Ejemplo n.º 1
struct sample *groupByPosition(int grouping , struct sample *sampList)
struct sample *groupedList = NULL, *samp = NULL, *currSamp = NULL, *sampNext=NULL;
int count = 0;
for(samp = sampList; samp != NULL; samp = sampNext)
    sampNext = samp->next;
    currSamp->chrom = cloneString(samp->chrom);
    currSamp->chromStart = samp->chromStart;
    currSamp->name = cloneString(samp->name);
    snprintf(currSamp->strand, sizeof(currSamp->strand), "%s", samp->strand);
    AllocArray(currSamp->samplePosition, grouping);
    AllocArray(currSamp->sampleHeight, grouping);
    count = 0;
    while(samp != NULL && count < grouping && sameString(samp->chrom,currSamp->chrom))
	addSampleToCurrent(currSamp, samp, grouping);
	count += samp->sampleCount;
	samp = sampNext = samp->next;
    if(count != 0)
	currSamp->score = currSamp->score / count;
    currSamp->chromEnd = currSamp->chromStart + currSamp->samplePosition[count -1];
    slAddHead(&groupedList, currSamp);
return groupedList;
Ejemplo n.º 2
struct cdsEvidence *createCds(struct dnaSeq *seq, int start, int end,
	int *upAtgCount, int *upKozakCount, int lastIntronPos,
	struct orthoCdsArray *orthoList, double orthoWeightPer)
/* Return new cdsEvidence on given sequence at given position. */
struct cdsEvidence *orf;
int size = end - start;
size -= size % 3;
end = start + size;
orf->name = cloneString(seq->name);
orf->start = start;
orf->end = end;
orf->source = cloneString("txCdsPredict");
orf->accession = cloneString(".");
orf->score = orfScore(orf, seq, upAtgCount, upKozakCount, lastIntronPos,
	orthoList, orthoWeightPer);
orf->startComplete = startsWith("atg", seq->dna + start);
orf->endComplete = isStopCodon(seq->dna + end - 3);
orf->cdsCount = 1;
AllocArray(orf->cdsStarts, 1);
orf->cdsStarts[0] = start;
AllocArray(orf->cdsSizes, 1);
orf->cdsSizes[0] = size;
return orf;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void initTitleHelper(struct titleHelper *th, char *track, int startIx, int centerIx, int endIx,
		     int nRecords, struct vcfFile *vcff)
/* Set up info including arrays of ref & alt alleles for cluster mouseover. */
th->track = track;
th->startIx = startIx;
th->centerIx = centerIx;
th->endIx = endIx;
th->nRecords = nRecords;
int len = endIx - startIx;
AllocArray(th->refs, len);
AllocArray(th->alts, len);
struct vcfRecord *rec;
int i;
for (rec = vcff->records, i = 0;  rec != NULL && i < endIx;  rec = rec->next, i++)
    if (i < startIx)
    char refAl[16];
    abbrevAndHandleRC(refAl, sizeof(refAl), rec->alleles[0]);
    th->refs[i-startIx] = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, refAl);
    char altAl1[16];
    abbrevAndHandleRC(altAl1, sizeof(altAl1), rec->alleles[1]);
    th->alts[i-startIx] = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, altAl1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
struct sample *sampFromAffyPair(struct affyPairs *ap, struct hash *liftHash)
/* Use the data in the affy pair and the offset info in the hash to make a
   sample data type. */
struct sample *samp = NULL;
struct liftSpec *lf = NULL;
char *name = contigFromAffyPairName(ap->probeSet);
float score = 0;
if(name != NULL)
    lf = hashFindVal(liftHash, name);
if(lf != NULL)
    samp->chrom = cloneString(lf->newName);
    samp->chromStart = samp->chromEnd = ap->pos + lf->offset;
    samp->name = cloneString("a");
    score = (ap->pm) - (ap->mm);
    if(score < 1)
	score = 1;
    samp->score = (int)score;
    sprintf(samp->strand, "+");
    samp->sampleCount = 1;
    AllocArray(samp->samplePosition, samp->sampleCount);
    samp->samplePosition[0] = 0;
    AllocArray(samp->sampleHeight, samp->sampleCount);
    samp->sampleHeight[0] = samp->score;
return samp;
Ejemplo n.º 5
struct sample *avgSamples(struct sample *s1,
			  struct sample *s2,
			  struct sample *s3,
			  int expIndex, int index)
struct sample *ret = NULL; //, *s1, *s2, *s3;
int i;
/* s1 = (struct sample *)slElementFromIx(sList1, index); */
/* s2 = (struct sample *)slElementFromIx(sList2, index); */
/* s3 = (struct sample *)slElementFromIx(sList3, index); */
ret->chrom = cloneString(s1->chrom);
ret->chromStart = s1->chromStart;
ret->chromEnd = s1->chromEnd;
ret->name = getNameForExp(expIndex);
snprintf(ret->strand, sizeof(ret->strand), "%s", s1->strand);
ret->sampleCount = s1->sampleCount;
AllocArray(ret->samplePosition, ret->sampleCount);
AllocArray(ret->sampleHeight, ret->sampleCount);
ret->score = (s1->score + s2->score + s3->score)/3;
for(i=0;i<ret->sampleCount; i++)
    ret->samplePosition[i] = s1->samplePosition[i];
    if(!((s1->samplePosition[i] == s2->samplePosition[i]) && (s2->samplePosition[i] == s3->samplePosition[i])))
	errAbort("avgTranscriptomeExps::avgSamples() - for probe %s:%d-%d positions at index %i don't agree. %d, %d, %d", 
		 ret->chrom, ret->chromStart, ret->chromEnd, i, s1->samplePosition[i], s2->samplePosition[i], s3->samplePosition[i]);
    ret->sampleHeight[i] = (s1->sampleHeight[i] + s2->sampleHeight[i] + s3->sampleHeight[i])/3;
return ret;
struct snp125CodingCoordless *snp125CodingCoordlessCommaIn(char **pS, struct snp125CodingCoordless *ret)
/* Create a snp125CodingCoordless out of a comma separated string. 
 * This will fill in ret if non-null, otherwise will
 * return a new snp125CodingCoordless */
char *s = *pS;

