Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: item.c Proyecto: BossKing/vlc
/* Add the playlist item to the requested node and fire a notification */
static void AddItem( playlist_t *p_playlist, playlist_item_t *p_item,
                     playlist_item_t *p_node, int i_mode, int i_pos )
    ARRAY_APPEND(p_playlist->items, p_item);
    ARRAY_APPEND(p_playlist->all_items, p_item);

    if( i_pos == PLAYLIST_END )
        playlist_NodeAppend( p_playlist, p_item, p_node );
        playlist_NodeInsert( p_playlist, p_item, p_node, i_pos );

    playlist_SendAddNotify( p_playlist, p_item->i_id, p_node->i_id,
                            !( i_mode & PLAYLIST_NO_REBUILD ) );
Ejemplo n.º 2
struct args *new_args(struct expr *e)
	struct args *aa = malloc(sizeof(struct args));
	INIT_ARRAY(aa->v, 4);
	ARRAY_APPEND(aa->v, e);
	return aa;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static int ListScripts( addons_finder_t *p_finder, addon_type_t type )
    char *psz_dir = getAddonInstallDir( type );
    if ( ! psz_dir ) return VLC_EGENERIC;

    char **ppsz_list = NULL;
    int i_count = vlc_scandir( psz_dir, &ppsz_list, ListScript_filter, NULL );

    for ( int i=0; i< i_count; i++ )
        char *psz_file = ppsz_list[i];
        if( !psz_file )
        if ( FileBelongsToManagedAddon( p_finder, type, psz_file ) )
        addon_entry_t *p_entry = addon_entry_New();
        p_entry->e_state = ADDON_INSTALLED;
        p_entry->e_type = type;
        p_entry->e_flags |= ADDON_BROKEN;
        p_entry->psz_name = strdup(psz_file);
        p_entry->psz_description = strdup("Lua script");

        ARRAY_APPEND( p_finder->entries, p_entry );
        free( psz_file );

    free( ppsz_list );
    free( psz_dir );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Check if another part exists and import it
static bool ImportNextFile( access_t *p_access )
    access_sys_t *p_sys = p_access->p_sys;

    char *psz_path = GetFilePath( p_access, FILE_COUNT );
    if( !psz_path )
        return false;

    struct stat st;
    if( vlc_stat( psz_path, &st ) )
        msg_Dbg( p_access, "could not stat %s: %s", psz_path,
                 vlc_strerror_c(errno) );
        free( psz_path );
        return false;
    if( !S_ISREG( st.st_mode ) )
        msg_Dbg( p_access, "%s is not a regular file", psz_path );
        free( psz_path );
        return false;
    msg_Dbg( p_access, "%s exists", psz_path );
    free( psz_path );

    ARRAY_APPEND( p_sys->file_sizes, st.st_size );
    p_sys->size += st.st_size;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Create a playlist node
 * \param p_playlist the playlist
 * \param psz_name the name of the node
 * \param p_parent the parent node to attach to or NULL if no attach
 * \param i_pos position of the node in the parent, PLAYLIST_END to append to end.
 * \param p_flags miscellaneous flags
 * \param p_input the input_item to attach to or NULL if it has to be created
 * \return the new node
playlist_item_t * playlist_NodeCreate( playlist_t *p_playlist,
                                       const char *psz_name,
                                       playlist_item_t *p_parent, int i_pos,
                                       int i_flags, input_item_t *p_input )
    input_item_t *p_new_input = NULL;
    playlist_item_t *p_item;

    if( !psz_name ) psz_name = _("Undefined");

    if( !p_input )
        p_new_input = input_item_NewWithType( NULL, psz_name, 0, NULL, 0, -1,
                                              ITEM_TYPE_NODE );
    p_item = playlist_ItemNewFromInput( p_playlist,
                                        p_input ? p_input : p_new_input );
    if( p_new_input )
        vlc_gc_decref( p_new_input );

    if( p_item == NULL )  return NULL;
    p_item->i_children = 0;

    ARRAY_APPEND(p_playlist->all_items, p_item);

    if( p_parent != NULL )
        playlist_NodeInsert( p_playlist, p_item, p_parent,
                             i_pos == PLAYLIST_END ? -1 : i_pos );
    playlist_SendAddNotify( p_playlist, p_item->i_id,
                            p_parent ? p_parent->i_id : -1,
                            !( i_flags & PLAYLIST_NO_REBUILD ));

    p_item->i_flags |= i_flags;

    return p_item;
Ejemplo n.º 6
struct stmts *new_stmts(struct stmt *s)
	struct stmts *ss = malloc(sizeof(struct stmts));
	INIT_ARRAY(ss->v, 4);
	ARRAY_APPEND(ss->v, s);
	return ss;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void print_commit (FILE * out, const database_t * db, changeset_t * cs,
                          cvs_connection_t * s)
    version_t * v = cs->versions[0];

    version_t ** fetch = NULL;
    version_t ** fetch_end = NULL;

    // Get the list of versions to fetch.
    for (version_t ** i = cs->versions; i != cs->versions_end; ++i) {
        if (!(*i)->used)

        version_t * cv = version_live (*i);
        if (cv != NULL && cv->mark == SIZE_MAX)
            ARRAY_APPEND (fetch, cv);

    fprintf (stderr, "%s COMMIT", format_date (&cs->time, false));

    // Get the versions.
    grab_versions (out, db, s, fetch, fetch_end);
    xfree (fetch);

    v->branch->last = cs;
    cs->mark = ++mark_counter;
    v->branch->changeset.mark = cs->mark;

    fprintf (out, "commit %s/%s\n",
             branch_prefix, *v->branch->tag ? v->branch->tag : master);
    fprintf (out, "mark :%zu\n", cs->mark);
    fprintf (out, "committer %s <%s> %ld +0000\n",
             v->author, v->author, cs->time);
    fprintf (out, "data %zu\n%s\n", strlen (v->log), v->log);
    for (changeset_t ** i = cs->merge; i != cs->merge_end; ++i)
        if ((*i)->mark == 0)
            fprintf (stderr, "Whoops, out of order!\n");
        else if ((*i)->mark == mark_counter)
            fprintf (stderr, "Whoops, self-ref\n");
            fprintf (out, "merge :%zu\n", (*i)->mark);

    const char * last_path = NULL;
    for (version_t ** i = cs->versions; i != cs->versions_end; ++i)
        if ((*i)->used) {
            version_t * vv = version_normalise (*i);
            if (vv->dead)
                fprintf (out, "D %s\n", vv->file->path);
                fprintf (out, "M %s :%zu %s\n",
                         vv->exec ? "755" : "644", vv->mark, vv->file->path);
            last_path = output_entries_list (
                out, db, v->branch->branch_versions, vv->file, last_path);

    fprintf (stderr, "\n");
Ejemplo n.º 8
changeset_t * database_new_changeset (database_t * db)
    changeset_t * result = xmalloc (sizeof (changeset_t));
    changeset_init (result);

