Ejemplo n.º 1
void Camera::rotateCamera(int i){
  float ang = 3.0*i;
  AngleAxis<float> a((ang*M_PI)/180.0, Vector3f::UnitY() );
  Matrix3f m;
  Vector3f v1, v2, v3;
  Vector3f eyeOld;
  float dist;

  eyeOld = eye;

  // Define axis of rotation
  m = AngleAxisf((0.0*M_PI)/180.0, Vector3f::UnitX())
       * AngleAxisf((ang*M_PI)/180.0, Vector3f::UnitY())
       * AngleAxisf((0.0*M_PI)/180.0, Vector3f::UnitZ());

  // Find vector from eye to aim and use as rotation point around origin
  v1 << aim - eye;
  dist = v1.norm();

  // Rotate point and find vector between the original point and the rotated point
  v2 << v1;
  v2 << m * v2;
  v2 << v2 - v1;

  // Apply the difference to the eye
  v3 << eye + v2;
  v3 << v3 - aim;
  eye << dist * v3 + aim;
  eye(1) = eyeOld(1);

Ejemplo n.º 2
	Vector3f GSphere::GetSamplePoint(int n, int count)const
		int belt = sqrt((double)count) + 1;
		if(belt < 3) belt = 3;
		while(count % belt !=0) ++belt;
		int rings = count / belt;
		int ring_count = n / belt;
		int belt_count = n % belt;
		float pitch_radius = M_PI / (rings + 1.0f);
		float yaw_radius = M_PI / belt;
		float pitch = 2* pitch_radius * (ring_count + 1) - M_PI  + random(-pitch_radius, pitch_radius);
		float yaw = 2* yaw_radius * belt_count + random(-yaw_radius, yaw_radius);

		return m_position + AngleAxisf(pitch, Vector3f::UnitX()) * AngleAxisf(yaw, Vector3f::UnitY()) * Vector3f(0,0,m_radius);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void UpdateCoords(vector<Vec3f>& v, Vec3f position, Vec3f velocity, Vec4f rotation, Vec4f wvelocity, float dt, float scale, bool pers, float inter, float xScale, float yScale, float zFar, float zNear){
	float angle = rotation[0];
	angle += wvelocity[0]*dt*inter;
	Vector3f newPos = Vector3f(position[0] + velocity[0]*dt*inter, position[1] + velocity[1]*dt*inter, position[2] + velocity[2]*dt*inter);
	Vector3f axis(rotation[1], rotation[2], rotation[3]);
	Translation3f move =Translation3f(newPos.x(), newPos.y(), newPos.z());
	angle = angle*2*M_PI/360;
	AngleAxisf turn = AngleAxisf(angle, axis);
	Matrix4f pmat;
		pmat << xScale, 0, 0, 0,
			0, yScale, 0, 0,
			0, 0, -(zFar+zNear)/(zFar-zNear), -1,
			0, 0, -2*zNear*zFar/(zFar-zNear), 0;
		pmat = Matrix4f::Identity();
	for(unsigned int boxV = 0; boxV < v.size(); boxV++){
		Vector3f p = Vector3f(v[boxV][0], v[boxV][1], v[boxV][2]);
		/*Vector4f pt(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), 1);
		pt = pmat*pt;
		p = Vector3f(pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z());*/
		p = scale* p;
		if(axis.norm() > 0)
			p = turn* p;
		p = move* p;
		v[boxV] = Vec3f(p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
Ejemplo n.º 4
Affine3f Arm::getAngleAxis(Vector3f v) {
  if (v == Vector3f(0,0,0)) {
    return Affine3f::Identity();

