AM1DRunningAverageFilterAB::AM1DRunningAverageFilterAB(int filterSize, const QString &outputName, QObject *parent) : AMStandardAnalysisBlock(outputName, parent) { inputSource_ = 0; filterSize_ = filterSize; axes_ << AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data"); setState(AMDataSource::InvalidFlag); }
// Returns a bunch of information about a particular axis. AMAxisInfo AM1DExpressionAB::axisInfoAt(int axisNumber) const { if(axisNumber != 0) return AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0); axisInfo_.size = size_; /// \todo: optimization: the axis is uniform if its a direct output of the axisValue() of a source with a uniform axis. axisInfo_.isUniform = false; return axisInfo_; }
AM1DInterpolationAB::AM1DInterpolationAB(int interpolationPoints, const QString &outputName, QObject *parent) : AMStandardAnalysisBlock(outputName, parent) { inputSource_ = 0; interpolationPoints_ = interpolationPoints; axes_ << AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data"); setState(AMDataSource::InvalidFlag); }
AMDeadTimeAB::AMDeadTimeAB(const QString &outputName, QObject *parent) : AMStandardAnalysisBlock(outputName, parent) { spectra_ = 0; icr_ = 0; ocr_ = 0; axes_ << AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data"); setState(AMDataSource::InvalidFlag); }
AM1DDerivativeAB::AM1DDerivativeAB(const QString &outputName, QObject *parent) : AMStandardAnalysisBlock(outputName, parent) { inputSource_ = 0; analyzedName_ = ""; canAnalyze_ = false; axes_ << AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data"); setState(AMDataSource::InvalidFlag); }
AM4DBinningAB::AM4DBinningAB(AMDatabase *db, int id) : AMStandardAnalysisBlock("tempName") { sumAxis_ = 3; sumRangeMin_ = 0; sumRangeMax_ = 0; inputSource_ = 0; cacheCompletelyInvalid_ = true; // leave sources_ empty for now. axes_ << AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data") << AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data") << AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data"); setState(AMDataSource::InvalidFlag); loadFromDb(db, id); // will restore sumAxis, sumRangeMin, and sumRangeMax. We'll remain invalid until we get connected. AMDataSource::name_ = AMDbObject::name(); // normally it's not okay to change a dataSource's name. Here we get away with it because we're within the constructor, and nothing's watching us yet. }
void REIXSXESImageInterpolationAB::setInputDataSourcesImplementation(const QList<AMDataSource *> &dataSources) { // disconnect connections from old source, if it exists. if(inputSource_) { disconnect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(valuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceValuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex))); disconnect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(sizeChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceSizeChanged())); disconnect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceStateChanged())); inputSource_ = 0; } if(dataSources.isEmpty()) { inputSource_ = 0; sources_.clear(); axes_[0] = AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data"); } // we know that this will only be called with one valid input source else { inputSource_ =; sources_ = dataSources; axes_[0] = inputSource_->axisInfoAt(0); // take the X axis info from the data source. axes_[0].description = "Emission Energy"; axes_[0].units = "eV"; axes_[0].size /= binningLevel_; cacheUpdateRequired_ = true; axisValueCacheInvalid_ = true; cachedData_ = QVector<double>(; cachedAxisValues_ = QVector<double>(; if(shiftValues1_.isEmpty()) { for(int i=0,cc=inputSource_->size(1); i<cc; i++) shiftValues1_ << 0; // make a null shift list, matching the size of the input data. Don't do this if we already have a shift list. } if(shiftValues2_.isEmpty()) { for(int i=0,cc=inputSource_->size(1); i<cc; i++) shiftValues2_ << 0; // make a null shift list, matching the size of the input data. Don't do this if we already have a shift list. } connect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(valuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceValuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex))); connect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(sizeChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceSizeChanged())); connect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceStateChanged())); } reviewState(); emitSizeChanged(); emitValuesChanged(); emitAxisInfoChanged(); emitInfoChanged(); }
VESPERSEnergyScanActionController::VESPERSEnergyScanActionController(VESPERSEnergyScanConfiguration *configuration, QObject *parent) : AMStepScanActionController(configuration, parent), VESPERSScanController(configuration) { configuration_ = configuration; scan_ = new AMXASScan(); scan_->setName(configuration_->name()); scan_->setScanConfiguration(configuration_); scan_->setFileFormat("amCDFv1"); scan_->setIndexType("fileSystem"); scan_->setNotes(buildNotes()); scan_->rawData()->addScanAxis(AMAxisInfo("eV", 0, "Incident Energy", "eV")); useFeedback_ = true; originalEnergy_ = VESPERSBeamline::vespers()->mono()->energy(); AMControlInfoList list; list.append(VESPERSBeamline::vespers()->energy()->toInfo()); configuration_->setAxisControlInfos(list); AMDetectorInfoSet detectors; detectors.addDetectorInfo(VESPERSBeamline::vespers()->exposedDetectorByName("SplitIonChamber")->toInfo()); detectors.addDetectorInfo(VESPERSBeamline::vespers()->exposedDetectorByName("PreKBIonChamber")->toInfo()); detectors.addDetectorInfo(VESPERSBeamline::vespers()->exposedDetectorByName("MiniIonChamber")->toInfo()); detectors.addDetectorInfo(VESPERSBeamline::vespers()->exposedDetectorByName("PostIonChamber")->toInfo()); detectors.addDetectorInfo(VESPERSBeamline::vespers()->exposedDetectorByName("EnergySetpoint")->toInfo()); detectors.addDetectorInfo(VESPERSBeamline::vespers()->exposedDetectorByName("MasterDwellTime")->toInfo()); detectors.addDetectorInfo(VESPERSBeamline::vespers()->exposedDetectorByName("RingCurrent")->toInfo()); VESPERS::CCDDetectors ccdDetector = configuration_->ccdDetector(); if (ccdDetector.testFlag(VESPERS::Roper)) detectors.addDetectorInfo(VESPERSBeamline::vespers()->exposedDetectorByName("RoperFileNumber")->toInfo()); if (ccdDetector.testFlag(VESPERS::Mar)) detectors.addDetectorInfo(VESPERSBeamline::vespers()->exposedDetectorByName("MarFileNumber")->toInfo()); if (ccdDetector.testFlag(VESPERS::Pilatus)) detectors.addDetectorInfo(VESPERSBeamline::vespers()->exposedDetectorByName("PilatusFileNumber")->toInfo()); configuration_->setDetectorConfigurations(detectors); secondsElapsed_ = 0; secondsTotal_ = configuration_->totalTime(); elapsedTime_.setInterval(1000); connect(this, SIGNAL(started()), &elapsedTime_, SLOT(start())); connect(this, SIGNAL(cancelled()), &elapsedTime_, SLOT(stop())); connect(this, SIGNAL(paused()), &elapsedTime_, SLOT(stop())); connect(this, SIGNAL(resumed()), &elapsedTime_, SLOT(start())); connect(this, SIGNAL(failed()), &elapsedTime_, SLOT(stop())); connect(this, SIGNAL(finished()), &elapsedTime_, SLOT(stop())); connect(&elapsedTime_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onScanTimerUpdate())); }
