Ejemplo n.º 1
static QFontEngine *loadFromDatabase(QFontDef &req, const QFontPrivate *d)
#if defined(QT_MAC_USE_COCOA)
    QCFString fontName = NULL;
    ATSFontFamilyRef familyRef = 0;
    ATSFontRef fontRef = 0;

    QStringList family_list = familyList(req);

    const char *stylehint = styleHint(req);
    if (stylehint)
        family_list << QLatin1String(stylehint);

    // add QFont::defaultFamily() to the list, for compatibility with previous versions
    family_list << QApplication::font().defaultFamily();

    QMutexLocker locker(fontDatabaseMutex());
    QFontDatabasePrivate *db = privateDb();
    if (!db->count)
    for (int i = 0; i < family_list.size(); ++i) {
        for (int k = 0; k < db->count; ++k) {
            if (db->families[k]->name.compare(family_list.at(i), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
                QByteArray family_name = db->families[k]->name.toUtf8();
#if defined(QT_MAC_USE_COCOA)
                QCFType<CTFontRef> ctFont = CTFontCreateWithName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), 12, NULL);
                if (ctFont) {
                    fontName = CTFontCopyFullName(ctFont);
                    goto found;
                familyRef = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                if (familyRef) {
                    fontRef = ATSFontFindFromName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                    goto found;
    if (fontName)
        return new QCoreTextFontEngineMulti(fontName, req, d->kerning);
    if (familyRef) {
        QCFString actualName;
        if (ATSFontFamilyGetName(familyRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &actualName) == noErr)
            req.family = actualName;
        return new QFontEngineMacMulti(familyRef, fontRef, req, d->kerning);
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void QFontDatabase::load(const QFontPrivate *d, int script)
    // sanity checks
        qWarning("QFont: Must construct a QApplication before a QFont");
    Q_ASSERT(script >= 0 && script < QUnicodeTables::ScriptCount);

    QFontDef req = d->request;
    req.pixelSize = qt_mac_pixelsize(req, d->dpi);

    // set the point size to 0 to get better caching
    req.pointSize = 0;
    QFontCache::Key key = QFontCache::Key(req, QUnicodeTables::Common, d->screen);

    if(!(d->engineData = QFontCache::instance->findEngineData(key))) {
        d->engineData = new QFontEngineData;
        QFontCache::instance->insertEngineData(key, d->engineData);
    } else {
    if(d->engineData->engine) // already loaded

    // set it to the actual pointsize, so QFontInfo will do the right thing
    req.pointSize = qRound(qt_mac_pointsize(d->request, d->dpi));

    QFontEngine *e = QFontCache::instance->findEngine(key);
    if(!e && qt_enable_test_font && req.family == QLatin1String("__Qt__Box__Engine__")) {
        e = new QTestFontEngine(req.pixelSize);
        e->fontDef = req;

    if(e) {
        Q_ASSERT(e->type() == QFontEngine::Multi || e->type() == QFontEngine::TestFontEngine);
        d->engineData->engine = e;
        return; // the font info and fontdef should already be filled

    //find the font
    QStringList family_list = req.family.split(QLatin1Char(','));
    // append the substitute list for each family in family_list
	    QStringList subs_list;
	    for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = family_list.begin(); it != family_list.end(); ++it)
		    subs_list += QFont::substitutes(*it);
	    family_list += subs_list;

    const char *stylehint = styleHint(req);
    if (stylehint)
        family_list << QLatin1String(stylehint);

    // add QFont::defaultFamily() to the list, for compatibility with
    // previous versions
    family_list << QApplication::font().defaultFamily();

    ATSFontFamilyRef familyRef = 0;
    ATSFontRef fontRef = 0;
    QFontDatabasePrivate *db = privateDb();
    if (!db->count)
    for(int i = 0; i < family_list.size(); ++i) {
        for (int k = 0; k < db->count; ++k) {
            if (db->families[k]->name.compare(family_list.at(i), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
                QByteArray family_name = db->families[k]->name.toUtf8();
                familyRef = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                if (familyRef) {
                    fontRef = ATSFontFindFromName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                    goto FamilyFound;
    //fill in the engine's font definition
    QFontDef fontDef = d->request; //copy..
    if(fontDef.pointSize < 0)
	fontDef.pointSize = qt_mac_pointsize(fontDef, d->dpi);
	fontDef.pixelSize = qt_mac_pixelsize(fontDef, d->dpi);
#if 0
    ItemCount name_count;
    if(ATSUCountFontNames(fontID, &name_count) == noErr && name_count) {
        ItemCount actualName_size;
        if(ATSUGetIndFontName(fontID, 0, 0, 0, &actualName_size, 0, 0, 0, 0) == noErr && actualName_size) {
            QByteArray actualName(actualName_size);
            if(ATSUGetIndFontName(fontID, 0, actualName_size, actualName.data(), &actualName_size, 0, 0, 0, 0) == noErr && actualName_size)
                fontDef.family = QString::fromUtf8(actualName);
        QCFString actualName;
        if(ATSFontFamilyGetName(familyRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &actualName) == noErr)
            fontDef.family = actualName;

    QFontEngine *engine = new QFontEngineMacMulti(familyRef, fontRef, fontDef, d->kerning);
    d->engineData->engine = engine;
    engine->ref.ref(); //a ref for the engineData->engine
    QFontCache::instance->insertEngine(key, engine);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void QFontDatabase::load(const QFontPrivate *d, int script)
    // sanity checks
        qWarning("QFont: Must construct a QApplication before a QFont");

    Q_ASSERT(script >= 0 && script < QUnicodeTables::ScriptCount);

    QFontDef req = d->request;
    req.pixelSize = qt_mac_pixelsize(req, d->dpi);

    // set the point size to 0 to get better caching
    req.pointSize = 0;
    QFontCache::Key key = QFontCache::Key(req, QUnicodeTables::Common, d->screen);

    if(!(d->engineData = QFontCache::instance()->findEngineData(key))) {
        d->engineData = new QFontEngineData;
        QFontCache::instance()->insertEngineData(key, d->engineData);
    } else {
    if(d->engineData->engine) // already loaded

