Ejemplo n.º 1
int AAS_AlternativeRouteGoals(vec3_t start, vec3_t goal, int travelflags,
                              aas_altroutegoal_t *altroutegoals, int maxaltroutegoals,
                              int color)
	return 0;
	int    i, j, startareanum, goalareanum, bestareanum;
	int    numaltroutegoals, nummidrangeareas;
	int    starttime, goaltime, goaltraveltime;
	float  dist, bestdist;
	vec3_t mid, dir;
	int    reachnum, time;
	int    a1, a2;
/*#ifdef DEBUG
    int startmillisecs;

    startmillisecs = Sys_MilliSeconds();

	startareanum = AAS_PointAreaNum(start);
	if (!startareanum)
		return 0;
	goalareanum = AAS_PointAreaNum(goal);
	if (!goalareanum)
		VectorCopy(goal, dir);
		dir[2]     += 30;
		goalareanum = AAS_PointAreaNum(dir);
		if (!goalareanum)
			return 0;
	//travel time towards the goal area
	goaltraveltime = AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(startareanum, start, goalareanum, travelflags);
	//clear the midrange areas
	memset(midrangeareas, 0, (*aasworld).numareas * sizeof(midrangearea_t));
	numaltroutegoals = 0;
	nummidrangeareas = 0;
	for (i = 1; i < (*aasworld).numareas; i++)
		if (!((*aasworld).areasettings[i].contents & AREACONTENTS_ROUTEPORTAL) &&
		    !((*aasworld).areasettings[i].contents & AREACONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL))
		//if the area has no reachabilities
		if (!AAS_AreaReachability(i))
		//tavel time from the area to the start area
		starttime = AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(startareanum, start, i, travelflags);
		if (!starttime)
		//if the travel time from the start to the area is greater than the shortest goal travel time
		if (starttime > 500 + 3.0 * goaltraveltime)
		//travel time from the area to the goal area
		goaltime = AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(i, NULL, goalareanum, travelflags);
		if (!goaltime)
		//if the travel time from the area to the goal is greater than the shortest goal travel time
		if (goaltime > 500 + 3.0 * goaltraveltime)
		//this is a mid range area
		midrangeareas[i].valid     = qtrue;
		midrangeareas[i].starttime = starttime;
		midrangeareas[i].goaltime  = goaltime;
		Log_Write("%d midrange area %d", nummidrangeareas, i);
	} //end for
	for (i = 1; i < (*aasworld).numareas; i++)
		if (!midrangeareas[i].valid)
		//get the areas in one cluster
		numclusterareas = 0;
		//now we've got a cluster with areas through which an alternative route could go
		//get the 'center' of the cluster
		for (j = 0; j < numclusterareas; j++)
			VectorAdd(mid, (*aasworld).areas[clusterareas[j]].center, mid);
		} //end for
		VectorScale(mid, 1.0 / numclusterareas, mid);
		//get the area closest to the center of the cluster
		bestdist    = 999999;
		bestareanum = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < numclusterareas; j++)
			VectorSubtract(mid, (*aasworld).areas[clusterareas[j]].center, dir);
			dist = VectorLength(dir);
			if (dist < bestdist)
				bestdist    = dist;
				bestareanum = clusterareas[j];
			} //end if
		} //end for
		  // make sure the route to the destination isn't in the same direction as the route to the source
		if (!AAS_AreaRouteToGoalArea(bestareanum, (*aasworld).areawaypoints[bestareanum], goalareanum, travelflags, &time, &reachnum))
		a1 = (*aasworld).reachability[reachnum].areanum;
		if (!AAS_AreaRouteToGoalArea(bestareanum, (*aasworld).areawaypoints[bestareanum], startareanum, travelflags, &time, &reachnum))
		a2 = (*aasworld).reachability[reachnum].areanum;
		if (a1 == a2)
		//now we've got an area for an alternative route
		//FIXME: add alternative goal origin
		VectorCopy((*aasworld).areawaypoints[bestareanum], altroutegoals[numaltroutegoals].origin);
		altroutegoals[numaltroutegoals].areanum         = bestareanum;
		altroutegoals[numaltroutegoals].starttraveltime = midrangeareas[bestareanum].starttime;
		altroutegoals[numaltroutegoals].goaltraveltime  = midrangeareas[bestareanum].goaltime;
		altroutegoals[numaltroutegoals].extratraveltime =
		    (midrangeareas[bestareanum].starttime + midrangeareas[bestareanum].goaltime) -
/*#ifdef DEBUG
        botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "alternative route goal area %d, numclusterareas = %d\n", bestareanum, numclusterareas);
        if (color)
            AAS_DrawPermanentCross((*aasworld).areas[bestareanum].center, 10, color);
        } //end if
        //AAS_ShowArea(bestarea, qtrue);
		//don't return more than the maximum alternative route goals
		if (numaltroutegoals >= maxaltroutegoals)
	} //end for
	  //botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "%d alternative route goals\n", numaltroutegoals);
#ifdef DEBUG
//	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "alternative route goals in %d msec\n", Sys_MilliSeconds() - startmillisecs);
	return numaltroutegoals;
} //end of the function AAS_AlternativeRouteGoals
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
int AAS_AlternativeRouteGoals(vec3_t start, int startareanum, vec3_t goal, int goalareanum, int travelflags,
										 aas_altroutegoal_t *altroutegoals, int maxaltroutegoals,
										 int type)
	return 0;
	int i, j, bestareanum;
	int numaltroutegoals, nummidrangeareas;
	int starttime, goaltime, goaltraveltime;
	float dist, bestdist;
	vec3_t mid, dir;
	int startmillisecs;

	startmillisecs = Sys_MilliSeconds();

	if (!startareanum || !goalareanum)
		return 0;
	//travel time towards the goal area
	goaltraveltime = AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(startareanum, start, goalareanum, travelflags);
	//clear the midrange areas
	Com_Memset(midrangeareas, 0, aasworld.numareas * sizeof(midrangearea_t));
	numaltroutegoals = 0;
	nummidrangeareas = 0;
	for (i = 1; i < aasworld.numareas; i++)
		if (!(type & ALTROUTEGOAL_ALL))
			if (!(type & ALTROUTEGOAL_CLUSTERPORTALS && (aasworld.areasettings[i].contents & AREACONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL)))
				if (!(type & ALTROUTEGOAL_VIEWPORTALS && (aasworld.areasettings[i].contents & AREACONTENTS_VIEWPORTAL)))
				} //end if
			} //end if
		} //end if
		//if the area has no reachabilities
		if (!AAS_AreaReachability(i)) continue;
		//tavel time from the area to the start area
		starttime = AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(startareanum, start, i, travelflags);
		if (!starttime) continue;
		//if the travel time from the start to the area is greater than the shortest goal travel time
		if (starttime > (float) 1.1 * goaltraveltime) continue;
		//travel time from the area to the goal area
		goaltime = AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(i, NULL, goalareanum, travelflags);
		if (!goaltime) continue;
		//if the travel time from the area to the goal is greater than the shortest goal travel time
		if (goaltime > (float) 0.8 * goaltraveltime) continue;
		//this is a mid range area
		midrangeareas[i].valid = qtrue;
		midrangeareas[i].starttime = starttime;
		midrangeareas[i].goaltime = goaltime;
		Log_Write("%d midrange area %d", nummidrangeareas, i);
	} //end for
	for (i = 1; i < aasworld.numareas; i++)
		if (!midrangeareas[i].valid) continue;
		//get the areas in one cluster
		numclusterareas = 0;
		//now we've got a cluster with areas through which an alternative route could go
		//get the 'center' of the cluster
		for (j = 0; j < numclusterareas; j++)
			VectorAdd(mid, aasworld.areas[clusterareas[j]].center, mid);
		} //end for
		VectorScale(mid, 1.0 / numclusterareas, mid);
		//get the area closest to the center of the cluster
		bestdist = 999999;
		bestareanum = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < numclusterareas; j++)
			VectorSubtract(mid, aasworld.areas[clusterareas[j]].center, dir);
			dist = VectorLength(dir);
			if (dist < bestdist)
				bestdist = dist;
				bestareanum = clusterareas[j];
			} //end if
		} //end for
		//now we've got an area for an alternative route
		//FIXME: add alternative goal origin
		VectorCopy(aasworld.areas[bestareanum].center, altroutegoals[numaltroutegoals].origin);
		altroutegoals[numaltroutegoals].areanum = bestareanum;
		altroutegoals[numaltroutegoals].starttraveltime = midrangeareas[bestareanum].starttime;
		altroutegoals[numaltroutegoals].goaltraveltime = midrangeareas[bestareanum].goaltime;
		altroutegoals[numaltroutegoals].extratraveltime =
					(midrangeareas[bestareanum].starttime + midrangeareas[bestareanum].goaltime) -
		AAS_ShowAreaPolygons(bestareanum, 1, qtrue);
		//don't return more than the maximum alternative route goals
		if (numaltroutegoals >= maxaltroutegoals) break;
	} //end for
	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "alternative route goals in %d msec\n", Sys_MilliSeconds() - startmillisecs);
	return numaltroutegoals;
} //end of the function AAS_AlternativeRouteGoals
Ejemplo n.º 3
int BotExportTest( int parm0, char *parm1, vec3_t parm2, vec3_t parm3 ) {