AM1DDarkCurrentCorrectionAB::AM1DDarkCurrentCorrectionAB(const QString &outputName, QObject *parent) : AMStandardAnalysisBlock(outputName, parent) { data_ = 0; dwellTime_ = 0; darkCurrent_ = 0; canAnalyze_ = false; dataName_ = ""; dwellTimeName_ = ""; axes_ << AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data"); setState(AMDataSource::InvalidFlag); }
void AMAdditionAB::setInputDataSourcesImplementation(const QList<AMDataSource*>& dataSources) { // disconnect connections from old sources, if they exist. if(!sources_.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < sources_.size(); i++) { disconnect(>signalSource(), SIGNAL(valuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceValuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex))); disconnect(>signalSource(), SIGNAL(sizeChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceSizeChanged())); disconnect(>signalSource(), SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceStateChanged())); } } if(dataSources.isEmpty()) { sources_.clear(); for (int i = 0, size = rank(); i < size; i++) axes_[i] = AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data"); setDescription("-- No input data --"); } // we know that this will only be called with valid input source else { sources_ = dataSources; for (int i = 0, size = rank(); i < size; i++) axes_[i] =>axisInfoAt(i); cacheUpdateRequired_ = true; cachedData_ = QVector<double>(size().product()); setDescription(QString("Sum of spectra from %1 maps").arg(sources_.size())); for (int i = 0; i < sources_.size(); i++) { connect(>signalSource(), SIGNAL(valuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceValuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex))); connect(>signalSource(), SIGNAL(sizeChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceSizeChanged())); connect(>signalSource(), SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceStateChanged())); } } reviewState(); emitSizeChanged(); emitValuesChanged(); emitAxisInfoChanged(); emitInfoChanged(); }
AM1DNormalizationAB::AM1DNormalizationAB(const QString &outputName, QObject *parent) : AMStandardAnalysisBlock(outputName, parent) { data_ = 0; normalizer_ = 0; canAnalyze_ = false; dataName_ = ""; normalizationName_ = ""; cacheUpdateRequired_ = false; cachedDataRange_ = AMRange(); axes_ << AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data"); setState(AMDataSource::InvalidFlag); }
REIXSXESImageInterpolationAB::REIXSXESImageInterpolationAB(const QString &outputName, QObject *parent) : AMStandardAnalysisBlock(outputName, parent) { // Live correlation turned off by default. Prevents correlation while loading from db and no shift is really better than a random shift, initially. liveCorrelation_ = false; curve1Smoother_ = 0; curve2Smoother_ = 0; sumRangeMinY_ = 10; sumRangeMaxY_ = 53; sumRangeMinX_ = 75; sumRangeMaxX_ = 925; rangeRound_ = 0.6; curve2Disabled_ = false; correlation1CenterPx_ = 250; correlation2CenterPx_ = 700; correlation1HalfWidth_ = 40; correlation2HalfWidth_ = 40; setCorrelation1Smoothing(QPair<int,int>(3,5)); //poly,quadratic setCorrelation2Smoothing(QPair<int,int>(3,5)); //poly,quadratic energyCalibrationOffset_ = 0; tiltCalibrationOffset_ = 0; interpolationLevel_ = 10; binningLevel_ = 2; inputSource_ = 0; cacheUpdateRequired_ = false; cachedDataRange_ = AMRange(); axisValueCacheInvalid_ = true; axisValuesInvalid_ = false; // leave sources_ empty for now. axes_ << AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data"); connect(&callCorrelation_, SIGNAL(executed()), this, SLOT(correlateNow())); setDescription("XES Interpolated Spectrum"); // shift values can start out empty. shiftValues1_ << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0; shiftValues2_ << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0; }
// Set the data source inputs. void AM1DSummingAB::setInputDataSourcesImplementation(const QList<AMDataSource*>& dataSources) { // disconnect connections from old sources, if they exist. if(!sources_.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < sources_.size(); i++){ disconnect(>signalSource(), SIGNAL(valuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceValuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex))); disconnect(>signalSource(), SIGNAL(sizeChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceSizeChanged())); disconnect(>signalSource(), SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceStateChanged())); } } if(dataSources.isEmpty()) { sources_.clear(); axes_[0] = AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data"); setDescription("-- No input data --"); } // we know that this will only be called with valid input source else { sources_ = dataSources; axes_[0] =>axisInfoAt(0); setDescription(QString("Sum of %1 spectra").arg(sources_.size())); for (int i = 0; i < sources_.size(); i++){ connect(>signalSource(), SIGNAL(valuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceValuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex))); connect(>signalSource(), SIGNAL(sizeChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceSizeChanged())); connect(>signalSource(), SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceStateChanged())); } } reviewState(); emitSizeChanged(0); emitValuesChanged(); emitAxisInfoChanged(0); emitInfoChanged(); }
