Ejemplo n.º 1
plSHA1Checksum::plSHA1Checksum(size_t size, const uint8_t* buffer)
    fValid = false;
    AddTo(size, buffer);
Ejemplo n.º 2
plMD5Checksum::plMD5Checksum(size_t size, uint8_t* buffer)
    fValid = false;
    AddTo(size, buffer);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void plMD5Checksum::CalcFromStream(hsStream* stream)
    uint32_t sPos = stream->GetPosition();
    unsigned loadLen = 1024 * 1024;

    uint8_t *buf = new uint8_t[loadLen];

    while (int read = stream->Read(loadLen, buf))
        AddTo(read, buf);
    delete[] buf;

Ejemplo n.º 4
void CalcForceGompper(Particle *xi, const int numNeighbors, Particle **const neighbors, const double kb)
//  if ( xi->r.p[0] > maxX ) maxX = xi->r.p[0];
  // DEBUG stuff
/*  for (int i=0; i < numNeighbors; i++)
    Vector3D tmp;
    Subtr(tmp, xi, neighbors[i]);
    const double dist = Length(tmp);
    if ( dist > maxBendingDist ) maxBendingDist = dist;
  // mainNumerator: Will be set to one of the terms in the numerator.
  Vector3D mainNumerator;
  mainNumerator.el[0] = mainNumerator.el[1] = mainNumerator.el[2] = 0;
  // Will be set to the denominator.
  double denominator = 0;
  // We want to differentiate with respect to the i'th node ("virtual" index numDerivatives-1) and with respect to the neighbours of the i'th node (indecies 0<=l<=numDerivatives-2).
  const int numDerivatives = numNeighbors + 1;
  // The derivatives of the numerator in the energy with respect to the i'th node and its neighbours.
  Matrix3D *derivNumerators = new Matrix3D[numDerivatives];
  // The derivatives of the denominator in the energy with respect to the i'th node and its neighbours.
  Vector3D *derivDenominators = new Vector3D[numDerivatives];
  for (int i=0; i < numDerivatives; i++)
    for ( int k=0; k < 3; k++)
      derivDenominators[i].el[k] = 0;
      for (int l=0; l < 3; l++)
        derivNumerators[i].el[k][l] = 0;
  // We need to calculate several sums over the neighbouring sites of i. This is done in the for-loop.
  for (int curNeighborIdx = 0; curNeighborIdx < numNeighbors; ++curNeighborIdx)
    // Get the neighbours of xi.
    const Particle *xj = neighbors[curNeighborIdx];
    // Neighbor list with periodic mapping
    const Particle *xjM1 = (curNeighborIdx == 0) ? neighbors[numNeighbors-1] : neighbors[curNeighborIdx-1];
    const Particle *xjP1 = (curNeighborIdx == numNeighbors-1) ? neighbors[0] : neighbors[curNeighborIdx+1];
    Vector3D tmp;
    Subtr(tmp, xi, xj);
    const double dxijLen2 = LengthSqr(tmp);
    // Cosine of the angles between the neighbours.
    const double cosThetaM1 = CalcCosTheta(xi, xj, xjM1);
    const double cosThetaP1 = CalcCosTheta(xi, xj, xjP1);
    // The sum of the two cotangens.
    const double Tij = CalcCot(cosThetaM1) + CalcCot(cosThetaP1);
    Vector3D ijDifference;
    Subtr(ijDifference, xi, xj);
    // Update the two terms which are independent of the node xl (the derivatives are with respect to node xl).
    Multiply(tmp, ijDifference, Tij);
    AddTo( mainNumerator, tmp);
    denominator += dxijLen2 * Tij;
    // Now for the other terms, dependent on xl.
    // TODO: The only terms which are not 0 are jM1, j, jP1 and i
    for (int gradientNodeIdx = 0; gradientNodeIdx < numDerivatives; ++gradientNodeIdx)
      const Particle *const xl = (gradientNodeIdx == numDerivatives-1) ? xi : neighbors[gradientNodeIdx];
      // Derivatives of the two cotangens.
      Vector3D TijDeriv;
      CalcCotDerivativeGompperAnalyt(TijDeriv, xi, xj, xjM1, xl->p.identity);
      Vector3D tmp;
      CalcCotDerivativeGompperAnalyt(tmp, xi, xj, xjP1, xl->p.identity);
      AddTo( TijDeriv, tmp);
      // Kronecker Deltas.
      const int ilDelta = (xi->p.identity == xl->p.identity) ? 1 : 0;
      const int jlDelta = (xj->p.identity == xl->p.identity) ? 1 : 0;
      // Update
      Matrix3D tmpM;