    ARRAY_APPEND (db->changesets, result);

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void sym_map_for_each(
        struct SymMap *sym_map,
        void (*callback)(char*, struct SymMapNode*, void*),
        void *data)
    struct CharArray current_symbol = { NULL, 0, 0 };
    ARRAY_APPEND(current_symbol, '\0');
    sym_map_for_each_rec(&sym_map->root, callback, data, &current_symbol);
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void sym_map_for_each_rec(
        struct SymMapNode *node,
        void (*callback)(char*, struct SymMapNode*, void*),
        void *data,
        struct CharArray *current_symbol)
    /* 0. Overview:
     * This function traverses the symbol map trie recursively
     * calling the callback function for every occurence of a value attached
     * in a given point in the trie.

    int i, count;
    struct SymMapNode *child;

    /* 1. Check for the callback condition */
    if (node->is_set) {
        callback(current_symbol->data, node, data);

    /* 2. Traverse the deeper nodes recursively */
    count = node->children.size;
    child = node->children.data;
    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {

        /* 2.1. Append the current character */
        ARRAY_APPEND(*current_symbol, child->key);
        ARRAY_APPEND(*current_symbol, '\0');

        /* 2.2. Make the recursive call */
        sym_map_for_each_rec(child, callback, data, current_symbol);

        /* 2.3. Remove the last appended character */
        ARRAY_APPEND(*current_symbol, '\0');

        /* 2.4. Advance the current child pointer */
Ejemplo n.º 11
static void TwalkGetNames(const void *data, const VISIT which, const int depth)
    if (which != postorder && which != leaf)
    (void) depth;

    const variable_t *var = *(const variable_t **)data;
    DECL_ARRAY(char *) *names = twalk_ctx;
    char *dup = strdup(var->psz_name);
    if (dup != NULL)
        ARRAY_APPEND(*names, dup);
Ejemplo n.º 12
// Release all the child tags of a branch.
static void tag_released (heap_t * heap, tag_t * tag,
                          tag_t *** tree_order, tag_t *** tree_order_end)
    ARRAY_APPEND (*tree_order, tag);
    tag->rank = 0;
    for (parent_branch_t * i = tag->parents; i != tag->parents_end; ++i)
        if (i->branch->rank >= tag->rank)
            tag->rank = i->branch->rank + 1;

    for (branch_tag_t * i = tag->tags; i != tag->tags_end; ++i) {
        assert (i->tag->changeset.unready_count != 0);
        if (--i->tag->changeset.unready_count == 0) {
            i->tag->is_released = true;
            heap_insert (heap, i->tag);
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: item.c Proyecto: BossKing/vlc
 * Release an item
 * \param p_item item to delete
 * \return VLC_SUCCESS
int playlist_ItemRelease( playlist_item_t *p_item )
    /* For the assert */
    playlist_t *p_playlist = p_item->p_playlist;

    /* Surprise, we can't actually do more because we
     * don't do refcounting, or eauivalent.
     * Because item are not only accessed by their id
     * using playlist_item outside the PL_LOCK isn't safe.
     * Most of the modules does that.
     * Who wants to add proper memory management? */
    uninstall_input_item_observer( p_item );
    ARRAY_APPEND( pl_priv(p_playlist)->items_to_delete, p_item);
    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void sym_map_insert(
        struct SymMap *sym_map,
        char *key,
        VAL_LOC_T stack_loc)
    struct SymMapNode *node = &sym_map->root;
    char *current = key;
        "sym_map_insert(%s, %td, {%d, %d})",
        key, stack_loc, source_loc.line, source_loc.column);
    while (*current) {
        int i;
        bool found = false;
        for (i = 0; i < node->children.size; ++i) {
            if (node->children.data[i].key == *current) {
                node = node->children.data + i;
                found = true;
        if (!found) {
            struct SymMapNode new_node = {
                { NULL, 0, 0 },
            new_node.key = *current;
            ARRAY_APPEND(node->children, new_node);
            node = node->children.data + i;
    if (node->is_set) {
        char *string = sym_map_serialize(sym_map);
        LOG_ERROR("Symbol map at error point:\n%s", string);
        err_push("RUNTIME", "Symbol \"%s\" already inserted", key);
    } else {
        node->is_set = true;
        node->stack_loc = stack_loc;
Ejemplo n.º 15
static void ResetCurrentlyPlaying( playlist_t *p_playlist,
                                   playlist_item_t *p_cur )
    playlist_private_t *p_sys = pl_priv(p_playlist);

    stats_TimerStart( p_playlist, "Items array build",
                      STATS_TIMER_PLAYLIST_BUILD );
    PL_DEBUG( "rebuilding array of current - root %s",
              PLI_NAME( p_sys->status.p_node ) );
    ARRAY_RESET( p_playlist->current );
    p_playlist->i_current_index = -1;
    for( playlist_item_t *p_next = NULL; ; )
        /** FIXME: this is *slow* */
        p_next = playlist_GetNextLeaf( p_playlist,
                                       p_next, true, false );
        if( !p_next )

        if( p_next == p_cur )
            p_playlist->i_current_index = p_playlist->current.i_size;
        ARRAY_APPEND( p_playlist->current, p_next);
    PL_DEBUG("rebuild done - %i items, index %i", p_playlist->current.i_size,

    if( var_GetBool( p_playlist, "random" ) && ( p_playlist->current.i_size > 0 ) )
        /* Shuffle the array */
        for( unsigned j = p_playlist->current.i_size - 1; j > 0; j-- )
            unsigned i = vlc_lrand48() % (j+1); /* between 0 and j */
            playlist_item_t *p_tmp;
            /* swap the two items */
            p_tmp = ARRAY_VAL(p_playlist->current, i);
            ARRAY_VAL(p_playlist->current,i) = ARRAY_VAL(p_playlist->current,j);
            ARRAY_VAL(p_playlist->current,j) = p_tmp;
    p_sys->b_reset_currently_playing = false;
    stats_TimerStop( p_playlist, STATS_TIMER_PLAYLIST_BUILD );
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * Add a callback for an event.
int vlc_event_attach( vlc_event_manager_t * p_em,
                      vlc_event_type_t event_type,
                      vlc_event_callback_t pf_callback,
                      void *p_user_data )
    vlc_event_listener_t * listener;
    vlc_event_listeners_group_t *slot = &p_em->events[event_type];

    listener = malloc(sizeof(vlc_event_listener_t));
    if( !listener )
        return VLC_ENOMEM;

    listener->p_user_data = p_user_data;
    listener->pf_callback = pf_callback;

    vlc_mutex_lock( &p_em->lock );
    ARRAY_APPEND( slot->listeners, listener );
    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_em->lock );
    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 * Load a file into a buffer allocated with malloc. Must be freed by caller.
 * The filename may be "-" to read from stdin.
static char *read_file(const char *filename) {
	FILE *fp = stdin;
	ARRAY_DECL(char, buffer);
	size_t nr;
	int err;
	char nulchar = '\0';

	if (strcmp(filename, "-") != 0) {
		fp = fopen(filename, "r");
		if (fp == NULL)

