static void UpdateDataGeneral(__in HWND hDlg, PSHWZCNET pwzcnet, INT *pnMeta, BOOL fSetControl) { BOOL bCheck = FALSE; DDX_Comb(hDlg, IDC_WZC_COMBO_CONNECT_TO, pnMeta, fSetControl); if (fSetControl) { // Set SSID DDX_Text(hDlg, IDC_WZC_EDIT_SSID, pwzcnet->szName, 0, TRUE); // Check ADHOC network bCheck = BOOLIFY(pwzcnet->dwFlags & SHWZCF_NET_ADHOC); DDX_Check(hDlg, IDC_WZC_CHECK_ADHOC, &bCheck, TRUE); // Hidden network checkbox bCheck = BOOLIFY(pwzcnet->dwFlags & SHWZCF_NET_REQUIRE_WZC_PROBE); DDX_Check(hDlg, IDC_WZC_CHECK_HIDDEN, &bCheck, TRUE); } else { DDX_Text (hDlg, IDC_WZC_EDIT_SSID, pwzcnet->szName, ARRAYSIZE(pwzcnet->szName), FALSE); DDX_Check(hDlg, IDC_WZC_CHECK_ADHOC, &bCheck, FALSE); pwzcnet->dwFlags = (pwzcnet->dwFlags & ~SHWZCF_NET_ADHOC) | (bCheck ? SHWZCF_NET_ADHOC : 0); DDX_Check(hDlg, IDC_WZC_CHECK_HIDDEN, &bCheck, FALSE); pwzcnet->dwFlags = (pwzcnet->dwFlags & ~SHWZCF_NET_REQUIRE_WZC_PROBE) | (bCheck ? SHWZCF_NET_REQUIRE_WZC_PROBE : 0); } }
static HRESULT OnConnect(PWLAN_INFO psInfo, INT iItem) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PCSHWZCNET pwzcnet = (PCSHWZCNET)GetListItemLPARAM(psInfo->hwndNetList, iItem); SHWZCNET wzcnet; BOOL fSecure; // The first item is "Add net settings...". It cannot be deleted. CBR(iItem > 0 && pwzcnet != NULL); memcpy(&wzcnet, pwzcnet, sizeof(SHWZCNET)); // If the item isn't preferred if (!(SHWZCF_NET_PREFERRED & wzcnet.dwFlags)) { DWORD dwNoFastConnect = 0; fSecure = BOOLIFY(wzcnet.dwFlags & SHWZCF_NET_8021X) || !( ( (Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled != wzcnet.dwEncryptionType) && (Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled != wzcnet.dwEncryptionType) && (Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled != wzcnet.dwEncryptionType) ) && (Ndis802_11AuthModeOpen == wzcnet.dwAuthentication) ); // If secure or fastconnect is disabled, show the settings wizard, else connect RegistryGetDWORD(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WZC_REGKEY_BASE, WZC_REGKEY_DISABLEFASTCONNECT, &dwNoFastConnect); if (fSecure || dwNoFastConnect != 0) { CBR(OnNetworkProperties(psInfo, iItem)); } else { SHWZCSetNetwork(psInfo->hshwzc, &wzcnet, NULL, NULL, 0, SHWZCF_SETMASK_ALL); } } // disable SK1 Connect while we're attempting to connect for this network SHEnableSoftkey(psInfo->hwndNetListMB, 0, TRUE, FALSE); // Ensure that power is on. Ignore errors, this is a "Best-effort" attempt SHWZCSetPowerState(TRUE); // Now connect directly (we'll automatically get a refresh event) hr = SHWZCConnectNetwork(psInfo->hshwzc, wzcnet.szName, BOOLIFY(SHWZCF_NET_ADHOC & wzcnet.dwFlags)); CHR(hr); Error: if(FAILED(hr)) { // re-enable SK since something went wrong SHEnableSoftkey(psInfo->hwndNetListMB, 0, TRUE, TRUE); } return hr; }
void EnableGeneralControls(HWND hDlg, PWLAN_CFG_PROPS psProp) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_WZC_EDIT_SSID), BOOLIFY(psProp->dwFlags & WZCDLG_PROPS_RWSSID)); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_WZC_COMBO_CONNECT_TO), TRUE); // Disable the ad-hoc checkbox if this network was already marked as hidden EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_WZC_CHECK_ADHOC), BOOLIFY((psProp->dwFlags & WZCDLG_PROPS_RWINFR) && !(psProp->wzcnet.dwFlags & SHWZCF_NET_REQUIRE_WZC_PROBE))); // Disable the hidden checkbox if this network was already marked ad-hoc EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_WZC_CHECK_HIDDEN), BOOLIFY(!(psProp->wzcnet.dwFlags & SHWZCF_NET_ADHOC))); }
const bool Symbols::SymbolFromName(const char * const pName, const SymbolInfo **pFullSymbolInfo) { char pBuffer[sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + MAX_SYM_NAME * sizeof(char) + sizeof(ULONG64) - 1 / sizeof(ULONG64)] = { 0 }; PSYMBOL_INFO pSymInfo = (PSYMBOL_INFO)pBuffer; pSymInfo->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO); pSymInfo->MaxNameLen = MAX_SYM_NAME; const bool bSuccess = BOOLIFY(SymFromName(m_hProcess, pName, pSymInfo)); if (!bSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not retrieve symbol for name %s. Error = %X.\n", pName, GetLastError()); return false; } fprintf(stderr, "Symbol found for %s. Name: %.*s. Address: %p. Base address of module: %p\n", pName, pSymInfo->NameLen, pSymInfo->Name, (DWORD_PTR)pSymInfo->Address, (DWORD_PTR)pSymInfo->ModBase); *pFullSymbolInfo = FindSymbolByAddress((DWORD_PTR)pSymInfo->Address); return bSuccess; }