    // set it to the actual pointsize, so QFontInfo will do the right thing
    req.pointSize = qRound(qt_mac_pointsize(d->request, d->dpi));

    QFontEngine *e = QFontCache::instance()->findEngine(key);
    if(!e && qt_enable_test_font && req.family == QLatin1String("__Qt__Box__Engine__")) {
        e = new QTestFontEngine(req.pixelSize);
        e->fontDef = req;

    if(e) {
        d->engineData->engine = e;
        return; // the font info and fontdef should already be filled

    //find the font
    QStringList family_list = familyList(req);

    const char *stylehint = styleHint(req);
    if (stylehint)
        family_list << QLatin1String(stylehint);

    // add QFont::defaultFamily() to the list, for compatibility with
    // previous versions
    family_list << QApplication::font().defaultFamily();

    ATSFontFamilyRef familyRef = 0;
    ATSFontRef fontRef = 0;

    QMutexLocker locker(fontDatabaseMutex());
    QFontDatabasePrivate *db = privateDb();
    if (!db->count)
    for(int i = 0; i < family_list.size(); ++i) {
        for (int k = 0; k < db->count; ++k) {
            if (db->families[k]->name.compare(family_list.at(i), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
                QByteArray family_name = db->families[k]->name.toUtf8();
                familyRef = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                if (familyRef) {
                    fontRef = ATSFontFindFromName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                    goto FamilyFound;
                } else {
#if defined(QT_MAC_USE_COCOA)
                    // ATS and CT disagrees on what the family name should be,
                    // use CT to look up the font if ATS fails.
                    QCFString familyName = QString::fromAscii(family_name);
                    QCFType<CTFontRef> CTfontRef = CTFontCreateWithName(familyName, 12, NULL);
                    QCFType<CTFontDescriptorRef> fontDescriptor = CTFontCopyFontDescriptor(CTfontRef);
                    QCFString displayName = (CFStringRef)CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(fontDescriptor, kCTFontDisplayNameAttribute);

                    familyRef = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName(displayName, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                    if (familyRef) {
                        fontRef = ATSFontFindFromName(displayName, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                        goto FamilyFound;
    //fill in the engine's font definition
    QFontDef fontDef = d->request; //copy..
    if(fontDef.pointSize < 0)
	fontDef.pointSize = qt_mac_pointsize(fontDef, d->dpi);
	fontDef.pixelSize = qt_mac_pixelsize(fontDef, d->dpi);
#if 0
    ItemCount name_count;
    if(ATSUCountFontNames(fontID, &name_count) == noErr && name_count) {
        ItemCount actualName_size;
        if(ATSUGetIndFontName(fontID, 0, 0, 0, &actualName_size, 0, 0, 0, 0) == noErr && actualName_size) {
            QByteArray actualName(actualName_size);
            if(ATSUGetIndFontName(fontID, 0, actualName_size, actualName.data(), &actualName_size, 0, 0, 0, 0) == noErr && actualName_size)
                fontDef.family = QString::fromUtf8(actualName);
        QCFString actualName;
        if(ATSFontFamilyGetName(familyRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &actualName) == noErr)
            fontDef.family = actualName;

    QFontEngine *engine = new QCoreTextFontEngineMulti(familyRef, fontRef, fontDef, d->kerning);
#elif 1
    QFontEngine *engine = new QFontEngineMacMulti(familyRef, fontRef, fontDef, d->kerning);
    ATSFontFamilyRef atsFamily = familyRef;
    ATSFontFamilyRef atsFontRef = fontRef;

    FMFont fontID;
    FMFontFamily fmFamily;
    FMFontStyle fntStyle = 0;
    fmFamily = FMGetFontFamilyFromATSFontFamilyRef(atsFamily);
    if (fmFamily == kInvalidFontFamily) {
        // Use the ATSFont then...
        fontID = FMGetFontFromATSFontRef(atsFontRef);
    } else {
        if (fontDef.weight >= QFont::Bold)
            fntStyle |= ::bold;
        if (fontDef.style != QFont::StyleNormal)
            fntStyle |= ::italic;

        FMFontStyle intrinsicStyle;
        FMFont fnt = 0;
        if (FMGetFontFromFontFamilyInstance(fmFamily, fntStyle, &fnt, &intrinsicStyle) == noErr)
           fontID = FMGetATSFontRefFromFont(fnt);

    OSStatus status;

    const int maxAttributeCount = 5;
    ATSUAttributeTag tags[maxAttributeCount + 1];
    ByteCount sizes[maxAttributeCount + 1];
    ATSUAttributeValuePtr values[maxAttributeCount + 1];
    int attributeCount = 0;

    Fixed size = FixRatio(fontDef.pixelSize, 1);
    tags[attributeCount] = kATSUSizeTag;
    sizes[attributeCount] = sizeof(size);
    values[attributeCount] = &size;

    tags[attributeCount] = kATSUFontTag;
    sizes[attributeCount] = sizeof(fontID);
    values[attributeCount] = &fontID;

    CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
    if (fontDef.stretch != 100) {
        transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(float(fontDef.stretch) / float(100), 1);
        tags[attributeCount] = kATSUFontMatrixTag;
        sizes[attributeCount] = sizeof(transform);
        values[attributeCount] = &transform;

    ATSUStyle style;
    status = ATSUCreateStyle(&style);
    Q_ASSERT(status == noErr);

    Q_ASSERT(attributeCount < maxAttributeCount + 1);
    status = ATSUSetAttributes(style, attributeCount, tags, sizes, values);
    Q_ASSERT(status == noErr);

    QFontEngine *engine = new QFontEngineMac(style, fontID, fontDef, /*multiEngine*/ 0);
    d->engineData->engine = engine;
    engine->ref.ref(); //a ref for the engineData->engine
    QFontCache::instance()->insertEngine(key, engine);
Ejemplo n.º 4
static QFontEngine *loadFromDatabase(QFontDef &req, const QFontPrivate *d)
#if defined(QT_MAC_USE_COCOA)
    QCFString fontName = NULL;
    ATSFontFamilyRef familyRef = 0;
    ATSFontRef fontRef = 0;