#if !defined RTCW_ET
//	return AAS_PointLight(parm2, NULL, NULL, NULL);

#ifdef DEBUG
	static int area = -1;
	static int line[2];

#if defined RTCW_SP
	int newarea, i, highlightarea, bot_testhidepos, hideposarea, bot_testroutevispos;
#elif defined RTCW_MP
	int newarea, i, highlightarea, bot_testhidepos, hideposarea;
#endif // RTCW_XX

//	int reachnum;
	vec3_t eye, forward, right, end, origin;
//	vec3_t bottomcenter;
//	aas_trace_t trace;
//	aas_face_t *face;
//	aas_entity_t *ent;
//	bsp_trace_t bsptrace;
//	aas_reachability_t reach;
//	bot_goal_t goal;

//	clock_t start_time, end_time;
	vec3_t mins = {-16, -16, -24};
	vec3_t maxs = {16, 16, 32};
//	int areas[10], numareas;

	//return 0;

	if ( !( *aasworld ).loaded ) {
		return 0;
	AAS_SetCurrentWorld( 0 );

	for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) if ( !line[i] ) {
			line[i] = botimport.DebugLineCreate();

//	AAS_ClearShownDebugLines();
	bot_testhidepos = LibVarGetValue( "bot_testhidepos" );
	if ( bot_testhidepos ) {
		VectorCopy( parm2, origin );
		newarea = BotFuzzyPointReachabilityArea( origin );
		if ( parm0 & 1 ) {
			botlibglobals.goalareanum = newarea;
			VectorCopy( origin, botlibglobals.goalorigin );
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "new enemy position %2.1f %2.1f %2.1f area %d\n",
							 origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], newarea );
		} //end if

#if defined RTCW_SP
		hideposarea = AAS_NearestHideArea( -1, origin, AAS_PointAreaNum( origin ), 0,
#elif defined RTCW_MP
		hideposarea = AAS_NearestHideArea( 0, origin, AAS_PointAreaNum( origin ), 0,
#endif // RTCW_XX

										   botlibglobals.goalorigin, botlibglobals.goalareanum, TFL_DEFAULT );

#if defined RTCW_SP
		if ( bot_testhidepos > 1 ) {
			if ( hideposarea ) {
				botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "hidepos (%i) %2.1f %2.1f %2.1f\n",
								 ( *aasworld ).areawaypoints[hideposarea][0],
								 ( *aasworld ).areawaypoints[hideposarea][1],
								 ( *aasworld ).areawaypoints[hideposarea][2] );
			} else {
				botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "no hidepos found\n" );
#endif // RTCW_XX

		//area we are currently in
		AAS_ShowAreaPolygons( newarea, 1, qtrue );
		//enemy position
		AAS_ShowAreaPolygons( botlibglobals.goalareanum, 2, qtrue );
		//area we should go hide
		AAS_ShowAreaPolygons( hideposarea, 4, qtrue );
		return 0;

#if defined RTCW_SP
	bot_testroutevispos = LibVarGetValue( "bot_testroutevispos" );
	if ( bot_testroutevispos ) {
		VectorCopy( parm2, origin );
		newarea = BotFuzzyPointReachabilityArea( origin );
		if ( parm0 & 1 ) {
			botlibglobals.goalareanum = newarea;
			VectorCopy( origin, botlibglobals.goalorigin );
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "new enemy position %2.1f %2.1f %2.1f area %d\n",
							 origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], newarea );
		} //end if
		AAS_GetRouteFirstVisPos( botlibglobals.goalorigin, origin, TFL_DEFAULT, eye );
		//area we are currently in
		AAS_ShowAreaPolygons( newarea, 1, qtrue );
		//enemy position
		AAS_ShowAreaPolygons( botlibglobals.goalareanum, 2, qtrue );
		//area that is visible in path from enemy pos
		hideposarea = BotFuzzyPointReachabilityArea( eye );
		AAS_ShowAreaPolygons( hideposarea, 4, qtrue );
		return 0;
#endif // RTCW_XX

	//if (AAS_AgainstLadder(parm2)) botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "against ladder\n");
	//BotOnGround(parm2, PRESENCE_NORMAL, 1, &newarea, &newarea);
	//botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "%f %f %f\n", parm2[0], parm2[1], parm2[2]);
	highlightarea = LibVarGetValue( "bot_highlightarea" );
	if ( highlightarea > 0 ) {
		newarea = highlightarea;
	} //end if
		VectorCopy( parm2, origin );
		origin[2] += 0.5;
		//newarea = AAS_PointAreaNum(origin);
		newarea = BotFuzzyPointReachabilityArea( origin );
	} //end else

	botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "\rtravel time to goal (%d) = %d  ", botlibglobals.goalareanum,
					 AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea( newarea, origin, botlibglobals.goalareanum, TFL_DEFAULT ) );
	//newarea = BotReachabilityArea(origin, qtrue);
	if ( newarea != area ) {
		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "origin = %f, %f, %f\n", origin[0], origin[1], origin[2] );
		area = newarea;
		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "new area %d, cluster %d, presence type %d\n",
						 area, AAS_AreaCluster( area ), AAS_PointPresenceType( origin ) );
		if ( ( *aasworld ).areasettings[area].areaflags & AREA_LIQUID ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "liquid area\n" );
		} //end if
		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "area contents: " );
		if ( ( *aasworld ).areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_WATER ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "water " );
		} //end if
		if ( ( *aasworld ).areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_LAVA ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "lava " );
		} //end if
		if ( ( *aasworld ).areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_SLIME ) {
//			botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "slime ");
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "slag " );
		} //end if
		if ( ( *aasworld ).areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_JUMPPAD ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "jump pad " );
		} //end if
		if ( ( *aasworld ).areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "cluster portal " );
		} //end if
		if ( ( *aasworld ).areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_DONOTENTER ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "do not enter " );
		} //end if
		if ( ( *aasworld ).areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_DONOTENTER_LARGE ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "do not enter large " );
		} //end if
		if ( !( *aasworld ).areasettings[area].contents ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "empty " );
		} //end if
		if ( ( *aasworld ).areasettings[area].areaflags & AREA_DISABLED ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "DISABLED" );
		} //end if
		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "\n" );
		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "travel time to goal (%d) = %d\n", botlibglobals.goalareanum,
						 AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea( newarea, origin, botlibglobals.goalareanum, TFL_DEFAULT | TFL_ROCKETJUMP ) );
		VectorCopy(origin, end);
		end[2] += 5;
		numareas = AAS_TraceAreas(origin, end, areas, NULL, 10);
		AAS_TraceClientBBox(origin, end, PRESENCE_CROUCH, -1);
		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "num areas = %d, area = %d\n", numareas, areas[0]);
		botlibglobals.goalareanum = newarea;
		VectorCopy(parm2, botlibglobals.goalorigin);
		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "new goal %2.1f %2.1f %2.1f area %d\n",
								origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], newarea);
	} //end if
	if ( parm0 & 1 ) {
		botlibglobals.goalareanum = newarea;
		VectorCopy( parm2, botlibglobals.goalorigin );
		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "new goal %2.1f %2.1f %2.1f area %d\n",
						 origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], newarea );
	} //end if*/
//	if (parm0 & BUTTON_USE)
//	{
//		botlibglobals.runai = !botlibglobals.runai;
//		if (botlibglobals.runai) botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "started AI\n");
//		else botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "stopped AI\n");
	//* /
	goal.areanum = botlibglobals.goalareanum;
	reachnum = BotGetReachabilityToGoal(parm2, newarea, 1,
									ms.avoidreach, ms.avoidreachtimes,
									&goal, TFL_DEFAULT);
	if (!reachnum)
		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "goal not reachable\n");
	} //end if
		AAS_ReachabilityFromNum(reachnum, &reach);
		AAS_ShowArea(area, qtrue);
		AAS_ShowArea(reach.areanum, qtrue);
		AAS_DrawCross(reach.start, 6, LINECOLOR_BLUE);
		AAS_DrawCross(reach.end, 6, LINECOLOR_RED);
		if (reach.traveltype == TRAVEL_ELEVATOR)
			ElevatorBottomCenter(&reach, bottomcenter);
			AAS_DrawCross(bottomcenter, 10, LINECOLOR_GREEN);
		} //end if
	} //end else*/
//		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "travel time to goal = %d\n",
//					AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(area, origin, botlibglobals.goalareanum, TFL_DEFAULT));
//		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "test rj from 703 to 716\n");
//		AAS_Reachability_WeaponJump(703, 716);
//	} //end if*/

/*	face = AAS_AreaGroundFace(newarea, parm2);
	if (face)
		AAS_ShowFace(face - (*aasworld).faces);
	} //end if*/
	AAS_ShowArea(newarea, parm0 & BUTTON_USE);
	AAS_ShowAreaPolygons( newarea, 1, parm0 & 4 );
	if ( parm0 & 2 ) {
		AAS_ShowReachableAreas( area );
	} else
		static int lastgoalareanum, lastareanum;
		static int avoidreach[MAX_AVOIDREACH];
		static float avoidreachtimes[MAX_AVOIDREACH];
		static int avoidreachtries[MAX_AVOIDREACH];
		int reachnum;
		bot_goal_t goal;
		aas_reachability_t reach;

		goal.areanum = botlibglobals.goalareanum;
		VectorCopy( botlibglobals.goalorigin, goal.origin );
		reachnum = BotGetReachabilityToGoal( origin, newarea, -1,
											 lastgoalareanum, lastareanum,
											 avoidreach, avoidreachtimes, avoidreachtries,
		AAS_ReachabilityFromNum( reachnum, &reach );
		AAS_ShowReachability( &reach );
	} //end else
	VectorClear( forward );
	//BotGapDistance(origin, forward, 0);
	if (parm0 & BUTTON_USE)
		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "test rj from 703 to 716\n");
		AAS_Reachability_WeaponJump(703, 716);
	} //end if*/

	AngleVectors( parm3, forward, right, NULL );
	//get the eye 16 units to the right of the origin
	VectorMA( parm2, 8, right, eye );
	//get the eye 24 units up
	eye[2] += 24;
	//get the end point for the line to be traced
	VectorMA( eye, 800, forward, end );

//	AAS_TestMovementPrediction(1, parm2, forward);
/*	//trace the line to find the hit point
	trace = AAS_TraceClientBBox(eye, end, PRESENCE_NORMAL, 1);
	if (!line[0]) line[0] = botimport.DebugLineCreate();
	botimport.DebugLineShow(line[0], eye, trace.endpos, LINECOLOR_BLUE);
	if (trace.ent)
		ent = &(*aasworld).entities[trace.ent];
		AAS_ShowBoundingBox(ent->origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs);
	} //end if*/

	start_time = clock();
	for (i = 0; i < 2000; i++)
		AAS_Trace2(eye, mins, maxs, end, 1, MASK_PLAYERSOLID);
//		AAS_TraceClientBBox(eye, end, PRESENCE_NORMAL, 1);
	} //end for
	end_time = clock();
	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "me %lu clocks, %lu CLOCKS_PER_SEC\n", end_time - start_time, CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
	start_time = clock();
	for (i = 0; i < 2000; i++)
		AAS_Trace(eye, mins, maxs, end, 1, MASK_PLAYERSOLID);
	} //end for
	end_time = clock();
	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "id %lu clocks, %lu CLOCKS_PER_SEC\n", end_time - start_time, CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

	//bsptrace = AAS_Trace(eye, NULL, NULL, end, 1, MASK_PLAYERSOLID);
	bsptrace = AAS_Trace(eye, mins, maxs, end, 1, MASK_PLAYERSOLID);
	if (!line[0]) line[0] = botimport.DebugLineCreate();
	botimport.DebugLineShow(line[0], eye, bsptrace.endpos, LINECOLOR_YELLOW);
	if (bsptrace.fraction < 1.0)
		face = AAS_TraceEndFace(&trace);
		if (face)
			AAS_ShowFace(face - (*aasworld).faces);
		} //end if
									bsptrace.plane.dist + bsptrace.exp_dist,
									bsptrace.plane.type, LINECOLOR_GREEN);
		if (trace.ent)
			ent = &(*aasworld).entities[trace.ent];
			AAS_ShowBoundingBox(ent->origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs);
		} //end if
	} //end if*/
	//bsptrace = AAS_Trace2(eye, NULL, NULL, end, 1, MASK_PLAYERSOLID);
	bsptrace = AAS_Trace2(eye, mins, maxs, end, 1, MASK_PLAYERSOLID);
	botimport.DebugLineShow(line[1], eye, bsptrace.endpos, LINECOLOR_BLUE);
	if (bsptrace.fraction < 1.0)
									bsptrace.plane.dist,// + bsptrace.exp_dist,
									bsptrace.plane.type, LINECOLOR_RED);
		if (bsptrace.ent)
			ent = &(*aasworld).entities[bsptrace.ent];
			AAS_ShowBoundingBox(ent->origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs);
		} //end if
	} //end if
	static int area = -1;
	static int line[2];
	int newarea, i, highlightarea, bot_testhidepos, hideposarea, bot_debug;
	vec3_t forward, origin;

//	vec3_t mins = {-16, -16, -24};
//	vec3_t maxs = {16, 16, 32};

	if ( !aasworld->loaded ) {
		return 0;

	AAS_SetCurrentWorld( 0 );

	for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
		if ( !line[i] ) {
			line[i] = botimport.DebugLineCreate();