	ARRAY_ALLOC(buffer, 8);

	do {
		/* Grow the buffer if needed. */
		if (buffer_size >= buffer_mem)

		nr = fread(buffer + buffer_size, 1, buffer_mem - buffer_size, fp);
		buffer_size += nr;
	} while (nr > 0);

	/* TODO: It sucks a bit to need a variable nulchar for this. */
	ARRAY_APPEND(buffer, nulchar);

	if (ferror(fp))

	if (strcmp(filename, "-") != 0) {
		err = fclose(fp);
		if (err == -1)

	return buffer;
Ejemplo n.º 18
Archivo: filter.c Proyecto: rcls/crap
static void filter_input (database_t * db, FILE * in)
    size_t n = 0;
    char * line = NULL;
    ssize_t len;
    while ((len = getline (&line, &n, in)) >= 0) {
        if (len > 0 && line[len - 1] == '\n')
            line[--len] = 0;
        if (len == 0)
        if (strlen (line) != (size_t) len)
            fatal ("Line with NUL from filter\n");
        if (starts_with (line, "DELETE TAG ")) {
            tag_t * tag = database_find_tag (db, line + 11);
            if (tag == NULL)
                fatal ("Unknown tag from filter: %s\n", line);
            if (tag->branch_versions != NULL)
                fatal ("Filter attempts to delete branch: %s\n", line);
            tag->deleted = true;
        else if (starts_with (line, "MERGE ")) {
            char * ref1 = line + 6;
            char * ref2 = strchr (ref1, ' ');
            if (ref2 == NULL)
                fatal ("Illegal merge from filter: '%s'\n", line);
            *ref2++ = 0;
            changeset_t * cs1 = ref_lookup (db, ref1);
            changeset_t * cs2 = ref_lookup (db, ref2);
            if (cs2->type == ct_tag)
                as_tag (cs2)->merge_source = true;
            ARRAY_APPEND (cs1->merge, cs2);
            fatal ("Unknown line from filter: '%s'\n", line);
    xfree (line);
Ejemplo n.º 19
static int ParseManifest( addons_finder_t *p_finder, addon_entry_t *p_entry,
                          const char *psz_tempfile, stream_t *p_stream )
    int i_num_entries_created = 0;
    const char *p_node;
    int i_current_node_type;

    /* attr */
    const char *attr, *value;

    /* temp reading */
    const char *psz_filename = NULL;
    int i_filetype = -1;

    xml_reader_t *p_xml_reader = xml_ReaderCreate( p_finder, p_stream );
    if( !p_xml_reader ) return 0;

    if( xml_ReaderNextNode( p_xml_reader, &p_node ) != XML_READER_STARTELEM )
        msg_Err( p_finder, "invalid xml file" );
        goto end;

    if ( strcmp( p_node, "videolan") )
        msg_Err( p_finder, "unsupported XML data format" );
        goto end;

    while( (i_current_node_type = xml_ReaderNextNode( p_xml_reader, &p_node )) > 0 )
        switch( i_current_node_type )
            BINDNODE("resource", psz_filename, TYPE_STRING)
            data_pointer.e_type = TYPE_NONE;

             * Manifests are not allowed to update addons properties
             * such as uuid, score, downloads, ...
             * On the other hand, repo API must not set files directly.

            if ( ! strcmp( p_node, "resource" ) )
                while( (attr = xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_xml_reader, &value )) )
                    if ( !strcmp( attr, "type" ) )
                        i_filetype = ReadType( value );
            else if ( ! strcmp( p_node, "addon" ) )
                while( (attr = xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_xml_reader, &value )) )
                    if ( !strcmp( attr, "type" ) )
                        p_entry->e_type = ReadType( value );

        case XML_READER_TEXT:
            if ( data_pointer.e_type == TYPE_NONE || !p_entry ) break;
            if ( data_pointer.e_type == TYPE_STRING )
                *data_pointer.u_data.ppsz = strdup( p_node );
            if ( data_pointer.e_type == TYPE_LONG )
                *data_pointer.u_data.pl = atol( p_node );
            if ( data_pointer.e_type == TYPE_INTEGER )
                *data_pointer.u_data.pi = atoi( p_node );

        case XML_READER_ENDELEM:

            if ( ! strcmp( p_node, "resource" ) )
                if ( psz_filename && i_filetype >= 0 )
                    addon_file_t *p_file = malloc( sizeof(addon_file_t) );
                    p_file->e_filetype = i_filetype;
                    p_file->psz_filename = strdup( psz_filename );
                    if ( asprintf( & p_file->psz_download_uri, "unzip://%s!/%s",
                                   psz_tempfile, psz_filename  ) > 0 )
                        ARRAY_APPEND( p_entry->files, p_file );
                        msg_Dbg( p_finder, "manifest lists file %s extractable from %s",
                                 psz_filename, p_file->psz_download_uri );
                        free( p_file->psz_filename );
                        free( p_file );
                /* reset temp */
                psz_filename = NULL;
                i_filetype = -1;

            data_pointer.e_type = TYPE_NONE;


   xml_ReaderDelete( p_xml_reader );
   return i_num_entries_created;
Ejemplo n.º 20
static int ParseCategoriesInfo( addons_finder_t *p_finder, stream_t *p_stream )
    int i_num_entries_created = 0;

    const char *p_node;
    const char *attr, *value;
    int i_current_node_type;
    addon_entry_t *p_entry = NULL;

    xml_reader_t *p_xml_reader = xml_ReaderCreate( p_finder, p_stream );
    if( !p_xml_reader ) return 0;

    if( xml_ReaderNextNode( p_xml_reader, &p_node ) != XML_READER_STARTELEM )
        msg_Err( p_finder, "invalid xml file" );
        goto end;

    if ( strcmp( p_node, "videolan") )
        msg_Err( p_finder, "unsupported XML data format" );
        goto end;

    while( (i_current_node_type = xml_ReaderNextNode( p_xml_reader, &p_node )) > 0 )
        switch( i_current_node_type )
            if ( ! strcmp( p_node, "addon" ) )
                if ( p_entry ) /* Unclosed tag */
                    addon_entry_Release( p_entry );
                p_entry = addon_entry_New();
                p_entry->psz_source_module = strdup( ADDONS_MODULE_SHORTCUT );
                p_entry->e_flags = ADDON_MANAGEABLE;
                p_entry->e_state = ADDON_NOTINSTALLED;

                while( (attr = xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_xml_reader, &value )) )
                    if ( !strcmp( attr, "type" ) )
                        p_entry->e_type = ReadType( value );
                    else if ( !strcmp( attr, "id" ) )
                        addons_uuid_read( value, & p_entry->uuid );
                    else if ( !strcmp( attr, "downloads" ) )
                        p_entry->i_downloads = atoi( value );
                    else if ( !strcmp( attr, "score" ) )
                        p_entry->i_score = atol( value );
                    else if ( !strcmp( attr, "version" ) )
                        p_entry->psz_version = strdup( value );

            if ( !p_entry ) break;

