// Keep the dart stationary relative to the dartboard (move with the dartboard), also allows dart to // scroll off the screen, hides any darts that are entirely off the screen void Dart::UpdateDart(int BGPos[]) { int actualloc[2]; bool wrapping[2] = {false, false}; actualloc[0] = loc[0] - BGPos[0]-2*8; actualloc[1] = loc[1] - BGPos[1]-2*8; if (actualloc[0] < 0) { actualloc[0] += 512; wrapping[0] = true; } if (actualloc[1] < 0) { actualloc[1] += 256; wrapping[1] = true; } Animate(); if ((wrapping[0] == true && actualloc[0]+8*8 < 512) || (wrapping[1] == true && actualloc[1]+8*8 < 256) || (wrapping[0] == false && actualloc[0] > SCREEN_WIDTH) || (wrapping[1] == false && actualloc[1] > SCREEN_HEIGHT)) { SetObject(dartnumber, ATTR0_SHAPE(0) | ATTR0_8BPP | ATTR0_REG | ATTR0_Y(0) | ATTR0_HIDE, ATTR1_SIZE(2) | ATTR1_X(0), ATTR2_ID8(64) | ATTR2_PRIO(2)); } else { SetObject(dartnumber, ATTR0_SHAPE(0) | ATTR0_8BPP | ATTR0_REG | ATTR0_Y(actualloc[1]) | ATTR0_AFF | ATTR0_AFF_DBL, ATTR1_SIZE(2) | ATTR1_X(actualloc[0]) | ATTR1_AFF(dartnumber-1), ATTR2_ID8(64) | ATTR2_PRIO(2)); } }
void spawnMonster(){ bool type = true; bool dir = true; if(rand()%3 == 0)type = false; if(rand()%2 == 0)dir = false; int startFrame = 32; if(type)startFrame = 16; int i = 0; if(enemies.size() < MAX_ENEMIES){ enemies.push_back(Monster(116,0,type)); i = enemies.size()-1; }else{ for(int k = 0; k < MAX_ENEMIES; k++){ if(enemies.at(k).isDead()){ enemies[k] = Monster(116,0,type); i = k; break; } } } SetObject(i+3, ATTR0_SHAPE(0) | ATTR0_8BPP | ATTR0_REG | ATTR0_Y(enemies.at(i).getY()), ATTR1_SIZE(!type) | ATTR1_X(enemies.at(i).getX()), ATTR2_ID8(startFrame)); enemies.at(i).setDir(dir); }
void drawText(int x, int y, std::string string){ int startPos = activeLetters; for(int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++){ activeLetters++; SetObject(startPos+i+45, ATTR0_SHAPE(0) | ATTR0_8BPP | ATTR0_REG | ATTR0_Y(y), ATTR1_SIZE(0) | ATTR1_X(x+(i*8)), ATTR2_ID8(string.at(i) + 64)); } }
void gameInit(){ (&player)->~Player(); new (&player) Player(116,76); for(int i = 0; i < enemies.size(); i++){ enemies.at(i).setDead(true); } for(int i = 0; i < bullets.size(); i++){ bullets.at(i).setDead(true); } (&crate)->~Crate(); new (&crate) Crate(0,0,0); weapon = 1; score = 0; //Set-up Objects ClearObjects(); //Weapon int shape = 0; if(weapon == 8)shape = 1; SetObject(0, ATTR0_SHAPE(shape) | ATTR0_8BPP | ATTR0_REG | ATTR0_Y(player.getY()+1), ATTR1_SIZE(0) | ATTR1_X(player.getX()+4), ATTR2_ID8(22+weapon)); //Crate SetObject(1, ATTR0_SHAPE(0) | ATTR0_8BPP | ATTR0_REG | ATTR0_Y(crate.getY()), ATTR1_SIZE(0) | ATTR1_X(crate.getX()), ATTR2_ID8(14)); //Player SetObject(2, ATTR0_SHAPE(0) | ATTR0_8BPP | ATTR0_REG | ATTR0_Y(player.getY()), ATTR1_SIZE(0) | ATTR1_X(player.getX()), ATTR2_ID8(1)); }
Cursor(int objId) { _id = objId; SetObject(_id, ATTR0_SHAPE(0) | ATTR0_8BPP | ATTR0_REG | ATTR0_Y(0), ATTR1_SIZE(1) | ATTR1_X(0), ATTR2_ID8(0)); _x = 0; _y = 0; SetObjectX(_id, (_x + BOARD_OFFSET_X / 2) * 16); SetObjectY(_id, (_y + BOARD_OFFSET_Y / 2) * 16); }
