Ejemplo n.º 1
static id0_boolean_t LoadObject(BE_FILE_T file, objtype *o)
	id0_int_t dummy;
	// for active enum (anonymous type)
	id0_int_t activeint;
	id0_word_t statedosoffset;
	// Just tells if "o->next" is zero or not
	id0_int_t isnext;
	// Now reading
	size_t BE_Cross_read_classtype_From16LE(BE_FILE_T fp, classtype *ptr);
	size_t BE_Cross_read_dirtype_From16LE(BE_FILE_T fp, dirtype *ptr);
	if ((BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &activeint) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->ticcount) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_read_classtype_From16LE(file, &o->obclass) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &statedosoffset) != 2) // BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY
	    || (BE_Cross_read_boolean_From16LE(file, &o->shootable) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_read_boolean_From16LE(file, &o->tileobject) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt32LE(file, &o->distance) != 4)
	    || (BE_Cross_read_dirtype_From16LE(file, &o->dir) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt32LE(file, &o->x) != 4)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt32LE(file, &o->y) != 4)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->tilex) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->tiley) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->viewx) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->viewheight) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->angle) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->hitpoints) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt32LE(file, &o->speed) != 4)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->size) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt32LE(file, &o->xl) != 4)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt32LE(file, &o->xh) != 4)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt32LE(file, &o->yl) != 4)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt32LE(file, &o->yh) != 4)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->temp1) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->temp2) != 2)
	    // No need to read prev pointer as-is,
	    // this is ignored on loading. So read dummy value.
	    // Furthermore, all we need to know about next on loading is
	    // if it's zero or not.
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &isnext) != 2) // next
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt8LEBuffer(file, &dummy, 2) != 2) // prev
		return false;
	o->active = (activetype)activeint;
	o->state = RefKeen_GetObjStatePtrFromDOSPointer(statedosoffset);
	// HACK: All we need to know is if next was originally NULL or not
	o->next = isnext ? o : NULL;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static id0_boolean_t LoadObject(BE_FILE_T file, objtype *o)
	id0_int_t dummy;
	// for active enum (anonymous type)
	id0_int_t activeint;
	id0_word_t statedosoffset;
	// Just tells if "o->next" is zero or not
	id0_int_t isnext;
	// Now reading
	size_t BE_Cross_read_classtype_From16LE(BE_FILE_T fp, classtype *ptr);
	if ((BE_Cross_read_classtype_From16LE(file, &o->obclass) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &activeint) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_read_boolean_From16LE(file, &o->needtoreact) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_read_boolean_From16LE(file, &o->needtoclip) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->nothink) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->x) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->y) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->xdir) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->ydir) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->xmove) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->ymove) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->xspeed) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->yspeed) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->ticcount) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->ticadjust) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &statedosoffset) != 2) // BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->shapenum) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->left) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->top) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->right) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->bottom) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->midx) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->tileleft) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->tiletop) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->tileright) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->tilebottom) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->tilemidx) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->hitnorth) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->hiteast) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->hitsouth) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->hitwest) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->temp1) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->temp2) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->temp3) != 2)
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &o->temp4) != 2)
	    // No need to read sprite, prev pointers as-is,
	    // these are ignored on loading. So read dummy value.
	    // Furthermore, all we need to know about next on loading is
	    // if it's zero or not.
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &dummy) != 2) // sprite
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &isnext) != 2) // next
	    || (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &dummy) != 2) // prev
		return false;
	o->active = (activetype)activeint;
	o->state = RefKeen_GetObjStatePtrFromDOSPointer(statedosoffset);
	// ANOTHER SPECIAL CASE (for almost all creatures as flowers)
	o->temp2stateptr = RefKeen_GetObjStatePtrFromDOSPointer(o->temp2);
	// HACK: All we need to know is if next was originally NULL or not
	o->next = isnext ? o : NULL;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
id0_boolean_t	LoadTheGame(BE_FILE_T file)
	id0_unsigned_t	i,x,y;
	objtype		/**obj,*/*prev,*next,*followed;
	id0_unsigned_t	compressed,expanded;
	id0_unsigned_t	id0_far *map,tile;
	memptr		bigbuffer;