    QStringList family_list = familyList(req);

    const char *stylehint = styleHint(req);
    if (stylehint)
        family_list << QLatin1String(stylehint);

    // add QFont::defaultFamily() to the list, for compatibility with previous versions
    family_list << QApplication::font().defaultFamily();

    QMutexLocker locker(fontDatabaseMutex());
    QFontDatabasePrivate *db = privateDb();
    if (!db->count)
    for (int i = 0; i < family_list.size(); ++i) {
        for (int k = 0; k < db->count; ++k) {
            if (db->families[k]->name.compare(family_list.at(i), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
#if defined(QT_MAC_USE_COCOA)
                CFStringRef familyName = QCFString::toCFStringRef(db->families[k]->name);
                QCFType<CTFontDescriptorRef> descriptor = CTFontDescriptorCreateWithAttributes(
                                        (const void**)&kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute,
                                        (const void**)&familyName, 1,
                                        &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks)));
                QCFType<CTFontRef> ctFont = CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(descriptor, 0, NULL);
                if (ctFont) {
                    fontName = CTFontCopyFullName(ctFont);
                    goto found;
                familyRef = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                if (familyRef) {
                    fontRef = ATSFontFindFromName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                    goto found;
    if (fontName)
        return new QCoreTextFontEngineMulti(fontName, req, d->kerning);
    if (familyRef) {
        QCFString actualName;
        if (ATSFontFamilyGetName(familyRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &actualName) == noErr)
            req.family = actualName;
        return new QFontEngineMacMulti(familyRef, fontRef, req, d->kerning);
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 5
char* MacLegacy_Select( filter_t *p_filter, const char* psz_fontname,
                        bool b_bold, bool b_italic, int i_size, int *i_idx )
    VLC_UNUSED( b_bold );
    VLC_UNUSED( b_italic );
    VLC_UNUSED( i_size );
    FSRef ref;
    unsigned char path[MAXPATHLEN];
    char * psz_path;

    CFStringRef  cf_fontName;
    ATSFontRef   ats_font_id;

    *i_idx = 0;

    if( psz_fontname == NULL )
        return NULL;

    msg_Dbg( p_filter, "looking for %s", psz_fontname );
    cf_fontName = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, psz_fontname, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );

    ats_font_id = ATSFontFindFromName( cf_fontName, kATSOptionFlagsIncludeDisabledMask );

    if ( ats_font_id == 0 || ats_font_id == 0xFFFFFFFFUL )
        msg_Dbg( p_filter, "ATS couldn't find %s by name, checking family", psz_fontname );
        ats_font_id = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName( cf_fontName, kATSOptionFlagsDefault );

        if ( ats_font_id == 0 || ats_font_id == 0xFFFFFFFFUL )
            msg_Dbg( p_filter, "ATS couldn't find either %s nor its family, checking PS name", psz_fontname );
            ats_font_id = ATSFontFindFromPostScriptName( cf_fontName, kATSOptionFlagsDefault );

            if ( ats_font_id == 0 || ats_font_id == 0xFFFFFFFFUL )
                msg_Err( p_filter, "ATS couldn't find %s (no font name, family or PS name)", psz_fontname );
                CFRelease( cf_fontName );
                return NULL;
    CFRelease( cf_fontName );

    if ( noErr != ATSFontGetFileReference( ats_font_id, &ref ) )
        msg_Err( p_filter, "ATS couldn't get file ref for %s", psz_fontname );
        return NULL;

    /* i_idx calculation by searching preceding fontIDs */
    /* with same FSRef                                       */
        ATSFontRef  id2 = ats_font_id - 1;
        FSRef       ref2;

        while ( id2 > 0 )
            if ( noErr != ATSFontGetFileReference( id2, &ref2 ) )
            if ( noErr != FSCompareFSRefs( &ref, &ref2 ) )

            id2 --;
        *i_idx = ats_font_id - ( id2 + 1 );

    if ( noErr != FSRefMakePath( &ref, path, sizeof(path) ) )
        msg_Err( p_filter, "failure when getting path from FSRef" );
        return NULL;
    msg_Dbg( p_filter, "found %s", path );

    psz_path = strdup( (char *)path );

    return psz_path;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void IGraphicsCarbon::CreateTextEntry(IControl* pControl, IText* pText, IRECT* pTextRect, const char* pString, IParam* pParam)
  ControlRef control = 0;

  if (!pControl || mTextEntryView || !mIsComposited) return;

  Rect r = { pTextRect->T, pTextRect->L, pTextRect->B, pTextRect->R };

  // these adjustments should make it the same as the cocoa one, i.e. the same size as the pTextRect, but with the extra blue rim often this is too small
  //Rect r = { pTextRect->T+4, pTextRect->L+3, pTextRect->B-3, pTextRect->R -3 };

  if (CreateEditUnicodeTextControl(NULL, &r, NULL, false, NULL, &control) != noErr) return;

  HIViewAddSubview(mView, control);

  const EventTypeSpec events[] =
    { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyDown },
    { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyRepeat }

  InstallControlEventHandler(control, TextEntryHandler, GetEventTypeCount(events), events, this, &mTextEntryHandler);
  mTextEntryView = control;

  if (pString[0] != '\0')
    CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, pString, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);

    if (str)
      SetControlData(mTextEntryView, kControlEditTextPart, kControlEditTextCFStringTag, sizeof(str), &str);

    ControlEditTextSelectionRec sel;
    sel.selStart = 0;
    sel.selEnd = strlen(pString);
    SetControlData(mTextEntryView, kControlEditTextPart, kControlEditTextSelectionTag, sizeof(sel), &sel);

  int just = 0;

  switch ( pText->mAlign )
    case IText::kAlignNear:
      just = teJustLeft;
    case IText::kAlignCenter:
      just = teCenter;
    case IText::kAlignFar:
      just = teJustRight;
      just = teCenter;

  ControlFontStyleRec font = { kControlUseJustMask | kControlUseSizeMask | kControlUseFontMask, 0, pText->mSize, 0, 0, just, 0, 0 };
  CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, pText->mFont, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
  font.font = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName(str, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);

