Ejemplo n.º 1
ContainmentResult   TestSphereSphere    ( Sphere const & A,
                                          Sphere const & B )
	// ----------
	// do a quick outside test first

	Vector delta = B.getCenter() - A.getCenter();

	real dist2 = delta.magnitudeSquared();

	real sumRadius = A.getRadius() + B.getRadius();
	real sumRadius2 = sumRadius * sumRadius;

	if(dist2 > sumRadius2)
		return CR_Outside;
	else if(dist2 == sumRadius2) //lint !e777 // testing floats for equality
		return CR_TouchingOutside;
		// ----------
		// and if that fails do the full test

		real dist = sqrt(dist2);

		Range AD( dist - A.getRadius(), dist + A.getRadius() );
		Range BD( -B.getRadius(), B.getRadius() );

		return Containment1d::TestRangeRange( AD, BD );
Ejemplo n.º 2
int crypto_aead_encrypt(
    unsigned char *c,unsigned long long *clen,
    const unsigned char *m,unsigned long long mlen,
    const unsigned char *ad,unsigned long long adlen,
    const unsigned char *nsec,
    const unsigned char *npub,
    const unsigned char *k
    string K((const char *)k, (size_t)CRYPTO_KEYBYTES);
    string N((const char *)npub, (size_t)CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES);
    stringstream dummy;
    stringstream AD(string((const char *)ad, adlen));
    stringstream plaintext(string((const char *)m, mlen));
    stringstream ciphertext;
    stringstream tag;

    LakeKeyak instance;
    instance.StartEngine(K, N, false, dummy, false, false);
    instance.Wrap(plaintext, ciphertext, AD, tag, false, false);
    memcpy(c, ciphertext.str().data(), ciphertext.str().size());
    *clen = ciphertext.str().size();
    memcpy(c+ciphertext.str().size(), tag.str().data(), tag.str().size());
    *clen += tag.str().size();

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool change_coor(std::pair<int, int> postcard, std::pair<int, int> envelope)
    int hypotenuse_envelope = sqrt(pow(envelope.first, 2) + pow(envelope.second, 2));
    if (hypotenuse_envelope - postcard.second)
        float h_postcard, w_postcard;
        std::pair<int, int> A(0, 0);
        std::pair<int, int> B(0, postcard.second);
        std::pair<int, int> C(postcard.first, 0);
        std::pair<int, int> D(postcard.first, postcard.second);
        for (float angle = 0; angle <= 2*PI;)
            std::pair<float, float> AD(rotate(D, angle));
            std::pair<float, float> new_A(rotate(A, angle));
            AD.first -= new_A.first;
            AD.second -= new_A.second;
            std::pair<float, float> BC(rotate(C, angle));
            std::pair<float, float> new_B(rotate(B, angle));
            BC.first -= new_B.first;
            BC.second -= new_B.second;
            h_postcard = std::max(abs(BC.second), abs(AD.second));
            w_postcard = std::max(abs(BC.first), abs(AD.first));

            if ((h_postcard <= envelope.second)&&(w_postcard <= envelope.first))
                return true;
            angle += 0.001;

        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int crypto_aead_decrypt(
    unsigned char *m,unsigned long long *mlen,
    unsigned char *nsec,
    const unsigned char *c,unsigned long long clen,
    const unsigned char *ad,unsigned long long adlen,
    const unsigned char *npub,
    const unsigned char *k
    if (clen < CRYPTO_ABYTES)
        return -1;

    string K((const char *)k, CRYPTO_KEYBYTES);
    string N((const char *)npub, CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES);
    stringstream dummy;
    stringstream AD(string((const char *)ad, adlen));
    stringstream plaintext;
    stringstream ciphertext(string((const char *)c, clen-CRYPTO_ABYTES));
    stringstream tag(string((const char *)c+clen-CRYPTO_ABYTES, CRYPTO_ABYTES));

    LakeKeyak instance;
    instance.StartEngine(K, N, false, dummy, true, false);
    bool result = instance.Wrap(ciphertext, plaintext, AD, tag, true, false);

    if (result) {
        memcpy(m, plaintext.str().data(), plaintext.str().size());
        *mlen = plaintext.str().size();
        return 0;
       return -1;
void QmitkDiffusionQuantificationView::CreateConnections()
    if ( m_Controls )
        connect( (QObject*)(m_Controls->m_StandardGFACheckbox), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(GFACheckboxClicked()) );
        connect( (QObject*)(m_Controls->m_GFAButton), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(GFA()) );
        connect( (QObject*)(m_Controls->m_CurvatureButton), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(Curvature()) );
        connect( (QObject*)(m_Controls->m_FAButton), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(FA()) );
        connect( (QObject*)(m_Controls->m_RAButton), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(RA()) );
        connect( (QObject*)(m_Controls->m_ADButton), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(AD()) );
        connect( (QObject*)(m_Controls->m_RDButton), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(RD()) );
        connect( (QObject*)(m_Controls->m_MDButton), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(MD()) );
        connect( (QObject*)(m_Controls->m_ClusteringAnisotropy), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ClusterAnisotropy()) );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void testArithmetic(std::string const & filename)
	::libmaus::autoarray::AutoArray<uint8_t> data = ::libmaus::util::GetFileSize::readFile(filename);
	unsigned int const alph = 8;
	for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i )
		data[i] &= (alph-1);

