int monitor_subsys_listener_init( BackendDB *be, monitor_subsys_t *ms ) { monitor_info_t *mi; Entry *e_listener, **ep; int i; monitor_entry_t *mp; Listener **l; assert( be != NULL ); if ( ( l = slapd_get_listeners() ) == NULL ) { if ( slapMode & SLAP_TOOL_MODE ) { return 0; } Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_listener_init: " "unable to get listeners\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return( -1 ); } mi = ( monitor_info_t * )be->be_private; if ( monitor_cache_get( mi, &ms->mss_ndn, &e_listener ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_listener_init: " "unable to get entry \"%s\"\n", ms->mss_ndn.bv_val, 0, 0 ); return( -1 ); } mp = ( monitor_entry_t * )e_listener->e_private; mp->mp_children = NULL; ep = &mp->mp_children; for ( i = 0; l[ i ]; i++ ) { char buf[ BACKMONITOR_BUFSIZE ]; Entry *e; struct berval bv; bv.bv_len = snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "cn=Listener %d", i ); bv.bv_val = buf; e = monitor_entry_stub( &ms->mss_dn, &ms->mss_ndn, &bv, mi->mi_oc_monitoredObject, mi, NULL, NULL ); if ( e == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_listener_init: " "unable to create entry \"cn=Listener %d,%s\"\n", i, ms->mss_ndn.bv_val, 0 ); return( -1 ); } attr_merge_normalize_one( e, mi->mi_ad_monitorConnectionLocalAddress, &l[ i ]->sl_name, NULL ); attr_merge_normalize_one( e, slap_schema.si_ad_labeledURI, &l[ i ]->sl_url, NULL ); #ifdef HAVE_TLS if ( l[ i ]->sl_is_tls ) { struct berval bv; BER_BVSTR( &bv, "TLS" ); attr_merge_normalize_one( e, mi->mi_ad_monitoredInfo, &bv, NULL ); } #endif /* HAVE_TLS */ #ifdef LDAP_CONNECTIONLESS if ( l[ i ]->sl_is_udp ) { struct berval bv; BER_BVSTR( &bv, "UDP" ); attr_merge_normalize_one( e, mi->mi_ad_monitoredInfo, &bv, NULL ); } #endif /* HAVE_TLS */ mp = monitor_entrypriv_create(); if ( mp == NULL ) { return -1; } e->e_private = ( void * )mp; mp->mp_info = ms; mp->mp_flags = ms->mss_flags | MONITOR_F_SUB; if ( monitor_cache_add( mi, e ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_listener_init: " "unable to add entry \"cn=Listener %d,%s\"\n", i, ms->mss_ndn.bv_val, 0 ); return( -1 ); } *ep = e; ep = &mp->mp_next; } monitor_cache_release( mi, e_listener ); return( 0 ); }
/* * call from within ldap_back_db_open() */ int ldap_back_monitor_db_open( BackendDB *be ) { ldapinfo_t *li = (ldapinfo_t *) be->be_private; char buf[ BACKMONITOR_BUFSIZE ]; Entry *e = NULL; monitor_callback_t *cb = NULL; struct berval suffix, *filter, *base; char *ptr; time_t now; char timebuf[ LDAP_LUTIL_GENTIME_BUFSIZE ]; struct berval timestamp; int rc = 0; BackendInfo *mi; monitor_extra_t *mbe; if ( !SLAP_DBMONITORING( be ) ) { return 0; } /* check if monitor is configured and usable */ mi = backend_info( "monitor" ); if ( !mi || !mi->bi_extra ) { SLAP_DBFLAGS( be ) ^= SLAP_DBFLAG_MONITORING; return 0; } mbe = mi->bi_extra; /* don't bother if monitor is not configured */ if ( !mbe->is_configured() ) { static int warning = 0; if ( warning++ == 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ldap_back_monitor_db_open: " "monitoring disabled; " "configure monitor database to enable\n", 0, 0, 0 ); } return 0; } /* set up the fake subsystem that is used to create * the volatile connection entries */ li->li_monitor_info.lmi_mss.mss_name = "back-ldap"; li->li_monitor_info.lmi_mss.mss_flags = MONITOR_F_VOLATILE_CH; li->li_monitor_info.lmi_mss.mss_create = ldap_back_monitor_conn_create; li->li_monitor_info.lmi_li = li; li->li_monitor_info.lmi_scope = LDAP_SCOPE_SUBORDINATE; base = &li->li_monitor_info.lmi_base; BER_BVSTR( base, "cn=databases,cn=monitor" ); filter = &li->li_monitor_info.lmi_filter; BER_BVZERO( filter ); suffix.bv_len = ldap_bv2escaped_filter_value_len( &be->be_nsuffix[ 0 ] ); if ( suffix.bv_len == be->be_nsuffix[ 0 ].bv_len ) { suffix = be->be_nsuffix[ 0 ]; } else { ldap_bv2escaped_filter_value( &be->be_nsuffix[ 0 ], &suffix ); } filter->bv_len = STRLENOF( "(&" ) + li->li_monitor_info.lmi_more_filter.bv_len + STRLENOF( "(monitoredInfo=" ) + strlen( be->bd_info->bi_type ) + STRLENOF( ")(!(monitorOverlay=" ) + strlen( be->bd_info->bi_type ) + STRLENOF( "))(namingContexts:distinguishedNameMatch:=" ) + suffix.bv_len + STRLENOF( "))" ); ptr = filter->bv_val = ch_malloc( filter->bv_len + 1 ); ptr = lutil_strcopy( ptr, "(&" ); ptr = lutil_strncopy( ptr, li->li_monitor_info.lmi_more_filter.bv_val, li->li_monitor_info.lmi_more_filter.bv_len ); ptr = lutil_strcopy( ptr, "(monitoredInfo=" ); ptr = lutil_strcopy( ptr, be->bd_info->bi_type ); ptr = lutil_strcopy( ptr, ")(!(monitorOverlay=" ); ptr = lutil_strcopy( ptr, be->bd_info->bi_type ); ptr = lutil_strcopy( ptr, "))(namingContexts:distinguishedNameMatch:=" ); ptr = lutil_strncopy( ptr, suffix.bv_val, suffix.bv_len ); ptr = lutil_strcopy( ptr, "))" ); ptr[ 0 ] = '\0'; assert( ptr == &filter->bv_val[ filter->bv_len ] ); if ( suffix.bv_val != be->be_nsuffix[ 0 ].bv_val ) { ch_free( suffix.bv_val ); } now = slap_get_time(); timestamp.bv_val = timebuf; timestamp.bv_len = sizeof( timebuf ); slap_timestamp( &now, ×tamp ); /* caller (e.g. an overlay based on back-ldap) may want to use * a different RDN... */ if ( BER_BVISNULL( &li->li_monitor_info.lmi_rdn ) ) { ber_str2bv( "cn=Connections", 0, 1, &li->li_monitor_info.lmi_rdn ); } ptr = ber_bvchr( &li->li_monitor_info.lmi_rdn, '=' ); assert( ptr != NULL ); ptr[ 0 ] = '\0'; ptr++; snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "dn: %s=%s\n" "objectClass: monitorContainer\n" "%s: %s\n" "creatorsName: %s\n" "createTimestamp: %s\n" "modifiersName: %s\n" "modifyTimestamp: %s\n", li->li_monitor_info.lmi_rdn.bv_val, ptr, li->li_monitor_info.lmi_rdn.bv_val, ptr, BER_BVISNULL( &be->be_rootdn ) ? SLAPD_ANONYMOUS : be->be_rootdn.bv_val, timestamp.bv_val, BER_BVISNULL( &be->be_rootdn ) ? SLAPD_ANONYMOUS : be->be_rootdn.bv_val, timestamp.bv_val ); e = str2entry( buf ); if ( e == NULL ) { rc = -1; goto cleanup; } ptr[ -1 ] = '='; /* add labeledURI and special, modifiable URI value */ if ( li->li_uri != NULL ) { struct berval bv; LDAPURLDesc *ludlist = NULL; int rc; rc = ldap_url_parselist_ext( &ludlist, li->li_uri, NULL, LDAP_PVT_URL_PARSE_NOEMPTY_HOST | LDAP_PVT_URL_PARSE_DEF_PORT ); if ( rc != LDAP_URL_SUCCESS ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ldap_back_monitor_db_open: " "unable to parse URI list (ignored)\n", 0, 0, 0 ); } else { for ( ; ludlist != NULL; ) { LDAPURLDesc *next = ludlist->lud_next; bv.bv_val = ldap_url_desc2str( ludlist ); assert( bv.bv_val != NULL ); ldap_free_urldesc( ludlist ); bv.bv_len = strlen( bv.bv_val ); attr_merge_normalize_one( e, slap_schema.si_ad_labeledURI, &bv, NULL ); ch_free( bv.bv_val ); ludlist = next; } } ber_str2bv( li->li_uri, 0, 0, &bv ); attr_merge_normalize_one( e, ad_olmDbURIList, &bv, NULL ); } ber_dupbv( &li->li_monitor_info.lmi_nrdn, &e->e_nname ); cb = ch_calloc( sizeof( monitor_callback_t ), 1 ); cb->mc_update = ldap_back_monitor_update; cb->mc_modify = ldap_back_monitor_modify; cb->mc_free = ldap_back_monitor_free; cb->mc_private = (void *)li; rc = mbe->register_entry_parent( e, cb, (monitor_subsys_t *)&li->li_monitor_info, MONITOR_F_VOLATILE_CH, base, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBORDINATE, filter ); cleanup:; if ( rc != 0 ) { if ( cb != NULL ) { ch_free( cb ); cb = NULL; } if ( e != NULL ) { entry_free( e ); e = NULL; } if ( !BER_BVISNULL( filter ) ) { ch_free( filter->bv_val ); BER_BVZERO( filter ); } } /* store for cleanup */ li->li_monitor_info.lmi_cb = (void *)cb; if ( e != NULL ) { entry_free( e ); } return rc; }
int schema_info( Entry **entry, const char **text ) { AttributeDescription *ad_structuralObjectClass = slap_schema.si_ad_structuralObjectClass; AttributeDescription *ad_objectClass = slap_schema.si_ad_objectClass; AttributeDescription *ad_createTimestamp = slap_schema.si_ad_createTimestamp; AttributeDescription *ad_modifyTimestamp = slap_schema.si_ad_modifyTimestamp; Entry *e; struct berval vals[5]; struct berval nvals[5]; e = entry_alloc(); if( e == NULL ) { /* Out of memory, do something about it */ Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "schema_info: entry_alloc failed - out of memory.\n", 0, 0, 0 ); *text = "out of memory"; return LDAP_OTHER; } e->e_attrs = NULL; /* backend-specific schema info should be created by the * backend itself */ ber_dupbv( &e->e_name, &frontendDB->be_schemadn ); ber_dupbv( &e->e_nname, &frontendDB->be_schemandn ); e->e_private = NULL; BER_BVSTR( &vals[0], "subentry" ); if( attr_merge_one( e, ad_structuralObjectClass, vals, NULL ) ) { /* Out of memory, do something about it */ entry_free( e ); *text = "out of memory"; return LDAP_OTHER; } BER_BVSTR( &vals[0], "top" ); BER_BVSTR( &vals[1], "subentry" ); BER_BVSTR( &vals[2], "subschema" ); BER_BVSTR( &vals[3], "extensibleObject" ); BER_BVZERO( &vals[4] ); if ( attr_merge( e, ad_objectClass, vals, NULL ) ) { /* Out of memory, do something about it */ entry_free( e ); *text = "out of memory"; return LDAP_OTHER; } { int rc; AttributeDescription *desc = NULL; struct berval rdn = frontendDB->be_schemadn; vals[0].bv_val = ber_bvchr( &rdn, '=' ); if( vals[0].bv_val == NULL ) { *text = "improperly configured subschema subentry"; return LDAP_OTHER; } vals[0].bv_val++; vals[0].bv_len = rdn.bv_len - (vals[0].bv_val - rdn.bv_val); rdn.bv_len -= vals[0].bv_len + 1; rc = slap_bv2ad( &rdn, &desc, text ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { entry_free( e ); *text = "improperly configured subschema subentry"; return LDAP_OTHER; } nvals[0].bv_val = ber_bvchr( &frontendDB->be_schemandn, '=' ); assert( nvals[0].bv_val != NULL ); nvals[0].bv_val++; nvals[0].bv_len = frontendDB->be_schemandn.bv_len - (nvals[0].bv_val - frontendDB->be_schemandn.bv_val); if ( attr_merge_one( e, desc, vals, nvals ) ) { /* Out of memory, do something about it */ entry_free( e ); *text = "out of memory"; return LDAP_OTHER; } } { char timebuf[ LDAP_LUTIL_GENTIME_BUFSIZE ]; /* * According to RFC 4512: Servers SHOULD maintain the 'creatorsName', 'createTimestamp', 'modifiersName', and 'modifyTimestamp' attributes for all entries of the DIT. * to be conservative, we declare schema created * AND modified at server startup time ... */ vals[0].bv_val = timebuf; vals[0].bv_len = sizeof( timebuf ); slap_timestamp( &starttime, vals ); if( attr_merge_one( e, ad_createTimestamp, vals, NULL ) ) { /* Out of memory, do something about it */ entry_free( e ); *text = "out of memory"; return LDAP_OTHER; } if( attr_merge_one( e, ad_modifyTimestamp, vals, NULL ) ) { /* Out of memory, do something about it */ entry_free( e ); *text = "out of memory"; return LDAP_OTHER; } } if ( syn_schema_info( e ) || mr_schema_info( e ) || mru_schema_info( e ) || at_schema_info( e ) || oc_schema_info( e ) || cr_schema_info( e ) ) { /* Out of memory, do something about it */ entry_free( e ); *text = "out of memory"; return LDAP_OTHER; } *entry = e; return LDAP_SUCCESS; }
