Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: rewr.c Proyecto: jkeiren/muCRL
static ATbool Reduce(void) {
    ATerm proc = MCRLgetProc();
    ATermList sums = MCRLgetListOfSummands(),
    pars = MCRLgetListOfPars();
    ATermList newsums = ATmakeList0();
    if (proverFlag) { 
       if (invariant) MCRLparseInvariants(invariant);
    for (cnt=0,newcnt = 0;!ATisEmpty(sums);sums=ATgetNext(sums),cnt++) {
         ATerm sum = ATgetFirst(sums), newsum = NULL;
         ATermList vars = (ATermList) ATgetArgument((ATermAppl) sum,0);
         ATerm actname = ATgetArgument((ATermAppl) sum, 1);
         ATermList actargs = (ATermList) ATgetArgument((ATermAppl) sum,2);
         ATerm procarg = ATgetArgument((ATermAppl) sum, 3);
         ATerm cond = ATgetArgument((ATermAppl) sum,4);
         ATbool invariantUsed = ATfalse;
         if (proverFlag) {
            if (!ATisEmpty(vars)) Declare_vars(vars); 
            cond = Prove(cond);
            if (invariant) {
              ATerm cond1 = ProveCondition(cond);
              if (!ATisEqual(cond1, cond)) {
                   invariantUsed = ATtrue;
                   cond = cond1;
              /* ATwarning("QQQ cond = %t", cond); */
            cond = RWrewrite(cond);
         else {
            if (!ATisEmpty(vars)) RWdeclareVariables(vars);
            cond = RWrewrite(cond);
   /* if (monitor) ATwarning("Condition of summand %d is rewritten", cnt+1); */
         if (ATisEqual(cond, MCRLterm_false)) continue;
         actargs = RWrewriteList(actargs);
         if (!ATisEqual(procarg, MCRLterm_terminated)) {
              ATermList states = (ATermList) ATgetArgument((ATermAppl) procarg, 0);
              states = proverFlag?ProveList(states):RWrewriteList(states);
              procarg = (ATerm) ATmakeAppl1(MCRLsym_i, (ATerm) states);
         newsum = ATmake("smd(<term>,<term>,<term>,<term>,<term>)",vars, actname,
              actargs,procarg, cond);
         newsums = ATinsert(newsums, newsum);
         if (monitor && !ATisEqual(sum, newsum)) 
               ATwarning("Summand %d is rewritten %s", cnt+1,
               invariantUsed?"(invariant is used)":""); 
    (ATerm) RWrewriteList((ATermList) MCRLgetListOfInitValues()), 
          pars, (ATerm) ATreverse(newsums)));
    return !ATisEqual(MCRLgetProc(), proc);      
Ejemplo n.º 2
static ATerm ofp_getArgType(ATerm term, ATbool * isOptType)
   int i;
   ATerm kind, name;

   if (ATmatch(term, "[<term>,<term>]", &kind, &name)) {
      // MATCHED (kind, name)
   else {
      *isOptType = ATfalse;
      return ATmake("None");

   for (i = 0; i <  ATgetLength(gTypeTable); i++) {
      ATerm typeName, typeList;
      ATbool matched = ATfalse;
      ATerm name_type = ATelementAt(gTypeTable, i);
      if (ATmatch(name_type, "Type(<term>,<term>)", &typeName, &typeList)) {
         matched = ATtrue;
         *isOptType = ATfalse;
      else if (ATmatch(name_type, "OptType(<term>,<term>)", &typeName, &typeList)) {
         matched = ATtrue;
         *isOptType = ATtrue;
      if (matched && ATisEqual(name, typeName)) {
         return typeList;

   *isOptType = ATfalse;
   return ATmake("None");
ATbool ofp_traverse_OpDeclInj(ATerm term, pOFP_Traverse OpDeclInj)
   ATerm name, type, opt;
   int isOptType = 0;

