void setauxvar(bodyptr btab, int nbody) { bodyptr bp; vector jvec; real jtot, etot, r0, r1, r; if (streq(getparam("auxvar"), "mass")) for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) Aux(bp) = mass_gsp(ggsp, absv(Pos(bp))); else if (streq(getparam("auxvar"), "rperi")) for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) { CROSSVP(jvec, Pos(bp), Vel(bp)); jtot = absv(jvec); etot = 0.5 * dotvp(Vel(bp), Vel(bp)) + Phi(bp); r0 = 0.0; r1 = absv(Pos(bp)); r = 0.5 * (r0 + r1); while ((r1 - r0) > TOL * r) { if (rsqrt(2 * (etot - phi_gsp(ggsp, r))) > jtot/r) r1 = r; else r0 = r; r = 0.5 * (r0 + r1); } Aux(bp) = r; } else error("%s: unknown auxvar option %s\n", getargv0(), getparam("auxvar")); }
programData pd(programAux aux = Aux(), Node code=token("_"), int outs=0) { programData o; o.aux = aux; o.code = code; o.outs = outs; return o; }
// Compiled fragtree -> compiled fragtree without labels Node dereference(Node program) { int sz = treeSize(program) * 4; int labelLength = 1; while (sz >= 256) { labelLength += 1; sz /= 256; } programAux aux = buildDict(program, Aux(), labelLength); return substDict(program, aux, labelLength); }
void polymodel(void) { gsl_interp_accel *pmsplacc = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); bodyptr p; real rad, phi, vel, psi, vr, vp, a, E, J; vector rhat, vtmp, vper; for (p = btab; p < NthBody(btab, nbody); p = NextBody(p)) { rad = rad_m(xrandom(0.0, mtot)); phi = gsl_spline_eval(pmspline, (double) rad, pmsplacc); vel = pick_v(phi); psi = pick_psi(); vr = vel * rcos(psi); vp = vel * rsin(psi); Mass(p) = mtot / nbody; pickshell(rhat, NDIM, 1.0); MULVS(Pos(p), rhat, rad); pickshell(vtmp, NDIM, 1.0); a = dotvp(vtmp, rhat); MULVS(vper, rhat, - a); ADDV(vper, vper, vtmp); a = absv(vper); MULVS(vper, vper, vp / a); MULVS(Vel(p), rhat, vr); ADDV(Vel(p), Vel(p), vper); Phi(p) = phi; E = phi + 0.5 * rsqr(vel); J = rad * ABS(vp); Aux(p) = Kprime * rpow(phi1 - E, npol - 1.5) * rpow(J, 2 * mpol); } gsl_interp_accel_free(pmsplacc); }
// Compiled fragtree -> compiled fragtree without labels std::vector<Node> dereference(Node program) { int sz = treeSize(program) * 4; int labelLength = 1; while (sz >= 256) { labelLength += 1; sz /= 256; } programAux aux = Aux(); buildDict(program, aux, labelLength); std::vector<Node> o; substDict(program, aux, labelLength, o); return o; }
void grafo::KRUSKAL(void) { // pesquisa entre as arestas não ligadas a com menor peso e que não gere loop vector<bool> AuX(size()); vector<vector<bool> > AUX(size()); num N=size(); for( num k=0; k<size()-1; k++) { AUX[k]=vector<bool>(size()); for( num t=k+1; t<size(); t++) if(connected(k,t)) { AUX[k][t]=AUX[t][k]=AuX[k]=AuX[t]=true; N-=2; } } while(N>0) // for( num s=0; s<100*199; s++) { vector<bool> Aux(size()); weight aux=INF; vertex v=0, w=0; for( num i=0; i<size()-1; i++) for( num j=i+1; j<size(); j++) if( !AUX[i][j] & getw(i,j) < aux) { aux=getw(i,j); v=i; w=j; } // cout << v << "->" << w << " " << aux << endl; if(aux==INF) return; AUX[v][w]=AUX[w][v]=true; insert(v, w); // cout << endl << "check loop" << endl; if(in_loop(v, v, v, Aux) ) { // if( !AuX[v] | !AuX[w]) // insert(v,w); // cout << "loop" << endl; remove(v,w); } // else // continue; // cout << endl << "end ckeck loop" << endl; if( !AuX[v]) N--; if( !AuX[w]) N--; AuX[v]=AuX[w]=true; // for( num s=0; s<size(); s++) // cout << AuX[s]; // cout << endl; // cout << k << endl; } }
int main(int argc, string argv[]) { stream fstr, istr, ostr; gsprof *gsp; bodyptr btab = NULL, p; int nbody; real tnow, r; string intags[MaxBodyFields]; initparam(argv, defv); layout_body(bodyfields, Precision, NDIM); fstr = stropen(getparam("gsp"), "r"); get_history(fstr); gsp = get_gsprof(fstr); istr = stropen(getparam("in"), "r"); get_history(istr); if (! get_snap(istr, &btab, &nbody, &tnow, intags, TRUE)) error("%s: snapshot input failed\n", getargv0()); if (! set_member(intags, PosTag)) error("%s: position data missing\n", getargv0()); if (streq(getparam("option"), "rho")) for (p = btab; p < NthBody(btab, nbody); p = NextBody(p)) Aux(p) = rho_gsp(gsp, absv(Pos(p))); else if (streq(getparam("option"), "drho")) for (p = btab; p < NthBody(btab, nbody); p = NextBody(p)) Aux(p) = drho_gsp(gsp, absv(Pos(p))); else if (streq(getparam("option"), "mass")) for (p = btab; p < NthBody(btab, nbody); p = NextBody(p)) Aux(p) = mass_gsp(gsp, absv(Pos(p))); else if (streq(getparam("option"), "phi")) for (p = btab; p < NthBody(btab, nbody); p = NextBody(p)) Aux(p) = phi_gsp(gsp, absv(Pos(p))); else error("%s: unknown option %s\n", getargv0(), getparam("option")); if (! strnull(getparam("out"))) { ostr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w"); put_history(ostr); put_snap(ostr, &btab, &nbody, &tnow, set_union(bodyfields, intags)); strclose(ostr); } return (0); }
