Ejemplo n.º 1
 * pg_get_serverdef_string finds the foreign server that corresponds to the
 * given foreign tableId, and returns this server's definition.
char *
pg_get_serverdef_string(Oid tableRelationId)
	ForeignTable *foreignTable = GetForeignTable(tableRelationId);
	ForeignServer *server = GetForeignServer(foreignTable->serverid);
	ForeignDataWrapper *foreignDataWrapper = GetForeignDataWrapper(server->fdwid);

	StringInfoData buffer = { NULL, 0, 0, 0 };

	appendStringInfo(&buffer, "CREATE SERVER %s", quote_identifier(server->servername));
	if (server->servertype != NULL)
		appendStringInfo(&buffer, " TYPE %s",
	if (server->serverversion != NULL)
		appendStringInfo(&buffer, " VERSION %s",

	appendStringInfo(&buffer, " FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER %s",

	/* append server options, if any */
	AppendOptionListToString(&buffer, server->options);

	return (buffer.data);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * pg_get_tableschemadef_string returns the definition of a given table. This
 * definition includes table's schema, default column values, not null and check
 * constraints. The definition does not include constraints that trigger index
 * creations; specifically, unique and primary key constraints are excluded.
static char *
pg_shard_get_tableschemadef_string(Oid tableRelationId)
	Relation relation = NULL;
	char *relationName = NULL;
	char relationKind = 0;
	TupleDesc tupleDescriptor = NULL;
	TupleConstr *tupleConstraints = NULL;
	int attributeIndex = 0;
	bool firstAttributePrinted = false;
	AttrNumber defaultValueIndex = 0;
	AttrNumber constraintIndex = 0;
	AttrNumber constraintCount = 0;
	StringInfoData buffer = { NULL, 0, 0, 0 };

	 * Instead of retrieving values from system catalogs as other functions in
	 * ruleutils.c do, we follow an unusual approach here: we open the relation,
	 * and fetch the relation's tuple descriptor. We do this because the tuple
	 * descriptor already contains information harnessed from pg_attrdef,
	 * pg_attribute, pg_constraint, and pg_class; and therefore using the
	 * descriptor saves us from a lot of additional work.
	relation = relation_open(tableRelationId, AccessShareLock);
	relationName = generate_relation_name(tableRelationId);

	relationKind = relation->rd_rel->relkind;
	if (relationKind != RELKIND_RELATION && relationKind != RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE)
						errmsg("%s is not a regular or foreign table", relationName)));

	if (relationKind == RELKIND_RELATION)
		appendStringInfo(&buffer, "CREATE TABLE %s (", relationName);
		appendStringInfo(&buffer, "CREATE FOREIGN TABLE %s (", relationName);

	 * Iterate over the table's columns. If a particular column is not dropped
	 * and is not inherited from another table, print the column's name and its
	 * formatted type.
	tupleDescriptor = RelationGetDescr(relation);
	tupleConstraints = tupleDescriptor->constr;

	for (attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < tupleDescriptor->natts; attributeIndex++)
		Form_pg_attribute attributeForm = tupleDescriptor->attrs[attributeIndex];

		if (!attributeForm->attisdropped && attributeForm->attinhcount == 0)
			const char *attributeName = NULL;
			const char *attributeTypeName = NULL;

			if (firstAttributePrinted)
				appendStringInfoString(&buffer, ", ");
			firstAttributePrinted = true;

			attributeName = NameStr(attributeForm->attname);
			appendStringInfo(&buffer, "%s ", quote_identifier(attributeName));

			attributeTypeName = format_type_with_typemod(attributeForm->atttypid,
			appendStringInfoString(&buffer, attributeTypeName);

			/* if this column has a default value, append the default value */
			if (attributeForm->atthasdef)
				AttrDefault *defaultValueList = NULL;
				AttrDefault *defaultValue = NULL;

				Node *defaultNode = NULL;
				List *defaultContext = NULL;
				char *defaultString = NULL;

				Assert(tupleConstraints != NULL);

				defaultValueList = tupleConstraints->defval;
				Assert(defaultValueList != NULL);

				defaultValue = &(defaultValueList[defaultValueIndex]);

				Assert(defaultValue->adnum == (attributeIndex + 1));
				Assert(defaultValueIndex <= tupleConstraints->num_defval);

				/* convert expression to node tree, and prepare deparse context */
				defaultNode = (Node *) stringToNode(defaultValue->adbin);
				defaultContext = deparse_context_for(relationName, tableRelationId);

				/* deparse default value string */
				defaultString = deparse_expression(defaultNode, defaultContext,
												   false, false);

				appendStringInfo(&buffer, " DEFAULT %s", defaultString);

			/* if this column has a not null constraint, append the constraint */
			if (attributeForm->attnotnull)
				appendStringInfoString(&buffer, " NOT NULL");

	 * Now check if the table has any constraints. If it does, set the number of
	 * check constraints here. Then iterate over all check constraints and print
	 * them.
	if (tupleConstraints != NULL)
		constraintCount = tupleConstraints->num_check;

	for (constraintIndex = 0; constraintIndex < constraintCount; constraintIndex++)
		ConstrCheck *checkConstraintList = tupleConstraints->check;
		ConstrCheck *checkConstraint = &(checkConstraintList[constraintIndex]);

		Node *checkNode = NULL;
		List *checkContext = NULL;
		char *checkString = NULL;

		/* if an attribute or constraint has been printed, format properly */
		if (firstAttributePrinted || constraintIndex > 0)
			appendStringInfoString(&buffer, ", ");

		appendStringInfo(&buffer, "CONSTRAINT %s CHECK ",

		/* convert expression to node tree, and prepare deparse context */
		checkNode = (Node *) stringToNode(checkConstraint->ccbin);
		checkContext = deparse_context_for(relationName, tableRelationId);

		/* deparse check constraint string */
		checkString = deparse_expression(checkNode, checkContext, false, false);

		appendStringInfoString(&buffer, checkString);

	/* close create table's outer parentheses */
	appendStringInfoString(&buffer, ")");

	 * If the relation is a foreign table, append the server name and options to
	 * the create table statement.
	if (relationKind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE)
		ForeignTable *foreignTable = GetForeignTable(tableRelationId);
		ForeignServer *foreignServer = GetForeignServer(foreignTable->serverid);

		char *serverName = foreignServer->servername;
		appendStringInfo(&buffer, " SERVER %s", quote_identifier(serverName));
		AppendOptionListToString(&buffer, foreignTable->options);

	relation_close(relation, AccessShareLock);

	return (buffer.data);