Beispiel #1
void Loader::LoadVertexList(Stream::IStream& stream)
   Stream::EndianAwareFilter filter(stream);

   WORD wNumVertices = filter.Read16LE();

   if (wNumVertices >= c_uiMaxVertices)
      throw Exception(_T("invalid number of vertices"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

   for (WORD w = 0; w<wNumVertices; w++)
      Vertex& v = m_data.m_vecVertices[w];

      BYTE bFlags = stream.ReadByte();
      if ((bFlags & ~(flagSelected | flagSelected2 | flagHidden)) != 0)
          throw Exception(_T("invalid vertex flags"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

      float afVertex[3];
      afVertex[0] = ReadFloat(stream);
      afVertex[1] = ReadFloat(stream);
      afVertex[2] = ReadFloat(stream);

      char cBoneId = static_cast<char>(stream.ReadByte());
      /*BYTE bReferenceCount =*/ stream.ReadByte();

      v.m_vPos = Vector3d(afVertex[0], afVertex[1], afVertex[2]);
      v.m_iJointIndex = cBoneId;
Beispiel #2
void Loader::LoadTriangleList(Stream::IStream& stream)
   Stream::EndianAwareFilter filter(stream);

   WORD wNumTriangles = filter.Read16LE();

   if (wNumTriangles >= c_uiMaxTriangles)
      throw Exception(_T("invalid number of triangles"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

   for (WORD w = 0; w<wNumTriangles; w++)
      TriangleData t;

      t.wFlags = filter.Read16LE();
      if ((t.wFlags & ~(flagSelected | flagSelected2 | flagHidden)) != 0)
          throw Exception(_T("invalid triangle flags"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

      t.awVertexIndices[0] = filter.Read16LE();
      t.awVertexIndices[1] = filter.Read16LE();
      t.awVertexIndices[2] = filter.Read16LE();

      if (t.awVertexIndices[0] >= m_data.m_vecVertices.size() ||
          t.awVertexIndices[1] >= m_data.m_vecVertices.size() ||
          t.awVertexIndices[2] >= m_data.m_vecVertices.size())
         throw Exception(_T("invalid vertex index value"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

      for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
         for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
            t.afVertexNormals[i][j] = ReadFloat(stream);

      for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
         t.s[i] = ReadFloat(stream);
      for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
         t.t[i] = ReadFloat(stream);

      // check bSmoothingGroup
      t.bSmoothingGroup = stream.ReadByte(); /// 1-32
      if (t.bSmoothingGroup < 1 || t.bSmoothingGroup > 32)
          throw Exception(_T("invalid smooth group value"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

      t.bGroupIndex = stream.ReadByte();

      // copy over to Triangle
      MilkShape3D::Triangle& tri = m_data.m_vecTriangles[w];
      for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
         tri.auiVertexIndices[i] = t.awVertexIndices[i];

         tri.aNormals[i] = Vector3d(

         // reverse t; MilkShape3D stores them in reverse
         tri.aTex[i] = TexCoord2f(t.s[i], /*1.0f -*/ t.t[i]);
Beispiel #3
		void HexToBinary(stream::IStream& stream, const WString& hexText)
			const wchar_t* buffer = hexText.Buffer();
			vint count = hexText.Length() / 2;
			for (vint i = 0; i < count; i++)
				vuint8_t byte = (vuint8_t)(HexToInt(buffer[0]) * 16 + HexToInt(buffer[1]));
				buffer += 2;
				stream.Write(&byte, 1);
Beispiel #4
void Loader::LoadGroupList(Stream::IStream& stream)
   Stream::EndianAwareFilter filter(stream);

   WORD wNumGroups = filter.Read16LE();

   if (wNumGroups > c_uiMaxGroups)
      throw Exception(_T("invalid number of groups"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

   for (WORD w = 0; w<wNumGroups; w++)
      GroupData g;

      g.bFlags = stream.ReadByte();
      if ((g.bFlags & ~(flagSelected | flagHidden)) != 0)
         throw Exception(_T("invalid group flags"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

      g.cszName = ReadString<32>(stream, _T("error reading group name"));