            BINDNODE("name", p_entry->psz_name, TYPE_STRING)
            BINDNODE("archive", p_entry->psz_archive_uri, TYPE_STRING)
            BINDNODE("summary", p_entry->psz_summary, TYPE_STRING)
            BINDNODE("description", p_entry->psz_description, TYPE_STRING)
            BINDNODE("image", p_entry->psz_image_data, TYPE_STRING)
            BINDNODE("creator", p_entry->psz_author, TYPE_STRING)
            BINDNODE("sourceurl", p_entry->psz_source_uri, TYPE_STRING)
            data_pointer.e_type = TYPE_NONE;

        case XML_READER_TEXT:
            if ( data_pointer.e_type == TYPE_NONE || !p_entry ) break;
            if ( data_pointer.e_type == TYPE_STRING )
                *data_pointer.u_data.ppsz = strdup( p_node );
            if ( data_pointer.e_type == TYPE_LONG )
                *data_pointer.u_data.pl = atol( p_node );
            if ( data_pointer.e_type == TYPE_INTEGER )
                *data_pointer.u_data.pi = atoi( p_node );

        case XML_READER_ENDELEM:
            if ( !p_entry ) break;
            if ( ! strcmp( p_node, "addon" ) )
                /* then append entry */
                ARRAY_APPEND( p_finder->entries, p_entry );
                p_entry = NULL;

            data_pointer.e_type = TYPE_NONE;


   if ( p_entry ) /* Unclosed tag */
       addon_entry_Release( p_entry );
   xml_ReaderDelete( p_xml_reader );
   return i_num_entries_created;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static int LoadCatalog( addons_finder_t *p_finder )
    char *psz_path;
    char * psz_userdir = config_GetUserDir( VLC_DATA_DIR );
    if ( !psz_userdir ) return VLC_ENOMEM;

    if ( asprintf( &psz_path, "%s%s", psz_userdir, ADDONS_CATALOG ) < 1 )
        free( psz_userdir );
        return VLC_ENOMEM;
    free( psz_userdir );

    addon_entry_t *p_entry = NULL;
    const char *p_node;
    int i_current_node_type;
    int i_ret = VLC_SUCCESS;

    /* attr */
    const char *attr, *value;

    /* temp reading */
    char *psz_filename = NULL;
    int i_filetype = -1;

    struct stat stat_;
    if ( vlc_stat( psz_path, &stat_ ) )
        free( psz_path );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    char *psz_catalog_uri = vlc_path2uri( psz_path, "file" );
    free( psz_path );
    if ( !psz_catalog_uri )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    stream_t *p_stream = stream_UrlNew( p_finder, psz_catalog_uri );
    free( psz_catalog_uri );
    if (! p_stream ) return VLC_EGENERIC;

    xml_reader_t *p_xml_reader = xml_ReaderCreate( p_finder, p_stream );
    if( !p_xml_reader )
        stream_Delete( p_stream );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    if( xml_ReaderNextNode( p_xml_reader, &p_node ) != XML_READER_STARTELEM )
        msg_Err( p_finder, "invalid catalog" );
        i_ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
        goto end;

    if ( strcmp( p_node, "videolan") )
        msg_Err( p_finder, "unsupported catalog data format" );
        i_ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
        goto end;

    while( (i_current_node_type = xml_ReaderNextNode( p_xml_reader, &p_node )) > 0 )
        switch( i_current_node_type )
            if ( ! strcmp( p_node, "addon" ) )
                if ( p_entry ) /* ?!? Unclosed tag */
                    addon_entry_Release( p_entry );

                p_entry = addon_entry_New();
                //p_entry->psz_source_module = strdup( ADDONS_MODULE_SHORTCUT );
                p_entry->e_flags = ADDON_MANAGEABLE;
                p_entry->e_state = ADDON_INSTALLED;

                while( (attr = xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_xml_reader, &value )) )
                    if ( !strcmp( attr, "type" ) )
                        p_entry->e_type = ReadType( value );
                    else if ( !strcmp( attr, "id" ) )
                        addons_uuid_read( value, & p_entry->uuid );
                    else if ( !strcmp( attr, "downloads" ) )
                        p_entry->i_downloads = atoi( value );
                        if ( p_entry->i_downloads < 0 )
                            p_entry->i_downloads = 0;
                    else if ( !strcmp( attr, "score" ) )
                        p_entry->i_score = atoi( value );
                        if ( p_entry->i_score < 0 )
                            p_entry->i_score = 0;
                        else if ( p_entry->i_score > ADDON_MAX_SCORE )
                            p_entry->i_score = ADDON_MAX_SCORE;
                    else if ( !strcmp( attr, "source" ) )
                        p_entry->psz_source_module = strdup( value );
                    else if ( !strcmp( attr, "version" ) )
                        p_entry->psz_version = strdup( value );

            if ( !p_entry ) break;

            BINDNODE("name", p_entry->psz_name, TYPE_STRING)
            BINDNODE("archive", p_entry->psz_archive_uri, TYPE_STRING)
            BINDNODE("summary", p_entry->psz_summary, TYPE_STRING)
            BINDNODE("description", p_entry->psz_description, TYPE_STRING)
            BINDNODE("image", p_entry->psz_image_data, TYPE_STRING)
            BINDNODE("resource", psz_filename, TYPE_STRING)
            BINDNODE("creator", p_entry->psz_author, TYPE_STRING)
            BINDNODE("sourceurl", p_entry->psz_source_uri, TYPE_STRING)
            data_pointer.e_type = TYPE_NONE;

            if ( ! strcmp( p_node, "resource" ) )
                while( (attr = xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_xml_reader, &value )) )
                    if ( !strcmp( attr, "type" ) )
                        i_filetype = ReadType( value );

        case XML_READER_TEXT:
            if ( data_pointer.e_type == TYPE_NONE || !p_entry ) break;
            if ( data_pointer.e_type == TYPE_STRING )
                *data_pointer.u_data.ppsz = strdup( p_node );
            if ( data_pointer.e_type == TYPE_LONG )
                *data_pointer.u_data.pl = atol( p_node );
            if ( data_pointer.e_type == TYPE_INTEGER )
                *data_pointer.u_data.pi = atoi( p_node );

        case XML_READER_ENDELEM:
            if ( !p_entry ) break;

            if ( ! strcmp( p_node, "addon" ) )
                /* then append entry */
                ARRAY_APPEND( p_finder->entries, p_entry );
                p_entry = NULL;