BOOL OnOKGeneral(HWND hDlg, PWLAN_CFG_PROPS psProp) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; SHWZCNET wzcnet; INT nMeta; DWORD dwMask; // Get the UI settings memcpy(&wzcnet, &psProp->wzcnet, sizeof(SHWZCNET)); UpdateDataGeneral(hDlg, &wzcnet, &nMeta, FALSE); if (psProp->dwFlags & WZCDLG_PROPS_RWSSID) // SSID is changable { // Is the SSID empty? if (TEXT('\0') == wzcnet.szName[0]) { MessageBoxWithResID(hDlg, IDS_WZC_NULL_SSID, IDS_WZC_MSG_TITLE, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK); CBR(FALSE); } // Is the name valid? hr = SHWZCValidateNetworkName(wzcnet.szName, NULL, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { MessageBoxWithResID(hDlg, IDS_WZC_INVALID_NAME, IDS_WZC_MSG_TITLE, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK); CHR(hr); } // Make sure that we do have a valid handle to shwzc // If the handle is null, most likely the parent window received an OnActivateHome. // We don't ever destroy the callback because the parent window will destroy it. hr = SetCallbackRegistration(TRUE, psProp->psWLanInfo); CHR(hr); // Is this a duplicate name? if (S_FALSE != SHWZCIsDuplicateName(psProp->psWLanInfo->hshwzc, wzcnet.szName, BOOLIFY(wzcnet.dwFlags & SHWZCF_NET_ADHOC))) { MessageBoxWithResID(hDlg, IDS_WZC_DUP_SSID, IDS_WZC_MSG_TITLE, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK); CBR(FALSE); } // Copy the name CHRA(StringCchCopy(psProp->wzcnet.szName, ARRAYSIZE(psProp->wzcnet.szName), wzcnet.szName)); } // Apply the changes dwMask = SHWZCF_SETMASK_ADHOC | SHWZCF_SETMASK_REQUIRE_WZC_PROBE; hr = SHWZCCopySettings(&psProp->wzcnet, &wzcnet, dwMask); CHR(hr); psProp->uMeta = nMeta; psProp->dwMask |= dwMask; Error: if (FAILED(hr)) { PostMessage(hDlg, WM_DELAY_SETFOCUS, IDC_WZC_EDIT_SSID, 0L); } return SUCCEEDED(hr); }
Symbols::~Symbols() { const bool bSuccess = BOOLIFY(SymCleanup(m_hProcess)); if (!bSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not terminate symbol handler. Error = %X.\n", GetLastError()); } }
const bool Symbols::ListSourceFiles() { const bool bSuccess = BOOLIFY(SymEnumSourceFiles(m_hProcess, 0, nullptr, SymEnumSourceFilesCallback, nullptr)); if (!bSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not enumerate source files for process. Error = %X\n", GetLastError()); } return bSuccess; }
const bool Symbols::EnumerateAllModulesWithSymbols() { const bool bSuccess = BOOLIFY(SymEnumerateModules64(m_hProcess, SymEnumCallback, this)); if (!bSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not enumerate symbols. Error = %X.\n", GetLastError()); } return bSuccess; }
const bool Symbols::DumpSourceFileInfo(const DWORD64 dwBaseAddress, const char * const pFilePath) { const bool bSuccess = BOOLIFY(SymEnumLines(m_hProcess, dwBaseAddress, nullptr, pFilePath, SymEnumLinesCallback, nullptr)); if (!bSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not dump source file %s with base address %p.\n", pFilePath, dwBaseAddress); } return bSuccess; }
Symbols::Symbols(const HANDLE hProcess, const HANDLE hFile, const bool bLoadAll /*= false*/) : m_hProcess{ hProcess }, m_hFile{ hFile } { (void)SymSetOptions(SYMOPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE | SYMOPT_DEFERRED_LOADS | SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES | SYMOPT_UNDNAME); const bool bSuccess = BOOLIFY(SymInitialize(hProcess, nullptr, bLoadAll)); if (!bSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize symbol handler. Error = %X.\n", GetLastError()); } }
bool AvisynthCheckThread::detect(SysinfoModel *sysinfo) { sysinfo->clearAvisynth(); double version = 0.0; QMutexLocker lock(&m_avsLock); QEventLoop loop; AvisynthCheckThread thread(sysinfo); QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); connect(&thread, SIGNAL(finished()), &loop, SLOT(quit())); connect(&thread, SIGNAL(terminated()), &loop, SLOT(quit())); thread.start(); QTimer::singleShot(30000, &loop, SLOT(quit())); qDebug("Avisynth thread has been created, please wait..."); loop.exec(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents); qDebug("Avisynth thread finished."); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); if(!thread.wait(1000)) { qWarning("Avisynth thread encountered timeout -> probably deadlock!"); thread.terminate(); thread.wait(); return false; } if(thread.getException()) { qWarning("Avisynth thread encountered an exception !!!"); return false; } if(thread.getSuccess()) { sysinfo->setAvisynth(SysinfoModel::Avisynth_X86, thread.getSuccess() & AVISYNTH_X86); sysinfo->setAvisynth(SysinfoModel::Avisynth_X64, thread.getSuccess() & AVISYNTH_X64); sysinfo->setAVSPath(thread.getPath()); qDebug("Avisynth support is officially enabled now! [x86=%c, x64=%c]", BOOLIFY(sysinfo->getAvisynth(SysinfoModel::Avisynth_X86)), BOOLIFY(sysinfo->getAvisynth(SysinfoModel::Avisynth_X64))); } else { qWarning("Avisynth could not be found -> Avisynth support disabled!"); } return true; }
//==========================================================================* // Function: OnNetworkProperties // // Purpose: (1) Display the network properties dialog // (2) Move(insert) the network to the head of the prefered list // // Arguments: // [IN] psInfo - pointer to the WLAN_INFO structure // [IN] item - item need to show context menu // // Return Values: // BOOL - TRUE for handle it successfully //==========================================================================* static BOOL OnNetworkProperties(PWLAN_INFO psInfo, INT iItem) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WLAN_CFG_PROPS sProps = {0}; PCSHWZCNET pwzcnet = (PCSHWZCNET)GetListItemLPARAM(psInfo->hwndNetList, iItem); BOOL fAdhoc; TCHAR szGUID[MAX_PATH]; FINDGUID fg; CBR(iItem > 0 && pwzcnet != NULL); // If the selected network is a "Permanent" non-editable network, exit without // showing the