int spawnBullet(int type){ int i = 0; int count = 0; if(bullets.size() < MAX_BULLETS){ bullets.push_back(Bullet(player.getX(), player.getY(), type, weapon)); i = bullets.size()-1; }else{ for(int k = 0; k < MAX_BULLETS; k++){ if(bullets.at(k).getType() == 7)count++; if(bullets.at(k).isDead()){ if(type == 7){ if(player.getDir())bullets[k] = Bullet(player.getX()+(count*8),player.getY(),type, weapon); else bullets[k] = Bullet(player.getX()-(count*8),player.getY(),type, weapon); i = k; }else{ bullets[k] = Bullet(player.getX(),player.getY(),type, weapon); i = k; } break; } } } SetObject(i+24, ATTR0_SHAPE(0) | ATTR0_8BPP | ATTR0_REG | ATTR0_Y(bullets.at(i).getY()), ATTR1_SIZE(0) | ATTR1_X(bullets.at(i).getX()), ATTR2_ID8(bullets.at(i).getFrame())); bullets.at(i).setDir(player.getDir()); if(!bullets.at(i).getDir()){ ObjBuffer[i+24].attr1 |= ATTR1_HFLIP; } return i; }
/** Updates all gba objects in Level */ void Level::UpdateLevelObjects(int framecounter) { DetermineBackgroundOffsets(); ApplyEntityOffsets(); REG_BG2HOFS = backgroundoffsetx; REG_BG2VOFS = backgroundoffsety; uint16_t facing = 0; if (player.direction == player.LEFT) { facing = ATTR1_HFLIP; } int playertileoffset = 0; if (player.IsMoving()) { if ((framecounter % 15 == 0) && ((!paused) || (!indimensionsmenu))) { player.animationframe = !player.animationframe; } if (player.animationframe == true) { playertileoffset = 2; } else { playertileoffset = 4; } } if (player.isholding) { //Allows for height change when carrying cubes on the head SetObject(player.GetObjNum(), ATTR0_SHAPE(2) | ATTR0_8BPP | ATTR0_REG | ATTR0_Y(player.drawy + cube[player.cubeheld].GetHeight()), ATTR1_SIZE(2) | ATTR1_X(player.drawx) | facing, ATTR2_ID8(playertileoffset) | ATTR2_PRIO(2)); } else { SetObject(player.GetObjNum(), ATTR0_SHAPE(2) | ATTR0_8BPP | ATTR0_REG | ATTR0_Y(player.drawy), ATTR1_SIZE(2) | ATTR1_X(player.drawx) | facing, ATTR2_ID8(playertileoffset) | ATTR2_PRIO(2)); } int cubetile = 6 + DimensionTileOffset(curdimension); //Draw cubes for (int i = 0; i < numofcubes; i++) { SetObject(cube[i].GetObjNum(), ATTR0_SHAPE(0) | ATTR0_8BPP | ATTR0_REG | ATTR0_Y(cube[i].drawy), ATTR1_SIZE(1) | ATTR1_X(cube[i].drawx), ATTR2_ID8(cubetile) | ATTR2_PRIO(2)); } UpdateObjects(); }
int main() { // Set display options. // DCNT_MODE0 sets mode 0, which provides four tiled backgrounds. // DCNT_OBJ enables objects. // DCNT_OBJ_1D make object tiles mapped in 1D (which makes life easier). REG_DISPCNT = DCNT_MODE0 | DCNT_BG0 | DCNT_BG1 | DCNT_BG2 | DCNT_OBJ; REG_BG0CNT = BG_CBB(0) | BG_SBB(30) | BG_8BPP | BG_REG_32x32 | BG_PRIO(0); REG_BG1CNT = BG_CBB(0) | BG_SBB(29) | BG_8BPP | BG_REG_32x32 | BG_PRIO(1); REG_BG2CNT = BG_CBB(0) | BG_SBB(25) | BG_8BPP | BG_REG_64x64 | BG_PRIO(2); REG_BG2HOFS = 0; REG_BG2VOFS = 0; ClearObjects(); SetPaletteBG(1, RGB(31, 31, 31)); // white //Load each tile in font_bold into it's corresponding position in charblock 0 for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { LoadTile8(0, i, font_bold[i]); } DrawText(5, (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 16) - 2, "DECEPTIVE DIMENSIONS"); DrawText(5, (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 16), "Press start to begin"); Buttons buttons; int framecounter = 0; //Title screen (under construction) while (true) { buttons.Update(); if (buttons.StartJustPressed()) { break; } WaitVSync(); } while (true) { //Load Custom spritesheet LoadPaletteObjData(0, spritesheet4Pal, sizeof spritesheet4Pal); LoadPaletteBGData(0, backgroundnewnewPal, sizeof backgroundnewnewPal); LoadTileData(4, 0, spritesheet4Tiles, sizeof spritesheet4Tiles); LoadTileData(0, 0, backgroundnewnewTiles, sizeof backgroundnewnewTiles); int levelnumber = 1; Level level(levelnumber); for (int screenblock = 21; screenblock < 31; screenblock++) { level.FillScreenblock(screenblock, 0); } level.DrawBackground(level.curdimension); bool gamerunning = true; //Main