if (ret == NULL)
ret->name = sqlStringComma(&s);
ret->transcript = sqlStringComma(&s);
ret->frame = sqlEnumComma(&s, values_frame, &valhash_frame);
ret->alleleCount = sqlSignedComma(&s);
int i;
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->funcCodes, ret->alleleCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->alleleCount; ++i)
    ret->funcCodes[i] = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
int i;
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->alleles, ret->alleleCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->alleleCount; ++i)
    ret->alleles[i] = sqlStringComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
int i;
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->codons, ret->alleleCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->alleleCount; ++i)
    ret->codons[i] = sqlStringComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
int i;
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->peptides, ret->alleleCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->alleleCount; ++i)
    ret->peptides[i] = sqlStringComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
*pS = s;
return ret;
struct bed *bedForIv(struct intronEv *iv)
/** Make a bed to represent a intronEv structure. */
struct bed *bed = NULL;
bed->chrom = cloneString(iv->chrom);
bed->chromStart = bed->thickStart = iv->e1S;
bed->chromEnd = bed->thickEnd = iv->e2E;
bed->name = cloneString(iv->ev->orthoBed->name);
if(iv->orientation == 1)
    safef(bed->strand, sizeof(bed->strand), "+");
else if(iv->orientation == -1)
    safef(bed->strand, sizeof(bed->strand), "-");
    safef(bed->strand, sizeof(bed->strand), "%s", iv->ev->orthoBed->strand);
bed->blockCount = 2;
AllocArray(bed->chromStarts, 2);
bed->chromStarts[0] = iv->e1S - bed->chromStart;
bed->chromStarts[1] = iv->e2S - bed->chromStart;
AllocArray(bed->blockSizes, 2);
bed->blockSizes[0] = iv->e1E - iv->e1S;
bed->blockSizes[1] = iv->e2E - iv->e2S;
bed->score = scoreForIntronEv(iv);
return bed;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void bitmapToMaskArray(struct hash *bitmapHash, struct hash *tbHash)
/* Translate each bitmap in bitmapHash into an array of mask coordinates
 * in the corresponding twoBit in tbHash.  Assume tbHash's mask array is
 * empty at the start -- we allocate it here.  Free bitmap when done. */
    struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(tbHash);
    struct hashEl *hel = NULL;

    while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
        char *seqName = hel->name;
        struct twoBit *tb = (struct twoBit *)(hel->val);
        struct hashEl *bHel = hashLookup(bitmapHash, seqName);
        Bits *bits;
        unsigned start=0, end=0;

