virtual ordinal_type ApplyInverse(
      const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type, value_type>& Input, 
      Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type, value_type>& Result, 
      ordinal_type m) const {
      ordinal_type n=Input.numRows();
      Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type, value_type> G(A);
      Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type, value_type> z(n,1);
      for (ordinal_type j=0; j<m; j++){
	if (j==0){  // Compute z=D-1r
	  for (ordinal_type i=0; i<n; i++)
	else {
	  //Compute G=invD(-L-U)=I-inv(D)A 
	  for (ordinal_type i=0; i<n; i++){
	    for (ordinal_type j=0; j<n; j++){
	      if (j==i)
	  Result.multiply(Teuchos::NO_TRANS,Teuchos::NO_TRANS,1.0, G, z, 1.0);

      return 0;
Stokhos::MonomialGramSchmidtPCEBasis<ordinal_type, value_type>::
  ordinal_type max_p, 
  value_type threshold, 
  const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type,value_type>& A, 
  const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type,value_type>& F,
  const Teuchos::Array<value_type>& weights, 
  Teuchos::Array< Stokhos::MultiIndex<ordinal_type> >& terms_,
  Teuchos::Array<ordinal_type>& num_terms_,
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type,value_type>& Qp_, 
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type,value_type>& Q_)
  // Compute basis terms -- 2-D array giving powers for each linear index
  ordinal_type max_sz;
  CPBUtils::compute_terms(max_p, this->d, max_sz, terms_, num_terms_);

  // Compute B matrix -- monomials in F
  // for i=0,...,nqp-1
  //   for j=0,...,sz-1
  //      B(i,j) = F(i,1)^terms_[j][1] * ... * F(i,d)^terms_[j][d]
  // where sz is the total size of a basis up to order p and terms_[j] 
  // is an array of powers for each term in the total-order basis
  ordinal_type nqp = weights.size();
  SDM B(nqp, max_sz);
  for (ordinal_type i=0; i<nqp; i++) {
    for (ordinal_type j=0; j<max_sz; j++) {
      B(i,j) = 1.0;
      for (ordinal_type k=0; k<this->d; k++)
	B(i,j) *= std::pow(F(i,k), terms_[j][k]);

  // Rescale columns of B to have unit norm
  for (ordinal_type j=0; j<max_sz; j++) {
    value_type nrm = 0.0;
    for (ordinal_type i=0; i<nqp; i++)
      nrm += B(i,j)*B(i,j)*weights[i];
    nrm = std::sqrt(nrm);
    for (ordinal_type i=0; i<nqp; i++)
      B(i,j) /= nrm;

  // Compute our new basis -- each column of Q is the new basis evaluated
  // at the original quadrature points.  Constraint pivoting so first d+1
  // columns and included in Q.
  SDM R;
  Teuchos::Array<ordinal_type> piv(max_sz);
  for (int i=0; i<this->d+1; i++)
    piv[i] = 1;
  typedef Stokhos::OrthogonalizationFactory<ordinal_type,value_type> SOF;
   ordinal_type sz_ = SOF::createOrthogonalBasis(
    this->orthogonalization_method, threshold, this->verbose, B, weights, 
    Q_, R, piv);

  // Compute Qp = A^T*W*Q
  SDM tmp(nqp, sz_);
  Qp_.reshape(this->pce_sz, sz_);
  for (ordinal_type i=0; i<nqp; i++)
    for (ordinal_type j=0; j<sz_; j++)
      tmp(i,j) = Q_(i,j)*weights[i];
  ordinal_type ret = 
    Qp_.multiply(Teuchos::TRANS, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, 1.0, A, tmp, 0.0);
  TEUCHOS_ASSERT(ret == 0);

  // It isn't clear that Qp is orthogonal, but if you derive the projection
  // matrix from the original space to the reduced, you end up with 
  // Q^T*W*A = Qp^T

  return sz_;
Beispiel #3
Stokhos::MonomialProjGramSchmidtPCEBasis<ordinal_type, value_type>::
  ordinal_type max_p, 
  value_type threshold,
  const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type,value_type>& A, 
  const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type,value_type>& F,
  const Teuchos::Array<value_type>& weights, 
  Teuchos::Array< Stokhos::MultiIndex<ordinal_type> >& terms_,
  Teuchos::Array<ordinal_type>& num_terms_,
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type,value_type>& Qp_, 
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type,value_type>& Q_)
  // Compute basis terms -- 2-D array giving powers for each linear index
  ordinal_type max_sz;
  CPBUtils::compute_terms(max_p, this->d, max_sz, terms_, num_terms_);

  // Compute B matrix -- monomials in F
  // for i=0,...,nqp-1
  //   for j=0,...,sz-1
  //      B(i,j) = F(i,1)^terms_[j][1] * ... * F(i,d)^terms_[j][d]
  // where sz is the total size of a basis up to order p and terms_[j] 
  // is an array of powers for each term in the total-order basis
  ordinal_type nqp = weights.size();
  SDM B(nqp, max_sz);
  for (ordinal_type i=0; i<nqp; i++) {
    for (ordinal_type j=0; j<max_sz; j++) {
      B(i,j) = 1.0;
      for (ordinal_type k=0; k<this->d; k++)
	B(i,j) *= std::pow(F(i,k), terms_[j][k]);

  // Project B into original basis -- should use SPAM for this
  SDM Bp(this->pce_sz, max_sz);
  const Teuchos::Array<value_type>& basis_norms = 
  for (ordinal_type i=0; i<this->pce_sz; i++) {
    for (ordinal_type j=0; j<max_sz; j++) {
      Bp(i,j) = 0.0;
      for (ordinal_type k=0; k<nqp; k++)
	Bp(i,j) += weights[k]*B(k,j)*A(k,i);
      Bp(i,j) /= basis_norms[i];