  SetControlData(mTextEntryView, kControlEditTextPart, kControlFontStyleTag, sizeof(font), &font);

  Boolean singleLineStyle = true;
  SetControlData(mTextEntryView, kControlEditTextPart, kControlEditTextSingleLineTag, sizeof (Boolean), &singleLineStyle);

  HIViewSetVisible(mTextEntryView, true);
  HIViewAdvanceFocus(mTextEntryView, 0);
  SetKeyboardFocus(mWindow, mTextEntryView, kControlEditTextPart);

  mEdControl = pControl;
  mEdParam = pParam;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    Build a list of records describing installed fonts.
void PsychInitFontList(void)
    ATSFontRef			tempATSFontRef;
    CTFontRef           tempCTFontRef;
    //for font structures
    PsychFontStructPtrType	fontListHead, fontRecord, previousFontRecord;
    //for ATI font iteration
    ATSFontIterator		fontIterator;
    OSStatus			halt;
    //for font field names
    CFStringRef 		cfFontName;
    int                 i, j;
    psych_bool			resultOK;
    //for font file
    OSStatus			osStatus;			
    FSSpec              fontFileSpec;
    FSRef               fontFileRef;
    //for the font metrics
    ATSFontMetrics		horizontalMetrics;
    ATSFontMetrics		verticalMetrics;
    //for info from Font Manager 
    FMFontStyle			fmStyle;
    OSStatus			fmStatus;
    Str255				fmFontFamilyNamePString;
    Str255              fontFamilyQuickDrawNamePString;
    TextEncoding		textEncoding;
    OSStatus			scriptInfoOK;
    ScriptCode			scriptCode;
    LangCode			languageCode;
    OSStatus			localOK;
    LocaleRef			locale;
	psych_bool			trouble = FALSE;
	psych_bool			reportTrouble = TRUE;

    fontListHead=PsychFontListHeadKeeper(FALSE, NULL); //get the font list head.
    if(fontListHead) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "Attempt to set new font list head when one is already set.");
    fontRecord = NULL;
    fontIterator = NULL;
    i = 0;
    while (halt==noErr) {
        // Give repair hints early. Experience shows we might crash during enumeration of a
        // corrupt OSX font database, so make sure we get out the helpful message as early as possible. Doing
        // this (just) at the end of enumeration might be too late - we might never get there...
        // However, allow user to suppress the hint, as this happens quite regularly on 32-Bit OSX:
        if (reportTrouble && trouble && PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 2) {
            reportTrouble = FALSE; // Only show this hint once, not for every invalid font.
            printf("\nPTB-HINT: =============================================================================================================================\n");
            printf("PTB-HINT: At least one font on this system has issues and can not be accessed by Psychtoolbox. If you want to know which font(s) make\n");
            printf("PTB-HINT: trouble, do a 'clear all' and rerun your script with Screen()'s verbosity level set to at least 4 for more diagnostic output.\n");
            printf("PTB-HINT: The following tips may help you to resolve font issues:\n");
            printf("PTB-HINT: Go to the Application folder and open the 'Font Book' application. It allows you to check and repair your font database.\n");
            printf("PTB-HINT: Run its 'Validate' function on all installed fonts. Another thing you could try is downloading and running the free\n");
            printf("PTB-HINT: FontNuke application (Google will find it for you) to regenerate corrupt OSX font caches. Good luck!\n");
            printf("PTB-HINT: You can suppress this hint by choosing a verbosity level for Screen() of 2 or lower.\n");
            printf("PTB-HINT: =============================================================================================================================\n\n");

        halt=ATSFontIteratorNext(fontIterator, &tempATSFontRef);
            //create a new  font  font structure.  Set the next field  to NULL as  soon as we allocate the font so that if 
            //we break with an error then we can find the end when we  walk down the linked list. 
            fontRecord=(PsychFontStructPtrType) calloc(1, sizeof(PsychFontStructType));

            //Get  FM and ATS font and font family references from the ATS font reference, which we get from iteration.

            // Create CTFont from given ATSFontRef. Available since OSX 10.5
            tempCTFontRef = CTFontCreateWithPlatformFont(fontRecord->fontATSRef, 0.0, NULL, NULL);
            if (tempCTFontRef) {
                // Get font family name from CTFont:
                CFStringRef cfFamilyName = CTFontCopyFamilyName(tempCTFontRef);
                // Retrieve symbolic traits of font -- the closest equivalent of the fmStyle from the
                // good'ol fontManager:
                CTFontSymbolicTraits ctTraits = CTFontGetSymbolicTraits(tempCTFontRef);
                // Remap new trait constants to old constants for later Screen('TextStyle') matching.
                fmStyle = 0;
                if (ctTraits & kCTFontBoldTrait) fmStyle |= 1;
                if (ctTraits & kCTFontItalicTrait) fmStyle |= 2;
                if (ctTraits & kCTFontCondensedTrait) fmStyle |= 32;
                if (ctTraits & kCTFontExpandedTrait) fmStyle |= 64;
                // CTFont no longer needed:
                // Convert to C-String and assign:
                resultOK = cfFamilyName && CFStringGetCString(cfFamilyName, (char*) fontRecord->fontFMFamilyName, 255, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
                    if (cfFamilyName) CFRelease(cfFamilyName);
                    if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 3) printf("PTB-WARNING: In font initialization: Failed to retrieve font family name for font... Defective font?!? Skipped this entry...\n");
                    trouble = TRUE;
                // Get ATSRef for font family:
                fontRecord->fontFamilyATSRef = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName(cfFamilyName, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
            else {
                if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 3) printf("PTB-WARNING: In font initialization: Failed to retrieve CTFontRef for font... Defective font?!? Skipped this entry...\n");
                trouble = TRUE;

            //get the font name and set the the corresponding field of the struct
            if (ATSFontGetName(fontRecord->fontATSRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &cfFontName)!=noErr) {
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 3) printf("PTB-WARNING: In font initialization: Failed to query font name in ATSFontGetName! OS-X font handling screwed up?!? Skipped this entry...\n");
				trouble = TRUE;
            resultOK = cfFontName && CFStringGetCString(cfFontName, (char*) fontRecord->fontFMName, 255, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
                if (cfFontName) CFRelease(cfFontName);
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 3) printf("PTB-WARNING: In font initialization: Failed to convert fontFMName CF string to char string. Defective font?!? Skipped this entry...\n");
				trouble = TRUE;