  float mag = v.norm(); 
  return (Affine3f) AngleAxisf(mag, v);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void GetTransformedPoint(Vec3f& pt, Vec3f position, Vec3f velocity, Vec4f rotation, Vec4f wvelocity, float dt, float scale = 1.f, float inter = 1.0){
	float angle = rotation[0];
	angle += wvelocity[0]*dt*inter;
	Vector3f newPos = Vector3f(position[0] + velocity[0]*dt*inter, position[1] + velocity[1]*dt*inter, position[2] + velocity[2]*dt*inter);
	Vector3f axis(rotation[1], rotation[2], rotation[3]);
	Translation3f move =Translation3f(newPos.x(), newPos.y(), newPos.z());
	angle = angle*2*M_PI/360;
	AngleAxisf turn = AngleAxisf(angle, axis);
	Vector3f p = Vector3f(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]);
	p = p*scale;
	p = turn*p;
	p = move*p;
	pt = Vec3f(p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
Ejemplo n.º 6
Matrix<float, 1, 3> Arm::compute_jacovian_segment(int seg_num, Point3f goal_point, Vector3f angle) {
    Segment *s = segments[seg_num];
    // mini is the amount of angle you go in the direction for numerical calculation
    float mini = 0.0005;

    Point3f transformed_goal = goal_point;
    for(int i=segments.size()-1; i>seg_num; i--) {
        // transform the goal point to relevence to this segment
        // by removing all the transformations the segments afterwards
        // apply on the current segment
        transformed_goal -= segments[i]->get_end_point();

    Point3f my_end_effector = calculate_end_effector(seg_num);

    // transform them both to the origin
    if (seg_num-1 >= 0) {
        my_end_effector -= calculate_end_effector(seg_num-1);
        transformed_goal -= calculate_end_effector(seg_num-1);

    // original end_effector
    Point3f original_ee = calculate_end_effector();

    // angle input is the one you rotate around
    // remove all the rotations from the previous segments by applying them
    AngleAxisf t = AngleAxisf(mini, angle);

    // transform the segment by some delta(theta)
    // new end_effector
    Point3f new_ee = calculate_end_effector();
    // reverse the transformation afterwards

    // difference between the end_effectors
    // since mini is very small, it's an approximation of
    // the derivative when divided by mini
    Vector3f diff = new_ee - original_ee;

    // return the row of dx/dtheta, dy/dtheta, dz/dtheta
    Matrix<float, 1, 3> ret;
    ret << diff[0]/mini, diff[1]/mini, diff[2]/mini;
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 7
GTEST_TEST(RotationMatrix, normalize)
  for(int i = 0; i < RUNS; ++i)
    const Vector3f rVec = Vector3f::Random();
    const AngleAxisf aa = AngleAxisf(Random::uniform(-pi, pi), Vector3f::Random().normalized());
    const RotationMatrix r(aa);
    const RotationMatrix scaledR = RotationMatrix(Vector3f(Vector3f::Random()).asDiagonal()) * r;

    const Vector3f r1 = r * rVec;
    const Vector3f r2 = r.normalized() * rVec;
        << "r1:\n"
        << r1 << "\n"
        << "r2\n"
        << r2 << "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 8
GTEST_TEST(RotationMatrix, rotateY)
  for(int i = 0; i < RUNS; ++i)
    const Vector3f rVec = Vector3f::Random();
    const float rot = Random::uniform(-pi, pi);
    const AngleAxisf aa = AngleAxisf(Random::uniform(-pi, pi), Vector3f::Random().normalized());
    const RotationMatrix q = aa * Rotation::aroundY(rot);
    const RotationMatrix r = RotationMatrix(aa).rotateY(rot);

