool DBBrowserDB::renameColumn(const QString& tablename, const QString& name, sqlb::FieldPtr to, int move)
    // NOTE: This function is working around the incomplete ALTER TABLE command in SQLite.
    // If SQLite should fully support this command one day, this entire
    // function can be changed to executing something like this:
    //QString sql;
    //    sql = QString("ALTER TABLE `%1` DROP COLUMN `%2`;").arg(table).arg(column);
    //    sql = QString("ALTER TABLE `%1` MODIFY `%2` %3").arg(tablename).arg(to).arg(type);    // This is wrong...
    //return executeSQL(sql);

    // Collect information on the current DB layout
    QString tableSql = getObjectByName(tablename).getsql();
        lastErrorMessage = QObject::tr("renameColumn: cannot find table %1.").arg(tablename);
        qWarning() << lastErrorMessage;
        return false;

    // Create table schema
    sqlb::Table oldSchema = sqlb::Table::parseSQL(tableSql).first;

    // Check if field actually exists
    if(oldSchema.findField(name) == -1)
        lastErrorMessage = QObject::tr("renameColumn: cannot find column %1.").arg(name);
        qWarning() << lastErrorMessage;
        return false;

    // Create savepoint to be able to go back to it in case of any error
    if(!executeSQL("SAVEPOINT sqlitebrowser_rename_column"))
        lastErrorMessage = QObject::tr("renameColumn: creating savepoint failed. DB says: %1").arg(lastErrorMessage);
        qWarning() << lastErrorMessage;
        return false;

    // Create a new table with a name that hopefully doesn't exist yet.
    // Its layout is exactly the same as the one of the table to change - except for the column to change
    // of course
    sqlb::Table newSchema = oldSchema;
    QString select_cols;
        // We want drop the column - so just remove the field

        for(int i=0;i<newSchema.fields().count();++i)
        select_cols.chop(1);    // remove last comma
    } else {
        // We want to modify it

        // Move field
        int index = newSchema.findField(name);
        sqlb::FieldPtr temp = newSchema.fields().at(index);
        newSchema.setField(index, newSchema.fields().at(index + move));
        newSchema.setField(index + move, temp);

        // Get names of fields to select from old table now - after the field has been moved and before it might be renamed
        for(int i=0;i<newSchema.fields().count();++i)
        select_cols.chop(1);    // remove last comma

        // Modify field
        newSchema.setField(index + move, to);

    // Create the new table
        lastErrorMessage = QObject::tr("renameColumn: creating new table failed. DB says: %1").arg(lastErrorMessage);
        qWarning() << lastErrorMessage;
        executeSQL("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT sqlitebrowser_rename_column;");
        return false;

    // Copy the data from the old table to the new one
    if(!executeSQL(QString("INSERT INTO sqlitebrowser_rename_column_new_table SELECT %1 FROM `%2`;").arg(select_cols).arg(tablename)))
        lastErrorMessage = QObject::tr("renameColumn: copying data to new table failed. DB says:\n"
        qWarning() << lastErrorMessage;
        executeSQL("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT sqlitebrowser_rename_column;");
        return false;

    // Save all indices, triggers and views associated with this table because SQLite deletes them when we drop the table in the next step
    QString otherObjectsSql;
    for(objectMap::ConstIterator it=objMap.begin();it!=objMap.end();++it)
        // If this object references the table and it's not the table itself save it's SQL string
        if((*it).getTableName() == tablename && (*it).gettype() != "table")
            otherObjectsSql += (*it).getsql() + "\n";

    // Delete the old table
    if(!executeSQL(QString("DROP TABLE `%1`;").arg(tablename)))
        lastErrorMessage = QObject::tr("renameColumn: deleting old table failed. DB says: %1").arg(lastErrorMessage);
        qWarning() << lastErrorMessage;
        executeSQL("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT sqlitebrowser_rename_column;");
        return false;

    // Rename the temporary table
    if(!renameTable("sqlitebrowser_rename_column_new_table", tablename))
        executeSQL("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT sqlitebrowser_rename_column;");
        return false;

    // Restore the saved triggers, views and indices
    if(!executeMultiSQL(otherObjectsSql, true, true))
        QMessageBox::information(0, qApp->applicationName(), QObject::tr("Restoring some of the objects associated with this table failed. "
                                                                         "This is most likely because some column names changed. "
                                                                         "Here's the SQL statement which you might want to fix and execute manually:\n\n")
                                 + otherObjectsSql);

    // Release the savepoint - everything went fine
    if(!executeSQL("RELEASE SAVEPOINT sqlitebrowser_rename_column;"))
        lastErrorMessage = QObject::tr("renameColumn: releasing savepoint failed. DB says: %1").arg(lastErrorMessage);
        qWarning() << lastErrorMessage;
        return false;

    // Success, update the DB schema before returning
    return true;