        assert(tb != NULL);
        assert(tb->maskBlockCount == 0);
        if (bHel == NULL)
            errAbort("Missing bitmap for seq \"%s\"", seqName);
        bits = (Bits *)bHel->val;
        if (bits != NULL)
            struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
            struct unsignedRange *rangeList = NULL, *range = NULL;
            int i;
            for (;;)
                start = bitFindSet(bits, end, tb->size);
                if (start >= tb->size)
                end = bitFindClear(bits, start, tb->size);
                if (end > start)
                    lmAllocVar(lm, range);
                    range->start = start;
                    range->size = (end - start);
                    slAddHead(&rangeList, range);
            tb->maskBlockCount = slCount(rangeList);
            if (tb->maskBlockCount > 0)
                AllocArray(tb->maskStarts, tb->maskBlockCount);
                AllocArray(tb->maskSizes, tb->maskBlockCount);
                for (i = 0, range = rangeList;  range != NULL;
                        i++, range = range->next)
                    tb->maskStarts[i] = range->start;
                    tb->maskSizes[i] = range->size;
            bHel->val = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void dbFindFieldsWith(char *database, char *regExp, char *output)
/* dbFindFieldsWith - Look through database and find fields that have elements matching a certain pattern in the first N rows.. */
regex_t re;
int err = regcomp(&re, regExp, REG_NOSUB|REG_EXTENDED);
if (err < 0)
   errAbort("regcomp failed code %d", err);
struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database);
struct slName *table, *tableList = sqlQuickList(conn, "NOSQLINJ show tables");
FILE *f = mustOpen(output, "w");
for (table = tableList; table != NULL; table = table->next)
    char query[256];
    sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s limit %d", table->name, maxRows);
    verbose(2, "%s.%s\n", database, table->name);
    struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
    if (sr != NULL)
	int colCount = sqlCountColumns(sr);

	/* Get labels for columns */
	char **labels;
	AllocArray(labels, colCount);
	int i;
	for (i=0; i<colCount; ++i)
	    labels[i] = sqlFieldName(sr);

	/* Get flags that say which fields we've reported. */
	bool *flags;
	AllocArray(flags, colCount);
	char **row;
	while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
	    int i;
	    for (i=0; i<colCount; ++i)
		 char *field = row[i];
		 if (field != NULL && field[0] != 0)
		     if (regexec(&re, row[i], 0, NULL, 0) == 0)
			 if (!flags[i])
			     flags[i] = TRUE;
			     fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%s\n", table->name, labels[i], row[i]);
struct cutter *cutterCommaIn(char **pS, struct cutter *ret)
/* Create a cutter out of a comma separated string. 
 * This will fill in ret if non-null, otherwise will
 * return a new cutter */
char *s = *pS;

if (ret == NULL)
ret->name = sqlStringComma(&s);
ret->size = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->matchSize = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->seq = sqlStringComma(&s);
ret->cut = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->overhang = sqlSignedComma(&s);
ret->palindromic = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->semicolon = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->numSciz = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
int i;
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->scizs, ret->numSciz);
for (i=0; i<ret->numSciz; ++i)
    ret->scizs[i] = sqlStringComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
ret->numCompanies = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
int i;
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->companies, ret->numCompanies);
for (i=0; i<ret->numCompanies; ++i)
    ret->companies[i] = sqlCharComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
ret->numRefs = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
int i;
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->refs, ret->numRefs);
for (i=0; i<ret->numRefs; ++i)
    ret->refs[i] = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
*pS = s;
return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void avgTranscriptomeExps()
struct sample *s = NULL;
struct sample *s1,*s2,*s3;
struct sample *sList1, *sList2, *sList3 = NULL;
struct sample **sArray1, **sArray2, **sArray3 = NULL;
int i,j,k;
FILE *out = NULL;
for(i=1; i<12; i++)
    for(j='a'; j<'d'; j++)
	char buff[2048];
	int count;
	struct sample *avgList = NULL, *avg;
	if((i != 6 || j != 'a') || doAll)
	    snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d.%c.1.%s", i,j,suffix);
	    printf("Averaging %s\n", buff);
	    sList1 = sampleLoadAll(buff);
	    snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d.%c.2.%s", i,j,suffix);
	    sList2 = sampleLoadAll(buff);
	    snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d.%c.3.%s", i,j,suffix);
	    sList3 = sampleLoadAll(buff);
	    count = slCount(sList1);
	    for(k=0, s1=sList1, s2=sList2, s3=sList3; k<count; s1=s1->next,s2=s2->next,s3=s3->next, k++)
		sArray1[k] = s1;
		sArray2[k] = s2;
		sArray3[k] = s3;
	    for(k=0;k<count; k++)
		avg = avgSamples(sArray1[k], sArray2[k], sArray3[k], i, k);
		slAddHead(&avgList, avg);
	    snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d.%c.1.%s.avg", i,j,suffix);
	    out = mustOpen(buff, "w");
	    for(s = avgList; s != NULL; s = s->next)
		sampleTabOut(s, out);
struct hgTranscript *hgTranscriptCommaIn(char **pS)
/* Create a hgTranscript out of a comma separated string. */
struct hgTranscript *ret;
char *s = *pS;
int i;