//	AAS_ClearShownDebugLines();
	bot_testhidepos = LibVarGetValue( "bot_testhidepos" );
	if ( bot_testhidepos ) {
		VectorCopy( parm2, origin );
		newarea = BotFuzzyPointReachabilityArea( origin );

		if ( parm0 & 1 ) {
			botlibglobals.goalareanum = newarea;
			VectorCopy( origin, botlibglobals.goalorigin );
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "new enemy position %2.1f %2.1f %2.1f area %d\n", origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], newarea );
		} //end if

		hideposarea = AAS_NearestHideArea( 0, origin, AAS_PointAreaNum( origin ), 0,
										   botlibglobals.goalorigin, botlibglobals.goalareanum, TFL_DEFAULT, 99999, NULL );

		//area we are currently in
		AAS_ShowAreaPolygons( newarea, 1, qtrue );

		//enemy position
		AAS_ShowAreaPolygons( botlibglobals.goalareanum, 2, qtrue );

		//area we should go hide
		AAS_ShowAreaPolygons( hideposarea, 4, qtrue );

		return 0;

	highlightarea = LibVarGetValue( "bot_highlightarea" );
	if ( highlightarea > 0 ) {
		newarea = highlightarea;
	} else {
		VectorCopy( parm2, origin );

		//origin[2] += 0.5;
		newarea = BotFuzzyPointReachabilityArea( origin );
	} //end else

	bot_debug = LibVarGetValue( "bot_debug" );
	if ( bot_debug == 9 ) {
		aas_clientmove_t move;
		vec3_t dest;
		qboolean this_success;

		if ( parm0 & 1 ) {
			botlibglobals.goalareanum = newarea;
			VectorCopy( parm2, botlibglobals.goalorigin );
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "new goal %2.1f %2.1f %2.1f area %d\n", origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], newarea );

		VectorCopy( parm2, origin );
		VectorCopy( botlibglobals.goalorigin, dest );

		// debug direct movement
		VectorSubtract( dest, origin, forward );
		VectorNormalize( forward );
		VectorScale( forward, 300, forward );

		this_success = AAS_PredictClientMovement( &move, 0, origin,
												  -1, qfalse,
												  forward, dest, -1,
												  40, 0.05, SE_ENTERAREA | SE_HITGROUNDDAMAGE | SE_HITENT | SE_HITGROUNDAREA | SE_STUCK | SE_GAP, botlibglobals.goalareanum,
												  qtrue );

		if ( this_success ) {
			switch ( move.stopevent ) {
			case SE_HITENT:
				this_success = qfalse;

		if ( this_success != botlibglobals.lastsuccess ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "DirectMove: %s\n", this_success ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE" );
			botlibglobals.lastsuccess = this_success;

		return 0;

	botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "\rtravel time to goal (%d) = %d  ", botlibglobals.goalareanum, AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea( newarea, origin, botlibglobals.goalareanum, TFL_DEFAULT ) );
	if ( newarea != area ) {
		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "origin = %f, %f, %f\n", origin[0], origin[1], origin[2] );
		area = newarea;
		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "new area %d, cluster %d, presence type %d\n", area, AAS_AreaCluster( area ), AAS_PointPresenceType( origin ) );

		if ( aasworld->areasettings[area].areaflags & AREA_LIQUID ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "liquid area\n" );
		} //end if

		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "area contents: " );
		if ( aasworld->areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_MOVER ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "mover " );
		} //end if
		if ( aasworld->areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_WATER ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "water " );
		} //end if
		if ( aasworld->areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_LAVA ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "lava " );
		} //end if
		if ( aasworld->areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_SLIME ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "slag " );
		} //end if

		if ( aasworld->areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_JUMPPAD ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "jump pad " );
		} //end if
		if ( aasworld->areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "cluster portal " );
		} //end if
		if ( aasworld->areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_DONOTENTER ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "do not enter " );
		} //end if
		if ( aasworld->areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_DONOTENTER_LARGE ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "do not enter large " );
		} //end if
		if ( !aasworld->areasettings[area].contents ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "empty " );
		} //end if

		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "\n" );
		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "area flags: " );

		if ( aasworld->areasettings[area].areaflags & AREA_LADDER ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "ladder " );
		if ( aasworld->areasettings[area].areaflags & AREA_GROUNDED ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "grounded " );
		if ( aasworld->areasettings[area].areaflags & AREA_LIQUID ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "liquid " );
		if ( aasworld->areasettings[area].areaflags & AREA_DISABLED ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "DISABLED " );
		if ( aasworld->areasettings[area].areaflags & AREA_AVOID ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "AVOID " );

		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "\n" );
		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "travel time to goal (%d) = %d\n", botlibglobals.goalareanum, AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea( newarea, origin, botlibglobals.goalareanum, TFL_DEFAULT | TFL_ROCKETJUMP ) );

	if ( parm0 & 1 ) {
		botlibglobals.goalareanum = newarea;
		VectorCopy( parm2, botlibglobals.goalorigin );
		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "new goal %2.1f %2.1f %2.1f area %d\n", origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], newarea );


	if ( parm0 & 8 ) {
		int jk = 0;
		if ( parm0 & 16 ) {
			for ( ; jk < aasworld->numareas; jk++ ) {
				if ( !( aasworld->areasettings[jk].areaflags & AREA_DISABLED ) ) {
					AAS_ShowAreaPolygons( jk, 1, parm0 & 4 );
		} else {
			for ( ; jk < aasworld->numareas; jk++ ) {
				AAS_ShowAreaPolygons( jk, 1, parm0 & 4 );
	} else {
		AAS_ShowAreaPolygons( newarea, 1, parm0 & 4 );

	if ( parm0 & 2 ) {
		AAS_ShowReachableAreas( area );
	} else {
		static int lastgoalareanum, lastareanum;
		static int avoidreach[MAX_AVOIDREACH];
		static float avoidreachtimes[MAX_AVOIDREACH];
		static int avoidreachtries[MAX_AVOIDREACH];

		int reachnum;
		bot_goal_t goal;
		aas_reachability_t reach;
		static int lastreach;

		goal.areanum = botlibglobals.goalareanum;
		VectorCopy( botlibglobals.goalorigin, goal.origin );
		reachnum = BotGetReachabilityToGoal( origin, newarea, -1,
											 lastgoalareanum, lastareanum,
											 avoidreach, avoidreachtimes, avoidreachtries,
											 &goal, TFL_DEFAULT | TFL_FUNCBOB, TFL_DEFAULT );
		AAS_ReachabilityFromNum( reachnum, &reach );
		if ( lastreach != reachnum ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "Travel Type: " );
			AAS_PrintTravelType( reach.traveltype );
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "\n" );
		lastreach = reachnum;
		AAS_ShowReachability( &reach );
	} //end else
	VectorClear( forward );
#endif // RTCW_XX

	return 0;
} //end of the function BotExportTest
Ejemplo n.º 4
int BotExportTest(int parm0, char *parm1, vec3_t parm2, vec3_t parm3)

//	return AAS_PointLight(parm2, NULL, NULL, NULL);

#ifdef DEBUG
	static int area = -1;
	static int line[2];
	int newarea, i, highlightarea, flood;
//	int reachnum;
	vec3_t eye, forward, right, end, origin;
//	vec3_t bottomcenter;
//	aas_trace_t trace;
//	aas_face_t *face;
//	aas_entity_t *ent;
//	bsp_trace_t bsptrace;
//	aas_reachability_t reach;
//	bot_goal_t goal;

	// clock_t start_time, end_time;
	vec3_t mins = {-16, -16, -24};
	vec3_t maxs = {16, 16, 32};

