Beispiel #1
std::vector<std::string> Tokenize(const std::string& source, const std::string& delimiters, bool removeDelim /*= true*/)
	auto head = source.cbegin();
	std::vector<std::string> tokens;
	for (auto tail = source.cbegin(); tail != source.cend(); ++tail)
		for (auto it = delimiters.cbegin(); it != delimiters.cend(); ++it)
			const auto& delimiter = *it;

			if ((*tail == delimiter))
				if (head != tail)
					tokens.push_back(std::string(head, tail));

				if (removeDelim)
					head = tail + 1;
					head = tail;

	if (head != source.cend())
		tokens.push_back(std::string(head, source.cend()));
	return tokens;
Beispiel #2
bool CompareLowerCase(std::string const& l, std::string const& r)
    return l.size() == r.size()
        && equal(l.cbegin(), l.cend(), r.cbegin(),
            [](std::string::value_type l1, std::string::value_type r1)
    { return toupper(l1) == toupper(r1); });
Beispiel #3
inline void Parser::getCodeTagAttributes( const std::string &text, std::string &data )
    auto find_iter = std::find( text.cbegin(), text.cend(), ']' );
    if( find_iter != text.cend() && find_iter != text.crend().base() ) {
        data = std::string( text.cbegin(), find_iter + 1 );
Beispiel #4
	// split a string into multiple chunks
	void ClientConsole::Split( const std::string &line, std::vector<std::string> &lines ) {
		const uint16_t fontSize = static_cast<uint16_t>( con_fontSize->GetInt32() );
		const real32_t lineWidth = view->width;

		ptrdiff_t startOffset = 0u;
		real32_t accumWidth = 0.0f;

		const char *p = line.c_str();
		for ( char c = *p; c != '\0'; c = *p++ ) {
			if ( c == '\t' ) {
				//FIXME: actually handle tab stops properly
				accumWidth += font->GetGlyphWidth( ' ', fontSize );
			else {
				accumWidth += font->GetGlyphWidth( c, fontSize );

			if ( accumWidth >= lineWidth ) {
				// splice and reset counters
				const ptrdiff_t endOffset = p - line.c_str();
				lines.push_back( std::string( line.cbegin() + startOffset, line.cbegin() + endOffset ) );
				startOffset = endOffset;
				accumWidth = 0.0f;

		// push the remainder of the line
		lines.push_back( std::string( line.cbegin() + startOffset, line.cend() ) );
Beispiel #5
	bool Module::open(const std::string &libPath)
		if (is_open() )

	#ifdef WIN32
		const size_t pos_slash = libPath.rfind('\\');
		const size_t pos_slash_back = libPath.rfind('/');

		size_t pos = std::string::npos;

		if (pos_slash != std::string::npos && pos_slash > pos_slash_back)
			pos = pos_slash;
		else if (pos_slash_back != std::string::npos)
			pos = pos_slash_back;

		DLL_DIRECTORY_COOKIE cookie = nullptr;

		if (std::string::npos != pos)
			std::wstring directory(libPath.cbegin(), libPath.cbegin() + pos + 1);

			cookie = ::AddDllDirectory( );

		#ifdef UNICODE
			std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>> converter;
			const std::wstring lib_path = converter.from_bytes(libPath);
			const std::string &lib_path = libPath;
		lib_handle = ::LoadLibraryEx(lib_path.c_str(), 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DEFAULT_DIRS);

		if (cookie)
	#elif POSIX
		lib_handle = ::dlopen(libPath.c_str(), RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL);
		#error "Undefine platform"

		if (nullptr == lib_handle)
		#ifdef POSIX
			std::cout << ::dlerror() << std::endl;
			return false;

		return true;
	void run(const size_t messageCount){
		const size_t stringSize = 25;
		assert(stringSize <= TestClient::bufferSize);

