Ejemplo n.º 1
void ShowInfoText() {
	DebugBox frameInfo = DebugBox(Vec2i(10, 10), "FrameInfo");
	frameInfo.add("Platform time", prettyUs(toUs(g_platformTime.frameStart())));
	frameInfo.add("Game time", prettyUs(toUs(g_gameTime.now())));
	frameInfo.add("Prims", EERIEDrawnPolys);
	frameInfo.add("Particles", getParticleCount());
	frameInfo.add("Sparks", ParticleSparkCount());
	frameInfo.add("Polybooms", long(PolyBoomCount()));
	DebugBox camBox = DebugBox(Vec2i(10, frameInfo.size().y + 5), "Camera");
	camBox.add("Position", g_camera->m_pos);
	camBox.add("Rotation", g_camera->angle);
	camBox.add("Focal", g_camera->focal);
	DebugBox playerBox = DebugBox(Vec2i(10, camBox.size().y + 5), "Player");
	playerBox.add("Position", player.pos);
	playerBox.add("Rotation", player.angle);
	playerBox.add("Velocity", player.physics.velocity);
	EERIEPOLY * ep = CheckInPoly(player.pos);
	float truePolyY = -666.66f;
	if(ep) {
		float tempY = 0.f;
		if(GetTruePolyY(ep, player.pos, &tempY)) {
			truePolyY = tempY;
	ep = CheckInPoly(player.pos + Vec3f(0.f, -10.f, 0.f));
	float slope = 0.f;
		slope = ep->norm.y;
	long zap = IsAnyPolyThere(player.pos.x, player.pos.z);
	playerBox.add("Ground Slope", slope);
	playerBox.add("Ground truePolyY", truePolyY);
	playerBox.add("Ground POLY", zap);
	playerBox.add("Color", CURRENT_PLAYER_COLOR);
	playerBox.add("Stealth", GetPlayerStealth());
	playerBox.add("Jump", player.jumplastposition);
	playerBox.add("OFFGRND", (!player.onfirmground ? "OFFGRND" : ""));
	playerBox.add("Life", player.lifePool);
	playerBox.add("Mana", player.manaPool);
	playerBox.add("Poisoned", player.poison);
	playerBox.add("Hunger", player.hunger);
	playerBox.add("Magic", static_cast<long>(player.doingmagic));
	DebugBox miscBox = DebugBox(Vec2i(10, playerBox.size().y + 5), "Misc");
	miscBox.add(arx_name + " version", arx_version);
	miscBox.add("Level", LastLoadedScene.string());
	miscBox.add("Spell failed seq", LAST_FAILED_SEQUENCE);
	miscBox.add("Cinema", cinematicBorder.CINEMA_DECAL);
	miscBox.add("Mouse", Vec2i(DANAEMouse));
	miscBox.add("Pathfind queue", EERIE_PATHFINDER_Get_Queued_Number());
	miscBox.add("Pathfind status", EERIE_PATHFINDER_Is_Busy() ? "Working" : "Idled");
	struct ScriptDebugReport {
		std::string entityName;
		long events;
		long sends;
			: entityName("")
			, events(0)
			, sends(0)
	ScriptDebugReport maxEvents;
	Entity * io = ARX_SCRIPT_Get_IO_Max_Events();
	if(io) {
		maxEvents.entityName = io->idString();
		maxEvents.events = io->stat_count;
	ScriptDebugReport maxSender;
	io = ARX_SCRIPT_Get_IO_Max_Events_Sent();
	if(io) {
		maxSender.entityName = io->idString();
		maxSender.sends = io->stat_sent;
	DebugBox scriptBox = DebugBox(Vec2i(10, miscBox.size().y + 5), "Script");
	scriptBox.add("Events", ScriptEvent::totalCount);
	scriptBox.add("Timers", ARX_SCRIPT_CountTimers());
	scriptBox.add("Max events", maxEvents.entityName);
	scriptBox.add("Max events#", maxEvents.events);
	scriptBox.add("Max sender", maxSender.entityName);
	scriptBox.add("Max sender#", maxSender.sends);
		Entity * io = entities.get(LastSelectedIONum);
		if(io) {
			DebugBox entityBox = DebugBox(Vec2i(500, 10), "Entity " + io->idString());
			entityBox.add("Pos", io->pos);
			entityBox.add("Angle", io->angle);
			entityBox.add("Room", static_cast<long>(io->room));
			entityBox.add("Move", io->move);
			entityBox.add("Flags", flagNames(EntityFlagNames, io->ioflags));
			entityBox.add("GFlags", flagNames(GameFlagNames, io->gameFlags));
			entityBox.add("Show", entityVisilibityToString(io->show));
			if(io->ioflags & IO_NPC) {
				IO_NPCDATA * npcData = io->_npcdata;
				DebugBox npcBox = DebugBox(Vec2i(500, entityBox.size().y + 5), "NPC");
				npcBox.add("Life", npcData->lifePool);
				npcBox.add("Mana", npcData->manaPool);
				npcBox.add("Poisoned", npcData->poisonned);
				npcBox.add("ArmorClass", ARX_INTERACTIVE_GetArmorClass(io));
				npcBox.add("Absorb", npcData->absorb);
				npcBox.add("Moveproblem", npcData->moveproblem);
				npcBox.add("Pathfind listpos", static_cast<long>(npcData->pathfind.listpos));
				npcBox.add("Pathfind listnb", npcData->pathfind.listnb);
				npcBox.add("Pathfind targ", npcData->pathfind.truetarget.handleData());
				npcBox.add("Behavior", flagNames(BehaviourFlagNames, npcData->behavior));
				// TODO should those really be flags ?
				PathfindFlags pflag = io->_npcdata->pathfind.flags;
				std::string pflags;
				if(pflag & PATHFIND_ALWAYS)    pflags += "ALWAYS ";
				if(pflag & PATHFIND_ONCE)      pflags += "ONCE ";
				if(pflag & PATHFIND_NO_UPDATE) pflags += "NO_UPDATE ";
				npcBox.add("Pathfind flgs", pflags);