VESPERSEnergyDacqScanController::VESPERSEnergyDacqScanController(VESPERSEnergyScanConfiguration *cfg, QObject *parent) : AMDacqScanController(cfg, parent), VESPERSScanController(cfg) { config_ = cfg; secondsElapsed_ = 0; secondsTotal_ = config_->totalTime(); elapsedTime_.setInterval(1000); connect(this, SIGNAL(started()), &elapsedTime_, SLOT(start())); connect(this, SIGNAL(cancelled()), &elapsedTime_, SLOT(stop())); connect(this, SIGNAL(paused()), &elapsedTime_, SLOT(stop())); connect(this, SIGNAL(resumed()), &elapsedTime_, SLOT(start())); connect(this, SIGNAL(failed()), &elapsedTime_, SLOT(stop())); connect(this, SIGNAL(finished()), &elapsedTime_, SLOT(stop())); connect(&elapsedTime_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onScanTimerUpdate())); scan_ = new AMXASScan(); // MB: Moved from line 363 in startImplementation. scan_->setName(config_->name()); scan_->setScanConfiguration(config_); scan_->setRunId(AMUser::user()->currentRunId()); scan_->setIndexType("fileSystem"); scan_->setFilePath(AMUserSettings::defaultRelativePathForScan(QDateTime::currentDateTime())+".cdf"); scan_->setFileFormat("amCDFv1"); scan_->replaceRawDataStore(new AMCDFDataStore(AMUserSettings::userDataFolder % scan_->filePath(), false)); scan_->rawData()->addScanAxis(AMAxisInfo("eV", 0, "Incident Energy", "eV")); scan_->setNotes(buildNotes()); AMOldDetectorSet *ionChambers = VESPERSBeamline::vespers()->ionChambers(); AMMeasurementInfo temp = AMMeasurementInfo("", ""); for (int i = 0; i < ionChambers->count(); i++) { temp = AMMeasurementInfo(*(ionChambers->detectorAt(i)->toInfo())); = ionChambers->detectorAt(i)->detectorName(); scan_->rawData()->addMeasurement(temp); scan_->addRawDataSource(new AMRawDataSource(scan_->rawData(), scan_->rawData()->measurementCount() - 1), true, false); } addExtraDatasources(); useDwellTimes(VESPERSBeamline::vespers()->dwellTimeTrigger(), VESPERSBeamline::vespers()->dwellTimeConfirmed()); }
// Set the data source inputs. void AM1DRunningAverageFilterAB::setInputDataSourcesImplementation(const QList<AMDataSource*>& dataSources) { // disconnect connections from old source, if it exists. if(inputSource_) { disconnect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(valuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceValuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex))); disconnect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(sizeChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceSizeChanged())); disconnect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceStateChanged())); } if(dataSources.isEmpty()) { inputSource_ = 0; sources_.clear(); axes_[0] = AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data"); setDescription("-- No input data --"); } // we know that this will only be called with valid input source else { inputSource_ =; sources_ = dataSources; axes_[0] = inputSource_->axisInfoAt(0); setDescription(QString("Running Average of %1") .arg(inputSource_->name())); connect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(valuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceValuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex))); connect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(sizeChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceSizeChanged())); connect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceStateChanged())); } reviewState(); emitSizeChanged(0); emitValuesChanged(); emitAxisInfoChanged(0); emitInfoChanged(); }
void AM1DDerivativeAB::setInputDataSourcesImplementation(const QList<AMDataSource*>& dataSources) { // disconnect connections from old source, if it exists. if(inputSource_) { disconnect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(valuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceValuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex))); disconnect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(sizeChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceSizeChanged())); disconnect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceStateChanged())); inputSource_ = 0; } if(dataSources.isEmpty()) { inputSource_ = 0; sources_.clear(); canAnalyze_ = false; axes_[0] = AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data"); setDescription("Derivative"); } // we know that this will only be called with valid input source else if (dataSources.count() == 1){ inputSource_ =; sources_ = dataSources; canAnalyze_ = true; axes_[0] = inputSource_->axisInfoAt(0); cacheUpdateRequired_ = true; cachedData_ = QVector<double>(size(0)); setDescription(QString("Derivative of %1").arg(inputSource_->name())); connect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(valuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceValuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex))); connect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(sizeChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceSizeChanged())); connect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceStateChanged())); }
bool ALSBL8XASFileLoaderPlugin::load(AMScan *scan, const QString &userDataFolder, AMErrorMon *errorMonitor){ if(columns2fileFormatHeaders_.count() == 0) { columns2fileFormatHeaders_.set("eV", "Mono Energy"); columns2fileFormatHeaders_.set("ringCurrent", "Beam Current"); columns2fileFormatHeaders_.set("I0", "Counter 0"); columns2fileFormatHeaders_.set("TEY", "Counter 1"); columns2fileFormatHeaders_.set("TFY", "Counter 2"); } if(!scan) return false; // Clear the old scan axes to ensure we don't have any extras. scan->clearRawDataCompletely(); scan->rawData()->addScanAxis( AMAxisInfo("eV", 0, "Incident Energy", "eV") ); QFileInfo sourceFileInfo(scan->filePath()); if(sourceFileInfo.isRelative()){ sourceFileInfo.setFile(userDataFolder + "/" + scan->filePath()); } // used in parsing the data file QString line; QStringList lp; // names of the columns, taken from headers in the data file. QStringList colNames1; // open the file: QFile f(sourceFileInfo.filePath()); if(! { errorMonitor->exteriorReport(AMErrorReport(0, AMErrorReport::Serious, ALSBL8XASFileLoaderPLUGIN_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE, "ALSBL8XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan data from file. Missing file.")); return false; } QTextStream fs(&f); // find out what columns exist. Looking for line starting with 'Time (s)' while(!fs.atEnd() && !line.startsWith("Time (s)")) line = fs.readLine(); if(fs.atEnd()) { errorMonitor->exteriorReport(AMErrorReport(0, AMErrorReport::Serious, ALSBL8XASFileLoaderPLUGIN_BAD_FORMAT_NO_EVENT1_HEADER, "ALSBL8XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan data from file. Missing the Column Header line.")); return false; // bad format. Missing the column header } colNames1 = line.split(QChar('\t')); // translate header names into meaningful column names (ex: "Counter 0" ---> "I0".... "Counter1"--->"tey") for(int i=0; i<colNames1.count(); i++) header2columnName(colNames1[i]); // ensure that we have the basic "eV" column int eVIndex = colNames1.indexOf("eV"); if(eVIndex < 