	::libmaus::timing::RealTimeClock rtc; rtc.start();

	typedef ::libmaus::bitio::BitWriterVector8 bw_type;
	std::vector < uint8_t > VV;
	std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector < uint8_t > > it(VV);
	bw_type CB(it);

	unsigned int const loops = 3;
	for ( uint64_t z = 0; z < loops; ++z )

	typedef ::libmaus::bitio::IteratorBitInputStream< std::vector<uint8_t>::const_iterator, true > br_type;
	br_type CR(VV.begin(),VV.end());

	for ( uint64_t z = 0; z < loops; ++z )
		::libmaus::arithmetic::ArithmeticDecoder < br_type > AD (CR);
		model_type MD(alph);
		::libmaus::autoarray::AutoArray<uint8_t> ddata(data.size(),false);
		for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i )
			ddata[i] = AD.decodeUpdate(MD);
		AD.flush(true /* read end marker */);
		std::cerr << "Decoded in " << rtc.getElapsedSeconds() << " s, "
			<< 1./(rtc.getElapsedSeconds()/data.size());

		bool ok = true;
		for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i )
			ok = ok && (data[i] == ddata[i]);
		std::cout << " " << (ok ? "ok" : "failed") << std::endl;

	std::cerr << static_cast<double>(loops*data.size()) / VV.size() << std::endl;

Ejemplo n.º 7
ContainmentResult  TestCylinderCylinder ( Cylinder const & A,
                                          Cylinder const & B )
	Vector delta = B.getBase() - A.getBase();
	delta.y = 0;

	real dist = delta.magnitude();

	Range AD( dist - A.getRadius(), dist + A.getRadius() );
	Range BD( -B.getRadius(), B.getRadius() );

	ContainmentResult hTest = Containment1d::TestRangeRange( AD, BD );
	ContainmentResult vTest = Containment1d::TestRangeRange( A.getRangeY(), B.getRangeY() );

	// ----------

	return Containment::ComposeAxisTests(hTest,vTest);
int main() {
  ArrayDeque<int> AD(5);
  std::cout << AD << std::endl;

  std::cout << AD << std::endl;

  std::cout << AD << std::endl;

  std::cout << AD << std::endl;

  try {AD.removeBack();}
  catch (DequeEmpty& dee) {
    std::cout << "Caught 1: " << dee.getMessage() << std::endl;
  try {AD.removeBack();}
  catch (DequeEmpty& dee) {
    std::cout << "Caught 2: " << dee.getMessage() << std::endl;
  std::cout << AD << std::endl;

  int i;
  try {
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      // AD.insertBack(2*i);
  } catch (DequeFull& dfe) {
    std::cout << "Caught " << i << ": " << dfe.getMessage() << std::endl;
    std::cout << AD << std::endl;
void client::clientMain(int commandport, int checktemp, int senderid, int loopNum, std::string test,std::string tempport)
		std::mutex* lock = new std::mutex;
		Sender sndr1("send", loopNum, senderid * 2 + 1, checktemp, tempport, test);// sndr2("send", loopNum, senderid * 2 + 2, checktemp, tempport, test);
		Receiver* rcvr1 = new Receiver;//create sender and receiver 
		VaultDispatcher* Disp1;
		Disp1 = new VaultDispatcher("disp");
		EchoCommunicator* Echo1;
		FileCommunicator* File1;
		Echo1 = new EchoCommunicator("echo");
		File1 = new FileCommunicator("file");
		rcvr1->LOCK(lock);//assign lock to each of the communicator 
		std::thread sender1(&Sender::start, &sndr1, "", 8080);
		std::thread AD(&VaultDispatcher::ProcessMsg1, Disp1);//open the thread to each of the processMsg function
		std::thread EC(&EchoCommunicator::ProcessMsg1, Echo1);
		std::thread FC(&FileCommunicator::ProcessMsg1, File1);
		while (Disp1->DisplayQ().size() != 0)
			std::string getresult = Disp1->DisplayQ().deQ();
			display += '?' + getresult;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void Rectangle::Subdivide(float patchSize)
	if (mPatches == nullptr)
		mPatches = new std::vector< Patch* >();

		// Calculate the number of patches along one axis
		float distance_i = _a.DistanceTo(_b);
		float dimension_i = distance_i / patchSize;
		int size_i = int(dimension_i);
		float remainder_i = dimension_i - size_i;

		if (remainder_i > 0)