			if(io->ioflags & (IO_FIX | IO_ITEM)) {
				DebugBox itemBox = DebugBox(Vec2i(500, entityBox.size().y + 5), "Item");
				itemBox.add("Durability", io->durability);
				itemBox.add("Durability max", io->max_durability);
				itemBox.add("Poisonous", static_cast<long>(io->poisonous));
				itemBox.add("Poisonous count", static_cast<long>(io->poisonous_count));
			long column2y = 400;
			for(size_t i = 0; i < MAX_ANIM_LAYERS; i++) {
				AnimLayer & layer = io->animlayer[i];
				DebugBox animLayerBox = DebugBox(Vec2i(500, column2y), str(boost::format("Anim Layer %1%") % i));
				animLayerBox.add("ctime", long(layer.ctime.t));
				animLayerBox.add("flags", flagNames(AnimUseFlagNames, layer.flags));
				animLayerBox.add("currentFrame", layer.currentFrame);
				if(layer.cur_anim) {
					animLayerBox.add("cur_anim", layer.cur_anim->path.string());
				} else {
					animLayerBox.add("cur_anim", "none");
				column2y = animLayerBox.size().y + 5;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static float ARX_THROWN_ComputeDamages(long thrownum, EntityHandle source,
                                       EntityHandle target) {
	float distance_limit = 1000.f;
	Entity * io_target = entities[target];
	Entity * io_source = entities[source];

	SendIOScriptEvent(io_target, SM_AGGRESSION);

	float distance = fdist(Thrown[thrownum].position, Thrown[thrownum].initial_position);
	float distance_modifier = 1.f;

	if(distance < distance_limit * 2.f) {
		distance_modifier = distance / distance_limit;

		if(distance_modifier < 0.5f)
			distance_modifier = 0.5f;
	} else {
		distance_modifier = 2.f;

	float attack, dmgs, backstab, ac;

	backstab = 1.f;
	bool critical = false;

	if(source == 0) {
		attack = Thrown[thrownum].damages;

		if(Random::getf(0.f, 100.f) <= float(player.m_attributeFull.dexterity - 9) * 2.f
						   + float(player.m_skillFull.projectile * 0.2f)) {
			if(SendIOScriptEvent(io_source, SM_CRITICAL, "bow") != REFUSE)
				critical = true;

		dmgs = attack;

		if(io_target->_npcdata->npcflags & NPCFLAG_BACKSTAB) {
			if(Random::getf(0.f, 100.f) <= player.m_skillFull.stealth) {
				if(SendIOScriptEvent(io_source, SM_BACKSTAB, "bow") != REFUSE)
					backstab = 1.5f;
	} else {
		// TODO treat NPC !!!

