// Run the AES encryption/decryption example.
    unsigned char pucBlockBuf[16];
    const unsigned *puKey;
    unsigned char pucTempIV[16];

    // Set the clocking to run directly from the crystal.

    // Initialize the UART interface.
    UARTprintf("\033[2JAES encryption/decryption using a pre-expanded key\n");

    // Print the plain text title
    UARTprintf("Plain Text:");
    PrintBuffer((unsigned char *)g_pcPlainText, sizeof(g_pcPlainText));

    // Get the expanded key to use for encryption
    puKey = AESExpandedEncryptKeyData();

    // Generate the initialization vector needed for CBC mode.  A temporary
    // copy is made that will be used with the crypt function because the crypt
    // function will modify the IV that is passed.
    AESGenerateIV(g_pucIV, 1);
    memcpy(pucTempIV, g_pucIV, 16);

    // Encrypt the plaintext message using CBC mode
    aes_crypt_cbc(puKey, AES_ENCRYPT, 16, pucTempIV,
                  (unsigned char *)g_pcPlainText, pucBlockBuf);

    // Print the encrypted block to the display.  Note that it will appear as
    // nonsense data.
    PrintBuffer(pucBlockBuf, sizeof(pucBlockBuf));

    // Get the expanded key to use for decryption
    puKey = AESExpandedDecryptKeyData();

    // Decrypt the message using CBC mode
    memcpy(pucTempIV, g_pucIV, 16);
    aes_crypt_cbc(puKey, AES_DECRYPT, 16, pucTempIV, pucBlockBuf, pucBlockBuf);

    // Print the decrypted block to the display.  It should be the same text
    // as the original message.
    PrintBuffer(pucBlockBuf, sizeof(pucBlockBuf));

    // Finished.
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Run the AES encryption/decryption example
    unsigned char ucBlockBuf[17];
    const unsigned *puKey;
    unsigned char ucTempIV[16];

    // Set the clocking to run directly from the crystal.

    // Initialize the OLED display.

    // Print a title and the plain text to the display
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw("AES Expand Example", 12, 8, 15);
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw("------------------", 12, 16, 15);
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw("Plain Text:", 30, 24, 15);
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw(g_cPlainText, 20, 32, 15);

    // Get the expanded key to use for encryption
    puKey = AESExpandedEncryptKeyData();

    // Generate the initialization vector needed for CBC mode.
    // A temporary copy is made that will be used with the crypt
    // function because the crypt function will modify the IV that is passed.
    AESGenerateIV(g_ucIV, 1);
    memcpy(ucTempIV, g_ucIV, 16);

    // Encrypt the plaintext message using CBC mode
    aes_crypt_cbc(puKey, AES_ENCRYPT, 16, ucTempIV,
                  (unsigned char *)g_cPlainText, ucBlockBuf);

    // Print the encrypted block to the display.  Note that it will
    // appear as nonsense data.  The block needs to be null terminated
    // so that the StringDraw function will work correctly.
    ucBlockBuf[16] = 0;
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw("Encrypted:", 34, 48, 15);
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw((char *)ucBlockBuf, 20, 56, 15);

    // Get the expanded key to use for decryption
    puKey = AESExpandedDecryptKeyData();

    // Decrypt the message using CBC mode
    memcpy(ucTempIV, g_ucIV, 16);
    aes_crypt_cbc(puKey, AES_DECRYPT, 16, ucTempIV, ucBlockBuf, ucBlockBuf);

    // Print the decrypted block to the display.  It should be the same text
    // as the original message.
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw("Decrypted:", 34, 72, 15);
    RIT128x96x4StringDraw((char *)ucBlockBuf, 20, 80, 15);

    // Finished.
// Run the AES encryption/decryption example
    unsigned char ucBlockBuf[17];
    const unsigned *puKey;
    unsigned char ucTempIV[16];
    tContext sContext;
    tRectangle sRect;
    long lCenterX;

    // Set the clocking to run directly from the crystal.

    // Set the pinout appropriately for this board.

    // Initialize the display driver.

    // Initialize the graphics context and find the middle X coordinate.
    GrContextInit(&sContext, &g_sKitronix320x240x16_SSD2119);
    lCenterX = GrContextDpyWidthGet(&sContext) / 2;

    // Fill the top 15 rows of the screen with blue to create the banner.
    sRect.sXMin = 0;
    sRect.sYMin = 0;
    sRect.sXMax = GrContextDpyWidthGet(&sContext) - 1;
    sRect.sYMax = 23;
    GrContextForegroundSet(&sContext, ClrDarkBlue);
    GrRectFill(&sContext, &sRect);

    // Put a white box around the banner.
    GrContextForegroundSet(&sContext, ClrWhite);
    GrRectDraw(&sContext, &sRect);

    // Put the application name in the middle of the banner.
    GrContextFontSet(&sContext, g_pFontCm20);
    GrStringDrawCentered(&sContext, "aes-expanded-key", -1, lCenterX, 8, 0);

    // Print the plain text title
    GrContextFontSet(&sContext, g_pFontCmss22b);
    GrStringDrawCentered(&sContext, "Plain Text:", -1, lCenterX, 60, 0);
    GrStringDrawCentered(&sContext, g_cPlainText, -1, lCenterX, 85, 0);

    // Get the expanded key to use for encryption
    puKey = AESExpandedEncryptKeyData();

    // Generate the initialization vector needed for CBC mode.
    // A temporary copy is made that will be used with the crypt
    // function because the crypt function will modify the IV that is passed.
    AESGenerateIV(g_ucIV, 1);
    memcpy(ucTempIV, g_ucIV, 16);

    // Encrypt the plaintext message using CBC mode
    aes_crypt_cbc(puKey, AES_ENCRYPT, 16, ucTempIV,
                  (unsigned char *)g_cPlainText, ucBlockBuf);

    // Print the encrypted block to the display.  Note that it will
    // appear as nonsense data.  The block needs to be null terminated
    // so that the StringDraw function will work correctly.
    ucBlockBuf[16] = 0;
    GrStringDrawCentered(&sContext, "Encrypted:", -1, lCenterX, 120, 0);
    GrStringDrawCentered(&sContext, (char *)ucBlockBuf, -1, lCenterX, 145, 0);

    // Get the expanded key to use for decryption
    puKey = AESExpandedDecryptKeyData();

    // Decrypt the message using CBC mode
    memcpy(ucTempIV, g_ucIV, 16);
    aes_crypt_cbc(puKey, AES_DECRYPT, 16, ucTempIV, ucBlockBuf, ucBlockBuf);

    // Print the decrypted block to the display.  It should be the same text
    // as the original message.
    GrStringDrawCentered(&sContext, "Decrypted:", -1, lCenterX, 180, 0);
    GrStringDrawCentered(&sContext, (char *)ucBlockBuf, -1, lCenterX, 205, 0);

    // Finished.