NetworkProperties pages fAdhoc = BOOLIFY(SHWZCF_NET_ADHOC & pwzcnet->dwFlags); CBREx (!SHWZCIsPermanentNetwork(pwzcnet->szName, fAdhoc), S_FALSE); // Get the current EAP data hr = SHWZCGetNetwork(psInfo->hshwzc, pwzcnet->szName, fAdhoc, &sProps.wzcnet, &sProps.pvEapData, &sProps.cbEapData); CHR(hr); // We don't care about the result, since if this fails we just won't match // with any networks and we'll use the default szGUID[0] = 0; SHWZCGetDestinationGUID(psInfo->hshwzc, pwzcnet->szName, fAdhoc, szGUID, ARRAYSIZE(szGUID)); fg.pszGUID = szGUID; fg.uIndex = 0; if (S_FALSE == SHWZCEnumDestinations(EnumFindGUID, &fg)) { sProps.uMeta = fg.uIndex; } sProps.psWLanInfo = psInfo; hr = WZCCreateNetworkWLanPropsDlgs(psInfo->hDlg, &sProps); CHR(hr); if (IDOK == sProps.nReturn) { hr = ApplyProperties(psInfo, &sProps); CHR(hr); } Error: LocalFree(sProps.pvEapData); return SUCCEEDED(hr); }
static HRESULT ApplyProperties(PWLAN_INFO psInfo, const WLAN_CFG_PROPS *psProps) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; FINDGUID fg; TCHAR szGUID[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwHardwareState; fg.pszGUID = szGUID; fg.cchGUID = ARRAYSIZE(szGUID); fg.uIndex = 0; fg.uDesired = psProps->uMeta; // Set the network data hr = SHWZCSetNetwork(psInfo->hshwzc, &psProps->wzcnet, psProps->pszKey, psProps->pvEapData, psProps->cbEapData, psProps->dwMask); CHR(hr); // Copy the GUID string CBR(S_FALSE == SHWZCEnumDestinations(EnumSetGUID, &fg)); hr = SHWZCSetDestinationGUID(psInfo->hshwzc, psProps->wzcnet.szName, BOOLIFY(SHWZCF_NET_ADHOC & psProps->wzcnet.dwFlags), szGUID); CHR(hr); // Refresh the view RefreshNetListView(psInfo); dwHardwareState = SHWZCGetHardwareFlags(); if (!(dwHardwareState & SHWZCF_HW_CONNECTED) && !(dwHardwareState & SHWZCF_HW_CONNECTING)) { hr = SHWZCConnectNetwork(psInfo->hshwzc, psProps->wzcnet.szName, BOOLIFY(SHWZCF_NET_ADHOC & psProps->wzcnet.dwFlags)); CHR(hr); } Error: return hr; }
const IMAGEHLP_LINE64 Symbols::GetSymbolLineInfo(const DWORD64 dwAddress, DWORD &dwDisplacement, bool &bSuccess) { dwDisplacement = 0; IMAGEHLP_LINE64 lineInfo = { 0 }; lineInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64); bSuccess = BOOLIFY(SymGetLineFromAddr64(m_hProcess, dwAddress, &dwDisplacement, &lineInfo)); if (!bSuccess) { //fprintf(stderr, "Could not get line from address %p. Error = %X.\n", // (DWORD_PTR)dwAddress, GetLastError()); } return lineInfo; }
const bool Disassembler::TransferBytes(const DWORD_PTR dwAddress) { SIZE_T ulBytesRead = 0; bool bSuccess = BOOLIFY(ReadProcessMemory(m_hProcess, (LPCVOID)dwAddress,, m_bytes.size(), &ulBytesRead)); if (bSuccess && ulBytesRead == m_bytes.size()) { return true; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Could not read from %p. Error = %X\n", dwAddress, GetLastError()); } return false; }
const IMAGEHLP_LINE64 Symbols::GetSymbolLineInfo(const char * const pName, const char * const pFileName, const DWORD dwLineNumber, LONG &lDisplacement, bool &bSuccess) { IMAGEHLP_LINE64 lineInfo = { 0 }; lineInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64); bSuccess = BOOLIFY(SymGetLineFromName64(m_hProcess, pName, pFileName, dwLineNumber, &lDisplacement, &lineInfo)); if (!bSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not get virtual address for symbol %s:%s on line %i.\n" "Error = %X.\n", pFileName, pName, dwLineNumber, GetLastError()); } return lineInfo; }
HRESULT EnableControlsAuthentication(HWND hDlg, PWLAN_CFG_PROPS psProp) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HWND hcbAuth = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_WZC_COMBO_AUTHENTICATION); // Clear the authentication combo box SendMessage(hcbAuth, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); // Populate the authentication combo box hr = SHWZCEnumAuthenticationTypes(BOOLIFY(SHWZCF_NET_ADHOC & psProp->wzcnet.dwFlags), EnumAuthentication, hcbAuth); CHR(hr); CBR(S_OK == hr); // S_FALSE is failure Error: return hr; }
HRESULT UpdateDataAuthentication(HWND hDlg, PSHWZCNET pwzcnet, BOOL fSetControl) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bCheck = FALSE; INT nIndex = 0; CBRA(hDlg && pwzcnet); if (fSetControl) { DWORD dwDisplayFlags = 0; HWND hcbAuth = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_WZC_COMBO_AUTHENTICATION); CWRA(hcbAuth); nIndex = FindIndexFromComboData(hcbAuth, pwzcnet->dwAuthentication); CBRA(0 <= nIndex); // huh?? SendMessage(hcbAuth, CB_SETCURSEL, nIndex, 0); // Get the display flags SHWZCGetDisplayFlags(pwzcnet, &dwDisplayFlags); bCheck = BOOLIFY(SHWZCF_UI_AUTOKEY_SET & dwDisplayFlags); DDX_Check(hDlg, IDC_WZC_CHECK_KEY_PROVIDED_AUTOMATICALLY, &bCheck, TRUE); nIndex = pwzcnet->dwKeyIndex - 1; if (nIndex < 0) nIndex = 0; DDX_Comb(hDlg, IDC_WZC_COMBO_WEP_INDEX, &nIndex, TRUE); // If the auth mode changed then we should re-set the encryption mode PopulateEncryptionBox(hDlg, pwzcnet); } else { UpdateAuthenticationMode(hDlg, pwzcnet); UpdateEncryptionMode(hDlg, pwzcnet); UpdateAutoKeyMode(hDlg, pwzcnet); DDX_Comb(hDlg, IDC_WZC_COMBO_WEP_INDEX, &nIndex, FALSE); pwzcnet->dwKeyIndex = nIndex + 1; ASSERT(0 <= nIndex && nIndex <= 3); } Error: return hr; }