		attack = 0;
		dmgs = 0;

	float absorb;

	if(target == 0) {
		ac = player.m_miscFull.armorClass;
		absorb = player.m_skillFull.defense * .5f;
	} else {
		ac = ARX_INTERACTIVE_GetArmorClass(io_target);
		absorb = io_target->_npcdata->absorb;

	char wmat[64];

	std::string _amat = "flesh";
	const std::string * amat = &_amat;

	strcpy(wmat, "dagger");

	if(!io_target->armormaterial.empty()) {
		amat = &io_target->armormaterial;

	if(io_target == entities.player()) {
		if(ValidIONum(player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_ARMOR])) {
			Entity * io = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_ARMOR]];
			if(io && !io->armormaterial.empty()) {
				amat = &io->armormaterial;

	float power;
	power = dmgs * ( 1.0f / 20 );

	if(power > 1.f)
		power = 1.f;

	power = power * 0.15f + 0.85f;

	ARX_SOUND_PlayCollision(*amat, wmat, power, 1.f, Thrown[thrownum].position, io_source);

	dmgs *= backstab;
	dmgs -= dmgs * (absorb * ( 1.0f / 100 ));

	float chance = 100.f - (ac - attack);
	float dice = Random::getf(0.f, 100.f);

	if(dice <= chance) {
		if(dmgs > 0.f) {
				dmgs *= 1.5f;

			dmgs *= distance_modifier;
			return dmgs;

	return 0.f;
Ejemplo n.º 3
float ARX_EQUIPMENT_ComputeDamages(Entity * io_source, Entity * io_target, float ratioaim, Vec3f * position)
	EVENT_SENDER = io_source;
	SendIOScriptEvent(io_target, SM_AGGRESSION);

	if(!io_source || !io_target)
		return 0.f;

	if(!(io_target->ioflags & IO_NPC)) {
		if(io_target->ioflags & IO_FIX) {
			if (io_source == entities.player())
				ARX_DAMAGES_DamageFIX(io_target, player.m_miscFull.damages, PlayerEntityHandle, false);
			else if (io_source->ioflags & IO_NPC)
				ARX_DAMAGES_DamageFIX(io_target, io_source->_npcdata->damages, io_source->index(), false);
				ARX_DAMAGES_DamageFIX(io_target, 1, io_source->index(), false);

		return 0.f;

	float attack, ac, damages;
	float backstab = 1.f;

	std::string _wmat = "bare";
	const std::string * wmat = &_wmat;
	std::string _amat = "flesh";
	const std::string * amat = &_amat;

	bool critical = false;

	if(io_source == entities.player()) {
		if(ValidIONum(player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON])) {
			Entity * io = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]];
			if(io && !io->weaponmaterial.empty()) {
				wmat = &io->weaponmaterial;

		attack = player.m_miscFull.damages;

		if(Random::getf(0.f, 100.f) <= player.m_miscFull.criticalHit)
			if(SendIOScriptEvent(io_source, SM_CRITICAL) != REFUSE)
				critical = true;
			critical = false;

		damages = attack * ratioaim; 

		if(io_target->_npcdata->npcflags & NPCFLAG_BACKSTAB) {
			if(Random::getf(0.f, 100.f) <= player.m_skillFull.stealth * ( 1.0f / 2 )) {
				if(SendIOScriptEvent(io_source, SM_BACKSTAB) != REFUSE)
					backstab = 1.5f; 
	} else {
		if(!(io_source->ioflags & IO_NPC)) // no NPC source...
			return 0.f;

		if(!io_source->weaponmaterial.empty()) {
			wmat = &io_source->weaponmaterial;
		if(io_source->_npcdata->weapon) {
			Entity * iow = io_source->_npcdata->weapon;
			if(!iow->weaponmaterial.empty()) {
				wmat = &iow->weaponmaterial;
		attack = io_source->_npcdata->tohit;
		damages = io_source->_npcdata->damages * ratioaim * Random::getf(0.5f, 1.0f);

