seconds seti_time::ut1_utc_diff() const {
  // UT1 and UTC drift from each other, but are brought closer together when
  // leap seconds are added.  They are never more than a second apart.
  if (ut1_utc_conv.size() == 0) {
  seti_time temp(*this);
  // need to be sure we never extrapolate across a leap second.
  std::map<seti_time,seconds>::iterator i(ut1_utc_conv.upper_bound(temp)),j;
  std::pair<seti_time,seconds> lower(*j), upper;
  if (i!=ut1_utc_conv.end()) {
    if (upper.second > (lower.second+seconds(0.95))) {
      upper.second-=seconds(1.0);  // the upper point is on the wrong side of a leap
                                   // second.
  } else {
    if (upper.second > (lower.second+seconds(0.95))) {
      lower.second+=seconds(1.0);  // the lower point is on the wrong side of a leap
                                   // second
  // now interpolate between the two points.
  seconds diff(
  return diff;
    // Assign value val to interval [keyBegin, keyEnd). 
    // Overwrite previous values in this interval. 
    // Do not change values outside this interval.
    // Conforming to the C++ Standard Library conventions, the interval 
    // includes keyBegin, but excludes keyEnd.
    // If !( keyBegin < keyEnd ), this designates an empty interval, 
    // and assign must do nothing.
    void assign( K const& keyBegin, K const& keyEnd, const V& val) {
        using iter_t = std::map<K, V>::const_iterator;

        if (!(keyBegin < keyEnd))

        const iter_t lower_bound = map_.lower_bound(keyBegin);
        const iter_t upper_bound = map_.upper_bound(keyEnd);
        const iter_t prev = std::prev(lower_bound);
        const iter_t next = std::prev(upper_bound);

        // erase elements in range [lower_bound, upper_bound)
        map_.erase(lower_bound, upper_bound);

        if (!(prev->second == val)) {
            // set new value at the beginning of the range
            map_.insert(upper_bound, std::make_pair(keyBegin, val));

        if (!(next->second == val)) {
            // set next value at the end of the range
            map_.insert(upper_bound, std::make_pair(keyEnd, next->second));
seconds seti_time::tai_utc_diff() const {
// before 1972 TAI and UTC drifted freely.  After 1972 the difference
// is defined to be the cumulative number of leap seconds.
  if (tai_utc_conv.size() == 0) {
  seti_time temp(*this);
  // find the time conversion prior to this time.
  std::map<seti_time,tai_conv>::iterator i(tai_utc_conv.upper_bound(temp));
  tai_conv conv(i->second);
  seconds diff(conv.a0+(temp.mjd().uval()-conv.d0)*conv.a1);
  return diff;
Beispiel #4
void vstUndoRadialDistortion::ComputeOldXY(double xn, double yn, double& xo, double& yo) const
   double rn = sqrt((xn*xn) + (yn*yn));  //// r is r squared
   map<double, double>::const_iterator next = lookup_.upper_bound(rn);
   map<double, double>::const_iterator prev = next;  prev--;

   // The compiler will optimise this.   
   double a = (*prev).first;
   double b = (*next).first;
   double c = rn;
   double d = (*prev).second;
   double e = (*next).second;
   double f = ((e-d)/(b-a))*(c-a) + d;
   xo = f*xn;
   yo = f*yn;
		heap_block_iterator find_containing_block ( const void *p )
			heap_block_iterator it ( m_heap_blocks.upper_bound ( ( void * ) p ) );

			if ( it != m_heap_blocks.begin() )

				if ( p < it->second.end() )
					assert ( p >= it->second.p );
					// p is inside this heap block.
					return it;

			return m_heap_blocks.end();
Beispiel #6
/// Given a relocation from __compact_unwind, consisting of the RelocationRef
/// and data being relocated, determine the best base Name and Addend to use for
/// display purposes.
/// 1. An Extern relocation will directly reference a symbol (and the data is
///    then already an addend), so use that.
/// 2. Otherwise the data is an offset in the object file's layout; try to find
//     a symbol before it in the same section, and use the offset from there.
/// 3. Finally, if all that fails, fall back to an offset from the start of the
///    referenced section.
static void findUnwindRelocNameAddend(const MachOObjectFile *Obj,
                                      std::map<uint64_t, SymbolRef> &Symbols,
                                      const RelocationRef &Reloc,
                                      uint64_t Addr,
                                      StringRef &Name, uint64_t &Addend) {
  if (Reloc.getSymbol() != Obj->symbol_end()) {
    Addend = Addr;

  auto RE = Obj->getRelocation(Reloc.getRawDataRefImpl());
  SectionRef RelocSection = Obj->getRelocationSection(RE);

  uint64_t SectionAddr;

  auto Sym = Symbols.upper_bound(Addr);
  if (Sym == Symbols.begin()) {
    // The first symbol in the object is after this reference, the best we can
    // do is section-relative notation.
    Addend = Addr - SectionAddr;

  // Go back one so that SymbolAddress <= Addr.

  section_iterator SymSection = Obj->section_end();
  if (RelocSection == *SymSection) {
    // There's a valid symbol in the same section before this reference.
    Addend = Addr - Sym->first;

  // There is a symbol before this reference, but it's in a different
  // section. Probably not helpful to mention it, so use the section name.
  Addend = Addr - SectionAddr;
Beispiel #7
toRoman(uint32_t number)
  static std::map<uint32_t, std::string> alphabet =
    {1000, "M" }, { 900, "CM" }, { 500, "D" }, { 400, "CD" },
    { 100, "C" }, {  90, "XC" }, {  50, "L" }, {  40, "XL" },
    {  10, "X" }, {   9, "IX" }, {   5, "V" }, {   4, "IV" },
    {   1, "I" }, {   0,   "" }

  std::string result;

  while (number > 0)
    auto digit  = *(--alphabet.upper_bound(number));

    result += digit.second;
    number -= digit.first;

  return result;
Beispiel #8
 V const& operator[](K const& key) const {
     return ( --m_map.upper_bound(key))->second;
Beispiel #9
		UTF16String *CreateValue(const wchar_t *pwszName){
			xKey Key(pwszName, std::wcslen(pwszName));
			const auto iterHint = xm_mapValues.upper_bound(Key);
			return &(xm_mapValues.emplace_hint(iterHint, std::move(Key), UTF16String())->second);
Beispiel #10
		Package *CreatePackage(const wchar_t *pwszName){
			xKey Key(pwszName, std::wcslen(pwszName));
			const auto iterHint = xm_mapPackages.upper_bound(Key);
			return &(xm_mapPackages.emplace_hint(iterHint, std::move(Key), Package())->second);