            if ( ! strcmp( p_node, "resource" ) )
                if ( p_entry && psz_filename && i_filetype >= 0 )
                    addon_file_t *p_file = malloc( sizeof(addon_file_t) );
                    p_file->e_filetype = i_filetype;
                    p_file->psz_filename = psz_filename;
                    p_file->psz_download_uri = NULL;
                    ARRAY_APPEND( p_entry->files, p_file );
                /* reset temp */
                psz_filename = NULL;
                i_filetype = -1;

            data_pointer.e_type = TYPE_NONE;


   if ( p_entry ) /* ?!? Unclosed tag */
       addon_entry_Release( p_entry );
   xml_ReaderDelete( p_xml_reader );
   stream_Delete( p_stream );
   return i_ret;
Ejemplo n.º 22
static void grab_by_option (FILE * out,
                            const database_t * db,
                            cvs_connection_t * s,
                            const char * r_arg,
                            const char * D_arg,
                            version_t ** fetch, version_t ** fetch_end)
    // Build an array of the paths that we're getting.  FIXME - if changeset
    // versions were sorted we wouldn't need this.
    const char ** paths = NULL;
    const char ** paths_end = NULL;

    for (version_t ** i = fetch; i != fetch_end; ++i) {
        version_t * v = version_live (*i);
        assert (v && v->used && v->mark == SIZE_MAX);
        ARRAY_APPEND (paths, v->file->path);

    assert (paths != paths_end);

    ARRAY_SORT (paths, (int(*)(const void *, const void *)) strcmp);

    const char * d = NULL;
    ssize_t d_len = SSIZE_MAX;

    for (const char ** i = paths; i != paths_end; ++i) {
        const char * slash = strrchr (*i, '/');
        if (slash == NULL)
        if (slash - *i == d_len && memcmp (*i, d, d_len) == 0)
        // Tell the server about this directory.
        d = *i;
        d_len = slash - d;
        cvs_printf (s,
                    "Directory %s/%.*s\n"
                    s->module, (int) d_len, d,
                    s->prefix, (int) d_len, d);

    // Go to the main directory.
    cvs_printf (s,
                "Directory %s\n%.*s\n", s->module,
                (int) (strlen (s->prefix) - 1), s->prefix);

    // Update args:
    if (r_arg)
        cvs_printf (s, "Argument -r%s\n", r_arg);

    if (D_arg)
        cvs_printf (s, "Argument -D%s\n", D_arg);

    cvs_printf (s, "Argument -kk\n" "Argument --\n");

    for (const char ** i = paths; i != paths_end; ++i)
        cvs_printf (s, "Argument %s\n", *i);

    xfree (paths);

    cvs_printff (s, "update\n");

    read_versions (out, db, s);
Ejemplo n.º 23
static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    stream_t *s = (stream_t*)p_this;
    stream_sys_t *p_sys;

    if( !isSmoothStreaming( s ) || s->psz_url == NULL )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    msg_Info( p_this, "Smooth Streaming (%s)", s->psz_url );

    s->p_sys = p_sys = calloc( 1, sizeof(*p_sys ) );
    if( unlikely( p_sys == NULL ) )
        return VLC_ENOMEM;

    char *uri = strdup( s->psz_url );
    if( unlikely( uri == NULL ) )
        free( p_sys );
        return VLC_ENOMEM;

    /* remove the last part of the url */
    char *pos = strrchr( uri, '/');
    *pos = '\0';
    p_sys->download.base_url = uri;

    ARRAY_INIT( p_sys->sms );
    ARRAY_INIT( p_sys->sms_selected );

    /* Parse SMS ismc content. */
    if( parse_Manifest( s ) != VLC_SUCCESS )
        SysCleanup( p_sys );
        free( p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    if( !p_sys->vod_duration )
       p_sys->b_live = true;

    /* Choose first video / audio / subtitle stream available */
    sms_stream_t *selected = NULL;
    FOREACH_ARRAY( sms_stream_t *sms, p_sys->sms );
    selected = SMS_GET_SELECTED_ST( sms->type );
    if( !selected )
        ARRAY_APPEND( p_sys->sms_selected, sms );

    /* Choose lowest quality for the first chunks */
    FOREACH_ARRAY( sms_stream_t *sms, p_sys->sms );
    quality_level_t *wanted = NULL;
    if ( sms->qlevels.i_size )
        wanted = sms->qlevels.p_elems[0];
        for( int i=1; i < sms->qlevels.i_size; i++ )
            if( sms->qlevels.p_elems[i]->Bitrate < wanted->Bitrate )
                wanted = sms->qlevels.p_elems[i];
        sms->current_qlvl = wanted;

    /* Init our playback queue */
    p_sys->p_current_stream = next_playback_stream( p_sys );
    if ( !p_sys->p_current_stream )
        SysCleanup( p_sys );
        free( p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    p_sys->playback.next_chunk_offset = CHUNK_OFFSET_UNSET;
    p_sys->i_probe_length = SMS_PROBE_LENGTH;

    vlc_mutex_init( &p_sys->lock );
    vlc_cond_init( &p_sys->download.wait );
    vlc_cond_init( &p_sys->playback.wait );
    vlc_mutex_init( &p_sys->playback.lock );

    /* */
    s->pf_read = Read;
    s->pf_control = Control;

    if( vlc_clone( &p_sys->download.thread, sms_Thread, s, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_INPUT ) )
        SysCleanup( p_sys );
        vlc_mutex_destroy( &p_sys->lock );
        vlc_cond_destroy( &p_sys->download.wait );
        vlc_mutex_destroy( &p_sys->playback.lock );
        vlc_cond_destroy( &p_sys->playback.wait );
        free( p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 24
static int parse_Manifest( stream_t *s )
    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;
    xml_reader_t *vlc_reader = NULL;
    int type = UNKNOWN_ES;
    const char *name, *value;
    stream_t *st = s->p_source;
    msg_Dbg( s, "Manifest parsing\n" );

    vlc_reader = xml_ReaderCreate( st, st );
    if( !vlc_reader )
        msg_Err( s, "Failed to open source for parsing" );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    const char *node;
    uint8_t *WaveFormatEx;
    sms_stream_t *sms = NULL;
    quality_level_t *ql = NULL;
    custom_attrs_t *cp = NULL;
    int64_t start_time = 0, duration = 0;
    int64_t computed_start_time = 0, computed_duration = 0;
    unsigned next_track_id = 1;
    int loop_count = 0;
    bool b_weird = false;
    int ret = VLC_SUCCESS;