void Triangle::swap(Triangle &T , QVector<QPoint> &voisins , QVector<QPoint> &swapsFutures) { if (this->estAdjacentA(T)) { //permutations circulaires pour rendre les points non communs au début des structures //qDebug() << "triangle.swap: triangle initiaux " ; //this->afficher(); //T.afficher(); this->permut(this->trouverAdjacent(T.id)); T.permut(T.trouverAdjacent(this->id)); //qDebug() << "triangle.swap: permutation "; //this->afficher() ; //T.afficher() ; Triangle Aux(0) ; this->copierVers(Aux); this->sommets[0] = Aux.sommets[2] ; this->sommets[1] = Aux.sommets[0] ; this->sommets[2] = T.sommets[0] ; this->adjacents[2] = this->adjacents[1] ; this->adjacents[1] = T.adjacents[2] ; T.sommets[0] = Aux.sommets[1] ; T.sommets[1] = this->sommets[2] ; T.sommets[2] = this->sommets[1] ; T.adjacents[2] = T.adjacents[1] ; T.adjacents[1] = Aux.adjacents[2] ; //qDebug() << "triangle.swap: triangle swapes" ; //this->afficher() ; //T.afficher(); voisins.clear(); //T4 est maintenant voisin de T2 , eliminer T1 de la liste des voisins voisins.push_back(QPoint(T.id , T.adjacents[1])); //T6 est maintenant voisin de T1 , eliminer T2 de la liste des voisins voisins.push_back(QPoint(this->id, this->adjacents[1])); //* //liste de swaps prochains if (this->adjacents[1]>=0) swapsFutures.push_back( QPoint(this->id , this->adjacents[1])); if (this->adjacents[2]>=0) swapsFutures.push_back( QPoint(this->id , this->adjacents[2])); if (T.adjacents[1] >= 0) swapsFutures.push_back( QPoint(T.id , T.adjacents[1])); if (T.adjacents[2] >= 0) swapsFutures.push_back( QPoint(T.id , T.adjacents[2])); //*/ //qDebug() << "from triangle.swap nouveaux voisins" << voisins; } }
/*Cuad. Form C = b^T A b*/ double CuadForm(Matrix &A, Matrix &b) { //Make the auxiliar (vector) matrix Matrix Aux(A.nRow()); Matrix res(1); gsl_blas_dgemm( CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, A.Ma(), b.Ma(), 0.0, Aux.Ma()); gsl_blas_dgemm( CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, b.Ma(), Aux.Ma(), 0.0, res.Ma()); return res(0); }
int Matrix::multiplication(Matrix* matA, Matrix* matB, Matrix* matC) { //Comprobaciones previas //To do //Multiplicacion Matrix Aux(matA->numFilas,matB->numColumnas); Aux.multiplication(matA,matB); multiplication(&Aux,matC); Aux.deletion(); //End return 1; }
void gspmodel(void) { real beta_a, mcut, vcut, vfac; static real *sig2 = NULL; real r, vmax2, sigr, sig, x, y, vr, v1, v2; bodyptr bp; vector rhat, vec1, vec2, vtmp; beta_a = getdparam("beta_a"); assert(beta_a <= 1.0); nbody = getiparam("nbody"); assert(nbody > 0); mcut = getdparam("mcut"); assert(0.0 < mcut && mcut <= 1.0); vcut = getdparam("vcut"); assert(vcut > 0.0); if (sig2 == NULL) sig2 = calc_sig2_gsp(gsp, ggsp, beta_a); if (btab == NULL) btab = (bodyptr) allocate(nbody * SizeofBody); vfac = rsqrt(1 - beta_a); for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) { Mass(bp) = gsp->mtot / nbody; r = r_mass_gsp(gsp, xrandom(0.0, mcut * gsp->mtot)); vmax2 = -2 * rsqr(vcut) * phi_gsp(ggsp, r); if (vfac > 1.0) vmax2 = vmax2 / rsqr(vfac); sigr = rsqrt(sig2_gsp(gsp, ggsp, beta_a, sig2, r)); sig = fixsigma(sigr, rsqrt(vmax2)); do { vr = grandom(0.0, sig); v1 = grandom(0.0, sig); v2 = grandom(0.0, sig); } while (vr*vr + v1*v1 + v2*v2 > vmax2); picktriad(rhat, vec1, vec2); MULVS(Pos(bp), rhat, r); MULVS(Vel(bp), rhat, vr); MULVS(vtmp, vec1, v1 * vfac); ADDV(Vel(bp), Vel(bp), vtmp); MULVS(vtmp, vec2, v2 * vfac); ADDV(Vel(bp), Vel(bp), vtmp); Phi(bp) = phi_gsp(ggsp, r); Aux(bp) = Phi(bp) + 0.5 * dotvp(Vel(bp), Vel(bp)); } if (getbparam("besort")) qsort(btab, nbody, SizeofBody, berank); if (getbparam("zerocm")) snapcenter(btab, nbody, MassField.offset); if (! strnull(getparam("auxvar"))) setauxvar(btab, nbody); }
// Builds a dictionary mapping labels to variable names programAux buildDict(Node program, programAux aux, int labelLength) { Metadata m = program.metadata; // Token if (program.type == TOKEN) { if (isNumberLike(program)) { aux.step += 1 + toByteArr(program.val, m).size(); } else if (program.val[0] == '~') { aux.vars[program.val.substr(1)] = unsignedToDecimal(aux.step); } else if (program.val[0] == '$') { aux.step += labelLength + 1; } else aux.step += 1; } // A sub-program (ie. LLL) else if (program.val == "____CODE") { programAux auks = Aux(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < program.args.size(); i++) { auks = buildDict(program.args[i], auks, labelLength); } for (std::map<std::string,std::string>::iterator it=auks.vars.begin(); it != auks.vars.end(); it++) { aux.vars[(*it).first] = (*it).second; } aux.step += auks.step; } // Normal sub-block else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < program.args.size(); i++) { aux = buildDict(program.args[i], aux, labelLength); } } return aux; }