    const Vector3f r1 = q * rVec;
    const Vector3f r2 = r * rVec;
        << "r1:\n"
        << r1 << "\n"
        << "r2\n"
        << r2 << "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 9
GTEST_TEST(RotationMatrix, getPackedAngleAxisFaulty)
  Vector3f vec(1, 2, 3);
  AngleAxisf aa(pi - 0.0001f, Vector3f::UnitX());
  RotationMatrix r = aa;
  Vector3f r1 = aa * vec;
  Vector3f r2 = Rotation::AngleAxis::unpack(r.getPackedAngleAxisFaulty()) * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(pi - 0.0001f, Vector3f::UnitY());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = Rotation::AngleAxis::unpack(r.getPackedAngleAxisFaulty()) * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(pi - 0.0001f, Vector3f::UnitZ());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = Rotation::AngleAxis::unpack(r.getPackedAngleAxisFaulty()) * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(-pi + 0.0001f, Vector3f::UnitX());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = Rotation::AngleAxis::unpack(r.getPackedAngleAxisFaulty()) * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(-pi + 0.0001f, Vector3f::UnitY());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = Rotation::AngleAxis::unpack(r.getPackedAngleAxisFaulty()) * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(-pi + 0.0001f, Vector3f::UnitZ());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = Rotation::AngleAxis::unpack(r.getPackedAngleAxisFaulty()) * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(-3.14060259f, Vector3f(-0.496929348f, 0.435349584f, 0.750687659f));
  AngleAxisf aa3 = Rotation::AngleAxis::unpack(r.getPackedAngleAxis());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = Rotation::AngleAxis::unpack(r.getPackedAngleAxisFaulty()) * vec;
Ejemplo n.º 10
Matrix3f m;
m = AngleAxisf(0.25*M_PI, Vector3f::UnitX())
  * AngleAxisf(0.5*M_PI,  Vector3f::UnitY())
  * AngleAxisf(0.33*M_PI, Vector3f::UnitZ());
cout << m << endl << "is unitary: " << m.isUnitary() << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 11
GTEST_TEST(RotationMatrix, getAngleAxis)
  Vector3f vec(1, 2, 3);
  AngleAxisf aa(pi, Vector3f::UnitX());
  RotationMatrix r = aa;
  Vector3f r1 = aa * vec;
  Vector3f r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(pi - 0.000001f, Vector3f::UnitY());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(pi, Vector3f::UnitZ());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(-pi, Vector3f::UnitX());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(-pi + 0.00001f, Vector3f::UnitY());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(-pi, Vector3f::UnitZ());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(-3.14060259f, Vector3f(-0.496929348f, 0.435349584f, 0.750687659f));
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;
  if(!r1.isApprox(r2, 1e-4f))
    EXPECT_TRUE(r1.isApprox(r2, 1e-4f));

  aa = AngleAxisf::Identity();
  r = RotationMatrix::Identity() * 0.99999f;
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;

  for(int i = 0; i < RUNS; ++i)
    vec = Vector3f::Random();
    r = aa = AngleAxisf(Random::uniform(-pi, pi), Vector3f::Random().normalized());
    r1 = aa * vec;
    r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;
    if(!r1.isApprox(r2, 1e-2f))
      EXPECT_TRUE(r1.isApprox(r2, 1e-2f))
          << "r1:\n"
          << r1 << "\n"
          << "r2\n"
          << r2 << "\n";
void InertialDataFilter::update(InertialData& inertialData)

  // check whether the filter shall be reset
  if(!lastTime || theFrameInfo.time <= lastTime)
    if(theFrameInfo.time == lastTime)
      return; // weird log file replaying?

  if(theMotionInfo.motion == MotionRequest::specialAction && theMotionInfo.specialActionRequest.specialAction == SpecialActionRequest::playDead)

  // get foot positions
  Pose3f leftFoot = theRobotModel.limbs[Limbs::footLeft];
  Pose3f rightFoot = theRobotModel.limbs[Limbs::footRight];
  leftFoot.translate(0.f, 0.f, -theRobotDimensions.footHeight);
  rightFoot.translate(0.f, 0.f, -theRobotDimensions.footHeight);
  const Pose3f leftFootInvert(leftFoot.inverse());
  const Pose3f rightFootInvert(rightFoot.inverse());

  // calculate rotation and position offset using the robot model (joint data)
  const Pose3f leftOffset(lastLeftFoot.translation.z() != 0.f ? Pose3f(lastLeftFoot).conc(leftFootInvert) : Pose3f());
  const Pose3f rightOffset(lastRightFoot.translation.z() != 0.f ? Pose3f(lastRightFoot).conc(rightFootInvert) : Pose3f());

