Ejemplo n.º 1

void AEGenericClass::GetDataFromList(const AEDesc *srcList, AEDesc *desiredTypes, AEDesc *dstList)
	OSErr		err;
	long			itemNum;
	long			numItems;
	DescType		keyword;
	StAEDesc		srcItem;
	StAEDesc		dstItem;
	err = AECountItems((AEDescList*)srcList, &numItems);
	for (itemNum = 1; itemNum <= numItems; itemNum++)
		err = AEGetNthDesc(srcList, itemNum, typeWildCard, &keyword, &srcItem);
		if (AEListUtils::TokenContainsTokenList(&srcItem) == false)
			GetDataFromObject(&srcItem, desiredTypes, &dstItem);  // Get data from single item
			ThrowIfOSErr(AECreateList(nil, 0, false, &dstItem));
			GetDataFromList(&srcItem, desiredTypes, &dstItem);
		err = AEPutDesc(dstList, itemNum, &dstItem);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void
__rbosa_elementlist_add (AEDescList *list, VALUE element, long pos)
    OSErr   error;

    error = AEPutDesc (list, pos, rbosa_element_aedesc (element));
    if (error != noErr)
        rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "Cannot add given descriptor : %s (%d)", 
                  error_code_to_string (error), error);
Ejemplo n.º 3
// NOTE: AELists have 1-based indexes
OSErr AddIDToAEList(unsigned int id_num, long index, DescType object_type, AEDescList* list)
	AEDesc item_desc;
	AECreateDesc(typeNull, NULL, 0, &item_desc);
	OSStatus err = CreateAEDescFromID(id_num, object_type, &item_desc);
	if (noErr == err)
		err = AEPutDesc(list, index, &item_desc);
	return err;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static PyObject *AEDesc_AEPutDesc(AEDescObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
	PyObject *_res = NULL;
	OSErr _err;
	long index;
	AEDesc theAEDesc;

	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "lO&",
	                      AE_AEDesc_Convert, &theAEDesc))
		return NULL;
	_err = AEPutDesc(&_self->ob_itself,
	if (_err != noErr) return AE_MacOSError(_err);
	_res = Py_None;
	return _res;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  for_each(VisualPhysicsActor* actor, actors) {
    if (QFileInfo(actor->path()).exists()) {
      use_ae_desc_list = true;

      AliasHandle file_alias;
      Boolean is_directory = false;

      err = FSNewAliasFromPath(NULL, utf8(actor->path()).c_str(), 0,  &file_alias, &is_directory);

      HLock((Handle) file_alias);

      AECreateDesc(typeAlias, (Ptr) (*file_alias),
                   GetHandleSize((Handle) file_alias), &file_list_element);
      HUnlock((Handle) file_alias);

      AEPutDesc(&file_list, 0, &file_list_element);

Ejemplo n.º 6
OSErr putStringListToEvent(AppleEvent *ev, AEKeyword keyword, CFArrayRef array, CFStringEncoding kEncoding)
	OSErr err;
	AEDescList resultList;
	err = AECreateList(NULL, 0, FALSE, &resultList);
	for (int n = 0; n < CFArrayGetCount(array); n++) {
		CFStringRef string = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, n);
		AEDesc string_desc;
		err = AEDescCreateWithCFString(string, kEncoding, &string_desc);
		if (err != noErr) goto bail;
		err = AEPutDesc(&resultList, n+1, &string_desc);
	err = AEPutParamDesc(ev, keyword, &resultList);
	return err;
Ejemplo n.º 7