static HRESULT OnRemoveSetting(PWLAN_INFO psInfo, INT iItem) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PCSHWZCNET pwzcnet =(PCSHWZCNET)GetListItemLPARAM(psInfo->hwndNetList, iItem); // The first item is "Add net settings...". It cannot be deleted. CBR(iItem > 0 && pwzcnet != NULL); // Delete the network hr = SHWZCDeleteNetwork(psInfo->hshwzc, pwzcnet->szName, BOOLIFY(SHWZCF_NET_ADHOC & pwzcnet->dwFlags)); CHR(hr); // Refresh list view RefreshNetListView(psInfo); Error: return hr; }
const bool Symbols::EnumerateModuleSymbols(const char * const pModulePath, const DWORD64 dwBaseAddress) { DWORD64 dwBaseOfDll = SymLoadModuleEx(m_hProcess, m_hFile, pModulePath, nullptr, dwBaseAddress, 0, nullptr, 0); if (dwBaseOfDll == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not load modules for %s. Error = %X.\n", pModulePath, GetLastError()); return false; } UserContext userContext = { this, pModulePath }; const bool bSuccess = BOOLIFY(SymEnumSymbols(m_hProcess, dwBaseOfDll, "*!*", SymEnumCallback, &userContext)); if (!bSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not enumerate symbols for %s. Error = %X.\n", pModulePath, GetLastError()); } return bSuccess; }
const bool Symbols::SymbolFromAddress(const DWORD64 dwAddress, const SymbolInfo **pFullSymbolInfo) { char pBuffer[sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + MAX_SYM_NAME * sizeof(char)] = { 0 }; PSYMBOL_INFO pSymInfo = (PSYMBOL_INFO)pBuffer; pSymInfo->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO); pSymInfo->MaxNameLen = MAX_SYM_NAME; DWORD64 dwDisplacement = 0; const bool bSuccess = BOOLIFY(SymFromAddr(m_hProcess, dwAddress, &dwDisplacement, pSymInfo)); if (!bSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not retrieve symbol from address %p. Error = %X.\n", (DWORD_PTR)dwAddress, GetLastError()); return false; } fprintf(stderr, "Symbol found at %p. Name: %.*s. Base address of module: %p\n", (DWORD_PTR)dwAddress, pSymInfo->NameLen, pSymInfo->Name, (DWORD_PTR)pSymInfo->ModBase); *pFullSymbolInfo = FindSymbolByName(pSymInfo->Name); return bSuccess; }
BOOL OnOKAuthentication(HWND hDlg, PWLAN_CFG_PROPS psProp, BOOL fValidate) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; SHWZCNET wzcnet; DWORD dwDisplayFlags = 0; BOOL fApplyKey; BOOL fVerified = FALSE; DWORD dwMask = SHWZCF_SETMASK_AUTHENTICATION | SHWZCF_SETMASK_ENCRYPTION | SHWZCF_SETMASK_KEYINDEX; // Get the UI settings memcpy(&wzcnet, &psProp->wzcnet, sizeof(SHWZCNET)); hr = UpdateDataAuthentication(hDlg, &wzcnet, FALSE); CHR(hr); // Check for valid authentication and encryption configuration if (fValidate && !SHWZCValidateSecurityConfig(wzcnet.dwAuthentication, wzcnet.dwEncryptionType, BOOLIFY(SHWZCF_NET_ADHOC & wzcnet.dwFlags))) { DisplayError(hDlg, IDS_WZC_INVALID_CONFIG, IDC_WZC_COMBO_AUTHENTICATION); CBR(FALSE); } // Get the display flags hr = SHWZCGetDisplayFlags(&wzcnet, &dwDisplayFlags); CHR(hr); // Only verify the key if the key material is touched if (!(SHWZCF_UI_KEYDATA_DISABLED & dwDisplayFlags) && (SHWZCF_NET_KEYDATA & wzcnet.dwFlags) && (WZCDLG_PROPS_KEYTOUCHED & psProp->dwFlags)) { TCHAR szKeyBuf[WZCCTL_MAX_WEPK_MATERIAL * 2 + 1]; DDX_Text(hDlg, IDC_WZC_EDIT_WEP, szKeyBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szKeyBuf), FALSE); if(fValidate) { BOOL fDisplayError = FALSE; if(TEXT('\0') == szKeyBuf[0]) { // only adhoc networks can have an empty string as a key if(BOOLIFY(SHWZCF_NET_ADHOC & psProp->wzcnet.dwFlags)) { // make sure apply key doesn't get set. This way if the user validates this state, the wifi netkey will not display *'s when // when editing the network. wzcnet.dwFlags &= ~SHWZCF_NET_KEYDATA; } else { fDisplayError = TRUE; } } else { if (SHWZCValidateKey(szKeyBuf, wzcnet.dwEncryptionType, wzcnet.dwAuthentication)) { fVerified = TRUE; } else { fDisplayError = TRUE; } } if(fDisplayError) { DisplayError(hDlg, IDS_WZC_INCORRECT_WEP_KEY, IDC_WZC_EDIT_WEP); CBR(FALSE); } } // Copy the key data into the buffer hr = StringCchCopy(psProp->pszKey, ARRAYSIZE(psProp->pszKey), szKeyBuf); CHRA(hr); // this should always work } // Apply the changes to the network fApplyKey = (!(SHWZCF_NET_KEYDATA & wzcnet.dwFlags) || (WZCDLG_PROPS_KEYTOUCHED & psProp->dwFlags)); dwMask |= (fApplyKey ? SHWZCF_SETMASK_KEYDATA : 0); hr = SHWZCCopySettings(&psProp->wzcnet, &wzcnet, dwMask); CHR(hr); // Success psProp->dwMask |= dwMask; if(fVerified) { // at this point we can say the WEP key is untouched since it's been verified psProp->dwFlags &= ~WZCDLG_PROPS_KEYTOUCHED; } Error: return SUCCEEDED(hr); }