int slapadd( int argc, char **argv ) { char *buf = NULL; const char *text; char textbuf[SLAP_TEXT_BUFLEN] = { '\0' }; size_t textlen = sizeof textbuf; const char *progname = "slapadd"; struct berval csn; struct berval maxcsn[ SLAP_SYNC_SID_MAX + 1 ]; unsigned long sid; struct berval bvtext; Attribute *attr; Entry *ctxcsn_e; ID ctxcsn_id, id; OperationBuffer opbuf; Operation *op; int match; int checkvals; int lineno, nextline; int lmax; int rc = EXIT_SUCCESS; int manage = 0; /* default "000" */ csnsid = 0; slap_tool_init( progname, SLAPADD, argc, argv ); memset( &opbuf, 0, sizeof(opbuf) ); op = &opbuf.ob_op; op->o_hdr = &opbuf.ob_hdr; if( !be->be_entry_open || !be->be_entry_close || !be->be_entry_put || (update_ctxcsn && (!be->be_dn2id_get || !be->be_entry_get || !be->be_entry_modify)) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: database doesn't support necessary operations.\n", progname ); if ( dryrun ) { fprintf( stderr, "\t(dry) continuing...\n" ); } else { exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } checkvals = (slapMode & SLAP_TOOL_QUICK) ? 0 : 1; lmax = 0; nextline = 0; /* enforce schema checking unless not disabled */ if ( (slapMode & SLAP_TOOL_NO_SCHEMA_CHECK) == 0) { SLAP_DBFLAGS(be) &= ~(SLAP_DBFLAG_NO_SCHEMA_CHECK); } if( !dryrun && be->be_entry_open( be, 1 ) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: could not open database.\n", progname ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if ( update_ctxcsn ) { maxcsn[ 0 ].bv_val = maxcsnbuf; for ( sid = 1; sid <= SLAP_SYNC_SID_MAX; sid++ ) { maxcsn[ sid ].bv_val = maxcsn[ sid - 1 ].bv_val + LDAP_LUTIL_CSNSTR_BUFSIZE; maxcsn[ sid ].bv_len = 0; } } /* nextline is the line number of the end of the current entry */ for( lineno=1; ldif_read_record( ldiffp, &nextline, &buf, &lmax ); lineno=nextline+1 ) { Entry *e; if ( lineno < jumpline ) continue; e = str2entry2( buf, checkvals ); /* * Initialize text buffer */ bvtext.bv_len = textlen; bvtext.bv_val = textbuf; bvtext.bv_val[0] = '\0'; if( e == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: could not parse entry (line=%d)\n", progname, lineno ); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; if( continuemode ) continue; break; } /* make sure the DN is not empty */ if( BER_BVISEMPTY( &e->e_nname ) && !BER_BVISEMPTY( be->be_nsuffix )) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: empty dn=\"%s\" (line=%d)\n", progname, e->e_dn, lineno ); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; entry_free( e ); if( continuemode ) continue; break; } /* check backend */ if( select_backend( &e->e_nname, nosubordinates ) != be ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: " "database (%s) not configured to hold \"%s\"\n", progname, lineno, be ? be->be_suffix[0].bv_val : "<none>", e->e_dn ); fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: " "database (%s) not configured to hold \"%s\"\n", progname, lineno, be ? be->be_nsuffix[0].bv_val : "<none>", e->e_ndn ); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; entry_free( e ); if( continuemode ) continue; break; } { Attribute *oc = attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_objectClass ); if( oc == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: dn=\"%s\" (line=%d): %s\n", progname, e->e_dn, lineno, "no objectClass attribute"); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; entry_free( e ); if( continuemode ) continue; break; } /* check schema */ op->o_bd = be; if ( (slapMode & SLAP_TOOL_NO_SCHEMA_CHECK) == 0) { rc = entry_schema_check( op, e, NULL, manage, 1, &text, textbuf, textlen ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: dn=\"%s\" (line=%d): (%d) %s\n", progname, e->e_dn, lineno, rc, text ); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; entry_free( e ); if( continuemode ) continue; break; } textbuf[ 0 ] = '\0'; } } if ( SLAP_LASTMOD(be) ) { time_t now = slap_get_time(); char uuidbuf[ LDAP_LUTIL_UUIDSTR_BUFSIZE ]; struct berval vals[ 2 ]; struct berval name, timestamp; struct berval nvals[ 2 ]; struct berval nname; char timebuf[ LDAP_LUTIL_GENTIME_BUFSIZE ]; vals[1].bv_len = 0; vals[1].bv_val = NULL; nvals[1].bv_len = 0; nvals[1].bv_val = NULL; csn.bv_len = lutil_csnstr( csnbuf, sizeof( csnbuf ), csnsid, 0 ); csn.bv_val = csnbuf; timestamp.bv_val = timebuf; timestamp.bv_len = sizeof(timebuf); slap_timestamp( &now, ×tamp ); if ( BER_BVISEMPTY( &be->be_rootndn ) ) { BER_BVSTR( &name, SLAPD_ANONYMOUS ); nname = name; } else { name = be->be_rootdn; nname = be->be_rootndn; } if( attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_entryUUID ) == NULL ) { vals[0].bv_len = lutil_uuidstr( uuidbuf, sizeof( uuidbuf ) ); vals[0].bv_val = uuidbuf; attr_merge_normalize_one( e, slap_schema.si_ad_entryUUID, vals, NULL ); } if( attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_creatorsName ) == NULL ) { vals[0] = name; nvals[0] = nname; attr_merge( e, slap_schema.si_ad_creatorsName, vals, nvals ); } if( attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_createTimestamp ) == NULL ) { vals[0] = timestamp; attr_merge( e, slap_schema.si_ad_createTimestamp, vals, NULL ); } if( attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_entryCSN ) == NULL ) { vals[0] = csn; attr_merge( e, slap_schema.si_ad_entryCSN, vals, NULL ); } if( attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_modifiersName ) == NULL ) { vals[0] = name; nvals[0] = nname; attr_merge( e, slap_schema.si_ad_modifiersName, vals, nvals ); } if( attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_modifyTimestamp ) == NULL ) { vals[0] = timestamp; attr_merge( e, slap_schema.si_ad_modifyTimestamp, vals, NULL ); } if ( update_ctxcsn ) { int rc_sid; attr = attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_entryCSN ); assert( attr != NULL ); rc_sid = slap_parse_csn_sid( &attr->a_nvals[ 0 ] ); if ( rc_sid < 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: could not " "extract SID from entryCSN=%s\n", progname, attr->a_nvals[ 0 ].bv_val, 0 ); } else { assert( rc_sid <= SLAP_SYNC_SID_MAX ); sid = (unsigned)rc_sid; if ( maxcsn[ sid ].bv_len != 0 ) { match = 0; value_match( &match, slap_schema.si_ad_entryCSN, slap_schema.si_ad_entryCSN->ad_type->sat_ordering, SLAP_MR_VALUE_OF_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, &maxcsn[ sid ], &attr->a_nvals[0], &text ); } else { match = -1; } if ( match < 0 ) { strcpy( maxcsn[ sid ].bv_val, attr->a_nvals[0].bv_val ); maxcsn[ sid ].bv_len = attr->a_nvals[0].bv_len; } } } } if ( !dryrun ) { id = be->be_entry_put( be, e, &bvtext ); if( id == NOID ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: could not add entry dn=\"%s\" " "(line=%d): %s\n", progname, e->e_dn, lineno, bvtext.bv_val ); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; entry_free( e ); if( continuemode ) continue; break; } if ( verbose ) fprintf( stderr, "added: \"%s\" (%08lx)\n", e->e_dn, (long) id ); } else { if ( verbose ) fprintf( stderr, "added: \"%s\"\n", e->e_dn ); } entry_free( e ); } bvtext.bv_len = textlen; bvtext.bv_val = textbuf; bvtext.bv_val[0] = '\0'; if ( rc == EXIT_SUCCESS && update_ctxcsn && !dryrun && sid != SLAP_SYNC_SID_MAX + 1 ) { ctxcsn_id = be->be_dn2id_get( be, be->be_nsuffix ); if ( ctxcsn_id == NOID ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: context entry is missing\n", progname ); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; } else { ctxcsn_e = be->be_entry_get( be, ctxcsn_id ); if ( ctxcsn_e != NULL ) { Entry *e = entry_dup( ctxcsn_e ); int change; attr = attr_find( e->e_attrs, slap_schema.si_ad_contextCSN ); if ( attr ) { int i; change = 0; for ( i = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &attr->a_nvals[ i ] ); i++ ) { int rc_sid; rc_sid = slap_parse_csn_sid( &attr->a_nvals[ i ] ); if ( rc_sid < 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: unable to extract SID " "from #%d contextCSN=%s\n", progname, i, attr->a_nvals[ i ].bv_val ); continue; } assert( rc_sid <= SLAP_SYNC_SID_MAX ); sid = (unsigned)rc_sid; if ( maxcsn[ sid ].bv_len == 0 ) { match = -1; } else { value_match( &match, slap_schema.si_ad_entryCSN, slap_schema.si_ad_entryCSN->ad_type->sat_ordering, SLAP_MR_VALUE_OF_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, &maxcsn[ sid ], &attr->a_nvals[i], &text ); } if ( match > 0 ) { change = 1; } else { AC_MEMCPY( maxcsn[ sid ].bv_val, attr->a_nvals[ i ].bv_val, attr->a_nvals[ i ].bv_len ); maxcsn[ sid ].bv_val[ attr->a_nvals[ i ].bv_len ] = '\0'; maxcsn[ sid ].bv_len = attr->a_nvals[ i ].bv_len; } } if ( change ) { if ( attr->a_nvals != attr->a_vals ) { ber_bvarray_free( attr->a_nvals ); } attr->a_nvals = NULL; ber_bvarray_free( attr->a_vals ); attr->a_vals = NULL; attr->a_numvals = 0; } } else { change = 1; } if ( change ) { for ( sid = 0; sid <= SLAP_SYNC_SID_MAX; sid++ ) { if ( maxcsn[ sid ].bv_len ) { attr_merge_one( e, slap_schema.si_ad_contextCSN, &maxcsn[ sid], NULL ); } } ctxcsn_id = be->be_entry_modify( be, e, &bvtext ); if( ctxcsn_id == NOID ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: could not modify ctxcsn\n", progname); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "modified: \"%s\" (%08lx)\n", e->e_dn, (long) ctxcsn_id ); } } entry_free( e ); } } } ch_free( buf ); if ( !dryrun ) { if( be->be_entry_close( be ) ) { rc = EXIT_FAILURE; } if( be->be_sync ) { be->be_sync( be ); } } slap_tool_destroy(); return rc; }