  // detect the foot that is on ground
  bool useLeft = true;
  if(theMotionInfo.motion == MotionRequest::walk && theWalkingEngineOutput.speed.translation.x() != 0)
    useLeft = theWalkingEngineOutput.speed.translation.x() > 0 ?
              (leftOffset.translation.x() > rightOffset.translation.x()) :
              (leftOffset.translation.x() < rightOffset.translation.x());
    Pose3f left(mean.rotation);
    Pose3f right(mean.rotation);
    useLeft = left.translation.z() < right.translation.z();

  // update the filter
  const float timeScale = theFrameInfo.cycleTime;
  predict(RotationMatrix::fromEulerAngles(theInertialSensorData.gyro.x() * timeScale,
                                          theInertialSensorData.gyro.y() * timeScale, 0));

  // insert calculated rotation
  safeRawAngle = theInertialSensorData.angle.head<2>().cast<float>();
  bool useFeet = true;
  MODIFY("module:InertialDataFilter:useFeet", useFeet);
  if(useFeet &&
     (theMotionInfo.motion == MotionRequest::walk || theMotionInfo.motion == MotionRequest::stand ||
      (theMotionInfo.motion == MotionRequest::specialAction && theMotionInfo.specialActionRequest.specialAction == SpecialActionRequest::standHigh)) &&
     std::abs(safeRawAngle.x()) < calculatedAccLimit.x() && std::abs(safeRawAngle.y()) < calculatedAccLimit.y())
    const RotationMatrix& usedRotation(useLeft ? leftFootInvert.rotation : rightFootInvert.rotation);
    Vector3f accGravOnly(usedRotation.col(0).z(), usedRotation.col(1).z(), usedRotation.col(2).z());
    accGravOnly *= Constants::g_1000;
  else // insert acceleration sensor values

  // fill the representation
  inertialData.angle = Vector2a(std::atan2(mean.rotation.col(1).z(), mean.rotation.col(2).z()), std::atan2(-mean.rotation.col(0).z(), mean.rotation.col(2).z()));

  inertialData.acc = theInertialSensorData.acc;
  inertialData.gyro = theInertialSensorData.gyro;

  inertialData.orientation = Rotation::removeZRotation(Quaternionf(mean.rotation));

  // this  keeps the rotation matrix orthogonal

  // store some data for the next iteration
  lastLeftFoot = leftFoot;
  lastRightFoot = rightFoot;
  lastTime = theFrameInfo.time;

  // plots
  Vector3f angleAxisVec = Rotation::AngleAxis::pack(AngleAxisf(inertialData.orientation));
  PLOT("module:InertialDataFilter:angleX", toDegrees(angleAxisVec.x()));
  PLOT("module:InertialDataFilter:angleY", toDegrees(angleAxisVec.y()));
  PLOT("module:InertialDataFilter:angleZ", toDegrees(angleAxisVec.z()));
  PLOT("module:InertialDataFilter:unfilteredAngleX", theInertialSensorData.angle.x().toDegrees());
  PLOT("module:InertialDataFilter:unfilteredAngleY", theInertialSensorData.angle.y().toDegrees());

  angleAxisVec = Rotation::AngleAxis::pack(AngleAxisf(mean.rotation));
  PLOT("module:InertialDataFilter:interlanAngleX", toDegrees(angleAxisVec.x()));
  PLOT("module:InertialDataFilter:interlanAngleY", toDegrees(angleAxisVec.y()));
  PLOT("module:InertialDataFilter:interlanAngleZ", toDegrees(angleAxisVec.z()));
Ejemplo n.º 13
void Segment::randomize() {
    // randomize
    T = AngleAxisf(PI/2, Vector3f::Random()) * T;
Ejemplo n.º 14
int main(int argc, char **argv) 
	std::random_device rd;
    std::mt19937 gen(rd());
    std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(-1, 1);

	// AX = ZB
	Eigen::Matrix4f Z = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
	Eigen::Vector4f qz_use = Eigen::Vector4f(dis(gen), dis(gen), dis(gen), dis(gen) );
	Eigen::Quaternionf qz( qz_use[0], qz_use[1], qz_use[2], qz_use[3] );
	Eigen::Vector3f tz = Eigen::Vector3f( dis(gen), dis(gen), dis(gen) );
	Z.block<3,3>(0,0) = qz.toRotationMatrix();
	Z.block<3,1>(0,3) = tz;
	//std::cout << "Z: " << std::endl << Z << std::endl;

