Ejemplo n.º 1
 * atk_table_set_caption:
 * @table: a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface
 * @caption: a #AtkObject representing the caption to set for @table
 * Sets the caption for the table.
atk_table_set_caption (AtkTable       *table,
                       AtkObject      *caption)
  AtkTableIface *iface;

  g_return_if_fail (ATK_IS_TABLE (table));

  iface = ATK_TABLE_GET_IFACE (table);

  if (iface->set_caption)
    (iface->set_caption) (table, caption);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * atk_table_set_summary:
 * @table: a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface
 * @accessible: an #AtkObject representing the summary description
 * to set for @table
 * Sets the summary description of the table.
atk_table_set_summary (AtkTable       *table,
                       AtkObject      *accessible)
  AtkTableIface *iface;

  g_return_if_fail (ATK_IS_TABLE (table));

  iface = ATK_TABLE_GET_IFACE (table);

  if (iface->set_summary)
    (iface->set_summary) (table, accessible);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * atk_table_get_summary:
 * @table: a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface
 * Gets the summary description of the table.
 * Returns: a AtkObject* representing a summary description of the table,
 * or zero if value does not implement this interface.
atk_table_get_summary (AtkTable *table)
  AtkTableIface *iface;

  g_return_val_if_fail (ATK_IS_TABLE (table), NULL);

  iface = ATK_TABLE_GET_IFACE (table);

  if (iface->get_summary)
    return (iface->get_summary) (table);
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * atk_table_set_row_description:
 * @table: a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface
 * @row: a #gint representing a row in @table
 * @description: a #gchar representing the description text
 * to set for the specified @row of @table
 * Sets the description text for the specified @row of @table.
atk_table_set_row_description (AtkTable       *table,
                               gint           row,
                               const gchar    *description)
  AtkTableIface *iface;

  g_return_if_fail (ATK_IS_TABLE (table));

  iface = ATK_TABLE_GET_IFACE (table);

  if (iface->set_row_description)
    (iface->set_row_description) (table, row, description);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * atk_table_set_row_header:
 * @table: a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface
 * @row: a #gint representing a row in @table
 * @header: an #AtkTable 
 * Sets the specified row header to @header.
atk_table_set_row_header (AtkTable  *table,
                          gint      row,
                          AtkObject *header)
  AtkTableIface *iface;

  g_return_if_fail (ATK_IS_TABLE (table));

  iface = ATK_TABLE_GET_IFACE (table);

  if (iface->set_row_header)
    (iface->set_row_header) (table, row, header);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * atk_table_get_row_header:
 * @table: a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface
 * @row: a #gint representing a row in the table
 * Gets the row header of a specified row in an accessible table.
 * Returns: a AtkObject* representing the specified row header, or
 * %NULL if value does not implement this interface.
atk_table_get_row_header (AtkTable *table, gint row)
  AtkTableIface *iface;

  g_return_val_if_fail (ATK_IS_TABLE (table), NULL);

  iface = ATK_TABLE_GET_IFACE (table);

  if (iface->get_row_header)
    return (iface->get_row_header) (table, row);
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * atk_table_get_selected_columns:
 * @table: a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface
 * @selected: a #gint** that is to contain the selected columns numbers
 * Gets the selected columns of the table by initializing **selected with 
 * the selected column numbers. This array should be freed by the caller.
 * Returns: a gint representing the number of selected columns,
 * or %0 if value does not implement this interface.
atk_table_get_selected_columns (AtkTable *table, gint **selected)
  AtkTableIface *iface;

  g_return_val_if_fail (ATK_IS_TABLE (table), 0);

  iface = ATK_TABLE_GET_IFACE (table);

  if (iface->get_selected_columns)
    return (iface->get_selected_columns) (table, selected);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * atk_table_get_n_rows:
 * @table: a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface
 * Gets the number of rows in the table.
 * Returns: a gint representing the number of rows, or 0
 * if value does not implement this interface.
atk_table_get_n_rows (AtkTable *table)
  AtkTableIface *iface;

  g_return_val_if_fail (ATK_IS_TABLE (table), 0);

  iface = ATK_TABLE_GET_IFACE (table);

  if (iface->get_n_rows)
    return (iface->get_n_rows) (table);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * atk_table_get_column_description:
 * @table: a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface
 * @column: a #gint representing a column in @table
 * Gets the description text of the specified @column in the table
 * Returns: a gchar* representing the column description, or %NULL
 * if value does not implement this interface.
const gchar*
atk_table_get_column_description (AtkTable *table,
                                  gint     column)
  AtkTableIface *iface;

  g_return_val_if_fail (ATK_IS_TABLE (table), NULL);

  iface = ATK_TABLE_GET_IFACE (table);

  if (iface->get_column_description)
    return (iface->get_column_description) (table, column);
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * atk_table_remove_column_selection:
 * @table: a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface
 * @column: a #gint representing a column in @table
 * Adds the specified @column to the selection. 
 * Returns: a gboolean representing if the column was successfully removed from
 * the selection, or 0 if value does not implement this interface.
atk_table_remove_column_selection (AtkTable *table,
                       			   gint     column)
  AtkTableIface *iface;

