result_type operator () (lhs_op_rhs const & _top) const { return dispatcher_(, _top.operator_,; }
EXPORT void arrange_twin(std::deque<HWND> const& hwnds_, long const& width_, long const& height_){ if(0 == hwnds_.size()){ // nop } else if(1 == hwnds_.size()){ resize_window(, HWND_NOTOPMOST, SW_SHOWNORMAL, 0, 0, width_, height_); } else if(2 == hwnds_.size()){ resize_window(, HWND_NOTOPMOST, SW_SHOWNORMAL, 0, 0, width_ / 2 , height_); resize_window(, HWND_NOTOPMOST, SW_SHOWNORMAL, width_ / 2, 0, width_ / 2, height_); } else{ long const n = hwnds_.size() - 2; long const sub_width = width_ / n; resize_window(, HWND_NOTOPMOST, SW_SHOWNORMAL, 0 , 0, width_ / 2, height_ / 4 * 3); resize_window(, HWND_NOTOPMOST, SW_SHOWNORMAL, width_ / 2, 0, width_ / 2, height_ / 4 * 3); for(unsigned int i = 2; i < hwnds_.size(); i++){ resize_window(, HWND_NOTOPMOST, SW_SHOWNORMAL, (sub_width * (i - 2)), (height_ / 4 * 3), (sub_width), (height_ / 4 * 1)); } } }
int maximumContiguousSum(std::deque<int> &numbers) { int max = 0; std::deque<int>::iterator boundary; std::deque<int>::iterator adder; while (numbers.size() > 0) { for (boundary = numbers.end(); boundary != numbers.begin(); boundary--) { int testSum = 0; for (adder = numbers.begin(); adder != boundary; adder++) { testSum += *adder; } if (testSum > max) { max = testSum; } } for (boundary = numbers.begin(); boundary != numbers.end(); boundary++) { int testSum = 0; for (adder = boundary; adder != numbers.end(); adder++) { testSum += *adder; } if (testSum > max) { max = testSum; } } if (!numbers.empty()) { numbers.pop_back(); } if (!numbers.empty()) { numbers.pop_front(); } if (numbers.size() == 1) { if ( > max) { max =; } } } return max; }
//Realiza el algoritmo de Melkman para hallar el convex hull de un poligono simple // La entrada Q debe ser un poligono simple ordenado void melkman(std::list<Point2D> & Q, std::deque<Point2D> & D){ bool volar_b = false; bool volar_t = false; unsigned int m = 0; unsigned int b = 0; unsigned int t = 0; std::vector<Point2D> V; std::list<Point2D>::iterator p = Q.begin(); while(p != Q.end()){ V.push_back(*p); p++; } //Inicializa la deque con los primeros 3 en CCW if(right(V[0], V[1], V[2])){ D.push_front(V[2]); D.push_front(V[1]); D.push_front(V[0]); D.push_front(V[2]); } else { D.push_front(V[2]); D.push_front(V[0]); D.push_front(V[1]); D.push_front(V[2]); } unsigned int n = Q.size(); unsigned int i = 2; while((++i) < n){ m = D.size(); b = 0; t = D.size()-1; volar_b = right(V[i],,; volar_t = right(,, V[i]); if(!volar_b && !volar_t) //En el cono interno, no se agrega continue; while(volar_b){ D.pop_front(); volar_b = right(V[i],,; } D.push_front(V[i]);//Dentro segun el primer segmento t = D.size()-1; volar_t = right(,, V[i]); while(volar_t){ t--; D.pop_back(); volar_t = right(,, V[i]); } D.push_back(V[i]); //Dentro segun el ultimo segmento } }
