Ejemplo n.º 1
static QFontEngine *loadFromDatabase(QFontDef &req, const QFontPrivate *d)
#if defined(QT_MAC_USE_COCOA)
    QCFString fontName = NULL;
    ATSFontFamilyRef familyRef = 0;
    ATSFontRef fontRef = 0;

    QStringList family_list = familyList(req);

    const char *stylehint = styleHint(req);
    if (stylehint)
        family_list << QLatin1String(stylehint);

    // add QFont::defaultFamily() to the list, for compatibility with previous versions
    family_list << QApplication::font().defaultFamily();

    QMutexLocker locker(fontDatabaseMutex());
    QFontDatabasePrivate *db = privateDb();
    if (!db->count)
    for (int i = 0; i < family_list.size(); ++i) {
        for (int k = 0; k < db->count; ++k) {
            if (db->families[k]->name.compare(family_list.at(i), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
                QByteArray family_name = db->families[k]->name.toUtf8();
#if defined(QT_MAC_USE_COCOA)
                QCFType<CTFontRef> ctFont = CTFontCreateWithName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), 12, NULL);
                if (ctFont) {
                    fontName = CTFontCopyFullName(ctFont);
                    goto found;
                familyRef = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                if (familyRef) {
                    fontRef = ATSFontFindFromName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                    goto found;
    if (fontName)
        return new QCoreTextFontEngineMulti(fontName, req, d->kerning);
    if (familyRef) {
        QCFString actualName;
        if (ATSFontFamilyGetName(familyRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &actualName) == noErr)
            req.family = actualName;
        return new QFontEngineMacMulti(familyRef, fontRef, req, d->kerning);
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: ftmac.c Proyecto: 32767/libgdx
  static FT_Error
  FT_GetFileRef_From_Mac_ATS_Name( const char*  fontName,
                                   FSRef*       ats_font_ref,
                                   FT_Long*     face_index )
    CFStringRef  cf_fontName;
    ATSFontRef   ats_font_id;

    *face_index = 0;

    cf_fontName = CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, fontName,
                                             kCFStringEncodingMacRoman );
    ats_font_id = ATSFontFindFromName( cf_fontName,
                                       kATSOptionFlagsUnRestrictedScope );
    CFRelease( cf_fontName );

    if ( ats_font_id == 0 || ats_font_id == 0xFFFFFFFFUL )
      return FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;

    if ( noErr != FT_ATSFontGetFileReference( ats_font_id, ats_font_ref ) )
      return FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;

    /* face_index calculation by searching preceding fontIDs */
    /* with same FSRef                                       */
      ATSFontRef  id2 = ats_font_id - 1;
      FSRef       ref2;

      while ( id2 > 0 )
        if ( noErr != FT_ATSFontGetFileReference( id2, &ref2 ) )
        if ( noErr != FSCompareFSRefs( ats_font_ref, &ref2 ) )

        id2 --;
      *face_index = ats_font_id - ( id2 + 1 );

    return FT_Err_Ok;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  FT_GetFile_From_Mac_ATS_Name( const char*  fontName,
                                FSSpec*      pathSpec,
                                FT_Long*     face_index )
    CFStringRef  cf_fontName;
    ATSFontRef   ats_font_id;

    *face_index = 0;

    cf_fontName = CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, fontName,
                                             kCFStringEncodingMacRoman );
    ats_font_id = ATSFontFindFromName( cf_fontName,
                                       kATSOptionFlagsUnRestrictedScope );

    if ( ats_font_id == 0 || ats_font_id == 0xFFFFFFFFUL )
      return FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;

    if ( 0 != ATSFontGetFileSpecification( ats_font_id, pathSpec ) )
      return FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;