      WORD wNumTriangleIndices = filter.Read16LE();
      if (wNumTriangleIndices > 0)

         for (WORD i=0; i<wNumTriangleIndices; i++)
            WORD wIndex = filter.Read16LE();
            if (wIndex >= m_data.m_vecTriangles.size())
               throw Exception(_T("invalid triangle index value"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

            m_data.m_vecGroups[w].m_vecTriangleIndices[i] = wIndex;

      g.cMaterialIndex = static_cast<char>(stream.ReadByte());

      m_data.m_vecGroups[w].m_uiMaterialIndex = g.cMaterialIndex;
Beispiel #5
CString ReadString(Stream::IStream& stream, LPCTSTR pszExceptionText)
   std::array<char, uiLen+1> aName;
   aName[uiLen] = 0;

   DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
   bool bRet = stream.Read(&aName[0], uiLen, dwBytesRead);

   if (!bRet || dwBytesRead != uiLen)
      throw Exception(pszExceptionText, __FILE__, __LINE__);

   return CString(&aName[0]);
Beispiel #6
			Ptr<INativeImage> WindowsImageService::CreateImageFromStream(stream::IStream& stream)
				stream::MemoryStream memoryStream;
				char buffer[65536];
					vint length=stream.Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
					memoryStream.Write(buffer, length);
				return CreateImageFromMemory(memoryStream.GetInternalBuffer(), (vint)memoryStream.Size());
Beispiel #7
/// \details reads IEEE754 32-bit float value
float Loader::ReadFloat(Stream::IStream& stream)
   float fValue = 0.f;

   DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
   bool bRet = stream.Read(&fValue, sizeof(fValue), dwBytesRead);

   if (!bRet || dwBytesRead != sizeof(fValue))
      throw Exception(_T("error reading float value"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

   // check invalid float values
   if (_isnan(fValue) || !_finite(fValue))
      throw Exception(_T("error reading float value"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

   return fValue;
Beispiel #8
		WString BinaryToHex(stream::IStream& stream)
			stream::MemoryStream memoryStream;
				stream::StreamWriter writer(memoryStream);
				vuint8_t byte;
				while (stream.Read(&byte, 1) == 1)
					writer.WriteChar(L"0123456789ABCDEF"[byte / 16]);
					writer.WriteChar(L"0123456789ABCDEF"[byte % 16]);
				stream::StreamReader reader(memoryStream);
				return reader.ReadToEnd();
Beispiel #9
void Loader::LoadHeader(Stream::IStream& stream)
   Header header;

   const int iSignatureSize = sizeof(header.aszId);

   DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
   bool bRet = stream.Read(&header.aszId[0], iSignatureSize, dwBytesRead);

   if (!bRet || dwBytesRead != iSignatureSize ||
       strncmp(header.aszId, c_szHeaderId, iSignatureSize) != 0)
      throw Exception(_T("invalid header signature"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

   Stream::EndianAwareFilter filter(stream);
   header.iVersion = static_cast<int>(filter.Read32LE());

   if (header.iVersion != c_iDefaultVersion)
      throw Exception(_T("invalid header version"), __FILE__, __LINE__);
Beispiel #10
void Loader::LoadMaterialsList(Stream::IStream& stream)
   Stream::EndianAwareFilter filter(stream);

   WORD wNumMaterials = filter.Read16LE();

   if (wNumMaterials > c_uiMaxMaterials)
      throw Exception(_T("invalid number of materials"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

   for (WORD w = 0; w<wNumMaterials; w++)
      Material& m = m_data.m_vecMaterials[w];

      m.cszName = ReadString<32>(stream, _T("error reading material name"));

      for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++)
         m.afAmbient[i] = ReadFloat(stream);

      for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++)
         m.afDiffuse[i] = ReadFloat(stream);

      for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++)
         m.afSpecular[i] = ReadFloat(stream);

      for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++)
         m.afEmissive[i] = ReadFloat(stream);

      m.fShininess = ReadFloat(stream);
      m.fTransparency = ReadFloat(stream);

      m.bMode = stream.ReadByte();

      m.cszTexture = ReadString<128>(stream, _T("error reading material texture"));
      m.cszAlphaMap = ReadString<128>(stream, _T("error reading material alpha map"));
void OggVorbisFileReader::Read(Stream::IStream& stream)
   OggVorbis_File vf;