int berank(const void *a, const void *b) { return (Aux((bodyptr) a) < Aux((bodyptr) b) ? -1 : Aux((bodyptr) a) > Aux((bodyptr) b) ? 1 : 0); }
void print_data(bodyptr btab, int nbody, real tnow, string *fields, string ifmt, string rfmt) { bodyptr bp; for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) { if (set_member(fields, TimeTag)) printf(rfmt, tnow); if (set_member(fields, MassTag)) printf(rfmt, Mass(bp)); if (set_member(fields, PosTag)) { printf(rfmt, Pos(bp)[0]); printf(rfmt, Pos(bp)[1]); printf(rfmt, Pos(bp)[2]); } if (set_member(fields, VelTag)) { printf(rfmt, Vel(bp)[0]); printf(rfmt, Vel(bp)[1]); printf(rfmt, Vel(bp)[2]); } if (set_member(fields, AccTag)) { printf(rfmt, Acc(bp)[0]); printf(rfmt, Acc(bp)[1]); printf(rfmt, Acc(bp)[2]); } if (set_member(fields, PhiTag)) printf(rfmt, Phi(bp)); if (set_member(fields, SmoothTag)) printf(rfmt, Smooth(bp)); if (set_member(fields, RhoTag)) printf(rfmt, Rho(bp)); if (set_member(fields, EntFuncTag)) printf(rfmt, EntFunc(bp)); if (set_member(fields, UinternTag)) printf(rfmt, Uintern(bp)); if (set_member(fields, UdotIntTag)) printf(rfmt, UdotInt(bp)); if (set_member(fields, UdotRadTag)) printf(rfmt, UdotRad(bp)); if (set_member(fields, UdotVisTag)) printf(rfmt, UdotVis(bp)); if (set_member(fields, TauTag)) printf(rfmt, Tau(bp)); if (set_member(fields, BirthTag)) printf(rfmt, Birth(bp)); if (set_member(fields, DeathTag)) printf(rfmt, Death(bp)); if (set_member(fields, TypeTag)) printf(ifmt, (int) Type(bp)); if (set_member(fields, KeyTag)) printf(ifmt, Key(bp)); if (set_member(fields, AuxTag)) printf(rfmt, Aux(bp)); if (set_member(fields, AuxVecTag)) { printf(rfmt, AuxVec(bp)[0]); printf(rfmt, AuxVec(bp)[1]); printf(rfmt, AuxVec(bp)[2]); } printf("\n"); } }
plotsnap() { real t, *mp, *psp, *pp, *ap, *acp; int vismax, visnow, i, vis, icol; real psz, col, x, y, z; Body b; bool Qall = FALSE; t = (timeptr != NULL ? *timeptr : 0.0); /* get current time value */ CLRV(Acc(&b)); /* zero unsupported fields */ Key(&b) = 0; visnow = vismax = 0; do { /* loop painting layers */ visnow++; /* make next layer visib. */ mp = massptr; /* (re)set data pointers */ psp = phaseptr; pp = phiptr; ap = auxptr; acp = accptr; npnt = 0; for (i = 0; i < nbody; i++) { /* loop over all bodies */ Mass(&b) = (mp != NULL ? *mp++ : 0.0); /* set mass if supplied */ SETV(Pos(&b), psp); /* always set position */ psp += NDIM; /* and advance p.s. ptr */ SETV(Vel(&b), psp); /* always set velocity */ psp += NDIM; /* and advance ptr */ Phi(&b) = (pp != NULL ? *pp++ : 0.0); Aux(&b) = (ap != NULL ? *ap++ : 0.0); if (acp) { SETV(Acc(&b),acp); /* set accel's */ acp += NDIM; /* and advance ptr */ } /* set phi,aux if given */ vis = (*vfunc)(&b, t, i); /* evaluate visibility */ vismax = MAX(vismax, vis); /* remember how hi to go*/ if (vis == visnow) { /* if body is visible */ x = (*xfunc)(&b, t, i); /* evaluate x,y,z coords*/ y = (*yfunc)(&b, t, i); z = (*zfunc)(&b, t, i); psz = (*pfunc)(&b, t, i); #define MAXCOLOR 16 #ifdef COLOR col = (*cfunc)(&b, t, i); col = (col - crange[0])/(crange[1] - crange[0]); icol = 1 + (MAXCOLOR - 2) * MAX(0.0, MIN(1.0, col)); s2sci(icol); #endif xpnt[npnt] = x; ypnt[npnt] = y; zpnt[npnt] = z; if (!Qall) { s2pt1(xpnt[npnt],ypnt[npnt],zpnt[npnt], visnow); } npnt++; } } /* i<nbody */ if (Qall) s2pt(npnt, xpnt, ypnt, zpnt, visnow); } while (visnow < vismax); /* until final layer done */ }
// Turns LLL tree into tree of code fragments programData opcodeify(Node node, programAux aux=Aux(), int height=0, std::map<std::string, int> dupvars= std::map<std::string, int>()) { std::string symb = "_"+mkUniqueToken(); Metadata m = node.metadata; // Numbers if (node.type == TOKEN) { return pd(aux, nodeToNumeric(node), 1); } else if (node.val == "ref" || node.val == "get" || node.val == "set") { std::string varname = node.args[0].val; if (!aux.vars.count(varname)) { aux.vars[varname] = unsignedToDecimal(aux.vars.size() * 32); } std::cout << aux.vars[varname] << " " << varname << " " << node.val << "\n"; if (varname == "'msg.data") aux.calldataUsed = true; // Set variable if (node.val == "set") { programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, height, dupvars); if (!sub.outs) err("Value to set variable must have nonzero arity!", m); if (dupvars.count(node.args[0].val)) { int h = height - dupvars[node.args[0].val]; if (h > 16) err("Too deep for stack variable (max 16)", m); Node nodelist[] = { sub.code, token("SWAP"+unsignedToDecimal(h), m), token("POP", m) }; return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 3, m), 0); } Node nodelist[] = { sub.code, token(sub.aux.vars[varname], m), token("MSTORE", m), }; return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 3, m), 0); } // Get variable else if (node.val == "get") { if (dupvars.count(node.args[0].val)) { int h = height - dupvars[node.args[0].val]; if (h > 16) err("Too deep for stack variable (max 16)", m); return pd(aux, token("DUP"+unsignedToDecimal(h)), 1); } Node nodelist[] = { token(aux.vars[varname], m), token("MLOAD", m) }; std::cout << "<--- " << aux.vars[varname] << " " << varname << "\n"; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 2, m), 1); } // Refer variable else { if (dupvars.count(node.args[0].val)) err("Cannot ref stack variable!", m); return pd(aux, token(aux.vars[varname], m), 1); } } // Code blocks if (node.val == "lll" && node.args.size() == 2) { if (node.args[1].val != "0") aux.allocUsed = true; std::vector<Node> o; o.push_back(finalize(opcodeify(node.args[0]))); programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, height, dupvars); Node code = astnode("____CODE", o, m); Node nodelist[] = { token("$begincode"+symb+".endcode"+symb, m), token("DUP1", m), token("$begincode"+symb, m), sub.code, token("CODECOPY", m), token("$endcode"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~begincode"+symb, m), code, token("~endcode"+symb, m) }; return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 10, m), 1); } // Stack variables if (node.val == "with") { std::map<std::string, int> dupvars2 = dupvars; dupvars2[node.args[0].val] = height; programData initial = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, height, dupvars); if (!initial.outs) err("Initial variable value must have nonzero arity!", m); programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[2], initial.aux, height + 1, dupvars2); Node nodelist[] = { initial.code, sub.code }; programData o = pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 2, m), sub.outs); if (sub.outs) o.code.args.push_back(token("SWAP1", m)); o.code.args.push_back(token("POP", m)); return o; } // Seq of multiple statements if (node.val == "seq") { std::vector<Node> children; int lastOut = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.args.size(); i++) { programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, height, dupvars); aux = sub.aux; if (sub.outs == 1) { if (i < node.args.size() - 1) sub.code = popwrap(sub.code); else lastOut = 1; } children.push_back(sub.code); } return pd(aux, astnode("_", children, m), lastOut); } // 2-part conditional (if gets rewritten to unless in rewrites) else if (node.val == "unless" && node.args.size() == 2) { programData cond = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, height, dupvars); programData action = opcodeify(node.args[1], cond.aux, height, dupvars); aux = action.aux; if (!cond.outs) err("Condition of if/unless statement has arity 0", m); if (action.outs) action.code = popwrap(action.code); Node nodelist[] = { cond.code, token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m), action.code, token("~endif"+symb, m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 5, m), 0); } // 3-part conditional else if (node.val == "if" && node.args.size() == 3) { programData ifd = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, height, dupvars); programData thend = opcodeify(node.args[1], ifd.aux, height, dupvars); programData elsed = opcodeify(node.args[2], thend.aux, height, dupvars); aux = elsed.aux; if (!ifd.outs) err("Condition of if/unless statement has arity 0", m); // Handle cases where one conditional outputs something // and the other does not int outs = (thend.outs && elsed.outs) ? 1 : 0; if (thend.outs > outs) thend.code = popwrap(thend.code); if (elsed.outs > outs) elsed.code = popwrap(elsed.code); Node nodelist[] = { ifd.code, token("NOT", m), token("$else"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m), thend.code, token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~else"+symb, m), elsed.code, token("~endif"+symb, m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 10, m), outs); } // While (rewritten to this in rewrites) else if (node.val == "until") { programData cond = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, height, dupvars); programData action = opcodeify(node.args[1], cond.aux, height, dupvars); aux = action.aux; if (!cond.outs) err("Condition