0) { errorMonitor->exteriorReport(AMErrorReport(0, AMErrorReport::Serious, ALSBL8XASFileLoaderPLUGIN_BAD_FORMAT_NO_ENERGY_COLUMN, "ALSBL8XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan data from file. I couldn't find the energy (eV) column.")); return false; // bad format. No primary column } scan->clearRawDataPointsAndMeasurements(); // There is a rawData scan axis called "eV" created in the constructor. AMAxisInfo("eV", 0, "Incident Energy", "eV") /// \todo What if there isn't? Should we check, and create the axis if none exist? What if there's more than one scan axis? Can't remove from AMDataStore... [The rest of this code assumes a single scan axis] // add scalar (0D) measurements to the raw data store, for each data column. Also add raw data sources to the scan, which expose this data. foreach(QString colName, colNames1) { if(colName != "eV" && colName != "Event-ID") { scan->rawData()->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(colName, colName)); /// \todo nice descriptions for the common column names. Not just 'tey' or 'tfy'. } } int eVAxisIndex = 0; // counter for each datapoint along the scan axis. // read all the data. Add to data columns or scan properties depending on the event-ID. while(!fs.atEnd()) { line = fs.readLine(); // Data line. If there are the correct number of columns: if( (lp = line.split('\t', QString::SkipEmptyParts)).count() == colNames1.count() ) { // append a new datapoint to the data tree (supply primary eV value here) scan->rawData()->beginInsertRows(1, -1); scan->rawData()->setAxisValue(0, eVAxisIndex,; // insert eV // add all columns (but ignore the eV column) int measurementId = 0; for(int i=1; i<colNames1.count(); i++) { if(i!=eVIndex) scan->rawData()->setValue(eVAxisIndex, measurementId++, AMnDIndex(),; } eVAxisIndex++; scan->rawData()->endInsertRows(); } } /// Not supposed to create the raw data sources. Do an integrity check on the pre-existing data sources instead... If there's a raw data source, but it's pointing to a non-existent measurement in the data store, that's a problem. Remove it. \todo Is there any way to incorporate this at a higher level, so that import-writers don't need to bother? for(int i=0; i<scan->rawDataSources()->count(); i++) { if(scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->measurementId() >= scan->rawData()->measurementCount()) { errorMonitor->exteriorReport(AMErrorReport(scan, AMErrorReport::Debug, ALSBL8XASFileLoaderPLUGIN_DATA_COLUMN_MISMATCH, QString("The data in the file didn't match the raw data columns we were expecting. Removing the raw data column '%1')").arg(scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->name()))); scan->deleteRawDataSource(i); } } return true; }
bool VESPERS2012SpatialLineScanFileLoaderPlugin::load(AMScan *scan, const QString &userDataFolder, AMErrorMon *errorMonitor) { // Check for null scan reference. if (!scan) return false; QFileInfo sourceFileInfo(scan->filePath()); if(sourceFileInfo.isRelative()) sourceFileInfo.setFile(userDataFolder + "/" + scan->filePath()); QFile file(sourceFileInfo.filePath()); if(! { errorMonitor->exteriorReport(AMErrorReport(0, AMErrorReport::Serious, VESPERS201SPATIALLINESCANFILELOADERPLUGIN_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE, "Line Scan File Loader parse error while loading scan data from file.")); return false; } QTextStream in(&file); QString line; QStringList lineTokenized; bool usingSingleElement = false; bool usingFourElement = false; if (scan->fileFormat() == "vespers2012LineScanXRF1El" || scan->fileFormat() == "vespers2012LineScanXRF1ElXRD") usingSingleElement = true; else if (scan->fileFormat() == "vespers2012LineScanXRF4El" || scan->fileFormat() == "vespers2012LineScanXRF4ElXRD") usingFourElement = true; else if (scan->fileFormat() == "vespers2012LineScan1Eln4El" || scan->fileFormat() == "vespers2012LineScan1Eln4ElXRD"){ usingSingleElement = true; usingFourElement = true; } in.readLine(); in.readLine(); in.readLine(); // Grab the first PV, it tells us what the axis was. line = in.readLine(); lineTokenized = line.split(" "); line =; QString temp = sourceFileInfo.filePath(); temp.replace(".dat", ".cdf"); AMCDFDataStore *cdfData = new AMCDFDataStore(temp, false); if (line == "TS1607-2-B21-01:H:user:mm") cdfData->addScanAxis(AMAxisInfo("H", 0, "Horizontal Position", "mm")); else if (line == "TS1607-2-B21-01:V:user:mm") cdfData->addScanAxis(AMAxisInfo("V", 0, "Vertical Position", "mm")); else if (line == "SVM1607-2-B21-02:mm") cdfData->addScanAxis(AMAxisInfo("X", 0, "Horizontal Position", "mm")); else if (line == "SVM1607-2-B21-01:mm") cdfData->addScanAxis(AMAxisInfo("Z", 0, "Vertical Position", "mm")); else if (line == "07B2_Mono_SineB_Egec:eV") cdfData->addScanAxis(AMAxisInfo("eV", 0, "Incident Energy", "eV")); in.readLine(); in.readLine(); in.readLine(); // Clear any old data so we can start fresh. scan->clearRawDataPointsAndMeasurements(); int axisValueIndex = 0; int count = scan->rawDataSourceCount(); // Note! Not general! QList<AMAxisInfo> axisInfo; AMAxisInfo ai("Energy", 2048, "Energy", "eV"); ai.increment = 10; ai.start = AMNumber(0); ai.isUniform = true; axisInfo << ai; if (usingSingleElement && usingFourElement){ // The last 6 raw data sources are spectra. for (int i = 0; i < count-6; i++) cdfData->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->name(), scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->description())); for (int i = count-6; i < count; i++) cdfData->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->name(), scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->description(), "eV", axisInfo)); } else if (usingSingleElement){ // The last raw data source is a spectrum. for (int i = 0; i < count-1; i++) cdfData->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->name(), scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->description())); cdfData->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan->rawDataSources()->at(scan->rawDataSourceCount()-1)->name(), scan->rawDataSources()->at(scan->rawDataSourceCount()-1)->description(), "eV", axisInfo)); } else if (usingFourElement){ // The last 5 raw data sources are spectra. for (int i = 0; i < count-5; i++) cdfData->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->name(), scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->description())); for (int i = count-5; i < count; i++) cdfData->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->name(), scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->description(), "eV", axisInfo)); } else{ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) cdfData->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->name(), scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->description())); } lineTokenized.clear(); QStringList fileLines; while(!in.atEnd()) fileLines << in.readLine(); file.close(); // Add in the data at the right spot. cdfData->beginInsertRows(fileLines.size(), -1); foreach(QString currentLine, fileLines){ lineTokenized = currentLine.split(", "); cdfData->setAxisValue(0, axisValueIndex,; // This isn't the most efficient way of putting the spectra data in, but it will do for the time being. if (usingSingleElement && usingFourElement){ // Only going to rawDataSourceCount-6 because the last 6 raw data sources are the 2D spectra scan and requires its own method of entering the data. for (int i = 0; i < count-6; i++) cdfData->setValue(axisValueIndex, i, AMnDIndex(),; } else if (usingSingleElement){ // Only going to rawDataSourceCount-1 because the last raw data source is the 2D spectra scan and requires its own method of entering the data. for (int i = 0; i < count-1; i++) cdfData->setValue(axisValueIndex, i, AMnDIndex(),; } else if (usingFourElement){ // Only going to rawDataSourceCount-5 because the last 5 raw data sources are the 2D spectra scan and requires its own method of entering the data. for (int i = 0; i < count-5; i++) cdfData->setValue(axisValueIndex, i, AMnDIndex(),; } else{ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) cdfData->setValue(axisValueIndex, i, AMnDIndex(),; } // Advance to the next spot. axisValueIndex++; }
bool SGM2013FastFileLoaderPlugin::load(AMScan *scan, const QString &userDataFolder, AMErrorMon *errorMonitor){ if(!scan) return false; // Clear the old scan axes to ensure we don't have any extras. scan->clearRawDataCompletely(); scan->rawData()->addScanAxis( AMAxisInfo("eV", 0, "Incident Energy", "eV") ); QFileInfo sourceFileInfo(scan->filePath()); if(sourceFileInfo.isRelative()) sourceFileInfo.setFile(userDataFolder + "/" + scan->filePath()); // open the file: QFile f(sourceFileInfo.filePath()); if(! { errorMonitor->exteriorReport(AMErrorReport(0, AMErrorReport::Serious, SGM2013FASTFILELOADERPLUGIN_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE, "SGM2013FastFileLoader parse error while loading scan data from file. Missing file.")); return false; } QTextStream fs(&f); QMap<int, QList<int> > measurementOrderByRank; // used in parsing the data file QString line; QStringList lp; QString versionString; int index; double dataValue; int insertionIndex = 0; bool informationSection = false; bool finishedHeader = false; while(!fs.atEnd()){ if(!finishedHeader) line = fs.readLine(); if(line == "Start Info") informationSection = true; else if(line.contains("Version: ")) versionString = line.remove("Version: "); else if(line == "End Info"){ informationSection = false; finishedHeader = true; line = ""; } else if(informationSection){ if(versionString == "SGM Generic Fast 0.1"){ if(!line.contains("Encoder Start Value:") && !line.contains("SpacingParam:") && !line.contains("C1Param:") && !line.contains("C2Param:") && !line.contains("SParam:") && !line.contains("ThetaParam:")){ lp = line.split("|!|!|"); index =; if(index >= 0){ QString oneString =; AMTextStream measurementInfoStreamOut(&oneString); AMMeasurementInfo oneMeasurementInfo = AMMeasurementInfo(QString(), QString());; if(measurementOrderByRank.contains(oneMeasurementInfo.rank())){ QList<int> thisRankList = measurementOrderByRank.value(oneMeasurementInfo.rank()); thisRankList.append(index); measurementOrderByRank.insert(oneMeasurementInfo.rank(), thisRankList); } else{ QList<int> newRankList; newRankList.append(index); measurementOrderByRank.insert(oneMeasurementInfo.rank(), newRankList); } scan->rawData()->addMeasurement(oneMeasurementInfo); } } } } else{ if(!fs.atEnd()){ fs >> dataValue; if(!fs.atEnd()){ scan->rawData()->beginInsertRows(1, -1); scan->rawData()->setAxisValue(0, insertionIndex, dataValue); // insert eV QList<int> rank0Measurements = measurementOrderByRank.value(0); for(int x = 0; x < rank0Measurements.count(); x++){ fs >> dataValue; scan->rawData()->setValue(AMnDIndex(insertionIndex),, AMnDIndex(), dataValue); } scan->rawData()->endInsertRows(); insertionIndex++; } } }
bool ALSBL8XASFileLoader::loadFromFile(const QString& filepath, bool setMetaData, bool setRawDataSources, bool createDefaultAnalysisBlocks) { // not initialized to have a scan target, or scan target is not an AMXASScan... AMXASScan* scan = qobject_cast<AMXASScan*>(scan_); if(!scan) return false; // Clear the old scan axes to ensure we don't have any extras. scan->clearRawDataCompletely(); scan->rawData()->addScanAxis( AMAxisInfo("eV", 0, "Incident Energy", "eV") ); // information about the scan we hope to locate: QString comments; double integrationTime; // used in parsing the data file QString line; QStringList lp; // names of the columns, taken from headers in the data file. QStringList colNames1; // open the file: QFile f(filepath); if(! { AMErrorMon::report(AMErrorReport(0, AMErrorReport::Serious, -1, "ALSBL8XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan data from file. Missing file.")); return false; } QTextStream fs(&f); if(setMetaData) { // Start reading the file. look for the count-time line. while( !fs.atEnd() && !(line = fs.readLine()).startsWith("Count Time (s):") ) ; if(fs.atEnd()) { AMErrorMon::report(AMErrorReport(0, AMErrorReport::Debug, -2, "ALSBL8XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan data from file. Could not find the count time (integration time)."));; // return false; // bad format; missing the count time string } else { // read it integrationTime = line.split(':').at(1).trimmed().toDouble(); } // Keep reading the file. look for the comment line. while( !fs.atEnd() && !