int main(int, char**) { { std::deque<int> c = make<std::deque<int> >(10); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) assert(c[i] == i); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) assert( == i); assert(c.front() == 0); assert(c.back() == 9); } { const std::deque<int> c = make<std::deque<int> >(10); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) assert(c[i] == i); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) assert( == i); assert(c.front() == 0); assert(c.back() == 9); } #if TEST_STD_VER >= 11 { std::deque<int, min_allocator<int>> c = make<std::deque<int, min_allocator<int>> >(10); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) assert(c[i] == i); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) assert( == i); assert(c.front() == 0); assert(c.back() == 9); } { const std::deque<int, min_allocator<int>> c = make<std::deque<int, min_allocator<int>> >(10); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) assert(c[i] == i); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) assert( == i); assert(c.front() == 0); assert(c.back() == 9); } #endif return 0; }
int getSpellTypeFromName(std::string name) { for(int i = 0;i<SpellNames.size();i++) { if( { return i; } } return -1; }
int main() { { std::deque<int> c = make<std::deque<int> >(10); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; ++i) assert(c[i] == i); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; ++i) assert( == i); assert(c.front() == 0); assert(c.back() == 9); } { const std::deque<int> c = make<std::deque<int> >(10); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; ++i) assert(c[i] == i); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; ++i) assert( == i); assert(c.front() == 0); assert(c.back() == 9); } #if __cplusplus >= 201103L || defined(_LIBCPP_MSVC) { std::deque<int, min_allocator<int>> c = make<std::deque<int, min_allocator<int>> >(10); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; ++i) assert(c[i] == i); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; ++i) assert( == i); assert(c.front() == 0); assert(c.back() == 9); } { const std::deque<int, min_allocator<int>> c = make<std::deque<int, min_allocator<int>> >(10); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; ++i) assert(c[i] == i); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; ++i) assert( == i); assert(c.front() == 0); assert(c.back() == 9); } #endif }
void Draw_Buildings(sf::RenderWindow& window) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < LowerBuildings.size(); ++i) { Building building =; sf::RectangleShape buildingShape(sf::Vector2f(ORIGINAL_WIDTH / 10, building.height)); buildingShape.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 0, 100)); buildingShape.setPosition(building.x, building.y); buildingShape.setOutlineColor(sf::Color(0, 0, 0)); buildingShape.setOutlineThickness(1); window.draw(buildingShape); } }
// Checks if buildings collide with player // TODO: Check for bullets void Collision_Check_Buildings(void) { // Figure out where the helicopter is // Check the buildings within the same x area to save computation unsigned x, y; Player->Get_Location(&x, &y); int right = x + 70; int bottom = y + 40; if (LowerBuildings.size() < 10) // Not a screen full of buildings, just check all buildings { for (unsigned i = 0; i < LowerBuildings.size(); ++i) { if ( < right) { if ( < bottom) { // Collision, game over assert(false); } } } } else { unsigned buildingIndex = std::max(right / (ORIGINAL_WIDTH / 10), (unsigned)0); for (unsigned i = 0; i < std::min((unsigned)LowerBuildings.size() - buildingIndex, (unsigned)3); ++i) { if ( + buildingIndex).x < right) { if ( + buildingIndex).y < bottom) { // Collision, game over assert(false); } } } } }