		SpellBase * spell = spells.getSpellOnTarget(io_source->index(), SPELL_CURSE);
		if(spell) {
			damages *= (1 - spell->m_level * 0.05f);

		if(Random::getf(0.f, 100) <= io_source->_npcdata->critical) {
			if(SendIOScriptEvent(io_source, SM_CRITICAL) != REFUSE)
				critical = true;
			critical = false;

		if(Random::getf(0.f, 100.f) <= (float)io_source->_npcdata->backstab_skill) {
			if(SendIOScriptEvent(io_source, SM_BACKSTAB) != REFUSE)
				backstab = 1.5f; 

	float absorb;

	if(io_target == entities.player()) {
		ac = player.m_miscFull.armorClass;
		absorb = player.m_skillFull.defense * ( 1.0f / 2 );
	} else {
		ac = ARX_INTERACTIVE_GetArmorClass(io_target);
		absorb = io_target->_npcdata->absorb;
		SpellBase * spell = spells.getSpellOnTarget(io_target->index(), SPELL_CURSE);
		if(spell) {
			float modif = (1 - spell->m_level * 0.05f);
			ac *= modif;
			absorb *= modif;
	if(!io_target->armormaterial.empty()) {
		amat = &io_target->armormaterial;
	if(io_target == entities.player()) {
		if(ValidIONum(player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_ARMOR])) {
			Entity * io = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_ARMOR]];
			if(io && !io->armormaterial.empty()) {
				amat = &io->armormaterial;
	float dmgs = damages * backstab;
	dmgs -= dmgs * absorb * 0.01f;
	Vec3f pos = io_target->pos;
	float power = std::min(1.f, dmgs * 0.05f) * 0.1f + 0.9f;
	ARX_SOUND_PlayCollision(*amat, *wmat, power, 1.f, pos, io_source);
	float chance = 100.f - (ac - attack); 
	if(Random::getf(0.f, 100.f) > chance) {
		return 0.f;
	ARX_SOUND_PlayCollision("flesh", *wmat, power, 1.f, pos, io_source);
	if(dmgs > 0.f) {
		if(critical) {
			dmgs *= 1.5f; 
		if(io_target == entities.player()) {
			// TODO should this be player.pos - player.baseOffset() = player.basePosition()?
			Vec3f ppos = io_source->pos - (player.pos + player.baseOffset());
			ppos = glm::normalize(ppos);
			// Push the player
			PUSH_PLAYER_FORCE += ppos * -dmgs * Vec3f(1.0f / 11, 1.0f / 30, 1.0f / 11);
			ARX_DAMAGES_DamagePlayer(dmgs, 0, io_source->index());
		} else {
			Vec3f ppos = io_source->pos - io_target->pos;
			ppos = glm::normalize(ppos);
			// Push the NPC
			io_target->forcedmove += ppos * -dmgs;
			Vec3f * pos = position ? position : &io_target->pos;
			ARX_DAMAGES_DamageNPC(io_target, dmgs, io_source->index(), false, pos);
	return dmgs;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ShowInfoText() {
	DebugBox frameInfo = DebugBox(Vec2i(10, 10), "FrameInfo");
	frameInfo.add("Prims", EERIEDrawnPolys);
	frameInfo.add("Particles", getParticleCount());
	frameInfo.add("Polybooms", long(polyboom.size()));
	frameInfo.add("TIME", static_cast<long>(arxtime.now_ul() / 1000));
	DebugBox playerBox = DebugBox(Vec2i(10, frameInfo.size().y + 5), "Player");
	playerBox.add("Position", player.pos);
	playerBox.add("AnchorPos", player.pos - Mscenepos);
	playerBox.add("Rotation", player.angle);
	playerBox.add("Velocity", player.physics.velocity);
	EERIEPOLY * ep = CheckInPoly(player.pos);
	float truePolyY = -666.66f;
	if(ep) {
		float tempY = 0.f;
		if(GetTruePolyY(ep, player.pos, &tempY)) {
			truePolyY = tempY;
	ep = CheckInPoly(player.pos + Vec3f(0.f, -10.f, 0.f));
	float slope = 0.f;
		slope = ep->norm.y;
	long zap = IsAnyPolyThere(player.pos.x,player.pos.z);
	playerBox.add("Ground Slope", slope);
	playerBox.add("Ground truePolyY", truePolyY);
	playerBox.add("Ground POLY", zap);
	playerBox.add("Color", CURRENT_PLAYER_COLOR);
	playerBox.add("Stealth", GetPlayerStealth());
	playerBox.add("Jump", player.jumplastposition);
	playerBox.add("OFFGRND", (!player.onfirmground ? "OFFGRND" : ""));
	playerBox.add("Life", player.lifePool);
	playerBox.add("Mana", player.manaPool);
	playerBox.add("Poisoned", player.poison);
	playerBox.add("Hunger", player.hunger);
	playerBox.add("Magic", static_cast<long>(player.doingmagic));
	DebugBox miscBox = DebugBox(Vec2i(10, playerBox.size().y + 5), "Misc");
	miscBox.add("Arx version", arx_version);
	miscBox.add("Level", LastLoadedScene.string().c_str());
	miscBox.add("Spell failed seq", LAST_FAILED_SEQUENCE.c_str());
	miscBox.add("Camera focal", ACTIVECAM->focal);
	miscBox.add("Cinema", CINEMA_DECAL);
	miscBox.add("Mouse", Vec2i(DANAEMouse));
	miscBox.add("Pathfind queue", EERIE_PATHFINDER_Get_Queued_Number());
	miscBox.add("Pathfind status", (PATHFINDER_WORKING ? "Working" : "Idled"));
	struct ScriptDebugReport {
		std::string entityName;
		long events;
		long sends;
			: entityName("")
			, events(0)
			, sends(0)
	ScriptDebugReport maxEvents;
	Entity * io = ARX_SCRIPT_Get_IO_Max_Events();
	if(io) {
		maxEvents.entityName = io->idString();
		maxEvents.events = io->stat_count;
	ScriptDebugReport maxSender;
	io = ARX_SCRIPT_Get_IO_Max_Events_Sent();
	if(io) {
		maxSender.entityName = io->idString();
		maxSender.sends = io->stat_sent;
	DebugBox scriptBox = DebugBox(Vec2i(10, miscBox.size().y + 5), "Script");
	scriptBox.add("Events", ScriptEvent::totalCount);
	scriptBox.add("Timers", ARX_SCRIPT_CountTimers());
	scriptBox.add("Max events", maxEvents.entityName);
	scriptBox.add("Max events#", maxEvents.events);
	scriptBox.add("Max sender", maxSender.entityName);
	scriptBox.add("Max sender#", maxSender.sends);
	if(ValidIONum(LastSelectedIONum)) {
		Entity * io = entities[LastSelectedIONum];

