Beispiel #1
RiscOperators::commentForVariable(const BaseSemantics::SValuePtr &addr, const std::string &accessMode, size_t byteNumber,
                                  size_t nBytes) const {
    std::string varComment = "first " + accessMode + " at ";
    if (pathInsnIndex_ != (size_t)(-1))
        varComment += "path position #" + StringUtility::numberToString(pathInsnIndex_) + ", ";
    varComment += "instruction " + unparseInstructionWithAddress(currentInstruction());

    // Sometimes we can save useful information about the address.
    if (nBytes != 1) {
        SymbolicExpr::Ptr addrExpr = SValue::promote(addr)->get_expression();
        if (SymbolicExpr::LeafPtr addrLeaf = addrExpr->isLeafNode()) {
            if (addrLeaf->isNumber()) {
                varComment += "\n";
                if (nBytes > 1) {
                    varComment += StringUtility::numberToString(byteNumber) + " of " +
                                  StringUtility::numberToString(nBytes) + " bytes starting ";
                varComment += "at address " + addrLeaf->toString();
        } else if (SymbolicExpr::InteriorPtr addrINode = addrExpr->isInteriorNode()) {
            if (addrINode->getOperator() == SymbolicExpr::OP_ADD && addrINode->nChildren() == 2 &&
                addrINode->child(0)->isLeafNode() && addrINode->child(0)->isLeafNode()->isVariable() &&
                addrINode->child(1)->isLeafNode() && addrINode->child(1)->isLeafNode()->isNumber()) {
                SymbolicExpr::LeafPtr base = addrINode->child(0)->isLeafNode();
                SymbolicExpr::LeafPtr offset = addrINode->child(1)->isLeafNode();
                varComment += "\n";
                if (nBytes > 1) {
                    varComment += StringUtility::numberToString(byteNumber) + " of " +
                                  StringUtility::numberToString(nBytes) + " bytes starting ";
                varComment += "at address ";
                if (base->comment().empty()) {
                    varComment = base->toString();
                } else {
                    varComment += base->comment();
                Sawyer::Container::BitVector tmp = offset->bits();
                if (tmp.get(tmp.size()-1)) {
                    varComment += " - 0x" + tmp.negate().toHex();
                } else {
                    varComment += " + 0x" + tmp.toHex();
    return varComment;
Beispiel #2
/** Output for one expression. */
YicesSolver::out_expr(std::ostream &o, const SymbolicExpr::Ptr &tn)
    SymbolicExpr::LeafPtr ln = tn->isLeafNode();
    SymbolicExpr::InteriorPtr in = tn->isInteriorNode();
    std::string subExprName;
    if (termNames.getOptional(tn).assignTo(subExprName)) {
        o <<subExprName;
    } else if (ln) {
        if (ln->isNumber()) {
            if (ln->nBits() <= 64) {
                o <<"(mk-bv " <<ln->nBits() <<" " <<ln->toInt() <<")";
            } else {
                o <<"0b" <<ln->bits().toBinary();
        } else if (ln->isMemory()) {
            o <<"m" <<ln->nameId();
        } else {
            o <<"v" <<ln->nameId();
    } else {
        switch (in->getOperator()) {
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_ADD:        out_la(o, "bv-add", in, false);                 break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_AND:        out_la(o, "and", in, true);                     break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_ASR:        out_asr(o, in);                                 break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_BV_AND:     out_la(o, "bv-and", in, true);                  break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_BV_OR:      out_la(o, "bv-or", in, false);                  break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_BV_XOR:     out_la(o, "bv-xor", in, false);                 break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_EQ:         out_binary(o, "=", in);                         break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_CONCAT:     out_la(o, "bv-concat", in);                     break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_EXTRACT:    out_extract(o, in);                             break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_INVERT:     out_unary(o, "bv-not", in);                     break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_ITE:        out_ite(o, in);                                 break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_LSSB:       throw Exception("OP_LSSB not implemented");
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_MSSB:       throw Exception("OP_MSSB not implemented");
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_NE:         out_binary(o, "/=", in);                        break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_NEGATE:     out_unary(o, "bv-neg", in);                     break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_NOOP:       o<<"0b1";                                       break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_OR:         out_la(o, "or", in, false);                     break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_READ:       out_read(o, in);                                break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_ROL:        throw Exception("OP_ROL not implemented");
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_ROR:        throw Exception("OP_ROR not implemented");
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_SDIV:       throw Exception("OP_SDIV not implemented");
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_SET:        out_set(o, in);                                 break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_SEXTEND:    out_sext(o, in);                                break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_SLT:        out_binary(o, "bv-slt", in);                    break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_SLE:        out_binary(o, "bv-sle", in);                    break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_SHL0:       out_shift(o, "bv-shift-left", in, false);       break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_SHL1:       out_shift(o, "bv-shift-left", in, true);        break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_SHR0:       out_shift(o, "bv-shift-right", in, false);      break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_SHR1:       out_shift(o, "bv-shift-right", in, true);       break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_SGE:        out_binary(o, "bv-sge", in);                    break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_SGT:        out_binary(o, "bv-sgt", in);                    break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_SMOD:       throw Exception("OP_SMOD not implemented");
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_SMUL:       out_mult(o, in);                                break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_UDIV:       throw Exception("OP_UDIV not implemented");
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_UEXTEND:    out_uext(o, in);                                break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_UGE:        out_binary(o, "bv-ge", in);                     break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_UGT:        out_binary(o, "bv-gt", in);                     break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_ULE:        out_binary(o, "bv-le", in);                     break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_ULT:        out_binary(o, "bv-lt", in);                     break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_UMOD:       throw Exception("OP_UMOD not implemented");
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_UMUL:       out_mult(o, in);                                break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_WRITE:      out_write(o, in);                               break;
            case SymbolicExpr::OP_ZEROP:      out_zerop(o, in);                               break;