    /* face_index calculation by searching preceding fontIDs */
    /* with same FSRef                                       */
      int     i;
      FSSpec  f;

      for ( i = 1; i < ats_font_id; i++ )
        if ( 0 != ATSFontGetFileSpecification( ats_font_id - i,
                                               &f               ) ||
             f.vRefNum != pathSpec->vRefNum                       ||
             f.parID   != pathSpec->parID                         ||
             f.name[0] != pathSpec->name[0]                       ||
             0 != ft_strncmp( (char *)f.name + 1,
                              (char *)pathSpec->name + 1,
                              f.name[0]                           ) )
      *face_index = ( i - 1 );
    return FT_Err_Ok;
Ejemplo n.º 4
FT_Error GetFontByFaceName(const char *font_name, FT_Face *face)
	FT_Error err = FT_Err_Cannot_Open_Resource;

	/* Get font reference from name. */
	CFStringRef name = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, font_name, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
	ATSFontRef font = ATSFontFindFromName(name, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
	if (font == kInvalidFont) return err;

	/* Get a file system reference for the font. */
	FSRef ref;
	OSStatus os_err = -1;
	if (MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(10, 5, 0)) {
		os_err = ATSFontGetFileReference(font, &ref);
	} else
#if (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5) && !defined(__LP64__)
		/* This type was introduced with the 10.5 SDK. */
	#define ATSFSSpec FSSpec
		FSSpec spec;
		os_err = ATSFontGetFileSpecification(font, (ATSFSSpec *)&spec);
		if (os_err == noErr) os_err = FSpMakeFSRef(&spec, &ref);

	if (os_err == noErr) {
		/* Get unix path for file. */
		UInt8 file_path[PATH_MAX];
		if (FSRefMakePath(&ref, file_path, sizeof(file_path)) == noErr) {
			DEBUG(freetype, 3, "Font path for %s: %s", font_name, file_path);
			err = FT_New_Face(_library, (const char *)file_path, 0, face);

	return err;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool MacCarbFont::create( const char* name, U32 size, U32 charset)
   String nameStr = name;
   nameStr = nameStr.trim();
   // create and cache the style and layout.
   // based on apple sample code at http://developer.apple.com/qa/qa2001/qa1027.html

   // note: charset is ignored on mac. -- we don't need it to get the right chars.
   // But do we need it to translate encodings? hmm...

   CFStringRef       cfsName;
   ATSUFontID        atsuFontID;
   ATSFontRef        atsFontRef;
   Fixed             atsuSize;
   ATSURGBAlphaColor black;
   ATSFontMetrics    fontMetrics;
   U32               scaledSize;
   bool              isBold = false;
   bool              isItalic = false;
   bool haveModifier;
      haveModifier = false;
      if( nameStr.compare( "Bold", 4, String::NoCase | String::Right ) == 0 )
         isBold = true;
         nameStr = nameStr.substr( 0, nameStr.length() - 4 ).trim();
         haveModifier = true;
      if( nameStr.compare( "Italic", 6, String::NoCase | String::Right ) == 0 )
         isItalic = true;
         nameStr = nameStr.substr( 0, nameStr.length() - 6 ).trim();
         haveModifier = true;
   while( haveModifier );
   // Look up the font. We need it in 2 differnt formats, for differnt Apple APIs.
   cfsName = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, nameStr.c_str(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
      Con::errorf("Error: could not make a cfstring out of \"%s\" ",nameStr.c_str());
   atsFontRef =  ATSFontFindFromName( cfsName, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
   atsuFontID = FMGetFontFromATSFontRef( atsFontRef);

   // make sure we found it. ATSFontFindFromName() appears to return 0 if it cant find anything. Apple docs contain no info on error returns.
   if( !atsFontRef || !atsuFontID )
      Con::errorf("MacCarbFont::create - could not load font -%s-",name);
      return false;

   // adjust the size. win dpi = 96, mac dpi = 72. 72/96 = .75
   // Interestingly enough, 0.75 is not what makes things the right size.
   scaledSize = size - 2 - (int)((float)size * 0.1);
   mSize = scaledSize;
   // Set up the size and color. We send these to ATSUSetAttributes().
   atsuSize = IntToFixed(scaledSize);
   black.red = black.green = black.blue = black.alpha = 1.0;