of while/until loop has arity 0", m); if (action.outs) action.code = popwrap(action.code); Node nodelist[] = { token("~beg"+symb, m), cond.code, token("$end"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m), action.code, token("$beg"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~end"+symb, m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 8, m)); } // Memory allocations else if (node.val == "alloc") { programData bytez = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, height, dupvars); aux = bytez.aux; if (!bytez.outs) err("Alloc input has arity 0", m); aux.allocUsed = true; Node nodelist[] = { bytez.code, token("MSIZE", m), token("SWAP1", m), token("MSIZE", m), token("ADD", m), token("0", m), token("SWAP1", m), token("MSTORE", m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 8, m), 1); } // Array literals else if (node.val == "array_lit") { aux.allocUsed = true; std::vector<Node> nodes; if (!node.args.size()) { nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m)); return pd(aux, astnode("_", nodes, m)); } nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m)); nodes.push_back(token("0", m)); nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m)); nodes.push_back(token(unsignedToDecimal(node.args.size() * 32 - 1), m)); nodes.push_back(token("ADD", m)); nodes.push_back(token("MSTORE8", m)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.args.size(); i++) { Metadata m2 = node.args[i].metadata; nodes.push_back(token("DUP1", m2)); programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, height + 2, dupvars); if (!sub.outs) err("Array_lit item " + unsignedToDecimal(i) + " has zero arity", m2); aux = sub.aux; nodes.push_back(sub.code); nodes.push_back(token("SWAP1", m2)); if (i > 0) { nodes.push_back(token(unsignedToDecimal(i * 32), m2)); nodes.push_back(token("ADD", m2)); } nodes.push_back(token("MSTORE", m2)); } return pd(aux, astnode("_", nodes, m), 1); } // All other functions/operators else { std::vector<Node> subs2; int depth = opinputs(upperCase(node.val)); if (node.val != "debug") { if (depth == -1) err("Not a function or opcode: "+node.val, m); if ((int)node.args.size() != depth) err("Invalid arity for "+node.val, m); } for (int i = node.args.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, height - i - 1 + node.args.size(), dupvars); aux = sub.aux; if (!sub.outs) err("Input "+unsignedToDecimal(i)+" has arity 0", sub.code.metadata); subs2.push_back(sub.code); } if (node.val == "debug") { subs2.push_back(token("DUP"+unsignedToDecimal(node.args.size()), m)); for (int i = 0; i <= (int)node.args.size(); i++) subs2.push_back(token("POP", m)); } else subs2.push_back(token(upperCase(node.val), m)); int outdepth = node.val == "debug" ? 0 : opoutputs(upperCase(node.val)); return pd(aux, astnode("_", subs2, m), outdepth); } }
void nemo_main() { stream instr, outstr; real mscale, pscale, xscale, tsnap, escale, dscale; vector rscale, vscale, ascale; string times; int i, nbody, bits, nrscale, nvscale, nascale, kscale; Body *btab = NULL, *bp; bool Qmass, Qphase, Qacc, Qpot, Qkey, Qaux, Qeps, Qdens; nrscale = nemoinpr(getparam("rscale"),rscale,NDIM); /* RSCALE */ if (nrscale==1) for (i=1; i<NDIM; i++) rscale[i] = rscale[0]; else if (nrscale!=NDIM) error("keyword rscale needs either 1 or %d numbers", NDIM); nvscale = nemoinpr(getparam("vscale"),vscale,NDIM); /* VSCALE */ if (nvscale==1) for (i=1; i<NDIM; i++) vscale[i] = vscale[0]; else if (nvscale!=NDIM) error("keyword vscale needs either 1 or %d numbers", NDIM); nascale = nemoinpr(getparam("ascale"),ascale,NDIM); /* ASCALE */ if (nascale==1) for (i=1; i<NDIM; i++) ascale[i] = ascale[0]; else if (nascale!=NDIM) error("keyword ascale needs either 1 or %d numbers", NDIM); mscale = getdparam("mscale"); pscale = getdparam("pscale"); xscale = getdparam("xscale"); dscale = getdparam("dscale"); escale = getdparam("escale"); kscale = getiparam("kscale"); times = getparam("times"); instr = stropen(getparam("in"), "r"); /* open files */ outstr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w"); get_history(instr); put_history(outstr); for (;;) { get_history(instr); /* skip over stuff we can forget */ if (!get_tag_ok(instr, SnapShotTag)) break; /* done with work in loop */ get_snap(instr, &btab, &nbody, &tsnap, &bits); if ((bits & MassBit) == 0 && (bits & PhaseSpaceBit) == 0) { continue; /* just skip it's probably a diagnostics */ } if ((bits & TimeBit) == 0) tsnap = 0.0; else if (!streq(times,"all") && !within(tsnap, times, TIMEFUZZ)) continue; dprintf (1,"Scaling snapshot at time= %f bits=0x%x\n",tsnap,bits); Qmass = MassBit & bits && !uscalar(mscale); Qphase = PhaseSpaceBit & bits &&(!uvector(rscale) || !uvector(vscale)); Qacc = AccelerationBit & bits&& !uvector(ascale); Qpot = PotentialBit & bits && !uscalar(pscale); Qaux = AuxBit & bits && !uscalar(xscale); Qkey = KeyBit & bits && (kscale!