   // open file
   OggVorbisStreamCallbacks callbacks(false, stream.CanSeek());

   int iRet = ov_open_callbacks(&stream, &vf, NULL, 0, callbacks);
   if (iRet == -1)
      throw Exception(_T("Ogg Vorbis: couldn't open file"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

   // get metadata
      vorbis_info* vi = ov_info(&vf, -1); // vi doesn't need to be freed
      if (vi == NULL)
         throw Exception(_T("Ogg Vorbis: couldn't get info"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

      m_uiChannels = vi->channels;
      m_uiSamplerate = vi->rate;

   // prepare buffer
   ogg_int64_t ilLength = ov_pcm_total(&vf, -1);

   // double number of samples when stereo
   if (m_uiChannels == 2)
      ilLength <<= 1;

   ATLASSERT(ilLength >= 0 && ilLength <= std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
   size_t uiLength = static_cast<size_t>(ilLength);


   // read in samples
   int iCurrentBitstream = 0;
   bool bEof = false;
   size_t ulAlreadyRead = 0;
      // read 64k samples at once
      int iLengthToRead = std::min(int(uiLength - ulAlreadyRead), 65536);

      if (iLengthToRead == 0)
         bEof = true;

      long lRet = ov_read(&vf,
         iLengthToRead * 2, // in bytes
         0, // big endian: no
         2, // size of word
         1, // signed: yes

      if (lRet == 0)
         bEof = true;
      else if (lRet < 0)
         // error in the stream
         // ov_read returns number of bytes written, so divide by size of word
         ulAlreadyRead += lRet / 2;

   // finished

   // when not at EOF, we had an error
   if (!bEof)
      throw Exception(_T("Ogg Vorbis: couldn't read samples"), __FILE__, __LINE__);
/// \see
void MD2::ModelData::Load(Stream::IStream& stream)
   Stream::EndianAwareFilter filter(stream);

   Header header = { 0 };

   if ((header.ident != c_uiMagicNumber) && (header.version != c_uiVersion))
      throw Exception(_T("invalid MD2 signature"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

   // initialize member variables
   m_iNumFrames = header.num_frames;
   m_iNumXyz = header.num_xyz;
   m_iNumGlcmds = header.num_glcmds;

   // allocate memory
   m_vecVertices.resize(header.num_xyz * header.num_frames);
   m_vecLightNormals.resize(header.num_xyz * header.num_frames);

   //          reading file data

   std::vector<char> buffer(header.num_frames * header.framesize);

   DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;

   // TODO read frame endian-independent
   // read frame data...
   stream.Seek(header.ofs_frames, Stream::IStream::seekBegin);
   stream.Read(&buffer[0], buffer.size(), dwBytesRead);

   if (buffer.size() != dwBytesRead)
      throw Exception(_T("invalid MD2 content"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

   // read opengl commands...
   stream.Seek(header.ofs_glcmds, Stream::IStream::seekBegin);
   for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vecGlcmds.size(); i++)
      m_vecGlcmds[i] = static_cast<int>(filter.Read32LE());

   // vertex array initialization

   for (unsigned int numframe = 0; numframe < header.num_frames; numframe++)
      // get frame struct for this
      Frame* frame = reinterpret_cast<Frame*>(&buffer[header.framesize * numframe]);

      //ATLTRACE(_T("loading frame %u, [%-16hs]\n"), numframe, frame->name);

      Vector3d* ptrverts = &m_vecVertices[header.num_xyz * numframe];
      unsigned int* ptrnormals = &m_vecLightNormals[header.num_xyz * numframe];

      Vector3d vMinBound, vMaxBound;

      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < header.num_xyz; i++)
         Vector3d& v = ptrverts[i];
         v = Vector3d(
            (frame->verts[i].v[0] * frame->scale[0]) + frame->translate[0],
            (frame->verts[i].v[1] * frame->scale[1]) + frame->translate[1],
            (frame->verts[i].v[2] * frame->scale[2]) + frame->translate[2]);

         ptrnormals[i] = frame->verts[i].lightnormalindex;