void Move_Buildings(void) { // We should have created a building before this is called // Otherwise, we will null pointer exception, for the cost of not checking if LowerBuildings is not empty for (unsigned i = 0; i < LowerBuildings.size(); ++i) { -= 1; } if (LowerBuildings.front().x <= -(int)ORIGINAL_WIDTH / 10) { LowerBuildings.pop_front(); } Collision_Check_Buildings(); }
inline std::vector<std::string>& CsvFile::GetRow(int row) { std::vector<std::string>& line =; while (line.size() < mColCount) { line.push_back(""); } while (line.size() > mColCount) { line.pop_back(); } assert(line.size() == mColCount); return line; }
void RunVisualizationOnly() { if (!viewer->wasStopped()) { viewer->spinOnce(100); boost::mutex::scoped_lock update_pc_lock(update_pc_model_mutex); if (update_pc) { if (!viewer->updatePointCloud(cloud_ptr, "cloud")) { viewer->addPointCloud(cloud_ptr, "cloud"); } update_pc = false; } update_pc_lock.unlock(); boost::mutex::scoped_lock update_camera_lock(add_camera_mutex); if (update_camera) { if (aggregate_view_frustrums) { camera_count = 0; for (int i=0; i<cam_meshes.size(); i++) { viewer->removePolygonMesh(to_string(camera_count)); viewer->addPolygonMesh(, to_string(camera_count)); camera_count++; } } else { viewer->removePolygonMesh(to_string(0)); viewer->addPolygonMesh(cam_meshes.back().second, to_string(0)); } update_camera = false; } update_camera_lock.unlock(); viewer->setRepresentationToWireframeForAllActors(); } }
cv::Mat CvHelper::convertPoint2fDeque2Mat(std::deque<cv::Point2f> points) { cv::Mat mat; if(points.empty()) return mat; mat = cv::Mat(points.size(), 2, CV_32F); for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { cv::Point2f p =;<float>(i,0)= p.x;<float>(i,1)= p.y; } return mat; }
void spnavCallback(const geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped::ConstPtr& msg) { if(bRunning) { double average_z = 0.0; if(num_cache == 0) z_cache.pop_front(); else num_cache--; z_cache.push_back(msg->wrench.force.z + offset); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < z_cache.size(); i++) average_z +=; average_z /= z_cache.size(); geometry_msgs::Twist new_twist; /*if(msg->wrench.force.x > 5.0) new_twist.linear.x = 0.01; if(msg->wrench.force.x < 5.0) new_twist.linear.x = -0.01; if(msg->wrench.force.y > 5.0) new_twist.linear.y = 0.01; if(msg->wrench.force.y < 5.0) new_twist.linear.y = -0.01;*/ if(average_z < -1.0) new_twist.linear.z = -0.01 * average_z; else { if(average_z > 1.0) new_twist.linear.z = -0.01 * average_z; else new_twist.linear.z = 0.0; } std::cout << "Sending twist of " << new_twist.linear.z << " current force is " << average_z << "\n"; twist_pub_.publish(new_twist); } }
Spell::Spell(int id,int x,int y,lua_State* L) //custom lua state { SpellType = id; sprite = sf::Sprite(; sprite.setPosition(x,y); sprite.setScale(0.6f,0.6f); cdtext = sf::Text("0",Font,10); cdtext.setColor(sf::Color::White); cdtext.setPosition(x+4,y+2); cdbox = sf::RectangleShape(sf::Vector2f(10,10)); cdbox.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); cdbox.setPosition(x+3,y+3); currCooldown = 0; lua_getfield(L,-1,"range"); Range = lua_tointeger(L,-1); //std::cout << "range : " << Range << "\n"; //lua_pop(L,-1); lua_getfield(L,-2,"manaCost"); ManaCost = lua_tointeger(L,-1); lua_getfield(L,-3,"moveCost"); MoveCost = lua_tointeger(L,-1); //std::cout << "movecost : " << MoveCost << "\n"; lua_getfield(L,-4,"cooldown"); Cooldown = lua_tointeger(L,-1); //std::cout << "cooldown : " << Cooldown << "\n"; lua_getfield(L,-5,"text"); Text = lua_tostring(L,-1); lua_getfield(L,-6,"name"); Name = lua_tostring(L,-1); }
