Ejemplo n.º 1
AnimationModel MRSFileLoader::createModel( const char* fileName ){
	ASSERT( mImpl && "Graphics::XFileLoader : This is empty Object" );
	mImpl->createModel( fileName );
	AnimationModel::Impl* modelImpl = NEW AnimationModel::Impl( mImpl );
	return AnimationModel( modelImpl );
 * @brief Inserts an animation in this sprite.
 * The index of the selection may change, since animations are sorted
 * alphabetically.
 * Emits rowsAboutToBeInserted(), inserts the animation
 * and then emits rowsInserted(), as required by QAbstractItemModel.
 * Then, emits animation_created().
 * The newly created animation is not initially selected.
 * The existing selection is preserved, though the index of many
 * animations can change.
 * The selection is cleared before the operations and restored after,
 * updated with the new index.
 * @param index Index of the animation to insert.
 * @param data Data of the animation.
 * @throws EditorException in case of error.
void SpriteModel::insert_animation(
    const Index& index, const Solarus::SpriteAnimationData& data) {

  // Make some checks first.
  if (index.animation_name.length() <= 0) {
      throw EditorException(tr("Animation name cannot be empty"));

  if (animation_exists(index)) {
      throw EditorException(
            tr("Animation '%1' already exists").arg(index.animation_name));

  // Save and clear the selection since a lot of indexes may change.
  Index selection = get_selected_index();

  // Add the animation to the sprite file.
  sprite.add_animation(index.animation_name.toStdString(), data);

  // Rebuild indexes in the list model (indexes were shifted).

  // Call beginInsertRows() as requested by QAbstractItemModel.
  int animation_nb = get_animation_nb(index.animation_name);
  beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), animation_nb, animation_nb);

  // Update our animation model list.
  animations.insert(animation_nb, AnimationModel(index.animation_name));
  int num_directions = data.get_num_directions();
  for (int nb = 0; nb < num_directions; nb++) {
          DirectionModel(index.animation_name, nb));

  // Notify people before restoring the selection, so that they have a
  // chance to know new indexes before receiving selection signals.
  emit animation_created(index);

  // Restore the selection.