int meta_back_db_open( Backend *be, ConfigReply *cr ) { metainfo_t *mi = (metainfo_t *)be->be_private; BackendInfo *bi; int i, not_always = 0, not_always_anon_proxyauthz = 0, not_always_anon_non_prescriptive = 0, rc; if ( mi->mi_ntargets == 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "meta_back_db_open: no targets defined\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return 1; } bi = backend_info( "ldap" ); if ( !bi || !bi->bi_extra ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "meta_back_db_open: needs back-ldap\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return 1; } mi->mi_ldap_extra = (ldap_extra_t *)bi->bi_extra; for ( i = 0; i < mi->mi_ntargets; i++ ) { slap_bindconf sb = { BER_BVNULL }; metatarget_t *mt = mi->mi_targets[ i ]; ber_str2bv( mt->mt_uri, 0, 0, &sb.sb_uri ); sb.sb_version = mt->mt_version; sb.sb_method = LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE; BER_BVSTR( &sb.sb_binddn, "" ); if ( META_BACK_TGT_T_F_DISCOVER( mt ) ) { rc = slap_discover_feature( &sb, slap_schema.si_ad_supportedFeatures->ad_cname.bv_val, LDAP_FEATURE_ABSOLUTE_FILTERS ); if ( rc == LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) { mt->mt_flags |= LDAP_BACK_F_T_F; } } if ( META_BACK_TGT_CANCEL_DISCOVER( mt ) ) { rc = slap_discover_feature( &sb, slap_schema.si_ad_supportedExtension->ad_cname.bv_val, LDAP_EXOP_CANCEL ); if ( rc == LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) { mt->mt_flags |= LDAP_BACK_F_CANCEL_EXOP; } } if ( not_always == 0 ) { if ( !( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_OVERRIDE ) || mt->mt_idassert_authz != NULL ) { not_always = 1; } } if ( ( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_AUTHZ_ALL ) && !( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_PRESCRIPTIVE ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "meta_back_db_open(%s): " "target #%d inconsistent idassert configuration " "(likely authz=\"*\" used with \"non-prescriptive\" flag)\n", be->be_suffix[ 0 ].bv_val, i, 0 ); return 1; } if ( not_always_anon_proxyauthz == 0 ) { if ( !( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_AUTHZ_ALL ) ) { not_always_anon_proxyauthz = 1; } } if ( not_always_anon_non_prescriptive == 0 ) { if ( ( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_PRESCRIPTIVE ) ) { not_always_anon_non_prescriptive = 1; } } } if ( not_always == 0 ) { mi->mi_flags |= META_BACK_F_PROXYAUTHZ_ALWAYS; } if ( not_always_anon_proxyauthz == 0 ) { mi->mi_flags |= META_BACK_F_PROXYAUTHZ_ANON; } else if ( not_always_anon_non_prescriptive == 0 ) { mi->mi_flags |= META_BACK_F_PROXYAUTHZ_NOANON; } return 0; }
int meta_target_finish( metainfo_t *mi, metatarget_t *mt, const char *log, char *msg, size_t msize ) { slap_bindconf sb = { BER_BVNULL }; struct berval mapped; int rc; ber_str2bv( mt->mt_uri, 0, 0, &sb.sb_uri ); sb.sb_version = mt->mt_version; sb.sb_method = LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE; BER_BVSTR( &sb.sb_binddn, "" ); if ( META_BACK_TGT_T_F_DISCOVER( mt ) ) { rc = slap_discover_feature( &sb, slap_schema.si_ad_supportedFeatures->ad_cname.bv_val, LDAP_FEATURE_ABSOLUTE_FILTERS ); if ( rc == LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) { mt->mt_flags |= LDAP_BACK_F_T_F; } } if ( META_BACK_TGT_CANCEL_DISCOVER( mt ) ) { rc = slap_discover_feature( &sb, slap_schema.si_ad_supportedExtension->ad_cname.bv_val, LDAP_EXOP_CANCEL ); if ( rc == LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) { mt->mt_flags |= LDAP_BACK_F_CANCEL_EXOP; } } if ( !( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_OVERRIDE ) || mt->mt_idassert_authz != NULL ) { mi->mi_flags &= ~META_BACK_F_PROXYAUTHZ_ALWAYS; } if ( ( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_AUTHZ_ALL ) && !( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_PRESCRIPTIVE ) ) { snprintf( msg, msize, "%s: inconsistent idassert configuration " "(likely authz=\"*\" used with \"non-prescriptive\" flag)", log ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s (target %s)\n", msg, mt->mt_uri ); return 1; } if ( !( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_AUTHZ_ALL ) ) { mi->mi_flags &= ~META_BACK_F_PROXYAUTHZ_ANON; } if ( ( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_PRESCRIPTIVE ) ) { mi->mi_flags &= ~META_BACK_F_PROXYAUTHZ_NOANON; } BER_BVZERO( &mapped ); ldap_back_map( &mt->mt_rwmap.rwm_at, &slap_schema.si_ad_entryDN->ad_cname, &mapped, BACKLDAP_REMAP ); if ( BER_BVISNULL( &mapped ) || mapped.bv_val[0] == '\0' ) { mt->mt_rep_flags |= REP_NO_ENTRYDN; } BER_BVZERO( &mapped ); ldap_back_map( &mt->mt_rwmap.rwm_at, &slap_schema.si_ad_subschemaSubentry->ad_cname, &mapped, BACKLDAP_REMAP ); if ( BER_BVISNULL( &mapped ) || mapped.bv_val[0] == '\0' ) { mt->mt_rep_flags |= REP_NO_SUBSCHEMA; } return 0; }
static int rwm_int_filter_map_rewrite( Operation *op, dncookie *dc, Filter *f, struct berval *fstr ) { int i; Filter *p; AttributeDescription *ad; struct berval atmp, vtmp, *tmp; static struct berval /* better than nothing... */ ber_bvfalse = BER_BVC( "(!(objectClass=*))" ), ber_bvtf_false = BER_BVC( "(|)" ), /* better than nothing... */ ber_bvtrue = BER_BVC( "(objectClass=*)" ), ber_bvtf_true = BER_BVC( "(&)" ), #if 0 /* no longer needed; preserved for completeness */ ber_bvundefined = BER_BVC( "(?=undefined)" ), #endif ber_bverror = BER_BVC( "(?=error)" ), ber_bvunknown = BER_BVC( "(?=unknown)" ), ber_bvnone = BER_BVC( "(?=none)" ); ber_len_t len; assert( fstr != NULL ); BER_BVZERO( fstr ); if ( f == NULL ) { ber_dupbv_x( fstr, &ber_bvnone, op->o_tmpmemctx ); return LDAP_OTHER; } if ( f->f_choice & SLAPD_FILTER_UNDEFINED ) { goto computed; } switch ( f->f_choice & SLAPD_FILTER_MASK ) { case LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY: ad = f->f_av_desc; if ( map_attr_value( dc, &ad, &atmp, &f->f_av_value, &vtmp, RWM_MAP, op->o_tmpmemctx ) ) { goto computed; } fstr->bv_len = atmp.bv_len + vtmp.bv_len + STRLENOF( "(=)" ); fstr->bv_val = op->o_tmpalloc( fstr->bv_len + 1, op->o_tmpmemctx ); snprintf( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, "(%s=%s)", atmp.bv_val, vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); op->o_tmpfree( vtmp.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_GE: ad = f->f_av_desc; if ( map_attr_value( dc, &ad, &atmp, &f->f_av_value, &vtmp, RWM_MAP, op->o_tmpmemctx ) ) { goto computed; } fstr->bv_len = atmp.bv_len + vtmp.bv_len + STRLENOF( "(>=)" ); fstr->bv_val = op->o_tmpalloc( fstr->bv_len + 1, op->o_tmpmemctx ); snprintf( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, "(%s>=%s)", atmp.bv_val, vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); op->o_tmpfree( vtmp.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_LE: ad = f->f_av_desc; if ( map_attr_value( dc, &ad, &atmp, &f->f_av_value, &vtmp, RWM_MAP, op->o_tmpmemctx ) ) { goto computed; } fstr->bv_len = atmp.bv_len + vtmp.bv_len + STRLENOF( "(<=)" ); fstr->bv_val = op->o_tmpalloc( fstr->bv_len + 1, op->o_tmpmemctx ); snprintf( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, "(%s<=%s)", atmp.bv_val, vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); op->o_tmpfree( vtmp.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_APPROX: ad = f->f_av_desc; if ( map_attr_value( dc, &ad, &atmp, &f->f_av_value, &vtmp, RWM_MAP, op->o_tmpmemctx ) ) { goto computed; } fstr->bv_len = atmp.bv_len + vtmp.bv_len + STRLENOF( "(~=)" ); fstr->bv_val = op->o_tmpalloc( fstr->bv_len + 1, op->o_tmpmemctx ); snprintf( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, "(%s~=%s)", atmp.bv_val, vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); op->o_tmpfree( vtmp.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS: ad = f->f_sub_desc; if ( map_attr_value( dc, &ad, &atmp, NULL, NULL, RWM_MAP, op->o_tmpmemctx ) ) { goto computed; } /* cannot be a DN ... */ fstr->bv_len = atmp.bv_len + STRLENOF( "(=*)" ); fstr->bv_val = op->o_tmpalloc( fstr->bv_len + 128, op->o_tmpmemctx ); snprintf( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, "(%s=*)", atmp.bv_val ); if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &f->f_sub_initial ) ) { len = fstr->bv_len; filter_escape_value_x( &f->f_sub_initial, &vtmp, op->o_tmpmemctx ); fstr->bv_len += vtmp.bv_len; fstr->bv_val = op->o_tmprealloc( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, op->o_tmpmemctx ); snprintf( &fstr->bv_val[len - 2], vtmp.bv_len + 3, /* "(attr=" */ "%s*)", vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); op->o_tmpfree( vtmp.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); } if ( f->f_sub_any != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &f->f_sub_any[i] ); i++ ) { len = fstr->bv_len; filter_escape_value_x( &f->f_sub_any[i], &vtmp, op->o_tmpmemctx ); fstr->bv_len += vtmp.bv_len + 1; fstr->bv_val = op->o_tmprealloc( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, op->o_tmpmemctx ); snprintf( &fstr->bv_val[len - 1], vtmp.bv_len + 3, /* "(attr=[init]*[any*]" */ "%s*)", vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); op->o_tmpfree( vtmp.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); } } if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &f->f_sub_final ) ) { len = fstr->bv_len; filter_escape_value_x( &f->f_sub_final, &vtmp, op->o_tmpmemctx ); fstr->bv_len += vtmp.bv_len; fstr->bv_val = op->o_tmprealloc( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, op->o_tmpmemctx ); snprintf( &fstr->bv_val[len - 1], vtmp.bv_len + 3, /* "(attr=[init*][any*]" */ "%s)", vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); op->o_tmpfree( vtmp.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); } break; case LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT: ad = f->f_desc; if ( map_attr_value( dc, &ad, &atmp, NULL, NULL, RWM_MAP, op->o_tmpmemctx ) ) { goto computed; } fstr->bv_len = atmp.bv_len + STRLENOF( "(=*)" ); fstr->bv_val = op->o_tmpalloc( fstr->bv_len + 1, op->o_tmpmemctx ); snprintf( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, "(%s=*)", atmp.bv_val ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_AND: case LDAP_FILTER_OR: case LDAP_FILTER_NOT: fstr->bv_len = STRLENOF( "(%)" ); fstr->bv_val = op->o_tmpalloc( fstr->bv_len + 128, op->o_tmpmemctx ); snprintf( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, "(%c)", f->f_choice == LDAP_FILTER_AND ? '&' : f->f_choice == LDAP_FILTER_OR ? '|' : '!' ); for ( p = f->f_list; p != NULL; p = p->f_next ) { int rc; len = fstr->bv_len; rc = rwm_int_filter_map_rewrite( op, dc, p, &vtmp ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { return rc; } fstr->bv_len += vtmp.bv_len; fstr->bv_val = op->o_tmprealloc( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, op->o_tmpmemctx ); snprintf( &fstr->bv_val[len-1], vtmp.bv_len + 2, /*"("*/ "%s)", vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); op->o_tmpfree( vtmp.