   if (ATmatch(term, "OpDeclInj(<term>)", &OpDeclInj->term)) {
      printf("\nofp_traverse_OpDeclInj: %s\n", ATwriteToString(OpDeclInj->term));
      if (ATmatch(OpDeclInj->term, "FunType(<term>,<term>)", &type, &name)) {
         if (ATmatch(type, "[ConstType(Sort(<term>,<term>))]", &opt, &type)) {
            // MATCHED option object type
            if (ATmatch(type, "[SortNoArgs(<term>)]", &type) && ATisEqual(opt, ATmake("\"Option\""))) {
               isOptType = 1;
            } else return ATfalse;
         else if (ATmatch(type, "[ConstType(SortNoArgs(<term>))]", &type)) {
            // MATCHED object type
         if (ATmatch(name, "ConstType(SortNoArgs(<term>))", &name)) {
            // MATCHED object name
         } else return ATfalse;
      } else return ATfalse;

      if (isOptType) {
         OpDeclInj->term = ATmake("OptType(<term>,[<term>])", name, type);
      else {
         OpDeclInj->term = ATmake("Type(<term>,[<term>])", name, type);

      return ATtrue;
   return ATfalse;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int ATR_compare(const ATerm t1, const ATerm t2) {
  if (ATisEqual(t1,t2))
    return 0;

  if (ATR_isSet(t1) && ATR_isSet(t2)) {
    ATbool b1, b2;
    if (ATR_cardinality(t1) < ATR_cardinality(t2)) {
      return -1;
    if (ATR_cardinality(t1) > ATR_cardinality(t2)) {
      return +1;
    if ((b1 = ATR_subSetOf(t1, t2))) {
      return -1;
    if ((b2 = ATR_subSetOf(t2, t1))) {
      return +1;
    if (b1 && b2) {
      return 0;
    return ATcompare((ATerm)ATsort(ATR_toList(t1), ATR_compare), 
		     (ATerm)ATsort(ATR_toList(t2), ATR_compare));
  return ATcompare(t1, t2);
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: rw.c Proyecto: jkeiren/muCRL
static ATerm CaseRewrite(ATerm t) {
    AFun f = ATgetAFun(t);
    int n = ATgetArity(f);
    ATerm u;
    // ATwarning("%t", t);
    if (n==0) return tasks->RWrewrite(t);
    u = ATtableGet(norm, t);
    if (u) return u;
        int i;
        ATerm *a = calloc(n, sizeof(ATerm));
        ATbool changed = ATfalse;
        ATprotectArray(a, n);
        for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
            ATerm arg = ATgetArgument((ATermAppl) t, i);
            a[i] = CaseRewrite(arg);
            if (!ATisEqual(a[i], arg)) changed = ATtrue;
        u = CaseRewriteStep(changed?(ATerm) ATmakeApplArray(f, a):t);
        ATtablePut(norm, t, u);
        return u;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: rewr.c Proyecto: jkeiren/muCRL
static ATerm ProveCondition(ATerm c) {
   ATerm result = NULL;
   while (!ATisEqual(result, c)) {
          result = c;
          c = _ProveCondition(c);
   return result;
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: rw.c Proyecto: jkeiren/muCRL
static ATerm CaseRewriteStep(ATerm t) {
    ATerm result;
    do {
        result = t;
        t = tasks->RWrewrite(MCRLcaseDistribution(CaseRewrite, result));
    while (!ATisEqual(t, result));
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 8
ATermList ofp_coalesceTypeTable(ATermList oldTable)
   // Assumes:
   //  1. Contains list of terms Type(<str>,<list>) or OptType(<str>,<list>)
   //      a. <str> is type name
   //      b. <list> is [type] of length 1
   //  2. Portions of table to be coalesced are in order
   //  3. If OptType must match "(Some(<term>))"
   ATerm head;
   int isOptType;

   ATermList table = (ATermList) ATmake("[]");
   ATermList types = (ATermList) ATmake("[]");
   ATermList tail  = (ATermList) ATmake("<term>", oldTable);

   if (ATisEmpty(tail)) {
      return oldTable;

   head = ATgetFirst(tail);
   tail = ATgetNext(tail);

   while (1) {
      ATerm headName, headType, next, nextName, nextType;

      if (ATisEmpty(tail)) next = ATmake("Type(None,[None])");
      else                 next = ATgetFirst(tail);

      if      ( ATmatch(head, "Type(<term>,[<term>])",    &headName, &headType) ) isOptType = 0;
      else if ( ATmatch(head, "OptType(<term>,[<term>])", &headName, &headType) ) isOptType = 1;
      else assert(0); 

      assert(    ATmatch(next, "Type(<term>,[<term>])",    &nextName, &nextType)
              || ATmatch(next, "OptType(<term>,[<term>])", &nextName, &nextType)

      types = ATappend(types, headType);

