Ejemplo n.º 1
SEXP dgCMatrix_matrix_solve(SEXP Ap, SEXP b, SEXP give_sparse)
// FIXME:  add  'keep_dimnames' as argument
    Rboolean sparse = asLogical(give_sparse);
    if(sparse) {
	// FIXME: implement this
	error(_("dgCMatrix_matrix_solve(.., sparse=TRUE) not yet implemented"));

	/* Idea: in the  for(j = 0; j < nrhs ..) loop below, build the *sparse* result matrix
	 * ----- *column* wise -- which is perfect for dgCMatrix
	 * --> build (i,p,x) slots "increasingly" [well, allocate in batches ..]
	 * --> maybe first a protoype in R

    SEXP ans = PROTECT(dup_mMatrix_as_dgeMatrix(b)),
	lu, qslot;
    CSP L, U;
    int *bdims = INTEGER(GET_SLOT(ans, Matrix_DimSym)), *p, *q;
    int j, n = bdims[0], nrhs = bdims[1];
    double *x, *ax = REAL(GET_SLOT(ans, Matrix_xSym));
    C_or_Alloca_TO(x, n, double);

    if (isNull(lu = get_factors(Ap, "LU"))) {
	install_lu(Ap, /* order = */ 1, /* tol = */ 1.0, /* err_sing = */ TRUE,
		   /* keep_dimnames = */ TRUE);
	lu = get_factors(Ap, "LU");
    qslot = GET_SLOT(lu, install("q"));
    L = AS_CSP__(GET_SLOT(lu, install("L")));
    U = AS_CSP__(GET_SLOT(lu, install("U")));
    if (U->n != n)
	error(_("Dimensions of system to be solved are inconsistent"));
    if(nrhs >= 1 && n >= 1) {
	p = INTEGER(GET_SLOT(lu, Matrix_pSym));
	q = LENGTH(qslot) ? INTEGER(qslot) : (int *) NULL;

	for (j = 0; j < nrhs; j++) {
	    cs_pvec(p, ax + j * n, x, n);  /* x = b(p) */
	    cs_lsolve(L, x);	       /* x = L\x */
	    cs_usolve(U, x);	       /* x = U\x */
	    if (q)		       /* r(q) = x , hence
					  r = Q' U{^-1} L{^-1} P b = A^{-1} b */
		cs_ipvec(q, x, ax + j * n, n);
		Memcpy(ax + j * n, x, n);
    if(n >= SMALL_4_Alloca) Free(x);
    return ans;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Modified version of Tim Davis's cs_lu_mex.c file for MATLAB */
void install_lu(SEXP Ap, int order, double tol, Rboolean err_sing)
    // (order, tol) == (1, 1) by default, when called from R.
    SEXP ans;
    css *S;
    csn *N;
    int n, *p, *dims;
    CSP A = AS_CSP__(Ap), D;

    n = A->n;
    if (A->m != n)
	error(_("LU decomposition applies only to square matrices"));
    if (order) {		/* not using natural order */
	order = (tol == 1) ? 2	/* amd(S'*S) w/dense rows or I */
	    : 1;		/* amd (A+A'), or natural */
    S = cs_sqr(order, A, /*qr = */ 0);	/* symbolic ordering */
    N = cs_lu(A, S, tol);	/* numeric factorization */
    if (!N) {
	    error(_("cs_lu(A) failed: near-singular A (or out of memory)"));
	else {
	    /* No warning: The useR should be careful :
	     * Put  NA  into  "LU" factor */
	    set_factors(Ap, ScalarLogical(NA_LOGICAL), "LU");
    cs_dropzeros(N->L);		/* drop zeros from L and sort it */
    D = cs_transpose(N->L, 1);
    N->L = cs_transpose(D, 1);
    cs_dropzeros(N->U);		/* drop zeros from U and sort it */
    D = cs_transpose(N->U, 1);
    N->U = cs_transpose(D, 1);
    p = cs_pinv(N->pinv, n);	/* p=pinv' */
    ans = PROTECT(NEW_OBJECT(MAKE_CLASS("sparseLU")));
    dims = INTEGER(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, Matrix_DimSym, INTSXP, 2));
    dims[0] = n; dims[1] = n;
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("L"),
	     Matrix_cs_to_SEXP(N->L, "dtCMatrix", 0));
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("U"),
	     Matrix_cs_to_SEXP(N->U, "dtCMatrix", 0));
    Memcpy(INTEGER(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, Matrix_pSym, /* "p" */
			      INTSXP, n)), p, n);
    if (order)
	Memcpy(INTEGER(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, install("q"),
				  INTSXP, n)), S->q, n);
    set_factors(Ap, ans, "LU");
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Modified version of Tim Davis's cs_qr_mex.c file for MATLAB (in CSparse)
//  Usage: [V,beta,p,R,q] = cs_qr(A) ;
SEXP dgCMatrix_QR(SEXP Ap, SEXP order)
    CSP A = AS_CSP__(Ap), D;
    int io = INTEGER(order)[0];
    Rboolean verbose = (io < 0);
    int m = A->m, n = A->n, ord = asLogical(order) ? 3 : 0, *p;