		if(io) {
			DebugBox entityBox = DebugBox(Vec2i(500, 10), "Entity " + io->idString());
			entityBox.add("Pos", io->pos);
			entityBox.add("Angle", io->angle);
			entityBox.add("Room", static_cast<long>(io->room));
			entityBox.add("Move", io->move);
			entityBox.add("Flags", flagNames(EntityFlagNames, io->ioflags));
			entityBox.add("Show", entityVisilibityToString(io->show));
			if(io->ioflags & IO_NPC) {
				IO_NPCDATA * npcData = io->_npcdata;
				DebugBox npcBox = DebugBox(Vec2i(500, entityBox.size().y + 5), "NPC");
				npcBox.add("Life", npcData->lifePool);
				npcBox.add("Mana", npcData->manaPool);
				npcBox.add("Poisoned", npcData->poisonned);
				npcBox.add("ArmorClass", ARX_INTERACTIVE_GetArmorClass(io));
				npcBox.add("Absorb", npcData->absorb);
				npcBox.add("Moveproblem", npcData->moveproblem);
				npcBox.add("Pathfind listpos", static_cast<long>(npcData->pathfind.listpos));
				npcBox.add("Pathfind listnb", npcData->pathfind.listnb);
				npcBox.add("Pathfind targ", npcData->pathfind.truetarget.handleData());
				npcBox.add("Behavior", flagNames(BehaviourFlagNames, npcData->behavior));
				// TODO should those really be flags ?
				PathfindFlags pflag = io->_npcdata->pathfind.flags;
				std::string pflags;
				if(pflag & PATHFIND_ALWAYS)    pflags += "ALWAYS ";
				if(pflag & PATHFIND_ONCE)      pflags += "ONCE ";
				if(pflag & PATHFIND_NO_UPDATE) pflags += "NO_UPDATE ";
				npcBox.add("Pathfind flgs", pflags);

			if(io->ioflags & (IO_FIX | IO_ITEM)) {
				DebugBox itemBox = DebugBox(Vec2i(500, entityBox.size().y + 5), "Item");
				itemBox.add("Durability", io->durability);
				itemBox.add("Durability max", io->max_durability);
				itemBox.add("Poisonous", static_cast<long>(io->poisonous));
				itemBox.add("Poisonous count", static_cast<long>(io->poisonous_count));