//	int areas[10], numareas;

	//return 0;

	if (!aasworld.loaded) return 0;

	if (parm0 & 1)
	} //end if
	return 0;
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (!line[i]) line[i] = botimport.DebugLineCreate();

//	AAS_ClearShownDebugLines();

	//if (AAS_AgainstLadder(parm2)) botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "against ladder\n");
	//BotOnGround(parm2, PRESENCE_NORMAL, 1, &newarea, &newarea);
	//botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "%f %f %f\n", parm2[0], parm2[1], parm2[2]);
	highlightarea = LibVarGetValue("bot_highlightarea");
	if (highlightarea > 0)
		newarea = highlightarea;
	} //end if
		VectorCopy(parm2, origin);
		origin[2] += 0.5;
		//newarea = AAS_PointAreaNum(origin);
		newarea = BotFuzzyPointReachabilityArea(origin);
	} //end else

	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "\rtravel time to goal (%d) = %d  ", botlibglobals.goalareanum,
		AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(newarea, origin, botlibglobals.goalareanum, TFL_DEFAULT));
	//newarea = BotReachabilityArea(origin, qtrue);
	if (newarea != area)
		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "origin = %f, %f, %f\n", origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]);
		area = newarea;
		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "new area %d, cluster %d, presence type %d\n",
					area, AAS_AreaCluster(area), AAS_PointPresenceType(origin));
		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "area contents: ");
		if (aasworld.areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_WATER)
			botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "water &");
		} //end if
		if (aasworld.areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_LAVA)
			botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "lava &");
		} //end if
		if (aasworld.areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_SLIME)
			botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "slime &");
		} //end if
		if (aasworld.areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_JUMPPAD)
			botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "jump pad &");
		} //end if
		if (aasworld.areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL)
			botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "cluster portal &");
		} //end if
		if (aasworld.areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_VIEWPORTAL)
			botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "view portal &");
		} //end if
		if (aasworld.areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_DONOTENTER)
			botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "do not enter &");
		} //end if
		if (aasworld.areasettings[area].contents & AREACONTENTS_MOVER)
			botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "mover &");
		} //end if
		if (!aasworld.areasettings[area].contents)
			botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "empty");
		} //end if
		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "\n");
		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "travel time to goal (%d) = %d\n", botlibglobals.goalareanum,
					AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(newarea, origin, botlibglobals.goalareanum, TFL_DEFAULT|TFL_ROCKETJUMP));
		VectorCopy(origin, end);
		end[2] += 5;
		numareas = AAS_TraceAreas(origin, end, areas, NULL, 10);
		AAS_TraceClientBBox(origin, end, PRESENCE_CROUCH, -1);
		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "num areas = %d, area = %d\n", numareas, areas[0]);
		botlibglobals.goalareanum = newarea;
		VectorCopy(parm2, botlibglobals.goalorigin);
		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "new goal %2.1f %2.1f %2.1f area %d\n",
								origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], newarea);
	} //end if
	flood = LibVarGetValue("bot_flood");
	if (parm0 & 1)
		if (flood)
			botlibglobals.goalareanum = newarea;
			VectorCopy(parm2, botlibglobals.goalorigin);
			botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "new goal %2.1f %2.1f %2.1f area %d\n",
									origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], newarea);
	} //end if*/
	if (flood)
		return 0;
//	if (parm0 & BUTTON_USE)
//	{
//		botlibglobals.runai = !botlibglobals.runai;
//		if (botlibglobals.runai) botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "started AI\n");
//		else botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "stopped AI\n");
		//* /
		goal.areanum = botlibglobals.goalareanum;
		reachnum = BotGetReachabilityToGoal(parm2, newarea, 1,
										ms.avoidreach, ms.avoidreachtimes,
										&goal, TFL_DEFAULT);
		if (!reachnum)
			botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "goal not reachable\n");
		} //end if
			AAS_ReachabilityFromNum(reachnum, &reach);
			AAS_ShowArea(area, qtrue);
			AAS_ShowArea(reach.areanum, qtrue);
			AAS_DrawCross(reach.start, 6, LINECOLOR_BLUE);
			AAS_DrawCross(reach.end, 6, LINECOLOR_RED);
			if ((reach.traveltype & TRAVELTYPE_MASK) == TRAVEL_ELEVATOR)
				ElevatorBottomCenter(&reach, bottomcenter);
				AAS_DrawCross(bottomcenter, 10, LINECOLOR_GREEN);
			} //end if
		} //end else*/
//		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "travel time to goal = %d\n",
//					AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(area, origin, botlibglobals.goalareanum, TFL_DEFAULT));
//		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "test rj from 703 to 716\n");
//		AAS_Reachability_WeaponJump(703, 716);
//	} //end if*/

/*	face = AAS_AreaGroundFace(newarea, parm2);
	if (face)
		AAS_ShowFace(face - aasworld.faces);
	} //end if*/
	AAS_ShowArea(newarea, parm0 & BUTTON_USE);
	AAS_ShowAreaPolygons(newarea, 1, parm0 & 4);
	if (parm0 & 2) AAS_ShowReachableAreas(area);
		static int lastgoalareanum, lastareanum;
		static int avoidreach[MAX_AVOIDREACH];
		static float avoidreachtimes[MAX_AVOIDREACH];
		static int avoidreachtries[MAX_AVOIDREACH];
		int reachnum, resultFlags;
		bot_goal_t goal;
		aas_reachability_t reach;

		goal.areanum = botlibglobals.goalareanum;
		VectorCopy(botlibglobals.goalorigin, goal.origin);
		reachnum = BotGetReachabilityToGoal(origin, newarea,
									  lastgoalareanum, lastareanum,
									  avoidreach, avoidreachtimes, avoidreachtries,
									  NULL, 0, &resultFlags);
		AAS_ReachabilityFromNum(reachnum, &reach);
		int curarea;
		vec3_t curorigin;

		goal.areanum = botlibglobals.goalareanum;
		VectorCopy(botlibglobals.goalorigin, goal.origin);
		VectorCopy(origin, curorigin);
		curarea = newarea;
		for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
			if ( curarea == goal.areanum ) {
			reachnum = BotGetReachabilityToGoal(curorigin, curarea,
										  lastgoalareanum, lastareanum,
										  avoidreach, avoidreachtimes, avoidreachtries,
										  NULL, 0, &resultFlags);
			AAS_ReachabilityFromNum(reachnum, &reach);
			VectorCopy(reach.end, origin);
			lastareanum = curarea;
			curarea = reach.areanum;
	} //end else
	//BotGapDistance(origin, forward, 0);
	if (parm0 & BUTTON_USE)
		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "test rj from 703 to 716\n");
		AAS_Reachability_WeaponJump(703, 716);
	} //end if*/

	AngleVectors(parm3, forward, right, NULL);
	//get the eye 16 units to the right of the origin
	VectorMA(parm2, 8, right, eye);
	//get the eye 24 units up
	eye[2] += 24;
	//get the end point for the line to be traced
	VectorMA(eye, 800, forward, end);