    if (m < n) error(_("A must have #{rows} >= #{columns}")) ;
    int *dims = INTEGER(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, Matrix_DimSym, INTSXP, 2));
    dims[0] = m; dims[1] = n;
    css *S = cs_sqr(ord, A, 1);	/* symbolic QR ordering & analysis*/
    if (!S) error(_("cs_sqr failed"));
    if(verbose && S->m2 > m) // in ./cs.h , m2 := # of rows for QR, after adding fictitious rows
	Rprintf("Symbolic QR(): Matrix structurally rank deficient (m2-m = %d)\n",
		S->m2 - m);
    csn *N = cs_qr(A, S);		/* numeric QR factorization */
    if (!N) error(_("cs_qr failed")) ;
    cs_dropzeros(N->L);		/* drop zeros from V and sort */
    D = cs_transpose(N->L, 1); cs_spfree(N->L);
    N->L = cs_transpose(D, 1); cs_spfree(D);
    cs_dropzeros(N->U);		/* drop zeros from R and sort */
    D = cs_transpose(N->U, 1); cs_spfree(N->U) ;
    N->U = cs_transpose(D, 1); cs_spfree(D);
    m = N->L->m;		/* m may be larger now */
    // MM: m := S->m2  also counting the ficticious rows (Tim Davis, p.72, 74f)
    p = cs_pinv(S->pinv, m);	/* p = pinv' */
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("V"),
	     Matrix_cs_to_SEXP(N->L, "dgCMatrix", 0));
    Memcpy(REAL(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, install("beta"),
			   REALSXP, n)), N->B, n);
    Memcpy(INTEGER(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, Matrix_pSym,
			      INTSXP, m)), p, m);
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("R"),
	     Matrix_cs_to_SEXP(N->U, "dgCMatrix", 0));
    if (ord)
	Memcpy(INTEGER(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, install("q"),
				  INTSXP, n)), S->q, n);
	ALLOC_SLOT(ans, install("q"), INTSXP, 0);
    return ans;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    /* and copy the other one: */
    if (col)
	for(i = 0; i < n_el; i++)
	    ij[i] = INTEGER(indP)[i];
    else /* row compressed */
	for(i = 0; i < n_el; i++)
	    ij[i + n_el] = INTEGER(indP)[i];

    return ans;

