Ejemplo n.º 1
	void addAction(Action a, int time)
		assert(inProgressSize < (MAX_PROGRESS - 1));
		assert(numProgress[a] < 100);
		// add the action to the in progress array
		inProgress[inProgressSize] = ActionInProgress(a, (unsigned short)time);
		// increase the counter
		// increase the specific count of a
		// if there is more than one element in the array and the new one has higher time, sort
		if ((inProgressSize > 1) && (time > inProgress[inProgressSize-2].time))
			// sort the list in descending order
			std::sort(inProgress, inProgress + inProgressSize);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void RTHandleAI( SOLDIERTYPE * pSoldier )
	INT32 iLoop;

	if ((pSoldier->aiData.bAction != AI_ACTION_NONE) && pSoldier->aiData.bActionInProgress)
		// if action should remain in progress
		if (ActionInProgress(pSoldier))
			#ifdef DEBUGBUSY
				AINumMessage("Busy with action, skipping guy#",pSoldier->ubID);
			// let it continue

	// Flugente: prisoners of war don't do anything
	if ( pSoldier->usSoldierFlagMask & SOLDIER_POW )

	// if man has nothing to do
	if (pSoldier->aiData.bAction == AI_ACTION_NONE)
		if (pSoldier->aiData.bNextAction == AI_ACTION_NONE)
			// make sure this flag is turned off (it already should be!)
			pSoldier->aiData.bActionInProgress = FALSE;

			// truly nothing to do!
			RefreshAI( pSoldier );

		// Since we're NEVER going to "continue" along an old path at this point,
		// then it would be nice place to reinitialize "pathStored" flag for
		// insurance purposes.
		// The "pathStored" variable controls whether it's necessary to call
		// findNewPath() after you've called NewDest(). Since the AI calls
		// findNewPath() itself, a speed gain can be obtained by avoiding
		// redundancy.
		// The "normal" way for pathStored to be reset is inside
		// SetNewCourse() [which gets called after NewDest()].
		// The only reason we would NEED to reinitialize it here is if I've
		// incorrectly set pathStored to TRUE in a process that doesn't end up
		// calling NewDest()
		pSoldier->pathing.bPathStored = FALSE;

		// decide on the next action
		for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < 1000; iLoop++)
			if (pSoldier->aiData.bNextAction != AI_ACTION_NONE)
				if ( pSoldier->aiData.bNextAction == AI_ACTION_END_COWER_AND_MOVE )
					if ( pSoldier->flags.uiStatusFlags & SOLDIER_COWERING )
						pSoldier->aiData.bAction = AI_ACTION_STOP_COWERING;
						pSoldier->aiData.usActionData = ANIM_STAND;
					else if ( gAnimControl[ pSoldier->usAnimState ].ubEndHeight < ANIM_STAND )
						// stand up!
						pSoldier->aiData.bAction = AI_ACTION_CHANGE_STANCE;
						pSoldier->aiData.usActionData = ANIM_STAND;
						pSoldier->aiData.bAction = AI_ACTION_NONE;
					if ( pSoldier->sGridNo == pSoldier->aiData.usNextActionData )
						// no need to walk after this
						pSoldier->aiData.bNextAction = AI_ACTION_NONE;
						pSoldier->aiData.usNextActionData = NOWHERE;
						pSoldier->aiData.bNextAction = AI_ACTION_WALK;
						// leave next-action-data as is since that's where we want to go
					// do the next thing we have to do...
					pSoldier->aiData.bAction = pSoldier->aiData.bNextAction;
					pSoldier->aiData.usActionData = pSoldier->aiData.usNextActionData;
					pSoldier->bTargetLevel = pSoldier->aiData.bNextTargetLevel;
					pSoldier->aiData.bNextAction = AI_ACTION_NONE;
					pSoldier->aiData.usNextActionData = 0;
					pSoldier->aiData.bNextTargetLevel = 0;
				if (pSoldier->aiData.bAction == AI_ACTION_PICKUP_ITEM)
					// the item pool index was stored in the special data field
					pSoldier->aiData.uiPendingActionData1 = pSoldier->iNextActionSpecialData;
			else if (!TileIsOutOfBounds(pSoldier->sAbsoluteFinalDestination))
				if ( ACTING_ON_SCHEDULE( pSoldier ) )
					pSoldier->aiData.bAction = AI_ACTION_SCHEDULE_MOVE;
					pSoldier->aiData.bAction = AI_ACTION_WALK;
				pSoldier->aiData.usActionData = pSoldier->sAbsoluteFinalDestination;
				if (!(gTacticalStatus.uiFlags & ENGAGED_IN_CONV))
                    if(!pSoldier->ai_masterplan_) // if the Soldier has no plan, create one
                        if(pSoldier->bAIIndex == 0) // not yet initialized, use bTeam+1 as default
                            pSoldier->bAIIndex = pSoldier->bTeam + 1;
                        AI::tactical::AIInputData ai_input;
                        AI::tactical::PlanFactoryLibrary* plan_lib(AI::tactical::PlanFactoryLibrary::instance());
                        pSoldier->ai_masterplan_ = plan_lib->create_plan(pSoldier->bAIIndex, pSoldier, ai_input);
                    AI::tactical::PlanInputData plan_input(false, gTacticalStatus);
		// if he chose to continue doing nothing
		if (pSoldier->aiData.bAction == AI_ACTION_NONE)
			#ifdef RECORDNET
				fprintf(NetDebugFile,"\tMOVED BECOMING TRUE: Chose to do nothing, guynum %d\n",pSoldier->ubID);

			// do a standard wait before doing anything else!
			pSoldier->aiData.bAction = AI_ACTION_WAIT;
			//if (PTR_CIVILIAN && pSoldier->aiData.bAlertStatus != STATUS_BLACK)
			if ( PTR_CIV_OR_MILITIA && !(pSoldier->ubCivilianGroup == KINGPIN_CIV_GROUP ) )
				pSoldier->aiData.usActionData = (UINT16) REALTIME_CIV_AI_DELAY;
			else if ( CREATURE_OR_BLOODCAT( pSoldier ) && !( pSoldier->aiData.bHunting ) )
				pSoldier->aiData.usActionData = (UINT16) REALTIME_CREATURE_AI_DELAY;
				pSoldier->aiData.usActionData = (UINT16) REALTIME_AI_DELAY;
				if ( pSoldier->ubCivilianGroup == KINGPIN_CIV_GROUP )
					//DBrot: More Rooms
					//UINT8		ubRoom;
					UINT16 usRoom;

					if ( InARoom( pSoldier->sGridNo, &usRoom ) && IN_BROTHEL( usRoom ) )
						pSoldier->aiData.usActionData /= 3;

		else if (pSoldier->aiData.bAction == AI_ACTION_ABSOLUTELY_NONE)
			pSoldier->aiData.bAction = AI_ACTION_NONE;


	// to get here, we MUST have an action selected, but not in progress...

	// perform the chosen action
	pSoldier->aiData.bActionInProgress = ExecuteAction(pSoldier); // if started, mark us as busy
Ejemplo n.º 3
 void ActionProxyWidget::StartHideAnimations()
     emit ActionInProgress(false);