#define TIMESCALE 10000000
    while( (type = xml_ReaderNextNode( vlc_reader, &node )) > 0 )
        switch( type )
            case XML_READER_STARTELEM:

                if( !strcmp( node, "SmoothStreamingMedia" ) )
                    while( (name = xml_ReaderNextAttr( vlc_reader, &value )) )
                        if( !strcmp( name, "Duration" ) )
                            p_sys->vod_duration = strtoull( value, NULL, 10 );
                        else if( !strcmp( name, "TimeScale" ) )
                            p_sys->timescale = strtoul( value, NULL, 10 );
                        else if ( !strcmp( name, "LookAheadFragmentCount" ) )
                            p_sys->download.lookahead_count = strtoul( value, NULL, 10 );
                    if( !p_sys->timescale )
                        p_sys->timescale = TIMESCALE;
                else if( !strcmp( node, "StreamIndex" ) )
                    sms_Free( sms );
                    sms = sms_New();
                    if( unlikely( !sms ) )
                        ret = VLC_ENOMEM;
                        goto cleanup;
                    sms->id = next_track_id;

                    while( (name = xml_ReaderNextAttr( vlc_reader, &value )) )
                        if( !strcmp( name, "Type" ) )
                            if( !strcmp( value, "video" ) )
                                sms->type = VIDEO_ES;
                            else if( !strcmp( value, "audio" ) )
                                sms->type = AUDIO_ES;
                            else if( !strcmp( value, "text" ) )
                                sms->type = SPU_ES;

                        else if( !strcmp( name, "Name" ) )
                            sms->name = strdup( value );
                        else if( !strcmp( name, "TimeScale" ) )
                            sms->timescale = strtoull( value, NULL, 10 );
                        else if( !strcmp( name, "FourCC" ) )
                            sms->default_FourCC =
                                VLC_FOURCC( value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3] );

                        else if( !strcmp( name, "Chunks" ) )
                            sms->vod_chunks_nb = strtoul( value, NULL, 10 );
                            if( sms->vod_chunks_nb == 0 ) /* live */
                                sms->vod_chunks_nb = UINT32_MAX;

                        else if( !strcmp( name, "QualityLevels" ) )
                            sms->qlevel_nb = strtoul( value, NULL, 10 );
                        else if( !strcmp( name, "Url" ) )
                            sms->url_template = strdup(value);

                    if( !sms->timescale )
                        sms->timescale = TIMESCALE;

                    if( !sms->name )
                        if( sms->type == VIDEO_ES )
                            sms->name = strdup( "video" );
                        else if( sms->type == AUDIO_ES )
                            sms->name = strdup( "audio" );
                        else if( sms->type == SPU_ES )
                            sms->name = strdup( "text" );
                else if ( !strcmp( node, "CustomAttributes" ) )
                    if (!sms || !ql || cp)
                    cp = (custom_attrs_t *) calloc( 1, sizeof(*cp) );
                    if( unlikely( !cp ) )
                        ret = VLC_ENOMEM;
                        goto cleanup;
                else if ( !strcmp( node, "Attribute" ) )
                    if (!sms || !ql || !cp)
                    while( (name = xml_ReaderNextAttr( vlc_reader, &value )) )
                        if( !strcmp( name, "Name" ) && !cp->psz_key )
                            cp->psz_key = strdup( value );
                        if( !strcmp( name, "Value" ) && !cp->psz_value )
                            cp->psz_value = strdup( value );
                else if( !strcmp( node, "QualityLevel" ) )
                    if ( !sms )

                    ql = ql_New();
                    if( !ql )
                        ret = VLC_ENOMEM;
                        goto cleanup;

                    while( (name = xml_ReaderNextAttr( vlc_reader, &value )) )
                        if( !strcmp( name, "Index" ) )
                            ql->Index = strtol( value, NULL, 10 );
                        else if( !strcmp( name, "Bitrate" ) )
                            ql->Bitrate = strtoul( value, NULL, 10 );
                        else if( !strcmp( name, "PacketSize" ) )
                            ql->nBlockAlign = strtoul( value, NULL, 10 );
                        else if( !strcmp( name, "FourCC" ) )
                            ql->FourCC = VLC_FOURCC( value[0], value[1],
                                                     value[2], value[3] );
                        else if( !strcmp( name, "CodecPrivateData" ) )
                            ql->CodecPrivateData = strdup( value );
                        else if( !strcmp( name, "WaveFormatEx" ) )
                            WaveFormatEx = decode_string_hex_to_binary( value );
                            uint16_t data_len = ((uint16_t *)WaveFormatEx)[8];
                            ql->CodecPrivateData = strndup( value + 36, data_len * 2 );

                            uint16_t wf_tag = ((uint16_t *)WaveFormatEx)[0];
                            wf_tag_to_fourcc( wf_tag, &ql->FourCC, NULL );

                            ql->Channels = ((uint16_t *)WaveFormatEx)[1];
                            ql->SamplingRate = ((uint32_t *)WaveFormatEx)[1];
                            ql->nBlockAlign = ((uint16_t *)WaveFormatEx)[6];
                            ql->BitsPerSample = ((uint16_t *)WaveFormatEx)[7];
                            free( WaveFormatEx );
                        else if( !strcmp( name, "MaxWidth" ) || !strcmp( name, "Width" ) )
                            ql->MaxWidth = strtoul( value, NULL, 10 );
                        else if( !strcmp( name, "MaxHeight" ) || !strcmp( name, "Height" ) )
                            ql->MaxHeight = strtoul( value, NULL, 10 );
                        else if( !strcmp( name, "Channels" ) )
                            ql->Channels = strtoul( value, NULL, 10 );
                        else if( !strcmp( name, "SamplingRate" ) )
                            ql->SamplingRate = strtoul( value, NULL, 10 );
                        else if( !strcmp( name, "BitsPerSample" ) )
                            ql->BitsPerSample = strtoul( value, NULL, 10 );

                    ARRAY_APPEND( sms->qlevels, ql );
                else if ( !strcmp( node, "Content" ) && sms && !sms->url_template )
                    /* empty(@Url) && ./Content == manifest embedded content */
                    sms_Free( sms );
                    sms = NULL;
                else if( !strcmp( node, "c" ) )
                    if ( !sms )
                    start_time = duration = -1;
                    while( (name = xml_ReaderNextAttr( vlc_reader, &value )) )
                        if( !strcmp( name, "t" ) )
                            start_time = strtoll( value, NULL, 10 );
                        if( !strcmp( name, "d" ) )
                            duration = strtoll( value, NULL, 10 );
                    if( start_time == -1 )
                        assert( duration != -1 );
                        computed_start_time += computed_duration;
                        computed_duration = duration;
                    else if( duration == -1 )
                        assert( start_time != -1 );
                        /* Handle weird Manifests which give only the start time
                         * of the first segment. In those cases, we have to look
                         * at the start time of the second segment to compute
                         * the duration of the first one. */
                        if( loop_count == 1 )
                            b_weird = true;
                            computed_start_time = start_time;