		for(size_t i = 0; i < messageCount; ++i){
			const std::string currentString = TestClient::randomString(stringSize);
			std::copy(currentString.cbegin(), currentString.cend(), this->buffer.get());

			const ssize_t sendRes = send(this->serverSocketDescriptor, this->buffer.get(), stringSize, 0);
			if(sendRes == -1){
				throw std::runtime_error(std::string("send error: ") + strerror(errno));

			std::cout << "Sent string:     '" << currentString << "'" << std::endl;

			const ssize_t recvRes = recv(this->serverSocketDescriptor, this->buffer.get(), TestClient::bufferSize, 0);
			if(recvRes == -1){
				throw std::runtime_error(std::string("recv error: ") + strerror(errno));

			std::cout << "Recieved string: '";
			for(ssize_t pos = 0; pos < recvRes; ++pos){
				std::cout << this->buffer[pos];

			std::cout << "'" << std::endl;

			const bool isEqual = std::equal(currentString.cbegin(), currentString.cend(), this->buffer.get());
			if(isEqual == false){
				throw std::runtime_error("reply is not equal");

Beispiel #7
/** return the stem of a path, ie basename minus extension
    /foo/bar/baz.txt returns /foo/bar/baz
std::string path_stem(const std::string & path)
    auto idx = _path_extension_pos(path);
    if(idx == std::string::npos) {
        return path;
    return std::string(path.cbegin(), path.cbegin() + idx);
Beispiel #8
std::string path_dirname(const std::string & path)
    auto slash_idx = path.find_last_of("/");
    if(slash_idx == std::string::npos) {
        return ".";
    return std::string(path.cbegin(), path.cbegin() + slash_idx);
	/**! ctor from a line **/
	Sam (const std::string& line)
		std::string::const_iterator iter1 {line.cbegin ()}, iter2 {line.cbegin ()};
		while (*++iter2 != '\t');
		QNAME = std::string {iter1, iter2};
		iter1 = ++iter2;

		while (*++iter2 != '\t');
		FLAG = std::bitset<SAM_FLAG::FLAG_SIZE> {std::stoul (std::string {iter1, iter2})};
		iter1 = ++iter2;

		while (*++iter2 != '\t');
		RNAME = std::string {iter1, iter2};
		iter1 = ++iter2;

		while (*++iter2 != '\t');
		POS = std::stoul (std::string {iter1, iter2});
		iter1 = ++iter2;

		while (*++iter2 != '\t');
		MAPQ = std::stoi (std::string {iter1, iter2});
		iter1 = ++iter2;

		while (*++iter2 != '\t');
		CIGAR = std::string {iter1, iter2};
		iter1 = ++iter2;

		while (*++iter2 != '\t');
		RNEXT = std::string {iter1, iter2};
		iter1 = ++iter2;

		while (*++iter2 != '\t');
		PNEXT = std::stoul (std::string {iter1, iter2});
		iter1 = ++iter2;

		while (*++iter2 != '\t');
		TLEN = std::stol (std::string {iter1, iter2});
		iter1 = ++iter2;

		while (*++iter2 != '\t');
		SEQ = std::string {iter1, iter2};
		iter1 = ++iter2;

		while (*++iter2 != '\t');
		QUAL = std::string {iter1, iter2};
		std::string Tag, Value;
		while (iter2 != line.cend ())
			iter1 = ++iter2;
			iter2 += 2;
			Tag = std::string {iter1, iter2};
			iter1 += 5;
			while ( (*iter2 != '\t') && (iter2 != line.cend()))
			Value = std::string {iter1, iter2};
			OPTIONAL_FIELDS.insert (std::make_pair (Tag, Value));
size_t compute(const std::string& sequence_1, const std::string& sequence_2)
    if (sequence_1.size() != sequence_2.size())
        throw std::domain_error("Sequences are not of same length");
    return std::inner_product(sequence_1.cbegin(), sequence_1.cend(), sequence_2.cbegin(), 0,
                              std::plus<size_t>(), std::not_equal_to<char>());
Beispiel #11
    std::string trim_start(const std::string& str, char trimChar)
        if (str.length() == 0)
            return str;