void BitLatticeManipulator::sign_reduce_bitstring( std::deque<bit_lattice> & bitstring, bool bitstring_is_signed) const { THROW_ASSERT(not bitstring.empty(), ""); while (bitstring.size() > 1) { if (bitstring_is_signed) { if ( != bit_lattice::U and == bitstring.pop_front(); else break; } else { if (( == bit_lattice::X and == bit_lattice::X) or ( == bit_lattice::ZERO and != bit_lattice::X)) bitstring.pop_front(); else break; } } }
Spell::Spell(int id,int x,int y) { SpellType = id; sprite = sf::Sprite(; sprite.setPosition(x,y); sprite.setScale(0.6f,0.6f); cdtext = sf::Text("0",Font,10); cdtext.setColor(sf::Color::White); cdtext.setPosition(x+4,y+2); cdbox = sf::RectangleShape(sf::Vector2f(10,10)); cdbox.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); cdbox.setPosition(x+3,y+3); lua_State* L = luaOpen("Lua\\Spells.lua"); lua_getglobal(L,; lua_getfield(L,1,"range"); Range = lua_tointeger(L,-1); luaClean(L); lua_getglobal(L,; lua_getfield(L,1,"manaCost"); ManaCost = lua_tointeger(L,-1); luaClean(L); lua_getglobal(L,; lua_getfield(L,1,"moveCost"); MoveCost = lua_tointeger(L,-1); luaClean(L); lua_getglobal(L,; lua_getfield(L,1,"cooldown"); Cooldown = lua_tointeger(L,-1); luaClean(L); if( { lua_getglobal(LuaUnits,; lua_getfield(LuaUnits,-1,"text"); Text = lua_tostring(LuaUnits,-1); lua_pop(LuaUnits,1); lua_getfield(LuaUnits,-1,"name"); Name = lua_tostring(LuaUnits,-1); lua_pop(LuaUnits,2); } else { lua_getglobal(L,; lua_getfield(L,1,"text"); Text = lua_tostring(L,-1); luaClean(L); lua_getglobal(L,; lua_getfield(L,1,"name"); Name = lua_tostring(L,-1); luaClean(L); } currCooldown = 0; lua_close(L); }
void Preprocessor::findLineDelimiters (const std::deque<bool>& visited) { delimiters_.clear(); // Traverse each row searching non-visited pixels unsigned int topRowOfTextLine = 0; bool rowHasInk = false, previousRowHasInk; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < clipHeight_; ++i ) { previousRowHasInk = rowHasInk; rowHasInk = false; for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < clipWidth_; ++j ) { if ( * clipWidth_ + j) ) { rowHasInk = true; break; } } if (not rowHasInk ) { if ( previousRowHasInk ) delimiters_.push_back( LineDelimiter(topRowOfTextLine, i-1) ); else topRowOfTextLine = i; } else { if ( not previousRowHasInk ) topRowOfTextLine = i; } } // Make sure the last text line joins with the clip border if ( rowHasInk ) delimiters_.push_back( LineDelimiter(topRowOfTextLine, clipHeight_-1) ); LineDelimiterIterator previousLineDelimiterIterator = delimiters_.begin(); LineDelimiterIterator currentLineDelimiterIterator = delimiters_.begin(); advance( currentLineDelimiterIterator, 1 ); // Search lines that are too close to each other, probably because there are accents belonging to characters on a single line while ( currentLineDelimiterIterator != delimiters_.end() ) { unsigned int currentLineHeight = currentLineDelimiterIterator->second - currentLineDelimiterIterator->first + 1; unsigned int previousLineHeight = previousLineDelimiterIterator->second - previousLineDelimiterIterator->first + 1; if ( previousLineHeight > (currentLineHeight / 