void visitorTraversal::analyzePath(std::vector<VertexID>& pathR) { std::vector<string> path; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < pathR.size(); j++) { SgGraphNode* R = getGraphNode[pathR[j]]; CFGNode cf = cfg->toCFGNode(R); string str = cf.toString();str.erase(std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), '\n'), str.end()); path.push_back(str); } paths.push_back(path); // ROSE_ASSERT(sssv.find(path) != sssv.end()); }
void visitorTraversal::analyzePath(std::vector<VertexID>& pathR) { std::vector<SgGraphNode*> exprPath; std::vector<string> path; //ss << "vector<string> sss;\n"; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < pathR.size(); j++) { SgGraphNode* R = getGraphNode[pathR[j]]; CFGNode cf = cfg->toCFGNode(R); // path.push_back(R->get_name()); string str = cf.toString(); str.erase(std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), '\n'), str.end()); //ss << "string str = \"" << str << "\";\n"; ss << "sss.push_back(\"" << str << "\");\n"; } ss << "sssv.insert(sss);\n"; ss << "sss.clear();\n"; // paths.insert(path); }
int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { // Build the AST used by ROSE SgProject* project = frontend(argc,argv); ROSE_ASSERT(project != NULL); // Build a list of functions within the AST and find all access functions // (function name starts with "get_" or "set_") // Build list using a query of the whole AST Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> functionDefinitionList = NodeQuery::querySubTree (project,V_SgFunctionDefinition); // Build list using nested Queries (operating on return result of previous query) // Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> accessFunctionsList; // accessFunctionsList = NodeQuery::queryNodeList (functionDeclarationList,&querySolverAccessFunctions); // printFunctionDeclarationList(accessFunctionsList); // Alternative form of same query building the list using a query of the whole AST // accessFunctionsList = NodeQuery::querySubTree (project,&querySolverAccessFunctions); // printFunctionDeclarationList(accessFunctionsList); int counter = 0; for (Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator i = functionDefinitionList.begin(); i != functionDefinitionList.end(); i++) { SgFunctionDefinition* fnc = isSgFunctionDefinition(*i); stringstream ss; SgFunctionDeclaration* functionDeclaration = fnc->get_declaration(); string fileName= functionDeclaration->get_name().str();//StringUtility::stripPathFromFileName(mainDef->get_file_info()->get_filenameString()); string dotFileName1; ss << fileName << "." << counter << ".dot"; counter++; dotFileName1 = ss.str(); //SgFunctionDefinition* fnc = functionDeclaration->get_definition(); if (fnc != NULL) { StaticCFG::CFG* cfg = new StaticCFG::CFG(fnc); SgIncidenceDirectedGraph* g = new SgIncidenceDirectedGraph(); visitorTraversal* vis = new visitorTraversal(); g = cfg->getGraph(); myGraph* mg = new myGraph(); mg = instantiateGraph(g, (*cfg)); vis->tltnodes = 0; vis->paths = 0; std::cout << dotFileName1 << std::endl; cfgToDot(fnc,dotFileName1); //vis->firstPrepGraph(constcfg); //t1 = getCPUTime(); vis->constructPathAnalyzer(mg, true, 0, 0, true); //t2 = getCPUTim std::cout << "function: " << fileName << std::endl; std::cout << "paths: " << vis->paths << std::endl; delete vis; delete cfg; delete g; delete mg; //std::cout << "took: " << timeDifference(t2, t1) << std::endl; } } SgProject* proj = project; SgFunctionDeclaration* mainDefDecl = SageInterface::findMain(proj); if (mainDefDecl != NULL) { SgFunctionDefinition* mainDef = mainDefDecl->get_definition(); visitorTraversal* vis = new visitorTraversal(); StaticCFG::CFG cfg(mainDef); //cfg.buildFullCFG(); stringstream ss; string fileName= StringUtility::stripPathFromFileName(mainDef->get_file_info()->get_filenameString()); string dotFileName1=fileName+"."+ mainDef->get_declaration()->get_name() +".dot"; cfgToDot(mainDef,dotFileName1); //cfg->buildFullCFG(); SgIncidenceDirectedGraph* g = new SgIncidenceDirectedGraph(); g = cfg.getGraph(); myGraph* mg = new myGraph(); mg = instantiateGraph(g, cfg); vis->tltnodes = 0; vis->paths = 0; //vis->firstPrepGraph(constcfg); vis->constructPathAnalyzer(mg, true, 0, 0, true); //std::cout << "took: " << timeDifference(t2, t1) << std::endl; //cfg.clearNodesAndEdges(); std::cout << "finished" << std::endl; std::cout << "tltnodes: " << vis->tltnodes << " paths: " << vis->paths << std::endl; //std::cout << "ipaths: " << ipaths << std::endl; delete vis; } // Another way to query for collections of IR nodes VariantVector vv1 = V_SgClassDefinition; std::cout << "Number of class definitions in the memory pool is: " << NodeQuery::queryMemoryPool(vv1).size() << std::endl; // Another way to query for collections of multiple IR nodes. // VariantVector(V_SgType) is internally expanded to all IR nodes derived from SgType. VariantVector vv2 = VariantVector(V_SgClassDefinition) + VariantVector(V_SgType); std::cout << "Number of class definitions AND types in the memory pool is: " << NodeQuery::queryMemoryPool(vv2).size() << std::endl; // Note: Show composition of AST queries return 0; }