game loop while (gamerunning) { buttons.Update(); gamerunning = level.CheckIfLevelComplete(); level.TakeInput(buttons); level.MoveObjects(); level.Draw(); level.UpdateLevelObjects(framecounter); framecounter++; WaitVSync(); FlipBuffers(); } //Reload each tile in font_bold into it's corresponding position in charblock 0 for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { LoadTile8(0, i, font_bold[i]); } SetPaletteBG(0, RGB(0, 0, 0)); // black SetPaletteBG(1, RGB(31, 31, 31)); // white for (int screenblock = 25; screenblock < 31; screenblock++) { for (int y = 0; y < 32; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++) { SetTile(screenblock, x, y, 0); } } } level.player.drawx = SCREEN_WIDTH; SetObject(level.player.GetObjNum(), ATTR0_SHAPE(2) | ATTR0_8BPP | ATTR0_HIDE, ATTR1_SIZE(2) | ATTR1_X(level.player.drawx), ATTR2_ID8(0) | ATTR2_PRIO(2)); UpdateObjects(); DrawText(6, (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 16) - 2, "That's all folks!!"); DrawText(3, (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 16), "Press start to try again"); while (true) { buttons.Update(); if (buttons.StartJustPressed()) { break; } WaitVSync(); } } }
void GraphicsManager::Draw(EntityManager* entity_manager) { // Check for new renderable entities TODO // Get all renderable components vector<IComponent*> renderable_components = entity_manager->GetAllComponentsOfType(COMP_RENDER); int i = 0; // Iterate through the object components for (vector<IComponent*>::iterator it = renderable_components.begin(); it != renderable_components.end(); ++it) { RenderComponent* renderableComponent = (RenderComponent*)(*it); SpriteDefinition spriteDef = GetSpriteDefinition(renderableComponent->_id); int x = renderableComponent->_position.x; int y = renderableComponent->_position.y; if (x < 0) x = 511 + x; if (y < 0) y = 255 + y; SetObject(i, (spriteDef.shape << 14) | ATTR0_Y(y) | ATTR0_8BPP | ATTR0_AFF, ATTR1_SIZE(spriteDef.size) | ATTR1_X(x) | ATTR1_AFF(0), ATTR2_PALBANK(0) | ATTR2_ID4(spriteDef.char_bb_identifier)); ObjAffine* renderAffine = &( (ObjAffine*) ObjBuffer)[0]; //float theta = (float)(++player.angleDegrees % 360) * (M_PI/180); float angle = (float)(renderableComponent->_angleDegrees % 360) * (M_PI / 180); renderAffine->pa = float2fx( cos(angle) ); renderAffine->pb = float2fx( -sin(angle) ); renderAffine->pc = float2fx( sin(angle) ); renderAffine->pd = float2fx( cos(angle) ); ++i; } UpdateObjects(); // Get all background components vector<IComponent*> background_components = entity_manager->GetAllComponentsOfType(COMP_BACKGROUND); // Iterate through the background components for (vector<IComponent*>::iterator it = background_components.begin(); it != background_components.end(); ++it) { BackgroundComponent* backgroundComponent = (BackgroundComponent*)(*it); // Scroll background if (backgroundComponent->_background_id == BG_PIPES) { REG_BG1HOFS = backgroundComponent->_integer_position.x; } // Update tiles if (backgroundComponent->_background_id == BG_PIPES || backgroundComponent->_background_id == BG_SCORE) { for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 32; y++) { DisplayTile(x, y, backgroundComponent->_tiles[x][y], backgroundComponent->_screen_bb); } } } if (backgroundComponent->_update_screen) { for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 32; y++) { DisplayTile(x, y, backgroundComponent->_tiles[x][y], backgroundComponent->_screen_bb); } } backgroundComponent->_update_screen = false; } } }