2) ) { advance( currentLineDelimiterIterator, 1 ); advance( previousLineDelimiterIterator, 1 ); } else { // A new line delimiter is inserted by joining the two line delimiters explored. delimiters_.insert( previousLineDelimiterIterator, LineDelimiter(previousLineDelimiterIterator->first, currentLineDelimiterIterator->second) ); LineDelimiterIterator newLineDelimiterIterator = previousLineDelimiterIterator; advance ( newLineDelimiterIterator, -1 ); // The two old line delimiters are removed from the list delimiters_.erase( previousLineDelimiterIterator ); previousLineDelimiterIterator = currentLineDelimiterIterator; advance( currentLineDelimiterIterator, 1 ); delimiters_.erase( previousLineDelimiterIterator ); previousLineDelimiterIterator = newLineDelimiterIterator; } } }
void GetLaneBaseline(const int &sampleIdx, const int &TIME_SAMPLING_WINDOW, int &muWindowSize, int &sigmaWindowSize, const double &lateralOffset, std::vector<double> &LATSD_Baseline, std::deque<InfoCar> &lateralOffsetDeque, std::deque<InfoCar> &LANEXDeque, std::deque<InfoTLC> &TLCDeque, LaneFeature &laneFeatures, const double &intervalTime) { laneFeatures.frame = sampleIdx; laneFeatures.lateralOffset = lateralOffset; //! lateralOffsetDeque InfoCar infoLO; infoLO.lateralOffset = lateralOffset; infoLO.intervalTime = intervalTime; if(!lateralOffsetDeque.empty()) { infoLO.winTime = lateralOffsetDeque.back().winTime + intervalTime; } else { infoLO.winTime = intervalTime; } while (infoLO.winTime > TIME_SAMPLING_WINDOW && !lateralOffsetDeque.empty()) { infoLO.winTime -= lateralOffsetDeque.front().intervalTime; lateralOffsetDeque.pop_front(); } lateralOffsetDeque.push_back(infoLO); //! Need to reset \param muWindowSize and \param sigmaWindowSize. GetEWMA(sampleIdx, muWindowSize, lateralOffset , laneFeatures.LATMEAN); GetEWVAR(sampleIdx, sigmaWindowSize, lateralOffset , laneFeatures.LATMEAN, laneFeatures.LANEDEV); //! Standard Deviation of LATSD for Baseline GetStandardDeviation(lateralOffsetDeque, laneFeatures.LATSD); LATSD_Baseline.push_back(laneFeatures.LATSD); sort(LATSD_Baseline.begin(), LATSD_Baseline.end(), LATSD_cmp); //! Considering the sampling Time of LANEX different that of lateralOffset //! Rebuild the InfoCar struct InfoCar infoLANEX; infoLANEX.lateralOffset = lateralOffset; infoLANEX.intervalTime = intervalTime; if(!LANEXDeque.empty()) { infoLANEX.winTime = LANEXDeque.back().winTime + intervalTime; } else { infoLANEX.winTime = intervalTime; } while (infoLANEX.winTime > TIME_SAMPLING_WINDOW) { infoLANEX.winTime -= LANEXDeque.front().intervalTime; LANEXDeque.pop_front(); } LANEXDeque.push_back(infoLANEX); double sumTime_LANEX = 0; for(std::deque<InfoCar>::size_type i = 0; i != LANEXDeque.size(); ++i) { if(LANEXDeque[i].lateralOffset == 1) { sumTime_LANEX += LANEXDeque[i].intervalTime; } } double LANEX = sumTime_LANEX / LANEXDeque.back().winTime; if(sampleIdx > 1) { //! Add TLC into deque. Simple TLC double TLC = 0, TLC_min = 0; int TLC_2s = 0, TLC_halfs = 0; double TLCF_2s = 0, TLCF_halfs = 0; CV_Assert((int)lateralOffsetDeque.size() > 1); double lastLateralOffset =; double lateralVelocity = lateralOffset - lastLateralOffset; double TLC_Frame = 0; if (lateralVelocity < 0)//direct to left TLC_Frame = std::abs((1 + lateralOffset) / lateralVelocity); else if(lateralVelocity > 0)//direct to right TLC_Frame = std::abs((1 - lateralOffset) / lateralVelocity); else TLC_Frame = 10000;//Max TLC shows a safe deviation TLC = TLC_Frame / intervalTime;//sec TLC = TLC < 1000 ? TLC : 1000; InfoTLC infoTLC; infoTLC.TLC = TLC; infoTLC.intervalTime = intervalTime; if(!TLCDeque.empty()) { infoTLC.winTime = TLCDeque.back().winTime + intervalTime; } else { infoTLC.winTime = intervalTime; } while (infoTLC.winTime > TIME_SAMPLING_WINDOW) { infoTLC.winTime -= TLCDeque.front().intervalTime; TLCDeque.pop_front(); } TLCDeque.push_back(infoTLC); //! Number of times that TLC below a threshold for(std::deque<double>::size_type i = 0; i != TLCDeque.size(); i++) { //!TLC with signal falling below 2s in a given time interval if(TLCDeque[i].TLC < 2.0) { TLC_2s ++; } //!TLC with signal falling below 0.5s in a given time interval if(TLCDeque[i].TLC < 0.5) { TLC_halfs ++; } } //! Fraction of TLC_2s and TLC_halfs TLCF_2s = (double)TLC_2s / (double)TLCDeque.size(); TLCF_halfs = (double)TLC_halfs / (double)TLCDeque.size(); //! Global minimum of TLC over a given time interval; std::deque<InfoTLC> cmpTLCDeque = TLCDeque; sort(cmpTLCDeque.begin(), cmpTLCDeque.end(), TLC_cmp); TLC_min = cmpTLCDeque.back().TLC; std::deque<InfoTLC>::iterator iter = cmpTLCDeque.end(); while (TLC_min == 0) { --iter; TLC_min = iter->TLC; } //! Calculate the Baseline //!Baseline of LATSD should be the median value. laneFeatures.LATSD_Baseline =; //!Others laneFeatures.LATMEAN_Baseline = laneFeatures.LATMEAN_Baseline > laneFeatures.LATMEAN ? laneFeatures.LATMEAN_Baseline : laneFeatures.LATMEAN; laneFeatures.LANEDEV_Baseline = laneFeatures.LANEDEV_Baseline > laneFeatures.LANEDEV ? laneFeatures.LANEDEV_Baseline : laneFeatures.LANEDEV; laneFeatures.LANEX = LANEX; laneFeatures.TLC = TLC; laneFeatures.TLC_2s = TLC_2s; laneFeatures.TLC_halfs = TLC_halfs; laneFeatures.TLC_min = TLC_min; laneFeatures.TLCF_2s = TLCF_2s; laneFeatures.TLCF_halfs = TLCF_halfs; } else { laneFeatures.LATMEAN_Baseline = 0; laneFeatures.LANEDEV_Baseline = 0; laneFeatures.LATSD_Baseline = 0; laneFeatures.LANEX = 0; laneFeatures.TLC = 0; laneFeatures.TLC_2s = 0; laneFeatures.TLC_halfs = 0; laneFeatures.TLC_min = 0; laneFeatures.TLCF_2s = 0; laneFeatures.TLCF_halfs = 0; } }//end GetLaneBaseline
/*************************************************************** 【函数功能】: 查找中间用于视觉校正的路径点 【输 入】: path : 完整路径队列 calibPoints : 输出找到的校正点 bFound : 输出是否找到 【输 出】: 无 【说 明】: 查找范围限定在机器人坐标系前方1m点为中心,0.8m*0.4m的矩形ROI区域 !!!试验过程中,发现路标前停止位置偏远,因此减少中心点距离为0.85米!!! ***************************************************************/ void CPathAgent::FindCalibPoses(std::deque<math::TPoint2D> &path, std::deque<math::TPose2D> &calibPoses, bool &bFound) { std::deque<SPose2LM> dequePose2LM; //std::deque<int> idLands; calibPoses.clear(); bFound = false; if(path.size() < 6) return; // 避免路径终点被分割成小段了 // 遍历路径点,判断在哪个路径点能看到路标 for (unsigned int i=5; i<(path.size()-5); i++) // 路径【头5点】和【尾5点】不参与。