            //get the font postscript name and set the corresponding field of the struct
            if (ATSFontGetPostScriptName(fontRecord->fontATSRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &cfFontName)!=noErr) {
                if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 3) printf("PTB-WARNING: In font initialization: The following font makes trouble: %s. Please REMOVE the offending font file from your font folders and restart Matlab. Skipped entry for now...\n", fontRecord->fontFMName);
				trouble = TRUE;

            resultOK = cfFontName && CFStringGetCString(cfFontName, (char*) fontRecord->fontPostScriptName, 255, kCFStringEncodingASCII); //kCFStringEncodingASCII matches MATLAB for 0-127
                if (cfFontName) CFRelease(cfFontName);
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 3) printf("PTB-WARNING: In font initialization: Failed to convert fontPostScriptName CF string to char string for font %s. Defective font?!? Skipped this entry...\n", fontRecord->fontFMName);
				trouble = TRUE;

            // Get the QuickDraw name of the font:
            fontRecord->fontFamilyQuickDrawName[0] = 0;
            fontFamilyQuickDrawNamePString[0] = 0;
            ATSFontFamilyGetQuickDrawName(fontRecord->fontFamilyATSRef, fontFamilyQuickDrawNamePString);
            for (j = 0; j < fontFamilyQuickDrawNamePString[0]; j++) fontRecord->fontFamilyQuickDrawName[j] = fontFamilyQuickDrawNamePString[j+1];
            fontRecord->fontFamilyQuickDrawName[j] = 0;

            osStatus = ATSFontGetFileReference(fontRecord->fontATSRef, &fontFileRef);
            if(osStatus != noErr) {
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 3) printf("PTB-WARNING: In font initialization: Failed to get the font file specifier for font %s. Defective font?!? Skipped this entry...\n", fontRecord->fontFMName);
				trouble = TRUE;

            osStatus= FSRefMakePath(&fontFileRef, (UInt8*) fontRecord->fontFile, (UInt32)(kPsychMaxFontFileNameChars - 1));
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 3) printf("PTB-WARNING: In font initialization: Failed to get the font file path for font %s. Defective font?!? Skipped this entry...\n", fontRecord->fontFMName);
				trouble = TRUE;

            //get the font metrics of this font.
            //Explicit copy between fields to make it clear what is going one, will likely have to mix & match between native and Psych structures for different
            ATSFontGetHorizontalMetrics(fontRecord->fontATSRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &horizontalMetrics);
            ATSFontGetVerticalMetrics(fontRecord->fontATSRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &verticalMetrics);
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.ascent=			horizontalMetrics.ascent;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.descent=			horizontalMetrics.descent;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.leading=			horizontalMetrics.leading;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.avgAdvanceWidth=		horizontalMetrics.avgAdvanceWidth;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.minLeftSideBearing=		horizontalMetrics.minLeftSideBearing;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.minRightSideBearing=		horizontalMetrics.minRightSideBearing;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.stemWidth=			horizontalMetrics.stemWidth;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.stemHeight=			horizontalMetrics.stemHeight;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.capHeight=			horizontalMetrics.capHeight;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.xHeight=			horizontalMetrics.xHeight;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.italicAngle=			horizontalMetrics.italicAngle;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.underlinePosition=		horizontalMetrics.underlinePosition;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.underlineThickness=		horizontalMetrics.underlineThickness;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.underlineThickness=		horizontalMetrics.underlineThickness;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.ascent=				verticalMetrics.ascent;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.descent=			verticalMetrics.descent;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.leading=			verticalMetrics.leading;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.avgAdvanceWidth=		verticalMetrics.avgAdvanceWidth;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.minLeftSideBearing=		verticalMetrics.minLeftSideBearing;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.minRightSideBearing=		verticalMetrics.minRightSideBearing;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.stemWidth=			verticalMetrics.stemWidth;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.stemHeight=			verticalMetrics.stemHeight;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.capHeight=			verticalMetrics.capHeight;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.xHeight=			verticalMetrics.xHeight;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.italicAngle=			verticalMetrics.italicAngle;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.underlinePosition=		verticalMetrics.underlinePosition;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.underlineThickness=		verticalMetrics.underlineThickness;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.underlineThickness=		verticalMetrics.underlineThickness;            
            fontRecord->fontFMNumStyles= fontRecord->fontFMNumStyles ? fontRecord->fontFMNumStyles : 1; //because the name is "normal" even if there are no styles.  
            // Get the locale info which is a property of the font family:
            // No error checking is done here, because many (most?) fonts miss the information,
            // so we would error-out all the time and this is non-critical for us:
            scriptInfoOK=RevertTextEncodingToScriptInfo(textEncoding, &scriptCode, &languageCode, NULL);
            localOK=LocaleRefFromLangOrRegionCode(languageCode, kTextRegionDontCare, &locale); 
            localOK |= LocaleRefGetPartString(locale, kLocaleLanguageMask, 255, (char*) fontRecord->locale.language);			fontRecord->locale.language[255]='\0'; 
            localOK |= LocaleRefGetPartString(locale, kLocaleLanguageVariantMask, 255, (char*) fontRecord->locale.languageVariant);	fontRecord->locale.languageVariant[255]='\0';
            localOK |= LocaleRefGetPartString(locale, kLocaleRegionMask, 255, (char*) fontRecord->locale.region);			fontRecord->locale.region[255]='\0';
            localOK |= LocaleRefGetPartString(locale, kLocaleRegionVariantMask, 255, (char*) fontRecord->locale.regionVariant);	fontRecord->locale.regionVariant[255]='\0';
            localOK |= LocaleRefGetPartString(locale, kLocaleAllPartsMask, 255, (char*) fontRecord->locale.fullName);		fontRecord->locale.fullName[255]='\0';
			// Init for fontRecord (nearly) finished.
			// Set this fontRecord as head of font-list, or enqueue it in existing list:
            if(i==0) {
                PsychFontListHeadKeeper(TRUE, fontRecord); 
			else {
			// Set the font number field of the struct