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); } break; case LDAP_FILTER_EXT: { if ( f->f_mr_desc ) { ad = f->f_mr_desc; if ( map_attr_value( dc, &ad, &atmp, &f->f_mr_value, &vtmp, RWM_MAP, op->o_tmpmemctx ) ) { goto computed; } } else { BER_BVSTR( &atmp, "" ); filter_escape_value_x( &f->f_mr_value, &vtmp, op->o_tmpmemctx ); } fstr->bv_len = atmp.bv_len + ( f->f_mr_dnattrs ? STRLENOF( ":dn" ) : 0 ) + ( f->f_mr_rule_text.bv_len ? f->f_mr_rule_text.bv_len + 1 : 0 ) + vtmp.bv_len + STRLENOF( "(:=)" ); fstr->bv_val = op->o_tmpalloc( fstr->bv_len + 1, op->o_tmpmemctx ); snprintf( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, "(%s%s%s%s:=%s)", atmp.bv_val, f->f_mr_dnattrs ? ":dn" : "", !BER_BVISEMPTY( &f->f_mr_rule_text ) ? ":" : "", !BER_BVISEMPTY( &f->f_mr_rule_text ) ? f->f_mr_rule_text.bv_val : "", vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); op->o_tmpfree( vtmp.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); break; } case -1: computed:; filter_free_x( op, f, 0 ); f->f_choice = SLAPD_FILTER_COMPUTED; f->f_result = SLAPD_COMPARE_UNDEFINED; /* fallthru */ case SLAPD_FILTER_COMPUTED: switch ( f->f_result ) { case LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE: /* FIXME: treat UNDEFINED as FALSE */ case SLAPD_COMPARE_UNDEFINED: if ( dc->rwmap->rwm_flags & RWM_F_SUPPORT_T_F ) { tmp = &ber_bvtf_false; break; } tmp = &ber_bvfalse; break; case LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE: if ( dc->rwmap->rwm_flags & RWM_F_SUPPORT_T_F ) { tmp = &ber_bvtf_true; break; } tmp = &ber_bvtrue; break; default: tmp = &ber_bverror; break; } ber_dupbv_x( fstr, tmp, op->o_tmpmemctx ); break; default: ber_dupbv_x( fstr, &ber_bvunknown, op->o_tmpmemctx ); break; } return LDAP_SUCCESS; }
/* * meta_back_proxy_authz_cred() * * prepares credentials & method for meta_back_proxy_authz_bind(); * or, if method is SASL, performs the SASL bind directly. */ int meta_back_proxy_authz_cred( metaconn_t *mc, int candidate, Operation *op, SlapReply *rs, ldap_back_send_t sendok, struct berval *binddn, struct berval *bindcred, int *method ) { metainfo_t *mi = (metainfo_t *)op->o_bd->be_private; metatarget_t *mt = mi->mi_targets[ candidate ]; metasingleconn_t *msc = &mc->mc_conns[ candidate ]; struct berval ndn; int dobind = 0; /* don't proxyAuthz if protocol is not LDAPv3 */ switch ( mt->mt_version ) { case LDAP_VERSION3: break; case 0: if ( op->o_protocol == 0 || op->o_protocol == LDAP_VERSION3 ) { break; } /* fall thru */ default: rs->sr_err = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; if ( sendok & LDAP_BACK_SENDERR ) { send_ldap_result( op, rs ); } LDAP_BACK_CONN_ISBOUND_CLEAR( msc ); goto done; } if ( op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_BIND ) { ndn = op->o_req_ndn; } else if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &op->o_conn->c_ndn ) ) { ndn = op->o_conn->c_ndn; } else { ndn = op->o_ndn; } rs->sr_err = LDAP_SUCCESS; /* * FIXME: we need to let clients use proxyAuthz * otherwise we cannot do symmetric pools of servers; * we have to live with the fact that a user can * authorize itself as any ID that is allowed * by the authzTo directive of the "proxyauthzdn". */ /* * NOTE: current Proxy Authorization specification * and implementation do not allow proxy authorization * control to be provided with Bind requests */ /* * if no bind took place yet, but the connection is bound * and the "proxyauthzdn" is set, then bind as * "proxyauthzdn" and explicitly add the proxyAuthz * control to every operation with the dn bound * to the connection as control value. */ /* bind as proxyauthzdn only if no idassert mode * is requested, or if the client's identity * is authorized */ switch ( mt->mt_idassert_mode ) { case LDAP_BACK_IDASSERT_LEGACY: if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &ndn ) && !BER_BVISEMPTY( &ndn ) ) { if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &mt->mt_idassert_authcDN ) && !BER_BVISEMPTY( &mt->mt_idassert_authcDN ) ) { *binddn = mt->mt_idassert_authcDN; *bindcred = mt->mt_idassert_passwd; dobind = 1; } } break; default: /* NOTE: rootdn can always idassert */ if ( BER_BVISNULL( &ndn ) && mt->mt_idassert_authz == NULL && !( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_AUTHZ_ALL ) ) { if ( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_PRESCRIPTIVE ) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_AUTH; if ( sendok & LDAP_BACK_SENDERR ) { send_ldap_result( op, rs ); } LDAP_BACK_CONN_ISBOUND_CLEAR( msc ); goto done; } rs->sr_err = LDAP_SUCCESS; *binddn = slap_empty_bv; *bindcred = slap_empty_bv; break; } else if ( mt->mt_idassert_authz && !be_isroot( op ) ) { struct berval authcDN; if ( BER_BVISNULL( &ndn ) ) { authcDN = slap_empty_bv; } else { authcDN = ndn; } rs->sr_err = slap_sasl_matches( op, mt->mt_idassert_authz, &authcDN, &authcDN ); if ( rs->sr_err != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { if ( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_PRESCRIPTIVE ) { if ( sendok & LDAP_BACK_SENDERR ) { send_ldap_result( op, rs ); } LDAP_BACK_CONN_ISBOUND_CLEAR( msc ); goto done; } rs->sr_err = LDAP_SUCCESS; *binddn = slap_empty_bv; *bindcred = slap_empty_bv; break; } } *binddn = mt->mt_idassert_authcDN; *bindcred = mt->mt_idassert_passwd; dobind = 1; break; } if ( dobind && mt->mt_idassert_authmethod == LDAP_AUTH_SASL ) { #ifdef HAVE_CYRUS_SASL void *defaults = NULL; struct berval authzID = BER_BVNULL; int freeauthz = 0; /* if SASL supports native authz, prepare for it */ if ( ( !op->o_do_not_cache || !op->o_is_auth_check ) && ( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_NATIVE_AUTHZ ) ) { switch ( mt->mt_idassert_mode ) { case LDAP_BACK_IDASSERT_OTHERID: case LDAP_BACK_IDASSERT_OTHERDN: authzID = mt->mt_idassert_authzID; break; case LDAP_BACK_IDASSERT_ANONYMOUS: BER_BVSTR( &authzID, "dn:" ); break; case LDAP_BACK_IDASSERT_SELF: if ( BER_BVISNULL( &ndn ) ) { /* connection is not authc'd, so don't idassert */ BER_BVSTR( &authzID, "dn:" ); break; } authzID.bv_len = STRLENOF( "dn:" ) + ndn.bv_len; authzID.bv_val = slap_sl_malloc( authzID.bv_len + 1, op->o_tmpmemctx ); memcpy( authzID.bv_val, "dn:", STRLENOF( "dn:" ) ); memcpy( authzID.bv_val + STRLENOF( "dn:" ), ndn.bv_val, ndn.bv_len + 1 ); freeauthz = 1; break; default: break; } } if ( mt->mt_idassert_secprops != NULL ) { rs->sr_err = ldap_set_option( msc->msc_ld, LDAP_OPT_X_SASL_SECPROPS, (void *)mt->mt_idassert_secprops ); if ( rs->sr_err != LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS ) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_OTHER; if ( sendok & LDAP_BACK_SENDERR ) { send_ldap_result( op, rs ); } LDAP_BACK_CONN_ISBOUND_CLEAR( msc ); goto done; } } defaults = lutil_sasl_defaults( msc->msc_ld, mt->mt_idassert_sasl_mech.bv_val, mt->mt_idassert_sasl_realm.bv_val, mt->mt_idassert_authcID.bv_val, mt->mt_idassert_passwd.bv_val, authzID.bv_val ); if ( defaults == NULL ) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_OTHER; LDAP_BACK_CONN_ISBOUND_CLEAR( msc ); if ( sendok & LDAP_BACK_SENDERR ) { send_ldap_result( op, rs ); } goto done; } rs->sr_err = ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s( msc->msc_ld, binddn->bv_val, mt->mt_idassert_sasl_mech.bv_val, NULL, NULL, LDAP_SASL_QUIET, lutil_sasl_interact, defaults ); rs->sr_err = slap_map_api2result( rs ); if ( rs->sr_err != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { LDAP_BACK_CONN_ISBOUND_CLEAR( msc ); if ( sendok & LDAP_BACK_SENDERR ) { send_ldap_result( op, rs ); } } else { LDAP_BACK_CONN_ISBOUND_SET( msc ); } lutil_sasl_freedefs( defaults ); if ( freeauthz ) { slap_sl_free( authzID.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); } goto done; #endif /* HAVE_CYRUS_SASL */ } *method = mt->mt_idassert_authmethod; switch ( mt->mt_idassert_authmethod ) { case LDAP_AUTH_NONE: BER_BVSTR( binddn, "" ); BER_BVSTR( bindcred, "" ); /* fallthru */ case LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE: break; default: /* unsupported! */ LDAP_BACK_CONN_ISBOUND_CLEAR( msc ); rs->sr_err = LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED; if ( sendok & LDAP_BACK_SENDERR ) { send_ldap_result( op, rs ); } break; } done:; if ( !BER_BVISEMPTY( binddn ) ) { LDAP_BACK_CONN_ISIDASSERT_SET( msc ); } return rs->sr_err; }
int monitor_subsys_conn_init( BackendDB *be, monitor_subsys_t *ms ) { monitor_info_t *mi; Entry *e, **ep, *e_conn; monitor_entry_t *mp; char buf[ BACKMONITOR_BUFSIZE ]; struct berval bv; assert( be != NULL ); ms->mss_update = monitor_subsys_conn_update; ms->mss_create = monitor_subsys_conn_create; mi = ( monitor_info_t * )be->be_private; if ( monitor_cache_get( mi, &ms->mss_ndn, &e_conn ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_conn_init: " "unable to get entry \"%s\"\n", ms->mss_ndn.bv_val, 0, 0 ); return( -1 ); } mp = ( monitor_entry_t * )e_conn->e_private; mp->mp_children = NULL; ep = &mp->mp_children; /* * Max file descriptors */ BER_BVSTR( &bv, "cn=Max File Descriptors" ); e = monitor_entry_stub( &ms->mss_dn, &ms->mss_ndn, &bv, mi->mi_oc_monitorCounterObject, NULL, NULL ); if ( e == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_conn_init: " "unable to create entry \"%s,%s\"\n", bv.bv_val, ms->mss_ndn.bv_val, 0 ); return( -1 ); } if ( dtblsize ) { bv.bv_val = buf; bv.bv_len = snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%d", dtblsize ); } else { BER_BVSTR( &bv, "0" ); } attr_merge_one( e, mi->mi_ad_monitorCounter, &bv, NULL ); mp = monitor_entrypriv_create(); if ( mp == NULL ) { return -1; } e->e_private = ( void * )mp; mp->mp_info = ms; mp->mp_flags = ms->mss_flags \ | MONITOR_F_SUB | MONITOR_F_PERSISTENT; mp->mp_flags &= ~MONITOR_F_VOLATILE_CH; if ( monitor_cache_add( mi, e ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_conn_init: " "unable to add entry \"cn=Total,%s\"\n", ms->mss_ndn.bv_val, 0, 0 ); return( -1 ); } *ep = e; ep = &mp->mp_next; /* * Total conns */ BER_BVSTR( &bv, "cn=Total" ); e = monitor_entry_stub( &ms->mss_dn, &ms->mss_ndn, &bv, mi->mi_oc_monitorCounterObject, NULL, NULL ); if ( e == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_conn_init: " "unable to create entry \"cn=Total,%s\"\n", ms->mss_ndn.bv_val, 0, 0 ); return( -1 ); } BER_BVSTR( &bv, "-1" ); attr_merge_one( e, mi->mi_ad_monitorCounter, &bv, NULL ); mp = monitor_entrypriv_create(); if ( mp == NULL ) { return -1; } e->e_private = ( void * )mp; mp->mp_info = ms; mp->mp_flags = ms->mss_flags \ | MONITOR_F_SUB | MONITOR_F_PERSISTENT; mp->mp_flags &= ~MONITOR_F_VOLATILE_CH; if ( monitor_cache_add( mi, e ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_conn_init: " "unable to add entry \"cn=Total,%s\"\n", ms->mss_ndn.bv_val, 0, 0 ); return( -1 ); } *ep = e; ep = &mp->mp_next; /* * Current conns */ BER_BVSTR( &bv, "cn=Current" ); e = monitor_entry_stub( &ms->mss_dn, &ms->mss_ndn, &bv, mi->mi_oc_monitorCounterObject, NULL, NULL ); if ( e == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_conn_init: " "unable to create entry \"cn=Current,%s\"\n", ms->mss_ndn.bv_val, 0, 0 ); return( -1 ); } BER_BVSTR( &bv, "0" ); attr_merge_one( e, mi->mi_ad_monitorCounter, &bv, NULL ); mp = monitor_entrypriv_create(); if ( mp == NULL ) { return -1; } e->e_private = ( void * )mp; mp->mp_info = ms; mp->mp_flags = ms->mss_flags \ | MONITOR_F_SUB | MONITOR_F_PERSISTENT; mp->mp_flags &= ~MONITOR_F_VOLATILE_CH; if ( monitor_cache_add( mi, e ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_conn_init: " "unable to add entry \"cn=Current,%s\"\n", ms->mss_ndn.bv_val, 0, 0 ); return( -1 ); } *ep = e; ep = &mp->mp_next; monitor_cache_release( mi, e_conn ); return( 0 ); }