      DyadicProduct(tmpM, ijDifference, TijDeriv);
      AddTo( derivNumerators[gradientNodeIdx], tmpM );
      AddScalarTo( derivNumerators[gradientNodeIdx], Tij*(ilDelta-jlDelta) );
      Multiply(tmp, ijDifference, Tij*2. * (ilDelta-jlDelta) );
      AddTo( derivDenominators[gradientNodeIdx], tmp );
      Multiply(tmp, TijDeriv, dxijLen2);
      AddTo( derivDenominators[gradientNodeIdx], tmp );
  // Calculate the contribution to the force for each node.
  for (int gradientNodeIdx = 0; gradientNodeIdx < numDerivatives; ++gradientNodeIdx)
    Particle *const xl = (gradientNodeIdx == numDerivatives-1) ? xi : neighbors[gradientNodeIdx];
    // -1: The force is minus the gradient of the energy.
    // Note: left vector-matrix product: mainNumerator * derivNumerators[gradientNodeIdx]
    Vector3D force, tmp;
    LeftVectorMatrix(force, mainNumerator, derivNumerators[gradientNodeIdx]);
    Multiply(force, force, 4.0 / denominator );
    Multiply(tmp, derivDenominators[gradientNodeIdx], - 2.0 * LengthSqr(mainNumerator) / (denominator*denominator));
    AddTo(force, tmp);
    Multiply(force, force, (-1.0) * (kb / 2.0));
//    if ( xl->p.identity == 0)
//      printf("  Adding to node = %d when treating node %d: f = %.12e %.12e %.12e\n", xl->p.identity, xi->p.identity, force.el[0], force.el[1], force.el[2]);
    xl->f.f[0] += force.el[0];
    xl->f.f[1] += force.el[1];
    xl->f.f[2] += force.el[2];
    // DEBUG stuff
/*    for (int i=0; i < numNeighbors; i++)
      const double f = Length(force);
      if ( f > maxBendingForce ) maxBendingForce = f;
  // Clean up
  delete []derivNumerators;
  delete []derivDenominators;
Ejemplo n.º 5
typeMoveList *MyCapture(typePos *Position, typeMoveList *List, uint64 mask)
    uint64 U, T, AttR, AttB;
    int sq, to, c;
    to = Position->Dyn->ep;
    if (to)
        if (CaptureLeft & SqSet[to])
            Add(List, FlagEP | FromRight(to) | to, CaptureEP);
        if (CaptureRight & SqSet[to])
            Add(List, FlagEP | FromLeft(to) | to, CaptureEP);
    if ((mask & MyAttacked) == 0)
        goto NoTarget;
    T = CaptureLeft &(~BitBoardEighthRank) & mask;
    while (T)
        to = BSF(T);
        c = Position->sq[to];
        Add(List, FromRight(to) | to, CaptureValue[EnumMyP][c]);
        BitClear(to, T);
    T = CaptureRight &(~BitBoardEighthRank) & mask;
    while (T)
        to = BSF(T);
        c = Position->sq[to];
        Add(List, FromLeft(to) | to, CaptureValue[EnumMyP][c]);
        BitClear(to, T);
    for (U = BitboardMyN; U; BitClear(sq, U))
        sq = BSF(U);
        T = AttN[sq] & mask;
        AddTo(T, CaptureValue[EnumMyN][c]);
    for (U = BitboardMyB; U; BitClear(sq, U))
        sq = BSF(U);
        AttB = AttB(sq);
        T = AttB & mask;
        AddTo(T, CaptureValue[EnumMyBL][c]);
    for (U = BitboardMyR; U; BitClear(sq, U))
        sq = BSF(U);
        AttR = AttR(sq);
        T = AttR & mask;
        AddTo(T, CaptureValue[EnumMyR][c]);
    for (U = BitboardMyQ; U; BitClear(sq, U))
        sq = BSF(U);
        AttR = AttR(sq);
        AttB = AttB(sq);
        T = (AttB | AttR) & mask;
        AddTo(T, CaptureValue[EnumMyQ][c]);
    sq = BSF(BitboardMyK);
    T = AttK[sq] & mask &(~OppAttacked);
    AddTo(T, CaptureValue[EnumMyK][c]);
    for (U = BitboardMyP & BitBoardSeventhRank; U; BitClear(sq, U))
        sq = BSF(U);
        to = Forward(sq);
        if (Position->sq[to] == 0)
            Add(List, FlagPromQ | (sq << 6) | to, PtoQ);
            if (AttN[to] & BitboardOppK)
                Add(List, FlagPromN | (sq << 6) | to, PtoN);
        to = ForwardLeft(sq);
        if (sq != WhiteA7 && SqSet[to] & mask)
            c = Position->sq[to];
            Add(List, FlagPromQ | (sq << 6) | to, PromQueenCap);
            if (AttN[to] & BitboardOppK)
                Add(List, FlagPromN | (sq << 6) | to, PromKnightCap);
