Ejemplo n.º 1
:   InterfaceWindow( "Authentication", "dialog_authoptions", true ),
    SetSize( 700, 250 );

    Authentication_GetKey( m_key );
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void Render( int realX, int realY, bool highlighted, bool clicked )
        AuthKeyWindow *parent = (AuthKeyWindow *)m_parent;

        char realKey[256];
        Authentication_GetKey( realKey );
        if( strcmp( realKey, parent->m_key ) != 0 )
            InterfaceButton::Render( realX, realY, highlighted, clicked );
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool PlayDemoButton::IsVisible()
    if( m_forceVisible )
        return true;

    char authKey[256];
    Authentication_GetKey( authKey );
    int authStatus = Authentication_GetStatus(authKey);
    return( authStatus != AuthenticationAccepted &&
            authStatus != AuthenticationUnknown );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void AuthKeyWindow::Create()

    InvertedBox *invert = new InvertedBox();
    invert->SetProperties( "invert", 10, 30, m_w-20, m_h - 70, " ", " ", false, false );
    RegisterButton( invert );
    AuthInputField *input = new AuthInputField();
    input->SetProperties( "Key", 40, 50, 620, 30, " ", " ", false, false );
    input->RegisterString( m_key );
    RegisterButton( input );

	// Only show the paste button on platforms with a paste implementation
#if defined(TARGET_MSVC) || defined(TARGET_OS_MACOSX)
    PasteKeyButton *paste = new PasteKeyButton();
    paste->SetProperties( "Paste", 10, m_h-30, 100, 20, "dialog_paste", "dialog_paste_tooltip", true, true );
    RegisterButton( paste );
    ApplyKeyButton *apply = new ApplyKeyButton();
    apply->SetProperties( "Apply", m_w-220, m_h-30, 100, 20, "dialog_apply", " ", true, false );
    RegisterButton( apply );

    PlayDemoButton *demo = new PlayDemoButton();
    demo->SetProperties( "Play Demo", m_w/2-50, m_h-30, 100, 20, "dialog_play_demo", " ", true, false );
    demo->m_forceVisible = false;
    RegisterButton( demo );

    CloseButton *close = new CloseButton();
    close->SetProperties( "Close", m_w-110, m_h-30, 100, 20, "dialog_close", " ", true, false );

    // Auto-select the chat box if the key is empty

    char authKey[256];
    Authentication_GetKey( authKey );
    if( stricmp(authKey, "authkey not found") == 0 ||
        strlen(authKey) < 3 )
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Authentication_GetKeyHash( char *_key )
    char keyTemp[256];
    Authentication_GetKeyHash( keyTemp, _key, s_hashToken );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void AuthKeyWindow::Render( bool _hasFocus )
    InterfaceWindow::Render( _hasFocus );
    char authKey[256];
    Authentication_GetKey( authKey );

    // Render results of our Auth Check

    int simpleResult = Authentication_SimpleKeyCheck(authKey);

    if( stricmp( authKey, "authkey not found" ) == 0 ||
        strlen(authKey) < 3 )
        g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x + m_w/2, m_y + 130, White, 18, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_type_authkey_or_demo_1") );
        g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x + m_w/2, m_y + 160, White, 18, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_type_authkey_or_demo_2") );
        double timeNow = GetHighResTime();
        if( timeNow > m_keyCheckTimer )
            Authentication_RequestStatus( authKey );
            m_keyCheckTimer = timeNow + 1.0f;

        Colour mainText = White;
        Colour subtext = White;

        int authStatus = Authentication_GetStatus(authKey);
        char authStatusString[256];
        sprintf( authStatusString,"%s", LANGUAGEPHRASE(Authentication_GetStatusStringLanguagePhrase(authStatus)) );
        strupr( authStatusString );

        if( authStatus == AuthenticationUnknown )
            if( m_timeOutTimer == 0.0f )
                m_timeOutTimer = timeNow + 5.0f;
            else if( timeNow > m_timeOutTimer )
                sprintf( authStatusString, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_auth_status_unknown") );
                sprintf( authStatusString, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_auth_status_checking") );
                if( fmodf(timeNow*2,2) < 1 ) subtext.m_a *= 0.5f;
            m_timeOutTimer = 0.0f;

        if( Authentication_IsDemoKey(authKey) &&
            authStatus == AuthenticationAccepted )
            sprintf( authStatusString, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_auth_status_demo_user") );

        g_renderer->SetFont( "kremlin" );
        g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, m_y+140, mainText, 20, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_auth_status") );
        g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, m_y+160, subtext, 30, authStatusString );

        if( authStatus == AuthenticationWrongPlatform )
        #if defined TARGET_MSVC
			g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, m_y+195, subtext, 14, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_cannot_use_mac_key_on_pc") );