		// Calculate the number of patches along the other axis
		float distance_j = _a.DistanceTo(_d);
		float dimension_j = distance_j / patchSize;
		int size_j = int(dimension_j);
		float remainder_j = dimension_j - size_j;

		if (remainder_j > 0)

		// Create a two-dimensional vector to hold points
		std::vector< std::vector<Point*> > points(size_i + 1, std::vector<Point*>(size_j + 1,

		Vector AB(_b, _a);
		Vector AD(_d, _a);
		float len_AB = _b.DistanceTo(_a);
		float len_AD = _d.DistanceTo(_a);


		Point *p1;

		// Create the starting point
		p1 = new Point(_a);

		// Loop in AD direction
		for (int j = 0; j <= size_j; ++j)
			// add p1 to the list
			points.at(0).at(j) = p1;

			Point *p2 = p1;

			// Loop in AB direction
			for (int i = 0; i < size_i; ++i)
			    Point *p3;

				// Check boundary
				if (i == size_i - 1)
					p3 = new Point(scalarMultiply(AB, len_AB).Translate(*p1));
					p3 = new Point(scalarMultiply(AB, patchSize).Translate(*p2));

				// add p3 to the list
				points.at(i+1).at(j) = p3;

				// Update p2
				p2 = p3;

			// Update p1
			if (j == size_j - 1)
				p1 = new Point(scalarMultiply(AD, len_AD).Translate(_a));
				p1 = new Point(scalarMultiply(AD, patchSize).Translate(*p1));

		// Create the patches
		// Loop in AD direction
		for (int j = 0; j < size_j; ++j)
			// Loop in AB direction
			for (int i = 0; i < size_i; ++i)
				Point *A = points.at(i).at(j);
				Point *B = points.at(i+1).at(j);
				Point *C = points.at(i+1).at(j+1);
				Point *D = points.at(i).at(j+1);