        auto it = str.cbegin();
        while(it++ != str.cbegin() && *it == trimChar) {}

        return std::string(it - 1, str.cend());
Beispiel #12
    std::string trim_end(const std::string& str, char trimChar)
        if (str.length() == 0)
            return str;

        auto it = str.cend();
        while(--it != str.cbegin() && *it == trimChar) {}

        return std::string(str.cbegin(), it + 1);
Beispiel #13
point string_stencil::write_to(frame& frame_, const std::string& str) const {
	auto dim  =frame_.get_dimension();
	auto rows =required_y(dim.x, str.size());

	if(rows <= dim.y) {
		frame_.write({0, 0}, str);
		return { dim.x, rows };
	else {
		frame_.write({0, 0}, str.cbegin(), str.cbegin()+dim.y*dim.x-1);
		return dim;
Beispiel #14
  boost::optional<std::string> matchre(std::string pattern)
    boost::optional<std::string> maybe_token;

    /* FIXME: Not thread-safe.  */
    static std::unordered_map<std::string, std::regex *>_lookup;
    std::regex *rep;
    if (_lookup.count(pattern) == 0)
	rep = new std::regex(pattern);
	_lookup[pattern] = rep;
      rep = _lookup[pattern];
    std::regex& re = *rep;

    /* Multiline is the default.  */
    std::regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = std::regex_constants::match_continuous;
    if (_pos > 0)
      flags |= std::regex_constants::match_prev_avail;
    flags |= std::regex_constants::match_not_dot_newline;

    std::smatch match;
    int cnt = std::regex_search(_text.cbegin() + _pos, _text.cend(), match, re, flags);
    if (cnt > 0)
	maybe_token = match[0];
	_pos += match[0].length();

    return maybe_token;
Beispiel #15
  bool match(const std::string& token)
    int len = token.length();

    if (len == 0)
      return true;

    bool eq = (, len, token) == 0);
    if (!eq)
      return false;

    if (_nameguard)
	bool token_first_is_alpha = is_name_char(_pos);
	bool follow_is_alpha = is_name_char(_pos + len);

	if (token_first_is_alpha && follow_is_alpha)
	    /* Check if the token is alphanumeric.  */
	    auto begin = _text.cbegin() + _pos;
	    auto end = begin + len;

	    bool token_is_alnum = find_if(begin, end, 
					  [](char ch) { return !std::isalnum(ch); }) == end;
	    if (token_is_alnum)
	      return false;

    return true;
	void add(const std::string& str)
		auto strSize = (uint16_t)str.size();
		buffer.insert(buffer.end(), str.cbegin(), str.cend());
Beispiel #17
void HugeInteger::_fillDigits(const std::string &a_digits)
    size_t digit = {0};

    for (auto cit = a_digits.cbegin(); cit != a_digits.cend(); ++cit, ++digit) = *cit - '0';
static std::optional<PartitionType> ParsePartitionDirectoryName(const std::string& name)
  if (name.size() < 2)
    return {};

  if (!strcasecmp(name.c_str(), "DATA"))
    return PartitionType::Game;
  if (!strcasecmp(name.c_str(), "UPDATE"))
    return PartitionType::Update;
  if (!strcasecmp(name.c_str(), "CHANNEL"))
    return PartitionType::Channel;

  if (name[0] == 'P' || name[0] == 'p')
    // e.g. "P-HA8E" (normally only used for Super Smash Bros. Brawl's VC partitions)
    if (name[1] == '-' && name.size() == 6)
      const u32 result = Common::swap32(reinterpret_cast<const u8*>( + 2));
      return static_cast<PartitionType>(result);