 	Eigen::Matrix4f X = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
	Eigen::Vector4f qx_use = Eigen::Vector4f(dis(gen), dis(gen), dis(gen), dis(gen) );
	Eigen::Quaternionf qx( qx_use[0], qx_use[1], qx_use[2], qx_use[3] );
	Eigen::Vector3f tx = Eigen::Vector3f(dis(gen),dis(gen), dis(gen));
	X.block<3,3>(0,0) = qx.toRotationMatrix();
	X.block<3,1>(0,3) = tx;
	//std::cout << "X: " << std::endl << X << std::endl;

 	int NPoses = 6;

	std::vector<Matrix4f> A, B;

	Eigen::Matrix4f a = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();

	Eigen::Vector4f q_use = Eigen::Vector4f::Random();
	Eigen::Quaternionf q( q_use[0], q_use[1], q_use[2], q_use[3]);

	Eigen::Vector3f t = Eigen::Vector3f( dis(gen), dis(gen), dis(gen) );

	a.block<3,3>(0,0) = q.toRotationMatrix();
	a.block<3,1>(0,3) = t;

	for (int i = 0; i < NPoses; i++)

		// test data
		Eigen::Matrix4f b = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
		b = Z.inverse()*a*X;

		Eigen::Matrix4f d = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
		Eigen::Vector3f t = 0.001*Eigen::Vector3f( dis(gen),dis(gen), dis(gen) );

		float roll = dis(gen)*M_PI/512;
		float pitch = dis(gen)*M_PI/512;
		float yaw = dis(gen)*M_PI/512;
		Eigen::Matrix3f R;
		R = AngleAxisf(roll, Vector3f::UnitX())
			*AngleAxisf(pitch, Vector3f::UnitY())
  			*AngleAxisf(yaw, Vector3f::UnitZ());
		d.block<3,3>(0,0) = R;
		d.block<3,1>(0,3) = t;

		a = d*a;



	// first, create an object of your class 
	calibration::Calibration mycalib;

	mycalib.setInput(A, B);


	Eigen::Matrix4f Tx, Tz;
	Tx = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
	Tz = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
	mycalib.getOutput(Tz, Tx);

	// print out the result

	std::cout << "Input Z: " << std::endl << Z << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Estimated Z:" << std::endl << Tz << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Error over Z estimation: " << std::endl << Z-Tz << std::endl << std::endl;

	std::cout << "Input X: " << std::endl << X << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Estimated X:" << std::endl << Tx << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Error over X estimation: " << std::endl << X-Tx << std::endl;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ void Rodrigues(const float3& rvec, float3& row1, float3& row2, float3& row3)
     float angle = norm(rvec);
     float3 unit_axis = make_float3(rvec.x/angle, rvec.y/angle, rvec.z/angle);
     AngleAxisf(angle, unit_axis, row1, row2, row3);
Ejemplo n.º 16
void Segment::apply_angle_change(float rad_change, Vector3f angle) {
    T = AngleAxisf(rad_change, angle) * T;
Ejemplo n.º 17
SceneObject& SceneObject::rotate(float angle, const Vector3f& axis) {
    rotate(Quaternion<float>(AngleAxisf(angle, axis)));
    return *this;
Ejemplo n.º 18
    system::error_code AttitudeControlSimple::update(asio::yield_context yctx)
        Mat3x3f R = m_ISAttitudeEstimated.m_Value.toRotationMatrix();
        #if 1
        Mat3x3f R_sp = m_ISAttitudeSetpoint.m_Value.toRotationMatrix();
        #if 0
        Mat3x3f R_sp = Quaternionf(AngleAxisf(M_PI_4, Vec3f::UnitX())).toRotationMatrix();
        static once_flag initSetpoint;
        call_once(initSetpoint, [this]() { m_ISAttitudeSetpoint.m_Value = m_ISAttitudeEstimated.m_Value; } );
        Mat3x3f R_sp = m_ISAttitudeSetpoint.m_Value.toRotationMatrix();
        float dT = std::min(std::max(m_ISDT.m_Value, 0.002f), 0.02f);
        Vec3f R_z(R(0, 2), R(1, 2), R(2, 2));
        Vec3f R_sp_z(R_sp(0, 2), R_sp(1, 2), R_sp(2, 2));
        Vec3f e_R = R.transpose() * (R_z.cross(R_sp_z));
        float e_R_z_sin = e_R.norm();
        float e_R_z_cos = R_z.dot(R_sp_z);