         // get min and max bounds
         vMinBound.X(std::min(v.X(), vMinBound.X()));
         vMinBound.Y(std::min(v.Y(), vMinBound.Y()));
         vMinBound.Z(std::min(v.Z(), vMinBound.Z()));

         vMaxBound.X(std::max(v.X(), vMaxBound.X()));
         vMaxBound.Y(std::max(v.Y(), vMaxBound.Y()));
         vMaxBound.Z(std::max(v.Z(), vMaxBound.Z()));

      m_vecMinBounds[numframe] = vMinBound;
      m_vecMaxBounds[numframe] = vMaxBound;
void PcxImageReader::Load(Stream::IStream& stream)
   // read header
   PCXHeader header = {0};
   DWORD dwRead = 0;
   stream.Read(&header, sizeof(header), dwRead);

   // check header
   if (header.manufacturer != 0x0a)
      throw Exception(_T("wrong manufacturer number!"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

   // allocate pixels
   m_uiWidth = header.xmax - header.xmin + 1;
   m_uiHeight = header.ymax - header.ymin + 1;

   m_vecPixels.resize(m_uiWidth * m_uiHeight);

   // read in palette
   ULONGLONG ullPos = stream.Position();

   BYTE palette[256][3];
   stream.Seek(-768LL, Stream::IStream::seekEnd);
   stream.Read(&palette, sizeof(palette), dwRead);
   ATLASSERT(dwRead == sizeof(palette));

   stream.Seek(static_cast<LONGLONG>(ullPos), Stream::IStream::seekBegin);

   // read in image
   // \note only supports 8-bit at the moment
   unsigned int uiBitcount = header.bitsPerPixel * header.numColorPlanes;
   if (uiBitcount != 8)
      throw Exception(_T("wrong bit count!"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

   // read pixel data
   for (unsigned int y = 0; y < m_uiHeight; ++y)
      Color* pColor = &m_vecPixels[y * m_uiWidth];
      unsigned int uiBytesLeft = header.bytesPerScanLine;

      // decode line
      unsigned int uiCount = 0;
      BYTE ubValue = 0;
      while (uiBytesLeft--)
         if (uiCount == 0)
            BYTE b = stream.ReadByte();
            if (b < 0xc0)
               uiCount = 1;
               ubValue = b;
               uiCount = b - 0xc0;
               ubValue = stream.ReadByte();


         *pColor = Color(
            255); // opaque
Beispiel #14
void Loader::LoadJointList(Stream::IStream& stream)
   Stream::EndianAwareFilter filter(stream);

   WORD wNumJoints = filter.Read16LE();

   if (wNumJoints > c_uiMaxJoints)
      throw Exception(_T("invalid number of joints"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

   for (WORD wJoint = 0; wJoint<wNumJoints; wJoint++)
      Joint& j = m_data.m_vecJoints[wJoint];

      j.bFlags = stream.ReadByte();
      if ((j.bFlags & ~(flagSelected | flagDirty | flagIsKey)) != 0)
         throw Exception(_T("invalid joint flags"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

      j.cszName = ReadString<32>(stream, _T("error reading joint name"));
      j.cszParentName = ReadString<32>(stream, _T("error reading joint parent name"));

      float x, y, z;
      x = ReadFloat(stream);
      y = ReadFloat(stream);
      z = ReadFloat(stream);
      j.rotation = RotAngle3d(x, y, z);

      x = ReadFloat(stream);
      y = ReadFloat(stream);
      z = ReadFloat(stream);
      j.vPosition = Vector3d(x, y, z);

      WORD wNumKeyFramesRot = filter.Read16LE();
      WORD wNumKeyFramesTrans = filter.Read16LE();

      for (WORD wKeyFramesRot=0; wKeyFramesRot<wNumKeyFramesRot; wKeyFramesRot++)
         float fTime = ReadFloat(stream);
         fTime *= m_data.m_animationData.fAnimationFPS;

         x = ReadFloat(stream);
         y = ReadFloat(stream);
         z = ReadFloat(stream);

         j.RotationKeys()[wKeyFramesRot] = KeyframeRot(fTime, RotAngle3d(x, y, z));

      for (WORD wKeyFramesTrans=0; wKeyFramesTrans<wNumKeyFramesTrans; wKeyFramesTrans++)
         float fTime = ReadFloat(stream);
         fTime *= m_data.m_animationData.fAnimationFPS;

         x = ReadFloat(stream);
         y = ReadFloat(stream);
         z = ReadFloat(stream);

         j.PositionKeys()[wKeyFramesTrans] = KeyframeTrans(fTime, Vector3d(x, y, z));