				// Create the patch
				Patch *p = new Patch(A, B, C, D, GetColor(), emission);
Ejemplo n.º 11
apply_default_hid (HID * d, HID * s)
  if (s == 0)
    s = &hid_nogui;
  AD (get_export_options);
  AD (do_export);
  AD (parse_arguments);
  AD (invalidate_lr);
  AD (invalidate_all);
  AD (set_layer);
  AD (make_gc);
  AD (destroy_gc);
  AD (use_mask);
  AD (set_color);
  AD (set_line_cap);
  AD (set_line_width);
  AD (set_draw_xor);
  AD (set_line_cap_angle);
  AD (draw_line);
  AD (draw_arc);
  AD (fill_circle);
  AD (fill_polygon);
  AD (fill_pcb_polygon);
  AD (thindraw_pcb_polygon);
  AD (calibrate);
  AD (shift_is_pressed);
  AD (control_is_pressed);
  AD (mod1_is_pressed);
  AD (get_coords);
  AD (set_crosshair);
  AD (add_timer);
  AD (stop_timer);
  AD (watch_file);
  AD (unwatch_file);
  AD (add_block_hook);
  AD (stop_block_hook);
  AD (log);
  AD (logv);
  AD (confirm_dialog);
  AD (close_confirm_dialog);
  AD (report_dialog);
  AD (prompt_for);
  AD (fileselect);
  AD (attribute_dialog);
  AD (show_item);
  AD (beep);
  AD (progress);
  AD (drc_gui);
  AD (edit_attributes);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * \brief Missing reds and/or blues are reconstructed on a single row
 * \param image_h three-row window, horizontal interpolation of row 1 is done
 * \param image_v three-row window, vertical interpolation of row 1 is done
 * \param w width of image
 * \param h height of image. 
 * \param y row number from image which is under construction
 * \param pos_code position code related to Bayer tiling in use
int do_rb_ctr_row(unsigned char *image_h, unsigned char *image_v, int w, 
					int h, int y, int *pos_code) 
	int x, bayer;
	int value,value2,div,color;
	 * pos_code[0] = red. green lrtb, blue diagonals 
	 * pos_code[1] = green. red lr, blue tb 
	 * pos_code[2] = green. blue lr, red tb 
	 * pos_code[3] = blue. green lrtb, red diagonals 
	 * The Red channel reconstruction is R=G+L(Rs-Gs), in which
	 *	G = interpolated & known Green
	 *	Rs = known Red
	 *	Gs = values of G at the positions of Rs
	 *	L()= should be a 2D lowpass filter, now we'll check 
	 *	them from a 3x3 square
	 *	L-functions' convolution matrix is 
	 *	[1/4 1/2 1/4;1/2 1 1/2; 1/4 1/2 1/4]
	 * The Blue channel reconstruction uses exactly the same methods.
	for (x = 0; x < w; x++) 
		bayer = (x&1?0:1) + (y&1?0:2);
		for (color=0; color < 3; color+=2) {
			if ((color==RED && bayer == pos_code[3]) 
					|| (color==BLUE 
						    && bayer == pos_code[0])) {
				if (x > 0 && y > 0) {
					value += image_h[AD(x-1,0,w)+color]
					value2+= image_v[AD(x-1,0,w)+color]
				if (x > 0 && y < h-1) {
					value += image_h[AD(x-1,2,w)+color]
					value2+= image_v[AD(x-1,2,w)+color]
				if (x < w-1 && y > 0) {
					value += image_h[AD(x+1,0,w)+color]
					value2+= image_v[AD(x+1,0,w)+color]
				if (x < w-1 && y < h-1) {
					value += image_h[AD(x+1,2,w)+color]
					value2+= image_v[AD(x+1,2,w)+color]
			} else if ((color==RED && bayer == pos_code[2]) 
					|| (color==BLUE 
						    && bayer == pos_code[1])) {
				if (y > 0) {
					value += image_h[AD(x,0,w)+color]
					value2+= image_v[AD(x,0,w)+color]
				if (y < h-1) {
					value += image_h[AD(x,2,w)+color]
					value2+= image_v[AD(x,2,w)+color]
			} else if ((color==RED && bayer == pos_code[1]) 
					|| (color==BLUE 
						    && bayer == pos_code[2])) {
				if (x > 0) {
					value += image_h[AD(x-1,1,w)+color]
					value2+= image_v[AD(x-1,1,w)+color]
				if (x < w-1) {
					value += image_h[AD(x+1,1,w)+color]
					value2+= image_v[AD(x+1,1,w)+color]
	return GP_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 13
int do_green_ctr_row(unsigned char *image, unsigned char *image_h, 
		    unsigned char *image_v, int w, int h, int y, int *pos_code)
	int x, bayer;
	int value,div;
	 * The horizontal green estimation on a red-green row is 
	 * G(x) = (2*R(x)+2*G(x+1)+2*G(x-1)-R(x-2)-R(x+2))/4
	 * The estimation on a green-blue row works in the same
	 * way.
	for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
		bayer = (x&1?0:1) + (y&1?0:2);
		/* pos_code[0] = red. green lrtb, blue diagonals */
		/* pos_code[3] = blue. green lrtb, red diagonals */
		if ( bayer == pos_code[0] || bayer == pos_code[3]) {
			if (bayer==pos_code[0])
				value += 2*image[AD(x,y,w)+RED];
				value += 2*image[AD(x,y,w)+BLUE];
			if (x < (w-1)) {
				value += 2*image[AD(x+1,y,w)+GREEN];
			if (x < (w-2)) {
				if (bayer==pos_code[0])
					value -= image[AD(x+2,y,w)+RED];
					value -= image[AD(x+2,y,w)+BLUE];
			if (x > 0) {
				value += 2*image[AD(x-1,y,w)+GREEN];
			if (x > 1) {
				if (bayer==pos_code[0])
					value -= image[AD(x-2,y,w)+RED];
					value -= image[AD(x-2,y,w)+BLUE];
			image_h[AD(x,1,w)+GREEN] = CLAMP(value / div);
			/* The method for vertical estimation is just like 
			 * what is done for horizontal estimation, with only  
			 * the obvious difference that it is done vertically. 
			if (bayer==pos_code[0])
				value += 2*image[AD(x,y,w)+RED];
				value += 2*image[AD(x,y,w)+BLUE];
			if (y < (h-1)) {
				value += 2*image[AD(x,y+1,w)+GREEN];
			if (y < (h-2)) {
				if (bayer==pos_code[0])
					value -= image[AD(x,y+2,w)+RED];
					value -= image[AD(x,y+2,w)+BLUE];
			if (y > 0) {
				value += 2*image[AD(x,y-1,w)+GREEN];
			if (y > 1) {
				if (bayer==pos_code[0])
					value -= image[AD(x,y-2,w)+RED];
					value -= image[AD(x,y-2,w)+BLUE];
			image_v[AD(x,1,w)+GREEN] = CLAMP(value / div);
	return GP_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 14
Matrix Matrix::operator/(float a)
	Matrix AD(3,3);
	AD.SetMatrix(A[0]/a, A[1]/a, A[2]/a, A[3]/a, A[4]/a, A[5]/a, A[6]/a, A[7]/a, A[8]/a);
	return AD;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 * \brief interpolate one pixel from a bayer 2x2 raster
 * For red and blue data, compare the four surrounding values.  If three
 * values are all one side of the mean value, the fourth value is ignored.
 * This will sharpen boundaries. Treatment of green data looks for vertical and
 * horizontal edges. Any such which are discovered get special treatment.
 * Otherwise, the same comparison test is applied which is applied for red
 * and blue. Standard algorithm is applied without change at edges of the image.
static int
gp_bayer_accrue (unsigned char *image, int w, int h, int x0, int y0,
                 int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int colour)
{   int x [4] ;
    int y [4] ;
    int value [4] ;
    int above [4] ;
    int counter   ;
    int sum_of_values;
    int average ;
    int i ;
    x[0] = x0 ;
    x[1] = x1 ;
    x[2] = x2 ;
    x[3] = x3 ;
    y[0] = y0 ;
    y[1] = y1 ;
    y[2] = y2 ;
    y[3] = y3 ;