	screenpage = 0;

	playstate = ex_loadedgame;
	// load the sky and ground colors
	// REFKEEN - But not before converting from original 16-bit pointers (reusing i variable)
	if (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &i) != 2)
	//if (!CA_FarRead(file,(void id0_far *)&skycolor,sizeof(skycolor)))
	skycolor = GetSkyGndColorPtrFromDOSPointer(i);
	if (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &i) != 2)
	//if (!CA_FarRead(file,(void id0_far *)&groundcolor,sizeof(groundcolor)))
	groundcolor = GetSkyGndColorPtrFromDOSPointer(i);

	if (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &FreezeTime) != 2)
	//if (!CA_FarRead(file,(void id0_far *)&FreezeTime,sizeof(FreezeTime)))

	// (REFKEEN) Reading fields one-by-one in a cross-platform manner
	if (!LoadGameState(file, &gamestate))
	//if (!CA_FarRead(file,(void id0_far *)&gamestate,sizeof(gamestate)))

	if (BE_Cross_read_boolean_From16LE(file, &EASYMODEON) != 2)
	//if (!CA_FarRead(file,(void id0_far *)&EASYMODEON,sizeof(EASYMODEON)))

	SetupGameLevel ();		// load in and cache the base old level

	// Don't do this check, we've already opened the file anyway
	// and this can lead to unexpected behaviors!
#if 0
	if (!FindRewritableFile(Filename,"SAVE GAME",-1))
		Quit("Error: Can't find saved game file!");

	expanded = mapwidth * mapheight * 2;
	MM_GetPtr (&bigbuffer,expanded);

	for (i = 0;i < 3;i+=2)	// Read planes 0 and 2
		if (BE_Cross_readInt16LE(file, &compressed) != 2)
		//if (!CA_FarRead(file,(id0_byte_t id0_far *)&compressed,sizeof(compressed)) )
			MM_FreePtr (&bigbuffer);

		if (BE_Cross_readInt16LEBuffer(file, bigbuffer, compressed) != compressed)
		//if (!CA_FarRead(file,(id0_byte_t id0_far *)bigbuffer,compressed) )
			MM_FreePtr (&bigbuffer);

		CA_RLEWexpand ((id0_unsigned_t id0_huge *)bigbuffer,
			(id0_unsigned_t id0_huge *)mapsegs[i],expanded,RLETAG);

	MM_FreePtr (&bigbuffer);
// copy the wall data to a data segment array again, to handle doors and
// bomb walls that are allready opened
	memset (tilemap,0,sizeof(tilemap));
	memset (actorat,0,sizeof(actorat));
	map = mapsegs[0];
	for (y=0;y<mapheight;y++)
		for (x=0;x<mapwidth;x++)
			tile = *map++;
			if (tile<NUMFLOORS)
				if (tile != INVISIBLEWALL)
					tilemap[x][y] = tile;
				if (tile>0)
					actorat[x][y] = tile;
					//(id0_unsigned_t)actorat[x][y] = tile;

	// Read the object list back in - assumes at least one object in list

	InitObjList ();
	newobj = player;
	while (true)
		prev = newobj->prev;
		next = newobj->next;
		// (REFKEEN) Reading fields one-by-one in a cross-platform manner
		if (!LoadObject(file, newobj))
		//if (!CA_FarRead(file,(void id0_far *)newobj,sizeof(objtype)))
		followed = newobj->next;
		newobj->prev = prev;
		newobj->next = next;
		actorat[newobj->tilex][newobj->tiley] = COMPAT_OBJ_CONVERT_OBJ_PTR_TO_DOS_PTR(newobj);	// drop a new marker
		//actorat[newobj->tilex][newobj->tiley] = newobj;	// drop a new marker

		if (followed)
			GetNewObj (false);
