Ejemplo n.º 1
static  bool    LblName( label_handle lbl, bool no_prefix )
    if( !ValidLbl( lbl ) )
        return( false );
    if( no_prefix ) {
        if( lbl->lbl.sym == NULL ) {
            return( false );
    } else {
        DumpChar( 'L' );
        DumpPtr( lbl );
        if( lbl->lbl.sym == NULL ) {
            return( true );
    DumpChar( '(' );
    if( AskIfRTLabel( lbl ) ) {
        DumpXString( AskRTName( SYM2RTIDX( lbl->lbl.sym ) ) );
    } else if( AskIfCommonLabel( lbl ) ) {
        DumpLiteral( "Common import => [" );
        DumpUInt( (unsigned)(pointer_int)lbl->lbl.sym );
        DumpLiteral( "] " );
    } else {
        DumpXString( FEName( lbl->lbl.sym ) );
    DumpChar( ')' );
    return( true );
Ejemplo n.º 2
static bool SegMemLoc( name *op ) {
 * Return true if the operand COULD be the one associated with the segment */

    if( op->n.class == N_INDEXED ) return( TRUE );
    if( op->n.class != N_MEMORY ) return( FALSE );
    if( op->m.memory_type == CG_LBL ) {
        /* kluge for TLS stuff - want to be able to put fs: override on
           the __tls_array runtime label - BBB May 15, 1996 */
        if( AskIfRTLabel( op->v.symbol ) )  return( TRUE );
        return( FALSE ); /* made by Addressable */
    if( op->m.memory_type == CG_CLB ) return( FALSE ); /* made by Addressable */
    return( TRUE );
Ejemplo n.º 3
static  bool    LblName( code_lbl *lbl ) {

    if( ValidLbl( lbl ) == FALSE ) return( FALSE );
    DumpLiteral( "L" );
    DumpPtr( lbl );
    if( lbl->lbl.sym == NULL ) return( TRUE );
    DumpLiteral( "(" );
    if( AskIfRTLabel( lbl ) ) {
        DumpXString( AskRTName( (rt_class)(pointer_int)lbl->lbl.sym ) );
    } else if( AskIfCommonLabel( lbl ) ) {
        DumpLiteral( "Common import => [" );
        DumpInt( (int)(pointer_int)lbl->lbl.sym );
        DumpLiteral( "] " );
    } else {
        DumpXString( FEName( lbl->lbl.sym ) );
    DumpLiteral( ")" );
    return( TRUE );
Ejemplo n.º 4
static  bool    LblName( label_handle lbl ) {

    if( ValidLbl( lbl ) == false ) return( false );
    DumpChar( 'L' );
    DumpPtr( lbl );
    if( lbl->lbl.sym == NULL ) return( true );
    DumpChar( '(' );
    if( AskIfRTLabel( lbl ) ) {
        DumpXString( AskRTName( (rt_class)(pointer_int)lbl->lbl.sym ) );
    } else if( AskIfCommonLabel( lbl ) ) {
        DumpLiteral( "Common import => [" );
        DumpInt( (int)(pointer_int)lbl->lbl.sym );
        DumpLiteral( "] " );
    } else {
        DumpXString( FEName( lbl->lbl.sym ) );
    DumpChar( ')' );
    return( true );
Ejemplo n.º 5
extern  type_class_def CallState( aux_handle aux,
                                  type_def *tipe, call_state *state )
    type_class_def      class;
    uint                i;
    hw_reg_set          parms[20];
    hw_reg_set          *parm_src;
    hw_reg_set          *parm_dst;
    hw_reg_set          *pregs;
    call_class          cclass;
    call_class          *pcclass;
    risc_byte_seq       *code;
    bool                have_aux_code = FALSE;

    state->unalterable = FixedRegs();
    if( FEAttr( AskForLblSym( CurrProc->label ) ) & FE_VARARGS ) {
        HW_TurnOn( state->unalterable, VarargsHomePtr() );

    // For code bursts only, query the #pragma aux instead of using
    // hardcoded calling convention. If it ever turns out that we need
    // to support more than a single calling convention, this will need
    // to change to work more like x86
    if( !AskIfRTLabel( CurrProc->label ) ) {
        code = FEAuxInfo( aux, CALL_BYTES );
        if( code != NULL ) {
            have_aux_code = TRUE;

    pregs = FEAuxInfo( aux, SAVE_REGS );
    HW_CAsgn( state->modify, HW_FULL );
    if( have_aux_code ) {
        HW_TurnOff( state->modify, *pregs );
    } else {
        HW_TurnOff( state->modify, SavedRegs() );
    HW_CTurnOff( state->modify, HW_UNUSED );
    state->used = state->modify;    /* anything not saved is used */
    state->attr = 0;
    pcclass = FEAuxInfo( aux, CALL_CLASS );
    cclass = *pcclass;
    if( cclass & SETJMP_KLUGE ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_IS_SETJMP;
    if( cclass & SUICIDAL ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_NEVER_RETURNS;
    if( cclass & NO_MEMORY_CHANGED ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_MODIFIES_NO_MEMORY;
    if( cclass & NO_MEMORY_READ ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_READS_NO_MEMORY;
    i = 0;
    if( have_aux_code ) {
        parm_src = FEAuxInfo( aux, PARM_REGS );
    } else {
        parm_src = ParmRegs();

    parm_dst = &parms[0];

    for( ;; ) {
        *parm_dst = *parm_src;
        if( HW_CEqual( *parm_dst, HW_EMPTY ) ) break;
        if( HW_Ovlap( *parm_dst, state->unalterable ) ) {
            FEMessage( MSG_BAD_SAVE, aux );
        HW_CTurnOff( *parm_dst, HW_UNUSED );
    state->parm.table = CGAlloc( i * sizeof( hw_reg_set ) );
    Copy( parms, state->parm.table, i * sizeof( hw_reg_set ) );
    HW_CAsgn( state->parm.used, HW_EMPTY );
    state->parm.curr_entry = state->parm.table;
    state->parm.offset  = 0;
    class = ReturnClass( tipe, state->attr );
    UpdateReturn( state, tipe, class, aux );
    return( class );