=1); Qdens = DensBit & bits && !uscalar(dscale); Qeps = EpsBit & bits && !uscalar(escale); dprintf(1,"Scaling: "); if (Qmass) dprintf(1," mass"); if (Qphase) dprintf(1," phase"); if (Qacc) dprintf(1," acc"); if (Qpot) dprintf(1," pot"); if (Qaux) dprintf(1," aux"); if (Qkey) dprintf(1," key"); if (Qdens) dprintf(1," dens"); if (Qeps) dprintf(1," eps"); dprintf(1,"\n"); if (Qmass || Qphase || Qacc || Qpot || Qaux || Qkey || Qdens || Qeps) { for (bp = btab; bp < btab+nbody; bp++) { if(Qmass) Mass(bp) *= mscale; if(Qphase) { SMULVV(Pos(bp),rscale); SMULVV(Vel(bp),vscale); } if(Qpot) Phi(bp) *= pscale; if(Qacc) { SMULVV(Acc(bp),ascale); } if(Qaux) Aux(bp) *= xscale; if(Qkey) Key(bp) *= kscale; if(Qdens) Dens(bp) *= dscale; if(Qeps) Eps(bp) *= escale; } } else { warning("No scaling applied to snapshot"); } put_snap(outstr, &btab, &nbody, &tsnap, &bits); } }
// Turns LLL tree into tree of code fragments programData opcodeify(Node node, programAux aux=Aux(), programVerticalAux vaux=verticalAux()) { std::string symb = "_"+mkUniqueToken(); Metadata m = node.metadata; // Numbers if (node.type == TOKEN) { return pd(aux, nodeToNumeric(node), 1); } else if (node.val == "ref" || node.val == "get" || node.val == "set") { std::string varname = node.args[0].val; // Determine reference to variable if (!aux.vars.count(node.args[0].val)) { aux.vars[node.args[0].val] = utd(aux.nextVarMem); aux.nextVarMem += 32; } Node varNode = tkn(aux.vars[varname], m); //std::cerr << varname << " " << printSimple(varNode) << "\n"; // Set variable if (node.val == "set") { programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, vaux); if (!sub.outs) err("Value to set variable must have nonzero arity!", m); // What if we are setting a stack variable? if (vaux.dupvars.count(node.args[0].val)) { int h = vaux.height - vaux.dupvars[node.args[0].val]; if (h > 16) err("Too deep for stack variable (max 16)", m); Node nodelist[] = { sub.code, token("SWAP"+unsignedToDecimal(h), m), token("POP", m) }; return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 3, m), 0); } // Setting a memory variable else { Node nodelist[] = { sub.code, varNode, token("MSTORE", m), }; return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 3, m), 0); } } // Get variable else if (node.val == "get") { // Getting a stack variable if (vaux.dupvars.count(node.args[0].val)) { int h = vaux.height - vaux.dupvars[node.args[0].val]; if (h > 16) err("Too deep for stack variable (max 16)", m); return pd(aux, token("DUP"+unsignedToDecimal(h)), 1); } // Getting a memory variable else { Node nodelist[] = { varNode, token("MLOAD", m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 2, m), 1); } } // Refer variable else if (node.val == "ref") { if (vaux.dupvars.count(node.args[0].val)) err("Cannot ref stack variable!", m); return pd(aux, varNode, 1); } } // Comments do nothing else if (node.val == "comment") { return pd(aux, astnode("_", m), 0); } // Custom operation sequence // eg. (ops bytez id msize swap1 msize add 0 swap1 mstore) == alloc if (node.val == "ops") { std::vector<Node> subs2; int depth = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.args.size(); i++) { std::string op = upperCase(node.args[i].val); if (node.args[i].type == ASTNODE || opinputs(op) == -1) { programVerticalAux vaux2 = vaux; vaux2.height = vaux.height - i - 1 + node.args.size(); programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, vaux2); aux = sub.aux; depth += sub.outs; subs2.push_back(sub.code); } else { subs2.push_back(token(op, m)); depth += opoutputs(op) - opinputs(op); } } if (depth < 0 || depth > 1) err("Stack depth mismatch", m); return pd(aux, astnode("_", subs2, m), 0); } // Code blocks if (node.val == "lll" && node.args.size() == 2) { if (node.args[1].val != "0") aux.allocUsed = true; std::vector<Node> o; o.push_back(finalize(opcodeify(node.args[0]))); programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, vaux); Node code = astnode("____CODE", o, m); Node nodelist[] = { token("$begincode"+symb+".endcode"+symb, m), token("DUP1", m), token("$begincode"+symb, m), sub.code, token("CODECOPY", m), token("$endcode"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~begincode"+symb, m), code, token("~endcode"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m) }; return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 