#if 0				/* unused */
SEXP dgCMatrix_lusol(SEXP x, SEXP y)
		       duplicate(y) : coerceVector(y, REALSXP));
    CSP xc = AS_CSP__(x);

    if (xc->m != xc->n || xc->m <= 0)
	error(_("dgCMatrix_lusol requires a square, non-empty matrix"));
    if (LENGTH(ycp) != xc->m)
	error(_("Dimensions of system to be solved are inconsistent"));
    if (!cs_lusol(/*order*/ 1, xc, REAL(ycp), /*tol*/ 1e-7))
	error(_("cs_lusol failed"));

    return ycp;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* Modified version of Tim Davis's cs_lu_mex.c file for MATLAB */
void install_lu(SEXP Ap, int order, double tol, Rboolean err_sing, Rboolean keep_dimnms)
    // (order, tol) == (1, 1) by default, when called from R.
    SEXP ans;
    css *S;
    csn *N;
    int n, *p, *dims;
    CSP A = AS_CSP__(Ap), D;

    n = A->n;
    if (A->m != n)
	error(_("LU decomposition applies only to square matrices"));
    if (order) {		/* not using natural order */
	order = (tol == 1) ? 2	/* amd(S'*S) w/dense rows or I */
	    : 1;		/* amd (A+A'), or natural */
    S = cs_sqr(order, A, /*qr = */ 0);	/* symbolic ordering */
    N = cs_lu(A, S, tol);	/* numeric factorization */
    if (!N) {
	    error(_("cs_lu(A) failed: near-singular A (or out of memory)"));
	else {
	    /* No warning: The useR should be careful :
	     * Put  NA  into  "LU" factor */
	    set_factors(Ap, ScalarLogical(NA_LOGICAL), "LU");
    cs_dropzeros(N->L);		/* drop zeros from L and sort it */
    D = cs_transpose(N->L, 1);
    N->L = cs_transpose(D, 1);
    cs_dropzeros(N->U);		/* drop zeros from U and sort it */
    D = cs_transpose(N->U, 1);
    N->U = cs_transpose(D, 1);
    p = cs_pinv(N->pinv, n);	/* p=pinv' */
    ans = PROTECT(NEW_OBJECT(MAKE_CLASS("sparseLU")));
    dims = INTEGER(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, Matrix_DimSym, INTSXP, 2));
    dims[0] = n; dims[1] = n;
    SEXP dn; Rboolean do_dn = FALSE;
    if(keep_dimnms) {
	dn = GET_SLOT(Ap, Matrix_DimNamesSym);
	do_dn = !isNull(VECTOR_ELT(dn, 0));
	if(do_dn) {
	    dn = PROTECT(duplicate(dn));
	    // permute rownames by p :  rn <- rn[ p ] :
	    SEXP rn = PROTECT(duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(dn, 0)));
	    for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
		SET_STRING_ELT(VECTOR_ELT(dn, 0), i, STRING_ELT(rn, p[i]));
	    UNPROTECT(1); // rn
	    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dn, 1, R_NilValue); // colnames(.) := NULL
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("L"),
	     Matrix_cs_to_SEXP(N->L, "dtCMatrix", 0, do_dn ? dn : R_NilValue));

    if(keep_dimnms) {
	if(do_dn) {
	    UNPROTECT(1); // dn
	    dn = GET_SLOT(Ap, Matrix_DimNamesSym);
	do_dn = !isNull(VECTOR_ELT(dn, 1));
	if(do_dn) {
	    dn = PROTECT(duplicate(dn));
	    if(order) { // permute colnames by S->q :  cn <- cn[ S->q ] :
		SEXP cn = PROTECT(duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(dn, 1)));
		for(int j=0; j < n; j++)
		    SET_STRING_ELT(VECTOR_ELT(dn, 1), j, STRING_ELT(cn, S->q[j]));
		UNPROTECT(1); // cn
	    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dn, 0, R_NilValue); // rownames(.) := NULL
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("U"),
	     Matrix_cs_to_SEXP(N->U, "dtCMatrix", 0, do_dn ? dn : R_NilValue));
    if(do_dn) UNPROTECT(1); // dn
    Memcpy(INTEGER(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, Matrix_pSym, /* "p" */
			      INTSXP, n)), p, n);
    if (order)
	Memcpy(INTEGER(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, install("q"),
				  INTSXP, n)), S->q, n);
    set_factors(Ap, ans, "LU");
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Modified version of Tim Davis's cs_qr_mex.c file for MATLAB (in CSparse)
//  Usage: [V,beta,p,R,q] = cs_qr(A) ;
SEXP dgCMatrix_QR(SEXP Ap, SEXP order, SEXP keep_dimnames)
    CSP A = AS_CSP__(Ap), D;
    int io = INTEGER(order)[0];
    Rboolean verbose = (io < 0);// verbose=TRUE, encoded with negative 'order'
    int m0 = A->m, m = m0, n = A->n, ord = asLogical(order) ? 3 : 0, *p;