      // check for need to coalesce
      if (! ATisEqual(headName, nextName)) {
         if (isOptType) {
            table = ATappend((ATermList)table, ATmake("OptType(<term>,<term>)", headName, types));
         } else {
            table = ATappend((ATermList)table, ATmake(   "Type(<term>,<term>)", headName, types));
         types = (ATermList) ATmake("[]");
         if (ATisEmpty(tail)) break;

      head = ATgetFirst(tail);
      tail = ATgetNext(tail);

   return table;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void DisabledEdges(ATermList gs) {
     ATermList smds = MCRLgetListOfSummands(),
     pars = MCRLgetListOfPars();
     int false_cnt = 0, true_cnt = 0, n = ATgetLength(smds);
     static int k = 1;
     SubstituteInPars(pars, gs);
     for (;!ATisEmpty(smds);smds=ATgetNext(smds)) {
         ATerm smd = ATgetFirst(smds),
               c = ATgetArgument((ATermAppl) smd,4),
         cw = NULL;
         if (!ATisEmpty((ATermList) ATgetArgument((ATermAppl) smd, 0)))
          ATerror("Flag -extra is used while sum variables occur");
         cw = RWrewrite(c);
         if (
           ATisEqual(cw, MCRLterm_false)) false_cnt++;
         if (
           ATisEqual(cw, MCRLterm_true)) true_cnt++;
         fprintf(stdout, "Summand %d N = %d disabled %d enabled %d\n", 
         k++, n, false_cnt, true_cnt);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void register_prod(ATerm prod, funcptr func, Symbol sym)
  unsigned int hnr; /* hash number */
  bucket *b; /* single bucket */

  /* Heuristics for deciding when to rehash */
  if((nr_entries*100)/table_size > MAX_LOAD) {

  /* calc_hash is recursive, so no mod included */
  hnr = calc_hash(prod); 
  hnr %= table_size;
  hnr = HASH_PROD(prod, table_size);

  /* Find out if this function has already been registered */
  b = prod_table[hnr];
  while(b && !ATisEqual(b->prod, prod))
    b = b->next_prod;

  /* if already registered, we are done */

  /* Else we should add a new bucket */
  b = malloc(sizeof(bucket));
    ATabort("out of memory in register.\n");
  b->next_prod = prod_table[hnr];
  prod_table[hnr] = b;

  /* Add it to the sym table also. */
  hnr = HASH_SYM(sym, table_size);
  b->next_sym = sym_table[hnr];
  sym_table[hnr] = b;

  /* The prod field of the bucket is protected against 
   * the gc.
  b->prod = prod;
  b->func = func;
  b->sym  = sym;
Ejemplo n.º 11
ATRelation ATR_compose(ATRelation relation1, ATRelation relation2) {
  ATIterator iter1 = ATR_getIterator(relation1);
  ATIterator iter_saved = ATR_getIterator(relation2);
  ATRelation composition = ATR_empty();
  while (!ATR_isEmpty(iter1)) {
    ATTuple tuple1 = ATR_getHead(iter1);
    ATIterator iter2 = iter_saved;
    while (!ATR_isEmpty(iter2)) {
      ATTuple tuple2 = ATR_getHead(iter2);
      if (ATisEqual(ATR_getSecond(tuple1), ATR_getFirst(tuple2))) {
	composition = ATR_insert(composition,
      iter2 = ATR_getTail(iter2);
    iter1 = ATR_getTail(iter1);
  return composition;
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: rewr.c Proyecto: jkeiren/muCRL
static ATerm _ProveCondition(ATerm c) {
       /* Obliged that last branch must be "if (b, T, F)" 
       Invariant will be used at each first argument of "if" */
      ATerm result = c;
      ATermList ts = ATempty;
      while (ATgetAFun(c)==MCRLsym_ite && 
           ATgetArgument((ATermAppl) c, 2) == MCRLterm_false) {
          ts = ATinsert(ts, ATgetArgument((ATermAppl) c, 0));
          c = ATgetArgument((ATermAppl) c, 1);
     if (ATisEmpty(ts)) return result;
     else {
         int n = ATgetLength (ts), i;
         DECLA(ATerm, l, n);DECLA(ATerm, r, n); DECLA(ATerm, s, n);
         ATerm I = MCRLgetInvariant(0);
         for (i=n-1;i>=0;i--, ts = ATgetNext(ts)) 
            l[i] = ATgetFirst(ts);
         for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
            int j, p; 
            for (p = 0, j=n-1;j>=0;j--) 
            if (i!=j) {
                s[p] = 
                   (ATerm) ATmakeAppl3(MCRLsym_ite, l[j], 
            r[i] = p>0?s[p-1]:MCRLterm_true;  
         for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
     /* If proven (I and r) -> l  then (c = l and r) will be replaced by r */
            ATerm IandR = (ATerm) ATmakeAppl2(MCRLsym_and, I, r[i]),
            arrow = Prove((ATerm) ATmakeAppl3(MCRLsym_ite, IandR, l[i], 
            /* ATwarning("QQQA %t", MCRLprint(arrow)); */
            if (ATisEqual(arrow, MCRLterm_true)) {
                 return r[i];
      return result;
Ejemplo n.º 13
Symbol lookup_sym(ATerm prod)
  bucket *b;
  unsigned int hnr;