11, m), 1); } // Stack variables if (node.val == "with") { programData initial = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, vaux); programVerticalAux vaux2 = vaux; vaux2.dupvars[node.args[0].val] = vaux.height; vaux2.height += 1; if (!initial.outs) err("Initial variable value must have nonzero arity!", m); programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[2], initial.aux, vaux2); Node nodelist[] = { initial.code, sub.code }; programData o = pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 2, m), sub.outs); if (sub.outs) o.code.args.push_back(token("SWAP1", m)); o.code.args.push_back(token("POP", m)); return o; } // Seq of multiple statements if (node.val == "seq") { std::vector<Node> children; int lastOut = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.args.size(); i++) { programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, vaux); aux = sub.aux; if (sub.outs == 1) { if (i < node.args.size() - 1) sub.code = popwrap(sub.code); else lastOut = 1; } children.push_back(sub.code); } return pd(aux, astnode("_", children, m), lastOut); } // 2-part conditional (if gets rewritten to unless in rewrites) else if (node.val == "unless" && node.args.size() == 2) { programData cond = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, vaux); programData action = opcodeify(node.args[1], cond.aux, vaux); aux = action.aux; if (!cond.outs) err("Condition of if/unless statement has arity 0", m); if (action.outs) action.code = popwrap(action.code); Node nodelist[] = { cond.code, token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m), action.code, token("~endif"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 6, m), 0); } // 3-part conditional else if (node.val == "if" && node.args.size() == 3) { programData ifd = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, vaux); programData thend = opcodeify(node.args[1], ifd.aux, vaux); programData elsed = opcodeify(node.args[2], thend.aux, vaux); aux = elsed.aux; if (!ifd.outs) err("Condition of if/unless statement has arity 0", m); // Handle cases where one conditional outputs something // and the other does not int outs = (thend.outs && elsed.outs) ? 1 : 0; if (thend.outs > outs) thend.code = popwrap(thend.code); if (elsed.outs > outs) elsed.code = popwrap(elsed.code); Node nodelist[] = { ifd.code, token("ISZERO", m), token("$else"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m), thend.code, token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~else"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m), elsed.code, token("~endif"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 12, m), outs); } // While (rewritten to this in rewrites) else if (node.val == "until") { programData cond = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, vaux); programData action = opcodeify(node.args[1], cond.aux, vaux); aux = action.aux; if (!cond.outs) err("Condition of while/until loop has arity 0", m); if (action.outs) action.code = popwrap(action.code); Node nodelist[] = { token("~beg"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m), cond.code, token("$end"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m), action.code, token("$beg"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~end"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m), }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 10, m)); } // Memory allocations else if (node.val == "alloc") { programData bytez = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, vaux); aux = bytez.aux; if (!bytez.outs) err("Alloc input has arity 0", m); aux.allocUsed = true; Node nodelist[] = { bytez.code, token("MSIZE", m), token("SWAP1", m), token("MSIZE", m), token("ADD", m), token("0", m), token("SWAP1", m), token("MSTORE", m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 8, m), 1); } // All other functions/operators else { std::vector<Node> subs2; int depth = opinputs(upperCase(node.val)); if (depth == -1) err("Not a function or opcode: "+node.val, m); if ((int)node.args.size() != depth) err("Invalid arity for "+node.val, m); for (int i = node.args.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { programVerticalAux vaux2 = vaux; vaux2.height = vaux.height - i - 1 + node.args.size(); programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, vaux2); aux = sub.aux; if (!sub.outs) err("Input "+unsignedToDecimal(i)+" has arity 0", sub.code.metadata); subs2.push_back(sub.code); } subs2.push_back(token(upperCase(node.val), m)); int outdepth = opoutputs(upperCase(node.val)); return pd(aux, astnode("_", subs2, m), outdepth); } }