   // Three parrallel arrays for setting up font, size, and color attributes.
   ATSUAttributeTag theTags[] = { kATSUFontTag, kATSUSizeTag, kATSURGBAlphaColorTag};
   ByteCount theSizes[] = { sizeof(ATSUFontID), sizeof(Fixed), sizeof(ATSURGBAlphaColor) };
   ATSUAttributeValuePtr theValues[] = { &atsuFontID, &atsuSize, &black };
   // create and configure the style object.
   ATSUSetAttributes( mStyle, 3, theTags, theSizes, theValues );
   if( isBold )
      ATSUAttributeTag tag = kATSUQDBoldfaceTag;
      ByteCount size = sizeof( Boolean );
      Boolean value = true;
      ATSUAttributeValuePtr valuePtr = &value;
      ATSUSetAttributes( mStyle, 1, &tag, &size, &valuePtr );
   if( isItalic )
      ATSUAttributeTag tag = kATSUQDItalicTag;
      ByteCount size = sizeof( Boolean );
      Boolean value = true;
      ATSUAttributeValuePtr valuePtr = &value;
      ATSUSetAttributes( mStyle, 1, &tag, &size, &valuePtr );
   // create the layout object, 
   // we'll bind the layout to a bitmap context when we actually draw.
   // ATSUSetTextPointerLocation()  - will set the text buffer
   // ATSUSetLayoutControls()       - will set the cg context.
   // get font metrics, save our baseline and height
   ATSFontGetHorizontalMetrics(atsFontRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &fontMetrics);
   mBaseline = scaledSize * fontMetrics.ascent;
   mHeight   = scaledSize * ( fontMetrics.ascent - fontMetrics.descent + fontMetrics.leading ) + 1;
   // cache our grey color space, so we dont have to re create it every time.
   mColorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray();
   // and finally cache the font's name. We use this to cheat some antialiasing options below.
   mName = StringTable->insert(name);
   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void QFontDatabase::load(const QFontPrivate *d, int script)
    // sanity checks
        qWarning("QFont: Must construct a QApplication before a QFont");
    Q_ASSERT(script >= 0 && script < QUnicodeTables::ScriptCount);

    QFontDef req = d->request;
    req.pixelSize = qt_mac_pixelsize(req, d->dpi);

    // set the point size to 0 to get better caching
    req.pointSize = 0;
    QFontCache::Key key = QFontCache::Key(req, QUnicodeTables::Common, d->screen);

    if(!(d->engineData = QFontCache::instance->findEngineData(key))) {
        d->engineData = new QFontEngineData;
        QFontCache::instance->insertEngineData(key, d->engineData);
    } else {
    if(d->engineData->engine) // already loaded

    // set it to the actual pointsize, so QFontInfo will do the right thing
    req.pointSize = qRound(qt_mac_pointsize(d->request, d->dpi));

    QFontEngine *e = QFontCache::instance->findEngine(key);
    if(!e && qt_enable_test_font && req.family == QLatin1String("__Qt__Box__Engine__")) {
        e = new QTestFontEngine(req.pixelSize);
        e->fontDef = req;

    if(e) {
        Q_ASSERT(e->type() == QFontEngine::Multi || e->type() == QFontEngine::TestFontEngine);
        d->engineData->engine = e;
        return; // the font info and fontdef should already be filled

    //find the font
    QStringList family_list = req.family.split(QLatin1Char(','));
    // append the substitute list for each family in family_list
	    QStringList subs_list;
	    for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = family_list.begin(); it != family_list.end(); ++it)
		    subs_list += QFont::substitutes(*it);
	    family_list += subs_list;

    const char *stylehint = styleHint(req);
    if (stylehint)
        family_list << QLatin1String(stylehint);