//	AAS_TestMovementPrediction(1, parm2, forward);
    //trace the line to find the hit point
	trace = AAS_TraceClientBBox(eye, end, PRESENCE_NORMAL, 1);
	if (!line[0]) line[0] = botimport.DebugLineCreate();
	botimport.DebugLineShow(line[0], eye, trace.endpos, LINECOLOR_BLUE);
	if (trace.ent)
		ent = &aasworld.entities[trace.ent];
		AAS_ShowBoundingBox(ent->origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs);
	} //end if

	start_time = clock();
	for (i = 0; i < 2000; i++)
		AAS_Trace2(eye, mins, maxs, end, 1, MASK_PLAYERSOLID);
//		AAS_TraceClientBBox(eye, end, PRESENCE_NORMAL, 1);
	} //end for
	end_time = clock();
	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "me %lu clocks, %lu CLOCKS_PER_SEC\n", end_time - start_time, CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
	start_time = clock();
	for (i = 0; i < 2000; i++)
		AAS_Trace(eye, mins, maxs, end, 1, MASK_PLAYERSOLID);
	} //end for
	end_time = clock();
	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "id %lu clocks, %lu CLOCKS_PER_SEC\n", end_time - start_time, CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

    // TTimo: nested comments are BAD for gcc -Werror, use #if 0 instead..
#if 0
	//bsptrace = AAS_Trace(eye, NULL, NULL, end, 1, MASK_PLAYERSOLID);
	bsptrace = AAS_Trace(eye, mins, maxs, end, 1, MASK_PLAYERSOLID);
	if (!line[0]) line[0] = botimport.DebugLineCreate();
	botimport.DebugLineShow(line[0], eye, bsptrace.endpos, LINECOLOR_YELLOW);
	if (bsptrace.fraction < 1.0)
		face = AAS_TraceEndFace(&trace);
		if (face)
			AAS_ShowFace(face - aasworld.faces);
		} //end if
									bsptrace.plane.dist + bsptrace.exp_dist,
									bsptrace.plane.type, LINECOLOR_GREEN);
		if (trace.ent)
			ent = &aasworld.entities[trace.ent];
			AAS_ShowBoundingBox(ent->origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs);
		} //end if
	} //end if
	//bsptrace = AAS_Trace2(eye, NULL, NULL, end, 1, MASK_PLAYERSOLID);
	bsptrace = AAS_Trace2(eye, mins, maxs, end, 1, MASK_PLAYERSOLID);
	botimport.DebugLineShow(line[1], eye, bsptrace.endpos, LINECOLOR_BLUE);
	if (bsptrace.fraction < 1.0)
									bsptrace.plane.dist,// + bsptrace.exp_dist,
									bsptrace.plane.type, LINECOLOR_RED);
		if (bsptrace.ent)
			ent = &aasworld.entities[bsptrace.ent];
			AAS_ShowBoundingBox(ent->origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs);
		} //end if
	} //end if
	return 0;
} //end of the function BotExportTest
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
int BotChooseNBGItem( int goalstate, vec3_t origin, int *inventory, int travelflags,
					  bot_goal_t *ltg, float maxtime ) {
	int areanum, t, weightnum, ltg_time;
	float weight, bestweight, avoidtime;
	iteminfo_t *iteminfo;
	itemconfig_t *ic;
	levelitem_t *li, *bestitem;
	bot_goal_t goal;
	bot_goalstate_t *gs;

	gs = BotGoalStateFromHandle( goalstate );
	if ( !gs ) {
		return qfalse;
	if ( !gs->itemweightconfig ) {
		return qfalse;
	//get the area the bot is in
	areanum = BotReachabilityArea( origin, gs->client );
	//if the bot is in solid or if the area the bot is in has no reachability links
	if ( !areanum || !AAS_AreaReachability( areanum ) ) {
		//use the last valid area the bot was in
		areanum = gs->lastreachabilityarea;
	} //end if
	  //remember the last area with reachabilities the bot was in
	gs->lastreachabilityarea = areanum;
	//if still in solid
	if ( !areanum ) {
		return qfalse;
	if ( ltg ) {
		ltg_time = AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea( areanum, origin, ltg->areanum, travelflags );
	} else { ltg_time = 99999;}
	//the item configuration
	ic = itemconfig;
	if ( !itemconfig ) {
		return qfalse;
	//best weight and item so far
	bestweight = 0;
	bestitem = NULL;
	memset( &goal, 0, sizeof( bot_goal_t ) );
	//go through the items in the level
	for ( li = levelitems; li; li = li->next )
		if ( g_gametype == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER ) {
			if ( li->notsingle ) {
		} else if ( g_gametype >= GT_TEAM )     {
			if ( li->notteam ) {
		} else {
			if ( li->notfree ) {
		//if the item is in a possible goal area
		if ( !li->goalareanum ) {
		//get the fuzzy weight function for this item
		iteminfo = &ic->iteminfo[li->iteminfo];
		weightnum = gs->itemweightindex[iteminfo->number];
		if ( weightnum < 0 ) {
		//if this goal is in the avoid goals
		if ( BotAvoidGoalTime( goalstate, li->number ) > 0 ) {
		weight = FuzzyWeightUndecided( inventory, gs->itemweightconfig, weightnum );
		weight = FuzzyWeight( inventory, gs->itemweightconfig, weightnum );
		//HACK: to make dropped items more attractive
		if ( li->timeout ) {
			weight += 1000;
		if ( weight > 0 ) {
			//get the travel time towards the goal area
			t = AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea( areanum, origin, li->goalareanum, travelflags );
			//if the goal is reachable
			if ( t > 0 && t < maxtime ) {
				weight /= (float) t * TRAVELTIME_SCALE;
				if ( weight > bestweight ) {
					t = 0;
					if ( ltg && !li->timeout ) {
						//get the travel time from the goal to the long term goal
						t = AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea( li->goalareanum, li->goalorigin, ltg->areanum, travelflags );
					} //end if
					  //if the travel back is possible and doesn't take too long
					if ( t <= ltg_time ) {
						bestweight = weight;
						bestitem = li;
					} //end if
				} //end if
			} //end if
		} //end if
	} //end for
	  //if no goal item found
	if ( !bestitem ) {
		return qfalse;
	//create a bot goal for this item
	iteminfo = &ic->iteminfo[bestitem->iteminfo];
	VectorCopy( bestitem->goalorigin, goal.origin );
	VectorCopy( iteminfo->mins, goal.mins );
	VectorCopy( iteminfo->maxs, goal.maxs );
	goal.areanum = bestitem->goalareanum;
	goal.entitynum = bestitem->entitynum;
	goal.number = bestitem->number;
	goal.flags = GFL_ITEM;
	goal.iteminfo = bestitem->iteminfo;
	//add the chosen goal to the goals to avoid for a while
	avoidtime = iteminfo->respawntime * 0.5;
	if ( avoidtime < 10 ) {
		avoidtime = AVOID_TIME;
	//if it's a dropped item
	if ( bestitem->timeout ) {
		avoidtime = AVOIDDROPPED_TIME;
	BotAddToAvoidGoals( gs, bestitem->number, avoidtime );
	//push the goal on the stack
	BotPushGoal( goalstate, &goal );
	if ( bestitem->timeout ) {
		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "new nbg dropped item %s\n", ic->iteminfo[bestitem->iteminfo].classname );
	} //end if
	iteminfo = &ic->iteminfo[bestitem->iteminfo];
	botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "new nbg \"%s\"\n", iteminfo->classname );
#endif //DEBUG_AI_GOAL
	return qtrue;
} //end of the function BotChooseNBGItem
Ejemplo n.º 6
qboolean AAS_RT_GetHidePos( vec3_t srcpos, int srcnum, int srcarea, vec3_t destpos, int destnum, int destarea, vec3_t returnPos ) {
	static int tfl = TFL_DEFAULT & ~( TFL_JUMPPAD | TFL_ROCKETJUMP | TFL_BFGJUMP | TFL_GRAPPLEHOOK | TFL_DOUBLEJUMP | TFL_RAMPJUMP | TFL_STRAFEJUMP | TFL_LAVA );   //----(SA)	modified since slime is no longer deadly