    /* special treatment for green */
    counter = sum_of_values = 0 ;
    if(colour == GREEN)
        /* We need to make sure that horizontal or vertical lines
         * become horizontal and vertical lines even in this
         * interpolation procedure. Therefore, we determine whether
         * we might have such a line structure.

        for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
        {   if ((x[i] >= 0) && (x[i] < w) && (y[i] >= 0) && (y[i] < h))
                value [i] = image[AD(x[i],y[i],w) + colour] ;
                value [i] = -1 ;
        if(counter == 4)
            /* It is assumed that x0,y0 and x1,y1 are on a
             * horizontal line and
             * x2,y2 and x3,y3 are on a vertical line
            int hdiff ;
            int vdiff ;
            hdiff = value [1] - value [0] ;
            hdiff *= hdiff ;	/* Make value positive by squaring */
            vdiff = value [3] - value [2] ;
            vdiff *= vdiff ;	/* Make value positive by squaring */
            if(hdiff > 2*vdiff)
                /* We might have a vertical structure here */
                return (value [3] + value [2])/2 ;
            if(vdiff > 2*hdiff)
                /* we might have a horizontal structure here */
                return (value [1] + value [0])/2 ;
            /* else we proceed as with blue and red */
        /* if we do not have four points then we proceed as we do for
         * blue and red */

    /* for blue and red */
    counter = sum_of_values = 0 ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
    {   if ((x[i] >= 0) && (x[i] < w) && (y[i] >= 0) && (y[i] < h))
        {   value [i] = image[AD(x[i],y[i],w) + colour] ;
            sum_of_values += value [i] ;
            counter++ ;
    average = sum_of_values / counter ;
    if (counter < 4) return average ;
    /* Less than four surrounding - just take average */
    counter = 0 ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
    {   above[i] = value[i] > average ;
        if (above[i]) counter++ ;
    /* Note: counter == 0 indicates all values the same */
    if ((counter == 2) || (counter == 0)) return average ;
    sum_of_values = 0 ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
    {   if ((counter == 3) == above[i])
            sum_of_values += value[i] ;
    return sum_of_values / 3 ;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * \brief Interpolate a expanded bayer array into an RGB image.
 * \param image the linear RGB array as both input and output
 * \param w width of the above array
 * \param h height of the above array
 * \param tile how the 2x2 bayer array is layed out
 * This function interpolates a bayer array which has been pre-expanded
 * by gp_bayer_expand() to an RGB image. It uses various interpolation
 * methods, also see gp_bayer_accrue().
 * \return a gphoto error code
gp_bayer_interpolate (unsigned char *image, int w, int h, BayerTile tile)
    int x, y, bayer;
    int p0, p1, p2;
    int value, div ;

    switch (tile) {
        p0 = 0;
        p1 = 1;
        p2 = 2;
        p0 = 1;
        p1 = 0;
        p2 = 3;
        p0 = 3;
        p1 = 2;
        p2 = 1;
        p0 = 2;
        p1 = 3;
        p2 = 0;

    for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
        for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
            bayer = (x&1?0:1) + (y&1?0:2);

            if ( bayer == p0 ) {

                /* red. green lrtb, blue diagonals */
                image[AD(x,y,w)+GREEN] =
                    gp_bayer_accrue(image, w, h, x-1, y, x+1, y, x, y-1, x, y+1, GREEN) ;

                image[AD(x,y,w)+BLUE] =
                    gp_bayer_accrue(image, w, h, x+1, y+1, x-1, y-1, x-1, y+1, x+1, y-1, BLUE) ;

            } else if (bayer == p1) {

                /* green. red lr, blue tb */
                div = value = 0;
                if (x < (w - 1)) {
                    value += image[AD(x+1,y,w)+RED];
                if (x) {
                    value += image[AD(x-1,y,w)+RED];
                image[AD(x,y,w)+RED] = value / div;

                div = value = 0;
                if (y < (h - 1)) {
                    value += image[AD(x,y+1,w)+BLUE];
                if (y) {
                    value += image[AD(x,y-1,w)+BLUE];
                image[AD(x,y,w)+BLUE] = value / div;

            } else if ( bayer == p2 ) {

                /* green. blue lr, red tb */
                div = value = 0;

                if (x < (w - 1)) {
                    value += image[AD(x+1,y,w)+BLUE];
                if (x) {
                    value += image[AD(x-1,y,w)+BLUE];
                image[AD(x,y,w)+BLUE] = value / div;

                div = value = 0;
                if (y < (h - 1)) {
                    value += image[AD(x,y+1,w)+RED];
                if (y) {
                    value += image[AD(x,y-1,w)+RED];
                image[AD(x,y,w)+RED] = value / div;