        to = ForwardRight(sq);
        if (sq != WhiteH7 && SqSet[to] & mask)
            c = Position->sq[to];
            Add(List, FlagPromQ | (sq << 6) | to, PromQueenCap);
            if (AttN[to] & BitboardOppK)
                Add(List, FlagPromN | (sq << 6) | to, PromKnightCap);
    List->move = 0;
    return List;
Ejemplo n.º 6
typeMoveList *MyEvasion(typePos *Position, typeMoveList *List, uint64 c2)
    uint64 U, T, att, mask;
    int sq, to, fr, c, king, pi;
    king = MyKingSq;
    att = MyKingCheck;
    sq = BSF(att);
    pi = Position->sq[sq];
    mask = (~OppAttacked) &(((pi == EnumOppP) ? AttK[king] : 0) | Evade(king, sq)) & (~MyOccupied) &c2;
    BitClear(sq, att);
    if (att)
        sq = BSF(att);
        pi = Position->sq[sq];
        mask = mask &(PieceIsOppPawn(pi) | Evade(king, sq));
        sq = king;
        AddTo(mask, CaptureValue[EnumMyK][c]);
        List->move = 0;
        return List;
    c2 &= InterPose(king, sq);
    sq = king;
    AddTo(mask, CaptureValue[EnumMyK][c]);
    if (!c2)
        List->move = 0;
        return List;
    if (CaptureRight &(c2 & OppOccupied))
        to = BSF(c2 & OppOccupied);
        c = Position->sq[to];
        if (EighthRank(to))
            Add(List, FlagPromQ | FromLeft(to) | to, (0x20 << 24) + CaptureValue[EnumMyP][c]);
            Add(List, FlagPromN | FromLeft(to) | to, 0);
            Add(List, FlagPromR | FromLeft(to) | to, 0);
            Add(List, FlagPromB | FromLeft(to) | to, 0);
            Add(List, FromLeft(to) | to, CaptureValue[EnumMyP][c]);
    if (CaptureLeft &(c2 & OppOccupied))
        to = BSF(c2 & OppOccupied);
        c = Position->sq[to];
        if (EighthRank(to))
            Add(List, FlagPromQ | FromRight(to) | to, (0x20 << 24) + CaptureValue[EnumMyP][c]);
            Add(List, FlagPromN | FromRight(to) | to, 0);
            Add(List, FlagPromR | FromRight(to) | to, 0);
            Add(List, FlagPromB | FromRight(to) | to, 0);
            Add(List, FromRight(to) | to, CaptureValue[EnumMyP][c]);
    to = Position->Dyn->ep;
    if (to)
        if (CaptureRight & SqSet[to] && SqSet[Backward(to)] & c2)
            Add(List, FlagEP | FromLeft(to) | to, CaptureValue[EnumMyP][EnumOppP]);
        if (CaptureLeft & SqSet[to] && SqSet[Backward(to)] & c2)
            Add(List, FlagEP | FromRight(to) | to, CaptureValue[EnumMyP][EnumOppP]);
    T = BitboardMyP & BackShift((c2 & OppOccupied) ^ c2);
    while (T)
        fr = BSF(T);
        BitClear(fr, T);
        if (SeventhRank(fr))
            Add(List, FlagPromQ | (fr << 6) | Forward(fr), CaptureValue[EnumMyP][0]);
            Add(List, FlagPromN | (fr << 6) | Forward(fr), 0);
            Add(List, FlagPromR | (fr << 6) | Forward(fr), 0);
            Add(List, FlagPromB | (fr << 6) | Forward(fr), 0);
            Add(List, (fr << 6) | Forward(fr), CaptureValue[EnumMyP][0]);
    T = BitboardMyP & BackShift2((c2 & OppOccupied) ^ c2) & SecondRank & BackShift(~Position->OccupiedBW);
    while (T)
        fr = BSF(T);
        BitClear(fr, T);
        Add(List, (fr << 6) | Forward2(fr), CaptureValue[EnumMyP][0]);
    for (U = BitboardMyN; U; BitClear(sq, U))
        sq = BSF(U);
        T = AttN[sq] & c2;
        AddTo(T, CaptureValue[EnumMyN][c]);
    for (U = BitboardMyB; U; BitClear(sq, U))
        sq = BSF(U);
        T = AttB(sq) & c2;
        AddTo(T, CaptureValue[EnumMyBL][c]);
    for (U = BitboardMyR; U; BitClear(sq, U))
        sq = BSF(U);
        T = AttR(sq) & c2;
        AddTo(T, CaptureValue[EnumMyR][c]);
    for (U = BitboardMyQ; U; BitClear(sq, U))
        sq = BSF(U);
        T = AttQ(sq) & c2;
        AddTo(T, CaptureValue[EnumMyQ][c]);
    List->move = 0;
    return List;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int Client::run()
  // Create a reliable messaging sequence handle for client-initiated session
  soap_wsrm_sequence_handle seq;