            // Increment the font index and update the next font pointer
        }else if(halt == kATSIterationScopeModified){
            //exit because the font database changed during this loop.
            if (fontIterator) ATSFontIteratorRelease(&fontIterator);
            PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_system, "The system font database was modified during font list setup. Please 'clear all' and restart your script.");
		// Next parse iteration in system font database...
    if (fontIterator) ATSFontIteratorRelease(&fontIterator);
    if (halt != kATSIterationCompleted) {
        trouble = TRUE;
        if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 0) printf("PTB-ERROR: Font iteration during enumeration terminated prematurely. OS-X Font database corrupted?!?");
	// Did we get a hand on at least one font?
	if (i==0) {
        trouble = TRUE;
		if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 0) {
			printf("PTB-ERROR: In font initialization: Could not even retrieve one valid font from the system! The OS-X font database must be corrupt.\n");
			printf("PTB-ERROR: Will try to continue but will likely abort if your code tries to call any of the font handling or text drawing functions.\n");
    // If there was some trouble and it wasn't reported yet, then report it now at the end if either
    // verbosity level is at least 3 (our default level), or if the error was especially serious and
    // lead to a premature abortion of font iteration or complete failure to find even a single valid
    // font. In the latter cases, we must report the trouble, regardless of verbosity level. In the
    // former case, probably only a few fonts had trouble, so we allow the user to suppress such messages
    // by lowering the verbosity to warning level or lower:
	if (reportTrouble && trouble && ((PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 2) || (halt != kATSIterationCompleted) || (i == 0))) {
		printf("PTB-HINT: =============================================================================================================================\n");
        printf("PTB-HINT: At least one font on this system has issues and can not be accessed by Psychtoolbox. If you want to know which font(s) make\n");
        printf("PTB-HINT: trouble, do a 'clear all' and rerun your script with Screen()'s verbosity level set to at least 4 for more diagnostic output.\n");
        printf("PTB-HINT: The following tips may help you to resolve font issues:\n");
		printf("PTB-HINT: Go to the Application folder and open the 'Font Book' application. It allows you to check and repair your font database.\n");
        printf("PTB-HINT: Run its 'Validate' function on all installed fonts. Another thing you could try is downloading and running the free\n");
        printf("PTB-HINT: FontNuke application (Google will find it for you) to regenerate corrupt OSX font caches. Good luck!\n");
        printf("PTB-HINT: In case of non-fatal errors, you can suppress this hint by choosing a verbosity level for Screen() of 2 or lower.\n");
		printf("PTB-HINT: =============================================================================================================================\n");

    // Font database ready for use.
Ejemplo n.º 8
TextWriter::TextWriter(int in_x, int in_y, Renderer &in_renderer, bool in_centered, int in_size, std::wstring fontname) :
x(in_x), y(in_y), size(in_size), original_x(0), last_line_height(0), centered(in_centered), renderer(in_renderer)
   x += renderer.m_xoffset;
   original_x = x;

   y += renderer.m_yoffset;

#ifdef WIN32

   Context c = renderer.m_context;
   point_size = MulDiv(size, GetDeviceCaps(c, LOGPIXELSY), 72);

   HFONT font = 0;
   if (font_size_lookup[in_size] == 0)
      // Set up the LOGFONT structure
      LOGFONT logical_font;
      logical_font.lfHeight = get_point_size();
      logical_font.lfWidth = 0;
      logical_font.lfEscapement = 0;
      logical_font.lfOrientation = 0;
      logical_font.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL;
      logical_font.lfItalic = false;
      logical_font.lfUnderline = false;
      logical_font.lfStrikeOut = false;
      logical_font.lfCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET;
      logical_font.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
      logical_font.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
      logical_font.lfQuality = PROOF_QUALITY;
      logical_font.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;
      lstrcpy(logical_font.lfFaceName, fontname.c_str()); 

      font = CreateFontIndirect(&logical_font);

      HFONT previous_font = (HFONT)SelectObject(c, font);

      wglUseFontBitmaps(c, 0, 128, next_call_list_start);
      font_size_lookup[in_size] = next_call_list_start;
      font_handle_lookup[in_size] = font;
      next_call_list_start += 130;

      SelectObject(c, previous_font);


   // TODO: is this sufficient?
   point_size = size;

   if (font_size_lookup[size] == 0)
      int list_start = glGenLists(128);

      // MACNOTE: Force Trebuchet MS.  It's what we mostly use anyway, but
      // I want to be sure they have it.
      const CFStringRef font_name = CFSTR("Trebuchet MS");
      ATSFontFamilyRef font = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName(font_name, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
      if (!font) throw PianoGameError(WSTRING(L"Couldn't get ATSFontFamilyRef for font '" << WideFromMacString(font_name) << L"'."));         
      AGLContext context = aglGetCurrentContext();
      if (!context) throw PianoGameError(L"Couldn't retrieve OpenGL context while creating font.");         
      GLboolean ret = aglUseFont(context, font, normal, size, 0, 128, list_start);
      if (ret == GL_FALSE) throw PianoGameError(WSTRING(L"aglUseFont() call failed with error code: " << aglGetError()));
      font_size_lookup[size] = list_start;

      // Create the ATSU style object that we'll use for calculating text extents and store it for later.
      ATSUStyle style;

      OSStatus status = ATSUCreateStyle(&style);
      if (status != noErr) throw PianoGameError(WSTRING(L"Couldn't create ATSU style.  Error code: " << static_cast<int>(status)));

      Fixed fixed_size = Long2Fix(size);
      ATSUAttributeTag tags[] = { kATSUSizeTag };
      ByteCount sizes[] = { sizeof(Fixed) };
      ATSUAttributeValuePtr values[] = { &fixed_size };
      status = ATSUSetAttributes(style, sizeof(sizes) / sizeof(ByteCount), tags, sizes, values);
      if (status != noErr) throw PianoGameError(WSTRING(L"Couldn't set ATSU style attributes.  Error code: " << static_cast<int>(status)));
      atsu_style_lookup[size] = style;      