ret->id = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->name = sqlStringComma(&s);
ret->hgGene = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->startBac = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->startPos = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->endBac = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->endPos = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->cdsStartBac = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->cdsStartPos = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->cdsEndBac = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->cdsEndPos = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->orientation = sqlSignedComma(&s);
ret->exonCount = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->exonStartBacs, ret->exonCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->exonCount; ++i)
    ret->exonStartBacs[i] = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->exonStartPos, ret->exonCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->exonCount; ++i)
    ret->exonStartPos[i] = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->exonEndBacs, ret->exonCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->exonCount; ++i)
    ret->exonEndBacs[i] = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->exonEndPos, ret->exonCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->exonCount; ++i)
    ret->exonEndPos[i] = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
*pS = s;
return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 13
struct pslWQueryID *pslWQueryIDCommaIn(char **pS, struct pslWQueryID *ret)
/* Create a pslWQueryID out of a comma separated string. 
 * This will fill in ret if non-null, otherwise will
 * return a new pslWQueryID */
char *s = *pS;
int i;

if (ret == NULL)
ret->matches = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->misMatches = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->repMatches = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->nCount = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->qNumInsert = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->qBaseInsert = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->tNumInsert = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->tBaseInsert = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
sqlFixedStringComma(&s, ret->strand, sizeof(ret->strand));
ret->qName = sqlStringComma(&s);
ret->qSize = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->qStart = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->qEnd = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->tName = sqlStringComma(&s);
ret->tSize = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->tStart = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->tEnd = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
ret->blockCount = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->blockSizes, ret->blockCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->blockCount; ++i)
    ret->blockSizes[i] = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->qStarts, ret->blockCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->blockCount; ++i)
    ret->qStarts[i] = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->tStarts, ret->blockCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->blockCount; ++i)
    ret->tStarts[i] = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
ret->queryID = sqlStringComma(&s);
*pS = s;
return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 14
struct altProbe *altProbeCommaIn(char **pS, struct altProbe *ret)
/* Create a altProbe out of a comma separated string. 
 * This will fill in ret if non-null, otherwise will
 * return a new altProbe */
char *s = *pS;
int i;

if (ret == NULL)
ret->chrom = sqlStringComma(&s);
ret->chromStart = sqlSignedComma(&s);
ret->chromEnd = sqlSignedComma(&s);
ret->type = sqlSignedComma(&s);
sqlFixedStringComma(&s, ret->strand, sizeof(ret->strand));
ret->name = sqlStringComma(&s);
ret->maxCounts = sqlSignedComma(&s);
ret->contProbeCount = sqlSignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->contProbeSets, ret->contProbeCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->contProbeCount; ++i)
    ret->contProbeSets[i] = sqlStringComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
ret->alt1ProbeCount = sqlSignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->alt1ProbeSets, ret->alt1ProbeCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->alt1ProbeCount; ++i)
    ret->alt1ProbeSets[i] = sqlStringComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
ret->alt2ProbeCount = sqlSignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->alt2ProbeSets, ret->alt2ProbeCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->alt2ProbeCount; ++i)
    ret->alt2ProbeSets[i] = sqlStringComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
ret->transcriptCount = sqlSignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->transcriptNames, ret->transcriptCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->transcriptCount; ++i)
    ret->transcriptNames[i] = sqlStringComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
*pS = s;
return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void fillInGene(struct chain *chain, struct genePred *gene, struct genePred **pGene)
/** Fill in syntenic gene structure with initial information for gene. */
FILE *cdsErrorFp;
struct genePred *synGene = NULL;
int qs, qe;
struct chain *subChain=NULL, *toFree=NULL;
chainSubSetForRegion(chain, gene->txStart, gene->txEnd , &subChain, &toFree);    
if(subChain == NULL)
    *pGene= NULL;
qChainRangePlusStrand(subChain, &qs, &qe);
synGene->chrom = cloneString(subChain->qName);
synGene->name = cloneString(gene->name);
synGene->txStart = qs;
synGene->txEnd = qe;
AllocArray(synGene->exonStarts, gene->exonCount);
AllocArray(synGene->exonEnds, gene->exonCount);
if(chain->qStrand == '+')
    strncpy(synGene->strand,  gene->strand, sizeof(synGene->strand));
    if(gene->strand[0] == '+')
	strncpy(synGene->strand,  "-", sizeof(synGene->strand));
    else if(gene->strand[0] == '-')
	strncpy(synGene->strand,  "+", sizeof(synGene->strand));
	errAbort("Don't recognize strand %s from gene %s", gene->strand, gene->name);
chainSubSetForRegion(chain, gene->cdsStart, gene->cdsEnd , &subChain, &toFree);    
if(subChain == NULL )
        cdsErrorFp = fopen( optionVal("cdsErrorFile",NULL), "a" );
        fprintf( cdsErrorFp, "%s\t%s\t%u\t%u\t%u\t%u\t%s\t%d\n", gene->name, gene->chrom, gene->txStart, 
		 gene->txEnd, gene->cdsStart, gene->cdsEnd, gene->strand, gene->exonCount );
    *pGene = NULL;
qChainRangePlusStrand(subChain, &qs, &qe);
synGene->cdsStart = qs;
synGene->cdsEnd = qe;
*pGene = synGene;
/*	Return is an array of integers, last one of value zero to indicate the
 *	end of the array.  In case of nothing found in trackDb, return
 *	a NULL pointer indicating no results. 
 *      If the value is 'first' then use the first span value from the table.
 *      Assumes that all values in the table are the same. */
int *wiggleSpanList(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct trackDb *tdb)
char *tdbDefault = cloneString(trackDbSettingOrDefault(tdb, SPANLIST, "NONE"));
int *ret = (int *)NULL;