  // Rescale columns of Bp to have unit norm
  for (ordinal_type j=0; j<max_sz; j++) {
    value_type nrm = 0.0;
    for (ordinal_type i=0; i<this->pce_sz; i++)
      nrm += Bp(i,j)*Bp(i,j)*basis_norms[i];
    nrm = std::sqrt(nrm);
    for (ordinal_type i=0; i<this->pce_sz; i++)
      Bp(i,j) /= nrm;

  // Compute our new basis -- each column of Qp is the coefficients of the
  // new basis in the original basis.  Constraint pivoting so first d+1
  // columns and included in Qp.
  Teuchos::Array<value_type> w(this->pce_sz, 1.0);
  SDM R;
  Teuchos::Array<ordinal_type> piv(max_sz);
  for (int i=0; i<this->d+1; i++)
    piv[i] = 1;
  typedef Stokhos::OrthogonalizationFactory<ordinal_type,value_type> SOF;
  ordinal_type sz_ = SOF::createOrthogonalBasis(
    this->orthogonalization_method, threshold, this->verbose, Bp, w, 
    Qp_, R, piv);

  // Evaluate new basis at original quadrature points
  Q_.reshape(nqp, sz_);
  ordinal_type ret = 
    Q_.multiply(Teuchos::NO_TRANS, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, 1.0, A, Qp_, 0.0);
  TEUCHOS_ASSERT(ret == 0);

  return sz_;
Beispiel #4
int gmres(const  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> &  A, Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int,double>   X,const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int,double> &   B, int max_iter, double tolerance)

  int n; 
  int k;
  double resid;
  std::cout << "A= " << A << std::endl;
  std::cout << "B= " << B << std::endl;
  //Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> Ax(n,1);
  //Ax.multiply(Teuchos::NO_TRANS,Teuchos::NO_TRANS,1.0, A, X, 0.0);

  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> r0(B);
  std::cout << "resid= " << resid << std::endl;
  //define vector v=r/norm(r) where r=b-Ax
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> h(1,1);

  //Matrix of orthog basis vectors V
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> V(n,1);
   //Set v=r0/norm(r0) to be 1st col of V
   for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
   //right hand side
   Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> bb(1,1);
   Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> w(n,1);
   Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> c;
   Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> s;
   while (resid > tolerance && k < max_iter){
    std::cout << "k = " << k << std::endl;
    //Arnoldi iteration(Gram-Schmidt )
    //set vk to be kth col of V
    Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> vk(Teuchos::Copy, V, n,1,0,k-1);
    w.multiply(Teuchos::NO_TRANS, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, 1.0, A, vk, 0.0);  
    Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> vi(n,1);
    Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> ip(1,1);
    for (int i=0; i<k; i++){
       //set vi to be ith col of V
       Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> vi(Teuchos::Copy, V, n,1,0,i);    
       //Calculate inner product
       ip.multiply(Teuchos::TRANS, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, 1.0, vi, w, 0.0);
       h(i,k-1)= ip(0,0);
       //scale vi by h(i,k-1)
    //add column vk+1=w to V
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
   //Solve upper hessenberg least squares problem via Givens rotations
   //Compute previous Givens rotations
    for (int i=0; i<k-1; i++){
     //  double hi=h(i,k-1);
     //  double hi1=h(i+1,k-1);

     // h(i,k-1)=c(i,0)*h(i,k-1)+s(i,0)*h(i+1,k-1);
     // h(i+1,k-1)=-1*s(i,0)*h(i,k-1)+c(i,0)*h(i+1,k-1);
      // h(i,k-1)=c(i,0)*hi+s(i,0)*hi1;
      // h(i+1,k-1)=-1*s(i,0)*hi+c(i,0)*hi1;   
     double q=c(i,0)*h(i,k-1)+s(i,0)*h(i+1,k-1);

     //Compute next Givens rotations
     double l = sqrt(h(k-1,k-1)*h(k-1,k-1)+h(k,k-1)*h(k,k-1));
     std::cout << "c  "  <<  c(k-1,0)<<std::endl;
     std::cout << "s "  <<  s(k-1,0)<<std::endl;

     // Givens rotation on h and bb
   //  h(k-1,k-1)=l;
  //  h(k,k-1)=0;
       double hk=h(k,k-1);
       double hk1=h(k-1,k-1);


     std::cout << "l = " << l <<std::endl;
     std::cout << "h(k-1,k-1) = should be l  " << h(k-1,k-1) <<std::endl;
     std::cout << "h(k,k-1) = should be 0  " << h(k,k-1) <<std::endl;
    //Determine residual    
     resid =fabs(bb(k,0));
     std::cout << "resid = " << resid <<std::endl;
  //Extract upper triangular square matrix
   bb.reshape(h.numRows()-1 ,1);
   //Solve linear system
   int info;
   std::cout  << "bb pre solve = " << bb << std::endl;
   std::cout << "h= " << h << std::endl;
   Teuchos::LAPACK<int, double> lapack;
   lapack.TRTRS('U', 'N', 'N', h.numRows()-1, 1, h.values(), h.stride(), bb.values(), bb.stride(),&info); 

   std::cout  << "V= " << V << std::endl;
   std::cout  << "y= " << bb << std::endl;
   X.multiply(Teuchos::NO_TRANS, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, 1.0, V, bb, 1.0);
   std::cout << "X=  " << X << std::endl;


   //Check V is orthogoanl
  // Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> vtv(V);
  // vtv.multiply(Teuchos::TRANS, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, 1.0, V, V, 0.0);
  // std::cout << "Vtv" << vtv << std::endl;

return 0;