  hnr = calc_hash(prod);
  hnr %= table_size;
  hnr = HASH_PROD(prod, table_size);

  b = prod_table[hnr];

  while(b) {
    if(ATisEqual(b->prod, prod))
      return b->sym;
    b = b->next_prod;
  ATabort("Unknown function: %t\n", prod);
  return (Symbol) 0; /* silence the compiler, we never get here. */
Ejemplo n.º 14
funcptr basic_lookup_func(ATerm prod)
  bucket *b;
  unsigned int hnr;

  hnr = calc_hash(prod);
  hnr %= table_size;
  hnr = HASH_PROD(prod, table_size);

  b = prod_table[hnr];

  while(b) {
    if(ATisEqual(b->prod, prod))
      return b->func;
    b = b->next_prod;

  return (funcptr) NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 15
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  ATerm bottomOfStack;

  ATerm data[20];
  ATinit(argc, argv, &bottomOfStack);

  /* Note that there is still a bug in ApiGen,
   * If all of these constructors were in the same sort,
   * wrong code would have been generated. This needs
   * to be fixed!

  data[0] = (ATerm) makeDIinteger(1);
  assert(data[0] && ATisEqual(data[0], ATparse("int([1])")));

  data[1] = (ATerm) makeDDdouble(1.0);
  assert(data[1] && ATisEqual(data[1], ATparse("double(1.0)")));

  data[2] = (ATerm) makeDSstring("one");
  assert(data[2] && ATisEqual(data[2], ATparse("str(\"one\")")));

  data[3] = (ATerm) makeDTrm(ATparse("one"));
  assert(data[3] && ATisEqual(data[3], ATparse("term(one)")));

  data[4] = (ATerm) makeDLst((ATermList) ATparse("[one]"));
  assert(data[4] && ATisEqual(data[4], ATparse("list([one])")));

  data[5] = (ATerm) makeLexicalDefault("hello");
  assert(data[5] && ATisEqual(data[5], ATparse("string([104,101,108,108,111])")));
  assert(strcmp(getLexicalString((Lexical) data[5]), "hello") == 0);

  data[6] = (ATerm) makeCharacterDefault('A');
  assert(data[6] && ATisEqual(data[6], ATparse("character(65)")));
  assert(getCharacterCh((Character) data[6]) == 'A' );

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 16
static void testRolodex()
  char * names[2];
  PhoneNumber phone[2];
  Rolodex rolo[2];
  RoloList list;

  names[0] = "Pieter";
  names[1] = "CWI";

  phone[0] = makePhoneNumberFromTerm(ATparse("voice(1234)"));
  phone[1] = makePhoneNumberFax(5678);

  rolo[0] = makeRolodexHome(names[0], phone[0]);
  rolo[1] = makeRolodexWork(names[1], phone[1]);

  list = makeRoloListEmpty();
  list = makeRoloListMany(rolo[1], list);
  list = makeRoloListMany(rolo[0], list);

  list = visitRoloList(list, acceptRolodex);




  rolo[1] = setRolodexCompany(rolo[1], names[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 * Return a list of types associated with this name or None
static ATerm ofp_getTypeList(ATerm name, ATbool * isOptType)
   int i;

   for (i = 0; i <  ATgetLength(gTypeTable); i++) {
      ATerm typeName, typeList;
      ATbool matched = ATfalse;
      ATerm name_type = ATelementAt(gTypeTable, i);
      if (ATmatch(name_type, "Type(<term>,<term>)", &typeName, &typeList)) {
         *isOptType = ATfalse;
         matched = ATtrue;
      else if (ATmatch(name_type, "OptType(<term>,<term>)", &typeName, &typeList)) {
         *isOptType = ATtrue;
         matched = ATtrue;
      if (matched && ATisEqual(name, typeName)) {
         return typeList;

