RSSFeed::ProcessAtom(void* data, RSSParser parser, bool isUtf8)
	time_t maxLastDate = 0;
	if (parser == XML_PARSER)
		XMLParser::XMLNode* rootNode = reinterpret_cast<XMLParser::XMLNode*>(data);
		if (rootNode != nullptr)
			XMLParser::XMLNode feedNode = rootNode->getChildNode("feed");
			if (!feedNode.isEmpty())
				// Search items
				int i = 0;
				XMLParser::XMLNode itemNode = feedNode.getChildNode("entry", &i);
				while (!itemNode.isEmpty())
					string title;
					string url;
					string desc;
					time_t pubDate = 0;
					string author;
					string category;
					XMLParser::XMLNode titleNode = itemNode.getChildNode("title");
					if (!titleNode.isEmpty())
						if (titleNode.nText())
							title = titleNode.getText();
						else if (titleNode.nClear())
							title = titleNode.getClear().lpszValue;
						if (isUtf8) title = Text::fromUtf8(title);
					int j = 0;
					XMLParser::XMLNode linkNode = itemNode.getChildNode("link", &j);
					while (!linkNode.isEmpty())
						if (linkNode.nAttribute() && linkNode.isAttributeSet("rel") && linkNode.isAttributeSet("href"))
							string relation = linkNode.getAttribute("rel");
							if (relation == "alternate")
								url = linkNode.getAttribute("href");
								// [!] SSA Can be problems
								if (isUtf8) url = Text::utf8ToAcp(Text::fromUtf8(url));
						linkNode = itemNode.getChildNode("link", &j);
					XMLParser::XMLNode descNode = itemNode.getChildNode("content");
					if (!descNode.isEmpty())
						if (descNode.nText())
							desc = descNode.getText();
						else if (descNode.nClear())
							desc = descNode.getClear().lpszValue;
						if (isUtf8) desc = Text::fromUtf8(desc);
					XMLParser::XMLNode pubDateNode = itemNode.getChildNode("published");
					if (!pubDateNode.isEmpty())
						string pDate;
						if (pubDateNode.nText())
							pDate = pubDateNode.getText();
						else if (pubDateNode.nClear())
							pDate = pubDateNode.getClear().lpszValue;
						if (pDate.length() > 0)
							SYSTEMTIME pTime = {0};
							InternetTimeToSystemTimeA(pDate.c_str(), &pTime, 0);
							// Using format in atom 2012-08-20T11:57:53.000Z
							std::string date_string, tod_string;
							boost::date_time::split(pDate, 'T', date_string, tod_string);
							tod_string = tod_string.substr(0, 8) + ".000";
							boost::posix_time::time_duration td = boost::date_time::parse_delimited_time_duration<boost::posix_time::time_duration>(tod_string);
							tm l_tm = {0};
							l_tm.tm_year = atoi(date_string.substr(0, 4).c_str()) - 1900;
							l_tm.tm_mon = atoi(date_string.substr(5, 2).c_str())  - 1;
							l_tm.tm_mday = atoi(date_string.substr(8, 2).c_str());
							l_tm.tm_hour = td.hours();
							l_tm.tm_min = td.minutes();
							l_tm.tm_sec = td.seconds();
							pubDate = mktime(&l_tm);
					XMLParser::XMLNode authorNode =  itemNode.getChildNode("author");
					if (!authorNode.isEmpty())
						XMLParser::XMLNode authorName = authorNode.getChildNode("name");
						if (!authorName.isEmpty())
							if (authorName.nText())
								author =  authorName.getText();
							else if (authorName.nClear())
								author = authorName.getClear().lpszValue;
							if (isUtf8) author = Text::fromUtf8(author);
					int k = 0;
					XMLParser::XMLNode categoryNode =  itemNode.getChildNode("category", &k);
					while (!categoryNode.isEmpty())
						if (categoryNode.nAttribute())
							if (categoryNode.isAttributeSet("term"))
								if (!category.empty())
									category += ",";
								category += categoryNode.getAttribute("term");
						categoryNode =  itemNode.getChildNode("category", &k);
					if (isUtf8) category = Text::fromUtf8(category);
					if (pubDate == 0 || lastNewsDate < pubDate)
						if (pubDate > maxLastDate)
							maxLastDate = pubDate;
						RSSItem* item = new RSSItem(Util::ConvertFromHTML(title), url, Util::ConvertFromHTML(desc), pubDate, author, category, source);
					itemNode = feedNode.getChildNode("entry", &i);
				if (maxLastDate > lastNewsDate)
					lastNewsDate = maxLastDate;
				return !m_newsList.empty();
	else if (parser == XML_SIMPLE)
		// [!] SSA - todo if needed?