int meta_back_db_open( Backend *be, ConfigReply *cr ) { metainfo_t *mi = (metainfo_t *)be->be_private; int i, not_always = 0, not_always_anon_proxyauthz = 0, not_always_anon_non_prescriptive = 0, rc; if ( mi->mi_ntargets == 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "meta_back_db_open: no targets defined\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return 1; } for ( i = 0; i < mi->mi_ntargets; i++ ) { slap_bindconf sb = { BER_BVNULL }; metatarget_t *mt = mi->mi_targets[ i ]; struct berval mapped; ber_str2bv( mt->mt_uri, 0, 0, &sb.sb_uri ); sb.sb_version = mt->mt_version; sb.sb_method = LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE; BER_BVSTR( &sb.sb_binddn, "" ); if ( META_BACK_TGT_T_F_DISCOVER( mt ) ) { rc = slap_discover_feature( &sb, slap_schema.si_ad_supportedFeatures->ad_cname.bv_val, LDAP_FEATURE_ABSOLUTE_FILTERS ); if ( rc == LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) { mt->mt_flags |= LDAP_BACK_F_T_F; } } if ( META_BACK_TGT_CANCEL_DISCOVER( mt ) ) { rc = slap_discover_feature( &sb, slap_schema.si_ad_supportedExtension->ad_cname.bv_val, LDAP_EXOP_CANCEL ); if ( rc == LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) { mt->mt_flags |= LDAP_BACK_F_CANCEL_EXOP; } } if ( not_always == 0 ) { if ( !( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_OVERRIDE ) || mt->mt_idassert_authz != NULL ) { not_always = 1; } } if ( ( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_AUTHZ_ALL ) && !( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_PRESCRIPTIVE ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "meta_back_db_open(%s): " "target #%d inconsistent idassert configuration " "(likely authz=\"*\" used with \"non-prescriptive\" flag)\n", be->be_suffix[ 0 ].bv_val, i, 0 ); return 1; } if ( not_always_anon_proxyauthz == 0 ) { if ( !( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_AUTHZ_ALL ) ) { not_always_anon_proxyauthz = 1; } } if ( not_always_anon_non_prescriptive == 0 ) { if ( ( mt->mt_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_PRESCRIPTIVE ) ) { not_always_anon_non_prescriptive = 1; } } BER_BVZERO( &mapped ); ldap_back_map( &mt->mt_rwmap.rwm_at, &slap_schema.si_ad_entryDN->ad_cname, &mapped, BACKLDAP_REMAP ); if ( BER_BVISNULL( &mapped ) || mapped.bv_val[0] == '\0' ) { mt->mt_rep_flags |= REP_NO_ENTRYDN; } BER_BVZERO( &mapped ); ldap_back_map( &mt->mt_rwmap.rwm_at, &slap_schema.si_ad_subschemaSubentry->ad_cname, &mapped, BACKLDAP_REMAP ); if ( BER_BVISNULL( &mapped ) || mapped.bv_val[0] == '\0' ) { mt->mt_rep_flags |= REP_NO_SUBSCHEMA; } } if ( not_always == 0 ) { mi->mi_flags |= META_BACK_F_PROXYAUTHZ_ALWAYS; } if ( not_always_anon_proxyauthz == 0 ) { mi->mi_flags |= META_BACK_F_PROXYAUTHZ_ANON; } else if ( not_always_anon_non_prescriptive == 0 ) { mi->mi_flags |= META_BACK_F_PROXYAUTHZ_NOANON; } return 0; }
int passwd_back_search( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs ) { struct passwd *pw; time_t stoptime = (time_t)-1; LDAPRDN rdn = NULL; struct berval parent = BER_BVNULL; AttributeDescription *ad_objectClass = slap_schema.si_ad_objectClass; if ( op->ors_tlimit != SLAP_NO_LIMIT ) { stoptime = op->o_time + op->ors_tlimit; } /* Handle a query for the base of this backend */ if ( be_issuffix( op->o_bd, &op->o_req_ndn ) ) { struct berval val; rs->sr_matched = op->o_req_dn.bv_val; if( op->ors_scope != LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL ) { AttributeDescription *desc = NULL; char *next; Entry e = { 0 }; /* Create an entry corresponding to the base DN */ e.e_name.bv_val = ch_strdup( op->o_req_dn.bv_val ); e.e_name.bv_len = op->o_req_dn.bv_len; e.e_nname.bv_val = ch_strdup( op->o_req_ndn.bv_val ); e.e_nname.bv_len = op->o_req_ndn.bv_len; /* Use the first attribute of the DN * as an attribute within the entry itself. */ if( ldap_bv2rdn( &op->o_req_dn, &rdn, &next, LDAP_DN_FORMAT_LDAP ) ) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX; goto done; } if( slap_bv2ad( &rdn[0]->la_attr, &desc, &rs->sr_text )) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; ldap_rdnfree(rdn); goto done; } attr_merge_normalize_one( &e, desc, &rdn[0]->la_value, NULL ); ldap_rdnfree(rdn); rdn = NULL; /* Every entry needs an objectclass. We don't really * know if our hardcoded choice here agrees with the * DN that was configured for this backend, but it's * better than nothing. * * should be a configuratable item */ BER_BVSTR( &val, "organizationalUnit" ); attr_merge_one( &e, ad_objectClass, &val, NULL ); if ( test_filter( op, &e, op->ors_filter ) == LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) { rs->sr_entry = &e; rs->sr_attrs = op->ors_attrs; rs->sr_flags = REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE; send_search_entry( op, rs ); } entry_clean( &e ); } if ( op->ors_scope != LDAP_SCOPE_BASE ) { /* check all our "children" */ ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &passwd_mutex ); pw_start( op->o_bd ); for ( pw = getpwent(); pw != NULL; pw = getpwent() ) { Entry e = { 0 }; /* check for abandon */ if ( op->o_abandon ) { endpwent(); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &passwd_mutex ); return( SLAPD_ABANDON ); } /* check time limit */ if ( op->ors_tlimit != SLAP_NO_LIMIT && slap_get_time() > stoptime ) { send_ldap_error( op, rs, LDAP_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED, NULL ); endpwent(); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &passwd_mutex ); return( 0 ); } if ( pw2entry( op->o_bd, pw, &e ) ) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_OTHER; endpwent(); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &passwd_mutex ); goto done; } if ( test_filter( op, &e, op->ors_filter ) == LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) { /* check size limit */ if ( --op->ors_slimit == -1 ) { send_ldap_error( op, rs, LDAP_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED, NULL ); endpwent(); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &passwd_mutex ); return( 0 ); } rs->sr_entry = &e; rs->sr_attrs = op->ors_attrs; rs->sr_flags = REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE; send_search_entry( op, rs ); } entry_clean( &e ); } endpwent(); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &passwd_mutex ); } } else { char *next; Entry e = { 0 }; int rc; if (! be_issuffix( op->o_bd, &op->o_req_ndn ) ) { dnParent( &op->o_req_ndn, &parent ); } /* This backend is only one layer deep. Don't answer requests for * anything deeper than that. */ if( !be_issuffix( op->o_bd, &parent ) ) { int i; for( i=0; op->o_bd->be_nsuffix[i].bv_val != NULL; i++ ) { if( dnIsSuffix( &op->o_req_ndn, &op->o_bd->be_nsuffix[i] ) ) { rs->sr_matched = op->o_bd->be_suffix[i].bv_val; break; } } rs->sr_err = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; goto done; } if( op->ors_scope == LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL ) { goto done; } if ( ldap_bv2rdn( &op->o_req_dn, &rdn, &next, LDAP_DN_FORMAT_LDAP )) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_OTHER; goto done; } ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &passwd_mutex ); pw_start( op->o_bd ); pw = getpwnam( rdn[0]->la_value.bv_val ); if ( pw == NULL ) { rs->sr_matched = parent.bv_val; rs->sr_err = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &passwd_mutex ); goto done; } rc = pw2entry( op->o_bd, pw, &e ); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &passwd_mutex ); if ( rc ) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_OTHER; goto done; } if ( test_filter( op, &e, op->ors_filter ) == LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) { rs->sr_entry = &e; rs->sr_attrs = op->ors_attrs; rs->sr_flags = REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE; send_search_entry( op, rs ); } entry_clean( &e ); } done: if( rs->sr_err != LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT ) rs->sr_matched = NULL; send_ldap_result( op, rs ); if( rdn != NULL ) ldap_rdnfree( rdn ); return( 0 ); }
static int pw2entry( Backend *be, struct passwd *pw, Entry *e ) { size_t pwlen; struct berval val; struct berval bv; int rc; /* * from pw we get pw_name and make it cn * give it an objectclass of person. */ pwlen = strlen( pw->pw_name ); val.bv_len = STRLENOF("uid=,") + ( pwlen + be->be_suffix[0].bv_len ); val.bv_val = ch_malloc( val.bv_len + 1 ); /* rdn attribute type should be a configuratable item */ sprintf( val.bv_val, "uid=%s,%s", pw->pw_name, be->be_suffix[0].bv_val ); rc = dnNormalize( 0, NULL, NULL, &val, &bv, NULL ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { free( val.bv_val ); return( -1 ); } e->e_name = val; e->e_nname = bv; e->e_attrs = NULL; /* objectclasses should be configurable items */ BER_BVSTR( &val, "person" ); attr_merge_one( e, slap_schema.si_ad_objectClass, &val, NULL ); BER_BVSTR( &val, "uidObject" ); attr_merge_one( e, slap_schema.si_ad_objectClass, &val, NULL ); val.bv_val = pw->pw_name; val.bv_len = pwlen; attr_merge_normalize_one( e, slap_schema.si_ad_uid, &val, NULL ); /* required by uidObject */ attr_merge_normalize_one( e, slap_schema.si_ad_cn, &val, NULL ); /* required by person */ attr_merge_normalize_one( e, ad_sn, &val, NULL ); /* required by person */ #ifdef HAVE_STRUCT_PASSWD_PW_GECOS /* * if gecos is present, add it as a cn. first process it * according to standard BSD usage. If the processed cn has * a space, use the tail as the surname. */ if (pw->pw_gecos[0]) { char *s; ber_str2bv( pw->pw_gecos, 0, 0, &val ); attr_merge_normalize_one( e, ad_desc, &val, NULL ); s = ber_bvchr( &val, ',' ); if ( s ) *s = '\0'; s = ber_bvchr( &val, '&' ); if ( s ) { char buf[1024]; if( val.bv_len + pwlen < sizeof(buf) ) { int i = s - val.bv_val; strncpy( buf, val.bv_val, i ); s = buf + i; strcpy( s, pw->pw_name ); *s = TOUPPER((unsigned char)*s); strcat( s, val.bv_val + i + 1 ); val.bv_val = buf; } } val.bv_len = strlen( val.bv_val ); if ( val.bv_len && strcasecmp( val.bv_val, pw->pw_name ) ) { attr_merge_normalize_one( e, slap_schema.si_ad_cn, &val, NULL ); } if ( ( s = strrchr(val.bv_val, ' ' ) ) ) { ber_str2bv( s + 1, 0, 0, &val ); attr_merge_normalize_one( e, ad_sn, &val, NULL ); } } #endif /* HAVE_STRUCT_PASSWD_PW_GECOS */ return( 0 ); }