if (sameWord("NONE",tdbDefault))
    struct hashEl *hel;
    /*	if not found in trackDb, maybe it is in tdb->settings
     *	(custom tracks keep settings here)
    if ((tdb->settings != (char *)NULL) &&
	(tdb->settingsHash != (struct hash *)NULL))
	if ((hel = hashLookup(tdb->settingsHash, SPANLIST)) != NULL)
	    tdbDefault = cloneString((char *)hel->val);
/* if we still don't have a spanList, or we got "first" for spanList,
 * make up spanList by choosing the first span we find in the table */
//if (sameWord("NONE",tdbDefault) || sameWord("first",tdbDefault))
else if( sameWord("first",tdbDefault))
    char query[1024];
    snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT span FROM %s limit 1", tdb->table );
    char *tmpSpan = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
    ret[0] = sqlUnsigned(tmpSpan);
    ret[1] = 0;
    /*	If something found, let's parse it	*/
    int i;
    char *words[MAX_SPAN_COUNT];
    int wc;
    wc = chopCommas(tdbDefault,words);
    AllocArray(ret,wc+1);	/*	+ 1 for the extra zero	*/
    for ( i = 0; i < wc; ++i )
	ret[i] = sqlUnsigned(words[i]);
    ret[wc] = 0;	/*	end of list	*/

}	/*	int *wiggleSpanList(struct trackDb *tdb)	*/
Ejemplo n.º 17
void output_cluster_matrix_long(struct cluster_bed_matrix *cbm, struct slName *labels, boolean keep_bed, char *outputfile, boolean header)
/* For handling long-form cluster output */
    FILE *out = mustOpen(outputfile, "w");
    int i, j, l;
    char **labels_array;
    int *subpos_array;
    int *cluster_row_array;
    int num_labels = slCount(labels);
    int num_subpos = cbm->pbm->ncol / num_labels;
    struct slName *label;
    AllocArray(labels_array, cbm->pbm->ncol);
    AllocArray(subpos_array, cbm->pbm->ncol);
    i = 0;
    for (label = labels; label != NULL; label = label->next)
	for (j = 0; j < num_subpos; j++)
	    labels_array[i] = label->name;
	    subpos_array[i] = j+1;
    AllocArray(cluster_row_array, cbm->pbm->nrow - cbm->num_na);
    i = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < cbm->k; j++)
	for (l = 0; l < cbm->cluster_sizes[j]; l++)
	    cluster_row_array[i++] = l+1;
    if (header)
	if (keep_bed)
	    fprintf(out, "chrom\tchromStart\tchromEnd\tname\tscore\tstrand\t");
	fprintf(out, "Row\tCluster_Name\tCluster_Row\tCentroid_Distance\tLabel_Subpos\tLabel\tSubpos\tColumn\tData\n");
    for (i = cbm->num_na; i < cbm->pbm->nrow; i++)
	struct perBaseWig *pbw = cbm->pbm->array[i];
	for (j = 0; j < cbm->pbm->ncol; j++)
	    if (keep_bed)
		fprintf(out, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%c\t", pbw->chrom, pbw->chromStart, pbw->chromEnd, pbw->name, pbw->score, pbw->strand[0]);
	    fprintf(out, "%d\t", i - cbm->num_na + 1);
	    fprintf(out, "Cluster_%d\t", pbw->label + 1);
	    fprintf(out, "%d\t", cluster_row_array[i-cbm->num_na]);
	    fprintf(out, "%f\t", pbw->cent_distance);
	    fprintf(out, "%s_%d\t%s\t%d\t", labels_array[j], subpos_array[j], labels_array[j], subpos_array[j]);
	    fprintf(out, "%d\t", j+1);
	    fprintf(out, "%f\n", cbm->pbm->matrix[i][j]);
Ejemplo n.º 18
struct dMatrix *dataFromTable(char *tableName, char *query)
/* Read data from table name with rowname. */
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn();
struct slName *colNames = sqlListFields(conn, tableName);
struct slName *name = NULL;
int count = 0;
struct dMatrix *dM = NULL;
struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
char **row = NULL;
int colIx = 0;