		SimpleXML* xml = reinterpret_cast<SimpleXML*>(data);
		if (xml != nullptr)
	return false;
RSSFeed::ProcessRSS(void* data, RSSParser parser, bool isUtf8)
	time_t maxLastDate = 0;
	if (parser == XML_PARSER)
		XMLParser::XMLNode* rootNode = reinterpret_cast<XMLParser::XMLNode*>(data);
		if (rootNode != nullptr)
			XMLParser::XMLNode rssNode = rootNode->getChildNode("rss");
			if (!rssNode.isEmpty())
				XMLParser::XMLNode channelNode = rssNode.getChildNode("channel");
				if (!channelNode.isEmpty())
					// Search items
					int i = 0;
					XMLParser::XMLNode itemNode = channelNode.getChildNode("item", &i);
					while (!itemNode.isEmpty())
						string title;
						string url;
						string desc;
						time_t pubDate = 0;
						string author;
						string category;
						XMLParser::XMLNode titleNode = itemNode.getChildNode("title");
						if (!titleNode.isEmpty())
							if (titleNode.nText())
								title = titleNode.getText();
							else if (titleNode.nClear())
								title = titleNode.getClear().lpszValue;
							if (isUtf8) title = Text::fromUtf8(title);
						XMLParser::XMLNode linkNode = itemNode.getChildNode("link");
						if (!linkNode.isEmpty())
							if (linkNode.nText())
								url = linkNode.getText();
							else if (linkNode.nClear())
								url = linkNode.getClear().lpszValue;
							// [!] SSA Can be problems
							if (isUtf8) url = Text::utf8ToAcp(Text::fromUtf8(url));
						XMLParser::XMLNode descNode = itemNode.getChildNode("description");
						if (!descNode.isEmpty())
							if (descNode.nText())
								desc = descNode.getText();
							else if (descNode.nClear())
								desc = descNode.getClear().lpszValue;
							if (isUtf8) desc = Text::fromUtf8(desc);
						XMLParser::XMLNode pubDateNode = itemNode.getChildNode("pubDate");
						if (!pubDateNode.isEmpty())
							string pDate;
							if (pubDateNode.nText())
								pDate = pubDateNode.getText();
							else if (pubDateNode.nClear())
								pDate = pubDateNode.getClear().lpszValue;
							pubDate = convertPubDate(pDate);
						XMLParser::XMLNode authorNode =  itemNode.getChildNode("author");
						if (!authorNode.isEmpty())
							if (authorNode.nText())
								author =  authorNode.getText();
							else if (authorNode.nClear())
								author = authorNode.getClear().lpszValue;
							if (isUtf8) author = Text::fromUtf8(author);
						XMLParser::XMLNode categoryNode =  itemNode.getChildNode("category");
						if (!categoryNode.isEmpty())
							if (categoryNode.nText())
								category = categoryNode.getText();
							else if (categoryNode.nClear())
								category = categoryNode.getClear().lpszValue;
							if (isUtf8) category = Text::fromUtf8(category);
						if (pubDate == 0 || lastNewsDate < pubDate)
							if (pubDate > maxLastDate)
								maxLastDate = pubDate;
							RSSItem* item = new RSSItem(Util::ConvertFromHTML(title), url, Util::ConvertFromHTML(desc), pubDate, author, category, source);
						itemNode = channelNode.getChildNode("item", &i);
					if (maxLastDate > lastNewsDate)
						lastNewsDate = maxLastDate;
					return !m_newsList.empty();
	else if (parser == XML_SIMPLE)
		SimpleXML* xml = reinterpret_cast<SimpleXML*>(data);
		if (xml != nullptr)
			if (xml->findChild("rss"))
				if (xml->findChild("channel"))
					while (xml->findChild("item"))
						string title;
						string url;
						string desc;
						time_t pubDate = 0;
						string author;
						string category;
						if (xml->findChild("title"))
							removeCDATA(xml->getChildData(), title);
						if (xml->findChild("link"))
							removeCDATA(xml->getChildData(), url);
						if (xml->findChild("description"))
							removeCDATA(xml->getChildData(), desc);
						if (xml->findChild("pubDate"))
							string pDate;
							removeCDATA(xml->getChildData(), pDate);
							pubDate = convertPubDate(pDate);
						if (xml->findChild("author"))
							removeCDATA(xml->getChildData(), author);
						if (xml->findChild("category"))
							removeCDATA(xml->getChildData(), category);
						if (pubDate == 0 || lastNewsDate < pubDate)
							if (pubDate > maxLastDate)
								maxLastDate = pubDate;
							RSSItem* item = new RSSItem(Util::ConvertFromHTML(title), url, desc, pubDate, author, category, source);
			if (maxLastDate > lastNewsDate)
				lastNewsDate = maxLastDate;
			return !m_newsList.empty();
	return false;