                        computed_duration = start_time - computed_start_time;
                        if( !b_weird )
                            computed_start_time = start_time;
                        if( b_weird )
                            computed_duration = start_time - computed_start_time;
                            computed_start_time = start_time;
                            computed_duration = duration;

                    if( unlikely( chunk_AppendNew( sms, computed_duration,
                                        computed_start_time ) == NULL ) )
                        ret = VLC_ENOMEM;
                        goto cleanup;
                    if( b_weird && start_time != -1 )
                        computed_start_time = start_time;

            case XML_READER_ENDELEM:
                if ( !strcmp( node, "CustomAttributes" ) )
                    if ( cp )
                        ARRAY_APPEND(ql->custom_attrs, cp);
                        cp = NULL;
                else if ( !strcmp( node, "Attribute" ) )
                    if( !cp->psz_key || !cp->psz_value )
                        cleanup_attributes( &cp );
                else if( strcmp( node, "StreamIndex" ) )
                else if ( sms )
                    ARRAY_APPEND( p_sys->sms, sms );

                    computed_start_time = 0;
                    computed_duration = 0;
                    loop_count = 0;
                    if( b_weird && !chunk_AppendNew( sms, computed_duration, computed_start_time ) )
                        ret = VLC_ENOMEM;
                        goto cleanup;

                    b_weird = false;

                    if( sms->qlevel_nb == 0 )
                        sms->qlevel_nb = sms->qlevels.i_size;

                    sms = NULL;

            case XML_READER_TEXT:
                ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
                goto cleanup;

    cleanup_attributes( &cp );
    sms_Free( sms );
    xml_ReaderDelete( vlc_reader );

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 25
void str_tokenize(char *string, char ***tokens, int *token_count)
    /* 1. Initialize the result object. */
    struct {
        char **data;
        int size, cap;
    } result = { NULL, 0, 0 };

    /* 2. Iterate over the tokens in the string. */
    while (*string) {

        /* 2.1. Find non-space character or end of string. */
        while (*string && isspace(*string)) {

        /* 2.2. All spaces until the end of string - no more tokens. */
        if (*string == '\0') {
            goto end;

        /* 2.3. Check if quoted token or a regular one. */
        if (*string == '"') {

            /* 2.3.b.1. Store token beginning address. */
            ARRAY_APPEND(result, ++string);

            /* 2.3.b.2. Find terminating quote or end of string. */
            while (*string && *string != '"') {

            /* 2.3.b.3 End of string reached? No more tokens. */
            if (*string == '\0') {
                fprintf(stderr, "End of string while looking for terminating quote\n");

            /* 2.3.b.4. If not at the end of string, end token with synthethic NUL. */
            *string = '\0';

        } else {

            /* 2.3.b.1. Store token beginning address. */
            ARRAY_APPEND(result, string);

            /* 2.3.b.2. Find space character or end of string. */
            while (*string && !isspace(*string)) {

            /* 2.3.b.3 End of string reached? No more tokens. */
            if (*string == '\0') {
                goto end;

            /* 2.3.b.4. If not at the end of string, end token with synthethic NUL. */
            *string = '\0';

        /* 2.4. Next char. */
    *tokens = result.data;
    *token_count = result.size;
Ejemplo n.º 26
void create_changesets (database_t * db)
    size_t total_versions = 0;

    for (file_t * i = db->files; i != db->files_end; ++i)
        total_versions += i->versions_end - i->versions;

    if (total_versions == 0)

    version_t ** version_list = ARRAY_ALLOC (version_t *, total_versions);
    version_t ** vp = version_list;

    for (file_t * i = db->files; i != db->files_end; ++i)
        for (version_t * j = i->versions; j != i->versions_end; ++j)
            *vp++ = j;

    assert (vp == version_list + total_versions);

    qsort (version_list, total_versions, sizeof (version_t *),

    changeset_t * current = database_new_changeset (db);
    ARRAY_APPEND (current->versions, version_list[0]);
    version_list[0]->commit = current;
    current->time = version_list[0]->time;
    current->type = ct_commit;
    for (size_t i = 1; i < total_versions; ++i) {
        version_t * next = version_list[i];
        if (!strings_match (*current->versions, next)
            || next->time - current->time > fuzz_span
            || next->time - current->versions_end[-1]->time > fuzz_gap) {
            ARRAY_TRIM (current->versions);
            current = database_new_changeset (db);
            current->time = next->time;
            current->type = ct_commit;
        ARRAY_APPEND (current->versions, version_list[i]);
        version_list[i]->commit = current;

    ARRAY_TRIM (current->versions);
    free (version_list);

    // Do a pass through the changesets; this breaks any cycles.
    heap_t ready_versions;
    heap_init (&ready_versions,
               offsetof (version_t, ready_index), version_compare_heap);

    prepare_for_emission (db, &ready_versions);
    ssize_t emitted_changesets = 0;
    changeset_t * changeset;
    while ((changeset = next_changeset_split (db, &ready_versions))) {
        changeset_emitted (db, &ready_versions, changeset);

    // Sort the changeset version lists by file.
    for (changeset_t ** i = db->changesets; i != db->changesets_end; ++i)
        ARRAY_SORT ((*i)->versions, compare_version_by_file);

    assert (heap_empty (&ready_versions));
    assert (heap_empty (&db->ready_changesets));
    assert (emitted_changesets == db->changesets_end - db->changesets);

    heap_destroy (&ready_versions);
Ejemplo n.º 27
Archivo: nvc.c Proyecto: ifreemyli/nvc
static int analyse(int argc, char **argv)

   static struct option long_options[] = {
      { "bootstrap",       no_argument,       0, 'b' },
      { "dump-llvm",       no_argument,       0, 'd' },
      { "dump-vcode",      optional_argument, 0, 'v' },
      { "prefer-explicit", no_argument,       0, 'p' },   // DEPRECATED
      { "relax",           required_argument, 0, 'r' },
      { 0, 0, 0, 0 }

   int c, index = 0;
   const char *spec = "";
   optind = 1;
   while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, spec, long_options, &index)) != -1) {
      switch (c) {
      case 0:
         // Set a flag
      case '?':
         fatal("unrecognised analyse option %s", argv[optind - 1]);
      case 'b':
         opt_set_int("bootstrap", 1);
      case 'd':
         opt_set_int("dump-llvm", 1);
      case 'v':
         opt_set_str("dump-vcode", optarg ?: "");
      case 'p':
         warnf("the --prefer-explict option is deprecated: use "
               "--relax=prefer-explict instead");
         opt_set_int("relax", RELAX_PREFER_EXPLICT);
      case 'r':
         opt_set_int("relax", parse_relax(optarg));

   size_t unit_list_sz = 32;
   tree_t *units LOCAL = xmalloc(sizeof(tree_t) * unit_list_sz);
   int n_units = 0;

   for (int i = optind; i < argc; i++) {

      tree_t unit;
      while ((unit = parse()) && sem_check(unit))
         ARRAY_APPEND(units, unit, n_units, unit_list_sz);

   for (int i = 0; i < n_units; i++) {

   if (parse_errors() + sem_errors() + bounds_errors() > 0)
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   for (int i = 0; i < n_units; i++) {
      tree_kind_t kind = tree_kind(units[i]);
      const bool need_cgen =
         (kind == T_PACK_BODY)
         || ((kind == T_PACKAGE) && pack_needs_cgen(units[i]));
      if (need_cgen)
         units[i] = NULL;