Ejemplo n.º 9
    Build a list of records describing installed fonts.
void PsychInitFontList(void)
    ATSFontRef			tempATSFontRef;
#ifdef __LP64__
    CTFontRef           tempCTFontRef;
    //for font structures
    PsychFontStructPtrType	fontListHead, fontRecord, previousFontRecord;
    //for ATI font iteration
    ATSFontIterator		fontIterator;
    OSStatus			halt;
    //for font field names
    CFStringRef 		cfFontName;
    int                 i, j;
    psych_bool			resultOK;
    //for font file
    OSStatus			osStatus;			
    FSSpec              fontFileSpec;
    FSRef               fontFileRef;
    //for the font metrics
    ATSFontMetrics		horizontalMetrics;
    ATSFontMetrics		verticalMetrics;
    //for info from Font Manager 
    FMFontStyle			fmStyle;
    OSStatus			fmStatus;
    Str255				fmFontFamilyNamePString;
    Str255              fontFamilyQuickDrawNamePString;
    TextEncoding		textEncoding;
    OSStatus			scriptInfoOK;
    ScriptCode			scriptCode;
    LangCode			languageCode;
    OSStatus			localOK;
    LocaleRef			locale;
	psych_bool			trouble = FALSE;

    fontListHead=PsychFontListHeadKeeper(FALSE, NULL); //get the font list head.
    if(fontListHead) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "Attempt to set new font list head when one is already set.");
        halt=ATSFontIteratorNext(fontIterator, &tempATSFontRef);
            //create a new  font  font structure.  Set the next field  to NULL as  soon as we allocate the font so that if 
            //we break with an error then we can find the end when we  walk down the linked list. 

            //Get  FM and ATS font and font family references from the ATS font reference, which we get from iteration.

#ifndef __LP64__
            fmStatus=FMGetFontFamilyInstanceFromFont(fontRecord->fontFMRef, &(fontRecord->fontFamilyFMRef), &fmStyle);
            fontRecord->fontFamilyATSRef = FMGetATSFontFamilyRefFromFontFamily(fontRecord->fontFamilyFMRef);
            // Create CTFont from given ATSFontRef. Available since OSX 10.5
            tempCTFontRef = CTFontCreateWithPlatformFont(fontRecord->fontATSRef, 0.0, NULL, NULL);

            // Get font family name from CTFont:
            CFStringRef cfFamilyName = CTFontCopyFamilyName(tempCTFontRef);

            // Retrieve symbolic traits of font -- the closest equivalent of the fmStyle from the
            // good'ol fontManager:
            CTFontSymbolicTraits ctTraits = CTFontGetSymbolicTraits(tempCTFontRef);
            // Remap new trait constants to old constants for later Screen('TextStyle') matching.
            fmStyle = 0;
            if (ctTraits & kCTFontBoldTrait) fmStyle |= 1;
            if (ctTraits & kCTFontItalicTrait) fmStyle |= 2;
            if (ctTraits & kCTFontCondensedTrait) fmStyle |= 32;
            if (ctTraits & kCTFontExpandedTrait) fmStyle |= 64;
            // CTFont no longer needed:

            // Convert to C-String and assign:
            resultOK = CFStringGetCString(cfFamilyName, (char*) fontRecord->fontFMFamilyName, 255, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1) printf("PTB-WARNING: In font initialization: Failed to retrieve font family name for font... Defective font?!? Skipped this entry...\n");
				trouble = TRUE;

            // Get ATSRef for font family:
            fontRecord->fontFamilyATSRef = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName(cfFamilyName, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);

            //get the font name and set the the corresponding field of the struct
            if (ATSFontGetName(fontRecord->fontATSRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &cfFontName)!=noErr) {
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1) printf("PTB-WARNING: In font initialization: Failed to query font name in ATSFontGetName! OS-X font handling screwed up?!? Skipped this entry...\n");
				trouble = TRUE;
            resultOK=CFStringGetCString(cfFontName, (char*) fontRecord->fontFMName, 255, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1) printf("PTB-WARNING: In font initialization: Failed to convert fontFMName CF string to char string. Defective font?!? Skipped this entry...\n");
				trouble = TRUE;

            //get the font postscript name and set the corresponding field of the struct
            if (ATSFontGetPostScriptName(fontRecord->fontATSRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &cfFontName)!=noErr) {
                if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1) printf("PTB-WARNING: In font initialization: The following font makes trouble: %s. Please REMOVE the offending font file from your font folders and restart Matlab. Skipped entry for now...\n", fontRecord->fontFMName);
				trouble = TRUE;

            resultOK=CFStringGetCString(cfFontName, (char*) fontRecord->fontPostScriptName, 255, kCFStringEncodingASCII); //kCFStringEncodingASCII matches MATLAB for 0-127
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1) printf("PTB-WARNING: In font initialization: Failed to convert fontPostScriptName CF string to char string for font %s. Defective font?!? Skipped this entry...\n", fontRecord->fontFMName);
				trouble = TRUE;

            //get the QuickDraw name of the font
            ATSFontFamilyGetQuickDrawName(fontRecord->fontFamilyATSRef, fontFamilyQuickDrawNamePString);
            #ifndef __LP64__
            CopyPascalStringToC(fontFamilyQuickDrawNamePString, (char*) fontRecord->fontFamilyQuickDrawName);
            for (j = 0; j < fontFamilyQuickDrawNamePString[0]; j++) fontRecord->fontFamilyQuickDrawName[j] = fontFamilyQuickDrawNamePString[j+1];
            fontRecord->fontFamilyQuickDrawName[j] = 0;

            #ifndef __LP64__
            // Get the font file used for this font
            osStatus = ATSFontGetFileSpecification(fontRecord->fontATSRef, &fontFileSpec);
            if(osStatus != noErr) {
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1) printf("PTB-WARNING: In font initialization: Failed to get the font file specifier for font %s. Defective font?!? Skipped this entry...\n", fontRecord->fontFMName);
				trouble = TRUE;