/* Allocate some initial memory. */
dM->colCount = slCount(colNames) -1;
dM->rowCount = 1;
AllocArray(dM->matrix, dM->rowCount);
AllocArray(dM->rowNames, dM->rowCount);
AllocArray(dM->matrix[0], dM->colCount);
AllocArray(dM->colNames, dM->colCount);
for(name = colNames->next; name != NULL; name = name->next)
    dM->colNames[count++] = cloneString(name->name);

/* Execute our query. */
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
count = 0;

/* Read out the data. */
while((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    /* Expand matrix data as necessary. */
    if(count > 0)
	ExpandArray(dM->matrix, dM->rowCount, dM->rowCount+1);
	AllocArray(dM->matrix[dM->rowCount], dM->colCount);
	ExpandArray(dM->rowNames, dM->rowCount, dM->rowCount+1);
    dM->rowNames[count] = cloneString(row[0]);
    for(colIx = 0; colIx < dM->colCount; colIx++) 
	dM->matrix[count][colIx] = atof(row[colIx+1]);
if(count == 0)
    errAbort("Didn't find any results for query:\n%s", query);
return dM;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void initPcm(struct ggcInfo *g, struct pcm *pcm, char *name, int pixels, bool detailed)
/* Allocate and initialize pcm */
pcm->name = cloneString(name);
pcm->pixels = pixels;
pcm->detailed = detailed;
AllocArray(pcm->match, pixels);
AllocArray(pcm->cover, pixels);
AllocArray(pcm->coverNondash, pixels);
AllocArray(pcm->count, pixels);
if (g != NULL)
    slAddTail(&g->pcmList, pcm);
Ejemplo n.º 20
struct splice *spliceCommaIn(char **pS, struct splice *ret)
/* Create a splice out of a comma separated string. 
 * This will fill in ret if non-null, otherwise will
 * return a new splice */
char *s = *pS;
int i;

if (ret == NULL)
ret->tName = sqlStringComma(&s);
ret->tStart = sqlSignedComma(&s);
ret->tEnd = sqlSignedComma(&s);
ret->name = sqlStringComma(&s);
ret->type = sqlSignedComma(&s);
sqlFixedStringComma(&s, ret->strand, sizeof(ret->strand));
ret->agxId = sqlSignedComma(&s);
ret->vCount = sqlSignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->vPositions, ret->vCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->vCount; ++i)
    ret->vPositions[i] = sqlSignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->vTypes, ret->vCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->vCount; ++i)
    ret->vTypes[i] = sqlUnsignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
ret->pathCount = sqlSignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
for (i=0; i<ret->pathCount; ++i)
    s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
    if(s[0] != '}')        slSafeAddHead(&ret->paths, pathCommaIn(&s,NULL));
    s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
    s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
*pS = s;
return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 21
void hgGenericMicroarray(char *file)
/* Load the simple file into two tables.*/
struct expRecord *exps = NULL;
struct expData *data = NULL;
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(file,TRUE);
char *strings[1000];
int ncols, i, n;
/* First line has experiment info */
ncols = lineFileChopTab(lf,strings);
for (i = 1; i < ncols; i++)
    struct expRecord *oneRec = NULL;
    oneRec->id = i - 1;
    oneRec->name = cloneString(strings[i]);
    oneRec->description = cloneString(strings[i]);
    oneRec->url = CSNA;
    oneRec->ref = CSNA;
    oneRec->credit = CSNA;
    oneRec->numExtras = 3;
    AllocArray(oneRec->extras, oneRec->numExtras);
    oneRec->extras[0] = cloneString("n/a");
    oneRec->extras[1] = cloneString("n/a");
    oneRec->extras[2] = cloneString(strings[i]);
    slAddHead(&exps, oneRec);
/* Other lines have the data. */
while ((n = lineFileChopTab(lf,strings)) > 0)
    struct expData *oneGene = NULL;
    oneGene->name = cloneString(strings[0]);
    oneGene->expCount = ncols - 1;
    AllocArray(oneGene->expScores, oneGene->expCount);
    for (i = 1; i < ncols; i++)
	oneGene->expScores[i-1] = sqlFloat(strings[i]);
    slAddHead(&data, oneGene);
if ((n != ncols) && (n > 0))
    errAbort("Wrong number of columns in line %d of %s. Got %d, want %d", lf->lineIx, file, n, ncols);
Ejemplo n.º 22
struct psl *clonePsl(struct psl *psl)
/* Copy a psl to separate memory. */
struct psl *c = CloneVar(psl);
c->next = NULL;
c->qName = cloneString(psl->qName);
c->tName = cloneString(psl->tName);
AllocArray(c->blockSizes, c->blockCount);
CopyArray(psl->blockSizes, c->blockSizes, c->blockCount);
AllocArray(c->qStarts, c->blockCount);
CopyArray(psl->qStarts, c->qStarts, c->blockCount);
AllocArray(c->tStarts, c->blockCount);
CopyArray(psl->tStarts, c->tStarts, c->blockCount);
return c;
void maxTranscriptomeExps(char *files[], int numFiles, char *outputFile, char *trackName)
struct sample **pSampList = NULL;
struct sample *s1;
struct sample *maxListSamp  = NULL;
struct sample *maxSamp = NULL;
int i;
int count =0;
FILE *out = NULL;
AllocArray(pSampList, numFiles);
for(i=0;i<numFiles; i++)
 warn("Reading %s.", files[i]);
 pSampList[i] = sampleLoadAll(files[i]);

