Beispiel #1
void FsmAp::notFinalFromStateAction( int ordering, Action *action )
	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
		if ( ! state->isFinState() )
			state->fromStateActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
Beispiel #2
void FsmAp::notFinalErrorAction( int ordering, Action *action, int transferPoint )
	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
		if ( ! state->isFinState() )
			state->errActionTable.setAction( ordering, action, transferPoint );
Beispiel #3
void FsmAp::middleFromStateAction( int ordering, Action *action )
	/* Set the action in all states that are not the start state and not final. */
	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
		if ( state != startState && ! state->isFinState() )
			state->fromStateActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
Beispiel #4
/* Set error actions in the states that have transitions into a final state. */
void FsmAp::middleErrorAction( int ordering, Action *action, int transferPoint )
	/* Isolate the start state in case it is reachable from in inside the
	 * machine, in which case we don't want it set. */
	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
		if ( state != startState && ! state->isFinState() )
			state->errActionTable.setAction( ordering, action, transferPoint );
Beispiel #5
void BackendGen::makeStateList()
	/* Write the list of states. */
	long length = fsm->stateList.length();
	cgd->initStateList( length );
	curState = 0;
	for ( StateList::Iter st = fsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		makeStateActions( st );
		makeEofTrans( st );
		makeStateConditions( st );
		makeTransList( st );

		long id = st->alg.stateNum;
		cgd->setId( curState, id );

		if ( st->isFinState() )
			cgd->setFinal( curState );

		curState += 1;
Beispiel #6
void XMLCodeGen::writeStateList()
	/* Write the list of states. */
	out << "    <state_list length=\"" << fsm->stateList.length() << "\">\n";
	for ( StateList::Iter st = fsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		out << "      <state id=\"" << st->alg.stateNum << "\"";
		if ( st->isFinState() )
			out << " final=\"t\"";
		out << ">\n";

		writeStateActions( st );
		writeEofTrans( st );
		writeStateConditions( st );
		writeTransList( st );

		out << "      </state>\n";

		if ( !st.last() )
			out << "\n";
	out << "    </state_list>\n";