void Enable8021xControls(HWND hDlg, WLAN_CFG_PROPS *pWCP) { DWORD dwDisplayFlags = 0; BOOL f8021x = BOOLIFY(SHWZCF_NET_8021X & pWCP->wzcnet.dwFlags); BOOL fEnabled; HWND hwndCbEAPType = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_WZC_COMBO_EAP_TYPE); // Get the UI flags for this network SHWZCGetDisplayFlags(&pWCP->wzcnet, &dwDisplayFlags); if (SHWZCF_UI_8021X_DISABLED & dwDisplayFlags) { // Disable 802.1x checkbox DDX_Check(hDlg, IDC_WZC_CHECK_ENABLE8021X, &f8021x, TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_WZC_CHECK_ENABLE8021X), FALSE); } else { // Enable 802.1x EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_WZC_CHECK_ENABLE8021X), TRUE); } // Is the EAP combo enabled? fEnabled = !BOOLIFY(SHWZCF_UI_EAPTYPE_DISABLED & dwDisplayFlags); if (fEnabled) { // We also disable if 802.1x isn't checked DDX_Check(hDlg, IDC_WZC_CHECK_ENABLE8021X, &fEnabled, FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_WZC_STATIC_ENABLE8021X), TRUE); } else { PWZC_EAP_CB_ITEMDATA pEapCbItemData; UINT cItems = ComboBox_GetCount(hwndCbEAPType); UINT i; // The configuration doesn't allow custom EAP types, so set it to the // default for (i = 0; i != cItems; ++i) { pEapCbItemData = (PWZC_EAP_CB_ITEMDATA)ComboBox_GetItemData(hwndCbEAPType, i); if (DEFAULT_EAP_TYPE == pEapCbItemData->pEapExtInfo->dwExtensionType) { ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwndCbEAPType, i); break; } } // Also disable the EAP type label so the user knows it doesn't apply EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_WZC_STATIC_ENABLE8021X), FALSE); } // Set the control state EnableWindow(hwndCbEAPType, fEnabled); // Determine whether to enable the properties button if (fEnabled) { PWZC_EAP_CB_ITEMDATA pEapCbItemData=NULL; int iListIndex = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hwndCbEAPType); if (iListIndex != CB_ERR) { pEapCbItemData = (WZC_EAP_CB_ITEMDATA *)ComboBox_GetItemData(hwndCbEAPType, iListIndex); } fEnabled = (pEapCbItemData && ((int)pEapCbItemData != CB_ERR) && pEapCbItemData->pEapExtInfo->wszConfigUIPath && pEapCbItemData->pEapExtInfo->wszConfigUIPath[0]); } // Set the control state EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_WZC_BUTTON_EAP_PROPERTIES), fEnabled); }
DWORD Init8021xControls(HWND hDlg, WLAN_CFG_PROPS *pWCP) { DWORD dwError; BOOL fEnabled; BOOL bCurSelSet = FALSE; HWND hwndCbEAPType = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_WZC_COMBO_EAP_TYPE); int i; fEnabled = BOOLIFY(SHWZCF_NET_8021X & pWCP->wzcnet.dwFlags); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_WZC_CHECK_ENABLE8021X), BM_SETCHECK, fEnabled ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); if (pWCP->pEapExtInfo == NULL) { // Load EAP extension info dwError = WZCEnumEapExtensions(&pWCP->dwNumEapExt,&pWCP->pEapExtInfo); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_ERROR,(TEXT("!WZCUI:Error 0x%X loading EAP extensions\r\n"),dwError)); return dwError; } if (pWCP->dwNumEapExt > 0 && pWCP->pEapExtInfo) { PEAP_EXTENSION_INFO pCurExt; PWCHAR wszDefaultFriendlyName=NULL; for ( i = 0, pCurExt = pWCP->pEapExtInfo; i < (int)pWCP->dwNumEapExt; i++, pCurExt++) { // Add EAP types to combo box WZC_EAP_CB_ITEMDATA *pEapCbItemData = (WZC_EAP_CB_ITEMDATA *)LocalAlloc(LPTR,sizeof(WZC_EAP_CB_ITEMDATA)); int iListIndex; if (pEapCbItemData) { iListIndex = ComboBox_AddString(hwndCbEAPType, pCurExt->wszFriendlyName); pEapCbItemData->pEapExtInfo = pCurExt; ComboBox_SetItemData(hwndCbEAPType, iListIndex,pEapCbItemData); // For currently selected EAP type, store provider specific data if (fEnabled && pWCP->wzcnet.dwEAPType == pCurExt->dwExtensionType) { // Get the current EAP data pEapCbItemData->pbAuthData = (LPBYTE)pWCP->pvEapData; pEapCbItemData->dwAuthDataLen = pWCP->cbEapData; pWCP->pvEapData = NULL; // so we don't free it twice // Select this entry in the list ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwndCbEAPType, iListIndex); bCurSelSet = TRUE; } else if (pCurExt->dwExtensionType == DEFAULT_EAP_TYPE) { wszDefaultFriendlyName = pCurExt->wszFriendlyName; } } } // No matching providers, set to default if (pWCP->dwNumEapExt && !bCurSelSet) { UINT uResult=0; DEBUGMSG(ZONE_NETWORK,(TEXT("WZCUI: No matching providers for EAP type %d\r\n"), pWCP->wzcnet.dwEAPType)); if (wszDefaultFriendlyName) { uResult = ComboBox_FindString(hwndCbEAPType, -1, wszDefaultFriendlyName); if (uResult == CB_ERR) uResult = 0; } ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwndCbEAPType, uResult); } } } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
BOOL NetworkWLanGeneralPropsDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PWLAN_CFG_PROPS psProps = (PWLAN_CFG_PROPS)GetWindowLong(hDlg, GWL_USERDATA); BOOL fRet = 0; fRet = SHRCMLDialogProc( HINST_RESDLL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_WZC_WLAN_GENERAL_PROP_PAGE), hDlg, message, wParam, lParam ); switch(message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: psProps = (PWLAN_CFG_PROPS)lParam; SetWindowLong(hDlg, GWL_USERDATA, (LPARAM)psProps); fRet = OnInitDialogGeneral(hDlg, psProps); break; case WM_SETTINGCHANGE: SHHandleSipChange(hDlg, wParam, lParam, NULL); break; case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: case WM_SIZE: SetDialogAutoScrollBarEx(hDlg); break; case WM_DESTROY: break; case WM_COMMAND: { switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case ID_CANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, 0); break; case ID_NEXT: if (OnOKGeneral(hDlg, psProps)) { EndDialog(hDlg, IDD_WZC_WLAN_AUTHENTICATION_PAGE); } break; case IDC_WZC_CHECK_ADHOC: case IDC_WZC_CHECK_HIDDEN: { // These are mutually exclusive checkboxes - a network cannot be both hidden and ad-hoc. UINT uID = LOWORD(wParam); UINT uID2 = (uID == IDC_WZC_CHECK_ADHOC) ? IDC_WZC_CHECK_HIDDEN : IDC_WZC_CHECK_ADHOC; // See if we're allowed to change checkbox state BOOL bRWAllowed = (uID2 == IDC_WZC_CHECK_ADHOC) ? BOOLIFY(psProps->dwFlags & WZCDLG_PROPS_RWINFR) : TRUE; if (bRWAllowed) { if (SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uID, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)) { // User checked one of the checkboxes (hidden or ad-hoc) - uncheck and disable // the other checkbox SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uID2, BM_SETCHECK, BST_UNCHECKED, 0); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, uID2), FALSE); } else { // User unchecked a checkbox - reenable the other checkbox EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, uID2), TRUE); } } break; } } } break; case WM_DELAY_SETFOCUS: SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, wParam)); break; case WM_NETUI_INVALIDKEY: OnInvalidKey(hDlg); break; case WM_ACTIVATE: // Pass message back to WiFi CPL main window unless the new/previous window is // the parent window itself, in which case the CPL will handle it's own // activation or deactivation. The CPL (psProps->psWLanInfo->hDlg) is a child // of the same parent as us. if (psProps && psProps->psWLanInfo) { HWND hwndPrevious = (HWND)lParam; if (hwndPrevious != GetParent(hDlg)) { PostMessage (psProps->psWLanInfo->hDlg, message, wParam, lParam); } } break; } return fRet; }
static BOOL OnNotify(PWLAN_INFO psInfo, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { NM_LISTVIEW *pnmlv; LPNMHDR pnmh = (LPNMHDR) lParam; BOOL bRet = FALSE; INT nItemSelected ; if (NULL == pnmh) { goto Error; } switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_WZC_LIST_NETWORKS: pnmlv = (NM_LISTVIEW*)lParam; if (-1 != pnmlv->iItem) { nItemSelected = pnmlv->iItem; } else { // Always use a valid default item even if notification doesn't provide one nItemSelected = ListView_GetNextItem(psInfo->hwndNetList, -1, LVNI_SELECTED); } switch(pnmlv->hdr.code) { case GN_CONTEXTMENU: bRet = OnNetworkContextMenu(psInfo, ((NMRGINFO *)lParam)->ptAction, nItemSelected); break; case LVN_ITEMACTIVATE: if (nItemSelected == 0) { // User hit the first item which is "Add new setting..." or "Search for Networks" OnFirstSettingActivate(psInfo); } else if (nItemSelected > 0) { // User hit a wireless network, bring up the config properties dialog SendMessage(psInfo->hDlg, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(IDM_WZC_NETWORK_PROPERTIES, 0), 0L); } bRet = TRUE; break; case NM_RECOGNIZEGESTURE: { DWORD dwItem = ((NMRGINFO*)lParam)->dwItemSpec; if (0 == dwItem || (DWORD)-1 == dwItem || psInfo->bConnecting) { // No context menu for "Add new URL" or // if user hasn't clicked on an item or // We are connecting to a wireless network SetWindowLong(psInfo->hDlg, DWL_MSGRESULT, TRUE); return TRUE; } } case LVN_ITEMCHANGED: { if (pnmlv->uChanged & LVIF_STATE && pnmlv->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED) { BOOL fEnable = BOOLIFY(nItemSelected); if(fEnable) { PCSHWZCNET pwzcnet = (PCSHWZCNET)GetListItemLPARAM(psInfo->hwndNetList, nItemSelected); ASSERT(pwzcnet); fEnable = !BOOLIFY(SHWZCF_NET_CONNECT_MASK & pwzcnet->dwFlags); } // Enable SK1 if selected item is a network and user isn't already connecting to it. SHEnableSoftkey(psInfo->hwndNetListMB, 0, TRUE, fEnable); } break; } } break; default: switch(pnmh->code) { case PSN_APPLY: bRet = SendMessage(psInfo->hDlg, WM_COMMAND, IDOK, 0L); break; case PSN_KILLACTIVE: case PSN_SETACTIVE: ShowWindow(psInfo->hwndNetListMB, (pnmh->code == PSN_SETACTIVE ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE)); break; } break; } Error: return bRet; }
static HRESULT PopulateNetworkList(PWLAN_INFO psInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPCTSTR pszConnected, pszConnecting, pszAvailable, pszUnavailable; LV_ITEM lv = { 0 }; UINT i, cConfigs; BOOL fNetAvailable = FALSE; CBREx(psInfo, E_INVALIDARG); // Load strings pszConnected = (LPCTSTR)LoadString(HINST_RESDLL, IDS_WZC_ACTIVE, NULL, 0); CBRA(NULL != pszConnected); pszConnecting = (LPCTSTR)LoadString(HINST_RESDLL, IDS_WZC_CONNECTING, NULL, 0); CBRA(NULL != pszConnecting); pszAvailable = (LPCTSTR)LoadString(HINST_RESDLL, IDS_WZC_AIRING, NULL, 0); CBRA(NULL != pszAvailable); pszUnavailable = (LPCTSTR)LoadString(HINST_RESDLL, IDS_WZC_SILENT, NULL, 0); CBRA(NULL != pszUnavailable); // Add the first setting item hr = InsertFirstSettingsItem(psInfo); CHR(hr); // Get the network list hr = SHWZCGetAllNetworks(psInfo->hshwzc, &psInfo->hdsaNetworks); CHR(hr); // Are there any items? cConfigs = DSA_GetItemCount(psInfo->hdsaNetworks); CBREx(0 != cConfigs, S_FALSE); ListView_SetItemCount(psInfo->hwndNetList, cConfigs + 1); // Add the networks to the list for (i = 0; i != cConfigs; ++i) { PCSHWZCNET pwzcnet = (PSHWZCNET)DSA_GetItemPtr(psInfo->hdsaNetworks, i); BOOL fAdhoc = (SHWZCF_NET_ADHOC & pwzcnet->dwFlags); BOOL fSecure; LPCTSTR pszDesc; int nIndex; BOOL fUseSignalStrength = FALSE; // If this network is AP, mark it if (FALSE == fAdhoc) { psInfo->fAPAir = TRUE; fUseSignalStrength = TRUE; } // network is considered secure if it's 802.1x, or not OPEN and without // encryption enabled fSecure = BOOLIFY(pwzcnet->dwFlags & SHWZCF_NET_8021X) || !