int monitor_subsys_time_init( BackendDB *be, monitor_subsys_t *ms ) { monitor_info_t *mi; Entry *e, **ep, *e_time = 0; monitor_entry_t *mp; struct berval bv, value; assert( be != NULL ); ms->mss_update = monitor_subsys_time_update; mi = ( monitor_info_t * )be->be_private; if ( monitor_cache_get( mi, &ms->mss_ndn, &e_time ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_time_init: " "unable to get entry \"%s\"\n", ms->mss_ndn.bv_val ); return -1; } mp = ( monitor_entry_t * )e_time->e_private; mp->mp_children = NULL; ep = &mp->mp_children; int rc = -1; BER_BVSTR( &bv, "cn=Start" ); e = monitor_entry_stub( &ms->mss_dn, &ms->mss_ndn, &bv, mi->mi_oc_monitoredObject, NULL, NULL ); if ( e == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_time_init: " "unable to create entry \"%s,%s\"\n", bv.bv_val, ms->mss_ndn.bv_val ); goto bailout; } attr_merge_normalize_one( e, mi->mi_ad_monitorTimestamp, &mi->mi_startTime, NULL ); mp = monitor_entrypriv_create(); if ( mp == NULL ) { goto bailout; } e->e_private = ( void * )mp; mp->mp_info = ms; mp->mp_flags = ms->mss_flags \ | MONITOR_F_SUB | MONITOR_F_PERSISTENT; if ( monitor_cache_add( mi, e ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_time_init: " "unable to add entry \"%s,%s\"\n", bv.bv_val, ms->mss_ndn.bv_val ); goto bailout; } *ep = e; ep = &mp->mp_next; /* * Current */ BER_BVSTR( &bv, "cn=Current" ); e = monitor_entry_stub( &ms->mss_dn, &ms->mss_ndn, &bv, mi->mi_oc_monitoredObject, NULL, NULL ); if ( e == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_time_init: " "unable to create entry \"%s,%s\"\n", bv.bv_val, ms->mss_ndn.bv_val ); goto bailout; } attr_merge_normalize_one( e, mi->mi_ad_monitorTimestamp, &mi->mi_startTime, NULL ); mp = monitor_entrypriv_create(); if ( mp == NULL ) { goto bailout; } e->e_private = ( void * )mp; mp->mp_info = ms; mp->mp_flags = ms->mss_flags \ | MONITOR_F_SUB | MONITOR_F_PERSISTENT; if ( monitor_cache_add( mi, e ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_time_init: " "unable to add entry \"%s,%s\"\n", bv.bv_val, ms->mss_ndn.bv_val ); goto bailout; } *ep = e; ep = &mp->mp_next; /* * Uptime */ BER_BVSTR( &bv, "cn=Uptime" ); e = monitor_entry_stub( &ms->mss_dn, &ms->mss_ndn, &bv, mi->mi_oc_monitoredObject, NULL, NULL ); if ( e == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_time_init: " "unable to create entry \"%s,%s\"\n", bv.bv_val, ms->mss_ndn.bv_val ); goto bailout; } BER_BVSTR( &value, "0" ); attr_merge_normalize_one( e, mi->mi_ad_monitoredInfo, &value, NULL ); mp = monitor_entrypriv_create(); if ( mp == NULL ) { goto bailout; } e->e_private = ( void * )mp; mp->mp_info = ms; mp->mp_flags = ms->mss_flags \ | MONITOR_F_SUB | MONITOR_F_PERSISTENT; if ( monitor_cache_add( mi, e ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_time_init: " "unable to add entry \"%s,%s\"\n", bv.bv_val, ms->mss_ndn.bv_val ); goto bailout; } *ep = e; ep = &mp->mp_next; rc = 0; bailout: monitor_cache_release( mi, e_time ); return rc; }
int fe_op_bind( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs ) { BackendDB *bd = op->o_bd; /* check for inappropriate controls */ if( get_manageDSAit( op ) == SLAP_CONTROL_CRITICAL ) { send_ldap_error( op, rs, LDAP_UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION, "manageDSAit control inappropriate" ); goto cleanup; } if ( op->orb_method == LDAP_AUTH_SASL ) { if ( op->o_protocol < LDAP_VERSION3 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "do_bind: sasl with LDAPv%ld\n", (unsigned long)op->o_protocol, 0, 0 ); send_ldap_discon( op, rs, LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "SASL bind requires LDAPv3" ); rs->sr_err = SLAPD_DISCONNECT; goto cleanup; } if( BER_BVISNULL( &op->orb_mech ) || BER_BVISEMPTY( &op->orb_mech ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "do_bind: no sasl mechanism provided\n", 0, 0, 0 ); send_ldap_error( op, rs, LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED, "no SASL mechanism provided" ); goto cleanup; } /* check restrictions */ if( backend_check_restrictions( op, rs, &op->orb_mech ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { send_ldap_result( op, rs ); goto cleanup; } ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &op->o_conn->c_mutex ); if ( op->o_conn->c_sasl_bind_in_progress ) { if( !bvmatch( &op->o_conn->c_sasl_bind_mech, &op->orb_mech ) ) { /* mechanism changed between bind steps */ slap_sasl_reset(op->o_conn); } } else { ber_dupbv(&op->o_conn->c_sasl_bind_mech, &op->orb_mech); } /* Set the bindop for the benefit of in-directory SASL lookups */ op->o_conn->c_sasl_bindop = op; ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &op->o_conn->c_mutex ); rs->sr_err = slap_sasl_bind( op, rs ); goto cleanup; } else { /* Not SASL, cancel any in-progress bind */ ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &op->o_conn->c_mutex ); if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &op->o_conn->c_sasl_bind_mech ) ) { free( op->o_conn->c_sasl_bind_mech.bv_val ); BER_BVZERO( &op->o_conn->c_sasl_bind_mech ); } op->o_conn->c_sasl_bind_in_progress = 0; slap_sasl_reset( op->o_conn ); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &op->o_conn->c_mutex ); } if ( op->orb_method == LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE ) { BER_BVSTR( &op->orb_mech, "SIMPLE" ); /* accept "anonymous" binds */ if ( BER_BVISEMPTY( &op->orb_cred ) || BER_BVISEMPTY( &op->o_req_ndn ) ) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_SUCCESS; if( !BER_BVISEMPTY( &op->orb_cred ) && !( global_allows & SLAP_ALLOW_BIND_ANON_CRED )) { /* cred is not empty, disallow */ rs->sr_err = LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS; } else if ( !BER_BVISEMPTY( &op->o_req_ndn ) && !( global_allows & SLAP_ALLOW_BIND_ANON_DN )) { /* DN is not empty, disallow */ rs->sr_err = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; rs->sr_text = "unauthenticated bind (DN with no password) disallowed"; } else if ( global_disallows & SLAP_DISALLOW_BIND_ANON ) { /* disallow */ rs->sr_err = LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_AUTH; rs->sr_text = "anonymous bind disallowed"; } else { backend_check_restrictions( op, rs, &op->orb_mech ); } /* * we already forced connection to "anonymous", * just need to send success */ send_ldap_result( op, rs ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "do_bind: v%d anonymous bind\n", op->o_protocol, 0, 0 ); goto cleanup; } else if ( global_disallows & SLAP_DISALLOW_BIND_SIMPLE ) { /* disallow simple authentication */ rs->sr_err = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; rs->sr_text = "unwilling to perform simple authentication"; send_ldap_result( op, rs ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "do_bind: v%d simple bind(%s) disallowed\n", op->o_protocol, op->o_req_ndn.bv_val, 0 ); goto cleanup; } } else { rs->sr_err = LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED; rs->sr_text = "unknown authentication method"; send_ldap_result( op, rs ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "do_bind: v%d unknown authentication method (%d)\n", op->o_protocol, op->orb_method, 0 ); goto cleanup; } /* * We could be serving multiple database backends. Select the * appropriate one, or send a referral to our "referral server" * if we don't hold it. */ if ( (op->o_bd = select_backend( &op->o_req_ndn, 0 )) == NULL ) { /* don't return referral for bind requests */ /* noSuchObject is not allowed to be returned by bind */ rs->sr_err = LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS; op->o_bd = bd; send_ldap_result( op, rs ); goto cleanup; } /* check restrictions */ if( backend_check_restrictions( op, rs, NULL ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { send_ldap_result( op, rs ); goto cleanup; } if( op->o_bd->be_bind ) { op->o_conn->c_authz_cookie = NULL; rs->sr_err = (op->o_bd->be_bind)( op, rs ); if ( rs->sr_err == 0 ) { (void)fe_op_bind_success( op, rs ); } else if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &op->orb_edn ) ) { free( op->orb_edn.bv_val ); BER_BVZERO( &op->orb_edn ); } } else { send_ldap_error( op, rs, LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, "operation not supported within naming context" ); } cleanup:; op->o_bd = bd; return rs->sr_err; }
int monitor_subsys_rww_init( BackendDB *be, monitor_subsys_t *ms ) { monitor_info_t *mi; Entry **ep, *e_conn; monitor_entry_t *mp; int i; assert( be != NULL ); ms->mss_destroy = monitor_subsys_rww_destroy; ms->mss_update = monitor_subsys_rww_update; mi = ( monitor_info_t * )be->be_private; if ( monitor_cache_get( mi, &ms->mss_ndn, &e_conn ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_rww_init: " "unable to get entry \"%s\"\n", ms->mss_ndn.bv_val, 0, 0 ); return( -1 ); } mp = ( monitor_entry_t * )e_conn->e_private; mp->mp_children = NULL; ep = &mp->mp_children; for ( i = 0; i < MONITOR_RWW_LAST; i++ ) { struct berval nrdn, bv; Entry *e; e = monitor_entry_stub( &ms->mss_dn, &ms->mss_ndn, &monitor_rww[i].rdn, mi->mi_oc_monitorCounterObject, mi, NULL, NULL ); if ( e == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_rww_init: " "unable to create entry \"cn=Read,%s\"\n", ms->mss_ndn.bv_val, 0, 0 ); return( -1 ); } /* steal normalized RDN */ dnRdn( &e->e_nname, &nrdn ); ber_dupbv( &monitor_rww[ i ].nrdn, &nrdn ); BER_BVSTR( &bv, "0" ); attr_merge_one( e, mi->mi_ad_monitorCounter, &bv, NULL ); mp = monitor_entrypriv_create(); if ( mp == NULL ) { return -1; } e->e_private = ( void * )mp; mp->mp_info = ms; mp->mp_flags = ms->mss_flags \ | MONITOR_F_SUB | MONITOR_F_PERSISTENT; if ( monitor_cache_add( mi, e ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "monitor_subsys_rww_init: " "unable to add entry \"%s,%s\"\n", monitor_rww[ i ].rdn.bv_val, ms->mss_ndn.bv_val, 0 ); return( -1 ); } *ep = e; ep = &mp->mp_next; } monitor_cache_release( mi, e_conn ); return( 0 ); }