    // add QFont::defaultFamily() to the list, for compatibility with
    // previous versions
    family_list << QApplication::font().defaultFamily();

    ATSFontFamilyRef familyRef = 0;
    ATSFontRef fontRef = 0;
    QFontDatabasePrivate *db = privateDb();
    if (!db->count)
    for(int i = 0; i < family_list.size(); ++i) {
        for (int k = 0; k < db->count; ++k) {
            if (db->families[k]->name.compare(family_list.at(i), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
                QByteArray family_name = db->families[k]->name.toUtf8();
                familyRef = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                if (familyRef) {
                    fontRef = ATSFontFindFromName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                    goto FamilyFound;
    //fill in the engine's font definition
    QFontDef fontDef = d->request; //copy..
    if(fontDef.pointSize < 0)
	fontDef.pointSize = qt_mac_pointsize(fontDef, d->dpi);
	fontDef.pixelSize = qt_mac_pixelsize(fontDef, d->dpi);
#if 0
    ItemCount name_count;
    if(ATSUCountFontNames(fontID, &name_count) == noErr && name_count) {
        ItemCount actualName_size;
        if(ATSUGetIndFontName(fontID, 0, 0, 0, &actualName_size, 0, 0, 0, 0) == noErr && actualName_size) {
            QByteArray actualName(actualName_size);
            if(ATSUGetIndFontName(fontID, 0, actualName_size, actualName.data(), &actualName_size, 0, 0, 0, 0) == noErr && actualName_size)
                fontDef.family = QString::fromUtf8(actualName);
        QCFString actualName;
        if(ATSFontFamilyGetName(familyRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &actualName) == noErr)
            fontDef.family = actualName;

    QFontEngine *engine = new QFontEngineMacMulti(familyRef, fontRef, fontDef, d->kerning);
    d->engineData->engine = engine;
    engine->ref.ref(); //a ref for the engineData->engine
    QFontCache::instance->insertEngine(key, engine);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void QFontDatabase::load(const QFontPrivate *d, int script)
    // sanity checks
        qWarning("QFont: Must construct a QApplication before a QFont");

    Q_ASSERT(script >= 0 && script < QUnicodeTables::ScriptCount);

    QFontDef req = d->request;
    req.pixelSize = qt_mac_pixelsize(req, d->dpi);

    // set the point size to 0 to get better caching
    req.pointSize = 0;
    QFontCache::Key key = QFontCache::Key(req, QUnicodeTables::Common, d->screen);

    if(!(d->engineData = QFontCache::instance()->findEngineData(key))) {
        d->engineData = new QFontEngineData;
        QFontCache::instance()->insertEngineData(key, d->engineData);
    } else {
    if(d->engineData->engine) // already loaded

    // set it to the actual pointsize, so QFontInfo will do the right thing
    req.pointSize = qRound(qt_mac_pointsize(d->request, d->dpi));

    QFontEngine *e = QFontCache::instance()->findEngine(key);
    if(!e && qt_enable_test_font && req.family == QLatin1String("__Qt__Box__Engine__")) {
        e = new QTestFontEngine(req.pixelSize);
        e->fontDef = req;

    if(e) {
        d->engineData->engine = e;
        return; // the font info and fontdef should already be filled

    //find the font
    QStringList family_list = familyList(req);

    const char *stylehint = styleHint(req);
    if (stylehint)
        family_list << QLatin1String(stylehint);

    // add QFont::defaultFamily() to the list, for compatibility with
    // previous versions
    family_list << QApplication::font().defaultFamily();

    ATSFontFamilyRef familyRef = 0;
    ATSFontRef fontRef = 0;