  xsd__duration expires = 30000; /* 30000 ms = 30 seconds to expire */
  const char *id = soap_wsa_rand_uuid(soap);
  double n;
  int retry;

  printf("\n**** Creating the Sequence\n");

  // Create session for in-order messaging, init sequence handle
  if (soap_wsrm_create_offer(soap, serverURI, clientURI, id, expires, NoDiscard, soap_wsa_rand_uuid(soap), &seq))
    soap_wsrm_seq_free(soap, seq);
    return soap->error;

  // poll 100 times for .1 second until created
  for (retry = 100; retry && !soap_wsrm_seq_created(soap, seq); retry--)
    if (poll(-100000))
      return soap->error;
  if (!retry)

  // Reliable messaging request message
  if (soap_wsrm_request_acks(soap, seq, soap_wsa_rand_uuid(soap), "http://Microsoft.Samples.DualHttp/ICalculatorDuplex/AddTo"))
    return soap->error;

  n = 3.14;

  _mssadh__AddTo addTo;
  addTo.n = &n;
  if (AddTo(&addTo) == SOAP_OK)
    std::cout << std::endl << "**** AddTo(" << *addTo.n << ")" << std::endl;

#ifndef CB_THREAD
  // callback polling: 500 ms polling cycle
  if (poll(-500000))
    return soap->error;

  // Reliable messaging request message
  if (soap_wsrm_request_acks(soap, seq, soap_wsa_rand_uuid(soap), "http://Microsoft.Samples.DualHttp/ICalculatorDuplex/SubtractFrom"))
    return soap->error;

  n = 1.41;

  _mssadh__SubtractFrom subtractFrom;
  subtractFrom.n = &n;
  if (SubtractFrom(&subtractFrom) == SOAP_OK)
    std::cout << std::endl << "**** SubtractFrom(" << *subtractFrom.n << ")" << std::endl;

#ifndef CB_THREAD
  // callback polling: 500 ms polling cycle
  if (poll(-500000))
    return soap->error;

  // Reliable messaging request message
  if (soap_wsrm_request_acks(soap, seq, soap_wsa_rand_uuid(soap), "http://Microsoft.Samples.DualHttp/ICalculatorDuplex/Clear"))
    return soap->error;

  _mssadh__Clear clear;
  if (Clear(&clear) == SOAP_OK)
    std::cout << std::endl << "**** Clear()" << std::endl;

#ifndef CB_THREAD
  // callback polling: 500 ms polling cycle
  if (poll(-500000))
    return soap->error;

  printf("\n**** Closing the Sequence\n");

  if (soap_wsrm_close(soap, seq, soap_wsa_rand_uuid(soap)))
    soap_wsrm_seq_free(soap, seq);
    return soap->error;

  for (retry = 10; retry; retry--)
    // Receive more messages when last not yet received
    if (soap_wsrm_lastnum(seq) == 0)
#ifdef CB_THREAD
      // we want to pulse here to send acks for incoming messages to keep flow going
      soap_wsrm_pulse(soap, -500000); /* 500 ms */
      printf("\n**** Receiving Messages Until Last\n");

      // callback polling or delay: 500 ms polling cycle
      if (poll(-500000))
        return soap->error;

    // Resend messages marked as non-acked (as an option)
    if (soap_wsrm_nack(seq))
      printf("\n**** Resending "SOAP_ULONG_FORMAT" Non-Acked Messages\n", soap_wsrm_nack(seq));
      soap_wsrm_resend(soap, seq, 0, 0); /* 0 0 means full range of msg nums */

  if (soap_wsrm_nack(seq) || soap_wsrm_lastnum(seq) == 0)
    printf("\n**** Incomplete Sequence\n");
    soap_wsrm_dump(soap, stdout);

  printf("\n**** Terminating the Sequence\n");

  // Termination fails if the server did not get all messages
  if (soap_wsrm_terminate(soap, seq, soap_wsa_rand_uuid(soap)))
    soap_wsrm_seq_free(soap, seq);
    return soap->error;

#ifdef CB_THREAD

  soap_wsrm_dump(soap, stdout);


  // callback polling: 1 s polling cycle
  if (poll(1))
    return soap->error;

  // Delete the reliable messaging session sequence (assuming no more inbound messages)
  soap_wsrm_seq_free(soap, seq);

  return 0;