保证不会出现路径起末点小路径的情况 { TPoint2D p =; // 本次的点 TPoint2D n =; // 后一个点 TPose2D p2n( n - p ); // p点到n点的矢量 if (abs(p2n.x) < 0.000001) // x==0 { p2n.phi = (p2n.y > 0) ? (M_PI/2) : (-M_PI/2); } else { float k = p2n.y / p2n.x; p2n.phi = (p2n.x > 0) ? atan(k) : (atan(k) + M_PI); } p2n.phi = wrapToPi(p2n.phi); // 机器人在该路径点的理想朝向角 CPose2D robot(p.x, p.y, p2n.phi);// 此点上机器人的大地位姿 CPose2D center2robot(m_dCalibCenterDistance, 0, 0); // 查找范围的中心点在机器人坐标系内的坐标 CPose2D center = robot + center2robot; // 查找范围的中心点在大地坐标系内的坐标 // 遍历路标,找到距离0.4米内的路标 for (int j=0; j<m_iLandMarkNum; j++) { TPose2D Land = m_pLandMarkPose[j]; // 路标的大地坐标 ////////////// 换算到视野中心点坐标系内判断 //////////////// CPose2D LMpose(Land); CPose2D Land2Center = LMpose - center; // 路标在视野中心点坐标系内的坐标 CPose2D LandCen(0.05, 0.05, 0); // 路标帖的中心在路标自己坐标系内的坐标 CPose2D LMC2ViewCenter = Land2Center + LandCen; // 路标贴中心在视野中心坐标系内的坐标 if (abs(LMC2ViewCenter.x()) < abs(m_dCalibCenterDistance-0.7)) // 前后范围符合 { if ( ((LMC2ViewCenter.x() >= 0) && (abs(LMC2ViewCenter.y()) < 0.5)) || ((LMC2ViewCenter.x() < 0) && (abs(LMC2ViewCenter.y()) < 0.4)) ) { // 先记下这个点,这个路标。下面再一个路标选一个最近的路径点 double ddis = LMC2ViewCenter.distance2DTo(0,0); SPose2LM tpose2LM(robot.x(), robot.y(), robot.phi(), ddis, j); dequePose2LM.push_back(tpose2LM); } } ///////////////// 换算判断结束 //////////////////////// //double dis = center.distance2DTo(Land.x, Land.y); //if (dis <= 0.4) // 0.4m半径的圆范围 //{ // // 这个路标点满足基本的距离条件,需要进一步判断是否在矩形ROI区域 // CPoint2D Land2Center(Land.x - center.x(), Land.y - center.y()); // 路标在center坐标系的坐标 // CPose2D TurnPose(0,0,-center.phi()); // 旋转到机器人朝向的center坐标系 // CPoint2D newLand2Center = TurnPose + Land2Center; // if (abs(newLand2Center.x()) < 0.2) // 在矩形ROI区域 // { // // 记下这个点,这个路标。一个路标选一个最近的路径点 // SPose2LM tpose2LM(robot.x(), robot.y(), robot.phi(), j); // dequePose2LM.push_back(tpose2LM); // } //} } } if (dequePose2LM.size() <= 0) // 没找到校正点 { bFound = false; return; } else bFound = true; // 每个路标只取一个最近校正点 TPose2D minPose; double minDis = 10; for (unsigned int i=0; i<dequePose2LM.size(); i++) { TPose2D tpose(,,; int indexLM =; //CPose2D robot(tpose); //CPose2D center2robot(m_dCalibCenterDistance, 0, 0); // 查找范围的中心点在机器人坐标系内的坐标 //CPose2D center = robot + center2robot; // 查找范围的中心点在大地坐标系内的坐标 //double dis = center.distance2DTo(m_pLandMarkPose[indexLM].x, m_pLandMarkPose[indexLM].y); double dis =; if (dis < minDis) { minDis = dis; minPose = tpose; } if((i+1) < dequePose2LM.size()) { if ( != indexLM) // 这个路标挑完了 { calibPoses.push_back(minPose); minDis = 10; } } } calibPoses.push_back(minPose); // 最后一个校正点 }
// This function builds the mass function based on lane features // \param lateralOffset: current lateral offset // \param intervalTime: the interval time between the two consective frames //! Assign the mass from lane source //! Standard deviation reflects the extent of wave about car. It will show the fatigue. void GenerateLaneIndicators(const int &sampleIdx, const int &TIME_SAMPLING_WINDOW, int &muWindowSize, int &sigmaWindowSize, const double &lateralOffset, std::deque<InfoCar> &lateralOffsetDeque, std::deque <InfoCar> &LANEXDeque, std::deque<InfoTLC> &TLCDeque, LaneFeature &laneFeatures, const double &intervalTime) { double LATMEAN=laneFeatures.LATMEAN, LANEDEV=laneFeatures.LANEDEV, LATSD=0, LANEX=0, TLC=0, TLC_min=0; int TLC_2s = 0, TLC_halfs = 0; double TLCF_2s = 0, TLCF_halfs = 0; //! lateralOffsetDeque InfoCar infoLO; infoLO.lateralOffset = lateralOffset; infoLO.intervalTime = intervalTime; if(!lateralOffsetDeque.empty()) { infoLO.winTime = lateralOffsetDeque.back().winTime + intervalTime; } else { infoLO.winTime = intervalTime; } while (infoLO.winTime > TIME_SAMPLING_WINDOW && !lateralOffsetDeque.empty()) { infoLO.winTime -= lateralOffsetDeque.front().intervalTime; lateralOffsetDeque.pop_front(); } lateralOffsetDeque.push_back(infoLO); //! Need