#if 1
	// use MrE's breadth first method
	int hideareanum;
//	int pretime;

	// disabled this so grenade hiding works
	//if (!srcarea || !destarea)
	//	return qfalse;

//	pretime = -Sys_MilliSeconds();

	hideareanum = AAS_NearestHideArea( srcnum, srcpos, srcarea, destnum, destpos, destarea, tfl );
	if ( !hideareanum ) {
//		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "Breadth First HidePos FAILED: %i ms\n", pretime + Sys_MilliSeconds());
		return qfalse;
	// we found a valid hiding area
	VectorCopy( ( *aasworld ).areawaypoints[hideareanum], returnPos );

//	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "Breadth First HidePos: %i ms\n", pretime + Sys_MilliSeconds());

	return qtrue;

	// look around at random parent areas, if any of them have a center point
	// that isn't visible from "destpos", then return it's position in returnPos

	int i, j, pathArea, dir;
	unsigned short int destTravelTime;
	aas_rt_parent_t *srcParent, *travParent, *destParent;
	aas_rt_child_t  *srcChild, *destChild, *travChild;
	aas_rt_route_t  *route;
	vec3_t destVec;
	float destTravelDist;
	static float lastTime;
	static int frameCount, maxPerFrame = 2;
	int firstreach;
	aas_reachability_t  *reachability, *reach;
	qboolean startVisible;
	unsigned short int bestTravelTime, thisTravelTime, elapsedTravelTime;
	#define MAX_HIDE_TRAVELTIME     1000    // 10 seconds is a very long way away
	unsigned char destVisLookup[MAX_PARENTS];
	unsigned short int *destVisTrav;

	aas_rt_t    *rt;

	const int MAX_CHECK_VISPARENTS    = 100;
	int visparents_count, total_parents_checked;
	int thisParentIndex;
	int pretime;

	if ( !( rt = aasworld->routetable ) ) { // no route table present
		return qfalse;
	if (lastTime > (AAS_Time() - 0.1)) {
		if (frameCount++ > maxPerFrame) {
			return qfalse;
	} else {
		frameCount = 0;
		lastTime = AAS_Time();
	pretime = -Sys_MilliSeconds();

	// is the src area grounded?
	if ( !( srcChild = AAS_RT_GetChild( srcarea ) ) ) {
		return qfalse;
	// does it have a parent?
// all valid areas have a parent
//	if (!srcChild->numParentLinks) {
//		return qfalse;
//	}
	// get the dest (enemy) area
	if ( !( destChild = AAS_RT_GetChild( destarea ) ) ) {
		return qfalse;
	destParent = &rt->parents[ rt->parentLinks[destChild->startParentLinks].parent ];
	// populate the destVisAreas
	memset( destVisLookup, 0, sizeof( destVisLookup ) );
	destVisTrav = rt->visibleParents + destParent->startVisibleParents;
	for ( i = 0; i < destParent->numVisibleParents; i++, destVisTrav++ ) {
		destVisLookup[*destVisTrav] = 1;
	// use the first parent to source the vis areas from
	srcParent = &rt->parents[ rt->parentLinks[srcChild->startParentLinks].parent ];
	// set the destTravelTime
	if ( route = AAS_RT_GetRoute( srcarea, srcpos, destarea ) ) {
		destTravelTime = route->travel_time;
	} else {
		destTravelTime = 0;
	bestTravelTime = MAX_HIDE_TRAVELTIME;   // ignore any routes longer than 10 seconds away
	// set the destVec
	VectorSubtract( destpos, srcpos, destVec );
	destTravelDist = VectorNormalize( destVec );
	// randomize the direction we traverse the list, so the hiding spot isn't always the same
	if ( rand() % 2 ) {
		dir = 1;    // forward
	} else {
		dir = -1;   // reverse
	// randomize the starting area
	if ( srcParent->numVisibleParents ) {
		i = rand() % srcParent->numVisibleParents;
	} else {    // prevent divide by zero
		i = 0;
	// setup misc stuff
	reachability = ( *aasworld ).reachability;
	startVisible = botimport.AICast_VisibleFromPos( destpos, destnum, srcpos, srcnum, qfalse );
	// set the firstreach to prevent having to do an array and pointer lookup for each destination
	firstreach = ( *aasworld ).areasettings[srcarea].firstreachablearea;
	// just check random parent areas, traversing the route until we find an area that can't be seen from the dest area
	for ( visparents_count = 0, total_parents_checked = 0; visparents_count < MAX_CHECK_VISPARENTS && total_parents_checked < rt->numParents; total_parents_checked++ ) {
		thisParentIndex = rand() % rt->numParents;
		travParent = &rt->parents[ thisParentIndex ];
		// never go to the enemy's areas
		if ( travParent->areanum == destarea ) {
		// if it's visible from dest, ignore it
		if ( destVisLookup[thisParentIndex] ) {
		// they might be visible, check to see if the path to the area, takes us towards the
		// enemy we are trying to hide from
			qboolean invalidRoute;
			vec3_t curPos, lastVec;
			#define     GETHIDE_MAX_CHECK_PATHS     15
			invalidRoute = qfalse;
			// initialize the pathArea
			pathArea = srcarea;
			VectorCopy( srcpos, curPos );
			// now evaluate the path
			for ( j = 0; j < GETHIDE_MAX_CHECK_PATHS; j++ ) {
				// get the reachability to the travParent
				if ( !( route = AAS_RT_GetRoute( pathArea, curPos, travParent->areanum ) ) ) {
					// we can't get to the travParent, so don't bother checking it
					invalidRoute = qtrue;
				// set the pathArea
				reach = &reachability[route->reachable_index];
				// how far have we travelled so far?
				elapsedTravelTime = AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea( pathArea, curPos, reach->areanum, tfl );
				// add the travel to the center of the area
				elapsedTravelTime += AAS_AreaTravelTime( reach->areanum, reach->end, ( *aasworld ).areas[reach->areanum].center );
				// have we gone too far already?
				if ( elapsedTravelTime > bestTravelTime ) {
					invalidRoute = qtrue;
				} else {
					thisTravelTime = route->travel_time;
				// if this travel would have us do something wierd
				if ( ( reach->traveltype == TRAVEL_WALKOFFLEDGE ) && ( reach->traveltime > 500 ) ) {
					invalidRoute = qtrue;
				pathArea = reach->areanum;
				VectorCopy( reach->end, curPos );
				// if this moves us into the enemies area, skip it
				if ( pathArea == destarea ) {
					invalidRoute = qtrue;
				// if we are very close, don't get any closer under any circumstances
					vec3_t vec;
					float dist;
					VectorSubtract( destpos, reachability[firstreach + route->reachable_index].end, vec );
					dist = VectorNormalize( vec );
					if ( destTravelTime < 400 ) {
						if ( dist < destTravelDist ) {
							invalidRoute = qtrue;
						if ( DotProduct( destVec, vec ) < 0.2 ) {
							invalidRoute = qtrue;
					} else {
						if ( dist < destTravelDist * 0.7 ) {
							invalidRoute = qtrue;
					// check the directions to make sure we're not trying to run through them
					if ( j > 0 ) {
						if ( DotProduct( vec, lastVec ) < 0.2 ) {
							invalidRoute = qtrue;
					} else if ( DotProduct( destVec, vec ) < 0.2 ) {
						invalidRoute = qtrue;
					VectorCopy( vec, lastVec );
				// if this area isn't in the visible list for the enemy's area, it's a good hiding spot
				if ( !( travChild = AAS_RT_GetChild( pathArea ) ) ) {
					invalidRoute = qtrue;
				if ( !destVisLookup[rt->parentLinks[travChild->startParentLinks].parent] ) {
					// success ?
					if ( !botimport.AICast_VisibleFromPos( destpos, destnum, ( *aasworld ).areas[pathArea].center, srcnum, qfalse ) ) {
						// SUCESS !!
						travParent = &rt->parents[rt->parentLinks[travChild->startParentLinks].parent];
				} else {
					// if we weren't visible when starting, make sure we don't move into their view
					if ( !startVisible ) { //botimport.AICast_VisibleFromPos( destpos, destnum, reachability[firstreach + route->reachable_index].end, srcnum, qfalse )) {
						invalidRoute = qtrue;
				// if this is the travParent, then stop checking
				if ( pathArea == travParent->areanum ) {
					invalidRoute = qtrue;   // we didn't find a hiding spot
			}   // end for areas in route
			// if the route is invalid, skip this travParent
			if ( invalidRoute ) {
		// now last of all, check that this area is a safe hiding spot
//		if (botimport.AICast_VisibleFromPos( destpos, destnum, (*aasworld).areas[travParent->areanum].center, srcnum, qfalse )) {
//			continue;
//		}
		// we've found a good hiding spot, so use it
		VectorCopy( ( *aasworld ).areas[travParent->areanum].center, returnPos );
		bestTravelTime = elapsedTravelTime;
		if ( thisTravelTime < 300 ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "Fuzzy RT HidePos: %i ms\n", pretime + Sys_MilliSeconds() );
			return qtrue;
	// did we find something?
	if ( bestTravelTime < MAX_HIDE_TRAVELTIME ) {
		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "Fuzzy RT HidePos: %i ms\n", pretime + Sys_MilliSeconds() );
		return qtrue;
	// couldn't find anything
	botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "Fuzzy RT HidePos FAILED: %i ms\n", pretime + Sys_MilliSeconds() );
	return qfalse;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static bool BotChooseNBGItem( int goalstate, const vec3_t origin, const int* inventory, int travelflags,
	const bot_goal_t* ltg, float maxtime ) {
	bot_goalstate_t* gs = BotGoalStateFromHandle( goalstate );
	if ( !gs ) {
		return false;
	if ( !gs->itemweightconfig ) {
		return false;
	//get the area the bot is in
	int areanum = BotReachabilityArea( origin, gs->client );
	//if the bot is in solid or if the area the bot is in has no reachability links
	if ( !areanum || !AAS_AreaReachability( areanum ) ) {
		//use the last valid area the bot was in
		areanum = gs->lastreachabilityarea;
	//remember the last area with reachabilities the bot was in
	gs->lastreachabilityarea = areanum;
	//if still in solid
	if ( !areanum ) {
		return false;