        float yaw_w = R_sp(2, 2) * R_sp(2, 2);
        Mat3x3f R_rp;
        if(e_R_z_sin > 0.0f)
            float e_R_z_angle = std::atan2(e_R_z_sin, e_R_z_cos);
            Vec3f e_R_z_axis = e_R / e_R_z_sin;
            e_R = e_R_z_angle * e_R_z_axis;
            Mat3x3f e_R_cp = Mat3x3f::Zero();
            e_R_cp(0, 1) = -e_R_z_axis(2);
            e_R_cp(0, 2) = e_R_z_axis(1);
            e_R_cp(1, 0) = e_R_z_axis(2);
            e_R_cp(1, 2) = -e_R_z_axis(0);
            e_R_cp(2, 0) = -e_R_z_axis(1);
            e_R_cp(2, 1) = e_R_z_axis(0);

            R_rp = R * (Mat3x3f::Identity() + e_R_cp * e_R_z_sin + e_R_cp * e_R_cp * (1.0f - e_R_z_cos));
            R_rp = R;
        Vec3f R_sp_x(R_sp(0, 0), R_sp(1, 0), R_sp(2, 0));
        Vec3f R_rp_x(R_rp(0, 0), R_rp(1, 0), R_rp(2, 0));
        e_R(2) = std::atan2(R_rp_x.cross(R_sp_x).dot(R_sp_z), R_rp_x.dot(R_sp_x)) * yaw_w;
        if(e_R_z_cos < 0.0f)
            Quaternionf q(R.transpose() * R_sp);
            Vec3f e_R_d = q.vec();
            e_R_d *= 2.0f * std::atan2(e_R_d.norm(), q.w());
            float direct_w = e_R_z_cos * e_R_z_cos * yaw_w;
            e_R = e_R * (1.0f - direct_w) + e_R_d * direct_w;
        Vec3f const rotationRateSetpoint = m_AttitudeP.cwiseProduct(e_R);
        Vec3f e_RR = rotationRateSetpoint - m_ISRotationRateMeasured.m_Value;
        Vec3f rotationRateControl =
            m_RotationRateP.cwiseProduct(e_RR) +
            m_RotationRateD.cwiseProduct(m_RotationRateMeasuredPrev - m_ISRotationRateMeasured.m_Value) / dT +
        m_RotationRateMeasuredPrev = m_ISRotationRateMeasured.m_Value;
        m_RotationRateSetpointPrev = rotationRateSetpoint;
        m_OSRotationRateSetpoint.m_Value = rotationRateControl;
        return base::makeErrorCode(base::kENoError);
Ejemplo n.º 19
bool MyPointCloud::alignPointClouds(std::vector<Matrix3frm>& Rcam, std::vector<Vector3f>& tcam, MyPointCloud *globalPreviousPointCloud, device::Intr& intrinsics, int globalTime) {
	Matrix3frm Rprev = Rcam[globalTime - 1]; //  [Ri|ti] - pos of camera, i.e.
	Vector3f tprev = tcam[globalTime - 1]; //  tranfrom from camera to global coo space for (i-1)th camera pose
	Matrix3frm Rprev_inv = Rprev.inverse(); //Rprev.t();
	device::Mat33& device_Rprev_inv = device_cast<device::Mat33> (Rprev_inv);
	float3& device_tprev = device_cast<float3> (tprev);