            } else {

                /* blue. green lrtb, red diagonals */
                image[AD(x,y,w)+GREEN] =
                    gp_bayer_accrue (image, w, h, x-1, y, x+1, y, x, y-1, x, y+1, GREEN) ;

                image[AD(x,y,w)+RED] =
                    gp_bayer_accrue (image, w, h, x+1, y+1, x-1, y-1, x-1, y+1, x+1, y-1, RED) ;

    return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 17
Matrix Matrix::operator *(float a)
	Matrix AD(3,3);
	AD.SetMatrix(A[0]*a, A[1]*a, A[2]*a, A[3]*a, A[4]*a, A[5]*a, A[6]*a, A[7]*a, A[8]*a);
	return AD;
Ejemplo n.º 18
/* Accrue four surrounding values.  If three values are one side of the average value,
	the fourth value is ignored. This will sharpen up boundaries. B.R.Harris 13Nov03*/
gp_bayer_accrue (unsigned char *image, int w, int h, int x0, int y0,
                 int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int colour)
{   int x [4] ;
    int y [4] ;
    int value [4] ;
    int above [4] ;
    int ctr	; // counter
    int tv	; // total value
    int average ;
    int i ;
    x[0] = x0 ;
    x[1] = x1 ;
    x[2] = x2 ;
    x[3] = x3 ;
    y[0] = y0 ;
    y[1] = y1 ;
    y[2] = y2 ;
    y[3] = y3 ;

    // special treatment for green
    ctr = tv = 0 ;
    if(colour == GREEN)
        // we need to make sure that horizontal or vertical lines become horizontal
        // and vertical lines even in this interpolation procedure
        // therefore, we determine whether we might have such a line structure
        for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
        {   if ((x[i] >= 0) && (x[i] < w) && (y[i] >= 0) && (y[i] < h))
                value [i] = image[AD(x[i],y[i],w) + colour] ;
                value [i] = -1 ;
        if(ctr == 4)
            // we must assume that x0,y0 and x1,y1 are on the horizontal axis and
            // x2,y2 and x3,y3 are on the vertical axis
            int hdiff ;
            int vdiff ;
            hdiff = value [1] - value [0] ;
            hdiff *= hdiff ;	// make value positive by squaring it
            vdiff = value [3] - value [2] ;
            vdiff *= vdiff ;	// make value positive by squaring it
//			if(hdiff > 2*vdiff)
            if(hdiff > 2*vdiff)
                // we might have a vertical structure here
                return (value [3] + value [2])/2 ;
//			if(vdiff > 2*hdiff)
            if(vdiff > 2*hdiff)
                // we might have a horizontal structure here
                return (value [1] + value [0])/2 ;
            // else we proceed as with blue and red
        // if we do not have four points then we proceed as we do for blue and red

    // for blue and red as it was before
    ctr = tv = 0 ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
    {   if ((x[i] >= 0) && (x[i] < w) && (y[i] >= 0) && (y[i] < h))
        {   value [i] = image[AD(x[i],y[i],w) + colour] ;
            tv += value [i] ;
            ctr++ ;
    average = tv / ctr ;
    if (ctr < 4) return average ;  // Less than four surrounding - just take average
    ctr = 0 ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
    {   above[i] = value[i] > average ;
        if (above[i]) ctr++ ;
    // Note: ctr == 0 indicates all values the same
    if ((ctr == 2) || (ctr == 0)) return average ;
    tv = 0 ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
    {   if ((ctr == 3) == above[i])
            tv += value[i] ;
    return tv / 3 ;
Ejemplo n.º 19
bool FeynHiggsWrapper::SetFeynHiggsPars()
    int err;

    /* FeynHiggs debug flag */

    Mw_FHinput = mySUSY.Mw_tree(); /* Tree-level W-boson mass */
    //Mw_FHinput = mySUSY.StandardModel::Mw(); /* SM prediction, which should not be used, since mHl cannot be set before calling FeynHiggs. */
    //std::cout << "Mw = " << Mw_FHinput << " used in FeynHiggsWrapper::SetFeynHiggsPars()" << std::endl;

    /* Set the FeynHiggs SM input parameters */
                mySUSY.getAlsMz(), mySUSY.getGF(),
                Mw_FHinput, mySUSY.getMz(),
                mySUSY.getLambda(), mySUSY.getA(), mySUSY.getRhob(), mySUSY.getEtab());
    if (err != 0) {
#ifdef FHDEBUG
        std::cout << "FeynHiggsWrapper::SetFeynHiggsPars(): Error has been detected in SetPara.F:"
                  << err << std::endl;
        return (false);