    // e.g. "P0"
    if (std::all_of(name.cbegin() + 1, name.cend(), [](char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; }))
      u32 result;
      if (TryParse(name.substr(1), &result))
        return static_cast<PartitionType>(result);

  return {};
Beispiel #19
void Parser::getMetaData(const std::string &data, MetaData &metadatas)
    const char comma = ',';
    auto find_str = std::find(data.cbegin(), data.cend(), comma );
    if ( find_str == data.cend() ) {
    } else {
        auto container = splitStringBy( data, comma );
        for( const auto &i: container ){
            if( i.find( "input" ) != std::string::npos ) {
                metadatas.input = getValue( i );
            } else if ( i.find( "lang" ) != std::string::npos ) {
                metadatas.lang = Tokens::getLanguage( getValue( i ) );
            } else if ( i.find( "run" ) != std::string::npos ) {
                metadatas.run_code = ( getValue( i ) == std::string { "true" } ? true :
                                getValue( i ) == std::string { "1" } ? true : false );
            } else if ( i.find( "private" ) != std::string::npos ) {
                metadatas.privacy = ( getValue( i ) == std::string { "true" } ? true :
                                getValue( i ) == std::string { "1" } ? true : false );
    printf("MetaData: input => %s -- n_code => %s -- lang = %d -- run_code => %d -- privacy => %d\n",
            metadatas.input.c_str(), metadatas.n_code.c_str(), (int)metadatas.lang, (int)metadatas.run_code,
            metadatas.privacy );
Beispiel #20
void NotationClass::xEscapeAndAppend(std::string &strAppendTo, const std::string &strSrc){
	strAppendTo.reserve(strAppendTo.size() + strSrc.size() * 2);
	for(auto iter = strSrc.cbegin(); iter != strSrc.cend(); ++iter){
		const char ch = *iter;
		case '\\':
		case '=':
		case '{':
		case '}':
		case ';':
		case '\n':
		case '\b':
		case '\r':
		case '\t':
                void append_encoded_string(const std::string& data) {
                    boost::u8_to_u32_iterator<std::string::const_iterator> it(data.cbegin(), data.cbegin(), data.cend());
                    boost::u8_to_u32_iterator<std::string::const_iterator> end(data.cend(), data.cend(), data.cend());
                    boost::utf8_output_iterator<std::back_insert_iterator<std::string>> oit(std::back_inserter(*m_out));

                    for (; it != end; ++it) {
                        uint32_t c = *it;

                        // This is a list of Unicode code points that we let
                        // through instead of escaping them. It is incomplete
                        // and can be extended later.
                        // Generally we don't want to let through any character
                        // that has special meaning in the OPL format such as
                        // space, comma, @, etc. and any non-printing characters.
                        if ((0x0021 <= c && c <= 0x0024) ||
                            (0x0026 <= c && c <= 0x002b) ||
                            (0x002d <= c && c <= 0x003c) ||
                            (0x003e <= c && c <= 0x003f) ||
                            (0x0041 <= c && c <= 0x007e) ||
                            (0x00a1 <= c && c <= 0x00ac) ||
                            (0x00ae <= c && c <= 0x05ff)) {
                            *oit = c;
                        } else {
                            *m_out += '%';
                            output_formatted("%04x", c);
Beispiel #22
bool check_contains_non_digit(std::string w)
  for(auto i=w.cbegin();i != w.cend();++i)
      return true;
  return false;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // コマンドラインパース
    auto const command_line = process_command_line(argc, argv);

    // グラフファイルを開いてgraph_dataに導入
    std::ifstream ifs_graph(;
    std::string const graph_data{std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs_graph), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()};
    std::cout << "Loaded Graph: Length = " << graph_data.size() << std::endl;

    // graph_dataよりグラフパース
	bn::graph_t graph;
    bn::database_t data;
    std::tie(graph, data) = bn::serializer::bif().parse(graph_data.cbegin(), graph_data.cend());
    std::cout << "Parsed Graph: Num of Node = " << graph.vertex_list().size() << std::endl;