   *isOptType = ATfalse;
   return ATmake("None");
Ejemplo n.º 18
/** Make traversal calls for a production
ATbool ofp_build_old_node_traversal(ATerm name, ATerm arg, ATerm kind)
   ATerm typeList;
   ATbool isOptType;
   char * root_name = "None";
   char * arg_name  = "None";

   arg_name = ofp_getArgNameStr(arg, &arg_name);
   typeList = ofp_getArgType(arg, &isOptType);

   assert(ATmatch(name, "<str>", &root_name));
   if (isOptType) {
      // Some optional productions lead to temporary terms that can be reduced to (Some(<term>)).
      // For example, ('PROGRAM' ProgramName?)? in EndProgramStmt produces
      // Some((Some(ProgramName("main")))). Get the argname from the type namelist.
      assert(ATmatch(typeList, "[<str>]", &arg_name));

   // handle primitive types and terminals

   if (ATisEqual(ofp_getArgName(arg), ATmake("\"Ident\""))) {
      printf("::::::::::::found Ident:::::::: %s\n", ATwriteToString(arg));
      printf("      char * %s_val;\n", arg_name);
      printf("      if (ATmatch(%s_term.term, ", arg_name);
      printf(", &%s_val)) {\n", arg_name);
      printf("         // MATCHED %s\n", arg_name);
      printf("      } else return ATfalse;\n\n");

   else if (ofp_isStringType(typeList)) {
      printf("      char * %s_val;\n", arg_name);
      printf("      if (ATmatch(%s_term.term, ", arg_name);
      if (ofp_isArgOptionKind(arg)) printf("\"Some(<str>)\"");
      else                          printf("\"<str>\"");
      printf(", &%s_val)) {\n", arg_name);
      printf("         // MATCHED %s\n", arg_name);
      if (ofp_isArgOptionKind(arg))  printf("      }\n\n");
      else                           printf("      } else return ATfalse;\n\n");

   // handle list type
   else if (ofp_isArgListKind(arg)) {
      printf("      OFP_Traverse %s;\n", arg_name);
      printf("      ATermList %s_tail = (ATermList) ATmake(\"<term>\", %s_list.term);\n", arg_name, arg_name);
      printf("      while (! ATisEmpty(%s_tail)) {\n", arg_name);
      printf("         %s.term = ATgetFirst(%s_tail);\n", arg_name, arg_name);
      printf("         %s_tail = ATgetNext(%s_tail);\n", arg_name, arg_name);
      printf("         if (ofp_traverse_%s(%s.term, &%s)) {\n", arg_name, arg_name, arg_name);
      printf("            // MATCHED %s\n", arg_name);
      if (! ATmatch(kind, "\"Or\""))  printf("         } else return ATfalse;\n");
      else                            printf("         }\n");
      printf("      }\n");

   // handle generic type
   else {
      printf("      OFP_Traverse %s;\n", arg_name);
      printf("      if (ATmatch(%s_term.term, ", root_name);
      if (ofp_isArgOptionOptionKind(arg)) printf("\"Some((Some(<term>)))\"");
      else if (ofp_isArgOptionKind(arg))  printf("\"Some(<term>)\"");
      else                                printf("\"<term>\"");
      printf(", &%s.term)) {\n", arg_name);

      printf("         if (ofp_traverse_%s(%s.term, &%s)) {\n", arg_name, arg_name, arg_name);
      printf("            // MATCHED %s\n", arg_name);
      if (ATmatch(kind, "\"Or\""))  printf("            return ATtrue;\n");
      printf("         } else return ATfalse;\n");

      if (ofp_isOptionOrKind(kind))  printf("      }\n\n");
      else                           printf("      } else return ATfalse;\n\n");

   return ATtrue;