Ejemplo n.º 7
bool ProcessServerLetters( Directory *letter )
    if( strcmp( letter->m_name, NET_DEFCON_MESSAGE ) != 0 ||
        !letter->HasData( NET_DEFCON_COMMAND ) )
        AppDebugOut( "Client received bogus message, discarded (4)\n" );
        return true;

    char *cmd = letter->GetDataString( NET_DEFCON_COMMAND );

    if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_CLIENTHELLO ) == 0 )
        int clientId = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_CLIENTID);
        if( clientId == g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_clientId )
            g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_connectionState = ClientToServer::StateConnected;
            AppDebugOut( "CLIENT : Received HelloClient from Server\n" );
            if( !g_app->GetTutorial() )
                g_app->GetClientToServer()->RequestTeam( Team::TypeLocalPlayer );

        // If this is a Demo client, make a note of that
        if( letter->HasData( NET_DEFCON_CLIENTISDEMO ) )
            g_app->GetClientToServer()->SetClientDemo( clientId );

        // This might be a client rejoining the game
        // Need to give him his teams back
        g_app->GetWorld()->ReassignTeams( clientId );        

        return true;
    else if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_CLIENTGOODBYE ) == 0 )
        int clientId = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_CLIENTID);
        int reason = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_DISCONNECT);

        AppDebugOut( "CLIENT : Client %d left the game\n", clientId );
        g_app->GetWorld()->RemoveTeams( clientId, reason );
        g_app->GetWorld()->RemoveSpectator( clientId );
        g_app->GetClientToServer()->SetSyncState( clientId, true );
        return true;
    else if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_CLIENTID ) == 0 )
        int clientId = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_CLIENTID);        
        AppDebugOut( "CLIENT : Received ClientID of %d\n", clientId );        

        if( g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_clientId != -1 )
            AppAssert( g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_clientId == clientId );
            return true;

        g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_clientId = clientId;
        g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_connectionState = ClientToServer::StateHandshaking;
        g_lastProcessedSequenceId = -1;

        if( letter->HasData( NET_DEFCON_VERSION, DIRECTORY_TYPE_STRING ) )
            char *serverVersion = letter->GetDataString( NET_DEFCON_VERSION );
            strcpy( g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_serverVersion, serverVersion );
            AppDebugOut( "CLIENT : Server version is %s\n", serverVersion );

        if( !VersionManager::DoesSupportModSystem( g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_serverVersion ) )
            // This server is too old to support Mods, so make sure we de-activate any critical ones
            if( g_modSystem->CommitRequired() )

        return true;
    else if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_TEAMASSIGN ) == 0 )
        int clientId = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_CLIENTID);        
        int teamId   = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_TEAMID);
        int teamType = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_TEAMTYPE);

        if( teamType != Team::TypeAI &&
            clientId != g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_clientId )
            teamType = Team::TypeRemotePlayer;

        g_app->GetWorld()->InitialiseTeam(teamId, teamType, clientId );
        return true;
    else if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_SPECTATORASSIGN ) == 0 )
        int clientId = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_CLIENTID);        

        if( clientId == g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_clientId )
            AppDebugOut( "CLIENT: I am a spectator\n" );
        return true;
    else if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_NETSYNCERROR ) == 0 )
        int clientId = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_CLIENTID);        
        AppDebugOut( "SYNCERROR Server informed us that Client %d is out of Sync\n", clientId );

        g_app->GetClientToServer()->SetSyncState( clientId, false );

        char *syncId = letter->GetDataString( NET_DEFCON_SYNCERRORID );

        return true;
    else if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_NETSYNCFIXED ) == 0 )
        int clientId = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_CLIENTID);        
        AppDebugOut( "SYNCFIXED Server informed us that Client %d has repaired his Sync Error\n", clientId );
        g_app->GetClientToServer()->SetSyncState( clientId, true );
        return true;
    else if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_DISCONNECT ) == 0 )
        if( g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_connectionState > ClientToServer::StateDisconnected )
            if ( EclGetWindow("LOBBY") )
				EclRemoveWindow( "LOBBY" );
			if ( EclGetWindow("Comms Window") )
				EclRemoveWindow( "Comms Window" );
			if ( EclGetWindow("Preparing Game...") )
				EclRemoveWindow("Preparing Game..." );


            char *reason;
			char *reasonLanguagePhrase;
            int reasonDisconnectInt = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_DISCONNECT);
            switch( reasonDisconnectInt )
                case Disconnect_ClientLeave:            reason = "You have left the game";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_client_leave";         break;
                case Disconnect_ServerShutdown:         reason = "The server has shutdown";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_server_shutdown";      break;
                case Disconnect_InvalidKey:             reason = "You are using an invalid key";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_invalid_key";          break;
                case Disconnect_DuplicateKey:           reason = "You are using a duplicate key";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_duplicate_key";        break;
                case Disconnect_KeyAuthFailed:          reason = "Key authentication failed";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_key_auth_failed";      break;
                case Disconnect_BadPassword:            reason = "Invalid Password Entered";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_bad_password";         break;
                case Disconnect_GameFull:               reason = "Game is already full";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_game_full";            break;
                case Disconnect_KickedFromGame:         reason = "Kicked by the Server";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_kicked_from_game";     break;
                case Disconnect_DemoFull:               reason = "Too many Demo Players already";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_demo_full";            break;
				default:                                reason = "Unknown";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_unknown";              break;

            if( reasonDisconnectInt == Disconnect_KeyAuthFailed ||
                reasonDisconnectInt == Disconnect_InvalidKey ||
                reasonDisconnectInt == Disconnect_DuplicateKey )
                char authKey[256];
				if( Authentication_IsKeyFound() )
					Authentication_GetKey( authKey );
					sprintf( authKey, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_authkey_not_found") );