void AEGenericClass::GetPropertyFromList(				DescType			desiredClass,
												const AEDesc*		containerToken,
												DescType			containerClass,
												DescType			keyForm,
												const AEDesc*		keyData,
												AEDesc*			resultToken)
	OSErr		err		= noErr;
	long			itemNum;
	long			numItems;
	DescType		keyword;
	err = AECountItems((AEDescList*)containerToken, &numItems);
	for (itemNum = 1; itemNum <= numItems; itemNum++)
		StAEDesc		srcItem;
		StAEDesc		dstItem;
		err = AEGetNthDesc(containerToken, itemNum, typeWildCard, &keyword, &srcItem);
		if (AEListUtils::TokenContainsTokenList(&srcItem) == false)
			GetPropertyFromObject(desiredClass, &srcItem, containerClass, keyForm, keyData, &dstItem);
			err = AECreateList(nil, 0, false, &dstItem);
			GetPropertyFromList(desiredClass, &srcItem, containerClass, keyForm, keyData, &dstItem);

		err = AEPutDesc(resultToken, itemNum, &dstItem);
Ejemplo n.º 8
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	CreateSampleSubmenu
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static OSStatus CreateSampleSubmenu(
	AEDescList*		ioCommandList)
	OSStatus	theError = noErr;
	AEDescList	theSubmenuCommands = { typeNull, NULL };
	AERecord	theSupercommand = { typeNull, NULL };
	Str255		theSupercommandText = "\pSubmenu Here";
	// the first thing we should do is create an AEDescList of
	// subcommands

	// set up the AEDescList
	theError = AECreateList( NULL, 0, false, &theSubmenuCommands );
	require_noerr( theError, CreateSampleSubmenu_Complete_fail );

	// stick some commands in this subcommand list
	theError = AddCommandToAEDescList( "\pSubcommand 1", kTextEncodingMacRoman, typeChar,
			1001, 0, 0, &theSubmenuCommands );
	require_noerr( theError, CreateSampleSubmenu_CreateDesc_fail );
	// another
	theError = AddCommandToAEDescList( "\pAnother Subcommand", kTextEncodingMacRoman, typeChar,
			1002, 0, 0, &theSubmenuCommands );
	require_noerr( theError, CreateSampleSubmenu_fail );
	// yet another
	theError = AddCommandToAEDescList( "\pLast One", kTextEncodingMacRoman, typeChar, 
			1003, 0, 0, &theSubmenuCommands);
	require_noerr( theError, CreateSampleSubmenu_fail );
	// now, we need to create the supercommand which will "own" the
	// subcommands.  The supercommand lives in the root command list.
	// this looks very much like the AddCommandToAEDescList function,
	// except that instead of putting a command ID in the record,
	// we put in the subcommand list.

	// create an apple event record for our supercommand
	theError = AECreateList( NULL, 0, true, &theSupercommand );
	require_noerr( theError, CreateSampleSubmenu_fail );
	// stick the command text into the aerecord
	theError = AEPutKeyPtr(&theSupercommand, keyAEName, typeChar,
		&theSupercommandText[1], StrLength( theSupercommandText ) );
	require_noerr( theError, CreateSampleSubmenu_fail );
	// stick the subcommands into into the AERecord
	theError = AEPutKeyDesc(&theSupercommand, keyContextualMenuSubmenu,
	require_noerr( theError, CreateSampleSubmenu_fail );
	// stick the supercommand into the list of commands that we are
	// passing back to the CMM
	theError = AEPutDesc(
		ioCommandList,		// the list we're putting our command into
		0,					// stick this command onto the end of our list
		&theSupercommand);	// the command I'm putting into the list
	// clean up after ourself


    return theError;
} // CreateSampleSubmenu
Ejemplo n.º 9
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	AddCommandToAEDescList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static OSStatus AddCommandToAEDescList(
	ConstStr255Param		inCommandString,
	TextEncoding			inEncoding,
	DescType				inDescType,
	SInt32					inCommandID,
	MenuItemAttributes		inAttributes,
	UInt32					inModifiers,
	AEDescList*				ioCommandList)
	OSStatus theError = noErr;
	AERecord theCommandRecord = { typeNull, NULL };
	printf( "AddCommandToAEDescList: Trying to add an item.\n" );