(line = fs.readLine()).startsWith("Description Length:") ) ; if(fs.atEnd()) { AMErrorMon::report(AMErrorReport(0, AMErrorReport::Debug, -2, "ALSBL8XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan data from file. Could not find the description."));; // return false; // bad format; missing the comment string } else { // read the comment bool descriptionLengthOk; int descriptionLength = line.split(':').at(1).trimmed().toInt(&descriptionLengthOk); // read this many characters now... if(descriptionLengthOk) comments =; } } // find out what columns exist. Looking for line starting with 'Time (s)' line.clear(); while(!fs.atEnd() && !line.startsWith("Time (s)")) line = fs.readLine(); if(fs.atEnd()) { AMErrorMon::report(AMErrorReport(0, AMErrorReport::Serious, -2, "ALSBL8XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan data from file. Missing the Column Header line.")); return false; // bad format; missing the column header } colNames1 = line.split(QChar('\t')); // translate header names into meaningful column names (ex: "Counter 0" ---> "I0".... "Counter1"--->"tey") for(int i=0; i<colNames1.count(); i++) header2columnName(colNames1[i]); // ensure that we have the basic "eV" column int eVIndex = colNames1.indexOf("eV"); if(eVIndex < 0) { AMErrorMon::report(AMErrorReport(0, AMErrorReport::Serious, -3, "ALSBL8XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan data from file. I couldn't find the energy (eV) column.")); return false; // bad format; no primary column } // clear the existing raw data (and raw data sources, if we're supposed to) if(setRawDataSources) scan->clearRawDataPointsAndMeasurementsAndDataSources(); else scan->clearRawDataPointsAndMeasurements(); // There is a rawData scan axis called "eV" created in the constructor. AMAxisInfo("eV", 0, "Incident Energy", "eV") /// \todo What if there isn't? Should we check, and create the axis if none exist? What if there's more than one scan axis? Can't remove from AMDataStore... [The rest of this code assumes a single scan axis] // add scalar (0D) measurements to the raw data store, for each data column. Also add raw data sources to the scan, which expose this data. foreach(QString colName, colNames1) { if(colName != "eV" && colName != "Event-ID") { scan->rawData()->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(colName, colName)); /// \todo nice descriptions for the common column names; not just 'tey' or 'tfy'. } } int eVAxisIndex = 0; // counter for each datapoint along the scan axis. // read all the data. Add to data columns or scan properties depending on the event-ID. while(!fs.atEnd()) { line = fs.readLine(); // Data line. If there are the correct number of columns: if( (lp = line.split('\t', QString::SkipEmptyParts)).count() == colNames1.count() ) { // append a new datapoint to the data tree (supply primary eV value here) scan->rawData()->beginInsertRows(1, -1); scan->rawData()->setAxisValue(0, eVAxisIndex,; // insert eV // add all columns (but ignore the eV column) int measurementId = 0; for(int i=1; i<colNames1.count(); i++) { if(i!=eVIndex) scan->rawData()->setValue(eVAxisIndex, measurementId++, AMnDIndex(),; } eVAxisIndex++; scan->rawData()->endInsertRows(); } } if(setMetaData) { scan->setNotes(comments); // for a date-time, there is no information saved inside the file format, so the best we can do is look at the file's creation date-time... QFileInfo fi(filepath); scan->setDateTime(fi.lastModified()); /// \todo integration time... do what with? } // If we need to create the raw data sources... if(setRawDataSources) { // expose the raw data that might be useful to the users foreach(QString visibleColumn, defaultUserVisibleColumns_) { int measurementId = scan->rawData()->idOfMeasurement(visibleColumn); if(measurementId >= 0) scan->addRawDataSource(new AMRawDataSource(scan->rawData(), measurementId)); } }
bool VESPERSXASDataLoader::loadFromFile(const QString &filepath, bool setMetaData, bool setRawDataSources, bool createDefaultAnalysisBlocks) { // Currently don't have meta data. Q_UNUSED(setMetaData) Q_UNUSED(setRawDataSources) Q_UNUSED(createDefaultAnalysisBlocks) AMXASScan *scan = qobject_cast<AMXASScan *>(scan_); if (!scan) { AMErrorMon::alert(0, 0, "VESPERS XAS File Loader: Could not load XAS data into a non-XAS scan."); return false; } // Clear the old scan axes to ensure we don't have any extras. scan->clearRawDataCompletely(); scan->rawData()->addScanAxis( AMAxisInfo("eV", 0, "Incident Energy", "eV") ); QFile file(filepath); if(! { AMErrorMon::error(0, -1, "XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan data from file."); return false; } QFile spectra; QVector<int> data; QTextStream in(&file); QString line; QStringList lineTokenized; // Need to determine if the single element or four element vortex detector was used. Also need to determine which ion chambers were used for I0 and It. // First two lines are useless. line = in.readLine(); line = in.readLine(); line = in.readLine(); if (line.contains("#(2)")) line = in.readLine(); bool usingVortex = line.contains("IOC1607-004") || line.contains("dxp1607-B21-04"); if (usingVortex) { data.resize(2048); QString temp(filepath); temp.chop(4); spectra.setFileName(temp+"_spectra.dat"); if(! { AMErrorMon::error(0, -1, QString("XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan spectra data from %1.").arg(spectra.fileName())); return false; } } else spectra.setFileName(""); QTextStream spectraStream(&spectra); QString spectraLine; QStringList spectraTokenized; while ((line = in.readLine()).contains("#")) { //Do nothing } // Clear any old data so we can start fresh. scan->clearRawDataPointsAndMeasurements(); // Some setup variables. int axisValueIndex = 0; if (usingVortex) { for (int i = 0; i < scan_->rawDataSourceCount()-1; i++) scan_->rawData()->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan_->rawDataSources()->at(i)->name(), scan_->rawDataSources()->at(i)->description())); QList<AMAxisInfo> axisInfo; AMAxisInfo ai("Energy", 2048, "Energy", "eV"); ai.increment = 10; ai.start = AMNumber(0); ai.isUniform = true; axisInfo << ai; scan_->rawData()->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan_->rawDataSources()->at(scan_->rawDataSourceCount()-1)->name(), scan_->rawDataSources()->at(scan_->rawDataSourceCount()-1)->description(), "eV", axisInfo)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < scan_->rawDataSourceCount(); i++) scan_->rawData()->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan_->rawDataSources()->at(i)->name(), scan_->rawDataSources()->at(i)->description())); } while (!in.atEnd()) { lineTokenized << line.split(", "); scan->rawData()->beginInsertRows(1, -1); scan_->rawData()->setAxisValue(0, axisValueIndex,; // This isn't the most efficient way of putting the spectra data in, but it will do for the time being. if (usingVortex) { // Only going to rawDataSourceCount-1 because the last raw data source is the 2D spectra scan and requires its own method of entering the data. for (int i = 0; i < scan_->rawDataSourceCount()-1; i++) scan_->rawData()->setValue(axisValueIndex, i, AMnDIndex(),; spectraTokenized.clear(); spectraLine = spectraStream.readLine(); spectraTokenized << spectraLine.split(","); for (int j = 0; j < 2048; j++) data[j] =; scan_->rawData()->setValue(axisValueIndex, scan_->rawDataSourceCount()-1, data.constData()); } else { // In transmission, there is no 2D spectra. Go through all the data sources. for (int i = 0; i < scan_->rawDataSourceCount(); i++) scan_->rawData()->setValue(axisValueIndex, i, AMnDIndex(),; } scan->rawData()->endInsertRows(); axisValueIndex++; line = in.readLine(); lineTokenized.clear(); } file.close(); if (usingVortex) spectra.close(); return true; }