static int ldap_back_int_filter_map_rewrite( dncookie *dc, Filter *f, struct berval *fstr, int remap, void *memctx ) { int i; Filter *p; struct berval atmp, vtmp, *tmp; static struct berval /* better than nothing... */ ber_bvfalse = BER_BVC( "(!(objectClass=*))" ), ber_bvtf_false = BER_BVC( "(|)" ), /* better than nothing... */ ber_bvtrue = BER_BVC( "(objectClass=*)" ), ber_bvtf_true = BER_BVC( "(&)" ), #if 0 /* no longer needed; preserved for completeness */ ber_bvundefined = BER_BVC( "(?=undefined)" ), #endif ber_bverror = BER_BVC( "(?=error)" ), ber_bvunknown = BER_BVC( "(?=unknown)" ), ber_bvnone = BER_BVC( "(?=none)" ); ber_len_t len; assert( fstr != NULL ); BER_BVZERO( fstr ); if ( f == NULL ) { ber_dupbv_x( fstr, &ber_bvnone, memctx ); return LDAP_OTHER; } switch ( ( f->f_choice & SLAPD_FILTER_MASK ) ) { case LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY: if ( map_attr_value( dc, f->f_av_desc, &atmp, &f->f_av_value, &vtmp, remap, memctx ) ) { goto computed; } fstr->bv_len = atmp.bv_len + vtmp.bv_len + ( sizeof("(=)") - 1 ); fstr->bv_val = ber_memalloc_x( fstr->bv_len + 1, memctx ); snprintf( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, "(%s=%s)", atmp.bv_val, vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); ber_memfree_x( vtmp.bv_val, memctx ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_GE: if ( map_attr_value( dc, f->f_av_desc, &atmp, &f->f_av_value, &vtmp, remap, memctx ) ) { goto computed; } fstr->bv_len = atmp.bv_len + vtmp.bv_len + ( sizeof("(>=)") - 1 ); fstr->bv_val = ber_memalloc_x( fstr->bv_len + 1, memctx ); snprintf( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, "(%s>=%s)", atmp.bv_val, vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); ber_memfree_x( vtmp.bv_val, memctx ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_LE: if ( map_attr_value( dc, f->f_av_desc, &atmp, &f->f_av_value, &vtmp, remap, memctx ) ) { goto computed; } fstr->bv_len = atmp.bv_len + vtmp.bv_len + ( sizeof("(<=)") - 1 ); fstr->bv_val = ber_memalloc_x( fstr->bv_len + 1, memctx ); snprintf( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, "(%s<=%s)", atmp.bv_val, vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); ber_memfree_x( vtmp.bv_val, memctx ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_APPROX: if ( map_attr_value( dc, f->f_av_desc, &atmp, &f->f_av_value, &vtmp, remap, memctx ) ) { goto computed; } fstr->bv_len = atmp.bv_len + vtmp.bv_len + ( sizeof("(~=)") - 1 ); fstr->bv_val = ber_memalloc_x( fstr->bv_len + 1, memctx ); snprintf( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, "(%s~=%s)", atmp.bv_val, vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); ber_memfree_x( vtmp.bv_val, memctx ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS: if ( map_attr_value( dc, f->f_sub_desc, &atmp, NULL, NULL, remap, memctx ) ) { goto computed; } /* cannot be a DN ... */ fstr->bv_len = atmp.bv_len + ( STRLENOF( "(=*)" ) ); fstr->bv_val = ber_memalloc_x( fstr->bv_len + 128, memctx ); /* FIXME: why 128 ? */ snprintf( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, "(%s=*)", atmp.bv_val ); if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &f->f_sub_initial ) ) { len = fstr->bv_len; filter_escape_value_x( &f->f_sub_initial, &vtmp, memctx ); fstr->bv_len += vtmp.bv_len; fstr->bv_val = ber_memrealloc_x( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, memctx ); snprintf( &fstr->bv_val[len - 2], vtmp.bv_len + 3, /* "(attr=" */ "%s*)", vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); ber_memfree_x( vtmp.bv_val, memctx ); } if ( f->f_sub_any != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &f->f_sub_any[i] ); i++ ) { len = fstr->bv_len; filter_escape_value_x( &f->f_sub_any[i], &vtmp, memctx ); fstr->bv_len += vtmp.bv_len + 1; fstr->bv_val = ber_memrealloc_x( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, memctx ); snprintf( &fstr->bv_val[len - 1], vtmp.bv_len + 3, /* "(attr=[init]*[any*]" */ "%s*)", vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); ber_memfree_x( vtmp.bv_val, memctx ); } } if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &f->f_sub_final ) ) { len = fstr->bv_len; filter_escape_value_x( &f->f_sub_final, &vtmp, memctx ); fstr->bv_len += vtmp.bv_len; fstr->bv_val = ber_memrealloc_x( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, memctx ); snprintf( &fstr->bv_val[len - 1], vtmp.bv_len + 3, /* "(attr=[init*][any*]" */ "%s)", vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); ber_memfree_x( vtmp.bv_val, memctx ); } break; case LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT: if ( map_attr_value( dc, f->f_desc, &atmp, NULL, NULL, remap, memctx ) ) { goto computed; } fstr->bv_len = atmp.bv_len + ( STRLENOF( "(=*)" ) ); fstr->bv_val = ber_memalloc_x( fstr->bv_len + 1, memctx ); snprintf( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, "(%s=*)", atmp.bv_val ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_AND: case LDAP_FILTER_OR: case LDAP_FILTER_NOT: fstr->bv_len = STRLENOF( "(%)" ); fstr->bv_val = ber_memalloc_x( fstr->bv_len + 128, memctx ); /* FIXME: why 128? */ snprintf( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, "(%c)", f->f_choice == LDAP_FILTER_AND ? '&' : f->f_choice == LDAP_FILTER_OR ? '|' : '!' ); for ( p = f->f_list; p != NULL; p = p->f_next ) { int rc; len = fstr->bv_len; rc = ldap_back_int_filter_map_rewrite( dc, p, &vtmp, remap, memctx ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { return rc; } fstr->bv_len += vtmp.bv_len; fstr->bv_val = ber_memrealloc_x( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, memctx ); snprintf( &fstr->bv_val[len-1], vtmp.bv_len + 2, /*"("*/ "%s)", vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); ber_memfree_x( vtmp.bv_val, memctx ); } break; case LDAP_FILTER_EXT: if ( f->f_mr_desc ) { if ( map_attr_value( dc, f->f_mr_desc, &atmp, &f->f_mr_value, &vtmp, remap, memctx ) ) { goto computed; } } else { BER_BVSTR( &atmp, "" ); filter_escape_value_x( &f->f_mr_value, &vtmp, memctx ); } /* FIXME: cleanup (less ?: operators...) */ fstr->bv_len = atmp.bv_len + ( f->f_mr_dnattrs ? STRLENOF( ":dn" ) : 0 ) + ( !BER_BVISEMPTY( &f->f_mr_rule_text ) ? f->f_mr_rule_text.bv_len + 1 : 0 ) + vtmp.bv_len + ( STRLENOF( "(:=)" ) ); fstr->bv_val = ber_memalloc_x( fstr->bv_len + 1, memctx ); snprintf( fstr->bv_val, fstr->bv_len + 1, "(%s%s%s%s:=%s)", atmp.bv_val, f->f_mr_dnattrs ? ":dn" : "", !BER_BVISEMPTY( &f->f_mr_rule_text ) ? ":" : "", !BER_BVISEMPTY( &f->f_mr_rule_text ) ? f->f_mr_rule_text.bv_val : "", vtmp.bv_len ? vtmp.bv_val : "" ); ber_memfree_x( vtmp.bv_val, memctx ); break; case SLAPD_FILTER_COMPUTED: switch ( f->f_result ) { /* FIXME: treat UNDEFINED as FALSE */ case SLAPD_COMPARE_UNDEFINED: computed:; if ( META_BACK_TGT_NOUNDEFFILTER( dc->target ) ) { return LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE; } /* fallthru */ case LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE: if ( META_BACK_TGT_T_F( dc->target ) ) { tmp = &ber_bvtf_false; break; } tmp = &ber_bvfalse; break; case LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE: if ( META_BACK_TGT_T_F( dc->target ) ) { tmp = &ber_bvtf_true; break; } tmp = &ber_bvtrue; break; default: tmp = &ber_bverror; break; } ber_dupbv_x( fstr, tmp, memctx ); break; default: ber_dupbv_x( fstr, &ber_bvunknown, memctx ); break; } return 0; }
static int dynlist_prepare_entry( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs, dynlist_info_t *dli ) { Attribute *a, *id = NULL; slap_callback cb; Operation o = *op; SlapReply r = { REP_SEARCH }; struct berval *url; Entry *e; slap_mask_t e_flags; int opattrs, userattrs; dynlist_sc_t dlc = { 0 }; dynlist_map_t *dlm; a = attrs_find( rs->sr_entry->e_attrs, dli->dli_ad ); if ( a == NULL ) { /* FIXME: error? */ return SLAP_CB_CONTINUE; } #ifndef SLAP_OPATTRS opattrs = ( rs->sr_attrs == NULL ) ? 0 : an_find( rs->sr_attrs, &AllOper ); userattrs = ( rs->sr_attrs == NULL ) ? 1 : an_find( rs->sr_attrs, &AllUser ); #else /* SLAP_OPATTRS */ opattrs = SLAP_OPATTRS( rs->sr_attr_flags ); userattrs = SLAP_USERATTRS( rs->sr_attr_flags ); #endif /* SLAP_OPATTRS */ /* Don't generate member list if it wasn't requested */ for ( dlm = dli->dli_dlm; dlm; dlm = dlm->dlm_next ) { if ( userattrs || ad_inlist( dlm->dlm_member_ad, rs->sr_attrs ) ) break; } if ( dli->dli_dlm && !dlm ) return SLAP_CB_CONTINUE; if ( ad_dgIdentity && ( id = attrs_find( rs->sr_entry->e_attrs, ad_dgIdentity ))) { Attribute *authz = NULL; /* if not rootdn and dgAuthz is present, * check if user can be authorized as dgIdentity */ if ( ad_dgAuthz && !BER_BVISEMPTY( &id->a_nvals[0] ) && !be_isroot( op ) && ( authz = attrs_find( rs->sr_entry->e_attrs, ad_dgAuthz ) ) ) { if ( slap_sasl_matches( op, authz->a_nvals, &o.o_ndn, &o.o_ndn ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { return SLAP_CB_CONTINUE; } } o.o_dn = id->a_vals[0]; o.o_ndn = id->a_nvals[0]; o.o_groups = NULL; } if ( !