  g_return_val_if_fail (ATK_IS_TABLE (table), FALSE);

  iface = ATK_TABLE_GET_IFACE (table);

  if (iface->remove_column_selection)
    return (iface->remove_column_selection) (table, column);
    return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * atk_table_add_row_selection:
 * @table: a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface
 * @row: a #gint representing a row in @table
 * Adds the specified @row to the selection. 
 * Returns: a gboolean representing if row was successfully added to selection,
 * or 0 if value does not implement this interface.
atk_table_add_row_selection (AtkTable *table,
                       		 gint     row)
  AtkTableIface *iface;

  g_return_val_if_fail (ATK_IS_TABLE (table), FALSE);

  iface = ATK_TABLE_GET_IFACE (table);

  if (iface->add_row_selection)
    return (iface->add_row_selection) (table, row);
    return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * atk_table_get_row_description:
 * @table: a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface
 * @row: a #gint representing a row in @table
 * Gets the description text of the specified row in the table
 * Returns: a gchar* representing the row description, or %NULL
 * if value does not implement this interface.
atk_table_get_row_description (AtkTable *table,
                               gint      row)
  AtkTableIface *iface;

  g_return_val_if_fail (ATK_IS_TABLE (table), NULL);

  iface = ATK_TABLE_GET_IFACE (table);

  if (iface->get_row_description)
    return (iface->get_row_description) (table, row);
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * atk_table_get_column_at_index:
 * @table: a GObject instance that implements AtkTableInterface
 * @index_: a #gint representing an index in @table
 * Gets a #gint representing the column at the specified @index_. 
 * Returns: a gint representing the column at the specified index,
 * or -1 if the table does not implement this interface
atk_table_get_column_at_index (AtkTable *table,
                               gint     index)
  AtkTableIface *iface;

  g_return_val_if_fail (ATK_IS_TABLE (table), 0);

  iface = ATK_TABLE_GET_IFACE (table);

  if (iface->get_column_at_index)
    return (iface->get_column_at_index) (table, index);
    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * atk_table_is_selected:
 * @table: a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface
 * @row: a #gint representing a row in @table
 * @column: a #gint representing a column in @table
 * Gets a boolean value indicating whether the accessible object
 * at the specified @row and @column is selected
 * Returns: a gboolean representing if the cell is selected, or 0
 * if value does not implement this interface.
atk_table_is_selected (AtkTable *table,
                       gint     row,
                       gint     column)
  AtkTableIface *iface;

  g_return_val_if_fail (ATK_IS_TABLE (table), FALSE);

  iface = ATK_TABLE_GET_IFACE (table);

  if (iface->is_selected)
    return (iface->is_selected) (table, row, column);
    return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 * atk_table_get_row_extent_at:
 * @table: a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface
 * @row: a #gint representing a row in @table
 * @column: a #gint representing a column in @table
 * Gets the number of rows occupied by the accessible object
 * at a specified @row and @column in the @table.
 * Returns: a gint representing the row extent at specified position, or 0
 * if value does not implement this interface.
atk_table_get_row_extent_at (AtkTable *table,
                             gint     row,
                             gint     column)
  AtkTableIface *iface;

  g_return_val_if_fail (ATK_IS_TABLE (table), 0);

  iface = ATK_TABLE_GET_IFACE (table);

  if (iface->get_row_extent_at)
    return (iface->get_row_extent_at) (table, row, column);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * atk_table_get_index_at:
 * @table: a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface
 * @row: a #gint representing a row in @table
 * @column: a #gint representing a column in @table
 * Gets a #gint representing the index at the specified @row and @column.
 * Returns: a #gint representing the index at specified position.
 * The value -1 is returned if the object at row,column is not a child
 * of table or table does not implement this interface.
atk_table_get_index_at (AtkTable *table,
                        gint     row,
                        gint     column)
  AtkTableIface *iface;

  g_return_val_if_fail (ATK_IS_TABLE (table), -1);
  g_return_val_if_fail (row >= 0, -1);
  g_return_val_if_fail (column >= 0, -1);

  iface = ATK_TABLE_GET_IFACE (table);

  if (iface->get_index_at)
    return (iface->get_index_at) (table, row, column);
    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 * atk_table_ref_at:
 * @table: a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface
 * @row: a #gint representing a row in @table
 * @column: a #gint representing a column in @table
 * Get a reference to the table cell at @row, @column.
 * Returns: a AtkObject* representing the referred to accessible
atk_table_ref_at (AtkTable *table,
                  gint     row,
                  gint     column)
  AtkTableIface *iface;

  g_return_val_if_fail (ATK_IS_TABLE (table), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (row >= 0, NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (column >= 0, NULL);

  iface = ATK_TABLE_GET_IFACE (table);

  if (iface->ref_at)
    return (iface->ref_at) (table, row, column);
    return NULL;