    QMutexLocker locker(fontDatabaseMutex());
    QFontDatabasePrivate *db = privateDb();
    if (!db->count)
    for(int i = 0; i < family_list.size(); ++i) {
        for (int k = 0; k < db->count; ++k) {
            if (db->families[k]->name.compare(family_list.at(i), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
                QByteArray family_name = db->families[k]->name.toUtf8();
                familyRef = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                if (familyRef) {
                    fontRef = ATSFontFindFromName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                    goto FamilyFound;
                } else {
#if defined(QT_MAC_USE_COCOA)
                    // ATS and CT disagrees on what the family name should be,
                    // use CT to look up the font if ATS fails.
                    QCFString familyName = QString::fromAscii(family_name);
                    QCFType<CTFontRef> CTfontRef = CTFontCreateWithName(familyName, 12, NULL);
                    QCFType<CTFontDescriptorRef> fontDescriptor = CTFontCopyFontDescriptor(CTfontRef);
                    QCFString displayName = (CFStringRef)CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(fontDescriptor, kCTFontDisplayNameAttribute);

                    familyRef = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName(displayName, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                    if (familyRef) {
                        fontRef = ATSFontFindFromName(displayName, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                        goto FamilyFound;
    //fill in the engine's font definition
    QFontDef fontDef = d->request; //copy..
    if(fontDef.pointSize < 0)
	fontDef.pointSize = qt_mac_pointsize(fontDef, d->dpi);
	fontDef.pixelSize = qt_mac_pixelsize(fontDef, d->dpi);
#if 0
    ItemCount name_count;
    if(ATSUCountFontNames(fontID, &name_count) == noErr && name_count) {
        ItemCount actualName_size;
        if(ATSUGetIndFontName(fontID, 0, 0, 0, &actualName_size, 0, 0, 0, 0) == noErr && actualName_size) {
            QByteArray actualName(actualName_size);
            if(ATSUGetIndFontName(fontID, 0, actualName_size, actualName.data(), &actualName_size, 0, 0, 0, 0) == noErr && actualName_size)
                fontDef.family = QString::fromUtf8(actualName);
        QCFString actualName;
        if(ATSFontFamilyGetName(familyRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &actualName) == noErr)
            fontDef.family = actualName;

    QFontEngine *engine = new QCoreTextFontEngineMulti(familyRef, fontRef, fontDef, d->kerning);
#elif 1
    QFontEngine *engine = new QFontEngineMacMulti(familyRef, fontRef, fontDef, d->kerning);
    ATSFontFamilyRef atsFamily = familyRef;
    ATSFontFamilyRef atsFontRef = fontRef;

    FMFont fontID;
    FMFontFamily fmFamily;
    FMFontStyle fntStyle = 0;
    fmFamily = FMGetFontFamilyFromATSFontFamilyRef(atsFamily);
    if (fmFamily == kInvalidFontFamily) {
        // Use the ATSFont then...
        fontID = FMGetFontFromATSFontRef(atsFontRef);
    } else {
        if (fontDef.weight >= QFont::Bold)
            fntStyle |= ::bold;
        if (fontDef.style != QFont::StyleNormal)
            fntStyle |= ::italic;

        FMFontStyle intrinsicStyle;
        FMFont fnt = 0;
        if (FMGetFontFromFontFamilyInstance(fmFamily, fntStyle, &fnt, &intrinsicStyle) == noErr)
           fontID = FMGetATSFontRefFromFont(fnt);

    OSStatus status;

    const int maxAttributeCount = 5;
    ATSUAttributeTag tags[maxAttributeCount + 1];
    ByteCount sizes[maxAttributeCount + 1];
    ATSUAttributeValuePtr values[maxAttributeCount + 1];
    int attributeCount = 0;

    Fixed size = FixRatio(fontDef.pixelSize, 1);
    tags[attributeCount] = kATSUSizeTag;
    sizes[attributeCount] = sizeof(size);
    values[attributeCount] = &size;

    tags[attributeCount] = kATSUFontTag;
    sizes[attributeCount] = sizeof(fontID);
    values[attributeCount] = &fontID;

    CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
    if (fontDef.stretch != 100) {
        transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(float(fontDef.stretch) / float(100), 1);
        tags[attributeCount] = kATSUFontMatrixTag;
        sizes[attributeCount] = sizeof(transform);
        values[attributeCount] = &transform;

    ATSUStyle style;
    status = ATSUCreateStyle(&style);
    Q_ASSERT(status == noErr);

    Q_ASSERT(attributeCount < maxAttributeCount + 1);
    status = ATSUSetAttributes(style, attributeCount, tags, sizes, values);
    Q_ASSERT(status == noErr);

    QFontEngine *engine = new QFontEngineMac(style, fontID, fontDef, /*multiEngine*/ 0);
    d->engineData->engine = engine;
    engine->ref.ref(); //a ref for the engineData->engine
    QFontCache::instance()->insertEngine(key, engine);
Ejemplo n.º 8
static QFontEngine *loadFromDatabase(QFontDef &req, const QFontPrivate *d)
#if defined(QT_MAC_USE_COCOA)
    QCFString fontName = NULL;
    ATSFontFamilyRef familyRef = 0;
    ATSFontRef fontRef = 0;

    QStringList family_list = familyList(req);

    const char *stylehint = styleHint(req);
    if (stylehint)
        family_list << QLatin1String(stylehint);

    // add QFont::defaultFamily() to the list, for compatibility with previous versions
    family_list << QApplication::font().defaultFamily();

    QMutexLocker locker(fontDatabaseMutex());
    QFontDatabasePrivate *db = privateDb();
    if (!db->count)
    for (int i = 0; i < family_list.size(); ++i) {
        for (int k = 0; k < db->count; ++k) {
            if (db->families[k]->name.compare(family_list.at(i), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
#if defined(QT_MAC_USE_COCOA)
                CFStringRef familyName = QCFString::toCFStringRef(db->families[k]->name);
                QCFType<CTFontDescriptorRef> descriptor = CTFontDescriptorCreateWithAttributes(
                                        (const void**)&kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute,
                                        (const void**)&familyName, 1,
                                        &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks)));
                QCFType<CTFontRef> ctFont = CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(descriptor, 0, NULL);
                if (ctFont) {
                    fontName = CTFontCopyFullName(ctFont);
                    goto found;
                familyRef = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                if (familyRef) {
                    fontRef = ATSFontFindFromName(QCFString(db->families[k]->name), kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
                    goto found;
    if (fontName)
        return new QCoreTextFontEngineMulti(fontName, req, d->kerning);
    if (familyRef) {
        QCFString actualName;
        if (ATSFontFamilyGetName(familyRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &actualName) == noErr)
            req.family = actualName;
        return new QFontEngineMacMulti(familyRef, fontRef, req, d->kerning);
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 9
char* MacLegacy_Select( filter_t *p_filter, const char* psz_fontname,
                        bool b_bold, bool b_italic, int i_size, int *i_idx )
    VLC_UNUSED( b_bold );
    VLC_UNUSED( b_italic );
    VLC_UNUSED( i_size );
    FSRef ref;
    unsigned char path[MAXPATHLEN];
    char * psz_path;

    CFStringRef  cf_fontName;
    ATSFontRef   ats_font_id;

    *i_idx = 0;

    if( psz_fontname == NULL )
        return NULL;

    msg_Dbg( p_filter, "looking for %s", psz_fontname );
    cf_fontName = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, psz_fontname, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );

    ats_font_id = ATSFontFindFromName( cf_fontName, kATSOptionFlagsIncludeDisabledMask );

    if ( ats_font_id == 0 || ats_font_id == 0xFFFFFFFFUL )
        msg_Dbg( p_filter, "ATS couldn't find %s by name, checking family", psz_fontname );
        ats_font_id = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName( cf_fontName, kATSOptionFlagsDefault );

        if ( ats_font_id == 0 || ats_font_id == 0xFFFFFFFFUL )
            msg_Dbg( p_filter, "ATS couldn't find either %s nor its family, checking PS name", psz_fontname );
            ats_font_id = ATSFontFindFromPostScriptName( cf_fontName, kATSOptionFlagsDefault );