    // リンクファイルがあるなら,そのリンク状態にする
        // 全てのリンクを削除

        // リンクファイル読み込み
        std::ifstream ifs(command_line.link_info.get());
        bn::serializer::csv().load(ifs, graph);

    // 書出
    std::ofstream ofs(command_line.output);
    bn::serializer::dot().write(ofs, graph, data);
ConsoleCommand::ConsoleCommand(const std::string& str)
    std::regex e("^(?:/(\\S*)\\s*)?(.*)$");
    std::smatch sm;
    std::regex_match(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), sm, e);
    _command = sm[1];
    _content = sm[2];
Beispiel #25
/** return the basename of a path. Example:
    /foo/bar/baz.txt returns baz.txt
std::string path_basename(const std::string & path)
    auto slash_idx = path.find_last_of("/");
    if(slash_idx == std::string::npos) {
        return path;
    return std::string(path.cbegin() + slash_idx + 1, path.cend());
Beispiel #26
std::string trim_copy(const std::string& s)
  auto ch = s.cbegin();
  auto rch = s.crbegin();
  for(; *ch == ' ' || *ch == '\n' || *ch == '\t'; ++ch);
  for(; *rch == ' ' || *rch == '\n' || *rch == '\t'; ++rch);
  return std::string(ch, rch.base());
Beispiel #27
	void parse() {
		auto wrap = '\0';
		auto pos = s3Data_.cbegin(),
		     end = s3Data_.cend(),
		     last = pos;
		auto next = [&]{
			fields_.push_back({ last - s3Data_.cbegin(), pos - last });
//			std::cout << "ADD: " << fields_[fields_.size()-1].first << ',' << fields_[fields_.size()-1].second << '\n';
			if (pos != end)
				++pos;	// skip space after field
			last = pos;
		while (pos != end) {
			if (wrap == '"') {
				if (*pos == '"') {
					wrap = '\0';
			else if (wrap == '[') {
				if (*pos == ']') {
					wrap = '\0';
			else {
				switch (*pos) {
					case '"': wrap = '"'; ++pos; break;
					case '[': wrap = '['; ++pos; break;
					case ' ': next(); break;
					default: ++pos;
		if (last != pos)
inline std::vector<std::string>  build_args(const std::string & data)
    std::vector<std::string>  st;
    typedef std::string::const_iterator itr_t;

    //normal quotes outside can be stripped, inside ones marked as \" will be replaced.
    auto make_entry = [](const itr_t & begin, const itr_t & end)
        std::string data;
        if ((*begin == '"') && (*(end-1) == '"'))
            data.assign(begin+1, end-1);
            data.assign(begin, end);

        boost::replace_all(data, "\\\"", "\"");
        return data;


    bool in_quote = false;

    auto part_beg = data.cbegin();
    auto itr = data.cbegin();

    for (; itr != data.cend(); itr++)
        if (*itr == '"')
            in_quote ^= true;

        if (!in_quote && (*itr == ' '))
            //alright, got a space

            if ((itr != data.cbegin()) && (*(itr -1) != ' ' ))
                st.push_back(make_entry(part_beg, itr));

            part_beg = itr+1;
    if (part_beg != itr)
        st.emplace_back(make_entry(part_beg, itr));

    return st;
bool StringUtil::hasAllUniqueCharacters(const std::string& str) {
	auto begin = str.cbegin();
	auto end = str.cend();
	for (; begin != end; begin++) {
		if (find(begin +1, end, *begin) != end)
			return false;
	return true;
Beispiel #30
int wordScore(const std::string& word, const int n)
	int sum = 0;
	for (auto itr = word.cbegin(); itr != word.cend(); ++itr) {
		if (*itr != '"')
			sum += *itr - 'A' + 1;
	return sum * n;