( ( (Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled != pwzcnet->dwEncryptionType) && (Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled != pwzcnet->dwEncryptionType) && (Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled != pwzcnet->dwEncryptionType) ) && (Ndis802_11AuthModeOpen == pwzcnet->dwAuthentication) ); // Get the icon and the description for the network if (SHWZCF_NET_CONNECTED & pwzcnet->dwFlags) { lv.iImage = fAdhoc ? WZCIMG_ADHOC_ACTIVE : 0; pszDesc = pszConnected; } else if (SHWZCF_NET_CONNECTING & pwzcnet->dwFlags) { lv.iImage = fAdhoc ? WZCIMG_ADHOC_AIRING : 0; pszDesc = pszConnecting; } else if (SHWZCF_NET_BROADCAST & pwzcnet->dwFlags) { lv.iImage = fAdhoc ? WZCIMG_ADHOC_AIRING : 0; pszDesc = pszAvailable; } else { ASSERT(SHWZCF_NET_PREFERRED & pwzcnet->dwFlags); lv.iImage = fAdhoc ? WZCIMG_ADHOC_SILENT : WZCIMG_INFRA_SILENT; pszDesc = pszUnavailable; // no need to get signal strength fUseSignalStrength = FALSE; } if (SHWZCF_NET_BROADCAST & pwzcnet->dwFlags) { fNetAvailable = TRUE; } // Update the icon to have signal strength if we're in Infrastructure mode if (fUseSignalStrength) { UINT uiStrength = pwzcnet->nRssi; if (uiStrength) { lv.iImage = WZCIMG_SIGNAL_1 + uiStrength - 1; if (fSecure) { lv.iImage += WZCIMG_SIGNAL_SECURE_1 - WZCIMG_SIGNAL_1; } } else { lv.iImage = WZCIMG_INFRA_SILENT; } } ASSERT(lv.iImage); // Insert the item into the listview lv.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_PARAM; lv.iItem = i; lv.iSubItem = 0; lv.pszText = (LPTSTR)pwzcnet->szName; lv.lParam = (LPARAM)pwzcnet; nIndex = ListView_InsertItem(psInfo->hwndNetList, &lv); CBR(0 <= nIndex); // Set the state text lv.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lv.iItem = nIndex; lv.iSubItem = 1; lv.pszText = (LPTSTR)pszDesc; CBR(ListView_SetItem(psInfo->hwndNetList, &lv)); } // Sort the networks CBREx(ListView_SortItems(psInfo->hwndNetList, CompareNetworks, NULL), E_OUTOFMEMORY); Error: if(psInfo) { SetCursor(psInfo->hOldCursor); psInfo->hOldCursor = NULL; // We just turned power on, but didn't find any broadcasting networks if((psInfo->bUserInitiatedSearch) && (!fNetAvailable) && (psInfo->dwHWFlags & SHWZCF_HW_ON)) { psInfo->bUserInitiatedSearch = FALSE; SH_BOXEX sbex = {0}; sbex.cbSize = sizeof(sbex); sbex.dwStyle = SHBEXF_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVATION_LOSS|SHBEXF_SUPRESS_DEFAULT_SOUND; sbex.nTimeOut = 0; sbex.hwndOwner = psInfo->hDlg; sbex.sbextype = sbextTextBox; = LoadStringEtc(HINST_RESDLL, IDS_WZC_WIFI_SEARCH_ERROR, NULL); = 1; SHBoxEx(&sbex); } psInfo->bUserInitiatedSearch = FALSE; } return hr; }
//==========================================================================* // Function: OnMenuPopup // // Purpose: Enable and disable wireless network context menu items. // We need to show/hide connect or disconnect items according to // the connection state of the network. // The first listview item "add new setting..." doesn't have a context menu // // Arguments: // [IN] psInfo - pointer to the WLAN_INFO structure // [IN] hMenu - HANDLE to the menu // [IN] iItem - item need to show menu // // Return Values: // BOOL - TRUE for handle it successfully //==========================================================================* static void OnMenuPopup(PWLAN_INFO psInfo, HMENU hMenu, INT iItem) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PCSHWZCNET pwzcnet; DWORD dwState = 0, dwSize; BOOL fEnableConnect = BOOLIFY(iItem); BOOL fEnableRemove = BOOLIFY(iItem); BOOL fEnableEdit = BOOLIFY(iItem); LPTSTR pNetwork; // "Turn Wi-Fi Off/On" RemoveMenu(hMenu, IDM_WZC_WIFI_POWERCMD, MF_BYCOMMAND); InsertMenu(hMenu, (UINT)-1, MF_BYPOSITION|MF_STRING, IDM_WZC_WIFI_POWERCMD, LoadStringEtc(HINST_RESDLL, IDS_WZC_WIFI_POWERON + ((psInfo->dwHWFlags & SHWZCF_HW_ON) ? 1:0), NULL)); pwzcnet = (PCSHWZCNET)GetListItemLPARAM(psInfo->hwndNetList, iItem); CBR(pwzcnet != NULL); dwSize = ARRAYSIZE(pwzcnet->szName); pNetwork = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(NONZEROLPTR, dwSize * sizeof(TCHAR)); CPR(pNetwork); StringCchCopy(pNetwork, dwSize, pwzcnet->szName); ((CNetworkObject*)(psInfo->pNetworkObject))->SetData(pNetwork, CF_UNICODETEXT); SHQueryMenuExtensions(psInfo->hContextExt ? psInfo->hContextExt : psInfo->hSoftKeyExt, hMenu, 0xFFFFFFFF, IDM_WZC_MENU_EXT_FIRST, IDM_WZC_MENU_EXT_LAST, CMF_NORMAL); // Get the current state SHWZCGetState(psInfo->hshwzc, &dwState); // If the selected network is ad-hoc, but there are infrastructure networks // airing, we can't connect, since ad-hoc networks are always considered // connected, unless the hardware is limited to use ONLY ad-hoc networks. if ((SHWZCF_NET_ADHOC & pwzcnet->dwFlags) && SHWZCF_ALLOW_ADHOC != (SHWZCF_ALLOW_MASK & dwState) && psInfo->fAPAir) { fEnableConnect = FALSE; } // If we're