Ejemplo n.º 1
static void SetStride(ALIASADDRESS *addr, int stride)
    int i;
    for (i=0; i < DAGSIZE; i++)
        ALIASADDRESS *scan = addresses[i];
        while (scan)
            if (addr != scan && addr->name == scan->name)
                if (addr->offset < scan->offset)
                    int o2 = addr->offset + (scan->offset - addr->offset) % stride;
                    if (addr->offset == o2)
                        AliasUnion(&addr->pointsto, scan->pointsto);
                        scan->merge = addr;
                        ALIASADDRESS *sc2 = LookupAddress(addr->name, o2);
                        if (sc2 && sc2 != scan)
                            AliasUnion(&sc2->pointsto, scan->pointsto);
                            scan->merge = sc2;
            scan = scan->next;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void HandleAssnBlock(QUAD *head)
    ALIASNAME *dest = NULL;
    if ((head->temps & TEMP_LEFT) && head->dc.left->mode == i_direct)
        // we don't support writing to arbitrary memory, e.g. a pointer returned from a function call
    else if (head->dc.left->mode == i_immed)
        dest = LookupMem(head->dc.left);
        dest = LookupAliasName(dest, 0);
        diag("HandleAssnBlock: invalid dest type");
    if (head->dc.right->mode == i_direct && ((head->temps & TEMP_RIGHT) || head->dc.right->retval))
        ALIASLIST *src = tempInfo[head->dc.right->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto;
        while (src)
            ALIASNAME *srcn = src->address->name;
            LIST *addr = srcn->addresses;
            while (addr)
                ALIASADDRESS *aa= (ALIASADDRESS *)addr  ->data;
    		    ALIASADDRESS *aadest = LookupAddress(dest, aa->offset);
                AliasUnion(&aadest->pointsto, aa->pointsto);
                addr = addr->next;
            src = src->next;
    else if (head->dc.right->mode == i_immed)
        ALIASNAME *src = LookupMem(head->dc.right);
        LIST *addr;
        addr = src->addresses;
        while (addr)
            ALIASADDRESS *aa= (ALIASADDRESS *)addr->data;
		    ALIASADDRESS *aadest = LookupAddress(dest, aa->offset);
            AliasUnion(&aadest->pointsto, aa->pointsto);
            addr = addr->next;
        diag("HandleAssnBlock: invalid src type");
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void HandleAssnBlock(QUAD *head)
    ALIASLIST *src=NULL, *dest=NULL;
    int i, n = head->ans->offset->v.i;
    if ((head->temps & TEMP_LEFT) && head->dc.left->mode == i_direct)
        dest = tempInfo[head->dc.left->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto;
    else if (head->dc.left->mode == i_immed)
        ALIASNAME *an = LookupMem(head->dc.left);
        ALIASADDRESS *aa;
        an = LookupAliasName(an, 0);
        aa = LookupAddress(an, 0);
        dest = aa->pointsto;
        diag("HandleAssnBlock: invalid dest type");
    if (head->dc.right->mode == i_direct && ((head->temps & TEMP_RIGHT) || head->dc.right->retval))
        src = tempInfo[head->dc.right->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto;
    else if (head->dc.right->mode == i_immed)
        ALIASNAME *an = LookupMem(head->dc.right);
        ALIASADDRESS *aa;
        an = LookupAliasName(an, 0);
        aa = LookupAddress(an, 0);
        src = aa->pointsto;
        diag("HandleAssnBlock: invalid src type");
    for (i=0; i < n; i++)
        ALIASLIST *lsrc = src;
        while (lsrc)
            ALIASADDRESS *aasrc = GetAddress(lsrc->address->name, i);
			if (aasrc)
				ALIASLIST *ldest = dest;
				while (ldest)
					ALIASADDRESS *aadest = LookupAddress(ldest->address->name, i);
					AliasUnion(&aadest->pointsto, aasrc->pointsto);
					ldest = ldest->next;
			lsrc = lsrc->next;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void HandleParm(QUAD *head)
    if (head->dc.left->size == ISZ_ADDR)
        // temp, mem
        ALIASLIST *result = NULL, **base = NULL, *addr;
        if (head->temps & TEMP_LEFT)
            base = &tempInfo[head->dc.left->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto;
        else if (!isintconst(head->dc.left->offset))
            ALIASNAME *an;
            ALIASADDRESS *aa;
            switch (head->dc.left->offset->type)
                case en_labcon:
                case en_global:
                case en_label:
                case en_pc:
                case en_threadlocal:
            an = LookupMem(head->dc.left->offset->v.sp->imvalue);
            if (head->dc.left->mode == i_direct)
                an = LookupAliasName(an, 0);
            aa = LookupAddress(an, 0);
            base = &aa->pointsto;
        if (base)
            addr = *base;
            AliasUnionParm(&parmList, (*base));
            while (addr)
                if (addr->address->name->byUIV)
                    if (!IntersectsUIV(addr->address->pointsto))
                        ALIASNAME *an = LookupAliasName(addr->address->name, 0);
                        ALIASADDRESS *aa = LookupAddress(an, 0);
                        ALIASLIST *al = aAlloc(sizeof(ALIASLIST));
                        al->address = aa;
                        AliasUnion(&addr->address->pointsto, al);
                addr = addr->next;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void Infer(IMODE *ans, IMODE *reg, ALIASLIST *pointsto)
    if (pointsto)
        ALIASLIST *result = NULL;
        int c = InferOffset(reg);
        int l = InferStride(reg);
        BOOL xchanged = changed;
        while (pointsto)
            ALIASADDRESS *addr = LookupAddress(pointsto->address->name, pointsto->address->offset + c);
            ALIASLIST *al = aAlloc(sizeof(ALIASLIST));
            al->address = addr;
            AliasUnion(&result, al);
            SetStride(pointsto->address, l);
            pointsto = pointsto->next;
        changed = xchanged;
        AliasUnion(&tempInfo[ans->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto, result);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static ALIASADDRESS *LookupAddress(ALIASNAME *name, int offset)
    int str[(sizeof(ALIASNAME *) + sizeof(int))/sizeof(int)];
    int hash;
    ALIASADDRESS *addr, **search;
    IMODE *im;
    LIST *li;
    str[0] = offset;
    *((ALIASNAME **)(str + 1)) = name;
    hash = dhash((UBYTE *)str, sizeof(str));
    search = &addresses[hash];
    while (*search)
        if ((*search)->name == name && (*search)->offset == offset)
            return (*search);
        search = &(*search)->next;
    addr = (*search) = aAlloc(sizeof(ALIASADDRESS));
    addr->name = name;
    addr->offset = offset;
    if (addr->name->byUIV)
        im = addr->name->v.uiv->im;
        im = addr->name->v.name;
    switch (im->offset->type)
        case en_auto:
//			if (im->offset->v.sp->storage_class != sc_parameter)
        case en_global:
                ALIASLIST *l = aAlloc(sizeof(ALIASLIST));
                l->address = addr;
                AliasUnion(&parmList, l);
    li = aAlloc(sizeof(LIST));
    li->data = addr;
    li->next = name->addresses;
    name->addresses = li;
    return addr;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void HandlePhi(QUAD *head)
    if (tempInfo[head->dc.v.phi->T0]->enode->v.sp->imvalue->size == ISZ_ADDR)
        struct _phiblock *pb = head->dc.v.phi->temps;
        ALIASLIST *l = NULL;
        BOOLEAN xchanged = changed;
        while (pb)
            AliasUnion(&l, tempInfo[pb->Tn]->pointsto);
            pb = pb->next;
        changed = xchanged;
        tempInfo[head->dc.v.phi->T0]->pointsto = l;
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void HandleAdd(QUAD *head)
    if ((head->ans->size == ISZ_ADDR) && (head->temps & TEMP_ANS))
        if (head->dc.opcode == i_add && head->dc.left->mode == i_immed)
            if (head->temps & TEMP_RIGHT)
                if (isintconst(head->dc.left->offset))
                    // C + R
                    ALIASLIST *scan = tempInfo[head->dc.right->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto;
                    ALIASLIST *result = NULL;
                    BOOLEAN xchanged = changed;
                    while (scan)
                        ALIASADDRESS *addr = LookupAddress(scan->address->name, scan->address->offset + head->dc.left->offset->v.i);
                        ALIASLIST *al = aAlloc(sizeof(ALIASLIST));
                        al->address = addr;
                        AliasUnion(&result, al);
                        scan = scan->next;
                    changed = xchanged;
