Beispiel #1
void InsetTOC::makeTOCWithDepth(XHTMLStream & xs, 
		Toc const & toc, OutputParams const & op) const
	Toc::const_iterator it = toc.begin();
	Toc::const_iterator const en = toc.end();
	int lastdepth = 0;
	for (; it != en; ++it) {
		// do not output entries that are not actually included in the output,
		// e.g., stuff in non-active branches or notes or whatever.
		if (!it->isOutput())

		// First, we need to manage increases and decreases of depth
		// If there's no depth to deal with, we artifically set it to 1.
		int const depth = it->depth();
		// Ignore stuff above the tocdepth
		if (depth > buffer().params().tocdepth)
		if (depth > lastdepth) {
			xs << html::CR();
			// open as many tags as we need to open to get to this level
			// this includes the tag for the current level
			for (int i = lastdepth + 1; i <= depth; ++i) {
				stringstream attr;
				attr << "class='lyxtoc-" << i << "'";
				xs << html::StartTag("div", attr.str()) << html::CR();
			lastdepth = depth;
		else if (depth < lastdepth) {
			// close as many as we have to close to get back to this level
			// this includes closing the last tag at this level
			for (int i = lastdepth; i >= depth; --i) 
				xs << html::EndTag("div") << html::CR();
			// now open our tag
			stringstream attr;
			attr << "class='lyxtoc-" << depth << "'";
			xs << html::StartTag("div", attr.str()) << html::CR();
			lastdepth = depth;
		} else {
			// no change of level, so close and open
			xs << html::EndTag("div") << html::CR();
			stringstream attr;
			attr << "class='lyxtoc-" << depth << "'";
			xs << html::StartTag("div", attr.str()) << html::CR();
		// Now output TOC info for this entry
		Paragraph const & par = it->dit().innerParagraph();
		makeTOCEntry(xs, par, op);
	for (int i = lastdepth; i > 0; --i) 
		xs << html::EndTag("div") << html::CR();
Beispiel #2
void InsetTOC::makeTOCNoDepth(XHTMLStream & xs, 
		Toc const & toc, const OutputParams & op) const
	Toc::const_iterator it = toc.begin();
	Toc::const_iterator const en = toc.end();
	for (; it != en; ++it) {
		// do not output entries that are not actually included in the output,
		// e.g., stuff in non-active branches or notes or whatever.
		if (!it->isOutput())

		xs << html::StartTag("div", "class='lyxtoc-flat'") << html::CR();

		Paragraph const & par = it->dit().innerParagraph();
		makeTOCEntry(xs, par, op);
		xs << html::EndTag("div");