warn("Calculating Maxes.");
count = slCount(pSampList[0]);
    s1 = slElementFromIx(pSampList[0], i);
    maxSamp->chrom = cloneString(s1->chrom);
    maxSamp->chromStart = s1->chromStart;
    maxSamp->chromEnd = s1->chromEnd;
    maxSamp->name = cloneString(trackName);
    snprintf(maxSamp->strand, sizeof(maxSamp->strand), "%s", s1->strand);
    maxSamp->sampleCount = s1->sampleCount;
    maxSamp->samplePosition = CloneArray(s1->samplePosition, maxSamp->sampleCount);
    AllocArray(maxSamp->sampleHeight, maxSamp->sampleCount);
    fillInMaxVals(maxSamp, pSampList, numFiles, i);
    slAddHead(&maxListSamp, maxSamp);
warn("Saving Maxes");
out = mustOpen(outputFile, "w");
for(maxSamp = maxListSamp; maxSamp != NULL; maxSamp = maxSamp->next)
    sampleTabOut(maxSamp, out);
warn("Cleaning up");
for(i=0;i<numFiles; i++)
Ejemplo n.º 24
struct starTableInfo *starTableInfoNew(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *name)
/* Create new starTable,  reading information about it from database. */
struct starTableInfo *sti;
char buf[256];
safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", tablePrefix, name);
sti->tableName = cloneString(buf);
sti->fieldName = cloneString(name);
char query[256];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select max(id) from %s", sti->tableName);
sti->maxId = sqlQuickNum(conn, query);
verbose(2, "%s maxId %d\n", sti->tableName, sti->maxId);
AllocArray(sti->termsForIds, sti->maxId+1);
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select id,term from %s", sti->tableName);
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
char **row;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    unsigned id = sqlUnsigned(row[0]);
    char *term = row[1];
    sti->termsForIds[id] = cloneString(term);
return sti;
Ejemplo n.º 25
void sqlStringDynamicArray(char *s, char ***retArray, int *retSize)
/* Convert comma separated list of strings to an dynamically allocated
 * array, which should be freeMem()'d when done. As a speed option all
 * of the elements in the array are needMem()'d at the same time. This 
 * means that all the entries are free()'d by calling freeMem() on the
 * first element. For example:
 * sqlStringDynamicArray(s, &retArray, &retSize);
 * DoSomeFunction(retArray, retSize);
 * freeMem(retArray[0]);
 * freeMem(retArray);
char **sArray, **dArray = NULL;
int size;

if (s == NULL)
    *retArray = NULL;
    *retSize = 0;
s = cloneString(s);
sqlStringStaticArray(s, &sArray, &size);
if (size > 0)
    CopyArray(sArray, dArray, size);
*retArray = dArray;
*retSize = size;
Ejemplo n.º 26
struct path *pathCommaIn(char **pS, struct path *ret)
/* Create a path out of a comma separated string. 
 * This will fill in ret if non-null, otherwise will
 * return a new path */
char *s = *pS;
int i;

