Ejemplo n.º 1
int ScriptDocLexer::GetNextTokenForParser()
	int ret = -1;
	if (AdvanceOneToken( ret )) {
		return ret;
	return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
VError HTMLLexer::Tokenize( TokenList &outTokens, bool inContinuationOfComment, sLONG inOpenStringType )
	fCommentContinuationMode = inContinuationOfComment;

	int	nToken = 0;
	while (AdvanceOneToken( nToken, &outTokens ))
		;	// Infinite loop!

	return VE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int HTMLLexer::GetNextTokenForParser()
	// If we peeked at a token, then just return the last one we got
	if (fPeeked) {
		int ret = fLastToken;
		fPeeked = false;	// We're no longer in peek mode though!
		return ret;

	// Otherwise, get the next token in the stream
	int token;
	if (AdvanceOneToken( token, NULL ))	return token;
	return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool ScriptDocLexer::AdvanceOneToken( int &outToken )
	// Clear out our last token's text and any tag values we've stored up
	fLastElement = NULL;

	// Start by skipping any whitespaces that we run into
	bool consumedWhitespace = false;
	if (!SkipWhitespaces( consumedWhitespace ))	return false;

	// Now snag the next character from the stream so we can determine how
	// to handle it.
	if (!fLexerInput->HasMoreChars())	return false;
	UniChar ch = fLexerInput->PeekAtNextChar();

	if (IsScriptDocStart( ch )) {
		outToken = ScriptDocTokenValues::START;
		return true;
	// Now that we've handled the start and stop cases for the tag, we need to consume
	// some more data from the line.  Every ScriptDoc line starts with at least one asterisk, 
	// but possibly more.  We will eat all of the asterisks we find.
	if (ch != CHAR_ASTERISK)	return false;
	do {
		ch = fLexerInput->MoveToNextChar();
	} while (ch == CHAR_ASTERISK);

	// If the very next character is a solidus, that means we've reached the end of the scriptdoc
	// comment
	if (ch == CHAR_SOLIDUS) {
		outToken = ScriptDocTokenValues::END;
		return true;

	// Put the last token we grabbed during asterisk processing back onto the stream

	// Now we can skip any whitespaces that remain
	if (!SkipWhitespaces( consumedWhitespace ))	return false;

	// Having done that, we can continue to look for semantic information.
	ch = fLexerInput->HasMoreChars() ? fLexerInput->PeekAtNextChar() : -1;

	if (-1 == ch) {
		// This is a santity check for the end of input
		return false;
	} else if (IsLineEnding( ch )) {
		ConsumeLineEnding( fLexerInput->MoveToNextChar() );
		// If we hit a line ending, then we just want to start this whole process over again
		return AdvanceOneToken( outToken );
	} else if (IsScriptDocTag( ch )) {
		// We found a ScriptDoc tag, so let's eat it
		fFoundTags = true;
		if (!ConsumeScriptDocTag())	return false;
		outToken = ScriptDocTokenValues::ELEMENT;
		return true;
	} else {
		// The only thing left is the comment section.  Each ScriptDoc can have one and only
		// one comment to it, and it is supposed to be found before any tags.  It can span multiple
		// lines.
		if (fFoundComment || fFoundTags)				return false;
		fFoundComment = true;
		VString text;
		if (!ConsumeComment( text ))							return false;
		fLastElement = new CommentElement( text );
		outToken = ScriptDocTokenValues::ELEMENT;
		return true;

	return true;