    /* Parameters for FeynHiggs */
    double Q_S = mySUSY.Q_SUSY;
    gslpp::complex muHFH = mySUSY.muH;
    gslpp::complex M1FH = mySUSY.m1;
    gslpp::complex M2FH = mySUSY.m2;
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> MsQ2 = mySUSY.msQhat2;
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> MsU2 = mySUSY.msUhat2;
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> MsD2 = mySUSY.msDhat2;
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> MsL2 = mySUSY.msLhat2;
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> MsE2 = mySUSY.msEhat2;
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> KU = mySUSY.TUhat.hconjugate() * mySUSY.v2() / sqrt(2.0);
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> KD = mySUSY.TDhat.hconjugate() * mySUSY.v1() / sqrt(2.0);
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> KE = mySUSY.TEhat.hconjugate() * mySUSY.v1() / sqrt(2.0);

    /* MFV trilinear couplings */
    gslpp::vector<gslpp::complex> AU(3,0.), AD(3,0.), AE(3,0.);
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        int p = (int)mySUSY.UP + 2*i;
        AU.assign(i, KU(i,i) / mySUSY.Mq_Q((QCD::quark)p));
        p = (int)mySUSY.DOWN + 2*i;
        AD.assign(i, KD(i,i) / mySUSY.Mq_Q((QCD::quark)p));
        p = (int)mySUSY.ELECTRON + 2*i;
        AE.assign(i, KE(i,i) / mySUSY.Ml_Q((StandardModel::lepton)p));

    /* Check if non-minimal flavor-violating (NMFV) entries exist in the
     * sfermion mass matrices. See also IniFV() in SetFV.F of FeynHiggs. */
    NMFVu = true; NMFVd = true; NMFVe = true;// NMFVnu = true; 
    double TMPu = 0.0, TMPd = 0.0, TMPe = 0.0; //TMPnu = 0.0
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
           if (i < j) {
               TMPu += MsQ2(i, j).abs2() + MsU2(i, j).abs2();
               TMPd += MsQ2(i, j).abs2() + MsD2(i, j).abs2();
               //TMPnu += MsL2(i, j).abs2(); /* not used */
               TMPe += MsL2(i, j).abs2() + MsE2(i, j).abs2();
           if (i != j) {
               TMPu += KU(i, j).abs2();
               TMPd += KD(i, j).abs2();
               TMPe += KE(i, j).abs2();
    if (!TMPu) NMFVu = false;
    if (!TMPe) NMFVd = false;
    if (!TMPe) NMFVe = false;

    /* NMFV trilinear couplings. In the case of NMFV, the trilinear couplings
     * AU, AD and AE for FHSetPara() as well as KU, KD and KE for FHSetNMFV()
     * and FHSetLFV() have to be rotated. */
    gslpp::complex muHphase(1.0, - 2.0*muHFH.arg(), true);
    if (NMFVu) AU *= muHphase;
    if (NMFVd) AD *= muHphase;
    if (NMFVe) AE *= muHphase;
    KU *= muHphase;
    KD *= muHphase;
    KE *= muHphase;

    /* NMFV parameters for FeynHiggs */
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> deltaQLL(3,3,0.);
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> deltaULR(3,3,0.), deltaURL(3,3,0.), deltaURR(3,3,0.);
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> deltaDLR(3,3,0.), deltaDRL(3,3,0.), deltaDRR(3,3,0.);
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> deltaLLL(3,3,0.);
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> deltaELR(3,3,0.), deltaERL(3,3,0.), deltaERR(3,3,0.);
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
        for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
            deltaQLL.assign(i, j, MsQ2(i,j) / sqrt(MsQ2(i,i).real() * MsQ2(j,j).real()));
            deltaULR.assign(i, j, KU(i,j) / sqrt(MsQ2(i,i).real() * MsU2(j,j).real()));
            deltaURL.assign(i, j, KU(j,i).conjugate() / sqrt(MsU2(i,i).real() * MsQ2(j,j).real()));
            deltaURR.assign(i, j, MsU2(i,j) / sqrt(MsU2(i,i).real() * MsU2(j,j).real()));
            deltaDLR.assign(i, j, KD(i,j) / sqrt(MsQ2(i,i).real() * MsD2(j,j).real()));
            deltaDRL.assign(i, j, KD(j,i).conjugate() / sqrt(MsD2(i,i).real() * MsQ2(j,j).real()));
            deltaDRR.assign(i, j, MsD2(i,j) / sqrt(MsD2(i,i).real() * MsD2(j,j).real()));
            deltaLLL.assign(i, j, MsL2(i,j) / sqrt(MsL2(i,i).real() * MsL2(j,j).real()));
            deltaELR.assign(i, j, KE(i,j) / sqrt(MsL2(i,i).real() * MsE2(j,j).real()));
            deltaERL.assign(i, j, KE(j,i).conjugate() / sqrt(MsE2(i,i).real() * MsL2(j,j).real()));
            deltaERR.assign(i, j, MsE2(i,j) / sqrt(MsE2(i,i).real() * MsE2(j,j).real()));