   for (int i = 0; i < n_units; i++) {
      if (units[i] != NULL) {

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 28
static int ListSkins( addons_finder_t *p_finder )
    char *psz_dir = getAddonInstallDir( ADDON_SKIN2 );
    if ( !psz_dir )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    char **ppsz_list = NULL;
    int i_count = vlc_scandir( psz_dir, &ppsz_list, ListSkin_filter, NULL );

    for ( int i=0; i< i_count; i++ )
        char *psz_file = ppsz_list[i];
        if( !psz_file )

        if ( FileBelongsToManagedAddon( p_finder, ADDON_SKIN2, psz_file ) )

        char *psz_uri;
        if( asprintf( &psz_uri, "unzip://%s/%s!/theme.xml", psz_dir, psz_file ) >= 0)
            int i_ret;
            char *psz_name = NULL;
            char *psz_source = NULL;
            stream_t *p_stream = stream_UrlNew( p_finder, psz_uri );
            free( psz_uri );
            if ( !p_stream )
                i_ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
                i_ret = ParseSkins2Info( p_finder, p_stream, &psz_name, &psz_source );
                if ( i_ret != VLC_SUCCESS )
                    free( psz_name );
                    free( psz_source );
                stream_Delete( p_stream );

            addon_entry_t *p_entry = addon_entry_New();
            p_entry->e_type = ADDON_SKIN2;
            p_entry->e_state = ADDON_INSTALLED;
            if ( i_ret == VLC_SUCCESS )
                p_entry->psz_name = psz_name;
                p_entry->psz_description = strdup("Skins2 theme");
                p_entry->psz_source_uri = psz_source;
                p_entry->e_flags |= ADDON_BROKEN;
                p_entry->psz_name = strdup(psz_file);
                p_entry->psz_description = strdup("Skins2 theme");

            ARRAY_APPEND( p_finder->entries, p_entry );
        free( psz_file );

    free( ppsz_list );
    free( psz_dir );
    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 29
/// Output the fixups that must be done before the given time.  If none, then no
/// commit is created.
void print_fixups (FILE * out, const database_t * db,
                   version_t ** base_versions,
                   tag_t * tag, const changeset_t * cs,
                   cvs_connection_t * s)
    fixup_ver_t * fixups;
    fixup_ver_t * fixups_end;

    fixup_list (&fixups, &fixups_end, tag, cs);

    if (fixups == fixups_end)

    // base_versions should only be NULL for starting the trunk.  But that
    // should never need fixups.
    assert (base_versions != NULL);

    // If we're doing fixups for a branch, then the base_versions should be the
    // branch version.
    assert (tag->branch_versions == NULL
            || base_versions == tag->branch_versions);

    version_t ** fetch = NULL;
    version_t ** fetch_end = NULL;
    for (fixup_ver_t * ffv = fixups; ffv != fixups_end; ++ffv)
        if (ffv->version != NULL && !ffv->version->dead
            && ffv->version->mark == SIZE_MAX)
            ARRAY_APPEND (fetch, ffv->version);

    // FIXME - grab_versions assumes that all versions are on the same branch!
    // We should pass in the tag rather than guessing it!
    grab_versions (out, db, s, fetch, fetch_end);
    xfree (fetch);

    tag->fixup = true;
    size_t from = tag->changeset.mark;
    tag->changeset.mark = ++mark_counter;

    if (tag->deleted)
        fprintf (out, "commit _crap_zombie\n");
        fprintf (out, "commit %s/%s\n",
                 tag->branch_versions ? branch_prefix : tag_prefix,
                 *tag->tag ? tag->tag : master);

    fprintf (out, "mark :%zu\n", tag->changeset.mark);

    fprintf (out, "committer crap <crap> %ld +0000\n",
             tag->branch_versions && tag->last
             ? tag->last->time : tag->changeset.time);
    const char * comment = fixup_commit_comment (
        db, base_versions, fixups, fixups_end);
    fprintf (out, "data %zu\n%s", strlen (comment), comment);
    xfree (comment);
    if (tag->deleted)
        fprintf (out, "from :%zu\n", from);

    // We need a list of versions for updating the entries files.  If we are
    // working on a branch, then we need to update that anyway.  Else take a
    // temporary list.
    version_t ** updated_versions = tag->branch_versions;
    if (updated_versions == NULL) {
        size_t bytes = (db->files_end - db->files) * sizeof (version_t *);
        updated_versions = xmalloc (bytes);
        memcpy (updated_versions, base_versions, bytes);

    for (fixup_ver_t * ffv = fixups; ffv != fixups_end; ++ffv) {
        int i = ffv->file - db->files;
        version_t * tv = ffv->version;
        assert (tv != version_live (updated_versions[i]));
        updated_versions[i] = tv;

    const char * last_path = NULL;
    for (fixup_ver_t * ffv = fixups; ffv != fixups_end; ++ffv) {
        version_t * tv = ffv->version;

        if (tv == NULL)
            fprintf (out, "D %s\n", ffv->file->path);
            fprintf (out, "M %s :%zu %s\n",
                     tv->exec ? "755" : "644", tv->mark, tv->file->path);

        last_path = output_entries_list (
            out, db, updated_versions, ffv->file, last_path);

    if (tag->branch_versions == NULL)
        xfree (updated_versions);

    xfree (fixups);
Ejemplo n.º 30
static int analyse(int argc, char **argv)

   static struct option long_options[] = {
      { "bootstrap",       no_argument, 0, 'b' },
      { "dump-llvm",       no_argument, 0, 'd' },
      { "prefer-explicit", no_argument, 0, 'p' },
      { 0, 0, 0, 0 }

   int c, index = 0;
   const char *spec = "";
   optind = 1;
   while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, spec, long_options, &index)) != -1) {
      switch (c) {
      case 0:
         // Set a flag
      case '?':
         // getopt_long already printed an error message
      case 'b':
         opt_set_int("bootstrap", 1);
      case 'd':
         opt_set_int("dump-llvm", 1);
      case 'p':
         opt_set_int("prefer-explicit", 1);

   size_t unit_list_sz = 32;
   tree_t *units LOCAL = xmalloc(sizeof(tree_t) * unit_list_sz);
   int n_units = 0;

   for (int i = optind; i < argc; i++) {

      tree_t unit;
      while ((unit = parse()) && sem_check(unit))
         ARRAY_APPEND(units, unit, n_units, unit_list_sz);

   for (int i = 0; i < n_units; i++) {

   if (parse_errors() + sem_errors() + bounds_errors() > 0)
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   for (int i = 0; i < n_units; i++) {
      tree_kind_t kind = tree_kind(units[i]);
      const bool need_cgen =
         (kind == T_PACK_BODY)
         || ((kind == T_PACKAGE) && pack_needs_cgen(units[i]));
      if (need_cgen)
         units[i] = NULL;


   for (int i = 0; i < n_units; i++) {
      if (units[i] != NULL)

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;