    if (m < n) error(_("A must have #{rows} >= #{columns}")) ;
    int *dims = INTEGER(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, Matrix_DimSym, INTSXP, 2));
    dims[0] = m; dims[1] = n;
    css *S = cs_sqr(ord, A, 1);	/* symbolic QR ordering & analysis*/
    if (!S) error(_("cs_sqr failed"));
    int keep_dimnms = asLogical(keep_dimnames);
    if(keep_dimnms == NA_LOGICAL) { keep_dimnms = TRUE;
	warning(_("dgcMatrix_QR(*, keep_dimnames = NA): NA taken as TRUE"));
    if(verbose && S->m2 > m) // in ./cs.h , m2 := # of rows for QR, after adding fictitious rows
	Rprintf("Symbolic QR(): Matrix structurally rank deficient (m2-m = %d)\n",
		S->m2 - m);
    csn *N = cs_qr(A, S);		/* numeric QR factorization */
    if (!N) error(_("cs_qr failed")) ;
    cs_dropzeros(N->L);		/* drop zeros from V and sort */
    D = cs_transpose(N->L, 1); cs_spfree(N->L);
    N->L = cs_transpose(D, 1); cs_spfree(D);
    cs_dropzeros(N->U);		/* drop zeros from R and sort */
    D = cs_transpose(N->U, 1); cs_spfree(N->U) ;
    N->U = cs_transpose(D, 1); cs_spfree(D);
    m = N->L->m;		/* m may be larger now */
    // MM: m := S->m2  also counting the ficticious rows (Tim Davis, p.72, 74f)
    p = cs_pinv(S->pinv, m);	/* p = pinv' */
    SEXP dn = R_NilValue; Rboolean do_dn = FALSE;
    if(keep_dimnms) {
	dn = GET_SLOT(Ap, Matrix_DimNamesSym);
	do_dn = !isNull(VECTOR_ELT(dn, 0)) && m == m0;
	// FIXME? also deal with case m > m0 ?
	if(do_dn) { // keep rownames
	    dn = PROTECT(duplicate(dn));
	    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dn, 1, R_NilValue);
	} else dn = R_NilValue;
    SET_SLOT(ans, Matrix_VSym, Matrix_cs_to_SEXP(N->L, "dgCMatrix", 0, dn)); // "V"
    Memcpy(REAL(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, Matrix_betaSym, REALSXP, n)), N->B, n);
    Memcpy(INTEGER(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, Matrix_pSym,  INTSXP, m)), p, m);
    if(do_dn) {
	UNPROTECT(1); // dn
	dn = R_NilValue; do_dn = FALSE;
    if (ord) {
	Memcpy(INTEGER(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, install("q"), INTSXP, n)), S->q, n);
	if(keep_dimnms) {
	    dn = GET_SLOT(Ap, Matrix_DimNamesSym);
	    do_dn = !isNull(VECTOR_ELT(dn, 1));
	    if(do_dn) {
		dn = PROTECT(duplicate(dn));
		// permute colnames by S->q :  cn <- cn[ S->q ] :
		SEXP cns = PROTECT(duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(dn, 1)));
		for(int j=0; j < n; j++)
		    SET_STRING_ELT(VECTOR_ELT(dn, 1), j, STRING_ELT(cns, S->q[j]));
		SET_VECTOR_ELT(dn, 0, R_NilValue);
	    } else dn = R_NilValue;
    } else
	ALLOC_SLOT(ans, install("q"), INTSXP, 0);
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("R"), Matrix_cs_to_SEXP(N->U, "dgCMatrix", 0, dn));
    if(do_dn) UNPROTECT(1); // dn
    return ans;