programData pd(programAux aux = Aux(), Node code=token("_")) { programData o; o.aux = aux; o.code = code; return o; }
// Turns LLL tree into tree of code fragments programData opcodeify(Node node, programAux aux=Aux()) { std::string symb = "_"+mkUniqueToken(); Metadata m = node.metadata; // Numbers if (node.type == TOKEN) { return pd(aux, nodeToNumeric(node)); } else if (node.val == "ref" || node.val == "get" || node.val == "set") { std::string varname = node.args[0].val; if (!aux.vars.count(varname)) { aux.vars[varname] = intToDecimal(aux.vars.size() * 32); } if (varname == "msg.data") aux.calldataUsed = true; // Set variable if (node.val == "set") { programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux); Node nodelist[] = { sub.code, token(aux.vars[varname], m), token("MSTORE", m), }; return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 3, m)); } // Get variable else if (node.val == "get") { Node nodelist[] = { token(aux.vars[varname], m), token("MLOAD", m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 2, m)); } // Refer variable else return pd(aux, token(aux.vars[varname], m)); } // Code blocks if (node.val == "lll" && node.args.size() == 2) { if (node.args[1].val != "0") aux.allocUsed = true; std::vector<Node> o; o.push_back(finalize(opcodeify(node.args[0]))); programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux); Node code = astnode("____CODE", o, m); Node nodelist[] = { token("$begincode"+symb+".endcode"+symb, m), token("DUP", m), token("$begincode"+symb, m), sub.code, token("CODECOPY", m), token("$endcode"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~begincode"+symb, m), code, token("~endcode"+symb, m) }; return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 10, m)); } std::vector<Node> subs; for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.args.size(); i++) { programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux); aux = sub.aux; subs.push_back(sub.code); } // Debug if (node.val == "debug") { Node nodelist[] = { subs[0], token("DUP", m), token("POP", m), token("POP", m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 4, m)); } // Seq of multiple statements if (node.val == "seq") { return pd(aux, astnode("_", subs, m)); } // 2-part conditional (if gets rewritten to unless in rewrites) else if (node.val == "unless" && node.args.size() == 2) { Node nodelist[] = { subs[0], token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m), subs[1], token("~endif"+symb, m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 5, m)); } // 3-part conditional else if (node.val == "if" && node.args.size() == 3) { Node nodelist[] = { subs[0], token("NOT", m), token("$else"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m), subs[1], token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~else"+symb, m), subs[2], token("~endif"+symb, m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 10, m)); } // While (rewritten to this in rewrites) else if (node.val == "until") { Node nodelist[] = { token("~beg"+symb, m), subs[0], token("$end"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m), subs[1], token("$beg"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~end"+symb, m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 8, m)); } // Memory allocations else if (node.val == "alloc") { aux.allocUsed = true; Node nodelist[] = { subs[0], token("MSIZE", m), token("SWAP", m), token("MSIZE", m), token("ADD", m), token("0", m), token("SWAP", m), token("MSTORE", m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 8, m)); } // Array literals else if (node.val == "array_lit") { aux.allocUsed = true; std::vector<Node> nodes; if (!subs.size()) { nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m)); return pd(aux, astnode("_", nodes, m)); } nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m)); nodes.push_back(token("0", m)); nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m)); nodes.push_back(token(intToDecimal(subs.size() * 32 - 1), m)); nodes.push_back(token("ADD", m)); nodes.push_back(token("MSTORE8", m)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < subs.size(); i++) { nodes.push_back(token("DUP", m)); nodes.push_back(subs[i]); nodes.push_back(token("SWAP", m)); if (i > 0) { nodes.push_back(token(intToDecimal(i * 32), m)); nodes.push_back(token("ADD", m)); } nodes.push_back(token("MSTORE", m)); } return pd(aux, astnode("_", nodes, m)); } // All other functions/operators else { std::vector<Node> subs2; while (subs.size()) { subs2.push_back(subs.back()); subs.pop_back(); } subs2.push_back(token(upperCase(node.val), m)); return pd(aux, astnode("_", subs2, m)); } }