if (ret == NULL)
ret->tName = sqlStringComma(&s);
ret->tStart = sqlSignedComma(&s);
ret->tEnd = sqlSignedComma(&s);
ret->type = sqlSignedComma(&s);
ret->maxVCount = sqlSignedComma(&s);
ret->vCount = sqlSignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '{');
AllocArray(ret->vertices, ret->vCount);
for (i=0; i<ret->vCount; ++i)
    ret->vertices[i] = sqlSignedComma(&s);
s = sqlEatChar(s, '}');
s = sqlEatChar(s, ',');
ret->upV = sqlSignedComma(&s);
ret->downV = sqlSignedComma(&s);
ret->bpCount = sqlSignedComma(&s);
*pS = s;
return ret;
void sortAndWriteOffsets(bits32 firstIx, bits32 *offsetArray, bits32 *listArray, 
	DNA *allDna, FILE *f)
/* Set up and do a qsort on list that starts at firstIx.  Write result to file. */
/* Count up length of list. */
int listSize = 0;
bits32 listIx;
for (listIx = firstIx; listIx != 0; listIx = listArray[listIx])

/* Get an array to hold all offsets in list, hopefully a small one on stack,
 * but if need be a big one on heap */
bits32 smallArray[32], *bigArray = NULL, *sortArray;
if (listSize <= ArraySize(smallArray))
    sortArray = smallArray;
    AllocArray(sortArray, listSize);

/* Copy list to array for sorting. */
int sortIx;
for (sortIx=0, listIx=firstIx; listIx != 0; ++sortIx, listIx=listArray[listIx])
    sortArray[sortIx] = offsetArray[listIx];

/* Do the qsort.  I hope I got the cmp function right! */
qsort(sortArray, listSize, sizeof(sortArray[0]), cmpAfter16);

/* Write out sorted result. */
mustWrite(f, sortArray, listSize * sizeof(bits32));

/* Clean up. */
if (bigArray)
Ejemplo n.º 28
EStatus BaseArray::SetLength (INT  iLengthIn)
  INT    iNewAllocSize = iAllocSize;

  // calculate how much to grow the array.
  while (iLengthIn > iNewAllocSize)
    iNewAllocSize += iAllocInc;

  // if more memory is to be allocated, allocate it, copy over old values, and delete old memory.
  if (iNewAllocSize > iAllocSize)
    VOID *  pNewArray = AllocArray (iNewAllocSize);

    // Note:  Ideally you need to detect an allocation failure here and return a failure code.
    if (pNewArray == NULL)  return (EStatus::kFailure);

    INT     iOldAllocSize = iAllocSize;
    VOID *  pOldArray     = pArray;

    pArray = pNewArray;
    iAllocSize = iNewAllocSize;

    if (iOldAllocSize > 0)
      CopyValues (pOldArray, 0, 0, iOldAllocSize);
      DeleteArray (&pOldArray);
  iLength = iLengthIn;
  return (EStatus::kSuccess);
Ejemplo n.º 29
float *getWeights(int count)
/* Get weights - all 1.0 by default, or read from file otherwise. */
float *weights;
float total = 0.0;
int observed = 0;
int i;
char *fileName = optionVal("weights", NULL);

/* Initialize all to 1.0. */
AllocArray(weights, count);
for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
    weights[i] = 1.0;

/* Read from file if it exists. */
if (fileName != NULL)
    struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
    char *row[2];
    while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
	int ix = atoi(row[1]);
	float val = atof(row[0]);
	if (ix < 0 || ix > count || val <= 0)
	    errAbort("%s does not seem to be a good weight file on line %d", 
	    	lf->fileName, lf->lineIx);
	weights[ix] = val;
	total += val;
    printf("%d genes, %d weights, %f total wieght\n", count, observed, total);
return weights;
Ejemplo n.º 30
static bits64 bbiWriteSummaryAndIndexUnc(struct bbiSummary *summaryList, 
	int blockSize, int itemsPerSlot, FILE *f)
/* Write out summary and index to summary compressed, returning start position of
 * summary index. */
bits32 i, count = slCount(summaryList);
struct bbiSummary **summaryArray;
AllocArray(summaryArray, count);
writeOne(f, count);
struct bbiSummary *summary;
for (summary = summaryList, i=0; summary != NULL; summary = summary->next, ++i)
    summaryArray[i] = summary;
    summary->fileOffset = ftell(f);
    writeOne(f, summary->chromId);
    writeOne(f, summary->start);
    writeOne(f, summary->end);
    writeOne(f, summary->validCount);
    bbiWriteFloat(f, summary->minVal);
    bbiWriteFloat(f, summary->maxVal);
    bbiWriteFloat(f, summary->sumData);
    bbiWriteFloat(f, summary->sumSquares);
bits64 indexOffset = ftell(f);
cirTreeFileBulkIndexToOpenFile(summaryArray, sizeof(summaryArray[0]), count,
    blockSize, itemsPerSlot, NULL, bbiSummaryFetchKey, bbiSummaryFetchOffset, 
    indexOffset, f);
return indexOffset;