Ejemplo n.º 1
void ThreadPicker::OnAttachProfilerAll(wxCommandEvent& event)
    if ( AttachToProcess(true) )
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ThreadPicker::OnAttachProfiler()
    if ( AttachToProcess(false) )
Ejemplo n.º 3
/// <summary>
/// Load selected image and do some validation
/// </summary>
DWORD MainDlg::SetActiveProcess( bool createNew, const wchar_t* path, DWORD pid /*= 0xFFFFFFFF*/ )
    HWND hCombo = GetDlgItem( _hMainDlg, IDC_COMBO_PROC );

    if (createNew)
        std::wstring procName = blackbone::Utils::StripPath( path ) + L" (New process)";     

        // Update process list
        auto idx = ComboBox_AddString( hCombo, procName.c_str() );
        ComboBox_SetItemData( hCombo, idx, -1 );
        ComboBox_SetCurSel( hCombo, idx );

        // Enable command line options field
        EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( _hMainDlg, IDC_CMDLINE ), TRUE );

        _newProcess = true;
        _procPath = path;
    else if (pid != 0xFFFFFFFF && AttachToProcess( pid ) == ERROR_SUCCESS)

        _newProcess = false;

        if (path != nullptr)
            std::wstring procName = std::wstring( path ) + L" (" + std::to_wstring( _proc.pid() ) + L")";
            _procPath = path;

            auto idx = ComboBox_AddString( hCombo, procName.c_str() );
            ComboBox_SetItemData( hCombo, idx, -1 );
            ComboBox_SetCurSel( hCombo, idx );
            _procPath = _proc.modules().GetMainModule()->name;

        // Disable command line option field
        EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( _hMainDlg, IDC_CMDLINE ), FALSE );

    return ERROR_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/// <summary>
/// Injection routine
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">Image path</param>
/// <param name="init">Initizliation routine/param>
/// <param name="arg">Initizliation routine argument</param>
/// <returns>Error code</returns>
DWORD MainDlg::InjectWorker( std::wstring path, std::string init, std::wstring arg )
    blackbone::Thread *pThread = nullptr;
    const blackbone::ModuleData* mod = nullptr;
    wchar_t cmdline[256] = { 0 };
    HWND hCombo = GetDlgItem( _hMainDlg, IDC_THREADS );
    DWORD thdId = (DWORD)ComboBox_GetItemData( hCombo, ComboBox_GetCurSel( hCombo ) );
    bool bManual = ComboBox_GetCurSel( GetDlgItem( _hMainDlg, IDC_OP_TYPE ) ) == 1;
    GetDlgItemTextW( _hMainDlg, IDC_CMDLINE, cmdline, ARRAYSIZE( cmdline ) );  

    // Check export
    if (ValidateInit( init.c_str() ) != STATUS_SUCCESS)
        return ERROR_CANCELLED;

    // Create new process
    if (_newProcess)
        STARTUPINFOW si = { 0 };
        si.cb = sizeof(si);

        if (!CreateProcessW( _procPath.c_str(), cmdline, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi ))
            MessageBoxW( _hMainDlg, L"Failed to create new process", L"Error", MB_ICONERROR );
            return GetLastError();

        thdId = 0;

        // Wait for process to initialize loader
        Sleep( 1 );

        AttachToProcess( pi.dwProcessId );

    // Final sanity check
    if (ValidateImage( path.c_str(), init.c_str() ) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        if (_newProcess)
            TerminateProcess( pi.hProcess, 0 );

        return ERROR_CANCELLED;
    // Normal inject
    if (bManual == false)
        if (_imagePE.IsPureManaged())
            DWORD code = 0;

            if (!_proc.modules().InjectPureIL( blackbone::ImageNET::GetImageRuntimeVer( path.c_str() ),
                path, blackbone::Utils::AnsiToWstring( init ), arg, code ))
                if (_newProcess)
                    TerminateProcess( pi.hProcess, 0 );

                MessageBoxW( _hMainDlg, L"Failed to inject image", L"Error", MB_ICONERROR );
                return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
        else if (!_newProcess && thdId != 0)
            pThread = _proc.threads().get( thdId );
            if (pThread == nullptr)
                if (_newProcess)
                    TerminateProcess( pi.hProcess, 0 );

                MessageBoxW( _hMainDlg, L"Selected thread does not exist", L"Error", MB_ICONERROR );
                return ERROR_NOT_FOUND;

            // Load 
            auto pLoadLib = _proc.modules().GetExport( _proc.modules().GetModule( L"kernel32.dll" ), "LoadLibraryW" ).procAddress;
            blackbone::RemoteFunction<decltype(&LoadLibraryW)> pfn( _proc, (decltype(&LoadLibraryW))pLoadLib, path.c_str() );
            decltype(pfn)::ReturnType junk = 0;
            pfn.Call( junk, pThread );

            mod = _proc.modules().GetModule( path );
            mod = _proc.modules().Inject( path );
    // Manual map
        thdId = 0;
        int flags = blackbone::RebaseProcess | blackbone::NoDelayLoad | MmapFlags();

        mod = _proc.mmap().MapImage( path, flags );

    if (mod == 0 && !_imagePE.IsPureManaged())
        if (_newProcess)
            TerminateProcess( pi.hProcess, 0 );

        MessageBoxW( _hMainDlg, L"Failed to inject image", L"Error", MB_ICONERROR );
        return ERROR_NOT_FOUND;

    // Call init for native image
    if (!init.empty() && !_imagePE.IsPureManaged())
        auto fnPtr = _proc.modules().GetExport( mod, init.c_str() ).procAddress;

        if (thdId == 0)
            auto argMem = _proc.memory().Allocate( 0x1000, PAGE_READWRITE );
            argMem.Write( 0, arg.length() * sizeof(wchar_t)+2, arg.c_str() );

            _proc.remote().ExecDirect( fnPtr, argMem.ptr() );
            pThread = _proc.threads().get( thdId );
            if (pThread == nullptr)
                if (_newProcess)
                    TerminateProcess( pi.hProcess, 0 );

                MessageBoxW( _hMainDlg, L"Selected thread does not exist", L"Error", MB_ICONERROR );
                return ERROR_NOT_FOUND;

            blackbone::RemoteFunction<int( _stdcall* )(const wchar_t*)> pfn( _proc, (int( _stdcall* )(const wchar_t*))fnPtr, arg.c_str() );
            int junk = 0;

            pfn.Call( junk, pThread );

    // Unlink module if required
    if (!_imagePE.IsPureManaged() && !bManual && Button_GetCheck( GetDlgItem( _hMainDlg, IDC_UNLINK ) ))
        if (_proc.modules().Unlink( mod ) == false)
            MessageBoxW( _hMainDlg, L"Failed to unlink module", L"Error", MB_ICONERROR );

    // MessageBoxW( _hMainDlg, L"Successfully injected", L"Info", MB_ICONINFORMATION );
    //ResumeThread( pi.hThread );

    return ERROR_SUCCESS;