( rs->sr_flags & REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE ) ) { e = entry_dup( rs->sr_entry ); } else { e = rs->sr_entry; } e_flags = rs->sr_flags | ( REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE | REP_ENTRY_MUSTBEFREED ); dlc.dlc_e = e; dlc.dlc_dli = dli; cb.sc_private = &dlc; cb.sc_response = dynlist_sc_update; cb.sc_cleanup = NULL; cb.sc_next = NULL; o.o_callback = &cb; o.ors_deref = LDAP_DEREF_NEVER; o.ors_limit = NULL; o.ors_tlimit = SLAP_NO_LIMIT; o.ors_slimit = SLAP_NO_LIMIT; for ( url = a->a_nvals; !BER_BVISNULL( url ); url++ ) { LDAPURLDesc *lud = NULL; int i, j; struct berval dn; int rc; dynlist_map_t *dlm; BER_BVZERO( &o.o_req_dn ); BER_BVZERO( &o.o_req_ndn ); o.ors_filter = NULL; o.ors_attrs = NULL; BER_BVZERO( &o.ors_filterstr ); if ( ldap_url_parse( url->bv_val, &lud ) != LDAP_URL_SUCCESS ) { /* FIXME: error? */ continue; } if ( lud->lud_host != NULL ) { /* FIXME: host not allowed; reject as illegal? */ Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dynlist_prepare_entry(\"%s\"): " "illegal URI \"%s\"\n", e->e_name.bv_val, url->bv_val, 0 ); goto cleanup; } if ( lud->lud_dn == NULL ) { /* note that an empty base is not honored in terms * of defaultSearchBase, because select_backend() * is not aware of the defaultSearchBase option; * this can be useful in case of a database serving * the empty suffix */ BER_BVSTR( &dn, "" ); } else { ber_str2bv( lud->lud_dn, 0, 0, &dn ); } rc = dnPrettyNormal( NULL, &dn, &o.o_req_dn, &o.o_req_ndn, op->o_tmpmemctx ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { /* FIXME: error? */ goto cleanup; } o.ors_scope = lud->lud_scope; for ( dlm = dli->dli_dlm; dlm; dlm = dlm->dlm_next ) { if ( dlm->dlm_mapped_ad != NULL ) { break; } } if ( dli->dli_dlm && !dlm ) { /* if ( lud->lud_attrs != NULL ), * the URL should be ignored */ o.ors_attrs = slap_anlist_no_attrs; } else if ( lud->lud_attrs == NULL ) { o.ors_attrs = rs->sr_attrs; } else { for ( i = 0; lud->lud_attrs[i]; i++) /* just count */ ; o.ors_attrs = op->o_tmpcalloc( i + 1, sizeof( AttributeName ), op->o_tmpmemctx ); for ( i = 0, j = 0; lud->lud_attrs[i]; i++) { const char *text = NULL; ber_str2bv( lud->lud_attrs[i], 0, 0, &o.ors_attrs[j].an_name ); o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc = NULL; (void)slap_bv2ad( &o.ors_attrs[j].an_name, &o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc, &text ); /* FIXME: ignore errors... */ if ( rs->sr_attrs == NULL ) { if ( o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc != NULL && is_at_operational( o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc->ad_type ) ) { continue; } } else { if ( o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc != NULL && is_at_operational( o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc->ad_type ) ) { if ( !opattrs && !ad_inlist( o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc, rs->sr_attrs ) ) { continue; } } else { if ( !userattrs && o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc != NULL && !ad_inlist( o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc, rs->sr_attrs ) ) { continue; } } } j++; } if ( j == 0 ) { goto cleanup; } BER_BVZERO( &o.ors_attrs[j].an_name ); } if ( lud->lud_filter == NULL ) { ber_dupbv_x( &o.ors_filterstr, &dli->dli_default_filter, op->o_tmpmemctx ); } else { struct berval flt; ber_str2bv( lud->lud_filter, 0, 0, &flt ); if ( dynlist_make_filter( op, &flt, &o.ors_filterstr ) ) { /* error */ goto cleanup; } } o.ors_filter = str2filter_x( op, o.ors_filterstr.bv_val ); if ( o.ors_filter == NULL ) { goto cleanup; } o.o_bd = select_backend( &o.o_req_ndn, 1 ); if ( o.o_bd && o.o_bd->be_search ) { #ifdef SLAP_OPATTRS r.sr_attr_flags = slap_attr_flags( o.ors_attrs ); #endif /* SLAP_OPATTRS */ (void)o.o_bd->be_search( &o, &r ); } cleanup:; if ( id ) { slap_op_groups_free( &o ); } if ( o.ors_filter ) { filter_free_x( &o, o.ors_filter ); } if ( o.ors_attrs && o.ors_attrs != rs->sr_attrs && o.ors_attrs != slap_anlist_no_attrs ) { op->o_tmpfree( o.ors_attrs, op->o_tmpmemctx ); } if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &o.o_req_dn ) ) { op->o_tmpfree( o.o_req_dn.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); } if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &o.o_req_ndn ) ) { op->o_tmpfree( o.o_req_ndn.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); } assert( BER_BVISNULL( &o.ors_filterstr ) || o.ors_filterstr.bv_val != lud->lud_filter ); op->o_tmpfree( o.ors_filterstr.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); ldap_free_urldesc( lud ); } rs->sr_entry = e; rs->sr_flags = e_flags; return SLAP_CB_CONTINUE; }
/* Called for all modify and modrdn ops. If the current op was replicated * from elsewhere, all of the attrs should already be present. */ void slap_mods_opattrs( Operation *op, Modifications **modsp, int manage_ctxcsn ) { struct berval name, timestamp, csn = BER_BVNULL; struct berval nname; char timebuf[ LDAP_LUTIL_GENTIME_BUFSIZE ]; char csnbuf[ LDAP_LUTIL_CSNSTR_BUFSIZE ]; Modifications *mod, **modtail, *modlast; int gotcsn = 0, gotmname = 0, gotmtime = 0; if ( SLAP_LASTMOD( op->o_bd ) && !op->orm_no_opattrs ) { char *ptr; timestamp.bv_val = timebuf; for ( modtail = modsp; *modtail; modtail = &(*modtail)->sml_next ) { if ( (*modtail)->sml_op != LDAP_MOD_ADD && (*modtail)->sml_op != SLAP_MOD_SOFTADD && (*modtail)->sml_op != LDAP_MOD_REPLACE ) { continue; } if ( (*modtail)->sml_desc == slap_schema.si_ad_entryCSN ) { csn = (*modtail)->sml_values[0]; gotcsn = 1; } else if ( (*modtail)->sml_desc == slap_schema.si_ad_modifiersName ) { gotmname = 1; } else if ( (*modtail)->sml_desc == slap_schema.si_ad_modifyTimestamp ) { gotmtime = 1; } } if ( BER_BVISEMPTY( &op->o_csn )) { if ( !gotcsn ) { csn.bv_val = csnbuf; csn.bv_len = sizeof( csnbuf ); slap_get_csn( op, &csn, manage_ctxcsn ); } else { if ( manage_ctxcsn ) { slap_queue_csn( op, &csn ); } } } else { csn = op->o_csn; } ptr = ber_bvchr( &csn, '#' ); if ( ptr ) { timestamp.bv_len = STRLENOF("YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ"); AC_MEMCPY( timebuf, csn.bv_val, timestamp.bv_len ); timebuf[timestamp.bv_len-1] = 'Z'; timebuf[timestamp.bv_len] = '\0'; } else { time_t now = slap_get_time(); timestamp.bv_len = sizeof(timebuf); slap_timestamp( &now, ×tamp ); } if ( BER_BVISEMPTY( &op->o_dn ) ) { BER_BVSTR( &name, SLAPD_ANONYMOUS ); nname = name; } else { name = op->o_dn; nname = op->o_ndn; } if ( !gotcsn ) { mod = (Modifications *) ch_malloc( sizeof( Modifications ) ); mod->sml_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mod->sml_flags = SLAP_MOD_INTERNAL; mod->sml_next = NULL; BER_BVZERO( &mod->sml_type ); mod->sml_desc = slap_schema.si_ad_entryCSN; mod->sml_numvals = 1; mod->sml_values = (BerVarray) ch_malloc( 2 * sizeof( struct berval ) ); ber_dupbv( &mod->sml_values[0], &csn ); BER_BVZERO( &mod->sml_values[1] ); assert( !BER_BVISNULL( &mod->sml_values[0] ) ); mod->sml_nvalues = NULL; *modtail = mod; modlast = mod; modtail = &mod->sml_next; } if ( !gotmname ) { mod = (Modifications *) ch_malloc( sizeof( Modifications ) ); mod->sml_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mod->sml_flags = SLAP_MOD_INTERNAL; mod->sml_next = NULL; BER_BVZERO( &mod->sml_type ); mod->sml_desc = slap_schema.si_ad_modifiersName; mod->sml_numvals = 1; mod->sml_values = (BerVarray) ch_malloc( 2 * sizeof( struct berval ) ); ber_dupbv( &mod->sml_values[0], &name ); BER_BVZERO( &mod->sml_values[1] ); assert( !BER_BVISNULL( &mod->sml_values[0] ) ); mod->sml_nvalues = (BerVarray) ch_malloc( 2 * sizeof( struct berval ) ); ber_dupbv( &mod->sml_nvalues[0], &nname ); BER_BVZERO( &mod->sml_nvalues[1] ); assert( !BER_BVISNULL( &mod->sml_nvalues[0] ) ); *modtail = mod; modtail = &mod->sml_next; } if ( !gotmtime ) { mod = (Modifications *) ch_malloc( sizeof( Modifications ) ); mod->sml_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mod->sml_flags = SLAP_MOD_INTERNAL; mod->sml_next = NULL; BER_BVZERO( &mod->sml_type ); mod->sml_desc = slap_schema.si_ad_modifyTimestamp; mod->sml_numvals = 1; mod->sml_values = (BerVarray) ch_malloc( 2 * sizeof( struct berval ) ); ber_dupbv( &mod->sml_values[0], ×tamp ); BER_BVZERO( &mod->sml_values[1] ); assert( !BER_BVISNULL( &mod->sml_values[0] ) ); mod->sml_nvalues = NULL; *modtail = mod; modtail = &mod->sml_next; } } }
static int retcode_db_open( BackendDB *be, ConfigReply *cr) { slap_overinst *on = (slap_overinst *)be->bd_info; retcode_t *rd = (retcode_t *)on->on_bi.bi_private; retcode_item_t *rdi; for ( rdi = rd->rd_item; rdi; rdi = rdi->rdi_next ) { LDAPRDN rdn = NULL; int rc, j; char* p; struct berval val[ 3 ]; char buf[ SLAP_TEXT_BUFLEN ]; /* DN */ rdi->rdi_e.e_name = rdi->rdi_dn; rdi->rdi_e.e_nname = rdi->rdi_ndn; /* objectClass */ val[ 0 ] = oc_errObject->soc_cname; val[ 1 ] = slap_schema.si_oc_extensibleObject->soc_cname; BER_BVZERO( &val[ 2 ] ); attr_merge( &rdi->rdi_e, slap_schema.si_ad_objectClass, val, NULL ); /* RDN avas */ rc = ldap_bv2rdn( &rdi->rdi_dn, &rdn, (char **) &p, LDAP_DN_FORMAT_LDAP ); assert( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS ); for ( j = 0; rdn[ j ]; j++ ) { LDAPAVA *ava = rdn[ j ]; AttributeDescription *ad = NULL; const char *text; rc = slap_bv2ad( &ava->la_attr, &ad, &text ); assert( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS ); attr_merge_normalize_one( &rdi->rdi_e, ad, &ava->la_value, NULL ); } ldap_rdnfree( rdn ); /* error code */ snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%d", rdi->rdi_err ); ber_str2bv( buf, 0, 0, &val[ 0 ] ); attr_merge_one( &rdi->rdi_e, ad_errCode, &val[ 0 ], NULL ); if ( rdi->rdi_ref != NULL ) { attr_merge_normalize( &rdi->rdi_e, slap_schema.si_ad_ref, rdi->rdi_ref, NULL ); } /* text */ if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &rdi->rdi_text ) ) { val[ 0 ] = rdi->rdi_text; attr_merge_normalize_one( &rdi->rdi_e, ad_errText, &val[ 0 ], NULL ); } /* matched */ if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &rdi->rdi_matched ) ) { val[ 0 ] = rdi->rdi_matched; attr_merge_normalize_one( &rdi->rdi_e, ad_errMatchedDN, &val[ 0 ], NULL ); } /* sleep time */ if ( rdi->rdi_sleeptime ) { snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%d", rdi->rdi_sleeptime ); ber_str2bv( buf, 0, 0, &val[ 0 ] ); attr_merge_one( &rdi->rdi_e, ad_errSleepTime, &val[ 0 ], NULL ); } /* operations */ if ( rdi->rdi_mask & SN_DG_OP_ADD ) { BER_BVSTR( &val[ 0 ], "add" ); attr_merge_normalize_one( &rdi->rdi_e, ad_errOp, &val[ 0 ], NULL ); } if ( rdi->rdi_mask & SN_DG_OP_BIND ) { BER_BVSTR( &val[ 0 ], "bind" ); attr_merge_normalize_one( &rdi->rdi_e, ad_errOp, &val[ 0 ], NULL ); } if ( rdi->rdi_mask & SN_DG_OP_COMPARE ) { BER_BVSTR( &val[ 0 ], "compare" ); attr_merge_normalize_one( &rdi->rdi_e, ad_errOp, &val[ 0 ], NULL ); } if ( rdi->rdi_mask & SN_DG_OP_DELETE ) { BER_BVSTR( &val[ 0 ], "delete" ); attr_merge_normalize_one( &rdi->rdi_e, ad_errOp, &val[ 0 ], NULL ); } if ( rdi->rdi_mask & SN_DG_EXTENDED ) { BER_BVSTR( &val[ 0 ], "extended" ); attr_merge_normalize_one( &rdi->rdi_e, ad_errOp, &val[ 0 ], NULL ); } if ( rdi->rdi_mask & SN_DG_OP_MODIFY ) { BER_BVSTR( &val[ 0 ], "modify" ); attr_merge_normalize_one( &rdi->rdi_e, ad_errOp, &val[ 0 ], NULL ); } if ( rdi->rdi_mask & SN_DG_OP_RENAME ) { BER_BVSTR( &val[ 0 ], "rename" ); attr_merge_normalize_one( &rdi->rdi_e, ad_errOp, &val[ 0 ], NULL ); } if ( rdi->rdi_mask & SN_DG_OP_SEARCH ) { BER_BVSTR( &val[ 0 ], "search" ); attr_merge_normalize_one( &rdi->rdi_e, ad_errOp, &val[ 0 ], NULL ); } } return 0; }