            FSpMakeFSRef(&fontFileSpec, &fontFileRef);
            // 64-Bit version, available since OSX 10.5:
            osStatus = ATSFontGetFileReference(fontRecord->fontATSRef, &fontFileRef);
            if(osStatus != noErr) {
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1) printf("PTB-WARNING: In font initialization: Failed to get the font file specifier for font %s. Defective font?!? Skipped this entry...\n", fontRecord->fontFMName);
				trouble = TRUE;

            osStatus= FSRefMakePath(&fontFileRef, (UInt8*) fontRecord->fontFile, (UInt32)(kPsychMaxFontFileNameChars - 1));
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1) printf("PTB-WARNING: In font initialization: Failed to get the font file path for font %s. Defective font?!? Skipped this entry...\n", fontRecord->fontFMName);
				trouble = TRUE;

            //get the font metrics of this font.
            //Explicit copy between fields to make it clear what is going one, will likely have to mix & match between native and Psych structures for different
            ATSFontGetHorizontalMetrics(fontRecord->fontATSRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &horizontalMetrics);
            ATSFontGetVerticalMetrics(fontRecord->fontATSRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &verticalMetrics);
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.ascent=			horizontalMetrics.ascent;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.descent=			horizontalMetrics.descent;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.leading=			horizontalMetrics.leading;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.avgAdvanceWidth=		horizontalMetrics.avgAdvanceWidth;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.minLeftSideBearing=		horizontalMetrics.minLeftSideBearing;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.minRightSideBearing=		horizontalMetrics.minRightSideBearing;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.stemWidth=			horizontalMetrics.stemWidth;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.stemHeight=			horizontalMetrics.stemHeight;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.capHeight=			horizontalMetrics.capHeight;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.xHeight=			horizontalMetrics.xHeight;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.italicAngle=			horizontalMetrics.italicAngle;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.underlinePosition=		horizontalMetrics.underlinePosition;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.underlineThickness=		horizontalMetrics.underlineThickness;
            fontRecord->horizontalMetrics.underlineThickness=		horizontalMetrics.underlineThickness;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.ascent=				verticalMetrics.ascent;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.descent=			verticalMetrics.descent;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.leading=			verticalMetrics.leading;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.avgAdvanceWidth=		verticalMetrics.avgAdvanceWidth;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.minLeftSideBearing=		verticalMetrics.minLeftSideBearing;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.minRightSideBearing=		verticalMetrics.minRightSideBearing;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.stemWidth=			verticalMetrics.stemWidth;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.stemHeight=			verticalMetrics.stemHeight;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.capHeight=			verticalMetrics.capHeight;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.xHeight=			verticalMetrics.xHeight;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.italicAngle=			verticalMetrics.italicAngle;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.underlinePosition=		verticalMetrics.underlinePosition;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.underlineThickness=		verticalMetrics.underlineThickness;
            fontRecord->verticalMetrics.underlineThickness=		verticalMetrics.underlineThickness;

            // On 32-Bit use Font Manager to get the FM  font family name font style.
            // This has been already done above for 64-Bit:
            #ifndef __LP64__
            fmStatus=FMGetFontFamilyName(fontRecord->fontFamilyFMRef, fmFontFamilyNamePString);
            CopyPascalStringToC(fmFontFamilyNamePString, (char*) fontRecord->fontFMFamilyName);
            fontRecord->fontFMNumStyles= fontRecord->fontFMNumStyles ? fontRecord->fontFMNumStyles : 1; //because the name is "normal" even if there are no styles.  
            //get the locale info which is a property of the font family
            scriptInfoOK=RevertTextEncodingToScriptInfo(textEncoding, &scriptCode, &languageCode, NULL);
            localOK=LocaleRefFromLangOrRegionCode(languageCode, kTextRegionDontCare, &locale); 
            localOK=LocaleRefGetPartString(locale, kLocaleLanguageMask, 255, (char*) fontRecord->locale.language);			fontRecord->locale.language[255]='\0'; 
            localOK=LocaleRefGetPartString(locale, kLocaleLanguageVariantMask, 255, (char*) fontRecord->locale.languageVariant);	fontRecord->locale.languageVariant[255]='\0';
            localOK=LocaleRefGetPartString(locale, kLocaleRegionMask, 255, (char*) fontRecord->locale.region);			fontRecord->locale.region[255]='\0';
            localOK=LocaleRefGetPartString(locale, kLocaleRegionVariantMask, 255, (char*) fontRecord->locale.regionVariant);	fontRecord->locale.regionVariant[255]='\0';
            localOK=LocaleRefGetPartString(locale, kLocaleAllPartsMask, 255, (char*) fontRecord->locale.fullName);		fontRecord->locale.fullName[255]='\0';

			// Init for fontRecord (nearly) finished.
			// Set this fontRecord as head of font-list, or enqueue it in existing list:
            if(i==0) {
                PsychFontListHeadKeeper(TRUE, fontRecord); 
			else {
			// Set the font number field of the struct

            // Increment the font index and update the next font pointer
        }else if(halt == kATSIterationScopeModified){
            //exit because the font database changed during this loop.
            PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "The system font database was modified during font list setup. Please 'clear all' and restart your script.");
		// Next parse iteration in system font database...
    if(halt != kATSIterationCompleted){
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "Font iteration terminated prematurely. OS-X Font database corrupted?!?");
	// Did we get a hand on at least one font?
	if (i==0) {
		if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 0) {
			printf("PTB-ERROR: In font initialization: Could not even retrieve one valid font from the system! The OS-X font database must be corrupt.\n");
			printf("PTB-ERROR: Will try to continue but will likely crash if your code tries to call any of the font handling or text drawing functions.\n");
			trouble = TRUE;
	if (trouble && PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 0) {
		printf("PTB-HINT: Go to the Application folder and open the 'Font Book' application. It allows you to check and repair your font database.\n");


    // Font database ready for use.
Ejemplo n.º 10
ATSFontFamilyRef ATSFontFamilyFindFromName_wrap( const char* name ) {
  CFStringRef cfs = CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy( NULL, name, 
                     kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, kCFAllocatorNull);
  return ATSFontFamilyFindFromName( cfs, kNilOptions);