already connected to the selected network, we can't // "re-connect" else if (SHWZCF_NET_CONNECT_MASK & pwzcnet->dwFlags) { fEnableConnect = FALSE; } // If the selected network isn't preferred, disable the "Remove Settings" if (0 == (SHWZCF_NET_PREFERRED & pwzcnet->dwFlags)) { fEnableRemove = FALSE; } // If the selected network is a "permanent" non-editable network, disable both // "Remove Settings" and "Edit" if (SHWZCIsPermanentNetwork(pwzcnet->szName, BOOLIFY(SHWZCF_NET_ADHOC & pwzcnet->dwFlags))) { fEnableRemove = FALSE; fEnableEdit = FALSE; } Error: EnableMenuItem(hMenu, IDM_WZC_NETWORK_CONNECT, fEnableConnect ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, IDM_WZC_NETWORK_REMOVE, fEnableRemove ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, IDM_WZC_NETWORK_PROPERTIES, fEnableEdit ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED); return; }
void DebugEventHandler::Initialize() { Register(DebugEvents::eCreateThread, [&](const DEBUG_EVENT &dbgEvent) { auto &info = dbgEvent.u.CreateThread; fprintf(stderr, "CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT received.\n" "Handle: %X\n" "TLS base: %X\n" "Start address: %X\n", info.hThread, info.lpThreadLocalBase, info.lpStartAddress); SetContinueStatus(DBG_CONTINUE); }); Register(DebugEvents::eCreateProcess, [&](const DEBUG_EVENT &dbgEvent) { auto &info = dbgEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo; fprintf(stderr, "CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT received.\n" "Handle (image file): %X\n" "Handle (process): %X\n" "Handle (main thread): %X\n" "Image base address: %X\n" "Debug info file offset: %X\n" "Debug info size: %X\n" "TLS base: %X\n" "Start address: %X\n", info.hFile, info.hProcess, info.hThread, info.lpBaseOfImage, info.dwDebugInfoFileOffset, info.nDebugInfoSize, info.lpThreadLocalBase, info.lpStartAddress); m_hProcess = info.hProcess; SetContinueStatus(DBG_CONTINUE); }); Register(DebugEvents::eExitThread, [&](const DEBUG_EVENT &dbgEvent) { fprintf(stderr, "EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT received.\n" "Thread %X exited with code %X.\n", dbgEvent.dwThreadId, dbgEvent.u.ExitThread.dwExitCode); SetContinueStatus(DBG_CONTINUE); }); Register(DebugEvents::eExitProcess, [&](const DEBUG_EVENT &dbgEvent) { fprintf(stderr, "EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT received.\n" "Process %X exited with code %X.\n", dbgEvent.dwProcessId, dbgEvent.u.ExitProcess.dwExitCode); SetContinueStatus(DBG_CONTINUE); }); Register(DebugEvents::eLoadDll, [&](const DEBUG_EVENT &dbgEvent) { auto &info = dbgEvent.u.LoadDll; fprintf(stderr, "LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT received.\n" "Handle: %X\n" "Base address: %X\n" "Debug info file offset: %X\n" "Debug info size: %X\n", info.hFile, info.lpBaseOfDll, info.dwDebugInfoFileOffset, info.nDebugInfoSize); char strName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; (void)GetFinalPathNameByHandleA(info.hFile, strName, sizeof(strName), FILE_NAME_NORMALIZED); fprintf(stderr, "Name: %s\n", strName); m_dwContinueStatus = DBG_CONTINUE; }); Register(DebugEvents::eUnloadDll, [&](const DEBUG_EVENT &dbgEvent) { fprintf(stderr, "UNLOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT received.\n" "Dll at %X has unloaded.\n", dbgEvent.u.UnloadDll.lpBaseOfDll); SetContinueStatus(DBG_CONTINUE); }); Register(DebugEvents::eDebugString, [&](const DEBUG_EVENT &dbgEvent) { auto &info = dbgEvent.u.DebugString; fprintf(stderr, "OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_EVENT received.\n"); std::unique_ptr<char[]> pBuffer = std::unique_ptr<char[]>(new char[info.nDebugStringLength]); DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; const bool bSuccess = BOOLIFY(ReadProcessMemory(m_hProcess, info.lpDebugStringData, pBuffer.get(), info.nDebugStringLength, &dwBytesRead)); if (bSuccess) { if (info.fUnicode) { fwprintf(stderr, L"Debug string: %s\n", (wchar_t *)pBuffer.get()); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Debug string: %s\n", pBuffer.get()); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Could not read debug string. Error = %X\n", GetLastError()); } SetContinueStatus(DBG_CONTINUE); }); Register(DebugEvents::eRipEvent, [&](const DEBUG_EVENT &dbgEvent) { fprintf(stderr, "Received RIP event.\n"); SetContinueStatus(DBG_CONTINUE); }); Register(DebugEvents::eException, [&](const DEBUG_EVENT &dbgEvent) { auto &exception = dbgEvent.u.Exception; fprintf(stderr, "Received exception event.\n" "First chance exception: %X\n" "Exception code: %X\n" "Exception flags: %X\n" "Exception address: %X\n" "Number parameters (associated with exception): %X\n", exception.dwFirstChance, exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode, exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionFlags, exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress, exception.ExceptionRecord.NumberParameters); m_pExceptionHandler->Notify((DebugExceptions)dbgEvent.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode, dbgEvent); SetContinueStatus(m_pExceptionHandler->ContinueStatus()); }); }