to reset \param muWindowSize and \param sigmaWindowSize. GetEWMA(sampleIdx, muWindowSize, lateralOffset, LATMEAN); GetEWVAR(sampleIdx, sigmaWindowSize, lateralOffset, LATMEAN, LANEDEV); GetStandardDeviation(lateralOffsetDeque, LATSD); std::cout << "LO: " << lateralOffset << "LATSD: " << LATSD << std::endl; //! Considering the sampling Time of LANEX different that of lateralOffset //! Rebuild the InfoCar struct InfoCar infoLANEX; infoLANEX.lateralOffset = lateralOffset; infoLANEX.intervalTime = intervalTime; if(!LANEXDeque.empty()) { infoLANEX.winTime = LANEXDeque.back().winTime + intervalTime; } else { infoLANEX.winTime = intervalTime; } while (infoLANEX.winTime > TIME_SAMPLING_WINDOW) { infoLANEX.winTime -= LANEXDeque.front().intervalTime; LANEXDeque.pop_front(); } LANEXDeque.push_back(infoLANEX); double sumTime_LANEX = 0, sumTime = 0; for(std::deque<InfoCar>::size_type i = 0; i != LANEXDeque.size(); ++i) { if(LANEXDeque[i].lateralOffset == 1) { sumTime_LANEX += LANEXDeque[i].intervalTime; } sumTime += LANEXDeque[i].intervalTime; } LANEX = sumTime_LANEX / sumTime; //! Time-to-Lane-Crossing //! Simple TLC CV_Assert((int)lateralOffsetDeque.size() > 1); double lastLateralOffset =; double lateralVelocity = lateralOffset - lastLateralOffset; double TLC_Frame = 0; if (lateralVelocity < 0)//direct to left TLC_Frame = std::abs((1 + lateralOffset) / lateralVelocity); else if(lateralVelocity > 0)//direct to right TLC_Frame = std::abs((1 - lateralOffset) / lateralVelocity); else TLC_Frame = 10000;//Max TLC shows a safe deviation TLC = TLC_Frame * intervalTime;//sec TLC = TLC < 1000 ? TLC : 1000; InfoTLC infoTLC; infoTLC.TLC = TLC; infoTLC.intervalTime = intervalTime; if(!TLCDeque.empty()) { infoTLC.winTime = TLCDeque.back().winTime + intervalTime; } else { infoTLC.winTime = intervalTime; } while (infoTLC.winTime > TIME_SAMPLING_WINDOW) { infoTLC.winTime -= TLCDeque.front().intervalTime; TLCDeque.pop_front(); } TLCDeque.push_back(infoTLC); //! Number of times that TLC below a threshold for(std::deque<double>::size_type i = 0; i != TLCDeque.size(); ++i) { //!TLC with signal falling below 2s in a given time interval if(TLCDeque[i].TLC < 2.0) { TLC_2s ++; } //!TLC with signal falling below 0.5s in a given time interval if(TLCDeque[i].TLC < 0.5) { TLC_halfs ++; } } //! Fraction of TLC_2s and TLC_halfs TLCF_2s = (double)TLC_2s / (double)TLCDeque.size(); TLCF_halfs = (double)TLC_halfs / (double)TLCDeque.size(); //! Global minimum of TLC over a given time interval; std::deque<InfoTLC> cmpTLCDeque = TLCDeque; sort(cmpTLCDeque.begin(), cmpTLCDeque.end(), TLC_cmp); TLC_min = cmpTLCDeque.back().TLC; std::deque<InfoTLC>::iterator iter = cmpTLCDeque.end(); while (TLC_min == 0) { --iter; TLC_min = iter->TLC; } //!Update the LaneFeature struct laneFeatures.frame = sampleIdx; laneFeatures.lateralOffset = lateralOffset; laneFeatures.LATMEAN = LATMEAN; //EWMA laneFeatures.LANEDEV = LANEDEV; //EWVAR laneFeatures.LATSD = LATSD; laneFeatures.LANEX = LANEX; laneFeatures.TLC = TLC; laneFeatures.TLC_2s = TLC_2s; laneFeatures.TLC_halfs = TLC_halfs; laneFeatures.TLC_min = TLC_min; laneFeatures.TLCF_2s = TLCF_2s; laneFeatures.TLCF_halfs = TLCF_halfs; }//end GenerateLaneIndicators
value_type at(size_type index) const { return; };
reference at(size_type index) { return; };