// Set the data source inputs. void AM4DBinningAB::setInputDataSourcesImplementation(const QList<AMDataSource*>& dataSources) { // disconnect connections from old source, if it exists. if(inputSource_) { disconnect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(valuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceValuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex))); disconnect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(sizeChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceSizeChanged())); disconnect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceStateChanged())); inputSource_ = 0; } if(dataSources.isEmpty()) { inputSource_ = 0; sources_.clear(); canAnalyze_ = false; axes_[0] = AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data"); axes_[1] = AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data"); axes_[2] = AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data"); setDescription("-- No input data --"); } // we know that this will only be called with valid input source else if (dataSources.count() == 1) { inputSource_ =; sources_ = dataSources; canAnalyze_ = true; switch (sumAxis_) { case 0: axes_[0] = inputSource_->axisInfoAt(1); axes_[1] = inputSource_->axisInfoAt(2); axes_[2] = inputSource_->axisInfoAt(3); break; case 1: axes_[0] = inputSource_->axisInfoAt(0); axes_[1] = inputSource_->axisInfoAt(2); axes_[2] = inputSource_->axisInfoAt(3); break; case 2: axes_[0] = inputSource_->axisInfoAt(0); axes_[1] = inputSource_->axisInfoAt(1); axes_[2] = inputSource_->axisInfoAt(3); break; case 3: axes_[0] = inputSource_->axisInfoAt(0); axes_[1] = inputSource_->axisInfoAt(1); axes_[2] = inputSource_->axisInfoAt(2); } cacheUpdateRequired_ = true; cachedData_ = QVector<double>(size().product()); setDescription(QString("%1 Summed (over %2)") .arg(inputSource_->name()) .arg(inputSource_->axisInfoAt(sumAxis_).name)); connect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(valuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceValuesChanged(AMnDIndex,AMnDIndex))); connect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(sizeChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceSizeChanged())); connect(inputSource_->signalSource(), SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onInputSourceStateChanged())); }
AM1DSummingAB::AM1DSummingAB(const QString &outputName, QObject *parent) : AMStandardAnalysisBlock(outputName, parent) { axes_ << AMAxisInfo("invalid", 0, "No input data"); setState(AMDataSource::InvalidFlag); }
bool VESPERS2011XASFileLoaderPlugin::load(AMScan *scan, const QString &userDataFolder, AMErrorMon *errorMonitor) { // Check for null scan reference. if (!scan) return false; QFileInfo sourceFileInfo(scan->filePath()); if(sourceFileInfo.isRelative()) sourceFileInfo.setFile(userDataFolder + "/" + scan->filePath()); QFile file(sourceFileInfo.filePath()); if(! { errorMonitor->exteriorReport(AMErrorReport(0, AMErrorReport::Serious, VESPERS2011XASFILELOADERPLUGIN_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE, "XASFileLoader parse error while loading scan data from file.")); return false; } QString temp = sourceFileInfo.filePath(); temp.replace(".dat", ".cdf"); AMCDFDataStore *cdfData = new AMCDFDataStore(temp, false); cdfData->addScanAxis( AMAxisInfo("eV", 0, "Incident Energy", "eV") ); QTextStream in(&file); QString line; QStringList lineTokenized; // Need to determine if the single element or four element vortex detector was used. Also need to determine which ion chambers were used for I0 and It. // First two lines are useless. line = in.readLine(); line = in.readLine(); line = in.readLine(); if (line.contains("#(2)")) line = in.readLine(); bool usingSingleElement = line.contains("IOC1607-004"); bool usingFourElement = line.contains("dxp1607-B21-04"); while ((line = in.readLine()).contains("#")){ //Do nothing } // Clear any old data so we can start fresh. scan->clearRawDataPointsAndMeasurements(); // Some setup variables. int axisValueIndex = 0; int count = scan->rawDataSourceCount(); // Note! Not general! QList<AMAxisInfo> axisInfo; AMAxisInfo ai("Energy", 2048, "Energy", "eV"); ai.increment = 10; ai.start = AMNumber(0); ai.isUniform = true; axisInfo << ai; if (usingSingleElement && usingFourElement){ // The last 6 raw data sources are spectra. for (int i = 0; i < count-6; i++) cdfData->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->name(), scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->description())); for (int i = count-6; i < count; i++) cdfData->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->name(), scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->description(), "eV", axisInfo)); } else if (usingSingleElement){ // The last raw data source is a spectrum. for (int i = 0; i < count-1; i++) cdfData->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->name(), scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->description())); cdfData->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan->rawDataSources()->at(scan->rawDataSourceCount()-1)->name(), scan->rawDataSources()->at(scan->rawDataSourceCount()-1)->description(), "eV", axisInfo)); } else if (usingFourElement){ // The last 5 raw data sources are spectra. for (int i = 0; i < count-5; i++) cdfData->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->name(), scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->description())); for (int i = count-5; i < count; i++) cdfData->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->name(), scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->description(), "eV", axisInfo)); } else{ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) cdfData->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->name(), scan->rawDataSources()->at(i)->description())); } QStringList fileLines; fileLines << line; while(!in.atEnd()) fileLines << in.readLine(); file.close(); // Add in the data at the right spot. cdfData->beginInsertRows(fileLines.size(), -1); foreach(QString currentLine, fileLines){ lineTokenized = currentLine.split(", "); cdfData->setAxisValue(0, axisValueIndex,; // This isn't the most efficient way of putting the spectra data in, but it will do for the time being. if (usingSingleElement && usingFourElement){ // Only going to rawDataSourceCount-6 because the last 6 raw data sources are the 2D spectra scan and requires its own method of entering the data. for (int i = 0; i < count-6; i++) cdfData->setValue(axisValueIndex, i, AMnDIndex(),; } else if (usingSingleElement){ // Only going to rawDataSourceCount-1 because the last raw data source is the 2D spectra scan and requires its own method of entering the data. for (int i = 0; i < count-1; i++) cdfData->setValue(axisValueIndex, i, AMnDIndex(),; } else if (usingFourElement){ // Only going to rawDataSourceCount-5 because the last 5 raw data sources are the 2D spectra scan and requires its own method of entering the data. for (int i = 0; i < count-5; i++) cdfData->setValue(axisValueIndex, i, AMnDIndex(),; } else{ // In transmission, there is no 2D spectra. Go through all the data sources. for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) cdfData->setValue(axisValueIndex, i, AMnDIndex(),; } axisValueIndex++; }
SGMXASScanController::SGMXASScanController(SGMXASScanConfiguration *cfg){ config_ = cfg; initializationActions_ = 0; //NULL cleanUpActions_ = 0; //NULL beamlineInitialized_ = false; specificScan_ = new AMXASScan(); specificScan_->setFileFormat("sgm2011XAS"); specificScan_->setRunId(AMUser::user()->currentRunId()); specificScan_->setScanConfiguration(config_); specificScan_->setSampleId(SGMBeamline::sgm()->currentSampleId()); specificScan_->setIndexType("fileSystem"); specificScan_->rawData()->addScanAxis(AMAxisInfo("eV", 0, "Incident Energy", "eV")); QString scanName; QString sampleName; if(specificScan_->sampleId() == -1) sampleName = "Unknown Sample"; else sampleName = AMSamplePre2013(specificScan_->sampleId(), AMUser::user()->database()).name(); if(config_->userScanName() == ""){ scanName = config_->autoScanName(); specificScan_->setName(QString("%1 - %2").arg(sampleName).arg(scanName)); } else{ scanName = config_->userScanName(); specificScan_->setName(QString("%1 - %2").arg(scanName).arg(sampleName)); } // Create space in raw data store, and create raw data channels, for each detector. for(int i = 0; i < config_->allDetectorConfigurations().count(); i++){ AMOldDetectorInfo* detectorInfo = config_->allDetectorConfigurations().detectorInfoAt(i); if(config_->allDetectorConfigurations().isActiveAt(i)){ if(specificScan_->rawData()->addMeasurement(AMMeasurementInfo(*detectorInfo))) specificScan_->addRawDataSource(new AMRawDataSource(specificScan_->rawData(), specificScan_->rawData()->measurementCount()-1)); else AMErrorMon::alert(0, SGMXASSCANCONTROLLER_CANNOT_ADD_MEASUREMENT, QString("Could not add measurement to SGMXASScanController by name %1").arg(detectorInfo->name()) ); } } QList<AMDataSource*> raw1DDataSources; for(int i=0; i<specificScan_->rawDataSources()->count(); i++) if(specificScan_->rawDataSources()->at(i)->rank() == 1) raw1DDataSources << specificScan_->rawDataSources()->at(i); int rawTeyIndex = specificScan_->rawDataSources()->indexOfKey(SGMBeamline::sgm()->teyDetector()->description().remove(" ")); int rawTfyIndex = specificScan_->rawDataSources()->indexOfKey(SGMBeamline::sgm()->tfyDetector()->description().remove(" ")); int rawI0Index = specificScan_->rawDataSources()->indexOfKey(SGMBeamline::sgm()->i0Detector()->description().remove(" ")); if(rawTeyIndex != -1 && rawI0Index != -1) { AM1DExpressionAB* teyChannel = new AM1DExpressionAB(QString("%1Norm").arg(SGMBeamline::sgm()->teyDetector()->description().remove(" "))); teyChannel->setDescription("Normalized TEY"); teyChannel->setInputDataSources(raw1DDataSources); teyChannel->setExpression(QString("%1/%2").arg(SGMBeamline::sgm()->teyDetector()->description().remove(" ")).arg(SGMBeamline::sgm()->i0Detector()->description().remove(" "))); specificScan_->addAnalyzedDataSource(teyChannel); } if(rawTfyIndex != -1 && rawI0Index != -1) { AM1DExpressionAB* tfyChannel = new AM1DExpressionAB(QString("%1Norm").arg(SGMBeamline::sgm()->tfyDetector()->description().remove(" "))); tfyChannel->setDescription("Normalized TFY"); tfyChannel->setInputDataSources(raw1DDataSources); tfyChannel->setExpression(QString("%1/%2").arg(SGMBeamline::sgm()->tfyDetector()->description().remove(" ")).arg(SGMBeamline::sgm()->i0Detector()->description().remove(" "))); specificScan_->addAnalyzedDataSource(tfyChannel); } /* if(SGMBeamline::sgm()->pgtDetector()){ int rawSddIndex = specificScan_->rawDataSources()->indexOfKey(SGMBeamline::sgm()->pgtDetector()->description().remove(" ")); if(rawSddIndex != -1) { AMRawDataSource* sddRaw = specificScan_->rawDataSources()->at(rawSddIndex); AM2DSummingAB* pfy = new AM2DSummingAB("PFY"); QList<AMDataSource*> pfySource; pfySource << sddRaw; pfy->setInputDataSources(pfySource); pfy->setSumAxis(1); pfy->setSumRangeMax(sddRaw->size(1)-1); specificScan_->addAnalyzedDataSource(pfy); if(rawSddIndex != -1 && rawI0Index != -1) { AM1DExpressionAB* ipfyChannel = new AM1DExpressionAB(QString("IPFY")); ipfyChannel->setDescription("IPFY"); QList<AMDataSource*> ipfySources; ipfySources.append(raw1DDataSources); ipfySources.append(pfy); ipfyChannel->setInputDataSources(ipfySources); ipfyChannel->setExpression(QString("%1/%2").arg(SGMBeamline::sgm()->i0Detector()->description().remove(" ")).arg("PFY")); specificScan_->addAnalyzedDataSource(ipfyChannel); } } } */ if(SGMBeamline::sgm()->oos65000Detector()){ int rawOOSIndex = specificScan_->rawDataSources()->indexOfKey(SGMBeamline::sgm()->oos65000Detector()->description().remove('\n')); if(rawOOSIndex != -1) { AMRawDataSource* oosRaw = specificScan_->rawDataSources()->at(rawOOSIndex); AM2DSummingAB* ply = new AM2DSummingAB("PLY"); QList<AMDataSource*> plySource; plySource << oosRaw; ply->setInputDataSources(plySource); ply->setSumAxis(1); ply->setSumRangeMax(oosRaw->size(1)-1); specificScan_->addAnalyzedDataSource(ply); if(rawOOSIndex != -1 && rawI0Index != -1) { AM1DExpressionAB* plyNormChannel = new AM1DExpressionAB(QString("PLYNorm")); plyNormChannel->setDescription("PLYNorm"); QList<AMDataSource*> plyNormSources; plyNormSources.append(raw1DDataSources); plyNormSources.append(ply); plyNormChannel->setInputDataSources(plyNormSources); plyNormChannel->setExpression(QString("%1/%2").arg("PLY").arg(SGMBeamline::sgm()->i0Detector()->description().remove(" "))); specificScan_->addAnalyzedDataSource(plyNormChannel); } } } }