void Player::StaticUpdate(const float timeStep) { Body *b; vector3d v; matrix4x4d m; if (GetFlightState() == Ship::FLYING) { switch (m_flightControlState) { case CONTROL_FIXSPEED: if (Pi::GetView() == Pi::worldView) PollControls(timeStep); b = (GetCombatTarget() ? GetCombatTarget() : GetNavTarget()); GetRotMatrix(m); v = m * vector3d(0, 0, -m_setSpeed); if (b) v += b->GetVelocityRelativeTo(this->GetFrame()); AIMatchVel(v); break; case CONTROL_MANUAL: if (Pi::GetView() == Pi::worldView) PollControls(timeStep); break; case CONTROL_AUTOPILOT: break; } } Ship::StaticUpdate(timeStep); // also calls autopilot AI if (m_flightControlState == CONTROL_AUTOPILOT && !AIIsActive()) { Pi::RequestTimeAccel(1); SetFlightControlState(CONTROL_MANUAL); //FIXSPEED); // m_setSpeed = 0; } /* This wank probably shouldn't be in Player... */ /* Ship engine noise. less loud inside */ float v_env = (Pi::worldView->GetCamType() == WorldView::CAM_EXTERNAL ? 1.0f : 0.5f); static Sound::Event sndev; float volBoth = 0.0f; volBoth += 0.5f*fabs(GetThrusterState().y); volBoth += 0.5f*fabs(GetThrusterState().z); float targetVol[2] = { volBoth, volBoth }; if (GetThrusterState().x > 0.0) targetVol[0] += 0.5f*(float)GetThrusterState().x; else targetVol[1] += -0.5f*(float)GetThrusterState().x; targetVol[0] = v_env * Clamp(targetVol[0], 0.0f, 1.0f); targetVol[1] = v_env * Clamp(targetVol[1], 0.0f, 1.0f); float dv_dt[2] = { 4.0f, 4.0f }; if (!sndev.VolumeAnimate(targetVol, dv_dt)) { sndev.Play("Thruster_large", 0.0f, 0.0f, Sound::OP_REPEAT); sndev.VolumeAnimate(targetVol, dv_dt); } float angthrust = 0.1f * v_env * (float)Pi::player->GetAngThrusterState().Length(); static Sound::Event angThrustSnd; if (!angThrustSnd.VolumeAnimate(angthrust, angthrust, 5.0f, 5.0f)) { angThrustSnd.Play("Thruster_Small", 0.0f, 0.0f, Sound::OP_REPEAT); angThrustSnd.VolumeAnimate(angthrust, angthrust, 5.0f, 5.0f); } }
// for timestep changes, to stop autopilot overshoot // either adds half of current accel if decelerating void Ship::TimeAccelAdjust(const float timeStep) { if (!AIIsActive()) return; #ifdef DEBUG_AUTOPILOT if (this->IsType(Object::PLAYER)) Output("Time accel adjustment, step = %.1f, decel = %s\n", double(timeStep), m_decelerating ? "true" : "false"); #endif vector3d vdiff = double(timeStep) * GetLastForce() * (1.0 / GetMass()); if (!m_decelerating) vdiff = -2.0 * vdiff; SetVelocity(GetVelocity() + vdiff); }
void Player::StaticUpdate(const float timeStep) { vector3d v; matrix4x4d m; Ship::StaticUpdate(timeStep); // also calls autopilot AI if (GetFlightState() == Ship::FLYING) { switch (m_flightControlState) { case CONTROL_FIXSPEED: if (Pi::GetView() == Pi::worldView) PollControls(timeStep); if (IsAnyThrusterKeyDown()) break; GetRotMatrix(m); v = m * vector3d(0, 0, -m_setSpeed); if (m_setSpeedTarget) { v += m_setSpeedTarget->GetVelocityRelTo(GetFrame()); } AIMatchVel(v); break; case CONTROL_MANUAL: if (Pi::GetView() == Pi::worldView) PollControls(timeStep); break; case CONTROL_AUTOPILOT: if (AIIsActive()) break; Pi::game->RequestTimeAccel(Game::TIMEACCEL_1X); // AIMatchVel(vector3d(0.0)); // just in case autopilot doesn't... // actually this breaks last timestep slightly in non-relative target cases AIMatchAngVelObjSpace(vector3d(0.0)); if (GetFrame()->IsRotatingFrame()) SetFlightControlState(CONTROL_FIXSPEED); else SetFlightControlState(CONTROL_MANUAL); m_setSpeed = 0.0; break; } } else SetFlightControlState(CONTROL_MANUAL); /* This wank probably shouldn't be in Player... */ /* Ship engine noise. less loud inside */ float v_env = (Pi::worldView->GetCamType() == WorldView::CAM_EXTERNAL ? 1.0f : 0.5f) * Sound::GetSfxVolume(); static Sound::Event sndev; float volBoth = 0.0f; volBoth += 0.5f*fabs(GetThrusterState().y); volBoth += 0.5f*fabs(GetThrusterState().z); float targetVol[2] = { volBoth, volBoth }; if (GetThrusterState().x > 0.0) targetVol[0] += 0.5f*float(GetThrusterState().x); else targetVol[1] += -0.5f*float(GetThrusterState().x); targetVol[0] = v_env * Clamp(targetVol[0], 0.0f, 1.0f); targetVol[1] = v_env * Clamp(targetVol[1], 0.0f, 1.0f); float dv_dt[2] = { 4.0f, 4.0f }; if (!sndev.VolumeAnimate(targetVol, dv_dt)) { sndev.Play("Thruster_large", 0.0f, 0.0f, Sound::OP_REPEAT); sndev.VolumeAnimate(targetVol, dv_dt); } float angthrust = 0.1f * v_env * float(Pi::player->GetAngThrusterState().Length()); static Sound::Event angThrustSnd; if (!angThrustSnd.VolumeAnimate(angthrust, angthrust, 5.0f, 5.0f)) { angThrustSnd.Play("Thruster_Small", 0.0f, 0.0f, Sound::OP_REPEAT); angThrustSnd.VolumeAnimate(angthrust, angthrust, 5.0f, 5.0f); } }