                    AliasUnion(&tempInfo[head->ans->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto, result);
                    // p + R
                    if (head->dc.left->offset->type != en_labcon) // needed for exports
                        ALIASNAME *nm = LookupMem(head->dc.left->offset->v.sp->imvalue);
                        ALIASADDRESS *aa = LookupAddress(nm, 0);
                        ALIASLIST *al = aAlloc(sizeof(ALIASLIST));
                        al->address = aa;
                        Infer(head->ans, head->dc.right, al);
            else if (head->dc.right->mode == i_immed)
                if (!isintconst(head->dc.left->offset) && head->dc.left->offset->type != en_labcon)
                    // p + C
                    ALIASNAME *nm = LookupMem(head->dc.left->offset->v.sp->imvalue);
                    ALIASADDRESS *aa = LookupAddress(nm, head->dc.right->offset->v.i);
                    ALIASLIST *al = aAlloc(sizeof(ALIASLIST));
                    al->address = aa;
                else if (!isintconst(head->dc.right->offset) && head->dc.right->offset->type != en_labcon)
                    // C + p
                    ALIASNAME *nm = LookupMem(head->dc.right->offset->v.sp->imvalue);
                    ALIASADDRESS *aa = LookupAddress(nm, head->dc.left->offset->v.i);
                    ALIASLIST *al = aAlloc(sizeof(ALIASLIST));
                    al->address = aa;
                    AliasUnion(&tempInfo[head->ans->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto, al);
        else if (head->dc.right->mode == i_immed)

            if (head->temps & TEMP_LEFT)
                if (isintconst(head->dc.right->offset))
                    // R+C
                    int c = head->dc.opcode == i_add ? head->dc.right->offset->v.i : -head->dc.right->offset->v.i;
                    ALIASLIST *scan = tempInfo[head->dc.left->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto;
                    ALIASLIST *result = NULL;
                    BOOLEAN xchanged = changed;
                    while (scan)
                        ALIASADDRESS *addr = LookupAddress(scan->address->name, scan->address->offset + c);
                        ALIASLIST *al = aAlloc(sizeof(ALIASLIST));
                        al->address = addr;
                        AliasUnion(&result, al);
                        scan = scan->next;
                    changed = xchanged;
                    AliasUnion(&tempInfo[head->ans->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto, result);
                    // R + p
                    if (head->dc.right->offset->type != en_labcon) // needed for exports
                        ALIASNAME *nm = LookupMem(head->dc.right->offset->v.sp->imvalue);
                        ALIASADDRESS *aa = LookupAddress(nm, 0);
                        ALIASLIST *al = aAlloc(sizeof(ALIASLIST));
                        al->address = aa;
                        Infer(head->ans, head->dc.left, al);
        else if ((head ->temps & (TEMP_LEFT | TEMP_RIGHT)) == (TEMP_LEFT | TEMP_RIGHT))
            // R+R
            ALIASLIST *src;
            IMODE *one = head->dc.left;
            IMODE *two = head->dc.right;
            if (two->size == ISZ_ADDR)
                IMODE *three = one;
                one = two;
                two = three;
            if (one->size == ISZ_ADDR)
                // now one has the pointer, two has something else
                src = tempInfo[one->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto;
                Infer(head->ans, two, src);
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void HandleAssn(QUAD *head)
    if (head->ans == head->dc.left)
    if (head->ans->mode == i_ind)
        if (head->temps & TEMP_LEFT)
            // ind, temp
            ALIASLIST *addr;
            ALIASLIST *src = tempInfo[head->dc.left->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto;
            addr = tempInfo[head->ans->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto;
            while (addr)
                AliasUnion(&addr->address->pointsto, src);
                addr = addr->next;
        else if (head->dc.left->mode == i_immed && head->dc.left->size == ISZ_ADDR && head->dc.left->offset->type != en_labcon )
            // ind, immed
            ALIASLIST *addr;