    /* Set the FeynHiggs parameters, where the GUT relation is used for M1=0. */
              mySUSY.mtpole, mySUSY.tanb,
              mySUSY.mHptree,  // as now used, "mHptree" is a name for MA0. We shall be using mA instead of mHptree
	      -1, // this is now not used, the mHptree 
              sqrt(MsL2(2,2).real()), sqrt(MsE2(2,2).real()),
              sqrt(MsQ2(2,2).real()), sqrt(MsU2(2,2).real()),
              sqrt(MsL2(1,1).real()), sqrt(MsE2(1,1).real()),
              sqrt(MsQ2(1,1).real()), sqrt(MsU2(1,1).real()),
              sqrt(MsL2(0,0).real()), sqrt(MsE2(0,0).real()),
              sqrt(MsQ2(0,0).real()), sqrt(MsU2(0,0).real()),
              ToComplex2(muHFH.real(), muHFH.imag()),
              ToComplex2(AE(2).real(), AE(2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(AU(2).real(), AU(2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(AD(2).real(), AD(2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(AE(1).real(), AE(1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(AU(1).real(), AU(1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(AD(1).real(), AD(1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(AE(0).real(), AE(0).imag()),
              ToComplex2(AU(0).real(), AU(0).imag()),
              ToComplex2(AD(0).real(), AD(0).imag()),
              ToComplex2(M1FH.real(), M1FH.imag()),
              ToComplex2(M2FH.real(), M2FH.imag()),
              ToComplex2(mySUSY.m3, 0.),
              Q_S, Q_S, Q_S);
    if (err != 0) {
#ifdef FHDEBUG
        std::cout << "FeynHiggsWrapper::SetFeynHiggsPars(): Error has been detected in SetPara.F:"
                  << err << std::endl;
        return (false);

    /* Set the non-minimal flavor-violating parameters in the squark sector */
              // Q_LL
              ToComplex2(deltaQLL(0,1).real(), deltaQLL(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaQLL(1,2).real(), deltaQLL(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaQLL(0,2).real(), deltaQLL(0,2).imag()),
              // U_LR
              ToComplex2(deltaULR(0,1).real(), deltaULR(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaULR(1,2).real(), deltaULR(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaULR(0,2).real(), deltaULR(0,2).imag()),
              // U_RL
              ToComplex2(deltaURL(0,1).real(), deltaURL(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaURL(1,2).real(), deltaURL(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaURL(0,2).real(), deltaURL(0,2).imag()),
              // U_RR
              ToComplex2(deltaURR(0,1).real(), deltaURR(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaURR(1,2).real(), deltaURR(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaURR(0,2).real(), deltaURR(0,2).imag()),
              // D_LR
              ToComplex2(deltaDLR(0,1).real(), deltaDLR(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaDLR(1,2).real(), deltaDLR(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaDLR(0,2).real(), deltaDLR(0,2).imag()),
              // D_RL
              ToComplex2(deltaDRL(0,1).real(), deltaDRL(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaDRL(1,2).real(), deltaDRL(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaDRL(0,2).real(), deltaDRL(0,2).imag()),
              // D_RR
              ToComplex2(deltaDRR(0,1).real(), deltaDRR(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaDRR(1,2).real(), deltaDRR(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaDRR(0,2).real(), deltaDRR(0,2).imag())
    if (err != 0) {
#ifdef FHDEBUG
        std::cout << "FeynHiggsWrapper::SetFeynHiggsPars(): Error was detected in SetFV.F:"
                  << err << std::endl;
        return (false);

    /* Set the non-minimal flavor-violating parameters in the slepton sector,
     * which are not used to compute the sneutrino mass spectrum. */
              // L_LL
              ToComplex2(deltaLLL(0,1).real(), deltaLLL(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaLLL(1,2).real(), deltaLLL(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaLLL(0,2).real(), deltaLLL(0,2).imag()),
              // E_LR
              ToComplex2(deltaELR(0,1).real(), deltaELR(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaELR(1,2).real(), deltaELR(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaELR(0,2).real(), deltaELR(0,2).imag()),
              // E_RL
              ToComplex2(deltaERL(0,1).real(), deltaERL(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaERL(1,2).real(), deltaERL(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaERL(0,2).real(), deltaERL(0,2).imag()),
              // E_RR
              ToComplex2(deltaERR(0,1).real(), deltaERR(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaERR(1,2).real(), deltaERR(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaERR(0,2).real(), deltaERR(0,2).imag())
    if (err != 0) {
#ifdef FHDEBUG
        std::cout << "FeynHiggsWrapper::SetFeynHiggsPars(): Error was detected in SetFV.F:"
                  << err << std::endl;
        return (false);

    computeHiggsCouplings = true;
    computeHiggsProd = true;
    computeConstraints = true;
    computeFlavour = true;

    return (true);