            if ( ats_font_id == 0 || ats_font_id == 0xFFFFFFFFUL )
                msg_Err( p_filter, "ATS couldn't find %s (no font name, family or PS name)", psz_fontname );
                CFRelease( cf_fontName );
                return NULL;
    CFRelease( cf_fontName );

    if ( noErr != ATSFontGetFileReference( ats_font_id, &ref ) )
        msg_Err( p_filter, "ATS couldn't get file ref for %s", psz_fontname );
        return NULL;

    /* i_idx calculation by searching preceding fontIDs */
    /* with same FSRef                                       */
        ATSFontRef  id2 = ats_font_id - 1;
        FSRef       ref2;

        while ( id2 > 0 )
            if ( noErr != ATSFontGetFileReference( id2, &ref2 ) )
            if ( noErr != FSCompareFSRefs( &ref, &ref2 ) )

            id2 --;
        *i_idx = ats_font_id - ( id2 + 1 );

    if ( noErr != FSRefMakePath( &ref, path, sizeof(path) ) )
        msg_Err( p_filter, "failure when getting path from FSRef" );
        return NULL;
    msg_Dbg( p_filter, "found %s", path );

    psz_path = strdup( (char *)path );

    return psz_path;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void AboutDialog (void)
	OSStatus	err;
	IBNibRef	nibRef;

	err = CreateNibReference(kMacS9XCFString, &nibRef);
	if (err == noErr)
		WindowRef	tWindowRef;

		err = CreateWindowFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("About"), &tWindowRef);
		if (err == noErr)
			EventHandlerRef		eref;
			EventHandlerUPP		eventUPP;
			EventTypeSpec		windowEvents[] = { { kEventClassWindow,  kEventWindowClose         },
												   { kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandUpdateStatus } };
			ControlFontStyleRec	frec;
			HIViewRef			ctl, root;
			HIViewID			cid;
			char				text[32];

			err = ChangeWindowAttributes(tWindowRef, kWindowNoAttributes, kWindowInWindowMenuAttribute);

			if (systemVersion >= 0x1040)
				frec.font = FMGetFontFromATSFontRef(ATSFontFindFromName(CFSTR("Lucida Grande"), kATSOptionFlagsDefault));
				frec.font = kThemeSystemFont;
			frec.just = teCenter;

			root = HIViewGetRoot(tWindowRef);
			cid.id = 0;

			cid.signature = 'VERS';
			HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
			sprintf(text, "Version %s (%s)", VERSION, MAC_VERSION);
			SetStaticTextCStr(ctl, text, false);
			frec.flags = kControlUseFontMask | kControlUseSizeMask | kControlUseJustMask;
			frec.size  = 10;
			err = SetControlFontStyle(ctl, &frec);

			cid.signature = 'NAME';
			HIViewFindByID(root, cid, &ctl);
			frec.flags = kControlUseFontMask | kControlUseSizeMask | kControlUseFaceMask | kControlUseJustMask;
			frec.size  = 14;
			frec.style = 1;
			err = SetControlFontStyle(ctl, &frec);

			eventUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(DefaultEventHandler);
			err = InstallWindowEventHandler(tWindowRef, eventUPP, GetEventTypeCount(windowEvents), windowEvents, (void *) tWindowRef, &eref);

			MoveWindowPosition(tWindowRef, kWindowAbout, false);
			err = RunAppModalLoopForWindow(tWindowRef);
			SaveWindowPosition(tWindowRef, kWindowAbout);

			err = RemoveEventHandler(eref);


Ejemplo n.º 11
ATSFontRef ATSFontFindFromName_wrap( const char* name ) {
  CFStringRef cfs = CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy( NULL, name, 
                     kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, kCFAllocatorNull);
  return ATSFontFindFromName( cfs, kNilOptions);