	Matrix3frm Rcurr = Rprev; // tranform to global coo for ith camera pose
	Vector3f tcurr = tprev;
  #pragma omp parallel for
	for(int level = LEVELS - 1; level >= 0; --level) {
		int iterations = icpIterations_[level];

    #pragma omp parallel for
		for(int iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; ++iteration) {
        printf("        ICP level %d iteration %d", level, iteration);
        pcl::ScopeTime time("");
			  device::Mat33& device_Rcurr = device_cast<device::Mat33> (Rcurr);
			  float3& device_tcurr = device_cast<float3>(tcurr);
			  Eigen::Matrix<float, 6, 6, Eigen::RowMajor> A;
			  Eigen::Matrix<float, 6, 1> b;

			  if(level == 2 && iteration == 0)			
			  	error_.create(rows_ * 4, cols_);

			  device::estimateCombined (device_Rcurr, device_tcurr, vmaps_[level], nmaps_[level], device_Rprev_inv, device_tprev, intrinsics (level),
                            globalPreviousPointCloud->getVertexMaps()[level], globalPreviousPointCloud->getNormalMaps()[level], distThres_, angleThres_, 
			  			  gbuf_, sumbuf_, A.data (), b.data (), error_);

			  //checking nullspace
			  float det = A.determinant ();

			  if (fabs (det) < 1e-15 || !pcl::device::valid_host (det)) {
			  	// printf("ICP failed at level %d, iteration %d (global time %d)\n", level, iteration, globalTime);
			  	return (false);
			  } //else printf("ICP succeed at level %d, iteration %d (global time %d)\n", level, iteration, globalTime);

			  Eigen::Matrix<float, 6, 1> result = A.llt ().solve (b);
			  //Eigen::Matrix<float, 6, 1> result = A.jacobiSvd(ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV).solve(b);

			  float alpha = result (0);
			  float beta  = result (1);
			  float gamma = result (2);

			  Eigen::Matrix3f Rinc = (Eigen::Matrix3f)AngleAxisf (gamma, Vector3f::UnitZ ()) * AngleAxisf (beta, Vector3f::UnitY ()) * AngleAxisf (alpha, Vector3f::UnitX ());
			  Vector3f tinc = result.tail<3> ();

			  tcurr = Rinc * tcurr + tinc;
			  Rcurr = Rinc * Rcurr;

	//save tranform
	Rcam[globalTime] = Rcurr;
	tcam[globalTime] = tcurr;
	return (true);

Ejemplo n.º 20
SceneObject& SceneObject::setRotation(float angle, const Vector3f& axis) {
    setRotation(AngleAxisf(angle, axis));
    return *this;
Ejemplo n.º 21
	void GCamera::CalculateFrustum()
		Matrix3f m;
		float x = geometry::Deg2Rad(m_vfov/2.0f);
		float y = geometry::Deg2Rad(m_hfov/2.0f);
		// calculating rotation matrix based on pitch yaw roll
		Matrix3f rot;
		rot =	AngleAxisf(geometry::Deg2Rad(m_roll), Vector3f::UnitZ()) *
				AngleAxisf(geometry::Deg2Rad(m_pitch), Vector3f::UnitX()) *
				AngleAxisf(geometry::Deg2Rad(m_yaw), Vector3f::UnitY());

		// calculating frustum vecs
		m = AngleAxisf(x, Vector3f::UnitX())*  
			AngleAxisf(y, Vector3f::UnitY()) * rot;
		m_frustum[0] = Vector3f::UnitZ().transpose() * m;

		m = AngleAxisf(x, Vector3f::UnitX())*  
			AngleAxisf(-y, Vector3f::UnitY()) * rot;
		m_frustum[1] = Vector3f::UnitZ().transpose() * m;

		m = AngleAxisf(-x, Vector3f::UnitX())*  
			AngleAxisf(y, Vector3f::UnitY()) * rot;
		m_frustum[2] = Vector3f::UnitZ().transpose() * m;

		m = AngleAxisf(-x, Vector3f::UnitX())*  
			AngleAxisf(-y, Vector3f::UnitY()) * rot;
		m_frustum[3] = Vector3f::UnitZ().transpose() * m;