	int ltg_time;
	if ( ltg ) {
		ltg_time = AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea( areanum, origin, ltg->areanum, travelflags );
	} else {
		ltg_time = 99999;
	//the item configuration
	itemconfig_t* ic = itemconfig;
	if ( !itemconfig ) {
		return false;
	//best weight and item so far
	float bestweight = 0;
	levelitem_t* bestitem = NULL;
	//go through the items in the level
	for ( levelitem_t* li = levelitems; li; li = li->next ) {
		if ( GGameType & GAME_ET ) {
			if ( g_singleplayer ) {
				if ( li->flags & IFL_NOTSINGLE ) {
		} else {
			if ( g_gametype == Q3GT_SINGLE_PLAYER ) {
				if ( li->flags & IFL_NOTSINGLE ) {
			} else if ( g_gametype >= Q3GT_TEAM ) {
				if ( li->flags & IFL_NOTTEAM ) {
			} else {
				if ( li->flags & IFL_NOTFREE ) {
		if ( GGameType & GAME_Quake3 && li->flags & IFL_NOTBOT ) {
		//if the item is in a possible goal area
		if ( !li->goalareanum ) {
		//FIXME: is this a good thing? added this for items that never spawned into the game (f.i. CTF flags in obelisk)
		if ( GGameType & GAME_Quake3 && !li->entitynum && !( li->flags & IFL_ROAM ) ) {
		//get the fuzzy weight function for this item
		iteminfo_t* iteminfo = &ic->iteminfo[ li->iteminfo ];
		int weightnum = gs->itemweightindex[ iteminfo->number ];
		if ( weightnum < 0 ) {
		//if this goal is in the avoid goals
		if ( !( GGameType & GAME_Quake3 ) && BotAvoidGoalTime( goalstate, li->number ) > 0 ) {

		float weight = FuzzyWeightUndecided( inventory, gs->itemweightconfig, weightnum );
		//HACK: to make dropped items more attractive
		if ( li->timeout ) {
			weight += GGameType & GAME_Quake3 ? droppedweight->value : 1000;
		//use weight scale for item_botroam
		if ( GGameType & GAME_Quake3 && li->flags & IFL_ROAM ) {
			weight *= li->weight;

		if ( weight > 0 ) {
			//get the travel time towards the goal area
			int t = AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea( areanum, origin, li->goalareanum, travelflags );
			//if the goal is reachable
			if ( t > 0 && t < maxtime ) {
				if ( GGameType & GAME_Quake3 ) {
					//if this item won't respawn before we get there
					float avoidtime = BotAvoidGoalTime( goalstate, li->number );
					if ( avoidtime - t * 0.009 > 0 ) {

				weight /= ( float )t * TRAVELTIME_SCALE;

				if ( weight > bestweight ) {
					t = 0;
					if ( ltg && !li->timeout ) {
						//get the travel time from the goal to the long term goal
						t = AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea( li->goalareanum, li->goalorigin, ltg->areanum, travelflags );
					//if the travel back is possible and doesn't take too long
					if ( t <= ltg_time ) {
						bestweight = weight;
						bestitem = li;
	//if no goal item found
	if ( !bestitem ) {
		return false;
	//create a bot goal for this item
	bot_goal_t goal;
	Com_Memset( &goal, 0, sizeof ( bot_goal_t ) );
	iteminfo_t* iteminfo = &ic->iteminfo[ bestitem->iteminfo ];
	VectorCopy( bestitem->goalorigin, goal.origin );
	VectorCopy( iteminfo->mins, goal.mins );
	VectorCopy( iteminfo->maxs, goal.maxs );
	goal.areanum = bestitem->goalareanum;
	goal.entitynum = bestitem->entitynum;
	goal.number = bestitem->number;
	goal.flags = GFL_ITEM;
	if ( GGameType & GAME_Quake3 ) {
		if ( bestitem->timeout ) {
			goal.flags |= GFL_DROPPED;
		if ( bestitem->flags & IFL_ROAM ) {
			goal.flags |= GFL_ROAM;
	goal.iteminfo = bestitem->iteminfo;
	float avoidtime;
	if ( GGameType & GAME_Quake3 ) {
		//if it's a dropped item
		if ( bestitem->timeout ) {
			avoidtime = AVOID_DROPPED_TIME;
		} else {
			avoidtime = iteminfo->respawntime;
			if ( !avoidtime ) {
				avoidtime = AVOID_DEFAULT_TIME;
			if ( avoidtime < AVOID_MINIMUM_TIME ) {
				avoidtime = AVOID_MINIMUM_TIME;
	} else {
		avoidtime = iteminfo->respawntime * 0.5;
		if ( avoidtime < 10 ) {
			avoidtime = AVOID_DEFAULT_TIME;
		//if it's a dropped item
		if ( bestitem->timeout ) {
	//add the chosen goal to the goals to avoid for a while
	BotAddToAvoidGoals( gs, bestitem->number, avoidtime );
	//push the goal on the stack
	BotPushGoal( goalstate, &goal, sizeof ( goal ) );
	return true;