Ejemplo n.º 1
void fallbackQSort3 ( UInt32* fmap, 
                      UInt32* eclass,
                      Int32   loSt, 
                      Int32   hiSt )
   Int32 unLo, unHi, ltLo, gtHi, n, m;
   Int32 sp, lo, hi;
   UInt32 med, r, r3;

   r = 0;

   sp = 0;
   fpush ( loSt, hiSt );

   while (sp > 0) {

      AssertH ( sp < FALLBACK_QSORT_STACK_SIZE, 1004 );

      fpop ( lo, hi );
      if (hi - lo < FALLBACK_QSORT_SMALL_THRESH) {
         fallbackSimpleSort ( fmap, eclass, lo, hi );

      /* Random partitioning.  Median of 3 sometimes fails to
         avoid bad cases.  Median of 9 seems to help but 
         looks rather expensive.  This too seems to work but
         is cheaper.  Guidance for the magic constants 
         7621 and 32768 is taken from Sedgewick's algorithms
         book, chapter 35.
      r = ((r * 7621) + 1) % 32768;
      r3 = r % 3;
      if (r3 == 0) med = eclass[fmap[lo]]; else
      if (r3 == 1) med = eclass[fmap[(lo+hi)>>1]]; else
                   med = eclass[fmap[hi]];

      unLo = ltLo = lo;
      unHi = gtHi = hi;

      while (1) {
         while (1) {
            if (unLo > unHi) break;
            n = (Int32)eclass[fmap[unLo]] - (Int32)med;
            if (n == 0) { 
               fswap(fmap[unLo], fmap[ltLo]); 
               ltLo++; unLo++; 
            if (n > 0) break;
         while (1) {
            if (unLo > unHi) break;
            n = (Int32)eclass[fmap[unHi]] - (Int32)med;
            if (n == 0) { 
               fswap(fmap[unHi], fmap[gtHi]); 
               gtHi--; unHi--; 
            if (n < 0) break;
         if (unLo > unHi) break;
         fswap(fmap[unLo], fmap[unHi]); unLo++; unHi--;

      AssertD ( unHi == unLo-1, "fallbackQSort3(2)" );

      if (gtHi < ltLo) continue;

      n = fmin(ltLo-lo, unLo-ltLo); fvswap(lo, unLo-n, n);
      m = fmin(hi-gtHi, gtHi-unHi); fvswap(unLo, hi-m+1, m);

      n = lo + unLo - ltLo - 1;
      m = hi - (gtHi - unHi) + 1;

      if (n - lo > hi - m) {
         fpush ( lo, n );
         fpush ( m, hi );
      } else {
         fpush ( m, hi );
         fpush ( lo, n );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void generateMTFValues ( EState* s )
   UChar   yy[256];
   Int32   i, j;
   Int32   zPend;
   Int32   wr;
   Int32   EOB;

      After sorting (eg, here),
         s->arr1 [ 0 .. s->nblock-1 ] holds sorted order,
         ((UChar*)s->arr2) [ 0 .. s->nblock-1 ] 
         holds the original block data.

      The first thing to do is generate the MTF values,
      and put them in
         ((UInt16*)s->arr1) [ 0 .. s->nblock-1 ].
      Because there are strictly fewer or equal MTF values
      than block values, ptr values in this area are overwritten
      with MTF values only when they are no longer needed.

      The final compressed bitstream is generated into the
      area starting at
         (UChar*) (&((UChar*)s->arr2)[s->nblock])

      These storage aliases are set up in bzCompressInit(),
      except for the last one, which is arranged in 
   UInt32* ptr   = s->ptr;
   UChar* block  = s->block;
   UInt16* mtfv  = s->mtfv;

   makeMaps_e ( s );
   EOB = s->nInUse+1;

   for (i = 0; i <= EOB; i++) s->mtfFreq[i] = 0;

   wr = 0;
   zPend = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < s->nInUse; i++) yy[i] = (UChar) i;

   for (i = 0; i < s->nblock; i++) {
      UChar ll_i;
      AssertD ( wr <= i, _T("generateMTFValues(1)") );
      j = ptr[i]-1; if (j < 0) j += s->nblock;
      ll_i = s->unseqToSeq[block[j]];
      AssertD ( ll_i < s->nInUse, _T("generateMTFValues(2a)") );

      if (yy[0] == ll_i) { 
      } else {

         if (zPend > 0) {
            while (True) {
               if (zPend & 1) {
                  mtfv[wr] = BZ_RUNB; wr++; 
               } else {
                  mtfv[wr] = BZ_RUNA; wr++; 
               if (zPend < 2) break;
               zPend = (zPend - 2) / 2;
            zPend = 0;
            register UChar  rtmp;
            register UChar* ryy_j;
            register UChar  rll_i;
            rtmp  = yy[1];
            yy[1] = yy[0];
            ryy_j = &(yy[1]);
            rll_i = ll_i;
            while ( rll_i != rtmp ) {
               register UChar rtmp2;
               rtmp2  = rtmp;
               rtmp   = *ryy_j;
               *ryy_j = rtmp2;
            yy[0] = rtmp;
            j = ryy_j - &(yy[0]);
            mtfv[wr] = j+1; wr++; s->mtfFreq[j+1]++;


   if (zPend > 0) {
      while (True) {
         if (zPend & 1) {
            mtfv[wr] = BZ_RUNB; wr++; 
         } else {
            mtfv[wr] = BZ_RUNA; wr++; 
         if (zPend < 2) break;
         zPend = (zPend - 2) / 2;
      zPend = 0;

   mtfv[wr] = EOB; wr++; s->mtfFreq[EOB]++;

   s->nMTF = wr;