                BadKeyWindow *badKey = new BadKeyWindow();

				sprintf( badKey->m_extraMessage, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_auth_error") );
				LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'E', LANGUAGEPHRASE(reasonLanguagePhrase), badKey->m_extraMessage );
				LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'K', authKey, badKey->m_extraMessage );

            else if( reasonDisconnectInt == Disconnect_DemoFull )
                int maxGameSize;
                int maxDemoPlayers;
                bool allowDemoServers;
                g_app->GetClientToServer()->GetDemoLimitations( maxGameSize, maxDemoPlayers, allowDemoServers );
                BadKeyWindow *badKey = new BadKeyWindow();

                sprintf( badKey->m_extraMessage, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_server_demo_restricted") );
                LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'N', maxDemoPlayers, badKey->m_extraMessage );

                badKey->m_offerDemo = false;
                MessageDialog *dialog = new MessageDialog( "Disconnected", reasonLanguagePhrase, true, "dialog_disconnected", true );
                EclRegisterWindow( dialog );

            AppDebugOut( "CLIENT : Received Disconnect from server : %s\n", reason );

#ifdef TESTBED
            if( letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_DISCONNECT) == Disconnect_ServerShutdown )
                RestartTestBed(1, "Client Disconnect");

        return true;            
    else if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_SETMODPATH ) == 0 )
        char *modPath = letter->GetDataString( NET_DEFCON_SETMODPATH );
        AppDebugOut( "Server has set the MOD path: '%s'\n", modPath );
        if( !g_modSystem->IsCriticalModPathSet( modPath ) )
            if( g_modSystem->CanSetModPath( modPath ) )
                g_modSystem->SetModPath( modPath );
                char reason[8192];
                sprintf( reason, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_error_mod_path_caption") );

                char modPathCopy[4096];
                strcpy( modPathCopy, modPath );
                LList<char *> *tokens = g_modSystem->ParseModPath( modPathCopy );

                for( int i = 0; i < tokens->Size(); i+=2 )
                    char *modName = tokens->GetData(i);
                    char *version = tokens->GetData(i+1);

                    strcat( reason, modName );
                    strcat( reason, " " );
                    strcat( reason, version );

                    if( !g_modSystem->IsModInstalled( modName, version ) )
                        strcat( reason, "    " );
                        strcat( reason, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_mod_not_installed") );
                    strcat( reason, "\n" );

                delete tokens;
                MessageDialog *dialog = new MessageDialog( "Error setting MOD path", reason, false, "dialog_error_mod_path_title", true );
                EclRegisterWindow( dialog );

        return true;
        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool Game::IsOptionEditable( int _optionId )
    // If we are a demo, nothing is editable
    // Except the server name
    char authKey[256];
    Authentication_GetKey( authKey );
    if( Authentication_IsDemoKey(authKey) )
        if( stricmp(m_options[_optionId]->m_name, "ServerName" ) == 0 )
            return true;

        return false;

    int mode = GetOptionValue("GameMode");
    char *optionName = m_options[_optionId]->m_name;

    if( stricmp(optionName, "TeamSwitching" ) == 0 &&
        mode != GAMEMODE_CUSTOM )
        return false;

    switch( mode )
            return( stricmp(optionName, "GameSpeed") != 0 &&
                    stricmp(optionName, "RadarSharing" ) != 0 &&
                    stricmp(optionName, "VariableUnitCounts" ) != 0 &&
                    stricmp(optionName, "WorldScale" ) != 0 );

            return( stricmp(optionName, "GameSpeed" ) != 0 &&                
                    stricmp(optionName, "SlowestSpeed" ) != 0 &&
                    stricmp(optionName, "MaxGameRealTime" ) != 0 &&
                    stricmp(optionName, "VictoryTimer" ) != 0 );

            return( stricmp(optionName, "GameSpeed" ) != 0 &&
                    stricmp(optionName, "MaxGameRealTime" ) != 0 &&
                    stricmp(optionName, "SlowestSpeed" ) != 0  );

            return( stricmp(optionName, "WorldScale" ) != 0 &&
                    stricmp(optionName, "CitiesPerTerritory" ) != 0 );

            return( stricmp(optionName, "PermitDefection" ) != 0 &&
                    stricmp(optionName, "RadarSharing" ) != 0 &&
                    stricmp(optionName, "ScoreMode" ) != 0 );

            return( stricmp(optionName, "GameMode" ) == 0 ||
                    stricmp(optionName, "TerritoriesPerTeam") == 0 ||
                    stricmp(optionName, "ServerName") == 0 );

    return true;