            ALIASNAME *an = LookupMem(head->ans->offset->v.sp->imvalue);
            ALIASADDRESS *aa;
            if (head->ans->mode == i_direct)
                an = LookupAliasName(an, 0);
            aa = LookupAddress(an, 0);
            addr = tempInfo[head->ans->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto;
            while (addr)
                AliasUnion(&addr->address->pointsto, aa->pointsto);
                addr = addr->next;
    else if (head->dc.left->mode == i_ind && (head->temps & TEMP_ANS))
        // temp, ind
        ALIASLIST *result = NULL;
        ALIASLIST *addr = tempInfo[head->dc.left->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto;
        BOOLEAN xchanged = changed;
        while (addr)
            if (addr->address->name->byUIV)
                if (!IntersectsUIV(addr->address->pointsto))
                    ALIASNAME *an = LookupAliasName(addr->address->name, addr->address->offset);
                    ALIASADDRESS *aa = LookupAddress(an, 0);
                    ALIASLIST *al = aAlloc(sizeof(ALIASLIST));
                    al->address = aa;
                    AliasUnion(&addr->address->pointsto, al);
            AliasUnion(&result, addr->address->pointsto);
            addr = addr->next;
        changed = xchanged;
        tempInfo[head->ans->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto = result;
    else if (head->ans->size == ISZ_ADDR)
        if (!(head->temps & TEMP_ANS) && !head->ans->retval)
            if (head->temps & TEMP_LEFT)
                // mem, temp
                ALIASLIST *al;
                ALIASNAME *an = LookupMem(head->ans);
                ALIASADDRESS *aa;
                an = LookupAliasName(an, 0);
                aa = LookupAddress(an, 0);
                AliasUnion(&aa->pointsto, tempInfo[head->dc.left->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto);
            else if (head->dc.left->mode == i_immed && head->dc.left->size == ISZ_ADDR && head->dc.left->offset->type != en_labcon )
                // mem, immed
                ALIASNAME *an2 = LookupMem(head->dc.left);
                ALIASADDRESS *aa2 = LookupAddress(an2, 0);
                ALIASNAME *an = LookupMem(head->ans->offset->v.sp->imvalue);
                ALIASADDRESS *aa;
                ALIASLIST *al = aAlloc(sizeof(ALIASLIST));
                al->address = aa2;
                if (head->ans->mode == i_direct)
                    an = LookupAliasName(an, 0);
                aa = LookupAddress(an, 0);
                AliasUnion(&aa->pointsto, al);
        else if (head->temps & TEMP_ANS)
            if (head->dc.left->mode == i_immed && head->dc.left->size == ISZ_ADDR && head->dc.left->offset->type != en_labcon&& !isintconst(head->dc.left->offset) )
                // temp, immed
                BOOLEAN xchanged = changed;
                ALIASNAME *an = LookupMem(head->dc.left);
                ALIASADDRESS *aa = LookupAddress(an, 0);
                ALIASLIST *al = (ALIASLIST *)aAlloc(sizeof(ALIASLIST));
                al->address = aa;
                tempInfo[head->ans->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto = NULL;
                AliasUnion(&tempInfo[head->ans->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto, al);
                changed = xchanged;
            else if (head->dc.left->retval)
                AliasUnion(&tempInfo[head->ans->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto, parmList);
            else if (!(head->temps & TEMP_LEFT) && head->dc.left->mode == i_direct)
                // temp, mem
                ALIASLIST *result = NULL;
                ALIASNAME *an = LookupMem(head->dc.left);
                ALIASADDRESS *aa;
                ALIASLIST *addr;
                BOOLEAN xchanged = changed;
                an = LookupAliasName(an, 0);
                aa = LookupAddress(an, 0);
                AliasUnion(&tempInfo[head->ans->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto, aa->pointsto);
                changed = xchanged;
            else if (head->temps & TEMP_LEFT)
                // temp, temp
                AliasUnion(&tempInfo[head->ans->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto, tempInfo[head->dc.left->offset->v.sp->value.i]->pointsto);