	// create an apple event record for our command
	theError = AECreateList( NULL, kAEDescListFactorNone, true, &theCommandRecord );
	require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
	// stick the command text into the AERecord
	if ( inCommandString != NULL )
		if ( inDescType == typeChar )
			theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyAEName, typeChar,
				&inCommandString[1], StrLength( inCommandString ) );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
		else if ( inDescType == typeStyledText )
			AERecord	textRecord;
			WritingCode	writingCode;
			AEDesc		textDesc;
			theError = AECreateList( NULL, kAEDescListFactorNone, true, &textRecord );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
			theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &textRecord, keyAEText, typeChar,
				&inCommandString[1], StrLength( inCommandString ) );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
			RevertTextEncodingToScriptInfo( inEncoding, &writingCode.theScriptCode,
				&writingCode.theLangCode, NULL );
			theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &textRecord, keyAEScriptTag, typeIntlWritingCode,
				&writingCode, sizeof( writingCode ) );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );

			theError = AECoerceDesc( &textRecord, typeStyledText, &textDesc );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
			theError = AEPutKeyDesc( &theCommandRecord, keyAEName, &textDesc );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
			AEDisposeDesc( &textRecord );
		else if ( inDescType == typeIntlText )
			IntlText*	intlText;
			ByteCount	size = sizeof( IntlText ) + StrLength( inCommandString ) - 1;
			// create an IntlText structure with the text and script
			intlText = (IntlText*) malloc( size );
			RevertTextEncodingToScriptInfo( inEncoding, &intlText->theScriptCode,
				&intlText->theLangCode, NULL );
			BlockMoveData( &inCommandString[1], &intlText->theText, StrLength( inCommandString ) );
			theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyAEName, typeIntlText, intlText, size );
			free( (char*) intlText );
			require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
		else if ( inDescType == typeUnicodeText )
			CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithPascalString( NULL, inCommandString, inEncoding );
			if ( str != NULL )
				Boolean doFree = false;
				CFIndex sizeInChars = CFStringGetLength( str );
				CFIndex sizeInBytes = sizeInChars * sizeof( UniChar );
				const UniChar* unicode = CFStringGetCharactersPtr( str );
				if ( unicode == NULL )
					doFree = true;
					unicode = (UniChar*) malloc( sizeInBytes );
					CFStringGetCharacters( str, CFRangeMake( 0, sizeInChars ), (UniChar*) unicode );
				theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyAEName, typeUnicodeText, unicode, sizeInBytes );
				CFRelease( str );
				if ( doFree )
					free( (char*) unicode );
				require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
		else if ( inDescType == typeCFStringRef )
			CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithPascalString( NULL, inCommandString, inEncoding );
			if ( str != NULL )
				theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyAEName, typeCFStringRef, &str, sizeof( str ) );
				require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
				// do not release the string; the Contextual Menu Manager will release it for us
	// stick the command ID into the AERecord
	if ( inCommandID != 0 )
		theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyContextualMenuCommandID,
				typeLongInteger, &inCommandID, sizeof( inCommandID ) );
		require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
	// stick the attributes into the AERecord
	if ( inAttributes != 0 )
		theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyContextualMenuAttributes,
				typeLongInteger, &inAttributes, sizeof( inAttributes ) );
		require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
	// stick the modifiers into the AERecord
	if ( inModifiers != 0 )
		theError = AEPutKeyPtr( &theCommandRecord, keyContextualMenuModifiers,
				typeLongInteger, &inModifiers, sizeof( inModifiers ) );
		require_noerr( theError, AddCommandToAEDescList_fail );
	// stick this record into the list of commands that we are
	// passing back to the CMM
	theError = AEPutDesc(
			ioCommandList, 			// the list we're putting our command into
			0, 						// stick this command onto the end of our list
			&theCommandRecord );	// the command I'm putting into the list
	// clean up after ourself; dispose of the AERecord
	AEDisposeDesc( &theCommandRecord );

    return theError;
} // AddCommandToAEDescList