// Call all DOs which are linked to that DOs which have been triggered
    // These method is typically private and called with in a thread related to a priority
    // This thread is typically waiting on a synchronization element
    void run(unsigned inst) {
        std::function<void()> f;

        try {

#ifdef __linux__
            Logger::pLOG->info("DOR-THRD-{} has TID-{}", inst, syscall(SYS_gettid));

            while (_run_state) {
                _tbbExecutionQueue.pop(f); // Pop of concurrent_bounded_queue waits if queue empty
        } catch(const tbb::user_abort& abortException) {
            Logger::pLOG->info("Abort DOR-THRD-{}", inst);
            _run_state = false;
        Logger::pLOG->info("DOR-THRD-{} has stopped", inst);
	virtual bool OnGetData(sf::SoundStream::Chunk& data) override
		std::pair<std::shared_ptr<core::read_frame>, std::shared_ptr<audio_buffer_16>> audio_data;

		input_.pop(audio_data); // Block until available

		graph_->set_value("tick-time", perf_timer_.elapsed()*format_desc_.fps*0.5);		

		data.Samples = container_.back().data();
		data.NbSamples = container_.back().size();	

		if (audio_data.first)
			presentation_age_ = audio_data.first->get_age_millis();

		return is_running_;