 * equivalent to ``shell_angle_to_dist(angle_normalized_v3v3(a, b))``
MINLINE float shell_v3v3_normalized_to_dist(const float a[3], const float b[3])
	const float angle_cos = fabsf(dot_v3v3(a, b));
	return (UNLIKELY(angle_cos < SMALL_NUMBER)) ? 1.0f : (1.0f / angle_cos);
 * equivalent to ``shell_angle_to_dist(angle_normalized_v3v3(a, b) / 2)``
MINLINE float shell_v3v3_mid_normalized_to_dist(const float a[3], const float b[3])
	float angle_cos;
	float ab[3];
	add_v3_v3v3(ab, a, b);
	angle_cos = (normalize_v3(ab) != 0.0f) ? fabsf(dot_v3v3(a, ab)) : 0.0f;
	return (UNLIKELY(angle_cos < SMALL_NUMBER)) ? 1.0f : (1.0f / angle_cos);
Ejemplo n.º 3
float angle_normalized_v3v3(const float v1[3], const float v2[3])
	/* double check they are normalized */

	/* this is the same as acos(dot_v3v3(v1, v2)), but more accurate */
	if (dot_v3v3(v1, v2) >= 0.0f) {
		return 2.0f * saasin(len_v3v3(v1, v2) / 2.0f);
	else {
		float v2_n[3];
		negate_v3_v3(v2_n, v2);
		return (float)M_PI - 2.0f * saasin(len_v3v3(v1, v2_n) / 2.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* adjust bone roll to align Z axis with vector
 * vec is in local space and is normalized
float ED_armature_ebone_roll_to_vector(const EditBone *bone, const float align_axis[3], const bool axis_only)
	float mat[3][3], nor[3];
	float vec[3], align_axis_proj[3], roll = 0.0f;


	sub_v3_v3v3(nor, bone->tail, bone->head);

	/* If tail == head or the bone is aligned with the axis... */
	if (normalize_v3(nor) <= FLT_EPSILON || (fabsf(dot_v3v3(align_axis, nor)) >= (1.0f - FLT_EPSILON))) {
		return roll;

	vec_roll_to_mat3_normalized(nor, 0.0f, mat);

	/* project the new_up_axis along the normal */
	project_v3_v3v3_normalized(vec, align_axis, nor);
	sub_v3_v3v3(align_axis_proj, align_axis, vec);

	if (axis_only) {
		if (angle_v3v3(align_axis_proj, mat[2]) > (float)(M_PI_2)) {

	roll = angle_v3v3(align_axis_proj, mat[2]);

	cross_v3_v3v3(vec, mat[2], align_axis_proj);

	if (dot_v3v3(vec, nor) < 0.0f) {
		return -roll;
	return roll;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Specialized function for calculating normals.
 * fastpath for:
 * \code{.c}
 * add_v3_v3v3(r, a, b);
 * normalize_v3(r)
 * mul_v3_fl(r, angle_normalized_v3v3(a, b) / M_PI_2);
 * \endcode
 * We can use the length of (a + b) to calculate the angle.
void mid_v3_v3v3_angle_weighted(float r[3], const float a[3], const float b[3])
	/* trick, we want the middle of 2 normals as well as the angle between them
	 * avoid multiple calculations by */
	float angle;

	/* double check they are normalized */

	add_v3_v3v3(r, a, b);
	angle = ((float)(1.0 / (M_PI / 2.0)) *
	         /* normally we would only multiply by 2,
	          * but instead of an angle make this 0-1 factor */
	         2.0f) *
	        acosf(normalize_v3(r) / 2.0f);
	mul_v3_fl(r, angle);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Returns a reflection vector from a vector and a normal vector
 * reflect = vec - ((2 * DotVecs(vec, mirror)) * mirror)
void reflect_v3_v3v3(float out[3], const float vec[3], const float normal[3])
	const float dot2 = 2.0f * dot_v3v3(vec, normal);


	out[0] = vec[0] - (dot2 * normal[0]);
	out[1] = vec[1] - (dot2 * normal[1]);
	out[2] = vec[2] - (dot2 * normal[2]);
Ejemplo n.º 7
float angle_normalized_v3v3(const float v1[3], const float v2[3])
	/* double check they are normalized */

	/* this is the same as acos(dot_v3v3(v1, v2)), but more accurate */
	if (dot_v3v3(v1, v2) < 0.0f) {
		float vec[3];

		vec[0] = -v2[0];
		vec[1] = -v2[1];
		vec[2] = -v2[2];

		return (float)M_PI - 2.0f * (float)saasin(len_v3v3(vec, v1) / 2.0f);
		return 2.0f * (float)saasin(len_v3v3(v2, v1) / 2.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * slerp, treat vectors as spherical coordinates
 * \see #interp_qt_qtqt
 * \return success
bool interp_v3_v3v3_slerp(float target[3], const float a[3], const float b[3], const float t)
	float cosom, w[2];


	cosom = dot_v3v3(a, b);

	/* direct opposites */
	if (UNLIKELY(cosom < (-1.0f + FLT_EPSILON))) {
		return false;

	interp_dot_slerp(t, cosom, w);

	target[0] = w[0] * a[0] + w[1] * b[0];
	target[1] = w[0] * a[1] + w[1] * b[1];
	target[2] = w[0] * a[2] + w[1] * b[2];

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
/* Rotate a point p by angle theta around an arbitrary axis r
 * http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/
void rotate_normalized_v3_v3v3fl(float r[3], const float p[3], const float axis[3], const float angle)
	const float costheta = cosf(angle);
	const float sintheta = sinf(angle);

	/* double check they are normalized */

	r[0] = ((costheta + (1 - costheta) * axis[0] * axis[0]) * p[0]) +
	       (((1 - costheta) * axis[0] * axis[1] - axis[2] * sintheta) * p[1]) +
	       (((1 - costheta) * axis[0] * axis[2] + axis[1] * sintheta) * p[2]);

	r[1] = (((1 - costheta) * axis[0] * axis[1] + axis[2] * sintheta) * p[0]) +
	       ((costheta + (1 - costheta) * axis[1] * axis[1]) * p[1]) +
	       (((1 - costheta) * axis[1] * axis[2] - axis[0] * sintheta) * p[2]);

	r[2] = (((1 - costheta) * axis[0] * axis[2] - axis[1] * sintheta) * p[0]) +
	       (((1 - costheta) * axis[1] * axis[2] + axis[0] * sintheta) * p[1]) +
	       ((costheta + (1 - costheta) * axis[2] * axis[2]) * p[2]);